Suhasini fell in love again

Hi friends it’s me Suhasini again. After the 2nd night of my marriage with Srinivas, with so many doubts and fears I am avoiding him. He was angry for 2 days and again he started his pleasure and teasing behavior. But he never tried to come near me even though we are sleeping on the same bed. After 5 days everything came to normal and we both joined our duties and now we both are living in the same house. I shifted to his house. Before marriage only he took a two bedroom flat and arranged only the bed room. All the rooms are empty. He said “I felt only bed room will be useful for some days” I laughed at his sense of humor. We both are like good friends now. We did shopping for the house together. Most of the times our likes are not matching. He likes blue and I like pink. He likes vegetable food I like non veg. He sleeps very early and I don’t get sleep till 11 in the night. He wakes up very early at 4 and disturbs me. He likes Telugu movies and I like Hindi movies. He likes cricket and news channels and I like cartoon channels or movies channels. In the initial days we used to compromise but after one week we started quarreling for all these. He used to tease me. He used to tease me that I am short and round like apple. I used to tease him he is like the “Flag Rod”. He says my nose is like knife and we don’t need a knife in the kitchen, I say-his head is becoming like a play ground in few days so that children can play on that” we used to watch lot of movies and discuss about that. We both read so many books and fight on the issues. We both fight on the issue of RSS, Christianity. We fight on the issue of men and women; we fight about Iswarya Rai and salman khan. But at the end of every fight we both feel that our respect towards the other person increased more. At least I felt so. We forget that we are married and we need to give birth to children or we need to satisfy each others sexual needs. I never feel a sexual need in his company. I don’t know about him but he also never looked like that. We both met our friends and we went to parties.

After 2 months one day my boss said I need to go for a one week official tour to Banglore. I was not able to say yes or no at that time. But my boss said it is very essential that I must go. That evening I told this to Srinivas. He also kept quite. I felt I don’t want to leave him. But I don’t know about him. Is he angry or what? He did not talk anything that night. Other wise every night he used to say some story about his childhood or his teenage love etc till we sleep. That night I thought it is better to go far from him. Other wise I am becoming very close to him and I started loving him. When one day he leaves me I will suffer a lot. So this gap is for my good only I thought. Next day is my flight. So I did not went to office, I am packing my luggage. He went to office. I felt sad, that he is not coming to see me off to the airport. “Why is he angry? Doesn’t he like me to do myjob? Or he is angry that I am going away? “I am disturbed by his behavior. But I am very sad that I am falling in love with him. I went alone to the airport and went to Banglore. I really waited for him till the last second at the airport. But he didn’t come. I was booked a room in the hotel and I am alone. I went to the office where I have the work. I was busy till evening. But when I came back to the room. I felt all alone. There are no waiting for Srinivas, there are no fighting’s, there are no witty jokes and talks, there are no laughs nothing in life I felt empty. I made a call to Srinivas, telling about the hotel and telephone number. He is still angry; I thought he will be happy to listen to my voice. But he answered very harshly. He said-“why are u telling all this to me. You do what ever you like, you don’t bother about me. When you don’t both about me why did you marry me?” He is shouting in the telephone. I was shocked at his angry voice. I got angry immediately. I also swaited-“I didn’t marry you. You only married me. I already told you before to stop the marriage, if you want to blow for this marriage blow yourselves not me” I also shouted. He said – Good then, why don’t you Leave me then? I said -I am waiting for this only, to listen this from your mouth…. Ok if you don’t want me why should I both about you? I will not come to home. I will directly go to hostel. I said I will collect my luggage after wards. He said “ok “ and keep the phone. … I am blank…. The person at the telephone is looking at me. I paid him the bill and came to room. I cried the whole evening. Did not have dinner. I felt like hell. Why should I love him? I am really a waste fellow, fool. I will never get good mind. I believed Rajesh and he Cheated me, I knewly started having feelings for Srinivas and he is very rude to me. Why the hell I need his sympathy? Does he think I am a rotten vegetable and he is saving my life? How disgusting, all men are devils. One shouldnever belive any man. Then what is the meaning of marriage? What to say to my parents now. Srinivas will say this entire story to the whole relatives. My father will never talk to me in life. What my sisters and brother think of me? Till now I am the ideal person in their view. Every one will laugh at me. Ohhhhhhh my god!! What to do now? I cannot show my face to anyone. It’s all Srinivas fault. He is taking unknown revenge on me. He should have not married me; I told him everything before marriage. I thought like this for all those 5 days. By 3rd day my anger has gone. I started missing him. I controlled myself so much not to make a call to him.

I have to stay one more day in Banglore. On the 5th day morning my father in law called me, I was enquiring about their health casually. He asked me where is Srinu? I don’t have any answer. I said he might be at home only. He asked “r u both not in touch?” I said “No, yes” he said. “Srinu’s mobile is off since two days and he is not even going to office since 3 days”. I don’t have answer. I am worried now. May be he left the place and left me forever. I am totally alone now. No one in the world. I have to answer all the people about what happened. He left me alone in this ugly situation. Men are like this… I am not even getting tears. That day I have a very important meeting, so I tried to keep my self cool. When we work outside side we have no time to show our feelings and cry heart fully. And finally at the end of the meeting I came out at 7 ‘o clock, the office secretary have a message for me. I have a visitor at the hotel waiting for me. I thought it would be my father in law. I am worried to face him. Its over everything is over. Now all my self respect and all my proud is going to collapse. Office vehicle dropped me at hotel as every day. I entered the hotel and searched in the lobby for my father in law. He is not there. I asked in the reception about my visitor. She told that he just went out. I told her to send him to my room. I went to room. Washed my face and waiting for my father in law. The door bell rang, my heart jumped into my throat. I slowly prepared myself to face the situation and opened the door. Its not my father in law. He is some one in bear. He is Srinivas. But he has not shaken; he is looking like a sick person. What happened to him? Is he not feeling well, may be that’s why he is Not going to office. Ayyoooo no one at home to take care of him. I thought all those things very fast. I asked him to come in, I kept my hand on his fore head ,ohhhh really its very hot. He got fever. I am a fool; I might have called him after that. He is suffering alone in the house. What a cruel fellow I am. I hated myself. He is so weak. He sat in the chair. I immediately ordered for milk. I asked him to lie down on the bed. He is not feeling well at all. I don’t know how he managed till now. I asked the reception people to send a doctor immediately. Srinivas is moaning in weakness. I kept the cold water clothes on his fore head. I did watering all over his body, stomach, chest, face, hands and foot. After 15 minutes the temperature feel little bit low. The doctor came and he gave and injection. He said its normal fever and he is soooo weak. Doctor asked him when he had some food or drink. Srinu was quite. I understand he has not eaten food last 3 days. Tears came out of my eyes. Doctor said “don’t worry. Give him hot milk and some fruits” whole Night he is suffering with high temperature. I hated myself for not calling him for the last 4 days. I felt so touched to see him coming to see me when he is sick. I remember that when ever I get fever in the hostel I used to go to my home, I feel secured there. Once I look my mother my fever will go away. Like wise, Srinivas came to me. He remembered me not his family. I felt very sorry. I thought of sleeping near him, holding him in my arms. But I hesitated by remembering his words” why don’t you leave me?”In the morning, wheren I opened my eyes, I saw Srinivas is sitting on the bed and looking at me. I was sleeping on the sofa. I said good morning. He smiled. I saw the temperature. It’s normal. But he looks weak. I helped him to wash his teeth, I ordered for coffee. Meanwhile I got freshen up. We had coffee. We both are not able to talk. I only told him, father in law is worried about you, and I took his mobile and gave a call to my father in law. I told him he is fine and he is with me. Now we both are alone in the room. Srinivas is not talking anything. I asked him, shall I inform office that I cannot come today; he said “what does u think? You will leave me alone and go away from me?”. I said – you only asked me to leave you forever. He said, I was angry that u did not ask me to come with you to Banglore. Ohhhhhhh God. Its Misunderstanding. He wanted to come with me, so he was angry and told like that. It gave me so much of relief, I felt as if some tones of load is with drawn from me. When I lookd at his face it looks like a school boy annoyed of his mother. So sweet. We both smiled. We feel so relieve. I got the confidence now, he is my husband and he will never leave me alone. He too loves me I can see that in his eyes. I got the confidence and I feel so happy.

I informed office that as my presentation was over I have to see some personal work. But by that time my whole office got the news that my husband came there and he is sick. Some of the colleagues are making fun of me; see you are very lucky that your husband is not leaving u. I feel very proud and happy. Whole day we spent in the hotel room, as Srinivas is feeling weak, I concentrated on his food more and forcing him to eat more. Finally he got angry and shouted at me” why are you forcing me to eat much?” I told him” you need stamina in the near future.” He looked at me with a puzzled face. I again found a school boy face, I laughed and laughed. This school boy did not understand what I mean, I thought. We came back to home by that night train. I started moving close to Srinivas. I know he understand what I mean but he is not reacting. Now we both have love and confidence on each other. I feel I am in heaven again to be with Srinivas. But there is small hesitation to take lead role to have sex with him. I really wanted him now. I feel to touch him. Whenever I am talking to him I am standing very near to him. I am Touching his hand again and again for small reasons. But he does still not understand. He also seems very happy, we both are always smiling. I bought a mobile only to be in touch with him continuously. He is sending SMS always. For every half an hour we are talking over phone. He is selecting dresses for me, I am selecting his clothes. I am feeling a very strong sexual desire. I feel strongly that he is pulling me towards him. If I take lead role he will remember that I had experience and he may feel bad, so I am not daring. But why he is not coming near me I don’t understand.

One day Srinivas called me and told me that we have to go for a marriage party in the evening so I should come early from office. We went to the marriage; actually it is a love marriage of his college, so everything needs to be taken care by all of us. It’s a Hindu marriage only; looking at the marriage I remembered my marriage. I am looking at Sri often; he is also looking at me. Some unknown communication is happening Between me and Sri. I was with the bride and he is with the groom, but we Are looking at each other. After some time he came near me and we both are watching the marriage. Now I am feeling his breath and heart beat near me. I feel his smell and each sense is telling something to me. I sat near him touching his body. I am so happy that Sri is my husband. I understand that he is also feeling something, as a result he keep his hand on my shoulders and sat as if he is hugging me from side. Our senses are talking I belive. After marriage is over, they have also arranged for the first night for the couple in the hotel. We all married couples went there and gave final touchups to the first night room. All the people are teasing the couple. We both are silently looking at each other. I am not able to see into his eyes but at the same time not able to look away from him. Sri became so silent and his face looked very disappointed while every one is joking about first night and all. I feel so bad that I am punishing Sri. I thought Why I am doing like this? Why I am hurting Sri. Till now he never hurt me. Looking at all this I feel I need Sri. I really want him now. After Dinner we started home. While driving to home also Sri is very quite. He might be thinking about their first night. I am still feeling his hands on touch on my shoulders. I strongly felt that I want him. I am thinking how sri will be on bed? Will he be smooth or hard. Will he kiss me all over and do fore play or not? I am remembering his touch and our teasing game on our 2nd night on the road. I completely became hot and wanted sex with Sri. Sri is driving silently, I am looking at him continuously, he looked at me and asked “ What?” I smiled and still continued looking at him. He asked “ what , am I looking so handsome? Or you are trying to do some black magic on me?” I didn’t stopped looking at him. Now my eyes are filled with teasing and they are welcome. Sri smiled and said” If you look like this don’t blow me after that” but I didn’t stopped my staring at him. He concentrated on driving and I continued staring at him. He is smiling and enjoying my teasing. We reached home. He opened the door and we went inside. He sat on the chair near by and removing his shoes. I closed the door and slowly went back to him. I suddenly hugged him from his back side very tightly. Sri was Surprised and said” Hey…ohhhh my ” he stood up like that only and turned towards me. I felt shy and not opened my eyes and not released my hug. I am feeling so much secured in his hug. He also hugged me and said “ Suha.. Ohhhhh suha.. Thanks a lot. I am so happy.. I love you suha”. I didn’t answered anything, as he is taller than me, I slightly lifted my legs and stood on my toes. Now I can reach his neck.

I smelled him, I felt so secured and I started kissing him on his neck and hugged him very tightly. He became so horny with that action. He started kissing me all over madly. I also kissed him madly. I felt like I got some lost treasure. He now took my face and started kissing my lips. I also opened my mouth for him and kissing, he inserted his tongue inside my mouth and we are kissing madly. And he is pressing my body and I am pressing him towards me. We kissed like that for almost 10 to 15 minutes I think. We don’t want to stop that. We separated for 2 seconds took breath and again started kissing. We both laid on the flor there itself and he now started kissing me all over my neck and face, and pressing my body, stomach. That day as it was marriage party I was in sari, he pulled out my pallu and kissing all over. I am moaning ahhhhh, sri… pls , pls don’t leave me pls do it hard. And he is saying “Suha, suha … how to say, how much I love you. I love you. I really love you. I am so happy and pressed him very strongly towards me. He said “now don’t stop me, I can’t control any more” I said” who asked you to stop, Even I want you so much”. He said, “you idiot, if you also love me this much why you wasted our time” and he bite me on my cheeses…. And started tickling me. I laughed and begged him to stop. He stopped for a while and looked into my eyes, and kissed me on my eyes. I kissed his chin and bite it slowly. And asked him Shall we play the teasing game, which we played on the national highway?” And I started biting his mustaches and licking and teasing him. Now he moaned “hmm” and his hand is pressing my stomach and back. He is kissing on my neck and chest. I am pressing him and kissing him. His hand slowly started to remove myblouse buttons. I did not stop him. He removed my blouse and saw my breasts in the bra… he got horny and started kissing and biting them, I took his hand and showed the bra hooks, he is struggling with that. I only showed him how to open that. When he opened bra, and removed. My boobs became free and they are moving. He got exited to see them and said, “ohhhh my god they are like mangoes, they are like rubber balls…You have hidden these treasures from me all these days and he is enjoying by touching them and kissing them. He buried his face between my boobs. Now I am moaning” ahhhhh” he started licking and chewing my nipples. I became hot enough. My pussy became wet. After some time he slowly came down and kissed my stomach for some time and his hands are still pressing my boobs. He then looked into my eyes. I also looked into His eyes. Our eyes talked that we need something more. His eyes “oh my god they are filled with sexual urge” they are pulling me. I am not able to take my looksfrom his eyes, they are so powerful. Looking deep into my eyes so passwordately, he slowly lifted up my petticoat. His hands are touching my legs and he reached near my thighs.. He is pressing my thighs. Now I cannot look into his eyes. He went down and completely lifted my petticoat up, And staring at my all body parts. I feel his hand removing my petticoat. I am completely nude in front of him now.

He is staring at me. I opened my eyes and looked at him he smiled at me. I felt shy. Till now he has not removed his clothes, but he made me completely nude. He is smiling and saying “happy birthday new born baby.” He is teasing me. I closed my face with my hands. He removed my hands, I pulled him by holding his collar of his shirt he fell on me. He started kissing me. He said – “why don’t u make me also a new born baby…and took my hand near his shirt buttons. I removed his shirt, he removed his pants. He is in his vest. Now we both are nude. His body is touching my nude body. We both felt the naked skin hot touch and became very hot. I am pressing him towards me, and I bited his ear. He got horny and he is pressing me all over and licking me all over. He is very confused and anxious what to do, where to do. He is kissing, pressing and licking. I took his hand and kept that on my pussy, and moaned. He pressed there and immediately removed his vest and his manhood is very hard and erect. I have seen his pennies for the first time, its very big I thought. I bite my lips. He took his pennies in his hand and separated my legs. I also helped him he slowly touched my pussy with his pennies. Ohhhh what a feel. We both moaned at a time now we are not in control. He came on me; he pushed his pennies inside my pussy. I lifted my lower part towards him. He liked that, and he moaned.” Abbaaa” I keep my two hands on his buttocks and pressed him inside. And I am madly moaning. He is also moaning and saying ” ohhhhh suhaaa. Ahhhhhh”””oh suhaa how nice, I will die with this pleasureure…. Ohh suhaaaa”. I am moaning and saying – “sri ahhhh” he is moving inside me very strongly. But I am holding him tightly at the lower part so that his body will be in continuous touch. I am also lifting my lower part up and down. He suddenly as if remembered something started chewing my nipples. I enjoyed it a lot. His whole body is on me in touch with me. His lower part is pounding me very strongly and his mouth is kissing and licking my boobs. He making my whole body wet with his kisses and licking. His hands are pressing me here and there. Ohhh my, he is so good in sex. This school boy faced man is killing me with his long and strong manhood. He is asking me in between, you want me to do faster or slow? Am I hurting you??? I feel so happy… how Much caring is he. I said “Sri… you idiot why did you waste our time” now I am not able to control myself. I hugged him tightly and I twisted my legs around his legs and started giving fast strokes from bottom. He also made hisgrip tight and he is pounding me very fast. I feel as if I am in a different world all together. I came to climax. I tightened my grip, all my body parts jerked once and I feel my whole blood and senses are concentrated at the same one point and I came out. At the same timesri is pounding me very fast and pressing me tightly and he shouted ohhh and I know he also came out…. We collapsed. Our grips became loose. He is still inside me and sleeping on me. After few minutes I inserted my fingers in to his hair and kissed his fore head and tears came out of my eyes. I felt Sri is mine. Nothing can come between us now. He is enjoying my kisses. And he is also kissing me without any specific space. Now in his kisses there is no hurry, they are filled with satisfaction, they are saying so many things with out speaking. We are very silent but our bodies are talking. We forget that we are on the floor in the hall all the windows are open and we forget about everything. We are busy in exploringEach others bodies and busy in loving each other.Sri… separated from me and lay beside me. Now the air is directly touching my body and drying my sweet…we both are looking up towards the ceiling…Sri called me… “Suha”, I asked – what? He asked -“do you love me now?” What to answer. I slowly moved and kept my head on his chest and hugged him tightly and asked “ do u want me to tell you I love you”, I feel that word “love” is not enough to express my feelings for you”. He said my heart is saying “ suha loves me so much and she cares for me. She is so nice than anyone in the world. He said “even if Suha don’t love me I don’t both I love her, that is enough for me”. Can any one imagine what happens in a woman’s heart listening to these words? I simply tightened my hug and said “Sri… We were like that for some time and slowly I started feeling something… I started rubbing my face to his body and kissing him slowly. Dear friends…. R U happy.. I am so happy. To know what happened next,pls. Wait till my next story. I believe you will all mail me as usual. Your mails give me so much of encouragement to write.So see you all at my mail box [email protected]


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