Interview with The Dominatrix
I was running along the white sand of Marbella beach returning to my country house. That’s was my daily running, I love doing it each day, very early in the morning. It help me to stay fit and healthy, besides I love exercise, although I’m not very fond of weights or anything involving bodybuilding machines.
I reached my place. The minimalist beach house in front of me was amazing.
I love it.
And unknown shining BMW was parked next to my Nissan SUV. Well, I was not expecting visits today, not anyone that I could remember.
I running flying inside the house, my orange ponytail jolting behind my head. I was wearing my usual running clothes, a creamy pink hoody, black running tights and my Adidas sneakers.
“Hey, stop! You´re going to trample me. Are you mad? Forget the question, I already know it” Said a high pitch voice of a young girl. She was Sophie Marceau, my personal assistant, I had crashed against her, crumpling her overly stiff starched black business suit.
Sophie embodied, wholeheartedly, the archetype of the predatory executive woman. Her black coat and mini skirt were unblemished, add to that, black silk stockings and her usual high heels siletto leather pumps, and you get a threatening office dominatrix, nonetheless the strange girl was a self-proclaimed asexual was.
“You should be more careful with those damn shoes of you. What do you pretend? Stick out the eyes of someone with such needs?”
“A man is waiting for you on the drawing room.” She announced tidying up her blonde hair, “is another one of your sick perverts, mon dieu! He mistook me for you.” There was a hint of contempt on her voice.
“Es tut mir leid! Those sick perverts of mine pay the bills” I whispered to her. “And they are very kind people …mostly.”
“Yeah! Like the one who tried to throw you last summer?”
“You are so… you are an annoying thing.” I said making a face to her while going inside the drawing room.
Inside was a very young gentleman, dressed with a navy blue suit, he was seated on one of the leather couches. He stood up immediately after I entered the room.
“Miss Schwarz! It’s an honor to meet you!” He said making a courteous bow. “I’m John Baker.”
I stared at him in silence. I couldn’t remember who he was.
“Are you Miss Lilith Schwarz, right?” He asked politely.
I shook my head.
“I am, at least last time I checked.”
He looked confused.
“I’m joking. You see my name was Lili, just Lili, later I added the th at the end, but I did it legal, you can check my passport, oh sorry, I use to talk like a parrot. Where do I know you from, Mister Baker?”
He tugged at his tie looking embarrassed.
“We chatted, the last weekend, and you agreed to appointment and interview.”
“Ah! You are here for the sexual slavery thing, right!” I shot blank point with a smile.
The man cleared his throat, he was white as asheet of copy paper.
“Yes…” He whispered looking down. “Look I don’t know how to do it, I… “
“Ja, ja, let me handle it.” I said joyfully.
He nodded.
“Let’s start with something easy.” I continued. “Take off your clothes!”
The poor fellow opened his eyes.
“C’mon! Do it” I urged.
He started removing his coat.
“You can put your stuff over here.” I said indicating a big table with a samovar. I took the silver pot and pursued some hot coffee on a white porcelain cup.
He continued undressing.
“Take off everything!” I remarked, “Even the socks and underwear!”
Sooner he was stark naked. It couldn’t had been more awkward for him, standing there, in his birthday suit, next to a redhead on sport outfit drinking hot coffee.
I got closed to inspect him. He was clean, with a nice cologne and aftershave, on the contrary I was sweated, haven’t took a bath yet, and smelled, but he didn´t flinch.
“Turn, please!” I said, making a gesture with my hand. “I want to check your whole body.”
The man was young and handsome, man he was a hunk.
“Gut, gut, la-la, you are fit, that’s good.” I said teasingly.
“Thank you, Miss Schwarz!” He said most assured.
I took seat on the edge of the table, sipping my coffee with delight, looking directly at him with my green eyes, my feet were dangling above the floor.
“At ease, relax.” I said. “You aren´t my slave… yet.”
I produced a cigarette and a silver zippo lighter.
“Do you smoke?” I asked.
“No Miss, I don’t”
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“Absolutely, Miss, do as you like, please!”
At least now his voice was steamier. I lighted the cigarette and blew.
“Before anything, let’s take our time, John. If this is your first time then you are moving into an uncharted and unknown territory so is fair we have a previous talk. This domination and submission thing is not a cup of tea for everyone, if you know what Imean. So we will have a free time now, you must speak freely! Ask me whatever you want, and make any kind of comment, anything. Verstehst du mich?”
He hunted.
“I mean, do you understand?”
He nodded.
“And, is there any question you have?” I asked blowing a cloud of smoke, much more like a train driver and less than a queen.
“Well…” He said. “I don’t know how to start.”
“Do you like me?”
He was taken aback.
“Of course! Oh, my goodness! You are a thousand times more beautiful in real life! You look like a high European top model! You have such pretty green eyes and your orange hair is amazing. But is when you smile, then you could leave anyone breathless.”
“You’re getting romantic, nice.”
He put a hand on his forehead.
“Well! Don’t take me wrong. The thing is you look… so much sweet, so much like a nice, loving and caring kind of person… you seem incapable of hurting someone…”
I eased, crossing my legs and looked directly at his eyes.
“Ah, so I’ve disappointed you?”
He jolted. “No, Miss Lilith, I told you already, you’re the prettier girl I had ever met!”
“Then is the dominatrix thing!” I said, pointing at him with my finger, I tried to put a stern voice. “I guess you came here expecting to find an irascible, man hating, typical woman, clad, head to toe, on steel and leather, sauntering over the ridiculous towering high heels of her boots, whip in hand, and pulling the leash of the collar of some pathetic naked man. Yeah? An evil vixen bitch took directly out of hell, laughing diabolically amid the animal screams of pain and suffering of the male slaves put on racks and chains, and been bestially tortured at her hands.”
He was breathing quicker now, wow! He was suffering now an amazing erection you could hold a scout tent with.
“Just try to focus! Ok? Watch the things in perspective. Relax!”
I was using my sweet and nonchalantly voice again.
The scene was so surreal, but I could handle to turn it into something normal, on some way.
“Now, do you have a legitimate question? I asked tugging at my ponytail.
“Ok, yes.” He said blinking. “You told me so many things over the chat. Was everything true?”
“I don’t remember what things I told you.”
“You said your father was a German army special force operating and your mother was a Soviet Union spy. You said you have a mental condition problem or something like that and…, and your hair was more dark red on the screen.”
I laughed, out and loud.
“Do you believed it? It’s the Internet for god’s sake!”
“So you lied?”
“Look, I’m a writer, and writers don’t lie, they make things up, they enhanced the true. Well my father was just a German factory worker, and my mother was a boring housekeeper. Nothing out of the usual. The only mental condition I have is a superior intelligence, and I used to dye my hair red blood, sometimes bleach blonde or bright pink, but its natural tone is light orange, like a carrot.”
I smiled delightedly and sipped my second cup of coffee.
“Anything else?” I asked blissfully.
“You were pulling my leg!” He told. “And I crossed the ocean to meet you!”
“Wow! Do you came from America?”
“You should have guessed by my accent.” He said. “I came from New Jersey.”
“I thought you were a student overseas, when do you arrive?”
“Early today, like four on the morning, I flied all the night.”
He must have booked a session with Sophie, and paid the fees, if she gave him my address. It also means she have made a research on him.
“Bitte schön! What do you have in mind?”
He stared at the floor then look at me.
“I had my doubts, but no more now, no after seeing you! I want to become your full time slave! I want to expand the rest of my life at your feet!”
Rash, impulsive and password as only a young man his age could be. He was on his knees whenhe finished his words. He’s lowered his head and was staring at my running pink Adidas.
I put the heel of my right shoe on his shoulder.
“You know what your wish entails?” I spoke slowly and thoughtfully.
“Yes, Mistress.” He nodded.
“Have you arrange your assets?”
“I have all my savings, everything, on an electronic back account. I will give the password to you! I just want to be your slave for the rest of my life!”
I smiled silently, haughtily, I know that for a sub, especially for a male, finding a real female dominant and pretty mistress was like finding the Holy Grail.
“Let´s make it official! Don’t waste time!”
I picked up my iPhone and dialed a contact.
“Yeah! He’s hooked up! …Yeah, Come now!” I said over the phone.
I looked at the young Mister Baker. He was still on his four, sporting a solid big erection. I honestly admired him. You must have to be very courageous to blindly run to a perfect stranger and handed yourSelf to her. Yeah, you must be a lot brave, or mad or stupid, or everything at the same time.
I wondered what the hell I told him over the chat, I must have been drunk.
I heard the menuing high stiletto heels of Sophie stomping over the parquet floor. The pretty petit blonde was carrying her state of the art MacBook and a black leather handbag. Sophie was tiny and pretty like a pixie girl, while I was tall and athletic, but she had better curves and bigger boobs and buttocks.
She put the laptop and the handbag over the table next to me.
“Ok, Mister Slave, first, give me the name of your bank and your account number!” Said Sophie looking at the man through her gold rimmed glasses. She typed furiously at the keyboard, her incredible long and sharp nails weren’t a hurry for her.
Meanwhile I opened the handbag and produced a studied leather neck collar and some police style steel handcuffs. The man looked at the stuff, excited, breathing hard. He was notfantasizing anymore. He really was naked and kneeled in front of two abusive girls, and just at the broke to surrender everything he have and start his future life as a real slave.
“Well, we will perform a little ritual now, ok? Stay on your knees! I going to put this collar around your neck. Yeah! That’s right! Now hands behind your back! Prima! Fertig! Yeah you look great, um, the handcuff gives a little aching, yes, and well you will get used to it.”
“Ben oui, transaction has been completed!” Announced Sophie. It seemed that the only thing that makes the girl happy was the increase growing of the profits.
“There’s anything else you own? A house? Cars?” Asked the blonde girl to the poor naked man handcuffed and kneeing in front of us.
“No, Mistress.” He answered. “All my assets were deposited on that account. I don’t own even a penny now.”
There was a hint of fear on his dark eyes, and of excitement at the same time. We have stripped him of anything valuable he could have ever possessed. The man was a practical homeless now. There was a drop of precum glistening above the hole on the head of his hard rock cock.
I was fumbling inside the handbag again, looking for something.
“Et bien, it’s all yours.” Sophie said standing upright with a hand on her hips.
I had produced a couple of gloves from the bag, they were my MMA certified pink gloves.
“Could you take him over there?” I said pointing with my chin at one spot next to the windows, putting my gloves on at the same time.
“The hell with you!” Say the petit blonde taking the man by the steel ring on his leather collar. “I don’t going to take part on your deviant undertakings!”
She hauled the man, leading him to an empty big space.
“Remember that this deviant Undertakings pay the bills!”
I flexed my fingers, adjusting my gloves, then finished my third cup of coffee of the morning and walked where my new pet was kneeeled, waiting in anticipation for me.
The pathetic man looked at me like if I were some kind of living Goddess.
“Fertig? Let’s take a measure at your pain threshold now!”
“What?” He asked confused.
“Shut up, pig! Open your legs!”
He did as I told him, obviously took aback.
I came closer and sent a kick right at his balls, which were hanging freely between his legs. It was a nice professional soccer kick. The instep of my foot crushed his orbs against his pelvic bone. My martial art trainer would have been proud of me.
He fell down rolling over the floor curled, cought and grumbling.
“Pain threshold level seems normal.” Stated Sophie using her formal business manners while standing aside watching at the scene.
“Get up, now!”
I was standing there, hips cocked, head tilted to one side, hands at my heaps, like a very authoritative female figure.
“I… can´t take more, please…” Stuttered John, he was on his knees, curled upward, breathing hard through his teeth.
“Get up! Or it will get worse for you, besides, I didn’t remember giving you permission to talk. You will be punish for that!”
He stood on his feet, hesitantly.
“Open your legs!”
He did it, trembling, an expression of fear was on his face. His manhood was dangling between his thighs, unprotected and helpless against my attacks.
Sophie looked at the scene with a boring expression, the small blonde was popped leaning against a wall, arms crossed, her foot tapping at the parquet floor, cute beautiful on her female business suit and high heel pumps.
“Just relax.” I said to the man with a soft voice. “Breath, in and out, deeply.”
I got in position in front of him, ready to hit.
I throw another kick at his balls. It was a direct and harsh hit. I extended my foot so my instep could smack straight at his orbs. My Adidas running shoes hit hard. He moved backwards and fell on his knees yelling on pain.
“Stand up!” I yelled.
He shook his head. He was howling like a wounded animal.
I got near and grabbed his ear, twisting and pulling it upwards.
“This is so gruesomely cruel and inhuman.” Said Sophie, looking boring with her blue eyes, some strands of golden hair were dangling in front of her pretty face.
“Oh! Give me a break! You already know what masochism is about! I’m only giving to This pig what he really wants.”
“A brutalizing birth control method?”
I stared at her blankly then turn to the poor devil on the floor.
“Just get up! Before I get really angry!”
“Better be careful, Mister Baker!” Recommended Sophie. “The girl suffer from IED.”
“What? What’s IED?” Asked the man, now on his knees.
“Intermittent explore Disorder, and it’s characterized by explosive outbursts of anger that only get relief with cruel aggressive actions.”
New slave guy looked at me with real fear in his face. His erection was gone, and his balls were now red and biggerr. Maybe I was hitting him too much hard.
I decided to take off my shoes in order to have better control of the kicks.
“Ah! ..ah!” The poor man was gasping, clenching his teeth, trying to block the pain that was overwhelming his mind.
“Does it really hurts so much?” Asked Sophie, standing legs open in front of him, arms crossed and head askw.
“You can’t have any idea, girl. Believe me.” Whispered the poor man.
I had taken off my shoes and sockets and now was standing barefoot over the parquet floor.
The man stared at my feet eager, his mouth open and salivating.
“Maybe I could let you kiss and lick my feet if you behave like a good boy. But not today, anyway you can smell my shoes.”
He dragged forward and dumped his noise inside my running Adidas, he smelled the inside like if he were inhaling some drug. His member was solid hard again.
He left the shoes and rubbed his face against my dirty socks on the floor.
“You are a kinky pig!” I said.
It was a hot morning, and I have been running and my feet were all sweety and I hadn’t taken a bath yet since two days ago. So the smell was strong.
“Ok, stand up, piggy!” I shouted.
He did as I told.
“Spread your legs!”
The man was breathing hard again. I got close to him, I’m tall but this man was taller, I stared at his face, almost grazing my lips over his skin. He was young and handsome, was he mad? he could be with a nice loving girl, but no, he was here with Sophie and me.
I went behind him.
“Just don’t move! Ok!” I said and then, I landed a full force kick from behind. The instep of my bare foot hard-pressed his balls against his pelvic bone.
He fell flat to the ground, a muffled raspy scream flowed from the deeps of his throat.
“I said don’t move! It was just one kick!”
I rested my foot over his back, between his shoulders.
“As you can see, and feel, now, Mister Baker, our lovely Lilith is a certified Yoga instructor, and also have a black belt on Taekwondo and Muay Thai.”
“Up again!” I demanded.
“… I…I…I can’t…Ah my balls!” Screamed the guy. “You hurt them so much! I didn’t want permanent damage!”
“It was nothing for goodness sake! I can kick much harder than that, if I took more impulse and apply more momentum, nonetheless male testicles can take a hell lot of abuse, before burning. I know it”
“You said over the chat that you wouldn’t do cuts, needs of burnings or anything involving long term damage. I was clear stating that I didn´t want scars.”
I kicked his mouth with the heel of my foot.
“Shut up! Who or what do you think you are now! You should be grateful for being allowed to stay here. Besides You can live without your balls.”
“You lied to me!” Said the man with pain in his voice. His eyes were wet. “I have confidence on you!”
He looked heart broken. The guy was at the broke of tears, and not necessarily because of the pain endured. I know where he was. It’s so hard for a submissive man to quench his cravings for female domain? It’s not for shortage of professional dominatrices I guess. It’s the fault mainly produced by the submissive himself? If a neophyte girl takes a look at Femdom she will be horrible scared, at first, but at the second and deep look will be surprised of how hard it is, for the female, to accomplish it, yes, it’s a lot like performing a Shakespearean stage over a crystal platform on a moving train. You must to know exactly what to say, and how to say it, the movements, the precision insults, the accurate amount of pain, the kind of abuse to do, and everything varies from sub to sub. No everyone likes scat or needs or fire. No everyone likes Ballbusting or medical CBT play. There are very dangerous things like breath play, mental abuse, child regression and or reprisal of traumatic events.
You wonder how this could work when you consider that even plain sex with a whore could be very disappointed and frustrating for the average man.
I squatted next to him touching and caressing his short black hair.
“Don’t be afraid, John. Trust me. I know what I’m doing. I have some time on it, some hours of fly, as to speak.”
“Yeah some balls hanging from his belt.” Chuckled Sophie.
“Shut up! Pixie girl!” I said at her. “Look, John” I continued speaking at the man with a reassuring and soothing voice. “I’ll honor our previous agreement. Unless you want to change something. If you want to return to your normal life, so be it.”
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