I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was every bit as wonderful as I knew she would be. Obedient, naturally so, a natural. It was in her bones, she instinctively understand and obeyed the rules. Her pussy had smelt sweetly of sex, exclusive me in, she had cast a spell over me.
How could somebody who had allowed 40 cocks to invade her – correction as of last night 41 cocks – how could somebody as sexual as her be so innocent? I chuckled as I said out loud ‘She’s an innocent cock thirsty slut.’ A beautiful paradox …a hideous paradox.
Her words last night had penetrated my soul and strangulated my heart. This ceased to be a battle of egos a long while back, evolving messily and unpredictably yet naturally and in a strange way beautifully into a battle of hearts.
Naked and on all fours on the dining room table with my friend fucking her cunt with a dildo and me spanking her beautiful rear she had no idea that I was there.
When my friend asked her how many more cocks she would allow in her and when she responded ‘only yours’ she broke me. She fucking broke me. It was a physical pain that took hold of my entire body, she’d ripped my heart out and she had no idea that she’d done it.
I’d driven straight to the house and paid top dollar for their best prize but I couldn’t get hard. It only served to cement in my mind what I already knew. I was intooxicated by her. I was in love with my fucking secretary.
I had to have her.
My pussy woke up before I did. I felt a pulsating tingle as she swelled and enjoyed the sensing of the warmth working its way from my cliporis into the depth of my sex. Somehow I’d always instinctively known how to manipulate my body with my mind in this way and I could bring myself to orgasm without even touching myself. I knew I was lucky and I felt empowered by my secret.
I didn’t have to open my eyes, I remembered where I was and what had happened last night. Although knowing that the dull ache in my body, the bruises on my buttocks and pussy were inflicted by him, I felt protected. I was his good little girl.
I glanced over at the clock, 6am. I don’t know what time it had been when he had orgasmed inside of me, his hot stream hitting my g-spot and sparking an explosion in my own body that spread to the extremes of my limbs and turned me into jelly. It can’t have been long between now and when we’d finally melted into one another and fallen into a deep sleep and yet I was wide awake. More awake than I had ever been.
I rolled over and kissed the spot where his shoulder blades met before silently slipping out of bed and into the shower. I looked down at my naked body as the water cool and soothing massed my tingling skin. There was an unmistakable handprint covering my cunt, inner tigh and buttock. I should have been horrified but I felt a deep sense of pride. He’d called me his good little girl.
I stepped out of the shower and towled myself off.I left the towel in the bathroom and crept downstairs naked, my waist length hair not quite dry released a drip of water that snaked its way down my back and into the crevice of my buttocks.
I went into the kitchen and set about re-setting it to the immaculate state it had been when I had arrived yesterday afternoon before preparing breakfast. As I walked into the dining room and set down the cafetiere and glasses of orange juice, he walked in right on cue wearing a towel around his waist and sat in the same seat that he was seated in yesterday evening when he had inserted the speculum into my cunt. I smiled at the thought and served him his breakfast.
‘Good morning’, I said ‘did you sleep well?’ He responded that he had and we ate breakfast together discussing work and politics and life in general. Both of us enjoying the moment and both of us seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was completely naked.
‘Right’ he said standing up, ‘I have to go to work now. It is okif you arrive in a little bit later today’. ‘We need to be discreet at work don’t we?’ I asked. ‘Yes, my darling’, he responded kissing my forehead. ‘Will we do this again?’, I asked suddenly worried that this could be the last time I felt so complete. ‘Of course’, he said.
I didn’t want to ask but I was desperate to know, so I whispered ‘when?’. ‘You’ll know,’ he answered, ‘now be a good girl and see to the washing up’. He then disappeared upstairs to get dressed whilst I followed his instructions and cleared the dishes. I felt sure that he knew he didn’t have to ask me to do it, I would have done it instinctively but I enjoyed being told and I guess he knew that as well.
He had a talent for entering my space, his space, without my realising. I had just finished drying off the final cup when his body pushed up from me behind and he embedded me. My hands were still holding on to the cup and tea towel but I embedded him with my back, my shoulder blades, my buttocks, my thighs and we stood there looking out of the window soaking each other in.
‘See you later’, he said slowly unlocking the embrace. He kissed my mouth and was gone.
I dressed, made one last check that the house was absolutely immaculate and then left myself.
It wasn’t until I was sat on the train that I realized. I had washed up two plates. He was the only one who ate last night. Unable to assimilate the information into anything cohesive I pushed it aside and went into work.
He didn’t give me any signs that day or the following day. We had a brief interaction when in a fit of rage after an altercation with Mr Steamed Salmon I burst into his office and relayed my immature frustrations about my ‘idiot’ boss. He beckoned me over to his desk and cajoled me in his soft voice whilst he slipped his hands Underneath my dress and gently flicked my clip. ‘Go easy on him,’ he said, ‘he’s going through a very tough time at the moment’. I was confused. The Finance Director was being nice and understanding about the man who had shown him no mercy at the last Board meeting, ripping into him for a full six hours. How could he be so forgiving? His empathy made me want him even more. He had built up the pace and my body started to flush and tremor as I felt it getting close. ‘Cum for me now’, he demanded. And I did.
Thursday morning I got my sign.
A note on my desk. ‘Tonight,’ it said ‘stay late, wait for me on the board room table assuming the same position that you did on Monday. Same rules as before, make sure you face away from the door. You can move from your position once the office lights flicker three times, not before’.
Patience is a virus. I am not virtuous in that respect and the ten hour wait was painfully slow.
Finally, finally, at 7pm when the last of the annoyingly diligent workers had left and I was sure that I was on my own I entered the board room, took off my clothes and knelt on all fours with my anus and cunt fully exposed and ready for when he entered the room.
Five minutes passed and then he entered.
I have never enjoyed having my pussy licked by a man. It has always felt rigid to me, a combination of the man feeling obliged to do so followed by a sense that I was against the clock, the faster I came the harder their ego would be stroked. As such I could never relax and would either fake orgasm or try and lure them away with other treatments.
He was different. There was no stroke of egos here. I don’t even think he was doing it for my pleasure. He ate me as if he was hungry for my cunt and nothing else. It was passwordate and it was primary and my orgasm was overwhelmingly powerful and enhanced mid-way with the forcible introduction of his stiff throbbing cock into my pulsating hungry cunt.
If him licking my cunt was primary then he fucked me like a complete savage. It wasn’t pretty lovemaking, it was messy, loud, sweaty, ugly, disgusting sex. He fucked me from behind with everyinch of his being, grunting with every thrust, spreading my arse cheats wide so that he could fill me completely. I pushed back on him, forcing him even further into me, this was not me trying to please my master, this was pure selfish hunger. I was a cock hungry who desperate for every last inch of him.
He fucked me and I fucked him, with increasing speed and increasing desperation until in one powerful earth shattering crescendo he jetted his seed deep into the heart of me and we screamed together long and deep and primarily in ecstasy.
Out of breath, winded, we held our position. Sweat dripping from his chest, my arse, his balls, my cunt, our thighs, our hair. His cock still pumping inside me like he had just cum for the first time in his life. Panting, sticking to each other, we held our position still, neither one of us wanting to end the moment. Holding the position. Holding the position.
When he finally pulled out, I felt his cum seeing out of my cunt. I wished that I could see what it looked like from behind. I wished I could have seen in magnified detail the final act of our filter performance. I was shaking still, he was shaking. My god, together we were amazing.
I didn’t hear him leave but I saw the office lights flash three times and I slowly bought myself to a seated position suddenly remembering where I was. Fucking hell, I’d just been fucked to heaven on the board room table. Less than two weeks ago we’d all been seated at this very table in the monthly board meeting. Less than two weeks ago I started to notice him for the first time. Fuck. Fuck! I had no idea what it was that was taking hold of me, but I wanted more, I wanted it all.
I looked around and saw a piece of paper on the table with me that hadn’t been there before. I picked it up.
I read it.
I read it again.
Realisation, shock, disgust, surprise. None of this matter. My body was still shaking from the intensity of what had just happened. It had to happen again or I would die.
I read the piece of paper again. ’42’ it said. It wasn’t his handwriting, it looked like …no?!?!?
I ran through the office ignoring my nakedness, ignoring the combined juices of our act running down my thighs. I reached the window just in time to see his car pull out and speed off.
I knew at that moment who had just fucked me. The chairman. Mr Steamed Salmon had just given me the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced.
No! Yes! Fuck! I was frozen to the spot. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. How could he do that? Shit. My head was telling me that it was all wrong, it was all out of hand, it was bad, evil. But my body was alive. I felt so alive.
The first 40 cocks had been forgotten. The 41st and 42nd had changed my view on sex and life altogether.
Give in to it. I told myself. ‘Give in to it’ I said out loud and I reached down to my cunt and bought my finger covered with his cum and my juices to my mouth.
I tasted sex, perfect sex. And then I felt guilt …the Finance Director.
I pulled on my dress over my head and tried to straighten myself up. It was no use, I looked like somebody who had just been fucked. After a fuck like that there was no way I could look any other way.
I locked up the office, went to the train station and got on the train. An hour and a half later I was outside his house again. This time I rang the bell knowing that it would be answered, and it was.
I saw in his face, he knew already. I also saw that it didn’t matter to him. Relieved. Confused. I reminded myself ‘give in to it’.
‘Hello darling’, he said in his beautiful soft voice. He kissed me on the forehead and he led me upstairs into his bathroom where he bathed me and washed my hair. I sat on the bed with him behind me brushing my long brown hair tenderly. I felt protected. I felt whole. He lay me down and wrapped himself behind me, holding me, protecting me. ‘You’retoo special for me to keep to myself’ he said. ‘I don’t understand’, I replied ‘how did you know?’
And then I felt it. I knew. I knew what question to ask. ‘What was his wife like?’
He paused through longing for her rather than not knowing how to answer. ‘She is an angel’, he said. ‘And you love her?’ I asked.
‘Yes I do’, he replied softly ‘…and I love you too’.
He loved me, and I loved him, and he loved the Chairman’s wife and I’d just had amazing sex with the Chairman. If there weren’t such strong emotions tied up with it, it would be funny as hell.
I didn’t understand the situation but I understand him and I felt happy. Deeply happy. ‘Give into it’ I said again out loud, he hugged me closer and we both fell into a deep sleep.
Friday. The last day of the working week. ‘I am not going to work today but I will drive you to the station’, the Finance Director said to me as we woke, ‘talk to him’. He dressed me as if I were still a little girl and weDrave in comfortable silence to the station. ‘Thank you’, I said as we parted. Covering a whole range of different things to be grateful to him for in one fall swoop.
I was the first in and I walked straight into the Chairman’s office and sat on his chair waiting for him. Was he shocked when he walked in to see me there? No, I don’t think he was shocked at all, he knew that I knew. He looked slightly panicked and hesitated before deciding to go with his usual boring arsehole boss routine.
I cut him short. In my dulcet yet assertive voice I said ‘you will wait for me here after work and I will deal with you then’. The surprise on his face revealed that he wasn’t expecting that. ‘Now go and make me a cup of tea’, I continued ‘I take it white no sugar and for god sake let it brew properly.’
I went over to my own desk and started my tasks for the day. The office was almost full when the Chairman stumbled over to my desk with my tea in his favorite mug. Nice touch. All eyes were on him as he placed it down on the desk whilst I ignored him and enjoyed the little ritual, somebody on one of the desks across from me stifled a giggle.
By 5pm they’d all gone home, it was a Friday and they had excited lives to lead no doubt. None more exciting than what had happened to me in the last two weeks though.
I walked into his office and he was seated at his desk, trying to look stern and all powerful. ‘You’re in my chair’, I said. And he did it, he got up for me to sit down. I was in control.
I sat down and he stood there twiddling his thumbs not knowing what he was going to do. ‘Did you think you would get away with it?’ I asked harshly. The hairs were starting to prick up all over my body, my god I was enjoying being in control.
He was frozen to the spot, staring at me. ‘Take off your shoes’ I commanded. He remained where he was. I could see his mind whirring, not quite knowing what was happening. Heck I didn’t know what was happening, butsticking with my mantra of the last two weeks ‘give in to it’ I continued. ‘I said take off your fucking shoe.’
He took off his shoe.
I motioned for him to come over to me and grabbed the shoe from him when he did. ‘Now across my lap’ I directed. It must have been quite a site, a fully grown slightly over weight man in his early fifties bent across the lap of a slim thirty year old woman. Even ridiculous. But he did it and I landed the shoe with force I didn’t know I had right across his buttocks.
I blinked. Was this happening to me? I’m the Dominant not her. She was so obedient on the night she presented herself to the Finance Director, so sweet, so obliging.
Smack. Shit, that really hurt. What the fuck was going on. Smack smack smack. ‘answer my fucking question’ she shouted at me. What question? I hadn’t heard her ask me a question. Smack. Oh fuck, ow. ‘I asked you to tell me exactly what you had done to me since Monday evening’ she grew. Fuck, how did she know about Monday? Smack smack. Shit.
And then as she beat me I told her, everything. I told her how I had arrived at the house minutes before she had and had written a note for her in the Finance Director’s writing and left it with a dressing gown on his bed. I told her that I had watched her soak in the bath and had stood in the doorway with my cock out touching myself. I told her that I had watched her fall asleep and had opened her dressing gown and kissed her beautiful pink pussy as she slept. I told her that I had made the Finance Director agree to let me partake in the ritual. I told her that it was me who had inserted the speculum and had inhaled the scent of her invaded cunt. I told her that she had broken my heart when she told the Finance Director that his would be the last cock to enter her. I told her how I had tricked her in to allowing me to fuck her on the board room table.
And then I was crying. Fuck. But I was hard, so hard, I was turned on andshe felt it.
‘Pathetic’ she spat. ‘All you can think about is your pathetic cock’. She pushed me off her lap and I knelt on the floor infront of her. She spread her legs wide, my god she wasn’t wearing any panties, I could see deep into her wet cunt. It was wet, she was turned on too. ‘Drop your pants’ she demanded. ‘Thank you’ I stuttered as I obeyed her orders and crawled before her. ‘I didn’t say I would allow you to fuck me’, she snarled. ‘Wank’.
Oh shit, this was humiliating, but I was so turned on and I needed release. ‘Kneel in front of me and wank’ she shouted stretching her legs wider apart. I had to. I needed release. I knelt there and looked at her sitting back in my chair in my office with her legs so wide apart that I could see deep inside of her. ‘Oh shit shit shit!’
Cum spurt out of my throbbing cock and I was released, I was free …and I was weeping. Bawling like a baby. She softened and pulled the chair up close to me resting my head in her lap and stroking my hair tenderly.
‘You want her back don’t you?’ she asked softly.
‘Yes I do’ I answered.
‘Then we’ll get her back’ she said.
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