I am an m.d.for a major company. This Month I got sent to another part of the country affected by storms. I was sent down as part of the disaster response team. Normal procedure is to settle as many claims as possible as fast as possible. As a result we normally work from 8am to sunset. We rotate on a 16 day on, 2 day off, schedule and stay until we have either settled with all our policyholders or turned the Claim over to a higher power for review. .I arrived in the area on the 5th of febraury and worked the 16 day rotation. Normally I would have flown home for the time off, but the girls had a school trip on that weekend and Latika was a chaperone. She insisted I call her 31 year old widowed Madhu, who lived in a town about 2 hours inland from my assignment and spent the weekend relaxing at her house. I spoke with Madhuji on Wednesday night and told her I would arrive around 6 PM on Friday. She said she would have a home cooked meal ready. .Madhu and I had always had a good relationship. I felt she disliked and resented me for moving her fav giece away from home to the big city. As time went by this went away. I can honestly say that I always had a sexual interest in the woman. Madhu is a pretty woman, black hair with wisdom of gray, great complexion, 5’5″ tall and about 165 pounds. She has full breasts, a well defined waist line, well rounded hips and buttocks and very nice legs. She dresses well, though not matronly. .On Friday night I was treated to one of the best meals i’ve ever eaten. Madhuji and I talked for hours about family, old times and the recent storm damage to the area. At about 10:30 she insisted I turn in and get a good nights sleep. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I awoke at 9am on Saturday. I felt rested and refreshed. I took a shower and went down for coffee. Madhu was reading the paper at the kitchen table. She jumped right up and got me coffee and started breakfast. After breakfast wetalked about the kids and all matters pertaining to family and jobs. About 1pm I picked up the paper and went into the den. As I read the sports page I noticed that a mela of sorts was on about 150 miles away . Knowing that madhuji loved such events I went back into the kitchen and asked if she would like to go She got excited and remarked she had not been to the Mela since Uncle died 5 years ago. Because it would get Alte I told her to go pack some clothes and we’d make a night of it with dinner at a fav restaurant, the mela and then stay over in a hotel. While I was on the phone with the hotel madhu came back into the kitchen. When she heard me requesting 2 rooms she interrupted me and said to just get a room with 2 double beds. She didn’t mind being in the same room and there was no need to waste the money. I changed the room request and never Thought twice about it We were on the road by 3:30. On the 2 1/2 hour trip we talked constantly about family and friends. When wearrived at the hotel, I checked in and we went up to the room. The room we were given had a king size bed, not 2 doubles. I picked up the phone and called the front desk requesting a different room. I was told that because of the storm, there were so many families staying at the hotel all the doubles were full and this would be the only room available. There were also no roll-away beds available.
Madhu told me not to worry I was like a friend and she had no problem sleeping in the same bed with me. She then laughed and said when I saw her with no makeup I would probably want to sleep in the car. She said she wanted to take a bath and change. I went down to the lobby to look around and give her a little privacy.
We went to the festival, had an excellent dinner afterwards. We had a great time. We got back to the hotel at about midnight. Madhu turned the TV on and I took a shower. I put on my boxes and a te shirt. I always slept in my shorts and no top but, I was concerned about being modest in front of her. When I came out of the bathroom Madhuji was watching TV and waiting to change into her night clothes. She went to change and I got in the bed. I turned the light by my side of the bed off and laid back watching TV. In about 10 minutes, she came out of the bathroom wearing a blue silk nightshirt which struck her at mid-calf. The best way I can describe it is that it looked like a big kurta with no sleeps. It buttoned down the front and was cut up the sides to just about the knees. It was not revealing or sexy in any way. She asked if I minded if she left the light on in the bathroom and the door cracked open so she could see if she needed to get up in the middle of the night. I asked her if she wanted to watch TV and she said no she was going to sleep but it wouldn’t both her if I wanted to. I said no and turned it off. Dot got into bed, said good night and I turned off the light. To be honest with you I never gave a second thought tobeing in bed I went right to sleep.
Sometime during the night I woke up. I was laying on back and Dot had her leg on the top of me with her lower thigh resting on my cock which was hard as a rock. Her arm was across my chest and her left breast was resting on my right biceps and her right breast on my chest. I lay there for a minute without moving. I could feel her pussy pressed tightly against my hip. I’ve got to tell you that I could not help being turned on. I laid there for a few minutes more in a very uncomfortable state, then just rolled over on my side thinking if I disturbed her she would turn over away from me. Instead she followed me and put her leg right over my right hip and her arm over my chest. She was holding me so tight I could feel both breasts pressed into my back and her soft, soft pussy jammed up against my thigh. I laid there for what seemed like a eternity. Dot never moved. It was apparent from her slow rhythmic breathing she was in a deep sleepp. I tried moving again to see if I could get her to change positions. I rolled over completely, facing her. That did it, she rolled over on her back, but snuggled up and pressed her hip right up against me. All of the sudden she raised her legs and began to struggle with the covers pushing them down with her feet to partially uncover herself. After kicking off the cover, she lay on her back with her right leg bent at the knee and her legs slightly apart. I looked down and saw part of her right breast was exposed because two of the buttons on her shirt had come undone. Her shirt had ridden up to her waist and fully exposed her white panties. The moon of her pussy appeared massive under the tight fabric.
I couldn’t help myself. I had been gone from home for over 2 weeks. I my cock was throbbing. I rolled over and placed my leg over hers and my knee right on her soft pussy. She opened her legs further. My cock was pressed tight against her thigh. I began to move my legEver so slowly in a way that forced my knee to rub her pussy ever so lightly. I placed my hand over her exposed right breast and cupped it ever so slightly, I began to lightly circle her nipple with my index finger and it began to harden. I was more excited than I had been in years, like a kid the first time. After about a minute she let out a small moan. I could have jumped out of my skin. I lay still for a few minutes and started to remove move my leg. When I raised my leg Dot turned on her side facing me and put her arm over me. She pulled me close and put her leg over me again. I was right up against her and my left arm was over her with my hand resting on her butt. I stroked her butt softly, then gripped it slightly and pulled her closer to me. My cock was pressed up against her pussy. I pulled back slightly reached down pulled my cock through the opening in My boxes. I pushed it down very slowly to come in contact with the softest spot on her pussy. I lay very still for a minutee and then began to move my hips ever so slightly. Madhuji began to return my movements and her breathing became heavier. I softly rubbed her panty covered butt for a few minutes and then slipped my hand inside the panties and felt the smooth skin of her buttocks. She began breathing harder and moving slightly. I moved my hand from her butt to her inner thigh and feel the warmth radiating from her soft smooth skin. I slowly moved my hand up to the softness of her pussy. I slowly touched and cared the outer panty covered lips. She slipped her other arm under and behind me and pulled me closer and held me tight. I moved my hand up and into the top of her panties sliding my hand down and began fingering her wet pussy. She began moving her hips in time with me. My cock was throbbing, I couldn’t help myself, I reached down and moved her panties aside. She was so wet my cock instantly entered her. I laid there for just a few moments afraid if I moved I would come. In a brief momentof sanity I wondered if she was sleeping or pretending. Surely she couldn’t sleep through this. She began to move ever so slightly. I slowly and gently rolled on top of her. She offered no resistance, and rolled unto her back. I fully penetrated her and began very slow rhythmic movements.
She slowly raised both legs into the air and started to move her hips in time with me. The pace of our movements became quicker, we were both making love to each other. She came at least 3 times in the span of about 5 minutes of slow, soothing and very fulfilling sex. When I came, it was like nothing I had ever experienced. I do not know if it was the anticipation, fear, extended forbidden foreplay or just Exceptionally good pussy. We both got very still. We laid there in each others arms, neither knowing or sure that the other was awake because not a word had been said. I lay there for what seemed like an eternity holding her. My cock still between her legs. I finally drifted off tosleep. I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. Dot was in the bathroom. In about 5 minutes Madhu appeared by my bed with a cup of coffee. She Shook me and said it was 11am and we better get moving because check out time was noon. I sat up on the side of the bed and she told me to go ahead and take a shower. She said she had placed clean clothes in there for me and she would pack up and be ready to go when I was finished. I went to the bathroom, showed, shacked and got dressed. I was more nervous than I’d ever been in my life when I came out of the bathroom. I could see my life going down the tubes because I did something really stupid.Madhu was busy packing up and she looked up at me and smiled. She said she had the best nights sleep she’d had in years last night. She was in a very cheerful and happy mood.
On the drive back to her home we talked about the fun we had at the race track and the quality of the meal. It was as if she had no knowledge of what happened. But, she must surely know. I had dried sperm on my boxers. I came in her, she had to know something happened. Perhaps I had a wet dream. When we arrived at her house she made coffee and served me a cup. She exhausted herself saying she was going to unpack and put her clothes away. She went down the hallway and into her bedroom. I saw her come back up the hall with a laundry basket, open the laundry room door go in and return to her room empty handed. I got up went down the hall and into the laundry room. On the top of the clothes she placed in the hamper was the pair of panties she wore last night. I picked them up and looked at them. They were full of my drunk cum. It was not a wet dream.
I left shortly after that to return to work the next morning. Nothing was ever mentioned about last night.Any Unsatisified Womens Or girls Near Chandigarh Can contact me on [email protected] Waiting for your replys…..
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