Tha dark corner– An untold story

For several years I want to put down my own feelings towards everything as it is. But the society morality e.t.c has restrained me to put down my feelings which hope the feeling of every human being. But the FSI has given me the opportunity to fulfill my desire. So I am greatly grateful and indebted to them.This is the true story of my life. I tried to factual as far as possible. I tried to keep my feeling and views honest. A few feeling were from the point when I see the incident when it happened and a few were as it is now. But it is only for the interest of the reader I added a few things to make you’re your reading enjoyable. Whenever I think of human thought, I fell proud and at the same time I abhor it. I feel proud for its unimiginable discoveries which led mankind to the new horizons of life. I abhor the human thought not for it has created mass destructive nuclear weapons…, but for its worst which the world had never witnessed. No psychologist, no philosophist, had nEver told the world the worst and most important fact of life. The thought which is present in every human being. Thought he will know himself when he introspects himself. Several great people had buried it in the history for the well being of the human race. But it is time face the truth.This novel tries to put forward the most dangerous and the immoral part of human mind. In order to clear the doubt of many, weather this kind of thing exists or ever existed in the history I added a few factual in formation at the end of this novel any one wants only vulgar and not interested in reading novels don’t read this because it is the story told by heart only to the people who can understand it.And any one who believes in the morality and sensitive to family relations do not read this because this may hurt their feeling.This is only for the people who can face the facts (not truth) and accept the facts. Those people who are interested only in fucking sessions do not read this. Although thisnovel have them but there full length story. It is not simply a story it is the life story. The untold story She is beautiful. She is elegant. She is graceful. She is lovable. She is fair. She is sexy. She is hot. And above all she is a mother. And if all the time she is right in front of a young son making a big feast for his eyes. What happens to him? If he is in his 9/10/11/12 standard. Just imagine his position. What must be going on their mind? What might advance from his mind? It is very hard to relive your hardness because it very to persuade a mother to relieve a sons hardness. Then what will be result. May be no one can imagine. But it is easy for a lustful son to predict what follows. What follows is fans. This is may seem ridiculous. But for an Indian lustful son This is the only thing possible. If his lust has exceeded then it will reach the FSI.

Yes, when I was young I used to feel that I am the worst person in this world. I am the most immoral person. Iused to feel guilty and sometimes wonder that how such thoughts came to my mind. I felt that “you are ok and I am not ok”. But the FSI has abated all my guilt feeling. As I constantly began reading the incest material I felt that I should share my experience with you my 14 years of lust to my mother with the people, so that they can know that getting to your own mother is wrong but they can’t stop it. And you cannot go with that idea. And the best thing to get saved by fans. The main idea behind sharing my ideas is that any teenager can know that there nothing to feel guilt about your thoughts and “you are ok” and that I can share my fans for her. Let me tell you before I began that I had an insatiable desire to save my hardness with my mother. But it never happened. But my fans have given me immense pleasure and satisfied my urge. And with the passing time my fansies for have stop “What if the beautiful women you adore and You love is your own mother”

In the mid hot summer of MAY the sun is scourging outside. There are ice creamwallas babbling out “iiiiicccccce crate”. And the noise of small children trying to catch each other. I was in the chair with my next years 7th class text book. May be due to a hot summer I was feeling drawsy. Thinking of having short nap I reached my parents bedroom. My mom was sleeping after the afternoon chores of household work. I usually went and sleep behind her. Within minutes I was in sleep. But my sleep was very wonderful. I have been experiencing the ecstasy. But suddenly I felt that it is not a dream but real. Slowly when I was gaining consciousness I began to realize that my lips were touching something. When I opened the eyes I saw my lips touching my mother’s soft and beautiful waist and this is the reason for my ecstasy. That is the first time I experienced the woman. That is the first time my cock was hard on and I felt very enjoying so I kept like that and enjoyed it for about 15 min. WithMy little knowledge of cinemas and news papers I know a little bit about sex at that time. So I didn’t worry about that and kept enjoying. But something in my mind told me that I doing something wrong. Slowly a fear began to rise that my mother may get up. So I removed my lips. That is the beginning of my sex life. After that my lust slowly for her began to increase. I wanted another experience of her. Immediately the next day came the chance. My father went to our village for reaping crops as he is a farmer. So I thought that is the good day as we used to sleep with my mother when dad was not at home. My brother and sister were on either side of my mother and I was beside my brother. It was about midnight that I woke up and immediately I became aware of my duty. After a little bit of hesitation I slowly Keep my hand over my brother and started to grope for her beautiful wait in the darkness. After going through a few layers of her sari I suddenly came into touch with her soft, cold waist. My back of fingers is enjoying it and my cock was hard on. But slowly an idea came to my mind. I slowly removed my shirt buttons and slowly got up in darkness and adjusting myself in the space between my brother and mom I took my hand over my mom without touching her and got up over her on my two hands slowly got over her. For a few seconds my body was in the air. I can feel the air passing between our Bodies. Slowly I can feel that the air between her mounds and my chest began to thin. Finally my chest finally touched the tips of her mounds. A sudden wave of chill went through my spine even in that hot sweating summer. Slowly I lowered my self making my pressure over her breasts. As my pressure began to increase over her breasts my heart began to pound fast. Finally my chest rested on her breasts. Then I Understooth and told to myself the real enjoyment in women. My mom showed the real enjoyment in women. I waited for a few seconds and slowly got down and returned to my place. NowMy cock was really hard on and I could not really control myself so again I went for her waist. This time I could not keep my hand still, so I started to move my fingers on her waist. It happened at that instant. Suddenly my mom woke up. My heart pounded heavily. But instead of catching my hand she went to the bed lamp. There I got an edge and it took more than a second for me to do that. The bed lamp was on my eyes were closed. I can fall she was looking at us. Then she slowly turned and moved my brother’s hand and switched off the lamp and went to bed. I was relieved. But my cock was rock hard. After few minutes, confirming that mom was fast wait I adjusted myself on the bed and started moving up and down. Soon my hard cock released a thick fluid. And then I slept feeling relieved.

Days are passing as usual. Nothing special occurred. But since that night I began to savor the womanhood of my mom. Whenever I thought of the movement when the air between us became thin and her breasts pressed against my chest I would be aroused. (or) whenever I see her beautiful wait or breasts I used to get aroused. If it was in the night there would not have been any problem. But if it was in the noon or morning I always used to wait very patiently till night after which I used to relieve. What thousands rupees… Take six or seven hundred but thousands…. A….. Problem…” “no….no…..finally nine h….” “finally…eight h….” “it wont..” The next week we were changing our house to a new house. New house new environment everything gone well. It took few days to settle. The next week the school was would begin. And it was decided that I will write my exams privately and my mom will teach me. Since in those days our town was not very much developed and there is always a lack of teachers. So my parents thought that it would be wise to teach me at home. And I was studying at home. My mom is my teacher. After a few days my grand mother had left with my dad to the village because she had cook for him. If in the morning my sister and brother left for school I and mom would be in the house. ALONE. But of no use. The only advantage is that, now I can savor her womanhood freely. But soon I realized that I had an advantage. And it was during the afternoon nap. It was a regular afternoon and mom went to sleep asking me to complete the medieval history. It was about 2:00 and I have two hours. I waited for half a hour. After asserting that she is fully sleep, I started my exploration. She was sleeping upright with her closed eyes facing the roof. I didn’t know where to start. But suddenly my sight fell on one side of her bare wait which was beautifully exposed by her saree. My trembling fingers reached the soft smooth cream colored navel. First I placed a finger then another and then the Other finally my four fingers were on her wait. My cock was bulging out making a tent in my pant. I did not keep my palm but only fingers. But it gave immense pleasure and enjoyment.For me I was on the cloud nine. But now I laugh at my innocent and callousness.

This continued for a few days. There is no problem and harm in it. I am enjoying it. But there is a most important day which I should remember all my life. Because that day I got my first kiss. Yes the first kiss of my life. That day I learned the importance of the kiss. Mom was sleeping as usual and I made my hand on the bare side of her waist. As I was exploring her beauty, my eyes fell on Her lips. I felt an urge to kiss. At first I thought that if she she I will have to face the worst consequences. But confident of my experiences over the past two weeks I decided to take the risk. Finally I lowered myself removing my hand from fingers from her waist. And my lips went close to her. My lips were shivering and my heart began to beat very fast with great difficulty I managed to bring into contact my lower lip to her lower lip very smoothly and lightly. My testosterones rose to an alarming level which I never expected. And without my knowledge my eyes closed and a kind of anesthetic feeling came to me. But my mind told me that it’s too dangerous to close your eyes. And after a few seconds I separated my lips. With few second my desire for a kiss have and and I bent down for another and I got it.It became just like a habit. But soon a new desire began to grow. I want to take her wait completely in to my hand as strongly as possible and at same time kiss her very hardly. But I know it is very hard to get at that time. Day by day I was becoming very much tiredless. My desire began to grow like a mountain. And my thoughts began to fantasize her in the nights. In the noon exploration. My days were excellent. Soon they came to an end with the completion of my board exams. And after the summer vacation I joined in to eight class. But Everyday I used to masturbate thing of her. By that time I still used to masturbate by rubbing my cock to bed.One day in my eight class on a Sunday evening when I returned from the grocery shop I found my mom and was stunned by her beauty. I was so out of control that if there had not been my father, sister, and brother I would have raped her. This may seem rude and atrocious but this is the first time I feel the animal nature in me aroused. Perhaps this is called sex, I thought. But I resisted. She was in a chocolate color sari with a line chocolate colored dotted flowers. And she wore a ¾ chocolate blouse, which was more provocative. If this was my situation just imagine my dad’s position. When this thought came to my mind, I wondered what he would do to her that night. And my thought came true. In the night when I woke up for water at around two, I was shocked to see my mother sleeping beside my sister with another blouse. I saw that even her nylon sari was a bit crumped. I could see her serene face which was with full satisfaction in the light bed lamp. Slowly I reached the shelf where her blouse lay totally crumped. Whensaw that it was very badly crumped and three out five hooks were missing. What would have translated between them was out of my imagination at that time. But it haunted me for several years. Still it haunts me sometimes. Whenever it arouses her I placate it by a sweet fantasized masturbation. I cannot count how many times I masturbated thinking of her in that attire. May be thousands/thousands of times. But still my desire was not killed because I know that it only killed by having her in the same attire and in the same age. For which I need a time machine, which is impossible? It may seem ridiculous but to boy of 13 it was more than really having her.As the days passé by I felt a big miracle should occur. Did it occurs? Only time came can tell the answer.

That when I was returning from the school early in the afternoon I never thought that I would witness such an incident. On the one hand it proved me and was in a rage. But unknownly I began to enjoy that incident. When Ireached home I went inside and when I was about to go to my parents bedroom I heard the voices. One was my moms and the other was, I could not recognize. Finally I reached it near and what I had seen is the most shocking. My mom was naked (I hope as she was under the blanket) and kistappa (one of our village elder man) was on top of her. They were looking at each other into their eyes. Slowly there was movement under the bed sheet. And kistappa began to move slowly up and down, as my mom began to close and open her eyes slowly giving different expressions. With in no time they got rhythm and were moving faster. There were gasps and small mourning which I didn’t understand. Which I understand later in a few days. I came to know about the total sex.From I waited for a chance to see my mom and uncle together in bed. My chance came one night. In the night at around ten I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was my dad. My mom went to open the door. And I can see two dark figures movingfrom beside the bed. But soon I realized that he was not my dad. Because my dad doesn’t wear dhoti. I understand who it was. They went to the other room. A weak glow spread in that room which I could see because of the very disappoint light at the door. I heard a few murmurs and laughs. After a few minutes my mom came to our room closed the doors. It took me a few seconds for my eyes to get used to the darkness. Then I can see the disappoint figure wearing a blouse. In five minutes she changed her sari and went inside kitchen, which was adjacent to our bedroom. After five minutes she went into the other room and closed the doors behind her. I am sure that the doors now close, so now I went near the door and through the wide spaces in the door I could see the entire room. The luckyiest part is that the bed is right in front of the door. My mom was in red colored sari and in matching bloom. The blouse is normal. I wondered when she got a red sari because my dad never brings bright or gaudy colors. My mom went near him and gave him the milk glass. He gave light smile which is very bad, And gave her a pack of jasmine flowers. It was new for me because my mom never keeps flowers as my dad never brings flowers. She was looking damn sexy. My cock stood like a tent in my pant even before I witnessed the real big feast. As mom was decorating her hair with flowers kistappa sat on the bed and took out a tablet and swallowed it using milk. Then he slowly began to drink milk savoring my mom’s beauty. I wondered how mom liked that 55 year with half bald white haired old man. I remember pretty much when I was a child and we were in our village when kistappa used to visit our home as he is our family friend. His son and my father are close friends. But I could not understand how he managed to Persuade her. Finally when he drank the milk he gave the glass to my mom. She took the glass and placed it below the bed. Then sat on the beds edge. Kistappa took flowers and smelled them. Then after afew seconds he took her by placing his hands tightly on waist and pressing them. Then he took her lips between his pout lips. My mom enjoying this turned towards him. Now his experienced hand moved to explore my mom’s breasts over her red sari. Within minutes they were in deep password kiss. After a deep password kiss he removed her sari from the breast exposing them. I could see a 34 size breasts with a thin line turning into the red blouse. Kistappa moved on to her exposed breasts moving his lips over the rift made by both breasts where the meet, kissing and biting them very passwordfully. Then he came to her waist and stomach with a little belly. Her stomach with a little fat/ belly is also more beautiful. He was pressing and biting it hardly as my mom in moaning in ecstasy. Then he reached to her feet and started slowly moving up at the same time moving the sari up. He reached up to her thigh and came back to her lips again for deep password kiss. They were rolling on the bedLike two little animals in the brawl. He was deeply kissing and biting her breasts from above the bloom. In his kissing a hook was released releasing ten percent of her breasts. Now that old man was really going mad. When he was about to remove the bloom my mom suddenly stopped him and showed him the light. He smiled and got up from the bed and moving through the red sari on the floor turned off the light. And everything before me had gone black. My enthusiasm to know what was going on was increasing. But the only thing I could hear is the little moans and very weak gasps. Trying to imagine what was going on I removed my pant and started to rub my bulged cock to the wall.

Kistappa turning off the light turned towards my mom. Now removing his dhoti and banian he reached on to the bed. My mom took him by placing her hands around him. Now he was passwordately kissing her neck. Slowly he was becoming wild, like an animal. He got a tight hold of her hair and pulling it tightly backward he was kissing her neck and from there moved down. Now he removed the blouse in one attempt by pressing them tightly together. And got her 34d breasts into his mouth. He was biting them. And my mom was rythmatically giving moans to his biting. She was in great pleasure and ecstasy. When kistappa got up and removed her lehenga, I saw his huge bulging cock stood at ninety degrees. By taking her legs to his sides and slowly entered her cunt. Then he slowly began to move in out holding her waist, hitting hard deep inside her cunt. My mom was replying to his thrusts by hitting against him. She was enjoying the fucking session. Soon kistappa was ramming my mom’s cunt. At intervals he was also biting her nipples. Beads of sweat began to flow from their bodies. When suddenly kistappa said I am Cumming. My mom said hold on for a second. And in a second both came and my my mos cunt gave tight hold of kistappas cock, thus giving him immense pleasure.After an hour or so the bed light sprang to life. In front me my mom was on the bed naked beneath the bed sheath. Then kistappa came into the scene. He is also fully naked, his cock half aroused hanging in the air. Beads of sweat shining in response To the bed light. He walked his way to my mom who was sleeping with blanket covering up to her breasts. The breasts were bulging out through the bed sheet. Kistappa sat beside her and slide under the blanket. My mom was gasping looking at the roof. There were no words between them. After a few minutes kistappa got up mounted onto my mom kissing her lips. He actually tried to remove the blanket but my mom did not allowed so he started to do under the blanket. It was out of my knowledge at that time to know what translated beneath the blanket. But I could see that kistappa sliding over my mom’s body. And my giving out “ah..ahh” sounds and regular gasps. Kistappa was sliding on my mom’s body very fast. After few movements his sliding slowed down and gave a long gasp burying hisface between my mom’s neck and shoulder. They laid there still for fifteen minutes and then the lights went off. I waited for an half an hour and came back to bed to sleep. I think it was about four when I woke up I heard the splashing of in the bathroom. I thought it was my mom. So I started towards the bed room to see if kistappa was there or he left. But to my surprise it was my mom still in deep sleep. I Thought of going near to her but my fear overcame and when I heard the bathroom door open (Because it is an iron door) I came back to the bed. Kistappa passed me looking at me in darkness. I could see his disappoint silhouette. He then went to the other room and closed the door behind him. So this gave me the opportunity to witness what transpire thereafter. When I reached the door I could see kistappa cleaning him with towel. At the same time my mom opened her eyes and was looking at him. I could not see what he did because he is facing his back to me but my mom gave a faith smile. Within minutes he dressed up and said that he will leave. My mom got up from the bed holding the blanket to her breasts and slowly wrapped it around herself from under the arm pits. The jasmine flowers in her hair had left thread to which they are sewn. A few of them were struck to her shoulders and a very few were to the threads. She slowly got up and followed him to the door in the other room. After a few moments she returned to the room. She stood still for a movement. Then she looked at the watch and then at the door. For a few seconds I feared that she had caught me. But she got back to the bed and slowly closed her eyes. Now slowly my eyes are loosing control so I went to the bed to sleep. I got up when my mom woke me up in morning. I opened my eyes to see my mom bathed and drying her hair. And then I got reminded of the night. I felt that it had happened some years back.

After that I behaved if I don’t know anything to me and as if I am ignorant. As the days are passingI began to observe that my feelings different. I can’t understand at that time. At moments I am enjoyed the feeling that my mom got screwed by some old man. But at times I feel very angry as any son would have felt. But within no days I began to question myself what made my mom to surrender herself to him. Although he has a great physics and very great shake, I didn’t feel that is the sole reason for her to surrender. I cleared my doubt later that year. Sometimes I expect that he must have forcedly made her to surrender her. But I expected surely she enjoyed that. Still I envy him because he got a chance which I longed for all the time. Sometimes I hate him because of what he did to my mom. Sometimes I doubted weather he must have blackmailed her. But rational tell me that he could Not have continued that without her consent. Sooner another doubt came tome, because as far I knew they never had any fight or arguments. They enjoyed each other. Whatever it may be both enjoyed their company and this arouses me and forces me to relieve sometimes. But later that year everything became crystal clear.

The days are moving fast. Once in a month or twice a month I will get a chance to see my mom and kistappa got involved. But my desire to see them fully naked was growing. Another year passed away. It was moth of April. I was playing chess at the door with my brother. My dad came home suddenly as he was not expected at that time. He was silent and went to the bathroom. He refreshed himself and came and sat there. My mom gave him the coffee. He took it and after drinking it sat there silently for a few moments. Then silently told what happened. Everyone was shocked. Most importantly myself. Kistappa was no more.We went to the funeral of the kistappa. After completing the cremation we returned back. And all this time my mom was silent. She didn’t speak anything nor did she cry. At that time I didn’t understand it. Later I realized that there is a kind of emptiness in hereyes. I understand that that their relationship is not only physical but also emotional. Days have passed she came to the normal. But whenever she hears his name a kind emptiness shadows her. Years later still whenever she hears his name that emptiness is still there. I could not understand still what that is. Is that love? If it is love then what is love between a old 55 year old man and a 31 year old woman called and understand. Is it dependency? Whatever it may be, no science, no psychology has the answer. Only they know what they are.But it took me a very few weeks to forget everything. But for one thing for which I feel sorry for kistappa is that from now onwards I am not going to have any feast. Now I was again on my quest. I am growing up. And then a thing happened which has only added fuel to my quest. I think this is the most important event in once life. It happened when I was in ninth class. All our friends bunked the class. I also bunked with them but when I was leaving for home my friends asked me to stay back as they are having a little party at my friend’s house. When we reached their home, there was no one in the house. Then they began to quickly fix the VCR as there was no VCD at that time. Then within minutes the room went dark and whatever was going on the screen was unimiginable for me but it is imagine for you. I don’t want to bore you by narrowing the scenes. So that is the first time I learned about sex. Then after we discussed a lot about sex. I came to know a lot of things about the sex. My friends were too mature than me at that time. They had been watching those movies since eight class. We discussed a variety of thing. Our discussions ranged from the aunties to the beautiful girls in our town. Also about the illicit affairs of the various aunties. This entire time only thing was going on in my mind. My mom. One of my friends told us about the aunty beside his house and how she gave him signals and how he is going to fuck her. I was laugheding inside for his callousness. But it was later I came to know that I am called and foolish after one month. He told secretly and proudly that he has fucked the aunty and even showed authentic proof which we saw. The next day after noon he took us to his house and asked us to stand beside the boundary wall of their house and slowly jumped to the neighbor’s house. The after noon was silent. Since their house in the town out skirts and as it was developing then there were not much people wandering there. He went back to the aunty who was putting the clothes on the wire. Then he suddenly took a tight hold of her waist.

After this incident I began to feel very inferior before him. Because I know that I laughed at him and I am feeling guilty for nothing. My desire to have my mom was increasing day by day. But my fortune has knocked my door in another day. The other I stayed back at home with the pretext of stomach ache, as I know that my mom will sleep in the afternoon and I wanted to take the opportunity if it. As I had expected my mom was sleep at one after the lunch. I was sleeping beside her. After about an half a hour I as usually placed my finger and then fingers but this time I could not stop with simple finger and I Placed my entire palm. It was then I realized that what would have made kistappa to have her. I thought everything man will do anything to have her. If it were a man I would have the same thing. But I didn’t put much pressure. After five minutes I removed it and with five minutes gap I again placed my palm as lightly as possible. But after an hour I went to baht room to save my self. When I returned I again did the same thing. And after a few minutes I again went to bathroom. After that I did not get a chance to again place my palm. I am waiting for a chance. And the chance did come. Wait for second part. Please dont forget to send your response after reading to [email protected].


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