My sweet girl

Hello I am Honey I had always had a fairly casual attitude about sex and the human body,when I was growing up my parents never taught me to be particularly uptight about my body, yet, we didn’t go around exposing ourselves either. As a result, I grew up with what I feel is a fairly healthy attitude towards my body and sexuality. I enjoy the feeling when I wear nothing under my sleeping shorts or pajamas, feeling my cock as it hangs loosely and swings about as I walk. I also enjoy the sight of a woman that isn’t wearing a bra beneath her clothes, to see her nipples as they become hard, rubbing against the fabric of her top or dress, watching the swing of her breasts as she walks. To me there is nothing more sensitive and erotic than to see a woman in such a state, not actually flaunting her body, but ensuring that you are aware of her sexuality.For several years, my wife and I had been fairly lax in the way we dress around the house, rarely wearing underwearand usually loose clothing, which has made it so that it has never been difficult to know when the other was aroused as it was quite apparent. I often saw my wife walk through the room with a light, silk top with no bra, noticing that her nipples were hard and distended as they rubbed against the smooth fabric. When I would approach her it would invariably lead to the bedroom where all of our clothes would soon be laying in a pile on the floor as we drove one another to the oblivion of orgasm. At times, she too would notice my cock as it swung beneath my shorts and press her body up against mine as her hand snaked inside the leg of my shorts, searching for something that would satisfy her craving. We were constantly aware of the desire that we shared for each other.

Once our daughter, Tracy, was born, however, clothing at home became more of an issue. There was no more sitting around in my underwear or running around half naked. We tried to teach our daughter the samevalues ​​that I had been teaching concerning her body, though not quite as loose an interpretation as my parents had when I was young. She was taught that her body was beautiful, and never to be ashamed of it, and yet, at the same time it was personal and not to be put on display for just anyone. Looking back, now that she has reached her early teenage years, I think we took the best approach. However, there are times that I wish that attitude could be tempered a bit. I’m not implying that I have had a desire to see my daughter without her clothes on, because, though she is certainly a very attractive young lady, she is still my daughter and I could never look at her or think about her in a way that was any less than, shall we say, fatherly. To me she was, and always would be, my little girl and nothing more. Nevertheless, the need for all of us to make certain that we are covered before we move around the house has gotten a bit tiredome. It’s not that I’m trying to push the envelope sexually, because based on what I just said about my daughter, it’s not about sex. I’m simply finding the desire to walk to the bathroom in my underwear again without fear that my daughter would see me in my boxers. Or not worry that the distinct outline of my cock is visible in my shorts while lounging in the living room watching television.The question then became, what do I do about this dilemma? How do I change the underlying beliefs that we all shared concerning our bodies and our dress without making it seems as though I was persuing it for sexual reasons. I considered discussing it with my wife, but that might give her the impression that I had a desire to see our daughter in her underwear, which, as I said, is not the case. I can only imagine the problems that this would bring to our relationship and to our family if she thought that was the truth. Another option would be to slowly begin changing my own behavior, suddenly forgetting to do some of the things that I had always

Done before like putting my pants on before going to the kitchen in the middle of the night. Or if I’m sitting at the computer and she walks in, then I would simply go about my business and not concern myself that the outline of my cock is clearly visible through my shorts. Ultimately, I went with the second option. If she doesn’t want to see it she will either not look or she will say something to me and ask me to put more clothes on. My personal belief was that she would notice the change, yet make no attempt to change my behavior short of the occasional joke about my forgetting to dress. Perhaps this would open the door to a more relaxed and casual dress code around the house. Once I made this decision, I began wearing only a pair of short sleeping shorts around the house without any underwear. While they were long enough that my cock didn’t hang out of them while walking, it was, however, very close. They were much more comfortable, as I enjoyed the feel of the soft, silk like material rubbing against my cock as I walked or even sat down. It was as though my shorts alone were caresing my manhood, urging it to arousal. Shorts and a t-shirt became my normal attire. Now I would just wait to see what kind of reaction I got from either my wife or daughter if or when they even noticed the change. For the first couple of weeks, not a single comment was made about my change in attitude. I think this may partially have been because it wasn’t really a dramatic change in dress, but a more subtle one. It wasn’t like I was doing jumping jacks, allowing my cock to bounce up and down in front of everyone. And when I sat watching television or at the computer, I usually sat in such a way that even if I had slipped out of my shorts, anyone that walked in would most likely not notice.One evening, my daughter walked into the room to see what I was doing on the computer. At first I noticed her glance down at me, then her gaze moved lower towards my cock. I sat there as though nothing were different continuing to do what I had been doing. She moved over by me to see the computer and then she went back toward the door. As I glanced down at my crotch to see exactly what she had seen, I noticed that from her vantage point she had an excellent view of my cock as it’s head peeked out of my shorts.

It had never been my intention to expose myself to my teenage daughter in this manner but she had now seen my most private place and there was nothing that I could do now to change that. Nor was I about to draw attention to myself by suddenly tucking it back inside my shorts so I continued to watch the monitor as we talked, noticing every once in awhile out of the corner of my eye that she kept glancing down at my crotch When I wasn’t looking. I had suspected that she would have said something about me needing to put more clothes on but perhaps she was embarrassed, or she might just have enjoyed what she was seeing. Either way, Pandora’s box had been opened.After that night, I noticed that she spent more and more time in my room while I worked on the computer. And she always seemed to stand by the door while she talked to me which was unusual for her. Normally, she pulled up a chair, so I know that she not only had seen my cock, but was enjoying the view as well. I did nothing to encourage her to reciprocate, as my intent wasn’t to try and see her body exposed, but to be more relaxed and not uptight about our bodies. This was my daughter, after all, and I wasn’t trying to get her to look at my cock for sexual reasons, it was simply a means to an end. Though unplanned, now that my daughter had seen my cock poking out of my shorts, I thought that it was time I began working on my wife. A few nights later, while she was sitting at her computer, I walked up to check on her and took her hand and slipped it up the leg of myshorts. It was obvious that I didn’t have on any underwear.

My, aren’t you the frisky one tonight? And no underwear either, I see. So what brought this on, you’ve always worn underwear? At least since Tracy was born,” she asked. “The years are passing and I’m opting for comfort,” I said as I laughed.”You ought to try the same thing, I’m sure it gets tiresome wearing this thing around all day long. Give your tits a rest, Take that thing off,” I told her as I tugged at her bra strap. I began massaging her neck and shoulders. She has always been a sucker for a good neck rub. Some of our best lovemaking had begun with just that, my rubbing her neck and back until she was totally relaxed and then moving to the next step in the bedroom. “Mmmm…that feels so good. Ok, you talked me into it, I’m taking this thing off,” she finally said as she leaned forward to take her bra off. My plan was working to a tee. I helped her raise her shirt until I could reach the bra snaps on her back and helped her out with it then pulled her top back down after she had removed it. She settled back down and I continued my neck rub. I never minded doing that for her because I also knew that she had her ways of rewarding me in the bedroom for things that were done outside it’s walls. I was no dummy. The next night I noticed as I walked into the kitchen where she was preparing dinner that she must have enjoyed the feeling of her new found freedom as she again wasn’t wearing a bra. I stood at the door and we talked while she cooked, all the while keeping my eyes on her jiggling bosom. She was not a large breasted woman, but she certainly had a very nice pair of tits. I guess I was not breastfed when I was a child because I have always had a thing for a woman’s breasts. I could also tell that she was enjoying the feeling because her nipples were sticking straight out like pencilerasers as they rubbed against the thin fabric of her top. I went to the bedroom and changed clothes from work back into my t-shirt and shorts and returned to the living room to watch a little television before dinner. I sat reading the newspaper when my daughter came into the room and sat at the other end of the sofa. We talked for a bit, but I continued to read my paper, not paying much attention. When she got up to go help her mother, I looked down below my newspaper and noticed that I had again been giving my young daughter quite a show. I had been sitting with one leg on the floor and one leg underneath me, and I saw that not just the head, but my entire penis and part of my balls were sitting outside my shorts, on full display. I wasn’t sure if she was coming back in the room or not, but if I pulled my shorts back down, it would be a direct signal to her that it was inappropriate to not be totally covered, so I continued reading my paper and acted normally.

She returned a few minutes later and sat back down where she had been sitting opposite me on the sofa. She was preparing to watch television, but as I peeked over the top of my paper every few moments, I saw that she was distracted by my exposed cock. I noticed that she was fidgeting as she sat there, surely she wasn’t getting turned on by my exposure. I was her dad, an old guy at that. Young girls like Tracy didn’t get turned on by old men, did they? As I sat there thinking about the possibility of her being turned on after seeing my cock, I suddenly felt it surge and pulse slightly. I wasn’t getting hard, but if I didn’t move or think about something else soon, then I would have a problem. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I had no intention of exposing myself to my daughter but here I was, sitting close to her on the sofa with my whole package practically, hanging out of my shorts. I was afraid that I would traumatize the poor child if shehad seen all that I thought she had. I looked over my paper again to see if she had noticed me starting to get hard and I saw that she had, because her eyes were wide open as she looked down at me and if I

Wasn’t mistaken, there was a slight smile on her face as she did. I didn’t let on that I had noticed her looking. Fortunately, I was saved by my wife calling us to dinner .After dinner Tracy went back to her room to listen to music and, most likely, to call one of her friends on the phone. It seemed like these days she spent all of her time at home talking to friends. If she wasn’t on the phone then she was on the computer talking to them. At least she had a healthy social life with plenty of friends. My wife and I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then settled in the living room to watch a little television before going to bed. I noticed a few times that our daughter had walked by on her way to the kitchen to get something to drink. I couldtell because of the tell tale hiss of the two liter bottle being opened.I hadn’t noticed until the second or third time that she walked by that she had changed her top. She didn’t have a loose fitting sweatshirt or t-shirt like she normal wore around the house but she had changed into a very tight fitting one that pulled rather tightly across her nipples. Yes, I could clearly see her little mounds pushing against the top as her nipples poke the fabric out even further. She was completely covered, and yet it revealed the curves of her budding breasts quite clearly. I tried not to stare but she was looking really sexy in that top, revealing herself the way she was.

“All right now, get a hold of yourself. This is your daughter you’re looking at, not some stranger,” I thought to myself. I returned my attention back to the television and my lovely wife sitting beside me. Later, Tracy came in with her terry clothes robe on that barely covered her bottom. She had just come from the shower and her hair was still wet. She sat down on the floor in front of the sofa to watch television with us. After a bit, she laid down on the floor, propping her chin on her hands. I glanced down and noticed that her legs had spread slightly and to my great surprise I saw that not only could I see all the way up to her crotch, but also the fact that she wasn’t wearing any panties either. It seemed that she was taking this game of ours a bit further. I tried to continue to watch the program but my eyes were constantly drawy to this lovely sight. Was she returning the favor after seeing my cock? She had never dressed so casually like that in her entire life, and yet here she was, moments after seeing my cock, laying down with her legs spread showing us her young pussy as well. Was this her way of telling me that she enjoyed what she had seen? As much as I hated to admit it, I was certainly enjoying what I was seeing right then. I wasn’t certain, but it didn’t look as though she had a single hair covering her little pussy. Whether that was due to not having reached that stage in publicty yet or that perhaps she had shacked it off, I wasn’t sure, but either way I knew that it looked so very lickable. I seeing images of her rolling over as I knelt down between her legs and began licking her sweet little pussy. Suddenly, I was drawn back to reality.

Looks like someone forget to get dressed all the way,” my wife said as she leaned over and whispered in my ear, pointing down at our daughters outstretched legs. I jumped as she said that, so drawn into my little fantasy, then glanced down with her and smiled, as though I hadn’t noticed it before. “Tracy, Hon, you might want to either put your panties on or sit up. You’re giving us quite a view back here,” she told her while giggling. I was surprised that my wife was taking this bold step that our daughter had made so lightly. I had expected her to demand that she go to her room and not return until she was dressed more appropriately but she seemed had no intentions of doing so. She appeared to find it humorous which I couldn’t understand. She had always had a healthy attitude and regard towards sex, but this was just a bit far even for her. Tracy turned around and sat up. “Oh, Mom! C’mon, it’s no big deal.

Besides, Daddy’s seen it all before. I mean, he used to change my diaper,” she told her mother.Her mother turned to me and shook her head. “Is she bothering you?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders,not really wanting to give her an answer. At least not the answer that I was really thinking. Or feeling. I surprised myself when I began to realize that I was enjoying this game, enjoying what I was seeing as I looked down at my daughter’s outstretched legs and gazed at her virgin sex. Sadly, I was finding myselfquite aroused at the sight. At first I had felt guilty about this, that my feeling physically aroused like this was so inherently wrong, and yet as the events continued to unfold, I had allowed my old, society installed values ​​falling by the wayside.We all went back to what we were doing, and Tracy laid back down on the floor with her legs slightly open still, once more giving us a view of her newly revealed charms. My arousal was beginning to show, and it didn’t help that my wife had allowed our daughter to go right ahead and lay on the floor showing us her little hairless pussy. My wife leaned over and snuggled next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes I felt her hand creep over until it lay on my lap and slowly began squeezing my cock. I looked over at her and then down at Our daughter who was still engrossed in the television program.

I leaned over and kissed my wife, who continued to manipulate my hard cock with her very talented fingers. I softly groaned as she stroked my cock up and down slowly through my shorts, taking time to give the head a little squeeze now and then before she began stroking it again. It was quite exciting, committing such an act with our daughter laying right there on the floor, knowing that our daughter would catch us if she simply turned around. It seemed to make it so much more erotic, the feel of her hand working my manhood like she was as I looked to the floor in front of us at Tracy’s pussy.We kissed passwordately, her mouth opening to accept the gift of my tongue, as it explored hers, feeling the softness of her lips and tongue, the warmness and wetness of her mouth. As my tongue entered her mouth I could feel her softly suck it into hers, pulling me inside of her mouth like a warm cocoon, making me wish it were my cock she was entertaining with Her mouth rather than my tongue. About that time Tracy finally turned around and saw what we were doing.”All right, you two.Get a room!” was all she said as she giggled at us and returned to the television. “Now that sounds like a great idea, thanks for the suggestion,” my wife answered as she stood and grabbed my hand pulling me up behind her as we headed for our bedroom.Normally, my wife and I would have taken time with a bit of foreplay while undressing one another, but this time, we were so hot and horny that she didn’t even both closing the door to our bedroom. I didn’t expect our daughter would come to our room so I didn’t worry much about it. Especially since my wife had pushed me down on the bed on my back and climbed on top of me with her hot pussy right in my face. Like a good husband, I grabbed her ass and pulled her onto my face as I began to lick her clip for all that I was worth.I felt her tits as they pressed into my stomach, her nipples hard, as she gripped my cock and slid her mouth down over it, licking and slurping it as though it were a lollipop.She sucked on it like an expert as she ran her tongue in and around my piss hole with always drive me wild. She hesitated for a moment as I drive my tongue deep inside of her, trying to coax out al of her sweet juices. I must have hit the right spot because she started back on my cock with a vengeance. She was pulling out all the stops this time to pleasure me and soon I was shooting my hot cum down her throat as she swallowed Every drop. She always claimed she loved the taste of my cum, and I believed her.

I looked up as my wife removed her mouth from my cock and moved up to lay beside me as she gently kissed my neck. As I did, I noticed a shadow in the hallway coming from the living room and became suddenly aware that our daughter had been watching us as my wife and I had enjoyed gratifying each other with our mouths. As I looked, could see her shadowed form as she peered through the crack in the doorway, one hand touching her breast as her other hand slowly rubbed her pussy. It didn’t seem as though she was trying to achieve an orgasm, yet she was obviously stimulated and attempted to heighten this arousal that she had experienced from watching her parents. I whispered to my wife that we had a visitor, that our daughter had been watching her as she made oral love to my cock. I had expected this revelation to have a rather mood changing affect on her, yet it was quite the opposite. She wrapped her leg around mine, pressing her wet pussy against it. I could feel the heat from her sex and the motivation of her pussy as she began to rub against me as she leaned down to kiss my nipples. Her hand grasped my near hard cock and began to stroke it softly. She looked up at my and as our eyes met she whispered softly, “Let’s give her a real show then.” With that she once again straddled my body, her back facing me and grasped my cock, placing it at the entrance to her pussy and pressed down on me. I feel myself enter her, aFeeling that I had felt many, many times before, and yet this time it was more exciting than it had ever been in all the years that we had been married for this time our teenage daughter was watching us. This time, our daughter was masturbating while she watched us. This time, it was different.

My wife began to grind her body on my cock, firmly planted inside of her, her movements causing her breasts to bounce as her actions became more intense. While normally not vocal during our lovemaking, this time was different as she began to seemingly narrow what was happening between us. “Oh Baby, you’re cock is so hard, driving inside of my hot pussy. I can feel it pulsing inside of me. Cum in me, Baby. Let me Feel you shoot that hot cum in me.” She reached between her legs and spread her pussy lips wide, giving her daughter a complete and unhindered view of my cock as she rode it up and down. My daughter must have been able to clearly able to see as my wifeRaised up, almost off of my cock and then plunging back down, burying me inside of her until there was no more left to give her. “Fuck me, Tom. Drive that sweet tasting cock of yours in me. Make me cum, oh, please make me cum,” she cried. I looked over toward the door and saw that our daughter had moved a little further into the light, revealing her young form as she held her robe open just enough, revealing her hand as it began to rub furiously against her clip. It was apparent now that she desperately sought release as she watched my wife fuck me. Her eyes now glazed as she watched her parents, leaning her head back against the door jam with her mouth open slightly, breathing heavily. As I watched her, I couldn’t help but notice what a beautiful and sexy young woman that she had become, reeking of sensitivity and sex as her fingers worked between her legs. It was an unbelievable sight, one that I had never anticipated seeing in my life. As her breaths became shorter as her orgasm approached, I felt my stomach began to knot, as my cock swelled to release it’s load, my wife feeling the same in her body as well as her pussy spasmed as it gripped my exploding cock. “That’s it…Fuck me… She screamed. I looked up at her and noticed that her gaze was aimed towards the door as she was also watching our daughter pleasure itself as she came. As my wife cried out Our daughter’s eyes opened to watch as her mother came. She watched, our legs both spread revealing our coupling, as my cock, thrusting into

Her mother, swelled released my password into her.My wife lay back down on me and we rolled to our sides, my arms wrapped around her as we spooned. When I looked next to the door, our daughter had gone and I heard her door closing softly. Having only heard through closed doors, she now had seen exactly what happened between her mother and father late at night when she was fast sleep. And it hadexcited her, she was turned on by watching us have sex and that, in itself was extremely arousing to me.”Do you think she was watching us still?” I asked my wife, knowing the answer. “She knew. Our eyes met as I came,” she answered. If I was perplexed by my wife’s actions before. When I told her that our daughter was watching us as we satisfied each other, then now I was totally bewildered by her Words. The fact that my wife had not only performed for our daughter’s benefit as she rod my cock, but actively watched her as she came, was an unbelievable revelation. I wasn’t certain how to process this information.I was about to respond, though I had no idea exactly what I was going to say, when I heard the soft snoring of my wife as she had drifted off into a post-orgasmic slumber. I was saved by the bell for though she felt comfortable enough to alert me to the fact that she was extremely aroused by our little voyeur, I wasn’t quite as confident in sharing my feelings on the matter. With that in mind, I drifted off to sleep as well. Hopefully, something would happen the next day that would bring some sense of normality to what had happened between the three of us. I awoke the next morning, the sun shining bright through the bedroom window, the birds outside welcoming me to the new day with their song. I lay there naked, covered with only the sheet, the soft, gentle breeze of a new day brushing across my body, as my mind wearily chased away the cobwebs of sleep. Memories of the night before passed before me like a flood,those sweet memories of my daughter’s sex as it lay openly displayed before me, that of my wife as she password really made love to me, and of our daughter as she watched from the doorway, entered at the scene that took place before her eyes as she sought her own sexual release with her hands thrust between her legs. As all of these images returned to my mind, I feel myself slowly hardening as I became aroused. If I didn’t do something soon I would be laying there with my hard cock tenting the sheet that was covering me.

About that time my daughter came bursting into the room, as she did so often, leaping onto the bed and me as well, straddling my legs as she did so. While this was nothing new, it was out of the ordinary, in that I typically wasn’t laying there with a hard on as I was today. I was covered, but barely, as I preferred to have my legs and chest uncovered, leaving only my torso modestly covered. I don’t think she noticed my arousal before she planted herself on my legs. Fortunately, she had landed on my legs and not a bit higher or she would have been sitting there with her pussy right on my hard cock, and I didn’t think I could stand that this early in the morning without cum on the spot. I cracked my eyes open slightly and saw that she had on one of my old t-shirts that she had just put on which was fairly loose fitting, but as she landed it had pulled tight across her chest and I could clearly see her small budding breasts as they pushed through her top. I knew that she hadn’t put a bra on because her nipples were poking through her shirt, which only further my distress. She must have just stepped out of the shower since her hair was still wet and dripping slightly and I noticed the strong scent of strawberries from her shampoo. She smelled clean and ready to eat. “Morning Daddy, are you awake yet?” she asked, knowing that there was no way that I could be sleep after her landing on top of me.

I replied, my eyes still closed. I was still willing my cock to go back down before she noticed and it didn’t seem to be working very well for me. Knowing that she was sitting so close, knowing now what her bare little pussy looked like wasn’t helping any either. She slowly and carefully moved her hands to my ribs so as not to alert me to what she was doing, then began tickling me relentlessly. “Tickle Monster!” she cried as I recoiled from her attack. I jumped beneath her to escape her tickling which I never could stand very well. I tossed her up with my hips, almost bucking her off of me but she landed back where she had been sitting on my legs. This did nothing to deter her, however, as she continued to ticle and I kept trying to evade. I kept moving beneath her, trying to get away from her, not noticing that my sheet had slid up above my waist as we wrestled. At the time I didn’t notice either that her shirt had ridden up above her waist as well until I felt something warm, very warm against the head of my cock. When I realized what that something was, I suddenly froze. She had moved up while tickling me until she was sitting on my naked cock, her fresh pssy lips kissing the head. It felt as though her lips wrapped themselves around the shake as she sat there, though it may have been my fertile imagination, aoused as I was at the time. I’m not certain if she was totally aware of our current position as yet because she did nothing to change her position, but continued to ticket me as she had before.As we wrestled my cock finally made contact with the entrance to her young pussy, Tracy, noticed it at the same time, and stopped all movement and her eyes grew wide as she began to understand what had happened. Then as suddenly as that Realization came, she dropped down onto my hard cock, burying my manhood fully inside of her warm pussy. Now it was my turn to star at her wide eyed, as I felt her surrounding my cock, her pussy warm and wet, squeezing me with it’s tightness, never having been stretched with a man’s cock before. I was amazed that this young girl, my own flesh and blood, my sweet daughter, had just impaled herself on my cock, and had done it deliberately.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. You need to get up!” I yelled, as guilt set in because of our current physical positioning. I struggled to move her from our coupling but was unsuccessful as she had determined to stay planted just where she was.” Daddy….no, please don’t make me get up. I want this,” she told me as she began to grind her hips down on me, squeezing and manipulating my cock with her pussy as she did. She placed her hands on my chest and continued her gyrations. “No Tracy, this is so wrong, we…can’t…do…this,” I cried still trying to convince both she and myself that we shouldn’t and couldn’t do this, though my argument was growing weaker by the moment as the pleasant sensings in my engorged cock grow. I placed my hands on her hips and felt her movements, as she rode me up and down, sensing my weakness and the lust in my eyes as she did.When it was apparent that my body was no longer resisting hers, she grasped her shirt at the hem and pulled it up and over her head. I watched asit slip smoothly past her young breasts, catching for a moment on her nipples, then on past and over her head. She tossed it to the floor then pulled the sheet from my chest, the only barrier between our two bodies and lay down on me. I feel the warmth of her and softness of her young skin as it touched my own. Her nipples were like small rings of fire as they raked across my chest, the feel of her nipples as the rubbed against me exciting me even more. She looked me in the eyes and then softly pressed her lips to mine sending what felt like electricity through my body at the realization of this forbidden act that we were now committing. And I kissed her back as well. Forgive me, I know this was so wrong on many

Levels, but I was enjoying her touch, her kiss, the feel of her pussy as it surrounded my cock, sucking the life from it as she moved. I found it hard to believe that I was laying here beneath my own teenage daughter as she fucked me. Her own animal passwordovertaking her as she rode my cock, urging me on as I thrust myself into her. “Oh Daddy, this feels so wonderful. I had no idea that sex could feel so good,” she said as she continued to kiss me. She up her pace as she moved up and down, pressing her clip against my pelvic bone, grinding into me as she sought her climax. I too was pressing into her, as I raised my hips, driving my cock further into her as Our bodies met. Then, out of the blue, I saw something that brought a know to my stomach with fear. In the doorway, I saw my wife as she stepped into the room. At first she looked shocked as our daughter rode my cock, doing her best to make us both cum, totally unaware of her mother’s presence. I, however, had ceased all movement with this new information, knowing and fearing that, at any moment, she would Come alive with rage and attempt to kill me for fucking our 15 year old daughter. As I was bracing myself for the worst, something quite unexpected happend as her eyes made contact with mine, she smiled. Although what had happened and been said the previous night, I had never imagined that this would be the response that she would have when presented with this scenario. And yet here she was, watching me as I fucked our young daughter, and she was smiling at us. Her hand then dropped down and slipped quietly into her panties as she began playing with herself as she watched us make love. “I love you. Now fuck our daughter good,” she mouthed silently to me. I was confused, expecting one reaction from my wife and getting such an unexpected response to our coupling only brought on more confusion. But my cock, as most of them do, has a mind of it’s own, and mine wasn’t confused, because it began thrusting back up into my daughter as though my life depended on cumming inside of her. Like an animal I plunged my cock into her, and she met each and every thrust as well. Still unaware of her mother’s presence,she fucked me for all that she was worth, giving everything that she had to her daddy.

Fuck…me…Da..ddyyyy!!!” she cried as she felt her climax begin. She rode me hard as it began to go through her in waves, one crashing down on her after another. I felt her body shake and shudder with each one. Finally, I found I couldn’t hold back any longer and began to cum inside of my daughter.”Oh Daddy, I can feel it. I feel you cumming in me! It’s so warm, oh, fuck me Daddy, please fuck me!” she cried as the last of her orgasms rushed through her body. I glanced over at her mother and saw her leaning against the doorpost as she worked her fingers on her clip, hidden beneath her panties. Her eyes were closed as her body shuddered as well, climaxing as she watched her daughter and husband fuck, filling her pussy with his cum.My daughter collapsed on my chest, softly purring into my neck as she held me, her pussy still clenching my cock as she milked the last drops of cum from my shrinking cock. I looked past her, back towards the doorway and saw my wife as she blew me a kiss then brought her finger to her lips indicting me to keep quiet as to her presence, then she disappeared down the hallway. I wrapped my arms around our daughter and kissed her deeply. “I hope that was as good as you had expected it to be. Any regrets?” I asked, hoping that she wasn’t traumatized from what we had done.”Oh yes, Daddy, it was wonderful. It was everything I had ever hoped it would be and more,” she told me. “Now listen, you better get up and get back to your room and shower before your mother catches us. I’m not sure she’d understand,” I told her, knowing full well what her mother would do if she caught us.

“Can we do this again? Soon?” she asked. “I’m counting on it, Sweetie. I’m counting on it,” I replied. And what happened after that is, as they say, another story. Tell me how u like by giving comments please….


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