The Room

She anxious home, aware of the time, unsure of how the afternoon had slipped so quickly from her grasp. She had spent a wonderful afternoon having lunch with friends and then wandering in and out of shops looking at pretty things that she knows would please Him, the memory creates a smile which ghosts across her face chasing back and forth with the little frown of concentration she gets when she frets, she intensely dislikes not being home to greet Him from His day.

So she hurries home, knowing time is tight but stubbornly determined to be there as she is every day to take His coat and bag, to greet Him with her smiles and kisses knowing that such things chase away any stress He feels from work or traveling, such a small thing but the pleasure it brings her warms her heart and soul.

Breathlessly she unlocks the door and hurries through the door, dropping her belongings to the side, her eyes seeking any indication that He had made it home first, seeing His work bag she frows and calls out to Him.. “Master, i am home, sorry i am late i lost all track of time…” the silence that follows is confusing but then she spots something different, a note propped on the table in the hall, penned in His elegant script, it is simply addressed to “My angel”

Opening the note carefully, so as not to spoil it, she begins to read it….

*My angel

There are some things that I want for you to do for Me, knowing that you are always home for me I am aware exactly the time that you are receiving this set of instructions and so I will be home two hours from now.

In that time you have a number of things to do for Me. Firstly I know that you have been such a good girl, despite the fact that it has been killing you to know what I have done with the room I have been decorating I know that you have not peeked and as such have no real idea of ​​what has been happening, tonight you will finally be able to satisfy that curious nature of yours. There are, however things you must do first.

Upstairs on the bed is a box, its contents are a gift from Me. My desire is that you prepare yourself for Me. I wish for you to calm yourself with a cup of Earl Grey and then go and shower. I want you to be clean-shaven and I want you to take the time to ensure that both your hair and make-up are perfect for Me. I desire your hair to be soft around your face, your makeup to be vivid to set off those eyes I love so much and your lips to be red. You will wear that which I have set out and be here in the hall waiting for Me at exactly 7pm.

Until then My angel.


Going back over the contents of the note once more, she lets a squeal of excitement escape her lips, taking time only to flick the kettle on before she hurries upstairs to their room, bursting through the door her eyes bright with the thrill of following His instructions.

On the bed is a large white box, it is wrapped with a large red satin ribbon and a smaller box wrapped the same way rests on top of it, with a card attached for My angel smiling to herself she moves across and settles on her knees in front of the bed, setting the smaller box aside she runs her fingers over the red satin ribbon, a soft shiver of pleasure dances along her spine, her mind coming up with all kinds of plans for the ribbon. She then very carefully undoes it and folds it to keep for a later date. Lifting the lid off the box and taking out the white tissue paper her eyes quickly take in the contents of the box and a soft moan of decade pleasure escapes her lips.

On the top of the box is a stunning rich deep purple satin and black lace bra, there are matching French knickers and a deep suspender belt with 8 clips per side, finger caresing them she sets them out on the bed, along with these things are a pair of seamed black silk stockings which she handles with the utmost care so as not to snag them. She removes the next layer of tissue and the sound she uttersMakes her first moan appears to have been but a whisper in a storm, there is a new corset there. She notes that it is a satin underbust design and is in the same rich purple tones as the other underwear.

Her fingers brushing it she lifts it aside and taking the last item from the box she stands; lifting it out as she does. She is surprised but very pleased to see the PVC dress that she had been admiring for so long. It has a mandarin collar with little catches at the supposedr to fasten it, there are zips that can be moved into a number of different positions allowing one or both legs to be revealed, and further zips to allow Master to reach her breasts as He chooses. It is a truly decade dress, with a world of possibilities and catching sight of her reflection she can see the grin on her face and the imps that are dancing a storm in her eyes.

Setting it across the box she lifts the other smaller box, undoing the ribbon and casting aside the lid she finds a truly stunningpair of shoes nestled within. They are as she expected, a very high black patent leather, peep toe with a deep wedge, they are stunning. Setting them upright she steps back and looks over the gifts that He has bought her and with a smile crosses her lips; a sight escapes as once more she is reminded of how lucky she is to have Him.

With joy and a growing bubble exciting she hurries downstairs to make her tea, she knows now exactly why He ordered it, for she is so happy and nervous and with rapidly growing excitement, she is all but trembling and would likely cut herself as she prepares to shake. Taking the fragrant tea back upstairs she sets it on the dressing table and begins to lay out all the things that she will need.

She sets the brushes and eye shadows, linesrs and liquids all out ready and Numerous ideas of how to make herself up are already vying in her mind. Taking the time to enjoy her tea she begins her preparation by painting her nails, both toes and fingers in the same rich purple of her new underwear, taking a few moments she adds little black and silver designs to set them off perfectly; allowing them to dry she relaxes and finishes her tea with a soft smile and a shiver of pleasure.

She strips off the clothes she went shopping in and is, careful to tidy away her shoes and put her things in the wash basket; even in her haste she wants to be sure that everything is tidy for Master. She then pads into the bathroom, looking forward to her steaming shower, taking her time she carefully she bears herself and washes every inch of her flesh, exfoliating with her scrubs to ensure that her flesh is smooth and soft to His every touch; then washing her hair and adding the fragment conditioner He likes she steps from the shower feeling tingly from her administrations and looking decidedly pinker than normal.

Wrapping her hair up she grabs a fluffy towel and pats herself dry, taking time to massage her body cream in, such things always makeher smile when she thinks of how He loves to stroke and cares her with that soft little hum of pleasure, the sound that she doesn’t even think He realises He does, which makes it more precise to her.

Determined to not be too distracted she checks the clock content that she still has plenty of time she moves on to her next set of tasks, setting herself nakedly on the stool in front of her dressing table she begins to Carefully apply her makeup, taking her time she applies different shades of purples building it up into a deep dramatic look, adding sweeping black liquid liner and mascara she carefully examines the results in the mirror. Pleased by what she sees there, her blue eyes are very striking, just as Master wished and nodding to herself she packs away the things she has used. Taking her time she carefully dries and straightens her short hair so that it is soft and framing her face, pausing only to apply Master’s favourite perfume to her wrists, neck and between her breakfastts she regards her reflection, proud of the feminine content woman looking back at her.

With a huge grin she rises and moves to the bed, shivering softly knowing she can now begin to dress in all the delicious finery from her Master. Starting with her suspender belt she fastens it around her waist and then sits on the edge of the bed and with the upmost diligence she puts on her stockings, moaning in pleasure as she smoothes the silent material up her legs, standing to check her reflection she ensure the seams are straight she carefully clips the suspender belt to her stockings. She quickly adds the French knickers and bra and looks at her reflection, the deep colours look stunning against her pale flesh and the balconette bra creates a wonderful cleavage and shape to her breasts, she smiles as she contemplates just how much good taste her Master has.

Turning her back on the mirror Now until she is finished being ready she takes time to undo her corset in reading then with a little squeak she lifts her dress and undoing the zips all the way up both sides and the clasps she slips it over her head, being mindful of her hair and makeup, the decadence as the slippery PVC slips over her body makes her moan and understand so that she all but wriggles into the dress. Her eyes flash brightly each step closer she takes to being ready for Him, carefully she fastens the clasps and gasps and she fastens the zips and how enclosed she is becoming, taking a few test steps in the hobble dress she decides to leave one zip undone until she is fully ready. Lining up the stunning corset she fastens it up and then taking her time she laces it tight, cinching in her wait allowing it to accentuate her breasts and hips she ties it carefully and lets the laces hang, she rather likes the effect of having a little tail that will swish as she moves.

With a deep breath she turns to see her new look and gasps, she is looking at a sexy, sultry creativity with killer curves and adangerous gleam in her eyes, standing some struck for a moment she glances at the clock and eeeps as it only a few minutes to 7, she applies her red lipstick then grabbing her shoes she hurries down to the hall and slips them on, carefully and with an act rarely seen done by anyone but an acrobat she manages to do up the final zip, standing up she hears His key in the door and smiles as He steps through the door.

Standing, smiling but nervous fighting the urge to fidget as she awaits a response to how He feels and whether or not she is all that He hoped she would be, she obviously relaxes when she He hears His low whistle of appreciation and sees the predatory smile that graces His lips. His words that follow are a balm to her soul …. “oh My angel, look at you, wow ….My special one and Mine all Mine …. you are looking amazing but still not quite dressed just yet” ….

She cannot help but smile as He opens the drawer in the hall unit and withdraws her collar and cuffs, He must have stashed them there when He was home earlier as that is not normally where they are kept. Crouching down He adds her ankle cuffs, taking time to press kisses to and cares her PVC clad legs. Standing He looks in her eyes and smiles as she offers Him first one wrist and then the other to be cuffed, lifting her wrists to her face she inhales deeply the rich leather scent; eyes closed before moving her hands back down again.

He smiles watching her and her little rituals before He speaks … “Turn to the mirror My angel, this is My collar, this is your collar and where am I putting it ..” in a soft whisper she replies to His question “You are putting it around my neck Master, where it belongs, it is Yours, it is mine, i am Yours” .. she watches Him in the mirror as He places the shiny Steel collar around her neck, the soft click it makes as it closes sends a shudder of pleasure down her spine, she stands perfectly still as He locks the collar on, watching Him as He does and then meeting His eyes in the mirror she smiles. He runs His hands down her back, fingers dancing across the tight lacing of her corset and then running across her tightly covered ass and around her side as He moves in front of her so He can clip her lean in place.

“Now My angel there is one more thing I have for you before we go and see this new room of ours, close your eyes pretty one.”

She lets her eyes drift closed, hearing Him move across the hall and the zip of His bag, she hears then a soft ringing sound as He moves back close to her, the sound of bells in first one ear and then the other, she smiles. “Open your eyes, these are for you, they are your slave bells, My hope is that you will wear them with pride, that each time you move I will know where you are, they will herald your movements as you please Me and serve Me and they will remind you that everything you do, that I am close, that I care … now My angel will You wear them for Me”.. she reaches and takes the anklet from His fingers and exams it, it is exhaust, the silver bells are attached to a silver chain, caresing them with her fingers she swallows passed the lump in her throat, her emotions clear in her eyes she nods softly “i would be honoured Master to wear these for You”… Smiling He takes them from her fingers and knees down and places it around her ankle “Now precise one, let us go see our new room shall we … but i would like for you to get the full impact of it at once and so I will blindfold you but have no fear I will guide your steps” that said He places a soft leather blindfold over her eyes and buckles it behind her head.

He then takes her lean and her elbow and going very slowly to allow for her impaired movement He leads her down the hall to what has until now been a simple spare room that has gone mostly unused, each step causing a soft pleasure little tinkle.

She hears Him unlock the door, and she gasps softly, He answers her with a chuckle “you didn’t even know it was locked did you My angel, just goes to prove that you didn’t break the rule of not looking in while it was prepared, though I knew you wouldn’t defy me, despite being the most curious person I know, despite the fact that I know it has been killing you to look You didn’t and that makes Me proud” smiling she steps through the door and walks carefully to the middle of it at His urging. He bids her to be still as He goes and closes the door, with her eyes closed behind the blindfold her other senses are reaching out, she hears Him move back to stand before her …

“Now, before we take of the blindfold tell me what you can guess of this room? What do You hear, feel, smell, My angel?…”

Listens carefully, a pop causes her to turn her head “You have lit the fire, wow that fire has not been lit for a long time, and the sounds and the sounds and the cent i think You are burning logs, there is a huge rug on the floor, and not solely the wooden floor anymore, itis deep i can feel that even in my shoes …..”

She can hear the smile in His voice “Yes my angel, clever girl now what else, the smell is the clue, it is a smell you know well ….” inhaling deeply, ignoring the smell of the logs she gasps as she realises what else she can smell…. with a soft little sound of pure excitement she almost purrs the word “Booooks Master … its books i smell, is it not? It is, its books” she feels Him unbuckle the blindfold and she opens her eyes at His soft chuckle “yes angel bookooks!”

Looking around the room, turning this way and that her eyes taking in the shelves the walls, the soft lighting in the room, the huge and comfortable wing backed chair near but not too close the fire, there is a large pillow on the floor beside it, the rug is deep and in pastel hues with swirls and patterns, all these details flood her mind and she murmurs “Library …… You made our own library” grinning she turns to look at Him and then looking at where He points she notices an empty place on the wall near the door, there are no bookshelves there, instead there are bolts sunk into the wall and ceiling in different places and as the significance of these sink in, He murmurs to her “Yes and playroom too … what do you think?”

“Master …. i love it, i love it, it, it is utterly amazing, You are utterly amazing” she squeals and claps her hands in her pleasure and excitement, she can hear Him laugh at the almost childlike pleasure of her reaction and when she looks at Him she can see how pleased He is by everything. “Now My pet I have had a long day and I would like to relax for a time and perhaps read, the books are all in alphabetical order by author and then title, now I expect that they will ALWAYS be in this order and I will be cross if I find them muddled round the wrong way, do You understand?” she nods softly and murmurs “Yes Master”

Once He hears her affordable He takes the leash and places it in her teeth, instructing her to not drop it and give her the title of the book He seeks, before moving over to settle in the seat so He can watch her, He then tells her to go and fetch the book He desires…..

She nods to His instructions and once He is settled she turns and carefully, slowly make her way across the room, her steps out of necessity are tiny, she can hear the ringing of the bells and she knows that her tightly clad body is wriggling for His pleasure as she moves across the room, she works her way along the shelves until she finds the book He seeks and then placing it across her two upturned palms she turns and make her way back to Him, when she reaches Him she lowers her eyes and offers Him the book. He murmurs “Thank you My angel, now stand at peace i want to check something…”

He reaches down then and painstakingly slowly unzips first one side and then the other of her dress all the way to her waist, gently tapping the insides of her thighs so that she parts her legs for Him, thisnew position cause the dress to fall in between her legs and allow Him and unrestricted view of her stocking clad legs, leaning forward He can see that the seams are straight and with a smile He leans back once more. “Well done My angel, and I must say that You look exceptionally well dressed as you are, now, you will sit on that cushion at my feet and we can discuss our day’s and this book ….”

Carefully she settles then at His feet, folding her legs in under her, content and happy to be there, He removes the leash from her mouth and then she notices the clip at the side of the chair which He promptly attaches the leash too and with a smile He asks her…..

“So My angel, how was your day?………”


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