She sat up straight, eyes down cast as she ran her fingers along the cold, white keys. Her lips parted as she breathed slowly, her bare chest rising and falling. She glanced at Him over her shoulder and blushed. He just sat there in His big leather chair with His cane hanging from the arm of the chair. Watching her as she sat on the dark oak benchmark. Naked. She looked back at the keys and began to stroke them again, a little harder this time. Closing her eyes and leaning her upper body forward, she began to play. The music softly filled the room as she let out a slow, soft sight. It was her happy place. Where she found solitude. Her music was her home and she was lost without it. But He allowed her to play when she behaved. He allowed her to escape her world and enter that of Chopin, Beethoven and so many more. She stopped playing and allowed her fingers to linger on the keys. She heard His footsteps and moved her hands down to her thighs, resting them palm up and waiting quietly, a small smile dancing across her lips.
“Why did you stop?” He asked softly, as He tapped her with His cane, His lips against her neck. She jerked and sat up straighter, not wanting to feel the sting of the cane upon her soft skin. She began to play again as He stood behind her. He crossed His arms and watched her a moment before tapping her ass lightly with His cane. She jumped and began to play more earnestly, her fingers dancing along the keys. Her body rocked with the music, a mixture of pain, harmony and again. Her breathing was a bit more labored as she allowed her body to become part of the music. He smiled and took a seat, His eyes on her body, her fingers, her arms. He appreciated her commitment to the music, the way it took her over. If at all possible, it made her even more beautiful.
She stopped again and it took Him a moment to realize she was quietly crying. He got up and moved towards her, His cane forgetten on the arm of His chair. He gently moved her over on thebench and took her hands in His. He bent down and kissed each finger, gently. Quietly proving His feelings for her as He calmed her. Her sobs quietly but the tears didn’t stop falling. He watched her a moment before His fingers rested on the keys. He took a deep breath and began playing for her, His fingers dancing as He shut His eyes. As she wiped her eyes she scooted closer to Him, her eyes on His fingers. His fingers moved with a slow elegance that reminded her why she wanted Him. Wanted His kindness, His care. Wanted His discipline, His order. The rituals. She wanted the Man who played the piano when it hurt too much to. She wanted the man who took care of her by hurting her. She wanted Him. Bad.
He finished the song and opened His eyes, His breathing rapid. He looked at her and smiled softly Before getting up and moving back to His chair. He took a hold of His cane and turned towards her. Her eyes were big as she watched Him, racking her brain as to why He was about to sTrike her. The cane came down sharply on her bottom and she stiffed a cry. Her tear stained eyes searched His as He stood a bit taller, taking a ragged breath He mutter, “Don’t stop playing. Keep playing.” She nodded and her hands returned to the keys, playing a soft song as she cried softly. The cane both hurt and soothed her, her body fully entwined with the music now. A bright red line appeared at the top of her cheeks, His eyes watched it darken a moment before He reached down to stroke the line as she played, causing her to jump and goose bumps to rise along her skin. Her breathing ragged and her tears slowly as she felt His fingers on her. Instantly wet, she stopped playing for a heartbeat before quickly started again. He tsked, shook His head and brought the cane down on her bottom again. She cried out This time and doubled over while playing, Her fingers not still but the music going soft before it picked up again. She was determined to show Him what a good girl she could be. She was determined to draw compliments from His lips as He watched her play. She was determined to please Him.
He sat back down and shut His eyes. He took in the music and each note she played. He opened His eyes and watcher her back. The way it arched going in and out of the notes. The notes that seemed to dance out of her fingers and onto the keys effective. He rested His cane against the leg of the chair and stroked His clothesed cock slowly, her beauty almost too much for Him. Removing His hand He got up again and walked over towards her. His hand rested on her shoulder and she still instantly. Smiling He snapped His fingers and like a graceful cat she lifted herself from the piano bench and knelt on the floor, legs spread wide, hands palm up and eyes on Him. A soft smile adorned her lips and her eyes were adoring. He smiled and leaned down to stroke her cheek gently, praising her softly.
He took a seat at the piano and stroked the keys with His fingers. He took His glasses off and rested them on the piano, shutting His eyes. He began to play for her, His body rocking as He put his whole heart into it. The sounds of the keys stroking and music filling the air bringing tears to His eyes. He took a deep breath and opened His eyes, looking off to the side as He began to hum softly, His bare foot pressing down on the pedal. When the song was complete He sat up straighter and dropped His hands. He took a deep breath and looked down at her. She had small, silent tears perched on the corners of her eyes and a soft smile danced along her lips still. He got up and patted His leg as He walked to the bedroom. She obediently crawled after Him and let out a soft whimper.
He stood in the bedroom and looked down at her, smiling. She took that as her silent order to undress Him. She stood and her hands stroked up His chest, eyes on His. His breath caught in His throat as her hands touched Him. She slowly undid the buttons on His shirt and untucked it fromHis pants. Her hands ran up His bare skin and her lips lowered to kiss His scars gently. The long one on His side and the small ones on His chest. He shut His eyes to keep from watching her touch His darkest secrets. His hands moved up to take her face in them and brought her lips to His. He kissed her gently over and over again before muttering, “Keep going, young lady”. She decided not to push her luck and Her hands left His old battle wounds to unbuckle His pants. Pushing them down she knelt. He lifted His feet and she removed the jeans. Setting them aside she placed her lips on His thighs, kissing them gently while her fingers stroked more old scars. She sat back on her heels and looked up at Him as she traced the “L” shaped scar near His knee. He shook His head and she immediately stopped and kissed His knee.
He took her hands and pulled them behind her back, kissing her shoulders and her chest as He walked her backwards towards the bed. He sat her down and took a soft silktie and gently bound her hands, careful not to pull too tightly. He then laid her on her back, legs spread wide and her most private, hidden parts fully exposed to not only His eyes but His hands, His tongue, His mouth, His whips, His floggers, His clamps and His cock. He took two more ties and secured her legs apart from each other. His hands rubbed up her legs and then back down before He took a step back. Grabbed a book of matches He shut the lights off and began lighting the candles around the room, illuminating it with their glow. Her eyes followed His slow, methodical ways. Her heart nearly pounded out of her chest as she kept her eyes fixed on Him. He turned and smiled down at her as He began to talk, “You are beautiful. Your body is beautiful. You have no idea, absolutely no idea, what you do to Me.” Taking a step towards her He couldn’t help but smile as her body raised up towards Him. “Ah…someone is eager, isn’t she.” It wasn’t a question so she knew not to answer. It was much more of a statement. He knew her all too well and she tended to forget that.
Her eyes were on His face as He touched her, His finger tracing her cunt, her clip. Tapping it. Tugging it. He took a step back and untied one of her legs, kissing the sole of her foot gently before kissing the ankle, My hand holding your heel. Kissing His lips along her calm up to her knee, sucking gently on the skin before nipping at it. Resting her foot on the bed and allowing her to hold her own leg up He moved His lips to her thigh, kissing it in lines, dragging His hands over her hips before moving them back down, clearing His throat and looking up at her as He began to recite a quote He read but hadn’t been able to verbalize until now;
I want this. I want that. I want photos of us. I want to be proud of you and us out loud. I want to make you giggle and I want to make you sight. I want to smile and laugh. I want to kiss you. I want to take yor breath away and I want to dance with you at your friend’s weddings and I want to pick you up and carry you when your feet are tired and I want to wait until you are almost sleep and then kiss your nose and make you laugh so hard with some secret joke that your belly hurts and you smack me for waking you all the way up so we have to get out of bed and sit and watch the city lights while eating a bowl of cereal until 1:38am. I want to smell you fresh from a shower and paint your toenails and take you to baseball games and teach you hidden things that are going on that most people don’t know. I want us. I want the smell of pancakes when it’s me that cooks them and the sun hasn’t yet woken. I want the smell of dinner when it’s us that burned it because we fell to the floor and made love instead. I want handprints on car windows, steamed up from the inside. I Want long baths followed by short shows and the scent of your shampoo staining my hands for the entire day to follow. I want ears that hear the words I spill instead of eyes that read them. I want notebooks black with ink from all the details I noticed from all the times I sat and marveled at the way you spin through an hour. I want this and I want that. I want you.
He looked at her after He finished and her eyes were wide and tears were freely and beautifully running down her cheek. Surprised He took her in His arms and kissed her cheeks gently, kissed her forehead and kissed her lips. He untied her as they kissed and lifted her up in His arms. He turned a half circle and gently pressed her against the wall, His hands dragging along her legs as He lowered her on His cock. Slowly taking her, claiming her, calming her. Letting her know with His body that she was safe, that everything was OK. That He cared for her deeply.
He stroked His hands up her legs and held her there as He pushed her up and down. He held her gently to Him and made love to her as their bodies meshed. His lips melted against neck as He showed her worth. He shielded her back from rubbing up against the wall by stroking His hands up and down. Moving His lips to her He kissed her gently but with much urgency. His breathing was ragged and His body tensed with desire. He stroked His hands up her sides to cup her face and kissed her lips as they moved in unison. She left out soft, mewling whimpers as she tried to quicken her pace but was quickly stopped by His firm hands on her hips and His eyes on her, telling her softly but firmly, “No.”
Holding her hips where they were He gently pushed deep inside of her. Holding Himself there and locking eyes with her. His eyes searched hers as He drew Himself back and slowly pushed Himself in again. His eyes shut for a moment before opening again to watch her face. Her lips were parted and her eyes were lazily opened but trained on Him. Her chest rose and fall quickly but she was calm overall. She felt safe and He knew it. He bent down to kiss her neck gently before raising His lips to fall upon hers, His hands pressed against the wall beside her head now, her body being held up by His and her feet behind His back. He began to push a bit harder into her as He pulled His mouth away, resting His head on hers and muttering, “You are amazing…” as He took her. All of her.
She let out a soft whimper and arched her back up and clear off the bed. Her hands gripped His shoulders to hold onto Him, almost drawing her strength from His muscles. His cock nestled deep inside of her, moving slowly along the walls. His hands moved up and took hers and rested them above her head, saying in a low growl, “Don’t move them”. She stared up at Him, her eyes wide as she nodded slowly, croaking out a “Yes, Sir”. His hands moved back down and cupped her perfect breasts, mouth lowering and attaching to the nipple closest to His mouth. Sucking on it He began to move His cock in swiftly, stroking it along the walls of her soft cunt. Pulling His mouth from her breast and sitting up to look at her, watching her. Heremotions. Her reactions. Her desire spilling forth. He wanted her in so many ways.
To be continued…
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