The Ritual

It was my initiative night, at last I could be accepted. I was nervous, but I was ready. I had come as instructed: clothed in a the long black robe they provided, only panties underneath. It was a chilly evening and I walked quickly.

I couldn’t be sure of exactly what to expect; they are a secret group and until I was initiated I was still an outsider. But they had gained my trust and were clearly eager to include me; Dana said she knew I would love it. Excitement mounted as I neared the hall, and I swallowed as my trembling hand opened the door.

The greeting was warm but rushed; friendly congratulations could wait until this was over with. I was glad to see several faces I knew among the crowd, before it was time and they were covered in identical masks. And suddenly I was alone, the sole exposed face in the hall, rows of indistinguishable figures staring expectedly. It had begun.

I knew the hands that grabbed me to march me up the aisle belonged to Dana and John, which made me feel safe even as they moved me a little more roughly than I expected up to the front of the hall. They presented me to the small group of senior members standing there, and stood back to observe as I was handed over. It was really happening. My heart pounded in my chest and I saw no comfort in the unmoving gaze of the masked face before me. His voice boomed in the hall, I didn’t recognize it.

“You have been presented before us tonight to make your commitment to this group and be initiated. It will not be easy for you, but we know that each stage of the ceremony will bring its own fulfillment to your soul, and you will come to see the purpose of our ways. You are free to leave at any time and your initiative will be terminated. But if you wish to see it through tonight, you must obey all Instructions, exactly and immediately.

“The first stage of the ritual tonight is the Oath. First you must be introduced to our members congregated here tonight. Turn aroundd and face the audience.”

I obeyed.

“Speak your name.”

I obeyed.

“Now we must be convinced of your true nature. Remove your robe.”

It fell to the ground and I stood in only my pants before the masked crowd, feeling their eye on my bare skin even though I could not see them. Why was I doing this? I asked myself yet again, and yet again Knowing the answer. They were right about me, they knew this was what I needed. Even as I trembled and felt ashamed, this felt so very right…

“Listen carefully, new one,” said the voice behind me. “Each of the Seven must be shown that you truly want to join us, and each will have a test to give you the opportunity to prove yourself. I am Number One, and as is tradition, I am satisfied with simply the recitation of the Oath. Begin when you are ready.”

I had, of course, familiarised myself with the Oath, but was grateful that the words were placed into my hand by Dana, who then stepped back to her place at the side and watched as I stuttered out the lines to the congregation.

“I… present myself before you to demonstrate my need for your acceptance, training and discipline. I solemnly swear to obey unquestioningly, to endure in stillness, to rid myself of notions of pride and dignity, and to serve the needs of my masters. I will find fulfillment in being used for your pleasure and amusement, and I accept my position as the lowest among you.”

I would be the newest and therefore the lowest ranking in the group, until another member joins. Then I would take part in their training, just as I will be trained by the members above me.

I knew what I had to do next. I turned back to face Number One and knelt before him, lowering my gaze as I could not bear to face the mask.

“Master, please may I be accepted?” was the simple question I was to ask of each of the Seven. He spoke so all the hall could hear: “I welcome you, child.”

He stepped back and Number Two took his place, towering above my trembling form. Her voice was loud and had none of the gentle sympathy of One’s; I was suddenly gripped with fear of her and what she might do.

“Do you truly wish to join us?”

“Yes, Master.”

“To earn my approval you must endure a beat. Do you want me to beat you?”


“Say it. Ask me. Clearly so that everyone can hear you.”

“Please beat me, Master!” The words fell out out of my mouth in a panic.

“Pull down your panties and present your ass to me.”

I put my hands on the floor and turned around as quickly as I could, only catching the slightest glimpse of the implementation in her hand before lowering my reddening face to the ground and raising up my ass for her to beat. I reached back and tugged down my underwear, and they fell down to my knees. What a sight I must be, but if the masked congregation were condemning me or laughing at me it was impossible for me to tell. I could only flick my gaze towards them for a second; the humiliation of my nakedness and lewd position, physically begging to be punished, took over and the ground was the only place I could bear to look.

The first impact of the riding crop hurt more than I was expecting, and I cried out. It echoed, and I swear there was a slight gasp from the crowd.

“Silence! Little whores have to learn to end their punishments without protest. If I hear a sound from you again I will have to shut you up.”

Her harsh words stung as much the crop. I fearfully nodded, still facing the ground.

“Raise that ass nice and high again, I’ve only just started.”

The blows that followed came in quick succession, and I bit my lip to stay quiet. I shut my eyes tight. It hurt, it hurt so much. I wanted to beg, please I’ll do anything, I’ll do anything, but I knew it would only lead to more pain. My fingers curled up and clinched and I gasped and wriggled and my ass felt so hot, so red.

A soft sob escaped my mouth and it had no sooner done so than her hand swooped down and caught me by the neck. “I told you to be quiet,” she whispered. “Hand me your panties.”

Shaking, I took my panties from around my legs and gave them to her obediently. “Open your mouth.” She forced my head to make me look at her and my mouth opened almost automatically for her to stuff my underwear in, and I only feel Gratitude. I knew that I needed to be gagged to save me from embarrassing myself further with obscene sounds.

My head was pushed down to the ground and I tensed, waiting for the next onslaught. Instead, I felt her hand on my inner tigh, and she ordered me to spread my knees further apart. I heard a soft, mocking laugh and to my horror I realized the source of her amusement. Even through all this ago, my pussy was soaking wet, of course it was, I couldn’t help myself. And she had a perfect view. I was powerful to hide my shameful reaction to being beating; I continued to expose myselfand patiently await the next strike.

She hit me one more, but right between my legs, strick my pussy! I wasn’t expecting that and my pants muffled my moan of pain. Again and again, she struck my cunt and ass and legs and back, my whole self lit up in ecstatic age and I wholly forget about the ritual and the hall and the crowd watching my suffering. There was only me and her and her beautiful attack, it was all I wanted and I was so thankful.

The blows suddenly ceased and I remembered where I was, and opened my eyes. The concept of shade crept back into my mind and I felt so small and lost, what do I do now? Number Two cut my thoughts short, “Turn back to me. Show the congregation your ass. Let them see how red it is, and how much you liked it. That’s right, ass in the air, spread legs. Good girl. Now ask me.”

She took my panties from my mouth and dropped them on the floor, and I tried not to sound like I was tearful and begging. “Please, M-master, pleasemay I be accepted?”

She granted me her approval and I was given no time to calm down before she was replaced by not just one robed figure, but three. Numbers Three, Four and Five had a joint test for me, and I needed to please all of them. My first test was a simple oath of commitment, my second was in enduring pain, now I was to be tested in service. Number Three explained my task:

“The three of us will test you together, as Service is such an important part of your membership. You can be called on to be used by any one of us, however we wish. Being the perfect pleasure slave is your highest priority, it is what you are for. We are going to use you now, slave. Do not resist. Your body is not your own anymore.”

I could only stare as Three took His position in front of me, Four went behind and Five simply pleasured himself at the sight. Three roughly shoved my cock in my mouth first, then Four grabbed my hips and penetrated me from behind and filled my pussy. My mouthand pussy were used to pleasure my Masters, I was never as whole as when I was fucked, my only need was cock. I alternate between the total gratitude of being filled with cock and the overwhelming need to be filled once more. Please, thank you, please, thank you. Please never stop…

My back felt warm as I realized Five was covering me in his cum, marking me as a slut. Even in all the euphoria I felt, I Suddenly remembered Dana and John and the others I had got to know well recently, drinking together and chatting. They knew what I was like but they’d never seen me like this; how could I ever face them again? They were right here, watching as I was fucked and coated in cum. And my ass hurt so much, I wanted to reach back and rub it but just as I had this thought, Number Four pulled from my cunt and my ass was covered in his cum too, and it slowly dripped down my body.

I kept sucking Three’s cock, I wanted to please him, I wanted to serve him, I wanted him inside me. He gripped my hair and sped up his thrusting as he came closer to climax, I placed my hands on his legs as he started to cum, down my throat, thank you, please let me swallow your cum, it is what I am for…

I was only allowed a little cum in my mouth before he pulled out and the rest went all over my face, down my neck and chest. He stood back and I fell forward onto my hands, and simply trembled and felt the shadow anew of all those invisible eyes, seeing me wearing only cum. I reached back to rub my aching ass and covered my hands in cum and felt even more humiliated. The three figures just watched me and waited for my question.

“T-thank you Masters, thank you for the cum.” I looked at each of them, I was so grateful, I love to be covered in cum, I thanked each one individually. They were silent, still waiting. “Masters, please may I be accepted?”

The only response was a slow nod in unison, and the three stepped back. Number Six came forward. What was I to be subjectedto next, what more could they want from me? Six’s mask stared back at me, giving no clues about their intentions.

This voice was female, not as terrifying as Number Two’s but with an edge of amusement. “On your feet, little slave. Let’s have a good look at the state of you. Put your hands above your head, nice and high, and do a little twirl so everyone can see. Covered in cum, covered in red marks. You will have to get used to being like this, slave.”

Could I ever lose so much of my pride that I would accept being this obscene spectacle without burning with shame? She produced a bowl of water and brought my hands down, and washed them for me, gently cleaning the cum off them. Her kindness feel so wonderful and I began to relax again. Seeing this, she then throw the rest of the water on my naked body and made me squeal. She laughed, and continued.

“You’ve been through a lot tonight, but Six and Seven are the most severe trials, and if you fail you will have to go through the whole thing again another night. You are free to try again, you see, but second tries are always harder. You don’t want that, do you?”

I shook my head. I must pass, I must earn their approval. I belong here, I know it, I must do anything they ask.

“Good girl. Now, face the audience. Spread your legs, let everyone see your pussy, so excited. Now touch yourself.”

I obeyed each command immediately, until the last one. I hesitated, looking out at the sea of ​​masked figures. My cunt long to be touched; I could feel my inhibitions melting away, the heat of desire taking over. Obey her.

I placed my fingers in between my legs and began to play. So good, so good, just as it is while I am alone. I love to touch myself and it was no less pleasant in front of everyone. In fact, putting on this lustful show only made me wetter and I moaned involuntarily. A sudden strike from the riding crop made me jump and stop, just as I was losing myself.

“You like that, don’t you, slave? You want to make yourself cum, in front of everyone?”

I nodded quickly, eyes downcast. “Please!”

“You’re going to need someone’s permission I’m afraid. And as I’m quite happy to watch you squirm, I’m not going to give it to you. You’re free to ask around though, maybe someone else will take goal on you and your soaking cunt. Go on, ask. Keep fucking yourself and disgracing yourself in front of us all, don’t you dare stop. But you can’t cum until someone gives you permission.”

My eyes widened in shock, and I needed another quick strike to remind me to continue my filter play. I turned first to the rest of the Seven, and asked each one in turn, all the while touching myself and holding back, I must not orgasm, I must not…

“Please, Master, please may I cum?”

Six more refusals, I couldn’t ask Dana and John, I just couldn’t. I wanted to cum, I needed to, please, someone let me, I’ll behave, I’ll be so good… I was walking down tothe first row of faceless figures, unsure who knew me and who didn’t, and full of shame I begged one of the crowd to permit me to cum. The nearest figure to me, perhaps they will be merciful…

“Please, please, Master, m-may I c-…”

It was too late, the orgasm sang through my body and took over and I moaned a loud and unmistakeable moan; my disobedience was impossible to hide. The silence Afterwards was crushing. What have I done?

Number Six Shook her head as I looked over in shame. I returned to the front of the room, almost in tears. “I’m sorry Master. I disobeyed. I came without permission.”

“You did. It was disgraceful,” she replied, clearly enjoying the situation immensely. “You’ll have to try harder next time. It will hurt more second time around. And you didn’t even get to Number Seven’s trial yet! Get on your pants and robes and leave. You will be summoned for your second chance.”


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