The Plunge Days 11-18

/** This is a real life story that is ongoing and a way for me to write about what’s going on with my little online adventure journal style with the D/s world. It’s the most I’m willing to jump into for now but so far it is turning out to be quite an experience already. Feel free to comment. **/

So the second week is over and I had decided at the beginning of the week to keep doing This still. I had to go on a trip out of town for a few days so the beginning of the week I mostly spent packing and having a cow over how much the trip was going to cost me. I was pretty stressed out.

My Master kept me nice and wet for him as I continued to keep my pussy stuffed for him. I was packing the day before I left when I was moving around a lot and going up and down the stairs. I guess it was too much stimulation and I ended up cumming in my own shorts unexpectedly. It felt like a river was coming out of my cunt; I had so much cum/liquid come out that I had to change my shorts right away. Unsure of if I should tell him I kind of thought about it for a while. It was embarrassing and I had no idea what to do with myself. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. After a few hours I decided to just tell him what had happened even though it was embarrassing to even bring it up. I was afraid he would be disappointed in me. Well he was not surprised, saying he expected it to happen eventually and was glad I told him. I felt good that I told him too after his positive response.

He had me continue my daily routine the rest of the day anyways and I was glad I did not have another stream of cum come out of me unexpectedly. When I told him I was going to be going on my trip I expected he would’ve said not to do anything while out but he instructed me to continue my daily routine Anyways except for when I was going through the airport security. I also had to fuck myself with my dildo for 25 minutes one night. I was hesitant about doing that while I wastraveling but it made me soaking wet doing it for him even while I was out. I think doing that all this past weekend broke me in further and made me feel like it was more normal than before. I am starting to get a lot more used to obeying him and feeling wet for him despite whatever else I was doing.

We started to talk about seeing each other in the past couple of days. We had been talking a lot and I felt ok with showing him a picture of myself when he asked me to. I am still a little cautious and even though I knew I was taking a risk, I sent him a picture that was already available on the internet of myself. I asked him to send me a picture of himself too and he said he wanted me to see him through webcam. I decided I didn’t want to do that until he showed me a picture of him — his face. Guess I am just skeptical and well, I’ve met quite a few people from the internet before and the real people always show me their picture before they meet. He asked me for a second picture ofmyself — so I think he is skeptical that is my real picture. However I don’t think it’s fair he hasn’t sent me one yet so I think I will continue to wait before showing him anymore of me or getting on webcam with him.

It is really hard to put my foot down on this but my logical side of the brain is thankfully still working despite how much I am enjoying our interactions. I am hopeful he is who he says he is and how he looks but I know very well how convincing and deceiving people can be online. I hope that he is not a liar as I have really been enjoying what we’ve done. I really like how he talks to me and praises me for being good. I don’t think I’ve ever been on edge constantly for so long before and I am really starting to get used to the idea of ​​being owned and submitting more and more.

This week I am supposed to start wearing my toy in me while working out, too. I don’t think it will be a problem keeping them in, and at this point I am beginning to feel more comfortableble doing as he says even if I am a little wear at first. He has been only asking me to do things I am ok with so far and not really pushing past any limits I had. He also asked me this past week to start signing my messages I send him with my name and “owned by” his name at the end and calling him Master more consistently.


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