i can feel the damp silk of my panties sliding down the insides of my thighs, my fingers lightly hooked in the outside band as i draw them down.
i’m doing this. i’m really doing this.
my eyes want to shift, to look to see if anyone has seen what i just did, but i find i can’t take my eyes off of His.
He watches me, calm and collected. He’d almost be emotionalless if it wasn’t for the trace of amusement i can see on the corners of His lips.
i shiver.
my face grows hot.
Sitting up straight, i use my leg to draw my now discarded panties up to my hand. Taking a deep breath i do as i had been told and lay my panties down on the surface of the table. Surely someone has seen. i can only imagine what they must be thinking.
Trust me.
There He is again, speaking to me in that way He does which requires not a single word spoken.
“Sir, may i readjust myself?” The voice which leaves my lips barely sounds like my own, yet i know it is.
“You may,” He replies simply.
i swallow hard. i know what He expects of me and for as much as the thought terrifiers me, it thrills me as well.
i obey.
Standing just slightly, i raise the hem of my skirt just enough to where i can feel the cool leather of the upholstery upon my bare ass when i sit back down.
The pink in my cheeks darkens.
my lips move, forming a gentle smile for Him as i sit there.
“Good girl.”
A flush of pride rushes through me, setting with a tingle at the apex of my thighs. Damn Him! He knew the affect He’d have on me with that. He wants me to be aroused. Here. Now.
The pink quickly turns to a red. Is someone turning on the heat in here?
i look around the restaurant, desiring to be looking anywhere else but at Him.
The waitress comes over and looks to us both. Oh god, she’s seen the panties, hasn’t she? i know she has. We’re going to be kicked out. Isn’t this a violation of health codes? Within seconds my mindis already turning and churning with the stress and embarrassment of what i’ve done. i look to Him.
Trust me.
i take a deep breath and focus on Him. i obey His silent command and let the stressful thoughts flow away. Yet still the embarrassment is there.
He orders our food and drink. i remain silent, not even looking at the waitress.
i know i should be paying attention but at this moment i am far too preoccupied with the fact that my panties are on the table, no doubt with a neon pink sign flashing, “Wet Slut Right Here!” Also, not to mention, the fact that just a glance from Him has me wet and i can only imagine how wrong in so many ways it is for me to sit here, panty-less with my bare ass on this seat, being wet.
my cheeses turn rosier.
i shift a bit from side to side and the waitress nods to us, quickly departing. Does she know? How could she not know?
i squirm.
Poor leather upholstery.
“Here. i brought something for you.” His words snap me out of my thoughts and my green eyes move to His. Suddenly, all my stresses and worries fade looking to Him. ‘Trust me’ He said, and i do. i know i am safe in His hands.
That is, until He draws out the silken pouch He’d slipped into my purse. The pouch i was not to touch nor look into.
i swallow.
He beckons for me.
Very grateful for the half-moon shape of the booth, i sit up and slide over to Him. Oh no, what if i’ve left a damp spot where i was sitting? The waitress is surely going to see it.
i blush crisis at the thought.
Settling beside Him, He pats His leg and i know i am to raise one leg to draw over His. He wants my legs spread. He wants them open.
Angain i start to panic slightly. Open? But what If someone looks over here? What if they see…well…me?
An involuntary shiver runs through me.
Still, i obey and lift my leg to draw over His. Now my legs are parted, open for anyone who looks close enough to see my bare slit and glistening cunt lips. Well, at least it’s dim in here.
Looking to Him now though, my panic slightly fades and i am intoxicated once more by His closeness.
His warmth.
His eyes.
His lips.
my lips part instinctively and i find myself leaning closer to Him, desiring to kiss those lips.
Cooly, He shakes His head and give me that stern look which means i am not allowed.
i give Him a gentle pout then look down to the silk pouch in His hands. i’m curious and nervous at the same time.
He opens it.
i hold my breath.
Yet He does not let me see what He brought, so i bring my gaze back up to His.
“Lean up into me and kiss me.” His voice is soft, a whisper, yet still heavy with His commanding tone.
i obey, turning my knee that was drawn over His leg to rest on the small space between His thighs.
Oh my.
Even through His trousers i can feel Him, as was no doubt His intention for me to feel.
Then suddenly His lips are on mine and i am lost to the abyss of password which consumes me.
So soft, yet rough.
Passionate yet docile.
So many mixed sensings wrapped into one simple kiss.
my reverie is quickly broken though as i feel something penetrate my cunt under my skirt. my eyes fly open and i quickly look around before looking back to Him.
Only the trace of a grin is on His lips and a moan is fighting to break free from mine.
Slowly He begins to shift it inside me, thrusting and moving it as He penetrates me with it.
So hot. So hard.
Don’t stop. Oh please, don’t stop.
And just as i think i can take no more without moaning aloud, the penetration stops and i sight sharply.
Too soon for a relief sight, though.
He is not done with me.
All too soon i feel the pointed tip of the object He just penetrated my cunt with rimming the entrance to my ass. my eyes fly open and panic sets in. i look hard into His eyes, knowing if i look away i will set fully into panic and thus disappoint my Sir.
Such a thing cannot happen.
i feel the tip begin to push into me and i cannot help the soft whisper of a whimper that leaves my lips. my body resists yet He continues, pressing it in until the whole of it pops into me, leaving only the small handle outside my body.
i sight and hold our gaze, letting my body adjust to the invader.
In this moment He is warm and gentle, caring and concerned – supported.
Once a few moments have passed, and a few more kisses exchanged, my now calm collected Sir pats my ass lightly.
i am adjusted to it.
The plug rests within me, sending all too familiar mixed signals of pleasure and disappoint at the same time.
Obediently, i turn and sit back down beside Him. With His gesture back over to where i had originally been sitting, i nod and slide back over to my spot.
Just in time too as the waitress brings our meal.
Though food is not on my mind. In fact, nothing really is. Not my food. Not the restaurant.
The plug is.
He is.
i force myself to pay attention to the food, knowing He took great care and effort in ordering this for me. Alfredo, it looks like, bits of shrimp decorating the top. Once the waitress leaves us, i smile to my Sir and wait for the appropriate gesture which signals me that i am allowed to eat.
When given, i take a fork full, carefully twisting the pasta along it. Its creamy and just the right consistency.
i lift it up to my lips, parting them in preparation for that delicious bite.
What in the…!?
Pleasure suddenly amasses me, drenching every muscle and rippling through me. Where…What…
my face pales as i realize where it is coming from yet flushes with the waves of desire.
The plug. Its vibrating.
Looking rather wide eyed, i give Him a weak smile. Its everything i can do not to moan or cry out. i look around, baffled that no one else has noticed yet.
He nods to my forkful of food expectedly, a glint of wickedness in His gaze.
Taking a breath, i obediently bring it to my lips and take the mouthful. It’s delicious, as i suspected, and beyond perfect. Rather quickly though my body makes a small connection between the near-orgasmic pleasure in my cunt and ass to the delicious flavor of the Alfredo.
Damn Him.
Suddenly the vibrations stop – just in time thankfully. i take a deep breath and reach for a glass of water.
He looks quite amused whereas i feel quite embarrassed. How can no one else see? Know? Surely now i am the neon pink sign screaming “Wet Slut Right Here”!
i look around.
i guess not.
Looking back to Him, i give Him a weak smile before reaching to take another bite. Well if no one has noticed what has happened so far, surely they will notice the fact that my cheeses and face are as red as a cherry in June.
i take a deep breath and lookto my food, going for another bite.
And just like the last, right before the bite is in my mouth, the plug activates and pleasure overwhelms me. Taking a bite, i let out a soft moan.
As soon as the bite is finished, so does the vibrations.
i take a deep breath and shiver.
Damn Him.
This continues for the whole meal, bite after bite. One bite Alfredo, one plug buzzing in my ass.
Up and down, He toys with me like a yo-yo.
i come to the edge many times and always, i quickly drop before i release.
By the time the meal is done, the plates removed, check paid and i quite thoroughly frustrated, He stands up and offers me His hand to stand.
i take His hand and stand up, finding my legs rather weak and shaky. i glance back to the table and notice a small damp spot on the seat where i sat.
Suddenly, the heaviness of His voice is in my ear.
“Pick up your panties; wipe off the mess you’ve made.”
Obediently, i do so, bending over to grab my panties. As i do so, once more the plug activates and violences of pleasure sing through me. Gritting my teeth, i struggle to do the simple task He laid out for me.
Once done, i begin to move to place the panties in my pursuit.
i can only imagine the look on my face when He shakes His head and says simply, “No, leave them on the table.”
And with that, quite matter-of-factly and yet still gracefully, with the plug still singing in my ass, He escorts me out of the restaurant and out to the car.
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