Made For Each Other

When you travel by one of the Chennai city commuter buses from Kellys Corner towards the Central Railway Station you will cross many over bridges. The one connecting Purasawalkam with Vepery forks, one limb curves left towards Otteri and the other curves right to Perimet. From the top of the bridge on the Otteri side you will see a vast, dense stretch of houses. It is not a squatter settlement; every bit of land has its owner who has documents to prove it. The people teenage in that settlements eat, sleep, breathe, work, fight, laugh, dance, make love, and have babies like any other, but in one of these houses there was a starting decoration from the usual. This is the story of that drama.In the eastern corner of this pettai (the Tamil word for such localities) is an alley that has signs of slight affluence. The street is black topped and devoid of garbage; the houses though single storied and small are not thatched or fashioned of corrugated sheets as in the rest of the pettai, but made of bricks and mortar. In the narrow courtyard of one of the houses a woman in her early forties sat cross-legged on a mat spread on the floor. The two tiny rooms abutting the road were on one side of a five feet wide courtyard where the woman sat; kitchen, bathroom and toilet were on the other side. Eight feet high sidewalls allowed the residents complete freedom from the prying eyes of neighbors. The lady, the owner, was proud of her house, which she kept neat and tidy. Her name was Martha. She was a widow.

Martha was waiting for her daughter Sunila to return from the school where she was a teacher; she was preparing for another confrontation. The girl came in at the expected time. She was about twenty, above average in height, with good figure and a narrow wait. Her features were chiselled and her eyes large with long lashes. There was a timing charm about her that added to her beauty.”You are looking glum, Ma,” she said.” Those Kilpauk people are quite keen about you,” said the woman. “They have sent a message again. I want a reply from you.” Please Ma, I do not want you to go ahead with the negotiations. I am not thinking of marriage yet.” You are old enough to think of marriage.” Martha did not conceal her announcement. The smile on the face of Sunila was gone; her eyes were filling with tears. “Why should you become so miserable Sunila Whenever I mention an offer? Parents with daughters are going about desperately seeking grooms and here you are spurning them. I don’t buy this ‘I am not ready’ stuff. For the umpteenth time I am asking you if you have fallen in love. Please let me know who that is. I would not mind about his caste, or if he is a Hindu or Muslim. I would not even insist that he convert to Christianity, or even if he wants you to change religion. I want you to be happy that is all.” But no further discussion was possible for Sunila moved to her room in a flood of tears Sarat, her son came in. He was a tall and handsome youth aged about twenty-five.”What Ma, looks like you have had another talk with Sunila?” “The Kilpauk offer has come in again, Sarat. They are keen, but your sister becomes positively miserable when I broke the topic. I have a doubt.” She suddenly became silent. Sarat stood waiting for her to come out with her Mysterious doubt, but mother was hesitant even to mention the thought that had occurred to her.”Yes, Ma what’s your doubt?””Is she is love with a married man?” Mother spoke in a whisper.” Very unlikely. Why don’t you ask her?””Why don’t you?””No Ma. I will not. She can’t bear it if both of us are after her.” He went in.’Married man,’ said Martha to herself, ‘that would be quite horrible.’ That something infinitely more horrifying than being in love with a married manwas possible came to Martha in a dream that night.

It was a large church. The bride was Sunila and she sat to the left of the isle; by her side sat Martha and her husband both as young as they were at the time of his death. The bride was showing no trace of the shyness that is proper for a bride in India, but was looking round and smiling away in unconcealed happiness. Sitting on the other side of the aisle in the groom’s place was Sarat and by his side sat Martha now looking her age. Martha woke up shivering. She prayed that such evil thoughts should not occur even in dreams. She slept and woke up just before dawn. She recalled the dream, and then this suddenly staggering thought: Why not? After all a girl like Sunila was her dream bride for her son, and a boy like Sarat a dream groom for her daughter. Why not indeed. Martha felt dizzy. He pinched herself to make sure she was not dreaming again. During the course of the day the picture became clearer. It was not that bizarre after all. There were compelling reasons why she should consider it seriously. Martha belonged to an educationally backward caste where the greatest ambition of young men was to become auto rickshaw drivers. The chances of Sunila getting good groom or Sarat a good bride in their caste were remote. As the Tamil proverb says why run for ghee when you have butter in hand? The next few days she pondered over her strange Thought. The obstacles seemed insurmountable: The law of the land prohibited brother-sister union, and Christian religion did not permit it.

Martha took her religion seriously. She believed in prayer, and God had always answered her prayers. She prayed as was her habit while cooking, while travelling in buses, even while watching TV; any spare time in fact. On the third day it came to her mind to read the early chapters of the book of Genesis in the bible. She read it and was astounded—it gave her the answer she was seeking. It was by brother and sister union that the children of Adam and Eve multiplied. God made it possible. God does not prohibit brother sister union when conditions make it necessary. She read on and then came the story of Lot who was left alone with his daughters when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot united with his daughters and his tribe multiplied. God blessed him and his progeny. Martha saw no moral object to what she was considering. But what of the community, and what of law? That was no problem either. They can go away to a distant land where no one knows them. Christian schools in Nagaland, a remote tiny province 2000 miles away in the hilly and remote Northern Eastern part of India, were clamouring for teachers and offers have come for the services of teachers like Sarat and Sunila. She could easily explain the marked facial resemblance between brother and sister by saying that Sunila was her brother’s daughter whom she had brought up when she lost her parents during infancy in an accident.

All that remained was to get the consent of the bride and groom. That was the problem. Martha cannot, during a cosy after dinner hour, ask Sarat and Sunila whether they had set a day for their wedding! Once her mind was set on a course of action Martha was not easily put off by frivolous obstacles. Her energetic mind was buzzing. She had reason to be hopeful. Sarat was six and his sister Sunila was two when their father died of brain fever. The father was a master mason who was in great demand. As he did not drink he had some savings and even at a young age he was able to purchase the house in which the family now lived. Martha was made of sterner material than most women of her class. She did not take to top-servant work as so many young widows and wives of drinkards do. Instead she sought a job in a factory manufacturing garments for export where the pay was good. She took her children with her in the company bus and put them in schools near her factory. Her children topped in theirr classes. They Qualified as teachers. Sarat worked in a middle school managed by the church, and Sunila was a teacher in a private school. Though Martha lived in the densely populated pettai she and her children had no contact with their neighbors. Most of the day the children were away in school near their mother’s factory thirty miles away. It was a special school means for the children of workers in the many export factories in that locality. They did not have many friends: they did not mix with the locals, and their schools were scattered all over the city and suburbs. They never knew their cousins ​​either. With both mother and father being the only child for their parents they had only distant cousins, and relatives fearing that after father’s passing the burden of looking after the family my devolve on them keep their distance. They never quarrelled, and sibling history was unknown to them. Martha was hopeful that the affection that Sunila and Sarat had for each otHer could be turned to physical love. She soon evolved a many-staged plan that went into operation during her next prayer turn.Martha had a routine for evening prayers. After a TV serial came the news. They listened to the headlines and then switched off for prayers. One of them by turns would read a verse or two they have chosen from the bible and speak a few words about their thoughts on that verse. Then the one who did the bible reading would pray. This daily routine never took more than five to ten minutes. When her turn came two days Martha chose Genesis chapter 4 verse 17. She then spoke on the theme. She explained that the children of Adam and Eve in order to multiply had to have babies by brother and sister union. Thus Abel, Cain and the other brothers united with their sisters to produce progeny. She explained that God made that possible and for God everything was possible, even father and daughter union as in the story of Lot. ‘As children of Adam and Eve,’ concluded Martha, ‘we are governed by the same laws they lived by.’

Martha was ready for step two that day itself. In Indian culture it is not proper for brother and sister to even touch each other lovingly let alone hug and kiss. Martha had to change that. Sarat and Sunila must get into the habit cultivating greater physical intimacy.Sunila was a very emotional girl. When watching TV and movies she had to hold on to her mother when the scenes became tense or when lovers get intimate. In Tamil TV serials such situations occur several times in every episode, and though the director had to control physical contact between lovers to the minimum nevertheless they can and always do arouse sexual feelings in views by subtle situations, and dialogue replace with double meaning. When such scenes occur Sunila hold tightly to her mother. Martha plan was to leave the room at the critical moment and force Sunila to hold on to her brother. When after prayers they were watching yet anOther serial Martha left the room when a particularly juicy love scene was in the offending claiming that she had something to do in the kitchen. Sunila followed her out but mother ordered her back in.”Don’t be silly,” she said, “go back and watch.” She took her back to the room and made her sit next to her brother. “Hold your brother just as you hold me,” she said. Sunila laughed coquettishly and blushed in a manner that Martha found most encouraging. Martha watched surprisingly. Brother and sister held hands and that for a start was quite satisfying. There was a sparkle in Sunila’s eyes too. As for Sarat she could not say if he was excited; he was a somewhat serious type. From then on she often left them alone together and was pleased to see them, now that he ice was broken, go beyond the stage of hand holding to leaning on each other, and talk and laugh and even flirt. One day Martha found Sunila lying on the double seater cane chairwith her head on her brother’s lap.

‘You seem more comfortable with your brother than you are with me,” said Martha. “That’s what she says,” said Sarat. The opening was too wide for Martha to miss it.” After me it is Sarat who will be looking after you for always,” she said.The time was ripe for the next step. This was to make Sarat burst with desire for his sister. This was a critical test of Martha’s skills.


The bathroom of Martha’s house was a five feet by five feet cubicle. The door was as broad, and it had to open outwards. The window of Sarat’s room was directly opposite the bathroom and it was scarcely five feet away. Saturday was oil bath day for Martha and her daughter. Martha had hers even before daybreak. Mother had to assist Sunila at every stage of this rather elaborate ritual. She would apply gingilly oil, specially mixed with herbs, an hour earlier and rub it into the scalp.Custom dictates that at least half an hour of soaking is essential to get full value. Then came the bath. Martha would help Sunila by rubbing and shampooing her. Of course all this happened behind closed doors. But Martha had planned an exception that morning.”Sarat close the outer door,” said mother. He did so. He could hear water sluicing. He went on with his work. Then there was the clinging sound of the brass bowl Falling on the hard granite flooring of the bathroom.”Nothing Sarat, the bowl slipped,” said mother opening the door of the bathroom to a slit. She did not latch the door and it slowly opened wide. Sarat looked on stunned. Sunila sat on the six-inch low wooden stool with her back towards the door. She was fully nude. Mother stood by her side shampooing her hair. Sarat was shivering, his eyes were popping out, and he was rock hard. He stood watching enthralled by the beauty of his sister’s body. Then mother closed the door but again did not latch it. It slowly opened to Sarat’s rising excitement. Sunila now sat sideward with her hand on her scalp as she was assisting mother with the shampooing. Sarat saw her magnificent breasts with not the slightest sag. If he had so much a brushed his hands on his glans he would have ejaculated. Mother then closed the door. Sarat sat on his cot panting. He could hold it no longer. He jerked off. After the bath, covered in layers of sari and towel Sunila, with mother following, moved to her room where behind closed door and windows she towelled, powered and incensed. Sarat meanwhile, his ardour still unabated after the jerk, lay with eyes closed, and breathing in gasps. His mind was in a whirl.

It was clear to Sarat that his mother was planning something. The obvious inference was so atrocious that Sarat did not credence it. But mother had quoted the bible. If the bible approved it cannot be bad. He examined his feelings towards his sister. Did he love his sister with sexual love? His recent excitement at seeing her nude did seem to indicate that he was sexually excited.The next Saturday he lay on his cot wondering if there would be a repeat of the performance. If it did there would be no doubt of mother’s intentions. With thudding heart he waited. He heard the noises of the preparation for Sunila’s oil bath. Mother’s call to close the door came at the precision moment. Sarat hear water sluicing and Then Mother called asking Sarat to bring the bottle of shampoo that she has forgotten to take with her. Sarat stood well away from the door when he handed the bottle to mother through an opening just wide enough to let out her hand. Sarat went back to his room. Once again Martha failed to latch the Door and once again it opened wide. Mother was shampooing Sunila’s hair, and Sunila was squatting on The six-inch high wooden stool, but this time she was facing the door.She had her knees fully folded, and thighs close together. Mother wasstanding behind her and Sunila with her hand up was assisting her in rubbing her scalp. Sarat could see his sister’s breasts in all their splendour, and below her navel glistened with a bubble of soap on it. Sunila’s thighs now separated slowly till it shaped to a wide V revealing the deeply convex closely trimmed mound, and below that those lovely fleshy outer lips held apart by her posture, and those delicate inner leaves leading up to the prominent clitoral hood, all clearly visible to Sarat who was barely five feet away. When mother poured water on sister’s head the water that the breasts channeled to the middle flowed down breaking the bubble on the navel and then coursed down over the moon and flowed over creating a tiny water fall that hidden the cleft. It was just too much for the brother. He jerked off where he stood. Sunila and mother then moved to the room. The window to her room was slightly ajar, and through the slit Sarat could see the perfectly shaped bOdy his sister as she wiped and powdered herself. Sarat had no doubt at all that his mother has contributed these situations. The inference was obvious. He examined his feelings towards his sister. This time he had no doubt at all of what it was. That evening Martha suggested that Sarat and Sunila could go to the beach. She said that a co-worker in her factory wants her look after her house that night because she has to be in hospital to attend on a relative.

“This is the first time I am leaving Sunila alone at night. She has never slept alone Sarat. You must sleep with her today. Be gentle.” She hugged both of them in one embrace. “Be fruitful,” she added in a whisper. Martha spoke again to Sunila when Sarat was out of hearing. May be she was repeating what she had discussed with her daughter earlier.”Be bold, darling. He cannot do anything by himself for it may appear as if he is taking advantage of a trusting sister. You have to take the initiative.” They sat away from the water’s edge with their backs to a big pile of nets. They spoke for a while about the Nagaland school to which on their mother’s advice they had both applied. So desperate was the need for teachers in Nagaland that the reply came by telegram the same day. With their own school term ending in a week they were able to promise arrival in three weeks. They sat silently watching the waves break on the shore. She then took her brother’s hand and placed it on her cheek.”I love you Anna (elder brother), and I cannot love any other.” Sarat held his sister by the supposed and drew her closer.”I love you too Sunila.”She dug her head on his chest and brother and sister savoured each other’s warmth.”Anna, you have always been my fantasy man. For you Anna?””I never fancied other women.””Have you stripped me in you mind’s eye.”Of course.”Was the real view asgood?” She laughed a tinkling laugh.”You knew?””I knew of course. Even with the eyes closed I could sense mother open the door. My only fear was that you might not be watching.””Fear?””Yes Anna, fear or may be disappointment.””You did not act as if you knew.””I did. I spread my thighs for you. I loved ever moment of it. I was thrilled beyond measure. Would you like to fondle me Anna?” She did not wait for his reply. She undid her blouse hooks and with a deft move at the back she unhooked her bra. She then covered herself properly with her pallav. She took her brother’s hand and inserted it under the pallav. She leaned back and placed her hand over his hand and closed her eyes.He ran his fingers on the globe, he pressed and nipple into the breast and played with the nipple and plucked it gently.” Do that again, Anna.” He did so.

“Come sit on this side and work on this other feellow. We do not want any sibling vitality.” She found it so amusing that she laughed, and then continued to giggle. Sarat promptly did the needful to restore amity between the twins. It was getting dark. It was time to go home. When they came home mother had left. They unlocked the door and switched on the light. Their eyes met. They hugged and kissed, lips against lips and tongue against tongue. She knew and he knew that with their mother’s blessing that was to be their First Night. Sunila served supper and cleared the table. She came to her room and changed to a nightdress. She went back to the kitchen and returned with a tumbler full of warm milk. This is a First Night ritual. He drank half of it and handed it over to her, and she drank the rest. And then they hugged and kissed.He unzipped her nightdress and it fell off. Sunila stood all naked in front of her brother and she showed no shame. She looked at herself and then she looked up.”You like it Anna?” she askedd. He nodded with wide sweeps of his head. “You want to see me like this or as you saw me this morning?””Morning was better,” he said and thereupon Sunila squatted on the cot with knees folded and hips spread and her brother sat in front, and brought his face closer and closer till his lips were touching her clitoral hood. He kissed and then his tongue darted out and with its sharp point he ticked her cliporis as sister used her fingers to spread her inner lips to bring the cliporis out.”Anna,” she said, “I love you.” Sarat let down his dhoti and she gasped.”You have seen it surely,” he said.”Yes at times but not when it was angry like this.””Like it?””Of course I do.” She touched it and ran her finger up and down the shake. She then held the base with the tips of fingers of both hands. She drew them forwards till the fingers rested in a circle round the ledge of the glans. She pulled forward to straighten the slight upturn in the shake. She looked up and smiled with innocent. She then lay back and with no self-consciousness at all spread her tights.

“Keep the light on, Anna,” she said, “I like it that way.” Her brother was on her. She held and shake and brought it to the entrance and stopped, a pause for one last thought before they crossed the line forever. The glans rested poised at the entrance its tip just hidden. Her inner leaves lay languidly on either side of the throbbing glans. She looked up again.”Shall I?” asked brother. By a very coy feminine shake of the head she gave her consent. He pressed and she jerked momentarily as he entered. She moved her hips helpfully and he was in up to the hilt.”Anna, we are changed forever,” she said. “Kiss me Anna. I am so happy. I am in such an emotional high that I am unable to focus on what we are doing. You get it done Anna, I can make the next one very special.” Soon Sarat ejaculated. They lay hugging each other.Sister and brother one would think cannot have sweet nothings to whisper into each other’s ears. The opposite is the truth. In two decades of togetherness they had accumulated so much that days of talking can hardly scrape the surface. Their past must have been all fun for Sarat was laughing and Sunila kept giggling for long stretches. They were happy.”Anna, I can feel you getting harder.””I am Sunila. Time for another.””I know what I want,” said Sunila.”In that case you direct me,” he said laughing.She sat on the cot in her now celebrated knees flexed, hip widened squat. She spread out the leaves to bring her cliporis out. With his tongue Sarat touched it. She moved her hips backwards and forwards.”You do the spreading Anna, I want to hold your head,” she said. He held her inner lips between his thumbs and index fingers and widened the cleft. The clitoris peeped out like a worm out of its hole. Sarat worked on it with the tip of his tongue. Sunila ran her spread out fingers into his hair. She was moving her hips with greater speed, and Sarat firmly bit the hood with his lips and played his tongue on the captive cliporis. He worked with greater and greater speed and his sister moved her hips to his Heightened rhythm. He slowed down, stopped, and then swiped in slow bold sweeps, and she cascaded down, moaning and clicking.”It’s so nice Anna darling,” she said. She did not have the strength to squat. She lay back. Her brother was on top of her. She guided him in.”Its so much larger, Anna. It is stretching me delightfully. Press Anna, harder, and harder.” They climaxed at the same time.”Anna, Anna,” said Sunila softly as both sister and brother were in one emrithing mass. “Anna I can feel your juices pour into me. It is an indescribable sensing.” They then subsided. Sunila by gesture asked her brother to wait, and then she waved him on, and she had it again, and then again and then again. She lay back now totally exhausted.”Keep it in Anna, I do not want even a drop of your precious fluid to spill. I want it all in my womb. I want to have your baby.” Sarat took his weight off her but keep it in till it slipped out on its own. Sunila held her tight together tight to hold her brother’s semen in. Sarat lay by her side gently fondling her breasts with one hand and rubbing the cleft with the other, and kissing every part of her body.”

Wake me up even if I am soundly sleep Anna. I want it once more.” Sarat wondered if any woman other than a loving sister could be so wonderfully uninhibited on a First Night. He considered himself the luckyiest of men.It was almost dawn when they had it again.” Will you promise to think of me as a sister even when you are climaxing Anna.” Of course Sunila. That thought adds a totallydifferent dimension to it. You will always be a pretty sister who is also mother of my babies.””We think so much alike Anna.” They were silent for some minutes.”You want the baby to be a boy or girl Anna?” she said rubbing her abdomen as if the baby was already growing there.”Boy.”So that the girl will be younger.”Yes.”And in God’s good time they also will unite the way we are doing.””Yes.”Just what I think. Brother and sister union is glorious.”But God did not will it that way. They settled down in Nagaland and prospered, but they have two boys. Both are smart and mischievous, and both are very popular with the little girls in their classes. Naga girls are pretty and charming and are good substitutes when sisters are not available.


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