Donny's Lessons From Mom

³ The Story of Donny’s Continuing Education ³
³ By Day Dreamer ³


Fifteen-year-old Donny had just lost his virginity. It
didn’t happen the way he had always imagined, by making it
with one of the pretty young girls in his school, but with an
older woman–his Aunt Sue. Well, not an “older woman” in the
sense that Aunt Sue was really old–after all she was only
twenty-eight–but older in comparison to the teenage girls in
his class.

Donny and Aunt Sue had gone skinny-dipping together. Follow-
ing that, nature took its course, and Donny and Sue ended up
joyously giving their virginity to each other. They had
opportunity to have sex several more times before Donny’s
divided mother returned from out of town to pick him up at
the farm where he had stayed with Aunt Sue. Even with that
limited experience, Donny had become addicted to Sue’s body
and the joy that came from the couple of flesh in sexual
union. Donny was now added to sex–real sex with a
female, not just fantasy sex accompanying solidary
masturbation sessions.

Now that Donny had experienced real sex, he wanted more and
more of it. Sue had been turned on to sex as much as he, and
she, too, wanted it on a steady basis. As a result, he and
Sue were saddened at having to part and longed to get back
together and renew the relationship they had established.
They hoped that Donny’s mother would have to leave town again
soon so that Donny could go back to the farm. Donny’s libido
stayed in constant arousal, not only from the memory of the
times he and Sue had enjoyed, but from the prospect of their
getting back together and loving each other the way they had

From the questions she had asked, Donny knew that his mother
suspected what had gone on between him and Sue. Although she
didn’t press the point, she made clear she knew that Donny
and Sue had become more than simply good friends. She didn’t
show much reaction one way or another, so Donny wasn’t sure
how she felt about him and Sue.

Donny knew how he felt about his mom, though.Sue had
revealed that when his mother and her brother had been teen-
agers they had engaged in an incestuous affair. They had, in
fact, been lovers for two years. Based on that knowledge,
Donny now saw his mother in a different light. Where before
he hadn’t paid much attention to his mother’s appearance, he
Now saw her as an attractive woman, or more specifically, as
a sexually attractive woman. He had tasted the joys of older
women and he now fantasized about being able to enjoy a
relationship with his mother like he had with his Aunt Sue.
In his fansies, he saw himself as continuing his relationship-
ship with Sue, and getting into his mother’s panties at the
same time. He wasn’t sure how he could accomplish such a
feat, but he stayed ever alert to any signals that mightt show
him how to proceed.

The Story Continues

Ever since he had returned from the farm, Donny had watched
his mother for signs of sexuality. Until that point, Donny
hadn’t even thought about her having a sex life. She was
simply his mother, a person who was always there. As far as
he had been concerned, she might as well have been asexual.
Of course, he knew that she and his father must have engaged
in sex to conceive him, but beyond that he hadn’t thought
about it. That his mother might have a sex life, that she
might, in fact, be having a sexual relationship with some man
Even that point, was now very much of interest to him.

Heretofore, Donny hadn’t paid much attention to how his
mother looked. Now, though, he did. He realized that she
was very pretty and that she had a volunteer figure. He
started paying attention to how she dressed, whether her
clothes showed her figure, whether her skirt was short
enough for him to catch a glimpse of her thigh, whether her
blouse was low-cut enough for him to see down and get a view
of those well-shaped breasts that filled her tops so well.
Donny thought that her body was made for loving, and he
longed to be the one who provided it. If she would make love
to her brother, maybe she would extend the same favors to her

Now that Donny had developed more interest in his mother, he
found that she was more caring for him. She seemed to be
more solidus of his needs and to ask his opinions more
It seemed that she was seeing him in a
different light that she had before. Maybe she realized that
he was getting older, that he wasn’t a kid any longer, that
he was becoming a mature young man rather than just a boy.
Maybe it was the realization that now that he was no longer a
virgin, he and she had much more in common. Whatever it was,
Donny liked it.

With school out, Donny had the house all to himself during
the day. His mom fixed lunch for him before she went to work
and got home in time to fix them dinner. In between, Donny
Watched TV, went to movies, and read a lot. Another thing he
did was to explore the house for evidence that his mother
might be engaging in sexual activities. Now that he saw his
mother as a sexually attractive woman, he wanted to see if
she had anything in the house that might show she was
Currently sexually active.

The first thing he did, of course, was go through her
lingerie drawers. There he found all sort of wispy under-
things–high cut panties, teddies, and even a small, frilly
G-string. He didn’t recognize the G-string for what it was
at first, but then he remembered seeing one on a mannikin in
the window of Fredericks of Hollywood. In his mind’s eye, he
could picture his mother dressed in that G-string, standing
before him, revealing her feminine charms. Seeing that small
patch of fabric and knowing that it had been next to her
Secret sexual places, aroused him immensely. As he handled
the G-string, his cock grow and filled his pants, swelling
out their entire front. The G-string was so sexually provoc-
active he couldn’t resist dropping his pants and wrapping his
cock in its soft fabric. It feel so good that he stroked it
up and down his rigid staff, pulling the foreskin back and
forth. Waves of pleasure flowed over him, and he increased
the tempo of the stroking. As he did, the picture of his
mom, nude except for that G-string, etched into his mind.
The fabric was so thin that her dark pubic hair showed
Through and her feminine cleft was clearly visible. The twin
peaks of her breasts stood proudly, each one tipped with a
crinkly ring of brownish flesh centered with a firm, erect
nipple. That mental image coupled with the pleasure
Feelings of silicate fabric struggling up and down his swollen
penis soon had him spurting huge jets of white, thick sperm.
They flowed into the silvern fabric and completely soaked it.
After the pleasure had faded, Donny wadded the G-string and
put it back into the drawer, hiding it under the other

Encouraged by the discovery of sexy undergarments, Donny
Continued his search for evidence that his mother might have
a secret sexual life. It didn’t take much more searching to
strike gold. Hidden away in a box at the very back of one of
her dresser drawers, Donny found a vibrator. Not a vibrator
like one might use to massage sore back muscles, but a
special kind–one shaped just like a penis. Donny pushed the
button on its base and it hummed and vibrated in his hand.
He wrapped his hand around it and imagined that the vibrator
was buried in his mom’s vagina. He could see her sprayed in
her bed, legsup in the air and wide-spread, thrusting that
vibrator in and out of the wetness between her tights.
Although his having just come into the G-string, Donny grow
aroused at the image and his cock once again grew loud rigid. He
rubbed the vibrator up and down the length of his shaft,
maintaining long contact with the sensitive area just under
its head. His cock jerked in response to the pleasure
vibrations and soon his masculine fountain was erupting its
ecstatic flow, shooting out on the floor and spattering the
carpet. Donny put the vibrator away and cleaned up his mess.
He didn’t know how his mom might react to finding splotches
of what was obviously come on the carpet of her bedroom.
Besides, it was almost time for her to get home and he wanted
to be sure all evidence of his explorations were removed.

That evening, after he and his mom had dinner, she complained
of her feet hurting. She relaxed in a chair and lifted a
hose-covered foot and massaged it. With the leg lifted like
that, Donny could see half way up her thigh. Even though the
leg was covered in panty hose, Donny could tell that it was a
Very shaped thigh, smooth and firm. Wanting to get closer
so that he could see more, maybe even see all the way up to
the spot he had already pictured in his mind, Donny asked if
she would like for him to massage her feet. She smiled and
responded, “Oh, Baby, would you? It would feel so much nicer
for someone else to do it. Wait just a second, though. Let
me get rid of these panty hose so that they won’t be in the

Donny's mother left the room for a few minutes and then came
back in and sat in the recliner. Donny could see her feet
were bare and that she had removed her hose. She leaned back
in the recliner and laid it all the way back so that she was
almost flat on her back. As she did so, she moved her feet
in little circles, inviting Donny to start his massage. As
she lay her head back and closed her eyes, she said, “Oh
thank you, sweetheart. It’s so nice of you to do this for

Donny sat down at the foot of the recliner and took one of
her feet into his hands. As he kneeled and massaged it, his
mom surprised and relaxed even more. Donny realized from the
way his mother had relaxed, with her legs apart and slightly
elevated by the recliner, that if he lowered his head a
little he could see up her dress. It was already pulled up
to above her knees, and if Donny lifted her feet while
rubbing them, he might be able to get the skirt even higher.
Then all he would have to do is take a peek.

Donny’s mother must have been really relaxed, because she
lifted the leg he wasn’t working on and bent it at the knee.
As she did, her skirt fell away and revealed even more of her
legs. With her in that position, Donny was presented with an
unobstructed view of almost all her legs, including the
creamy white skin of her inner thighs. Seeing her legs in
Almost their entirety, Donny was pleased that they were just
as he had imagined they would be–shapely, firm, and above
all else, sexy. His cock slowly swelled and stiffened in
reaction to the sight.Touching her warm skin like he was
made it even better for him. As he rubbed her feet, he
imagined that it was her soft, inner-thigh skin that his
hands and fingers were massaging.

Although he was seeing some of the parts of his mother than
he had been dreaming of seeing, he realized that there might
be more available for viewing. If he ducked his head just an
inch, he could see up the few remaining inches of skirt that
Still covered her upper thighs. If he were lucky, he might
be able to see some of those panties he had explored in her
lingerie drawer. “Oh, God,” Donny thought, “she might even
have on a G-string!”

Seeing that his mother still had her eyes closed, Donny
lowered his head so that he could see her panties, see where
They coveredher pussy. When he did so, all he saw was
darkness. When he looked closer, though, he realized that
What he saw wasn’t darkness, it was hair. There weren’t any
panties to see—only pussy. Donny almost gasped, and then
Thought, “She didn’t put anything on when she took off her
pantie hose. There’s nothing covering her pussy, and I’m
getting to look at it.”

And look he did, being careful to keep up the pace of rubbing
so his mother wouldn’t open her eyes to find out what was
different. Donny could see that her sex had a covering of
fine, dark hair. Where Sue’s pubic hair had been stiff and
kinky, his mother’s lay flat against her skin, molding to the
contours of her pubis, giving it a greyish-flesh color.
The contours that he saw inincluded the furrow that divided her
legs with its cleft of Venus. The cream was slightly pouted
open and showed a hint of moist flesh just a little deeper.
Donny pulled her leg a little to the side and the channel
divided open even more, the labial lips clearly showing as they
spread apart. Her womanly furrow was now even more evident,
and Donny could see down into its depths, down deep between
her legs to where the entrance of her most secret part was.

At this time, Donny’s mother lowered the leg she had lifted
and moved her foot toward him. She said, “You did that so
nice. Now do this one, please.” As she said this, she
lifted the leg Donny had just worked on even higher than the
one before. This caused even the little bit of skirt that
had been on her thigh to fallaway, all the way down to her
Waist. She way she was now reclining, Donny was exposed to a
Complete view of all the area between her legs. He gazed in
rapture at her pussy and ass. As far as he was concerned,
They were the most perfect he had ever seen, better even than

Donny would have stayed there and rubbed her feet until his
arms fell off for the opportunity to keep looking at what his
mother was displaying to him. Finally, though, she stood
and opened her eyes. “Oh, Darling, thank you. You have no
idea how much better that made me feel.” She rocked forward
on the recliner causing it to come forward. As she did, her
skirt fell down a little ways and covered the top quarter of
her thighs. She looked down at herself and said, “Oops,
excuse me. I didn’t realize so much of me showed. I’m
sorry, Baby, I probably embarrassed you.”

Donny wasn’t embarrassed. He was just maddeningly horny.
The front of his trousers were bulged out and even had a
small damp spot where pre-come had leaked out of his rigid,
throbbing cock. He tried to stop over as he stood up so
that his mother wouldn’t see his condition, but he knew it
was to no avail. He could see her glance at the evidence of
arousal, but she didn’t stare, and most important of all, she
didn’t comment about it. Donny immediately went to the
bathroom and jerked himself off, his mind full of the wet,
gaping pussy he had just seen. While he was doing this he
heard a soft humming sound. He couldn’t tell for sure, but
he thoughtit sounded a lot like the vibrator he had found in
his mother’s drawer.

The next day, elated by what he had already discovered, Donny
Continued the exploration of his mother’s belongings. Having
already searched her dresser, he now concentrated his
attention on her closet. It holds some suitcases and several
cardboard boxes were stacked on its shelves–maybe they
contained some more items his mother might use in a secret
sex life.

He checked the suitcases first and found them all to be
empty. Pulling up a chair, he took down the boxes from the
shelf and spread them on the bed. The first box held only
old costume jewelry. “Mom always has been a pack rat,” Donny
thought. The next box, though, was a little more
Interesting. It was full of old,loose photographs. There
were pictures of Grandpa and Grandma before she died, some of
Mom and Dad before they got divided, and some of her
brothers and sisters–Ned, Will, and Sue. Donny hadn’t seen
Uncle Ned or Uncle Will in years. They had moved out to the
West Coast and never came back to the home place. Sue was
the only one, other than Mom, who had remained in the area.

The next picture was very interesting to Donny. It was a
picture of the whole family–Mom, Uncle Ned, Uncle Will, Aunt
Sue, and Grandpa and Grandma. It had been taken down at the
swimming hole on Grandpa’s farm, and it must have been taken
During the time the kids skinny-dipped because all the kids
were naked as jaybirds. It must have been taken a long time
ago, because Uncle Ned, the oldest of thekids, didn’t look
to be over twelve years of age. Mom was just a year younger,
but she was showing more signs of physical maturity than any
of the others. Her breasts were beginning to bud out and
There was evidence of a slight dusting of public hair across
her Mount of Venus. Donny thought, “God, but she was pretty.
Even back then when she was just a kid, Mom was sexy looking.
No wonder Uncle Ned got the hots for her. What I wouldn’t
give to have been in his shoes.” Seeing that picture and
thinking those thoughts brought Donny’s cock to full

Even though the box of pictures had been especially inter-
esting to Donny, the last box proved to be a treasure trove.
Inside, Donny found a collection of small magazines. If his
cock had notalready been hard, the titles of the magazines
would have immediately brought it to full attention. Printed
on the covers of the magazines were such provocative titles
as “Taboo Relations,” “Letters from Loving Family Members,”
“Family Lovers,” and “Siblings in Love.” There must have
have been two dozen of the magazines, all dog-eared from having
have read over and over again.

Donny thumbed through the magazines and found story after
story about family loving and letters describing sexual rela-
tions between close relatives–page after page detailing
incestuous love affairs. One of the magazines opened up to a
story of a young brother and sister who discovered the thrill
of sexual relations with each other, who received from each
other the gift of virginity lovingly surrendered. The pages
of this story were well-worn and Donny could tell it had been
read many times. He pictured his mother reading the story
and reliving the time that she and her brother had been
teenage lovers.

Another story was about an aunt and her nephew. The story
was so similar to the experiences he and Sue had had that it
sent cold shifts up his spine. The story that really got
Donny’s attention, though, was titled, “Teaching Sonny About
Love.” The first page of the story was turned down and the
magazine had been handled so much that it was almost falling
apart. Donny knew from its appearance that his mother must
have read the story often. As he read the story, his face
became flushed and he started breathing faster. In the
story, a lonely divided mother turned to her teenage son in
Desperation for love. She taught him how to perform all the
various acts of love and turned him into an accomplished
love. How they performed them together was described in
thrilling paragraph after paragraph.

Donny had long since loosened his belt and dropped his
trousers so that his rigid throbbing cock could be free of
its confinement. It jerked and throbbed as he turned the
pages and pre-come dribbled out of its eye and ran down its
hot shaft. As Donny read about how the son plugged his cock
into his mother’s quivering flesh, his cock spurted a gusher
of hot cream. Knowing he was so hot from reading the story,
Donny had been afraid to touch his cock for fear of an
immediate orgasm. Although that, without so much as a single
touch or stroke, the excitement of reading about the mother-
son love familiar spontaneously brought about one of the most
intense orgasms of Donny’s life.

The implication of the magazines, particularly the way some
stories had been read more than others, was very clear to
Donny–his mother did, indeed, have sexual urges and needs.
It was just as clear that she harbored secret sexual desires
for him–desires as strong as the ones he felt for her. How
to go about bringing her desires together with his wasn’t
nearly so clear, however. He couldn’t walk up to his mother
and say, “Hey, let’s fuck.” Maybe she expected him to make
the first move. If so, his inexperience left him without a
clue as to how to proceed. Frustrated, he cleaned up the
leavings of his orgasm, carefully put the magazines back in
place, and decided to give it more time. He would continue
to watch for signs and hoped he would recognize them when
They came.

That night after supper, Donny decided to try to explore his
mother’s feelings, to perhaps get some insight into what she
was thinking and experiencing. “Mom, how come you never go
out with men? You’re still young and pretty, but I can’t
ever recall you’re going on a date.”

Donny’s mother laughed and said, “Thank you for the
compliment, sweetheart. Well, the truth is, I don’t really
Know the answer to that question myself. One problem is that
most of the men I work with are married, so they don’t
count.” He smiled wryly and continued, “Not that some of
They haven’t asked me out. When a married man asked a single
woman out, he has only one thing in mind, and there’s no
future at all in a relationship like that. As for the single
men I meet, well, the reason they’re not married is usually
evident. Most of them are mama’s boys, wimps, or nerds. I
just haven’t met any that I care to date.” She got a wistful
expression on her face and continued, “And I guess a lot of
it is my fault. I just don’t go out of the way to try to
attractive men. Maybe I ought to, but it just doesn’t seem like
it’s worth the effort. Besides, there are so many diseases
out there that the risk of establishing a close relationship
is pretty great nowdays. There’s just too much risk in
getting involved to that degree with someone you don’t know
Very well.” She laughed and added, “I guess I’m just
destined to be married to my job.”

“But don’t you sometimes get lonely?” Donny asked. Of
course, what he really means was `don’t you get horny?’ and
she didn’t fail to catch the implication.

Her expression got very serious and she said in a soft,
almost sad, voice, “Yes, Donny. Oh, yes, I do get lonely
Sometimes. Very lonely.”

Her expression brightened quickly, though, and she turned the
tables on him, quizzing him about his romantic interests.
“How about you, buster? You’ve been hanging around the house
ever since you got back from the farm. Not a single date
Since then. Gone into section or something?”

A little uneasy about her probing, Donny answered, “Well, I
just haven’t been much interested in going out with the girls
in my class. They sometimes seem silly and giggly.”

His mother smiled and said, “Gotten yourself hooked on an
older woman, huh? Maybe one named Sue?”

Now Donny really became uneasy. Mom was tracing into an
area he didn’t want to discuss. He had promised Sue he
wouldn’t talk about it, and he sure didn’t want to violence
her confidence. Donny planned many trips to the farm and
Many more loving sessions with Sue. If he blabbed about
their relationship, it might put an end to any chance for a
renewal of pleasures he and Sue had enjoyed. As he usually
Did when confronted with a situation where he might have to
lie, he just stayed quiet.

When she saw he wasn’t going to answer, Donny’s mom
Continued, “Why don’t you tell me about you and Sue?”

“Oh, Mom, don’t make me talk about it. I made a promise to

Donny’s mother laughed and said, “Oh, Donny, Donny. There’s
Not anything you have to tell. From the minute I walked in
that day, I knew. Sue’s face was still flushed from
excitement, and she had the distinctive odor about her of a
woman who has just been completely sexually satisfied.
There wasn’t any mistake that she was…how would you men
put it? Freshly fucked? I knew that Grandpa hadn’t done it,
so it only left one other person.”

Donny was alittle shocked at his mother’s use of such a
crude expression–he had never heard her use language like
that before. He was even more shocked at the way she had
figured out the situation between him and Sue. He realized
that she was a whole lot shrewder than he had given her
credit for.

She wasn’t through yet, though. “To cap it off, when you and
I were in the car coming home and the car got warm, it was
obvious what you had been doing. Donny, dear, the only way
you can get rid of the smell of sex is to take a bath. You
Surely hadn’t done that. After a little while, the inside
of the car was smelling like a cat house.”

Donny sat there red-faced, embarrassed that his mother could
figure things out so easily, that he and Sue had been so
transparent. He looked down at the floor and just stayed

“How did it happen anyway? Who seduced who?”

Donny stammered a little, not sure how to answer the
question. His mother laughed again, not laughing at him but
at the humor of his being embarrassed about the matter. “Let
me guess. You and Sue went skinny-dipping together, and one
thing led to another, and you ended up in the sack together.”

“How did you know? Have you been talking with Sue?”

“No, but you have to remember that Sue and I are sisters. We
Edwards girls are a lot alike, and I know what I would have
done if I were in her place.” She came over and hugged
Donny, continuing, “Oh, Donny, I’m not angry. I’m happy
about it. I trust you took precautions, though. I’d sure
hate to think of Sue getting pregnant by her own nephew.”

Donny, nodded his head, and said, “Yeah, we made sure.”

Donny’s mother laughed and said, “Well, I guess I can’t call
Sue your maiden aunt anymore, can I?”

Donny, finally recognizing that his mother wasn’t at all
upset about the matter, lightened up himself, smiling and
saying, “That’s for sure. I took care of that matter three
times over.”

Donny’s mother arched her eyebrow and said, “Three times,
huh? I guess you ARE growing up.” She stood up and
stretched, displaying her breasts as the thin fabric of her
robe pulled tightly across them. “Well, it’s getting close
to beddy-bye. Time for my bath.” With that, his mother
headed for her bedroom. Donny couldn’t help but notice the
way she swayed her hips when she walked away from him. She
had never done that to him before, and he liked it.

As Donny sat there, half-way watching television, he heard
his mother’s voice calling to him. He went to the door of
her bathroom and asked, “Were you calling me?”

“Yeah, I forgot a towel. Will you get one from the top of
the dryer and bring it into me please?”

“Sure, just a second,” Donny answered. “My God,” Donny
Thought, “she wants me to take a towel INTO her. Maybe she’s
naked and I’ll get to see her. She really DID ask me to take
the towel INTO the bathroom. Maybe she wants me to see her
naked. Maybe this is the sign I’ve been looking for.”

Donny got the towel and went back to the bathroom door. He
wasn’t sure how to proceed. Should he knock or just walk
right in? Finally resolving the issue in his mind, he said
to himself, “Well, she did tell me to go into the bathroom,
so that’s what I’ll do.”

Donny opened the door and walked right in. His mother was
Sitting in the bathtub and looked up at him and smiled.
“Thank you, dear. Just put it here on the edge of the tub.
I guess I’m getting forgotten in my old age.”

Donny couldn’t tear his eyes away. His mom’s breasts were
plainly visible, standing so firm and upright on her chest.
They were rounded and so smooth looking, like they were made
of Jello molds poured full of cream. Each one was tipped by
a little upright nubbin of nipple, like a little fingertip
poking out from the center. As his eyes worked lower, he
could see a hint of black just under the surface of the soapy
water right at the juncture of her thighs. “Oh, God,” Donny
Thought, “she is a vision. Her breasts are absolutely
perfect and I can almost see her pussy.” There wasn’t anyway
he could avoid reacting to the sight–his cock grow almost
Instantly hard and made a obviously bulge in the front of his

A slight smile was the only notice his mother gave to Donny’s
Very visible discomfit. She looked up at him and said,
“I haven’t had my back washed since your dad and I got
Divorced, and I really miss it. While you’re here, would you
mind washing my back for me?”

Donny could hardly believe the good fortune fate was
bestowing on him. “She’s asking me to wash her back, to
touch that smooth skin and beautiful nude body,” he thought.
“Oh, God, will I ever!” Donny got down on his knees next to
the tub and said in the most blatant understanding of his
life, “Sure, I’ll be glad to.”

She handed him a sponge and bar of soap and Donny took them
in trembling hands. She said, “Here, use these.” And
Noticing the way his hands were shaking, added, “Donny,
sweetheart, you don’t have to be nervous. I’m not going to

Donny soaped up her back with the bar of soap, rubbing the
smooth later all over the white expand of her back. He
could see that she was thinner than Sue, that her ribs showed
on her back and her spine was plainly evident. Her skin felt
so smooth and soft that Donny could have kept rubbing
forever, so caught up in the pleasure the contact of his
hands with her body was giving him. He worked his hands up
to the top of her shoulders and gently kneaded them, giving
her a massage as well as back wash. She throw her shoulders
back against his hands, a shrugging motion, and said, “Oh,
that’s so nice. I didn’t realize how tight my muscles were.”

Emboldened by what had happened thus far, Donny decided to
go even further, to risk even more. “It would be even better
if I rubbed you all over. Would you like for me to do that?”

There were a few moments of silence and Donny thought he had
completely blown it, that he had gone too far, too fast.
Then she turned towards him and their eyes met and locked. In
a little, soft voice she said, “Yes, I think I would like
that.” She put her hand on his and continued, “Why don’t you
rinse me off and then we can use my bed for the massage.”

Donny took the sponge and squeezed water over her shoulders,
rinsing off the soap he had applied. After he had finished
with her back and shoulders, she said, “Do the front, too.”

Dipping the sponge back into the water, Donny squeezed water
over her breasts, rivulets that flowed over and around them.
He moved the sponge down and gently rinsed each of the creamy
Mounds, rubbing around, over, and under them. Ashe did, he
could see the nipples lengthen and stand erect, like two
little soldiers standing at attention. He was completely
enraptured. This was the stuff of his imagination, of his
most erotic dreams, and now he was getting to act out those
fansies in real life.

Donny’s mother then put her hands on the sides of the tub and
said, “Now do the rest.” Slowly, she stood up, water
dripping from her, to where she stood facing him. He was
Still on his knees, and her vagina came to just the same
level as his eyes, wet and sleep and only inches away. For a
few moments, Donny just gazed, the slightly pouted lips of
her vagina drawing his eyes with an irresistible attention.
The dark hair on the surface of the little moons on each
side of the cleft was long and clung to her wet skin and
curled under into the space between her legs. Some of the
wet hairs had even flowed into the cleft, as if they, too,
sought the same goal Donny was seeking.

Donny suddenly remembered what he was supposed to be doing
and bring the wet sponge up to the softly rounded flesh of
her belly, squeezing water over its surface. It flowed down
into the vaginal furrow and into the creams at the places
where her legs met the furry space between them. He stroked
the sponge across the soft belly and then down to her dark
triangle, pressing softly and rubbing in small circles. As
his hand touched the surface of her vagina, she spread her
legs apart, giving him room to move and wash between them.
He moved his whole hand into the area and felt the softness
of her inner thighs press against it. Using his fingers,
Donny pushed the sponge into her feminine crevice, causing it
to get open. He could see the little nubbin of her clitoris
right at the top of the furrow and moved the sponge up to
lay the spot he knew would bring her pleasure. As he
stroked the soft, wet sponge across its sensitive surface, a
soft moan escaped his mother’s lips. Not daring to risk
more, he moved the sponge over her legs and rinsed them.
After he finished with her front, she turned around,
presenting her backside, and said, “Now this side.”

With the sight of his mother’s outthrust buttocks before him,
all he really wanted to do was to reach out and cares them,
to knead them gently with his hands. He could hardly believe
how beautifullyshaped her buttocks were–firm, small globes,
each little more than a handful. Sue’s hips had been wide
and her ass full and lush, but his mother’s hips were narrow,
Almost boyish, and her buttocks completed them perfectly.
He stroked across their surfaces with the sponge and pushed
it into the deep cleft between them. She leaned over and
spread her legs apart again, giving him access to the area.
With her like that, he could see the little crinkled rosebud
of her anus, and he stroked the sponge across it, gently
rinsing it. She straightened up and turned back around,
facing him again. “This is the best bath I’ve had in a long
time. Thank you for washing my back, sweetheart.” Then she
smiled and added, “And all the rest, too.”

She took up the towel and started drying herself. Donny
would have been glad to help with that, too, but she said,
“Why don’t you go take a quick shower while I finish getting
ready. By the time you get back, I’ll have a mass parlor
all set up.”

After rushing back to his room, Donny held and took one of
the quickest shows of his life. He wasn’t sure how he was
supposed to dress to go to a “massage parlor,” so he just
slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms. They weren’t nearly so
tight as Jockey shorts and allowed his heavily standing cock
a little more room for comfort.

Even though Donny had already been aroused by seeing and
touching his mother in her bath, his excitement rose several
degrees higher from what he saw and smelled as he entered her
bedroom. All the lights had been turned off and sitting on
the dresser and the nightstand were several brightly flamencing
candles. Also on the dresser was an incense burner, with
tendrils of exclusively perfumed smoke rising from it. The
sheer sensitivity of the room would have been arousing by
itself, but what Donny saw in the center of the pool of
candlelight made him catch his breath. His mother had turned
down the bedspread, leaving only a sheet, and she lay in the
middle of it, on her stomach, totally nude, except for a
wispy bra and a G-string.

“How’s this for a mass parlor?” she asked.

“This is wonderful. It’s absolutely beautiful.” Donny
walking over and stood by the bed, gazing down lovingly at his
beautiful mother. “Andyou’re the most beautiful thing in
the room,” he said softly.

“Thank you, kind sir.”

Donny sat down on the bed next to her and rubbed his hand
softly across the fabric of the G-string. “A G-string is
about the sexiest thing a woman can wear. I love it.”

She smiled and said, “Somehow or other I knew you would like
my G-string.”

“You found it, huh?” Donny asked.

“Yes, and it was still wet when I discovered it. I was so
flattered by the gift you left in it that I wore it that way
all day long.”

The thought of her having that come-soaked G-string covering
her pussy aroused Donny to even greater heights, and his cock
jerked and throbbed in response. He was now practically
panting from arousal and aching to reach out and cares that
beautiful body that lay exposed to his eyes. Barely able to
get the words out, Donny said, “You ready for that rub-down

“I mean. There’s a bottle of lotion on the dresser, why
don’t you use it?”

Donny got the bottle and opened its spout, pouring a generous
portion of lotion into his palm. He sat the bottle on the
nightstand and lowered his hands to her shoulders. The
lotion was creamy and smooth and added immeasurably to the
Sensuality of his touching her skin. He rubbed the lotion
into her shoulders and across her back and then started
massaging, slowly and deeply kneeling her shoulders and neck.
He could feel the tension go out of her muscles as he worked
his fingertips into the tightness across her neck and back.
She surprised and murmured, “That feels so nice. Oh, Baby, you
do that so well.”

Donny moved his attention to her back and massaged the area
between her shoulders and wait. Every time he stroked up
and down, though, her bra strap got in the way. “Undo the
clasp and take it off. That way it won’t be in the way,” his
mother said softly.

With the bra out of the way, Donny completed massaging the
back area and then moved down lower, to the tight, little
buttocks he had fallen in love with. Taking the lotion
bottle, Donny squirted some out on each chef, and then into
the cleft that divided them. Using both palms, he then
kneeled and massed those firm globes, squeezing and making
love to them with his hands. As he did so, he extended
Several fingers into the deep furrow that went down the
middle of her ass. The skin in this area was almost
unbelievably soft and warm. Using just his fingertips, he
stroked the inner portion of her cleft, moving from its
beginning at the base of her spine down into the depths
hidden between her thighs. As he did, he could feel the
beginning of her G-string. It barely covered her most
private parts, concealing but revealing at the same time.

Moving his fingertips under the edge of the G-string, Donny
found wetness–wetness far more creamy and smooth than the
lotion he had been using. Exploring further, he found
Another furrow, one that was wide and gaping and slick with
juices. Donny knew what it was, and his hands trembled from
the knowledge. He knew that last he had his hands on his
mother’s pussy and that his most erotic of dreams were now
coming true. His mother buttocks quivered a little as his
fingers delved into those most secret parts of her body and
her hips moved up and down just slightly. Donny detected a
soft scar escaping from her lips.

Reluctantly leaving that part of his mother’s body, Donny
filled his palms with lotion and rubbed her feet and calves,
kneeing and massaging just as he had done her shoulders. He
slowly worked his hands up her legs until they reached her
upper thighs. As they did, she spread her legs apart, giving
him more access to their inner portions. As his hands
approached the juncture point of her legs and buttocks, Donny
could detect a musky odor arising from between his mothers
thighs. He knew that odor from Sue, from when she had been
so aroused. He knew then how right his mother had been when
she said sex had a distinctive odor. It was an odor that
Donny loved, though. From it, he knew that his mother was
sexually aroused. As aroused, perhaps, as he was.

Once again, Donny fingers found his mother’s G-string. It
was now soaking wet, though. He had not applied lotion to
it, so Donny knew that it was sexual secretions coming from
between his mother’s legs that had sopped it. His fingers
stroked across the fabric and detected the furrow that was
just under its surface, the furrow that he wanted to see and
explore to its fullest. He believed that she shared that
desire because her hips were moving in little circles as his
fingers stroked the area between her thighs.

His mother murmured, “Umm, that’s so good, Donny. Now, how
About the front?”

“Oh, God, yes, the front!” Donny almost shouted to himself.
He had been waiting to massage her front–her front with its
creamy breasts and, down lower, her now-sopping-wet pussy.
His mother turned over slowly, exposing the almost nude front
to him. As she did, her loosened bra fell away, leaving her
breasts entirely bare, standing upright and firm.

Her breasts weren’t the only things bare. As his mother
shifted sides, Donny had moved, too. As he did so, his cock,
long condensed within the fabric of his pajamas, worked its
way out his fly and extended in front of him. As she turned,
His mother saw his rigid, throbbing cock, and her hand made a
tententative move for it, but then pulled back. Donny was
Almost saved by her action. He was afraid that all she
had to do was touch him and he would erupt in orgasm. Seeing
and touching his mother’s body had brought him to the very
limits of his young sensitivity, and it would take very little
more to bring him surging upwards to the exploration stage.
Her touch would have ignored his fuse and taken him beyond
any control he might have been able to summon.

Donny dribbled lotion on each of her breasts, aiming the
spout so that the lotion fell on her nipples and flowed down
the sides of her breasts. Setting the bottle aside, Donny
took the lotion and spread it in circles, covering all her
breasts and nipples. He rubbed and massaged the little
nubbins of her nipples and they seemed to increase in size.
Soon, they were rigid and hard, extending a quarter of an
inch from the circles of her areolas. Taking a breast in
each hand, he kneaded and squeezed them, using a gentle, slow
stroking motion. Donny could tell his mother liked it
Because she arched her back off the bed, pushing her breasts
into his hands. As she did, she muttered, “Oh, yes. Ohhh,
yessss. That’s the way. That’s just right.”

As much as Donny liked fondling his mother’s breasts, he even
more wanted to fondle the area down below, to touch and
explore her wet pussy. Ever since he had seen her furrow and
the whole of her pussy the night he rubbed her feet, Donny
had longed to put his hands on that flesh, to delve his
fingers into her womanness.

Donny spread lotion on his mother’s smooth belly and rubbed
it in circles, working lower and lower with each stroke.
Soon his hands reached and were frustrated by the G-string
that covered her pussy. Donny had loved it when he first saw
it, but now it was in the way, preventing him from examining
and exploring the depths of his mother’s sex. He remembered
that she had told him to remove her bra so he didn’t wait for
an invitation about her G-string. He saw it was held in
place by ties on each of her hips, so he undid the ties and
loosened the fabric. As he did so, his mother murmured,
“Yes, Baby, take it off.”

Emboldened by her encouragement, Donny lifted the G-string
and laid it back so that her pussy was completedely exposed.
As he did so, the odor of her arousal wafted up and acted as
an aphrodisiac, inflaming Donny’s lust to even higher levels.
As her pussy came before his eyes, Donny once again pictured
Uncle Ned pounding his cock into it, those many years ago.
Then he remembered how the picture had changed in his mind so
that it was he, not Uncle Ned, who was on top of his mother,
and it was his cock, not Uncle Ned’s, thrusting in and out of
the wet flesh that was now revealed to his hungry, lusting
eyes. Donny’s cock throbbed in reaction. “Oh, God!” Donny
Thought, “What I wouldn’t give to bury my cock in here.”

Almost without volume, Donny’s hands reached out and
touched the flesh of his mother’s vagina. He lightly stroked
the soft, finefur that grow so abundantly just above the
pouting lips, touching with just the softest of touches.
Then they came to the cleft that separated those pouting
lips, and he delved a finger into it, seeking to touch the
innermost parts of his mother’s body. Donny could hardly
believe how hot and moist the cleft was. It was slick with
her feminine luxury and the wet, labial lips clung to
his finger as it penetrated deeper and deeper.

Soon his finger came to the swollen node that he knew to be
her cliporis. He ran his fingertip in circles, lightly
caresing that little nubbin. He could hear his mother gasp,
a deeply drawn intake of air, as he fondled the very center
of her pleasure zone. Her hips jerked upward in response,
and her gasp turned into a moan. Her hips worked in small
circles as she ground herself against his hand, and her moan
became even louder. She had her head thrown back and her
eyes were tightly closed as she experienced the pleasure of
Donny’s hands exploring, caressing, probing, and making love
to the wet flesh of her woman’s sex.

But Donny wanted to delve even deeper, delve into depths of
her belly. His finger probed until it found what it was
seeking–the entrance to her cavern. He worked his finger
into it, probing deeper and deeper. He joined that finger
with another, and soon he had two fingers pushing into and
out of her sheath. It was hot and so slick from her juices
that he soon was working his fingers as fast as they could

By this time, his mother was moaning and thrusting her hips
up against his hand, matching each of the inward strokes of
his fingers with an upward thrust of her hips. She spread
her legs even further apart and lifted them so they were bent
at the knees. “Oh, Donny, Donny,” she moaned. Then she
Surprised him by stopping her hips movements. She opened her
eyes and lifted her head saying, “Oh, Donny, stop please.”

Donny’s mother sat up and reached for the top of his pajamas
and undid the drawstring. After it was loose, she said, “Oh,
God, Donny, I need you. I need you so bad.” She pulled him
so that he was between her legs and then reached down and
pushed his pajamas down. As she did, his cock sprung out,
rigid and wet from his abundant flow of pre-come. She
wrapped her hand around it and fondled it. “This is what I
need. I need this inside me.” She pulled him towards her,
guiding his cock so that it’s head buried itself in her
vagina. “Oh, Donny, make love to me. Please make love to

With one long stroke, Donny drive his cock into his mother’s
hot, wet channel. He was amazed at how good it felt to have
a woman’s hot pussy grapp his cock without a rubber in the
way. He thought that making love to Aunt Sue was great, but
it was nothing compared to what he was now feeling. The
sensings of moisture and heat could be felt to their
fullest, and he revealed in those sensings. As his public
shaft crushed against hers, he cried out, “Oh, God, Mom! Oh,
God, it’s so good, s-o g-o-o-d.”

Donny’s mother pulled his face down to hers and lightly
kissed him on the lips. Then she whispered, “Donny, forget
I’m your mother. Just pretend I’m another woman and make
love to me. Love me hard. It’s been so long since I’ve been
loved.” She emphasized her desires by thrusting her hips up
to Donny and grinding her pubis against his.

Needing no other encouragement, he pulled his cock all the
way out and shoved it in as hard as it could go. The
friction of the tight ring around the entrance of her pussy
was so pleasant that he almost came immediately. Donny
wanted his mother to receive the pleasure she craved, so
using all his will power, he fight off orgasm and continued
to thrust in and out with long, hard strokes. As he did so,
he recalled his fantasy of pounding his cockin and out of
her pussy and exulted in the realization that his fantasy was
Now reality. She had asked him to forget that she was his
mother, but he didn’t want to. Knowing that it was his
beautiful mother he was making love to only made the
experience that much more pleasant. Donny had seen her
body as made for loving, and he was now doing his utmost to
pay love-homage to that body.

Donny’s mother humped her hips up to his, matching each of
his strokes with her own. Her buttocks were almost
completely off the bed, her back arched upwards, as she
pushed her pussy up to be filled by Donny’s hard-driving
cock. With each of her thrusts, she muttered an “Uh!,” half-
moan and half-grunt. Soon that was not enough for her, and
she wrapped her legs around his hips, giving herself even
greater leverage to thrust and hunt against him.

Even though her eyes were still closed, tears well out of
them and straked her cheeks. Her mouth hung open as she
gasped and panted, the pleasure sensings mounting higher
and higher. “Oh, God, Donny! It’s been so long. Oh, God,
so long,” she softly wailed. The wails turned into a chant
of “Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,” with thrust and counterthrust accented
by her cry of pleasure.

Suddenly her eyes opened wide and an expression of wonder
spread across her face. Donny could feel her stomach muscles
quiver and spasm, the sensings rippling across his deeply
thrusting cock. She spread her legs even wider, wrapping
They up around his waist, and pushed a hard thrust againt
him, seeking even deeper penetration. She reached out her
arms and wrapped them around his neck pulling him tightly
Against her. Their eyes were locked with the others as they
stared deeply into each other’s souls. She opened her mouth
and pulled his mouth hard against it. Their lips tried to
devour each other’s mouth and their tongues swirled against
each other. She was moaning constantly and gasping and
panting around her swirling tongue into his mouth.

She pulled her mouth away and screamed, “Oh, God, Donny!
Donny! Donny!” As she did, her whole pelvis shuddered,
spasm-wracked, and pushed up against his. She was locked
into place, her pussy hard against his pubis, legs wrapped
around his waist and locked, and arms holding him hard
against her breasts.

Donny knew that his mother was at last having an orgasm. Not
Just a little orgasm, but one that wrapped her whole body,
that caused her to shudder, jerk, and spasm. It was too much
for him and his cock jerked and expanded, swelling even more
than it had been. He could feel the flow of his sperm as it
erupted from his cock, spurting shot after shot of hot juices
into the liquid, warm flesh that surrounded it. He felt that
he would fill her cavity with the abundance of his flow. He
had never come that much before, not even when he lost his
virginity to his Aunt Sue.

She pulled his mouth back against her own and they kissed
softly and gently now, less frantic and hungry than before.
Each of their tongues made soft love to the others,
pleasure each otherer through their mouths just as they were
doing below. Even though his come had quit flowing, Donny’s
cock still jerked in little spasms, the pressure of his
mother’s pussy claping it and the after effects of orgasm
Still bringing pleasure.

Without breaking their connection, Donny’s mother gently
turned them over until they were laying on their sides. She
put one leg over his hip and pressed her groin up to his,
assuring that his cock remained firmly in place. She kissed
him gently on the lips and said, “Thank you, sweetheart.
That’s the first time I’ve had a man since your father and I
got divided. I haven’t come that hard in a long time.
Would you believe that I had almost forgotten how good sex
is. That was so good, in fact, that I don’tKnow whether
I’ll be able to do without it now.”

Donny whispered, “It’s me that should be thanking you. I
Thought that making love to Sue was good, but it doesn’t
began to compare with being here with you. I had dreamed of
making love to you, but the real thing was far better than
the dream.”

She smiled and kissed him quickly on the lips again. “Oh,
Donny, you are a real sweetheart.” She pecked him again and
continued, “And you’re a good lover, too.” She pushed
herself up firmly against his groin and said, “Oh, you’re
Still so nice and hard. Would you mind if we did it again?
I know it makes me sound like a whore, but I’m still horny,
and since you’re already in place, can we take advantage of
it?” She pulled her hips back from his, unsheathing his cock
until only the head remained in place, and then thrust
forward, burying him again to the hilt. “Umnnn, yes. Still
so good.”

Being so close to his mother’s nude body, feeling the warmth
of her flesh and inhaling the musky odor of their coupling
had kept Donny aroused despite having such an intense orgasm.
He had already thought about their doing it again, but wasn’t
sure how to initiate the action. Her taking the lead solved
that problem. He answered her question by placing his hands
on her buttocks and pulling her pussy down hard on his cock.
He pulled it out and then repeated the motion. Even though
with her pussy full of his sperm there wasn’t as much
friction as before, the pleasurere of the stroking was still
almost more than he could bear. Donny repeated her words
back to her, “Yes, it is still good. Loving you is so good.”

Donny’s mother smiled at him and said, “Wanna do it doggy

Donny smiled back and said, “Yeah!”

She disengaged herself from him and got up on her hands and
knees, turning her ass toward him. She spread her legs a
little apart and reached up and stroked her slick, gaping
furrow. “This is one of my favorite ways to do it. It
allow deep penetration, and I like that. Put it right here
in this spot, lover.”

Donny had admired his mother’s ass when he rinsed her off in
the bath and when he had given her a massage, but seeing it
Turned towards him, withlegs spread apart and pussy lips
gaping and gleaming moistly, he was filled with a feeling of
concupiscence such he had never before experienced. He had
Thought his mother beautiful, but right now she was beautiful
beyond compare.

He got on his knees behind his mother and pressed his cock
against her wet slit. She guided it into the right place and
pushed back against him, signaling that he could commence.
With each passing second, Donny was growing more and more
aroused, overcoming the effects of his recent orgasm. “Oh,
God,” he thought, “what a sweet ass.” As he drove his cock
home, driving it in until it completely embedded in his
mother’s hot hole, he thought, “As long as I live I’ll
probably never have another piece of pussy as good as this is
right now.” He pistoned his hard shaft in and out of her
slick cavern and said, “Oh, God, Mom. This is so good. I
don’t know how it could ever be better than this.”

She turned her head towards him and said, “That’s just what
you think now. Believe me, it just gets better and better.”

Donny quit talking and concentrated on fucking his mother in
a way that would completely satisfy her. He could hardly
believe how hot she was, asking him to fuck her again just
minutes after the first time. He wanted to fuck her until
she had enough, until she could only smile in satisfaction.
He wasn’t sure what it would take, but he was going to try to
be the best lover she had ever had. He wanted her to end up
with that “freshly fucked” lookshe said Aunt Sue had.

He could see why his mother liked the doggy position so much.
He was able to penetrate deeper into her than he had from the
front and the pressure from the walls of her pussy bore down
on his cock in such a way that it produced waves of pleasure
with each stroke. A lot of the pleasure was visual. He
enjoyed seeing his cock, wet and slick from their combined
juices, pushing in and out of her grazing, sucking pussy.

Donny could see that she was rubbing her cloris as he
stroked, so he reached around and put his hand in place of
hers, lightly struggling her cliporis, moving his finger up and
down with each of his in-and-out motions. He placed the
other hand on one her breast and kneeled it and rolled the
nipple between his fingers. She was practically throwning her
ass back at each of his thrusts, her movements becoming
faster and faster, spurring him on to even greater action.
She muttered, “Yeah, lover. Oh, yes, Baby. That’s just
right. You’re doing just right.”

Once again, Donny felt the stirrings deep within his mother’s
belly, the beginning shudders and spasms of orgasm. He
speeded up his thrusts, pushing hard to drive her over the
edge and into another orgasm as intense as her first.
Suddenly she shouted, “Oh, God, Baby, I’m coming! Oh, I’m
coming again. Don’t stop. Keep giving it to me. Oh, Baby,
fuck me. Keep fucking me hard.”

Donny started thrusting so hard that he drove her forward
with each of the strokes. Deeply in and then all the way
out, thrustin, pull out, time after time. Her whole pelvis
was shaking and she was wailing in ecstasy, “Oh, Donny. Yes,
yes, yes! Oh, God, it’s so good. Coming, coming,

Donny was coming, too, his jerking cock spewing out a fresh
supply of hot sperm, coating and filling her pussy to over-
flowing. He could see it form a frothy ring where his cock
was going in and out of her flesh, and little streams of come
were beginning to dribble down the insides of her thighs.
She fell face forward on the bed, pulling Donny with her.
His cock was lodged between and held tight in the now
squeezed cleft of her ass. She was completely relaxed and
made little, soft “oh” sounds of relaxation and satisfaction.

Donny, too, was completely spent, exhausted from loving his
mother so hard and long. His cock slowly softened and then
lay there between her ass cheats, hold tight in their wet,
slick grip. Finally, his cock shrunk up completely and fall
out of it lodging place to lay flat against her ass. She
stirred a little, so he moved to lay beside her, nestling
Against her naked body.

She turned on her side and whispered, “Do I have that freshly
fucked look? I ought to. I feel freshly fucked. Oh, boy,
do I ever feel freshly fucked.” She kissed him lightly on
the lips and said, “Thank you, sweetheart. That was so good.
Stay here with me. Sleep with me tonight. I need to be
cuddled, to have someone with me.”

Donny loved the thought of sharing a bed with his mother all
night. Even though he was drowsy, sleeping with his mother
had an exotic appeal that brought new stirrings to his groin.
His mother, though, blew out the remaining candle that was
burning and pulled the covers up over them. She cuddled
herself against him and said, “Good loving makes for good
sleeping. Good night, sweetheart.” Although the stirrings he
had felt, Donny fell asleep almost instantly.

* * * *

Donny didn’t know what time it was when he awakened. The
room was pitch dark, so it must have been in the middle of
the night. What shem was a feeling of intense pleasure.
His cock was rock hard and it was engulfed by something warm
and wet. He could feel a slithery, stroking up and down his
shake and each stroke brought a wave of pleasure. Donny
Finally realized what was happening–his mother was sucking
on his cock. “My God!” Donny thought, “my mother is giving
me a blow job. All my life I’ve wanted a girl to suck on my
cock and now it’s finally happening. And from my mother, no
less.” His mother didn’t say anything. The only sound was
the slurping noises her mouth and tongue made as they sucked
and stroked his now-throbbing cock.

To Donny’s disappointment, her mouth left his cock and he
could feel her shifting on the bed. He could feel one of her
legs move across her body and then he could sense that she
was straddling him, her body right above his pulsating cock.
Her hand took hold of his cock and held it up straight. Then
once again he could feel it being engulfed with wetness and
heat. He realized that she was sitting on him, her pussy
completely surrounding his cock. He couldn’t help but thrust
up against the source of pleasure, humping his hips up
against her pussy. “You wake, Donny?” she whispered.

Donny whispered back, “Am I ever! Whatever you’re doing,
keep it up. Umm, that’s so nice.”

“Just lay back and enjoy, darling. Let me do all the work.”

Donny’s mother rose up and down with slow, languid motions,
Each one engulfing his cock in the hot grasp of her flesh.
He had heard of this position before, but now saw why it was
so good. His mother was in the dominant position, giving
pleasure, working his cock in and out of her body. He was
obedient to her command and let her do the work, let her give
the pleasure.

And pleasure it was. Even though he had had two ball-
emptying orgasms earlier, he feel himself rising up the
ladder of password, pleasure building up to ecstasy, ecstasy
to rapture. He couldn’t help but moan, the feeling was so
intensely pleasurable. His mother must have reacted to his
aural signals because she increased the speed of her strokes,
moving up and down with rapid movements of her thighs and
legs. She was obviously enjoying it, too, because she
started to mutter, “Oh, yes, fuck. Oh, yes, fuck. Oh, yes.
Yes, fuck. Fuck it hard.”

His mother uttering obscenities of that type increased the
sensing of lewdness that making love in that position
engendered. Soon he could feel his seed again stirring in
his groin, pushing to burst out again in a volcano of white
fluid. Suddenly his mother pushed down hard and ground her
pubis against his, crying, “Oh, coming. Coming again.
Coming again, yes. Ohhhhhhhhh……”

Her orgasm triggered his and his cock erupted in a flow of
thick, creamy come. He could feel it flow inside of her hot
insides and then drip down and cover his groin and balls.
Soon he was soaking from the flow their loving was producing.
He was soon coated with the hot, wet, and sticky juices, and
They felt volunteer as they covered their groins. His
mother collapsed against him, falling down with her breasts
against his chest. She whispered, “I’m sorry about waking
you up, but I woke up with an urge that I just couldn’t
control. I hope you don’t mind.”

“You can wake me up any time you want to if you do that way,”
Donny whispered.

Donny’s mother giggled and rolled off him, back to his side
on the bed. “Now maybe I can sleep the rest of the night,”
she murmured, falling asleep almost instantly.

* * * *

The next morning when Donny awoke, his mother was already up.
He went into the kitchen and found her making coffee, dressed
in a thin robe. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms
around her waist, hugging her tightly. “You look beautiful
in the morning, Mom.” His cock stirred and moved against her
buttock as it rose.

She turned around and kissed his lightly on the lips.
Grinning, she said, “There’s neverything beats a fifteen-year-old
boy. Always horny.”

“I didn’t hear any complaints last night.”

“And none now, either,” she said. “You’re the answer to a
lonely mother’s dreams.” Laughing, she added, “And a maiden
aunt’s dream, too.”

Donny said, “What you did to me last night, when you woke me
up. I sure did like that.”

“You mean you and Sue didn’t get into oral sex?”

“No, we just did it straight. Nothing kinky.”

She laughed and said, “Kinky? If you think that’s kinky, you
have a lot to learn. And I know just who’s going to be your

Donny’s mom called in sick that day and she and Donny stayed
home together. And together, they explored the world of
sixty-nine and backdoor dirt. By the end of the day, Donny
was well versed in the “kinky” arts.

Donny and his mother slept together every night. Sometimes
They used his bed and sometimes her. Where ever they slept,
sleep was always preceded by love-making. Day or night,
Donny’s mother always had that freshly-fucked look about her.

Eventually, though, Donny’s mother had to leave town again.
As she drove him out to stay to Sue and Grandpa, she reached
down and patted his cock. “You have fun with Sue while I’m
gone. Go ahead and teach her the things we’ve learned,
she’ll enjoy them, too.” She laughed and continued, “As I
told you, we Edwards girls are a lot alike.”

“She can’t be as good as you, Mom. It’ll be like getting

“Well, you may be interested to know she’s on the pill now,
so you at least won’t have to use rubbers like you did

“Maybe so, but I’ll still miss you.”

“And I’m going to miss you, sweetheart. I’ll tell you what,
though, when I get back, maybe all three of us can go down to
the creek and go skinny-dipping. What do you think of that?”

Donny liked the idea so much, he made his mother stop and
park in a secluded spot to say good-bye in a special way.
Afterwards, on the way to Sue’s, the car once again smelled
like a cat house.


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