The Pixie & The Lady in Leather

He met them at separate times in different places. One over a year before when he first negotiated to scene with her and she said no not yet perhaps another time, the other only a half a year ago when she was visiting from far away as part of a poly family exploring a new venture. In the year since he had met the first, he had grown a lot in his role as bottom, finding his strengths and realizing what best suited him. He wasn’t really submissive all the time. He liked submitting and felt every woman he met was Dominant. Trial and error was his path. He was a strong man, maybe not so much in physical ways but in mind and soul. He was still searching for his path upon the Road of Submission and Dominance, but even so made his own path he took.

When the time came he was almost unprepared for it. He had packed his toy bag in the Hopes that She might deign to play with him as he had pleaded with her so many times before. He had learned though those key phrases it seems a Dominant isborn knowing, “We’ll see”, “Perhaps”, and “Maybe”. He had also learned that the more he pleased, begged and while the less interested she became in the topic.

That night he watched as all the ladies in his “Marshmallow Clan” got ready. Scurrying here and there picking out just the right outfit. One tomboy looking to find her role in the lifestyle, one beautiful lady dressed to kill in leather, and one pixie in her spring attire. These were his women, his Dominants, his as much as one can lay claim to the three women who by strange quirks of life all became his rooms within the last two months. The pixie and the tomboy headed out first, the lady in leather and he heading out after.

They all met up again in a local tavern with more of their friends spending an evening eating, drinking and being Merry. When it was time to go more followed as the caravan grow. They all followed the pixie as she headed out, all going to a new place that only the pixie knew well. It was strange and exciting not knowing what may happen, who they would meet or what they would do.

As they walked around when they got there he saw all the wonders of the club they we seeing for the first time. Lead on a tour by the pixie that held his prize in site. It was a dungeon set up with care. Stocks and shades lay waiting to be used. A massage table stood there just calling out for a warm body to lie upon it. In the corner, a swing made of leather, something to play with another day. He wondered would this be the night. I have grown truly I have, I have not begged, while, or pleased for days weeks even months. Truly I don’t think so. I will wait I will see maybe tonight will be the night but I will not ask. She will tell me in her own way when it is Her pleasure to play.

She had a job to do his pixie, she was a hostess here it was not time quite yet for that play. He enjoyed playing in the pool with the friends that had joined them that night. Volleyball and walking the pool gave him something to take up his time. It was fun spending time here with his Dominants, the lady in leather and the pixie.

When things slowed down as he was sitting there talking with the lady in leather she came over. His pixie as he liked to call her for that’s what she reminded him of. Her short hair curling ever so lightly in her spring attire with just a twinkle in her eye as she said “Maybe, Perhaps, it is time to see what the dungeon holds in store for thee.” His eyes lit up at the thought the time has come, it has been a long wait, but finally my pixie, she has called her pleasure, and the time is now. “Let me get my toys” he says.

He watches as his pixie and his lady in leather take this toy and that out for their perusal. A leather flogger, a cane. A paddle, a horsehair flogger. These are just a few of the toys they pull out to use. Maybe not all will be used but some will for sure. She turns to him, this pixie of his with a sparkle in her eye and a smile inHer voice as she tells him to strip and lay on the table. The scene rolls out before him she uses every tool at her disposal. Talking to him and going slow, testing his likes and limits, his wants and needs. She learns his body and listens to his responsive grunts moans and umphs. She learns his weakness is in his feet.

He enjoys so much having them beat. She teases him as they progress, bringing to mind that he is thankful She has chosen today to play. Up and down his body she goes this way and that way, harder slower softer faster. The blows rain down so enjoyable. The day has arrived no more a maybe, perhaps or we’ll see. It is now here, the time is upon him. Time passes so quickly when you are enjoying. It’s over too soon yet not soon enough. He wonders when will be the next time and When will be the last. She leans over massaging him, her cool down she calls it. A bit of lotion and her warm strong hands. Massaging the soreness from both his back and her hands. He inhales the scents around him, his lady in leather, his pixie, the sweat intermingling with the scent of the lot. All is well. He will be back tomorrow for even though he does not know it now he will tomorrow. His pixie and his lady in leather, they both will Dom him on the morrow.


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