My Wife

Hello everybody, I am Raj,I posted this same story on ISS some time back, but people who mailed me seem to be confused about the story & some think that Anjali is my wife & she is not,she is the one to whom I sent my mail seeking her expert advice on such cases.Actually this true story of mine I had posted on the ask Anjali section on the fis blog where Anjali would solve problems on people who have issues like this. I had posted this problem of mine in the ask Anjali section on 10 jan 2008 but still I have not received any reply/advice from her & hence I decided to post this on ISS thinking that there may be other people like me who have had similar problem & I can get advice from them on how I should handle such a problem in ones marital life.I request all of you to please go through this story & advice me on how to go about the whole thing cos I am really confused & I don’t know how to stop my wife.At the end of this story I have posted someother recent incidents that have taken place between my wife & that boy which will help you people to analyze the situation better & you will be able to advise me better.Please send your replies/advices to [email protected] I have pasted the same mail that I sent to Anjali & after this mail finishes I am writing some recent incidents so that you people can know more about my wife & advice me accordingly. # Raj Says: January 10th, 2008 at 2:30 am…Hello Anjali, ( please respond to this mail rather that the one I sent to you on 9 jan 2008 )

I am Raj from Bangalore.I sent a mail to you on 9 jan 2008 seeking your advice on my problem,well you know this was the first time I am writing about my problem to anyone & I was a bit nervous & I wrote the mail in a hurry & in doing so I have forgotten to mention some finer points such as me & my wife’s sexual relations ect, which will really help you analyze the situation in which I am better & Possiblyread my wife’s mind & after reading my this mail which is almost the same but with certain finer points ,I think you will be able to advise me better.So I request you to please send your advice to me after reading this mail & even if you have sent your advice to my previous mail I request you to please read this detail mail & resend your advice to me.I have been reading your answers given to others & I feel you are the right person I can look up to & get my problem solved, this is a bit laborate explanation of my problem & I request you to please go through my mail in detail before answering me.I need your advice regarding my relationship with my wife,so please answer me at the earliest.Dear Anjali, I am 27 & my wife is 26, we got married couple of years ago,we have no kids as of now.Me & my wife love each other very much & we are very open & frank with each other, we tell each other everything & we don’t believe in hiding anything.I nevergot a chance to make GF in my school or college days because I studied in boys school & there after I got in to my job which takes me out of Bangalore quit frequently & my wife told me that although she didn’t have a serious or sexual relationship with anybody during her college days, there were a few boys who were behind her & she also used to move with them openly & the closest she came to a boy was that they both kissed each other.

My wife works in a MNC in Bangalore & as I told earlier we have a relationship which is open.So a week back she told me that she made a boy friend who happens to be her junior in her office & he is 22.I thought that this was normal these days where boys & girls work together & I thought that since my wife is attractive the boy must have approached her & she would have accepted him as her boyfriend.

One day I asked my wife about him & how close they were & my wife replied to me that they were very close & my wife told me that if she is moving around with an other boy it dosn’t mean that she dosn’t love me & she told me how it started. She told me that when I was out of Bangalore she would feel lonely & since the boy approached her she started going out with him. They would go to restaurants & hang out in the malls & some times that boy would touch her everywhere & also would kiss her & she Also liked him.This was going on for quite some time.She is very frank with me & tells me everything.Once the boy invited my wife to his hostel where he was staying & that day he fucked my wife & my wife told me that she couldn’t resist him & she accepted him & there after they both had sex regularly & my wife told me that she really likes him & she wants to continue to meet him & if he insists she will sleep with him.Dear Anjali you know this is my problem, if she liked a guy & wants to sleep with him it’s ok once or twice, but my wife is telling that she wants to keep seeing him & I am afraid to tell her not to see him, because I feel if I tell her then she might go with him permanently & what ever happens I don’t want to leave my wife.

She even told me that when they both slept together he used to take nude photos of himself & my wife & my wife showed me some of the clips which he shot using my wife mobile & I saw his photo & he appears to be quite handsome & may be because of his looks my wife fall for him & I am afraid that if I try to tell my wife not to see him anymore she might choose him over me cos he is good looking.As I mentioned earlier, I really have no problem if my wife has an extramarital affairs, in fact I really get exited to hear from my wife about their sexual encounters & it makes me feel proud of my wife thinking that there are quite a few boys who are behind my wife, but at the back of my mind I always get this feeling that what ever is between mywife & that boy is not just lust & I feel that my wife has not only given her body to him but also a part of her hart & I think this is a threat to me & my wife’s relationships.

If it was just sex,then my wife would have slept with him couple of times & would have moved on,but she seems to be really liking him & although till now I didn’t ask my wife to introduce me to him & she also seems to be not very keen on introducing me to him,she speaks to him freely on her mobile in front of me.Once it so happened in the evening when me & my wife were in our house,she got a call from him & I was resting on her lap & I was exited & asked her to on the speaker of her mobile & she did & my wife called him sweet hart & I could hear him speak & he also calls her in the same way & she was asking that did he have his dinner & things like that & while ending their conversation my wife told him love you Varun.

So by thisconversation I seem to understand that my wife really cares for him. Our sexual relationship is very good,she dosn’t show any signs that she is not happy with me, in fact many times when I fucked her, I used to ask her jokingly that I was good or him & she gave me a very honest reply & she kissed me tightly & told me that she loves me but she said that he is much better & very good in the bed & she herself told me that he is good because he has fucked many other girls & he really knows how to give a girl the maximum pleasure & she told me that she gets maximum pleasure with him.

Well Anjali, I have a very good friend of mine,the only other person I have shared this problem of mine with.He is also married & when I told him about this he told me that before he could get married he used to have sex with some girls & his wife also used to have sex with other boys,but after their marriage they have stopped that & have sex only with each other,butStill he told me not to take this seriously & told me that if my wife is having sex with another boy it is quite normal these days & I should be happy that at least my wife is being honest with me & telling me everything & not hiding anything & he told me that whenever he spoke to my wife,my wife shows how much she loves me & he also suggested me that next time when me & my wife have sex I should tell her not to take birth controller pills & if she gets pregnant & if we have a baby,then it will make our relationship stronger & even if she sleeps with him there won’t be anything to worry.But you know Anjali babies means responsibility & I think we are not ready for it now.I asked my wife that does he use a condom during their sexual encounter & she said he uses, so there is no problem & I don’t have to worry thinking that my wife might get pregnant with his baby.

On my own I thought that if I start showing my wife that I love her more than him then what ever happens between my wife & him I won’t have to worry & I started by encouraging my wife to go out with him more so that she feels that she means everything to me & I want her to be with me forever & I won’t stop her from doing what she likes to do.As I told earlier my wife loves me very much & she is always there for me,there was one incident where I had come to Bangalore from out station & I was with my wife & she got a call from him & he was asking her to go out with him & she told him that she wants to spend her time with me & if such a thing happens in future I am thinking of telling her that it is really not a problem & she can go out with him.Dear Anjali please advice me whether I should say this or not.

I know this mail of mine is really long but you know I just want you to know exactly what is happening in our life & when you write to me with your advice for me you will bein a better position to advise me correctly,so I request you to please bear with me & read my entire mail. There was one incident which made me think that he is very possessive of my wife which makes me feel that our marriage is getting weaker. You know when I go out I usually call my wife around six in the evening cos that is the time she will be back at home after her work & Saturdays & Sundays is a holiday for her.Once I called her on a Friday evening around 6:30 & her mobile was switched off & I kept on calling & still her mobile was off & around 9 she gave me a call,may be because she might have seen my missed calls & when I asked her why her mobile was off she replied to me that after that days work her boyfriend took her to his hostel & they were having sex & I said it’s ok to have sex but why did she switch off her mobile & she told me that since she is in a managerial post in the MNC she keeps getting calls & whenever my wife & that boy have sex that boy used to get annoyed if the mobile keeps ringing & so he took her mobile & switched it off & she told me this jokingly that he even told her that even if it is your husband ie me calling her he didn’t want to be disturbed.I got really exited hearing this & thinking that there is an other boy who is dominating my wife & my wife dosn’t seem to say no to almost what ever he says & at the back of my mind I feel that this kind of situations may later become serious.

You know Anjali, some times I also feel that even when I am fucking my wife I did not take photos or anything like that,but since this boy is doing all that I even told my wife sex with him is ok but to tell him not to take photos & she said that it is beyond her control.She said that whenever I am not in city,she sleeps with him & she can’t tell him not to do anything & he also dosn’t listen to her he is very adamant & he does what ever he wants &she just accepts it. After hearing this I am even more worried thinking that my wife is not able to say no to him & since he has the habit of taking nude photos of my wife I feel after he really gets close to my wife he might even tell my wife that he wants to fuck her in front of his friends & I am not sure how my wife will react to this,Since she accepts almost whatever he does she might not say no to him.I have This feeling because my wife used to say that the hostel in which he is staying,two people have to share a room & when ever he takes my wife to his hostel room he asks his friends to go out & then he fucks my wife. As I mentioned earlier,when I am not in Bangalore my wife spends most of her time with him & since Saturdays & Sundays is a holiday he takes my wife to his hostel on Friday evening & fucks her & couple of times he had asked his room mate to share the room with other boys & asked my wife to stay overnight & she did.

Dear Anjali,I think I have given enough information about my problem & I request you to please go through my mail in detail & try to read my wife’s mind & advice me how to go about the whole thing.Please go through the mail more than once so that you can really understand the situation. Anjali I request you to please tell me whether I should accept this & just keep quite & let my wife & him get together & hopefully after some time she on her own might stop meeting him or should I tell her not to meet him anymore & if you advice me to tell her please also let me know how can I tell her.

Dear Anjali, I request you to please answer me at the earliest with your advice. Looking forward to hear from you. Regards. Raj Now I am writing some recent incidents.

I hope you people must have come to know what my problem is after having gone through my mail to Anjali of FIS blog.Well this has been going on now & I have really been very patent but it dosn’t seems that my wife & him are done with their affairs.Recently I asked my wife that whether she really loves him & she said that she certainly feels for him & she jokingly told me that if me & my wife had not been married she would have married him & she was honest with me & told me that some time back when I was out of Bangalore & when they had their sexual encounter & after they finished & were lying on the bed that boy told my wife that his parents are asking him to get married & he told them that he dosn’t want to get married yet,& when my wife asked him why he said that since he has had sex with lot of girls he dosn’t want to get married just to have a girl in his life,& he jokingly told my wife that although he has fucked many girls he has not felt the connection with them the way he felt with my wife & he told her that if he has to marry then he will marry only my wife. My wife told him that it is not possiblee cos she is married to me & for this that boy told my wife to divide me & marry him & my wife told me that she just laughed it away.Well readers,you know this conversation between my wife & him might have been just a joke for now but I don’t know how my wife will react if he really insists on this.You know apart from being handsome he is also from a well to do family & may try & tell my wife that if she leaves me & gets married to him she will lead a more comfortable life.I feel this cos my wife keeps telling me jokingly that if she had married him she would have stayed in a bigger house.

I think slowly my wife is accepting him in to her life completely & as I told earlier I don’t want to leave my wife cos she is so beautiful & she loves me but I don’t know what she has seen in him that she is just not able to forget him.As I had mentioned earlier,whenever my wife sleeps with him he has the habit of shooting nude photos & videos of my wife & as I told earlier my wife is very open with me & tells me everything & I also encourage her to tell me everything that happens between her & that boy so that I come to know what is happening & my wife keeps asking me that don’t I get angry when she tells about that boy & I said no. I thought that if I told her that I am not liking her meeting him then in future anything happens she will not tell me & she might go away from me.Last time when I was not in city & when my wife slept with him,he shot a video of himself & my wife & my wife showed me that video & told me that he shot this video after they had finished their sex.I don’t know how he manages to shoot such videos by himself in which he is also there.The video was my wife was sitting on the bed & was wearing only her panties & he was lying on my wife’s lap & was sucking her breasts & her nipples,the audio was not very clear & so I could not make out what they were talking & when I asked my wife she sort of didn’t want to tell me & ignored me & I also did not force her to tell me,however in that video my wife seems to be enjoying him & as he was sucking her nipples it was not very clear but I think my wife was stroking his penis.

Just four days back I jokingly asked her that how many times she got fucked by him & she told me that she can’t remember & this indicates that my wife & him are really close & have had numerous sexual encounters & my wife again asked me that whether this is bothering me & said no.May be she must have seen that i am worried even though I never told her she must have noticed it in my expression, After all she is my wife & can make out things even if I don’t tell her & she started kissing me & I also kissed her & she started telling me that she is not moving around with other men like she is moving around with that boy & she told me that many men in her office were behind her & have even approached her & have even asked her to sleep with them but she just ignored them & she told me that when that boy approached her initially she tried to avoid him as well but he kept on persisting & he was very handsome & my wife was carried away by his charm & she also felt that she wanted him & from the time she let him come close to her there was no looking back for her & from the moment that boy first touched & kissed my wife in a mall she had accepted him & there was no turning back for her & when he took my wife to his hostel & fucked her for the first time she became like sort of addicted to him & the pleasure he gave her ( this was her exact words ) & she knew that with this boy it was not just a one night stand but this will go on.She told me that she wished she had not met him but now she said that he has become a part of her life &she asked me to adjust & accept it.

You know readers, since I don’t want to leave my wife at any cost I feel that if she had the habit of having extramarital sex & one night stand like some of the other girls I would have been happier thinking that this is common these days & particularly in a work place like MNC where boys & girls work together this is quite common & I know almost everybody does it but they don’t stick to one person.In my wife’s case she dosn’t seem to be interested in one night stands but she is really interested in this boy & I feel that this is a threat to our marital relationships cos if that boy really forces her to leave me & marriage him I don’t know how my wife will react.

Dear readers I request you to please suggest/advice me on how to make my wife forget about him without telling her bluntly that I don’t like her seeing him cos I feel if I tell her this then she might be forced to choosebetween me & him & I really don’t know who she will choose, I hope it’s me but I don’t want to take a chance cos I don’t want to leave my wife. If there are people, husbands & wifes who has had similar problem please advice me on this even other people who think I should have done things differently & want to advice please mail me at [email protected] forward to hear from you people.Regards.Raj


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