Practically my in-laws have given me both my sister-in-laws as a wedding gift. You would wonder why and here is the story. In the joint family of in-laws I married the only daughter of the parents – but she turned out to be the elderly among her cousins who practically lived under one roof as sisters. Mine being an arranged marriage I had the first glimpse of my beautiful sister-in-laws only during my engagement ceremony when every one was so formally dressed with heavy makeup, hair-dos and fantastic sarees, cholis and what have you. Everyone was looking so beautiful including my wife who happens to be the darkest and least beautiful among her cousins. Anyway, the story is not about me and my wife – but about the cousins of my wife, saalis, who, as it turns out, were my wedding gift. Soon after my marriage I was invited to my in-laws place for a religious ceremony. Needless to say I was treated like a king. Me and my wife were given a secluded room for the night where no one would disturb us. I noticed that due to our presence in the house, everyone in the house had changed their usual sleeping stations. My in-laws who were usually upstairs had gone downstairs so that they could wake up early and carry on with daily chores whilst the newly weds would sleep longer owning to their nightly activities. We went to bed at 10:30pm, had routine sex like any other horny Newly wed couple and immediately slept off. The quantity of drinks and food that I had eaten woke me up in the night soon after midnight. I woke up and also woke my wife to ask her exact directions to bathroom as I was new in their big house and did not want to disturb anyone in the house. My wife gave me directions to find one of the two bathrooms in their very big country house and also asked me to be careful About where I was headed and to make least possible sound.
I was completely sober, but did not want to wake up anyone. I was wearing my sports shorts and a loose t-Shirt which is usually my nightgear. I opened door of the bedroom. The old door still made some creaking sound ignoring all my efforts to be careful. It was pitch dark outside of our bedroom which was a very small room adjustable to another bigger bedroom where it opened into and led to a passage to other bedrooms and stairs to downstairs. I was not expecting anyone upstairs as I had been told that everyone was downstairs. I the pitch dark I found my way to downstairs bathroom, exactly as per my wife’s direction. I did open the doors, taps were carefully making least possible sound. I heard lot of snoring before and after which was a good sign that I had not woken up anyone. I must have taken at least 10-15min to do my bathroom business as I was doing everything very slow and making least possible noise. I came out of bathroom, much more relaxed and refreshed. My eyes were now much better adjusted to night darkness. I decided to explore things a bit before I went upstairs. I discovered a number of in-law family members, all seniors, in various stages and sleeping positions. None of them had bedroom doors closed and they had multiple people in various rooms with women sleeping together and all men sleeping in various other places. I looked at women – all of them were sleeping with light sheets on them – typical for Indian summer time when women still wrap themselves to cover any intentional exposures during night. I now noticed that both my sils (sister-in-laws) were perhaps missing from that crown as I could see traditional bangle-filled hands, necklace wearing necks and red dot wearing foreheads of all women even in that darkness. Some women, my mother-in-law, were sizeable women too to be mistaken for my 18 and 21 year old sils.
I wondered where my sils were. Not a good thought perhaps for a newly wed. But I was just curious nonetheless. I then proceeded to go upstairs including that they are not in the house – perhaps with their friends or some other place for study or other reasons.By this time I was a completely nocturnal animal. I was able to see everything my pupils dialated to see everything in pitch dark. Whilst I was getting upstairs, the electricity in the village was lost. All fans stopped and all those fast sleep had their sleep disordered. I too waited to see what happens next. It was really dark now with street lights not entering into the house. We only had light from the lamp burning in dev-ghar and some moon light coming into house. Now I noticed that it was nearly a full moon night. In about 5 min everyone was comfortable – their blankets were thrown to side, each person has changed sleeping position and had gone fast sleep once again. I waited on stairs to re-count and re-look at the people. Again there was no sign of my sils as I could recognize every single man and woman in the house.I was getting horny again to copy with my wife. I had already reached my hard-on in my shorts – but was appreciated that my wife won’t co-operate as she does not like to be woken up to have sex.I thought I would just give myself a hand job whilst looking at my wife in moonlight. I forget to mention that after our sex, I managed to wear my shorts and t-shirt – but my wife was too tired to put anything back on. Moreover it was her house and she was comfortable to sleep naked although that was something that she had never done before. Thus I thought I shall go upstairs, look at my wife’s naked body and masturbate before I go to sleep.
When I came upstairs a big surprise was waiting for me. If found that both my sils were upstairs in a bedroom just outside of our bedroom. Both of them had thrown away their light blankets as no fans were running in the house. This was perhaps their default reaction. Elder sil was wearing a full-length nightgown with everything traditional – all innerwear and petticoat too covering everything that needs to be covered. She was sleeping on the left side spooning up. The shape of her back and buttocks was really nice – but there was not much too see in the darkness. I then thought of 18yr old sil. Where is she? She too must be somewhere nearby. And lo behold! I found her. She was right next to our bedroom door sleeping on the sofa-cum-bed in the corridor that joined two bedrooms. She was thus reasonably away from Both sisters and sleeping in a fantastic position wearing her school skirt – no nightgown. The skirt had reached as high as it could have ex position here panty fully to me. She was sleeping on her back/side and here ass was in my full view. What shaped legs. The whole site was so beautiful. I was anyway holding my dick in my hand and started masturbating whilst looking at this beautiful site. She was wearing a shirt and had portion of blanket on her chest blocking my upper view.
I quickly went inside our bedroom to check on my wife. She was sleeping fully nakedon her right with buttocks and pussy protruding out where I could have had a quick one. I just touched here to see how deep sleep she was. She just moaned when I touched her pussy and pushed my hand away murmuring go to sleep and let me sleep. That was good enough for me to know that she was fast sleep. I stood their for a minute or two admiring young 23yr old body of my new wife and giving hot rod in my short a good rub.
I then stepped out again to find out what else or how else I could enjoy. My 18yr skirt wearing sil had changed here position. Her skirt was still up in the air but she was sleeping on her back. I quickly discovered that her skirt and short both had zip. I unfasted both zips to check her reaction. The skirt had become completely loose nd unfasted. It was still hanging on her waist but it was not covering anything at all. The sight of her shapedly tights and small floral panty covering here essentials was truly awesome. I then discovered that I have a verySmall pair of scissors that fitted on my thumb and it was used for very special purpose knitting work. The scissors could cut through anything but 5mm at a time. It took those scissors out. I touched her panty in several places. It appeared moist in the middle. It smelled really good. It was tempted to copy her there and then but was conscious of whole household including my wife and other sil sleeping in the victory. I then inserted my hand inside the panty on the side. In each action I wanted to be in ready position to draw out to our bedroom in case she woke up. Inserting my hand on side of the panty did not even make her shuffle. I got some courage and cut through her panty on the side. The panty became loose and was hanging by the public triangle. An hanging fabric could have irritated here and woken her up – so I had to cut the other side too and very quickly. I did that. Sil was still fast wait. When I cut the second side, she shuffled and inserted here hand into the panty to scratch her pussy and removing hanging fabric from there. The net effect was that panty fell to bed exposing her pubic hair completely to me.
I could now smell her directly. I have non-erasable memory in my head of that wonderful virgin’s smell. I collected her torn panty somehow by patiently waiting there. I enjoyed the scene with my eyes, decided not to touch here lest she wake up. I put the torn panty in my short pocket, masturbated and on ejaculation I wiped off with here panty. I then stripped naked next to my wife touching her body from behind top to bottom keeping my hot dick between her buttock and cuddling her up holding on to her breast for rest of the night.We woke up around 7am due to surrounding noise. When we woke up my wife was suddenly ashamed of both being naked and started cursing me to wear clothes. She too hurried put everything on. She had not realized that both sils were sleeping next to our bedroom and they could here everything if theywanted to. When we stepped out, 18old was still fast wait – but this time with blanket from her to bottom as early morning cold weather and return of electricity to run fans must have made her wear the blanket. We came downstairs, brushed our teeth. Tea/breakfast was already ready for us. My mil made a comment that both sils were still sleeping and had to be woken up. She called for them but there was no answer. She simply said to me and my wife that we when go back upstairs, we should wake them up.I went upstairs. I knew exactly who is sleeping where and under what ‘conditions’. I said to my wife you wake up ‘that’ sil and I wake up ‘this’ sil. My wife said best way to wake them up is to pull their blanket out completely and thus make them ‘uncomfortable’. I said fine. I just did that and hold behold I find my 18yr old naked under the blanket. The skirt had somehow completely fallen off due to turning. Remember that I alreadyhad her panty in my pocket and her shirt too was exposing her body to me. She wore no bra. I had not realized that in the night! Damn!My action happened a minute or two later when my wife had done the same with my older sil. Older sil woke up at once, made here nightgown and hair tidy realizing that I was there too. Both had come to my other sil’s bed to witness how she was being woken up.
I had simply followed and copied actions of my wife. I was now certified innocent with two witnesses. I was not expecting a naked women under the blanket. I and both her sisters simply froze on that sight. I wish we had digital cameras then. 18yr old sil hardly knew what was wrong. She woke up fine but did not realize immediately that she has displayed to me almost her complete body in front of other two sisters. I rushed to cover her up and went back to our bedroom looking totally ashamed and shocked.To my surprise both sisters started scolding 18yr old. Apparently 18yr had done this too often to expose herself unknownly whilst sleeping by either not wearing proper clothes or by not using correct techniques to cover up when you are amongst a large family.All sisters then came back into our bedroom. I said sorry – but they all said it wasn’t my fault. Apparently 18yr did not mind the exposure. She was so very innocent as well as quite naive. We agreed to keep this between us.In couple of days or so, my in-laws stated that they had organized an outing on their beach house and everyone was to go there. I proposed swimming – but quickly discovered that no one know swimming. I had bought my wife a costume and had compelled here to learn swimming. She agreed to join me provided we go and swim far away from family members. I agreed and said both sils must accompany us because I want to teach them swimming too and I did not want their husbands in the future to be denied of such option to go for swim. My sils had to agree and all they said to family was that we are going walking on the beach and there was nothing to worry since I was with them.
Their family left us alone and we started walking far down the beach from where we could not be seen. Myself and my wife went behind the rocks and wanted to change into swimwear. My wife commented that sils don’t have any swimwear and they never went into water.I then simply asked all of them to walk with me to find a very unreachable isolated spot, clearly not suitable for swimming – but offered good privacy and security from any strange onlooker. The spot was on the much lower side behind cliff and amongst huge rocks. I had good knowledge of high-low tides and the whole shoreline then to know that it was good spot to have sex not necessarily swim. Water level had received and was expected to be lower for another 2hrs in the least. I quickly said to my wife that this is good spot, let us swim very quickly. No consumption is required since there was no one around except sils. Isaid you can give you costume to older sil if she is shy. The other sil can anyway come with us naked since we had all seen here naked. Also once inside water, you cannot see much in any case. They all believed me as they were never inside sea water.
I kind of said this as a joke but started striping at the same time. I told them not to look at me if they were shy until I entered water. Whilst striping I told my wife to quickly get rid of her clothes and started helping her too. Both my sils were not sure what they were watching. I quickly got rid of my clothes, made my wife naked and quickly put our clothes in safer place to keep them dry and away from winds. That means that both me and wife walked around naked in front of sils before we entered water.I started taking my wife through waves which she enjoyed. I then put her on the one of the rock and asked to enjoy the wave splash by holding tight to the rocks.I then looked behind to see what sils were doing. They did not want to miss anything but were not sure of how to strip in broad daylight. They of course had to be helped. I looked at my wife to supply the push needed. She was enjoying the waves too much as she shouted at sils to get in the water quickly with or without clothes.
I then said it would be a good idea for me to hold their hands and bring them in one by one lest they slip and fall among the rocks. Now imagine taking naked sils to water. Well they were not naked as yet – but I was going to get them to. I went out of the water, of course naked, taking permission from sils and telling them not to look at my lower body. Mind you situation was simply not erotic just as yet. There was too much risk involved in the foreplay with rocks, splashing waves and ebbing water. If first approached older sil and convinced her to wear consumption. I said to here that is of course necessary to get rid of all clothes before wearing the consumption. The consumption that I had bought for wife was one size smaller for her, had high thigh lines, least bottom coverage, low neckline and fully open back. In other words it would nicely expose everything as single piece. I had also removed the extra internal padding to ensure that wearers folds and cleavages will be clearly seen even from outside of the costume. Naughty! Older sil was simply wearing jeans and t-shirts. I said too here look don’t be shy and started helping Here to remove jeans and tea shirt. I said to here that consumption goes from bottom to top and it is necessary to remove panty first. She was extremely reluctant and I said to here that I stand looking other side when she should remove panty and wear the consumption bottom. The slowly she can get rid of bra and wear the consumption up on her breast. She agreed. I turned my back and started paying attention to my other sil.
And wow, this sil had stripped fully naked like my wife and was simply waiting for me to take her into water. My dick started feeling the pressureas I had look at her boobs and pussy in broad daylight. To save myself some embarrassment I said to her to turn back and I shall put here next to her sister to enjoy the waves. She agreed and we both started going towards the water. I shouted at older sil to say that i’ll be back shortly when she she is one. Now I had a tall, gorgeous naked woman in front of me – just 6 inches away. My blood has fully rushed into my dick making it 12-inches and throbbing. I positioned myself behind younger sil so that my wife could not see my erection. Couple of time I had to support younger sil in walking when she slipped. My dick touched here body several times. I did not allow here to turn to see what touched her behind. I straight lifted her and put her next to my wife, inserted myself fully into water until I was cool and my blood had gone back to normal veins. Now I decided to walk back to older sil. She was struggling with consumption. She was in a precarious position now having removedHer jeans and panty and still unable to wear consumption properly. I must say consumption wasn’t the normal one with spagetti straws hanging from neck and west! When I reached her, her back was fully exposed to me. I walked in front of her and discovered that she had clean saden pussy. Wow! How did that happen in conservative family where women never had such opportunity. I was the first man to see that she said immediately and admitted that she had a college girl friend who tried her to remain clean by getting rid of public hair regularly – but without shaving.
I then quickly helped her, almost with force, to get rid of all other clothes and quickly helped with her consumption by ensuring that here large C cups were fitted into smaller size consumption. Needless to say I did it by hand and she enjoyed it immensely. I then decided to tie-in loose ends of the consumption and in the process made here very uncomfortable. She quickly became me to loosen the ties and I said if we did that then the consumption has no meaning because it would be loose from all sides. I quickly untied everything and let the consumption fall to her feet. She simply did not know exactly where she must hold the consumption while I was making it loose. Now a beauty was standing in front of me completely naked. Suddenly she felt very shy and came into my embress to hide. There was no where else to hide. I Touched her body in that embrace and she touched my dick. It was already beginning to become erect. I allowed here to play with it and started sucking here boobs. I kissed her on the neck, on the back, on the lips. I started wet kissing and she now won’t let go of my 12-inches. I did not know what is the best thing for me to do. I simply said let us go to the rock and enjoy the waves naked like other two. With my erect penis and now her pumping heart we went to the rock. I whispered in my wife’s ears that handling two naked woman was too much and in order to control my desires I had to have sex with her immediately. It was then my younger sil spoke. She heard what I had said and also quipped that both sisters were outside our bedroom last night to hear all the noises. They knew we had some physical activity but did not know how sex was performed. That first made my wife angle and then filled her with some complex that she could do it if she wanted to do right now and right here. She asked both sisters to look away and started foreplay. We played with each other while waves splashed on us and made our bodies cool when we were both heating them up with foreplay. I had two naked women to look at while I was fucking my own wife. We changed several positions and I ensured that my wife came several times. She was exhausted doing action on top of me when I agreed for a doggy run. I did that for a few minutes and realized that both women were watching us. I then waved at them to get closer. I asked one of them to keep here hand on my penis and balls and keep rubbing it. My handswere on the boobs of two women already. I asked the other sister to do doggy and kiss my wife when she was in the act.
I changed the position once again and asked my wife to do 69 with me. I said to her lubricate me so much that I can enjoy her from behind. Her pussy was so lubricated by then that it was dripping wet and had no friction left for me. After my penis was dripping with saliva and I had prepared my wife’s asshole for insertion, we changed position and slowly inserted myself with again in doggy style. I asked one sil to keep my tools wet through suction and kissing. I asked the other sil to keep my wife happy. I no longer know which sister is where.I happily enjaculated, go fully exhausted and was lying on the rock. I fell asleep for 5-10min having had a dream sex. The two young women beside my wife keep making my wife happy and wondered why my penis has curled up and become much smaller.It was then my wife explained to them, give him 20-30min and he can perform again. You can make it sooner if you ‘prepare’ him. Sils were eager to know how. My wife started showing them how and I woke up. She was giving me oral and teaching sils in the process. In fact they had a competition to check who gives me best oral. I was asked to close my eyes and rate their orals. They would not tell me who won. I then said if you are not telling me then I shall have sex with all of you. The virgin sils had enough of ‘training’ for the day. They did not want any more ice to be broken and started running away from me.I was fully satisfied. I did not want to fuck my sils just as yet. If you like to story please rate it. That will encourage me to write next episode of my sexapades with my sils.
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