The Puzzle

Sunday morning…I had arisen quietly, letting you sleep. You needed it with all the hours you had put in at work this week. I had gone to the kitchen to make the coffee. Breakfast would wait ’til you got up. All was

quiet and the dreaminess of the rainy day had taken hold of me. Looking out the window, I stood pensively, a small frown of thought on my face. What could I do to make Robert’s day off wonderful for him? Several things

came to mind, but I rejected them as too ordinary. It was a puzzle I needed to figure out soon.

The smell of the coffee must have woken you, as my reverie was suddenly shattered by your strong arms around me and a delicious warm nuzzle at my neck. “Whatcha thinkin’, pet?” you asked me in that little teasing way you

have. Quickly, I turned to wrap my arms around your neck, my breasts brushing your chest. Standing almost on tiptoe, I gave you a squeeze and a

big, good morning kiss. Mmmmm…. “I’ll have breakfast on in a jiffy,” I said. I handed you a hot cup of coffee and set about frying the bacon and eggs.

Suddenly, it dawned on me what I could do for my Master! It would be a risk, though. He might be angry. I have to try or I’ll never know. A secret little smile played on my face as I placed the plate in front of you

and you looked at me questioningly. “What’s that little smile for, pet?” “Because I love you and I have figured out an answer to a puzzle I was working on.” You looked a bit undecided, but let it go at that.

“What are we going to do today, pet?” you asked around a mouthful of toast. “I don’t know…just hang around the house and be lazy I guess.” “Suits me! I’m too tired to care about much,” you answered. “I’ll do up the dishes while you get your shower and then we can just hang out together. I’ve already had mine,” I said. Hmmmm….sounded a bit like you there, didn’t I? Heh heh!!

I washed the dishes quickly and left them in the drainer to drip dry. Hurrying to the bathroom, I waited as you turned the water off and stepped out, grabbing a towel from the rack. Your eyes widened with surprised pleasure as I took the towel from you and started to dry the water from your body, planning little kisses as I went. My robe peeked open just enough for you to get an eyeful of my large breasts. I left your cock for last so I could draw the towel up slowly, massaging it gently. I felt you

starting to stiffen and stopped abruptly. “Why don’t you go lay on the bed

and I’ll give you a massage,” I said. It didn’t take any opinion to get

you to agree.

I got out the lot and started at your shoulders, working up into your neck. I could feel the tension leaving and continued on down your back, butt, and legs. Geez! My hands were tired! They weren’t used to doing this! But I couldn’t stop now. I had made up my mind and that was that! “Turn over!” I commanded. (Chuckle….that sounded like you, too!) I didn’t mind that you took your time, groaning that you wanted to stay right

where you were…it gave my arms a needed rest.

I started with your face, gently pulling and pushing, and then rubbed your temples. Your eyes were closed and I surprised you with a deep, sensitive kiss. On to your shoulders and chest, planning kisses as I went. I could feel your arousal growing against my pussy lips and you reached for me. “No! I’m not finished with you yet!” I ordered. I couldn’t let you take control now or it would spoil my surprise for you. Still, I thought once again how I was sounding like you.

Down each leg I went, careful to avoid your very erect manhood…ohhh…okay…so I did tease it a couple of times as I brushed past…I couldn’t resist…my eyes danced as I smiled in secret. Lightly, I traced my nails up your inner tighs and massaged your balls. “You didn’t ask permission to do that, pet!” I paid no attention as my mouth closed over your cock and began stroking it with my tongue and lips. You were enjoying my attentions and didn’t really want me to quit, but you tried for control once more. “I am your Master and I didn’t give you permission to do that!” Your voice cracked with the effort of trying to ignore the enormous desire that had risen in you.

Once again, I paid no heed, knowing you were too close to delicious release

to make me stop. The tension increased in your balls and your cock Hardened even more as you reached the point of no return. Knowing my limits, you tried to pull me away in time, but I was determined and pushed your hand away. Almost immediately, my efforts were rewarded as I heard the long, low moan of pleasure escape your lips. Hot cum shot into my mouth and I had no choice but to swallow. Tightness gripped my stomach as I struggled to keep it from betraying me again.

I felt your spasms of ecstasy and the deed was done. Now I knew I would pay for having taken your control. I ran to the bathroom for a warm washcloth and returned to clean up the mess I made of you. As I started to

leave to return it and avoid retribution for my actions, you grabbed my arm. You didn’t say a word, noting the fear in my eyes, as you pulled me onto the bed. “Let her squirm a bit,” you thought, even though you were smiling inside. That will be enough punishment.”

You pulled me down to you and kissed me deeply. “You’re not mad at me?” I asked incredulously. “Well…,” you said, “paybacks are hell! but right now, I am really proud of you! “Thank you, Master Robert,” I said meekly. “I just wanted your day to be special.

“And it WAS, my pet!

You pulled me into the circle of your strong arms and we drifted off for a nap.


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