A moment, if only, shared….or taken.

Have you ever met someone or been in a situation where you wish something more could happen, but know it couldn’t? Perhaps you were or are ethically bound to not allow yourself to give in to a weak moment, or maybe you did and it’s a secret and an experience you will allow only yourself to relive. Perhaps you shared a moment with someone you knew you couldn’t or wouldn’t get back. Where the sexual energy was so overwhelming that it left you breathless, your heart pounded in your head and your mind raced to say the right thing – or say nothing at all. Did the other person return the feelings, or was it all in your head? Did you, have you or will you steal another moment like it again?

Oddly enough, those of us that have experienced such a thing have asked or consider those very questions – still other have not. Some have told these stories like wearing a badge of honor, yet others keep it to themselves out of choice or self-preservation.

I would like to share just such an experience with you, as I invite you to do the same. I choose to do so here in the threads as I don’t feel a story without sex would be widely accepted in the sex stories section. Perhaps it is just a way for me to “let it out” – releasing these feelings of enrapment somehow.

And so, here is my experience:

I had lunch with a beautiful woman today, and for the first time in several years I found myself nervous. ‘But of what?’ I asked myself several times. Many things, actually – some I may not even know. Let me start from the beginning….

I work in sales and often take clients or potential clients to lunch. I approached a business to request a personal service that I hoped might lead to a buy of my product in return. To my surprise, the business owner (or co-owner) was a beautiful woman. I was not surprised by the fact that she is the business owner or that she is woman, more the fact that she owned a very physically strong business.

Allow me to describe her…She was petite, blond and with a beautifully athletic sculpted body. Although not short, she only stood about 5’4” – maybe. I say “only” because I myself am a rather tall individual at nearly 7’. Her breasts were a little on the smaller side, but I conceded long ago that I didn’t really care for extremely large boobs. And when she talked, she did so with such authority – yet humility, and with such fluency that she did not use slang, industry jargon or sophisticated words that were beyond common knowledge. This, coupled with her other attributes as described above made her the very opitimy of what I find desirable.

Then, of course, there is the fact that she is not the only owner of the business, but in fact a co-owner. That leads to there being, yes – you guessed it, a husband. From what I have been told, he is every bit the match of me – tall and able to knock down trees in a single blow. Then, there is the fact that I too am married.

When I first met her to get a bid of her company’s services, her beauty did not escape my notice. But I was the customer and she was the provider, and I held our positions in like regard. During the weeks prior and our conversations as the work progressed, what I did and sold was mentioned. After discussing it at length, the need for it determined and she proposed a trade of my product for their services. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement that was gladly accepted. Latter on, when the job was complete, I invited her to lunch to discuss the details of the exchange. I did this, even thought she was quite exclusive, on a purely business level.

Now, when I am describing my product and the details of its usage, I am completely comfortable. Too, when food is involved, the atmosphere is completely harmless and casual. But when she walked in the door I was struck with the shock and awe of the gorgeous woman before me, and she clearly read my face as I stood to greet her. This time she wore a halter-top that compiled her petite figure and showed her tanned upper body, while the fabric of her top clung to her skin showing the outline of her nipples and round breasts. She also wore a short denim skirt that looked just great on her hips and was careful not to cover her lovely legs, and heels to push up that little but firm butt. And her eyes, oh how I could easily lose myself in her exotic gaze, and I wondered if she could see the longing as she looked in mine.

When the waitress came, I quickly ordered then excused myself to wash my hands. I stood there over the sink, after throwing cold water in my face, just shaking my head trying to regain my composition as I told myself she was married, I was married and this is a business lunch. She had me eating myheart out, but this is a public restaurant and just about everybody knows either her or me. ‘Wow’ was the only words I could muster as I walked out of the restroom and back to the table.

As I approached the table, even though her back was naturally to the restrooms, she was staring at me. Was she attracted to me as well? Part of me would like to hope she was, and I would like to think that I am a fairly attractive guy, whether it is true or not. But I did my best to bring my professionalism back with me and I just smiled. I sat and stirred my tea as I tried to talk about things I usually do with clients. Then we discussed the product and verified what she needed, to which she was quick to leave in my – and I quote – “more than capable hands as I am the expert.” Then the conversation turned to her family and I asked how long her and her husband owned their business, trying my best to acknowledge she was married. I mentioned that I had never met him as I echoedin my head that I hoped I never did. Then she said she had a daughter that was almost ready to graduate.

“Forgive me,” I said, “but you don’t look like you should have a daughter ready to graduate.”

“Thanks,” she replied, “ but she’s my step daughter – there’s three of them.” Come to find out her husband was 10 years older than her and had children from a previous marriage, but none of their own. She then asked if I was married, which I told her I was, then we talked about my 6 year old son. We talked about our kids as she ate her pasta and I my fat ass burger (what was I thinking…) and shared the experiences and joys we’ve had with them.

The meal was enjoyable and company was indeed excellent as I tried my best to not come across as a pig or cross any lines. When the ticket arrived she went for her purse, but I insisted that it be my pleasure. “It’s not everyday that I get to buy a beautiful woman lunch…” I said trailing off to allow the compliment its due justice.

“Your sweet,” is all she said as she laughed. As I recalled the agreement made, we walked out the door and towards the cars. She was parked a little further down and with any other client we would have parted ways, but she kept me walking as we talked until we were halfway between our vehicles. She again thanked me for lunch, said goodbye then turned and LET ME watch her leave. I He knew I couldn’t stare too long as were just outside of a restaurant, but I couldn’t help myself. Just before she stopped to get in her car, I turned to walk back to my car and take my leave too. ‘No one would believe me if I told them at the office,’ I thought, ‘it would probably be best if they didn’t know and I kept this to myself anyway.’

Not a big deal you say? Probably not. But in a marriage that only has my one sided effort and occasional “hurry up, get on and get off – but turn the lights off, leave my clothes on and don’t look at me’, it was a nice change. It had been a while since my heart last pounded in my head like it did and the nervousness overcoming me, but it was not entirely unwelcome. Nothing, I’m sure, will ever come from it – and ethically it is only right that it does not (both of us being married and all), but a man can have his dreams and occasional fantasy, right?


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