The Photo Shop Ch. 68

The Photo shop by Candyman666©

All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author’s page in order of their appearance in the stories.

Chapter 68: Belgian – Canadian Kinky Fun on the Cruise

The day of boarding was already a big adventure, and even though they went early, it was already very busy on the quayside with people Handing over their luck to the porters. It was a good thing they had detailed instructions on how to deal with the check-in procedure. They had put the tagswith the cabin number on the bags and were done 10 minutes after their arrival. Then they went to the queue for check-in. A friendly prayer showed them to the correct registration desk where all the paperwork was handled, and they were given their boarding passes. Then began the long wait until the actual boarding time. The cruise line did provide drinks and cookies as Lew had predicted.

Finally, shortly after 12, boarding started, and as they had been early, they were in the second wave. When they set foot on board looking a bit lost, a friendly female prayer approached them and asked if she could help them to find their cabin. With the proper instructions, they thought they were going to make it, but of course, they ended up on the wrong side of the ship. Lucky for them an elderly couple, clearly seasoned cruisers set them straight so that after 15 minutes they finally found their stateroom. The luckygage was not there yet, but they knew from Lew it could take a while to arrive.

They were surprised the cabin was so spacious. Maggy had told them the cruise lines gave you the option of choosing your cabin yourself or, at a reduced rate, letting them choose, at the risk of getting a cabin with a restricted view. Through Maggy’s connections with the cruise line, they got the reduced rate but keep the choice of cabin. She had booked them a spatial, ocean-view, balcony stateroom on deck 9 which was 25 sq. ft. bigger than the standard size.

Lew had also told them that they’d better get as fast as possible to the Windjammer café for lunch, as it would be very busy once more passengers were on board. After a quick look at the cabin and balcony, they made their way 2 decks up to deck 11 to the Windjammer. The food display blew them away: so much to choose from. They loaded up their plates and found a table for two at one of the windows overlooking the harbor. They watched as the luckage was rolled on board and the hordes of passengers boarding the ship. After eating their fill of the tasty food, they finished with a general dessert before going on a discovery walk around the ship. They were like a couple of kids wandering around a wonderland, discovering the different shops, bars, and swimming pools.

Finding their cabin again was a challenge, but in the end, after taking a few wrong turns they managed it. In the meantime, their luckgage had arrived so they could start unpacking. The one thing They were a bit disappointed by was the tiny bathroom and shower. Taking a shower together would definitely be a challenge, if not mission impossible.

Looking through the daily planner, they found in the cabin, that there was a meeting of the first-time cruiser’ club planned at 3:30 in the Schoner bar. They definitely qualified for that event.

Shortly thereafter and just before department, was the obligatory safety drill, after which they made their way back to the cabin to deposit the lifejackets back in the cupboard. Shortly aftererwards, the ship was ready to depart, and they joined the many passengers on the top decks to wave to the people staying behind and listen to the band playing on the quayside.

Before they realized it, it was 6 pm, time to prepare to go to dinner, luckyly the dress code was casual, so they didn’t need to both about changing. Arriving at the main restaurant, a bunch of waiters were lined up to show them to their table. It was a table for four and it was empty. That was surprising as most tables were for 6, 8, or even 10 guests, and Lew had told them they would likely be at one of those. They were given menus by Joyce, a cute, light coffee-colored girl, sort of like Elisa, Jack’s Brazilian sub, who informed them she would be serving them all through the cruise at dinner. About 10 minutes later one of the waiters showed up accompanied by two young women and pointed to their table.

The girls took a seat and one of them addressed our friends.

“Ello I am Fleur and dis iesmy friend Zoë, and we aar from Quebec” the first young woman said while extending her hand.

Tanja was a bit surprised, but astute enough to grap these girls were from the French-speaking part of Canada and replied:

“Bonsoir, je m’appelle Tanja, ma copy est Vanda et nous venons de la Belgique.”

(Good evening my name is Tanja, my friend is Vanda and we come from Belgium.)

A big smile appeared on Fleur’s face being addressed in her native language. Future conversations between the Canadians and Tanja and Vanda were conducted in French of course but for clarity, it is here translated to English.

“Oh my God, you speak French, that’s a relief, I was dreading having to speak English during dinner all through the trip. So you’re from Belgium, yes you people also speak French don’t you?”

“We do but our mother tongue is Flemish.”


“Flemish dear, you might know it as Néerlandais or Dutch if you were English speaking.”

“Oh yes, I heard that: you too have two languages ​​in your country.”

“I’m afraid I have to correct you there as well my dear, we have three, German is also an official language in our country.”

“Oh my God I would go crazy with all those different languages, but can we please stick to French then?”

“Absolument, it will be a change for us after two weeks of Speaking American.”

“Lovely I appreciate that, so what are two lovely Belgian ladies doing on a Transatlantic cruise?”

“As you might guess, we are returning after a two-week vacation in Florida.”

“Did you enjoy it? Was it your first time in Florida?”

“Yes, and yes and the crossing is also a first, not only the crossing but being on a cruise as well.”

“Wonderful, for us, it’s our first time going to Europe, please tell us everything about it.”

“We could try.”

Up to now Zoë hadn’t said much apart from the traditional ‘enchanté’ when they shook hands. For the next hour and a half, they chatted away pleasantly, while enjoying their wonderful first dinner aboard with Fleur rattling away in her Cana-Québécois which was slightly different from the Belgian French Tanja and Vanda were used to at home. You could say the differences were a little like between what we speak in Flanders and what the Dutch speak in the Netherlands. At the end of the dinner, they said goodbye and see you tomorrow night. After that, it was high time to go to the Coral Theatre for the Welcome Aboard show at 8:00 pm.

The cruise director started by giving an overview of what they could do on board and what to expect, followed by a relatively simple show featuring some song and dance routines. With all the adventures of the day, they were bushed and fell asleep quickly, but not before setting the balcony door ajar, another tip Lew had given them. It would give them fresh sea air all through the night and tune out any noises either of them might make while sleeping.

Refreshed, they woke the next morning, ready for their first full day at sea. First on the calendar was a visit to the Windjammer café to enjoy a full breakfast. After that, they went looking for a spot at one of the pools. As it was a sunny day, they went for a couple of sunbeds at the outdoor pool after taking a look at the daily planner to see what they could do. There was so much to choose from, but as they were overwarned by Lew and Grace about putting on weight while on board, they decided to do some sports and started with a beginner’s rock-climbing session. By the time they had finished, it was lunchtime again. After this, they joined a Caribbean line dance class at the pool followed by a Foxtrot dance class in the Vortex nightclub on deck 13. Then it was time for an afternoon coffee and sweets after which they decided to take a bit of a rest in their cabin and enjoy the ocean view from their balcony.

“What do you think of our dinner-table mates?” Tanja asked.

“Nice girls, completetely different, but not too bad to look at.”

“Did you notice Fleur’s boobs? I guess it’s at least an E-cup she’s packing.”

“Yes, totally different from Zoë’s which seemed almost nonexistent.”

“Yeah, nature should have crafted two average sets from both of them, although I must say that Fleur is completely in proportion.”

“I wonder about them though.”

“What do you mean?”

“Two girls traveling by themselves?”

“You think they’re gay?”

“Yes, though one could say the same about us.”

“You’re right there, I wonder though if they’re just gay or if they live the lifestyle, Fleur did do most of the talking while Zoë didn’t say much.”

“Could be but it could also be that she is a bit shy, I guess she’s younger than Fleur.”

“Do you think we could risk asking without offending them?”

“About them being lesbians, yes, but about the lifestyle, I’m not so sure, let’s see what tonight gives. Maybe they won’t even show up tonight, Lewtold me that happens sometimes.”

“Why wouldn’t they show up?”

“If they don’t like our company, they can ask the Maître D for a different table.

“Do you think they would do that?”

“How would I know Vanda? Let’s just hope they don’t, as I quite like them and it’s great fun to speak French again.”

“Yes, it is, although you are more fluent in it than I am.”

“You’re not doing too bad kiddo.”

They had seen in the Cruise Compass, the daily cruise newspaper, that tonight was the captain’s “Welcome aboard reception” from 5:15 to 6 pm. When they arrived, a long line was already waiting to greet the captain and have their picture taken with him, something they didn’t want to miss. Everybody was beautifully dressed as this was also the first formal night. Both girls had put on their cocktail dresses showing lots of cleavage which was clearly appreciated by the captain. After the photo, they went on to get their complimentary glass of champions and see if they could find their table mates from the previous night. When they could’t find them, they began to worry a bit that the Canadians were not going to show up for dinner.

Their fear was unfounded, as when they arrived at the table, Fleur and Zoë were already waiting for them.

“Hello, had a fun day at sea?” Fleur immediately wanted to know.

“Not too bad,” Tanja replied, “we tried some rock climbing and then went on two dance classes.”

“Were they any good?”

“The rock climbing was fun, though we don’t think we’ll do it again. The dance classes were great, we’ll definitely go to some others during the coming days.”

“And who did you dance with? Your partner Vanda, or do they provide male dance partners?”

“We danced together, no male dance partners, except maybe, occasionally, the teacher when he wants to help you perform a difficult step.”

“So you strictly danced together?”

“Yes, I think if you went, it would be the same for you as, and please correct me if I’m wrong, you are a couple?”

“Yes, we are, just like you guys I guess?”

“Yes, but we may be slightly different from you.”

“Different in what way?”

“Well, the bi is not so strange but Dom/sub? I don’t know much about it, but I guess you are the Dom, and Vanda as your sub must obey you?”

“It’s even a bit stronger than that, I own her, she’s my slave.”

“So she has to do whatever you tell her to?”


“And she never protests?”

“If she dares, and believe me sometimes she does, she gets punished.”

“And what does that punishment entail then?”

“Oh that could be anything, but the most common would be corporate punishment.”

“What do you mean by corporate punishment, something that hurts?”

“Yes, a flogging, a spanking, but it could also be a complete disregard for a certain period of time, which in a way can be worse than physicsical punishment.”

“So if you tell her to go stand in a corner, say here in the restaurant she has to do that?”

“Yes, but I’ve got a better idea, which you might enjoy more.”

“Oh do tell.”

“Vag, duck under the table and lick Fleur’s pussy, you can’t come up until she cums, and while you’re down there use your fingers on Zoë’s pussy as well, we don’t want anybody missing out on the fun.”

“No, I don’t want that,” Fleur said rather sternly.

“Would you prefer to watch while I’d punishment Vag for not doing what she’s been told to do?”

“But if I don’t want it, you shouldn’t punishment her?”

“That’s not how it works, when I give Vag an assignment she needs to complete it, failing to do so, for whatever reason, gets her punished.”

In the meantime, Vag looked around and found a quiet moment when nobody was watching us and disappeared under the table. Nobody could see her as the tablecloth came right down, completely hiding her. All of a sudden, I saw Fleur jump when Vag started on her mission.

“Oh my God no, this is far too embarrass…” but before Fleur could finish the sentence, she already felt Vag’s hands on her panty-clad pussy, trying to remove the interfering piece of clothing.

Zoë looked on with big eyes, not believing what was happening, but very shortly a finger was exploring her genital area as well. They both looked at me, trying to stay unmoved, but I could clearly see on their faces when Vag started licking Fleur and fingerprinting Zoë. With perfect timing, the waitress arrived with our first course.

“My partner has gone to the toilet, dear I would appreciate it if you could keep it warm for her until she returns; I’m sure she won’t be too long.”

“No problem miss, just let me know when she’s back and I’ll bring it immediately.”

“Thank you, dear.”

We started on our first course, but it was obvious both girls had a bit of a problem. Vag was going to make them both ‘jouir’ as the French say. By the time they’d consumed half the course, they were clearly in trouble, trying to keep the moaning low so that the guests at the tables around us would not hear. Their faces were absolutely fascinating to see, lips pressed together, eyes going upward, their bodies slightly shivering. The first one to cum was Zoë, I saw her go completely rigid, her knife and fork dropping on the table. She just managed to keep them From falling to the ground. Fleur didn’t react much differently. When I saw their faces relax again, I looked around and once the coast was clear, I signed to Vag under the table, that it was safe to come up again. When she was again seated I signed to our waitress that she could bring Vag’s first course. She was clearly puzzled as she hadn’t seen Vag return from the toilet.

“Well girls, how was it for you?” I asked very casually.

“Oh my God, that was a definite first,” was Fleur’s first reaction.

“Yeah, she’s good, my Vag.”

“You can say that again,” Zoë replied, “do you make her do things like that often?”

“Occasionally, Lew just loves it when I make her do things like that.”

“Lew? Who’s Lew?”

“Of course, you have no idea, well Lew is my landlord and my dedicated club photographer.”

“You have a club?”



“North of Antwerp.”

“Oh lovely, we plan to visit Antwerp, could we visit your discco club then?”

“You could, but it’s not exactly a discco club.”

“Oh, what is it then a lesbian club?”

“No, not that either, there are also men visiting.”

Vag looked at me and said, “Tanja dear please put them out of their misery, or they’ll keep on guessing for the rest of the Evening.”

“OK girls, you could have guessed when I told you we have a Dom/sub relationship, I run a BDSM club.”

“Wow, we would never have guessed that, but what is this Lew doing there then?”

“Lew owns the building we’re in. We’re in the cellar under his photo studio.”

“And is it big?”

“Big enough to hold a number of interesting toys and set-ups.”

“Please tell us more, we have no idea what kind of set-ups you mean.”

“We have a few spanking benches, a St Andrews’s cross of course, a gyno chair, an SS interrogation chamber, and a medieval corner.”

“God I would definitely like to see that, you are North of Antwerp you say, are there any good places to stay there you can recommend?”

“Depends on what you want to spend.”

“Money is no obstacle, we prefer something nice, a private hotel maybe?”

“Maybe there is something, but I need to contact a friend of mine to make sure it’s possible.”

“You have a friend who runs a hotel?”

“Not a hotel but she just made an agreement with the Americans we stayed with in Florida and two girls in Italy, near Rome. They offer luxury homes, villas in the US and Italy, and a couple of very special apartments in Antwerp. The rent includes a visit to the club and the apartments are located in the center of the city, in a street filled with Art Deco houses. One apartment, I’m told even has a red room, similar to the room in the 50 Shades of Grey stories.”

“Oh yes please make the call if you can, we’d love to stay there for a couple of days, and this organization also has houses near Rome?”

“Yes, on the coast, I haven’t seen them but I was told by Lew that the views are spectacular.”

“Oh, then please ask your friend in Antwerp if she can set us up in one of the Italian villas as well, we intend to stay at least a week in Rome.”

“OK, I’ll send Grace a message and ask for an offer. It could take a bit to get a reply as we are at sea, but by the time we reach Europe, I’m sure you’ll have your offer.”

“Excellent, this Grace wouldn’t happen to have a connection in Amsterdam too, would she?”

“I have no idea, but I can ask her if you wish.”

“Yes please do, we have a room booked in the center in the Krasnapolsky Hotel for the first two nights but if she knows something more private we’d love that.”

“I know there are also the Krasnapolsky apartments, not too far from the hotel, maybe that would be more something for you, I guess they will be able to help you at the hotel with that.”

“Great it’s always nice to talk to someone who knows the area you’re going to.

“So you’re planning to tour Europe?”

“Absolutely, we start in Amsterdam as that’s where this ship docks, then we’ll go to Belgium…” Tanja interrupted her there.

“It wouldn’t by any chance be a Tuesday would it – when you come to Belgium?”

“I don’t know, why?”

“You never saw the 1969 comedy, ‘If it’s Tuesday, this must be Belgium?’ about this group of American tourists doing a cheap tour of Europe.”

“No, we weren’t even born then.”

“Oh, could I be indiscreet and ask you how old you are?”

“I’m 29 and Zoë is 25, and how old are you if I may ask?”

“I’m 42 already and Vag just turned25 last week so more your age group.”

“Oh my God, I was licked by a 25-year-old girl then?”

“Yes, you were.”

“I must say, from the way she went at it I thought she was older.”

“I trained her well.”

“Yes you did, maybe I should entrust Zoë to you during the cruise to give her a similar training.”

“Why do you have plans to move into a Dom/sub relationship?”

“Not immediately but it could be fun.”

“Yes, but I think I’d make the better Dom Fleur,” Zoë interjected.


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