
I was nineteen then. I had no father and only mother looking after our family by doing daily wages. During rainy season daily wages works hardly to come by. I was forced by motherto bring necessary food items at local vendor. The shop owner’s son Sewalal who was in mid twenties used tolike me and sell items to me at reduced rates or even on credit basis. The same facility was not extended to my mother. He Often kisses and hugs at any given opportunity at the shop. Somehow he made me to believe that he is going to marry me. The Sewalal always slept in the shop where his parents stayed at home at night. After few days he started to come to my home at night made my mother to believe that he is going to marry. Since then life was smooth for us as we didn’t have to worry about our daily bread. Mother always suspected About his family will ever approve this relationship. So one day when he was with me my mother locked us from outside and raised hue cry and made all neighbors to gather and matter reported to police. Police intervened left the choice to Sewalal’s family either to accept me in their family or pay handsome compensation. Sewalal family was cunning family. I was eagerly waiting for outcome of their decision hoping they would accept me soon. But they had other idea. Sewalal met secretly few times and convinced me that his family would never accept me unless we runaway get married to ourselves. He also suggested we spent some days somewhere comeback as a couple. I agreed to that. One fine night we two ran away with some cash and clothes. We went to a far distance lesser-known tourist place checked into a hotel. We enjoyed like newly married couples. We had sex whenever he got it up. In a place where we knew none had great feeling for us. We were seen kissing, hugging, and smoothing publicly. I was going down to him any length to please him. In the night he used to dip his cock in drinks and made me to suck it. I enjoyed it. He never sgraduated for any job there seemed not bothered about the future. Whenever I asked about it I met with good fuck. As usual one night we had great sex with lots of liquor and porno videos. Morning when I got up found he was missing leaving me stark naked. I looked for him in bathroom that was empty. I went back to bed started looking around smelled something fishy. My clothes were nowhere to be seen. I got up for looking for clothes. To my horror I found no clothes neither his nor mine. He had not left even my used bra and panty. I had only Hotel’s bed sheet to cover my body.

I rang up to receptionist and asked about him. I was told they had seen him going to railway station on the pretext of receiving someone at dawn time. By the time realized that I have been cheated. Till evening I only asked food and whenever waiters I was hiding in bathroom. In the evening I called up the hotel manager on phone and explained my situation him. Night hotel manager accompanied with oneMore were knocking my door as usual I opened went hiding into bathroom. They were drunk they knew my helplessness condition very well. They simply broke into bathroom asked for payment of hotel bill immediately including the bed sheet, which I was covering.The other man pulled my cover and started playing all over my body with his hand. Meantime manager also removed his clothes took my hand and placed it on his cock. Now other was Already licking my pussy. I felt weak in the knee and collapsed on the ground. Both took me to bed while one licking my pussy other was putting his cock in my mouth. Initially I was reluctant later on I simply co-operated with them. All night one cock remained in mouth and another in and around my pussy. This situation went on for two more days. They locked room from outside. I slept with all who came to my bed. Then I was given one negligee to wear and made to wander

In the lobby area in the evenings whoever highest bidder had my service that night. After ten days I found a cop who was my bedmate for one night listed my story got me off the hotel. I still remember those days feel horny. Though it was hapless condition it seemed they were my most memorable days. They laid foundation to my new business which is flourishing now.


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