The Rollcage

Sandrine is collared and blindfolded, dressed in faded and slightly-ripped shorts and a tank top, as Jonathan leads her by the hand to the basement of the cabin. The cooling of the basement air is a stark contrast to when they were doing maintenance yardwork outside earlier. At last, the cool stone floor chills the soles of the submissive’s bare feet. She is about to finally learn what Jonathan has been doing in the early mornings for the past few days, and why the basement door had been padlocked so that she could not wander down here to snoop.

At last, they stop. Jonathan stands behind her, wraps his arms around her, and finally permits her to remove the blindfold.

The strange contraction looks somewhat like a dentist’s chair inside the safety cage of a racecar mounted on wheels. Jonathan introduces it as The Rollcage, with a black dentist-type chair (minus the armsrests) mounted onto a wheeled platform, and an intricate network of thick and struggle red metal piping surrounding the chair. While ropes, straps, chains, tethers, and other items could obviously be wrapped around the ‘rollcage’ portion at any point, there are also twenty eyesbolts welded at various points so that snaps and hooks can also be used, or so ropes and similar items can be threaded through them to ensure minimum movement. Two padded braces can be flipped up and locked into place to spread and support a submissive’s legs just below the knees, with straws available to ensure the legs cannot escape. On either side, fold-out steps can be locked into place to help a submissive mount or dismount. The entire contraction is mounted on wheels, making it moderately portable; its maneuverability handle can be unfolded and locked into position, but is currently collapsed into its storage position underneath the platform.

Jonathan releases Sandrine, take the blindfold, and leans against a wall, watching as she inspects The Rollcage. After she has had a few minutes to acquaint herself wit this new piece of equipment, Jonathan has her sit in its chair as he moves toward the dresser in the corner, returning with thick leather cuffs for her wrist and ankles.

Once the cuffs are applied, Jonathan ruffles the submissive’s hair briefly and kisses her forehead, then moves to the rear of The Rollcage. A few seconds later, the back of the chair lowers to bring her to almost a horizontal position, then the entire chair slowly lifts and brings her closer to the level of the top bars of the rollcage itself.

Producing short chains with snaps on each end, Jonathan connects Sandrine’s wrist cuffs to eyesbolts placed behind her head. Moving towards her legs, he flips up the padded braces and locks them into place before helping Sandrine place her legs in them to be strapped in. Moments later, other short chains connect the ankle cuffs to neary eyesobolts. Stepping back to survey the scene, Jonathan comments wryly about how vulnerable Sandrine looks, causing her to blush.

Sandrine tests her bonds, and finds that there is a very little side-to-side movement of the rollcage itself, but she is definitely not going to be going anywhere anytime soon. In the meantime, Jonathan moves around the basement, turning off the main lights and lighting the various candles. He also adds some oil to a diffuser and lights its candle as the willing captive continues to test her various bonds. After Jonathan adds some soft solo flute music from the stereo, he returns, reaching through the metal to care the submissive.

Standing, Jonathan moves around to Sandrine’s feet at the “open” end of The Rollcage. He carefully crawls between Sandrine’s spread legs, then produces a small pair of scissors from his back pocket. She blushes a little as her tank top is slowly cut – a snip here, a snip there – in seemingly-random fashion.

At last, a zig-zag line up the front of the tank top roughly bisects the garment, and Jonathan parts the material; two more snips at theShoulder strraps truly expose the submissive’s torso. Pocketing the scissors, Jonathan begins at her waist, just above the shorts, and slowly licks and kisses his way up her body to help her to relax. However, with Jonathan bent over her, Sandrine can see a cat o’ nine tails sticking out his back pocket, and knows that this gentle treatment will not last too long.

Sandrine gasps with surprise and pulls involuntarily at her bonds as Jonathan bites and tugs at a nipple. Releasing the sensitive nub, Jonathan looks up at her with an evil grin, then quickly descends upon her lips for a quick kiss before moving back to knee between her legs, taking the whip from his back pocket and teasing her bare legs with its handle.

One swift motion brings the whip from teasing Sandrine’s left thigh to swatting her lower ribs. After a few seconds of allowing the taste of the whip to truly sink in, Jonathan begins a series of attacks, slowly decreasing the time between bites of the whip untilit is a string of unending strikes which has the willing captive struggle and softly crying out between heavy breaths. When the assault ends, the nine tails are slowly dragged across her sweat-covered skin, while Jonathan’s free hand cares her to help calm her.

The mint scent from the oil diffuser is now truly noticeable in the basement, subtly making the submissive’s mind more alert and attention. This Makes Jonathan’s pinches and renewed bites seem even harsher as he attacks her relentlessly for several minutes before he simply cares her once more.

At last, Jonathan extricates himself from The Rollcage, and goes to put away the scissors and whip. This gives the submissive a few moments to collect her thoughts, and to try to image what she must look like in this strange contraction. As the cool basement air cools the sweat upon her skin, she feels slightly chilled, providing a nice counterpoint to the activities she has just endured.

The counterpoint, howeverr, is apparently about to have its own counterpoint, as Jonathan approaches with a red pillar candle. She is not at all surprised when he begins to let the melting wax drip down upon her, but the intense heat of the red liquid still surprises her after the short period of coolness.

The cent of mint is extremely powerful now, with a subtle undertone of strawberries from the candle Jonathan moves slowly over her body. Her breath catches with each drop of the hot wax, her body instinctively twisting in The Rollcage in an attempt to flee. She appreciates Jonathan’s gesture of occasionally swiping the sweat away from her eyes with his free hand, but her world is largely composed now of near-burning disappoint from her stomach to her armits.

Finally, the waxing ends, and Jonathan leaves the gasping submissive to put the candle back upon its holder. Sandrine closes her eyes, trying to calm herself yet relishing the feel of the wax cooling upon her skin.

When she realizesthat it has been a long time since Jonathan left her, she opens her eyes to see him standing beside The Rollcage, holding a small cordless hand vacuum. The willing captive does not really understand why he would be holding a hand vacuum, until he turns it on and uses it to clean her of the melted wax – admittedly a “cleaner” method than peeling it off or whipping it from her skin and then having hundreds of small flecks of melted wax covering the floor or The Rollcage. On occasion, instead of holding the nozzle of the hand vacuum at an angle, Jonathan places it flush against her skin, creating a strange sensing as it tries to suck her skin inside.

At last, the melted wax is gone, so Jonathan shuts off the hand vacuum and leaves momentarily to place it on a table. Returning, he begins to release the submissive, caressing her as he works. Even after she has been freed and the padded braces locked back into their “storage” positions, she remains in the chair for a moment as if processing the events which have just taken place, her body slowly maneuvered back towards a sitting position as Jonathan readjusts the chair’s hydraulics back to the original position.

Finally, Sandrine steps away from The Rollcage, leaving her decimated tank top in the chair and moving into Jonathan’s arms for a long hug. When he asks for her opinion of the odd addition to their bondage supplies, she simply smiles.


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