I am not the author of this story. It was written by Baron Darkside. I
don’t have an e-mail address for him, so post your comments in the
newsgroup. I’m sure he’ll see them.
The following is the author’s original disclaimer:
(1) Disclaimer One: This Is A Work Of Fiction; It Is Not True!
While Some Characters Who Appear In This Story May Be Under The Age Of
Eightteen, They Are Not Abused And No Abuse Is Intended Or Implied (If
You Disagree With My Definition Of Abuse, I’m Sorry).
(2) Disclaimer Two: If You Are Underage (Under The Age Of Eightteen
(18)), Or In Locations That By Law, Preclude You From Reading Sexual
Material, You Should Stop Reading This Material Now!!
(3) Disclaimer Three: If You Are, Now Or Have Ever Been, Offended
By Sex, Incest Or Any Other Subject Of A Sexual Nature, Please Avoid
This Story. (I Would Also Suggest YouSeek The Services Of A
(4) Disclaimer Four: This Is For Adults, And Contains Adult Oriented
Material. If You Are Not An Adult, Either Chronologically, Mentally
Or Sexually, Please Do Not Read Any Further Or You Will Be Offended
(5) Disclaimer Five: The Author of This Story Wishes To Remain
Anonymous, however I Retain All Copy Rights.
The Stranger
Fantasy Number 52A
(The Stranger-Part One)
A Tale of Incest by Incestual Dreamer, Baron Darkside
The rain had held off until Bobby and his mother were just over half
way to the cabin. But when it struck, it came down with a vengeance.
It came down in buckets and they were both soaked to the bone minutes
After the downpour began.
There was no where to escape. They couldn’t hide from it. They had
to go on. They sloshed mud and goo that was sometimes knee deep as
They slowly made their way up the mountain trail.
Finally, just when it seemed like they would never make it, they saw
the cabin.
“Finally, the cabin,” Bobby groaned, stopping for a moment in the
pouring rain. “I didn’t think we were going to ever get here.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen it rain so hard,” his mother, Doreen
panted, rain streaming down her face. “I can’t wait to get into
something dry.”
Clumping up the steps and onto the porch, Bobby flopped down and
untied his mud-encrusted boots while his mother unlocked the door.
“I’ll get a fire going,” he told her, stepping around her as she
pulled her boots off, “and you can go ahead and get into some dry
clothes befor you freeze to death.”
“Aren’t you a Darling,” she shivered, her teeth chattering loudly.
Slipping his backpack off, Billy set it by the door and headed for the
fireplace leaving a trail of muddy water behind him.
“Boy, am I glad Dad and I put some wood inside the last time we were
up here,” he said, hearing his mother’s boots clump to the floor, “or
we would be up the river with the provebial paddle.”
“You’ve got that right,” she shivered, stepping inside and closing the
door behind her. “I’m freezing.”
“Hurry up and get into some dry clothes,” he told her as he built the
Putting some paper and kindling in a pile just as he had been taught
in the scouts, he lit it. The paper and small pieces of kindling
quickly burst into flames. Then he added several larger logs to the
pile and stepped back to admire his handy work. As he watched the
fire grow in strength, he peeled his sopping shirt off and pitched it
over on the heartth. The warmth from the fire felt good on his skin as
he stood warming his hands.
Then he heard his mother coming out of the bathroom.
“I’m afraid that all my clothes are drenched,” she complained walking
back into the room with a big, white towel wrapped around her.
“I guess that you’ll just have to excuse my appearance until I can dry
something else to wear.
“Hopefully that won’t take too long,” he grinned at her pointing to
the fire, “I have a fire going.”
“You’d better get out of you wet clothes, too,” she smiled at him,
walking up beside him and warming her hands by the fire, “we don’t
want you catching a cold either.”
" “Gladly,” he said, picking up his backpack and trudging into the
As cold and dreary as it was, he wondered where he would sleep as he
skinned off his saturated clothes. He usually slept on the couch by
the fire, but as cold as it was, maybe he should let his mother have
the bed by the fire.
Searching through his pack, he found that all of his clothes were
soaking wet too. Shivering, he grabbed a towel. Drying himself off
with it, he tossed it aside and grabbed another towel. Wrapping it
around his waist, he picked up his pack and left the bathroom.
“It looks like we are both in the same boat,” he laughed, strolling
back to the fireplace, “Nothing in my pack is dry either.”
“I think your father was right,” his mother said as she spread her
clothes out in front of the fireplace to dry, “I don’t think we are
going toget in a lot of fishing the way it is raining.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he laughed, “we’ll be able to fish off the porch
if the stream keeps rising the way it is.”
“At least we will eat well,” his mother grinned, walking over to the
cabinet. “We stocked up on food the last time we were up here.”
“With this rain, it may be a couple of days before we can make it back
down,” he complained, spreading his clothes out in front of the fire.
“Do we have enough food for that?”
“Plenty,” she grinned, rummaging through the cabinet, “now what would
you like tonight?”
Spreading out the last of his clothes, he turned around to see his
mother searching through the cabinet. As she bent over, her towel
rode up her thigh baring her long, lovely legs all the way up the very
bottom of her butt. His mom sure had beautifully legs, he thought as
he stared at them. They were full, and curved at just the right
places. Not too skinny and not too fat. Just perfect, he thought,
admiring the swell of her well-developed calves. Must be all the
walking and exercising she did. Just then, she bent over a little
farther and suddenly he found himself staring at her protruding lips
of her pussy, beautifully exposed between her inner tights.
“My, God,” he thought, “she doesn’t have any panties on.”
He was unable to tear his eyes away from her exposed femininity as he
felt a sequencing flash of excitement tear through his penis.
Her pussy was beautiful. His mouth fell open as he openly gawked at
the captivating gash of pink flesh peeking out at him from between her
lovely tights.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, BOBBY WILKINS?” he asked himself as he continued
to stare at his mother’s conspicuous nudity. That is your mother’s
pussy you are gawking at. You’ll probably go blind if you don’t stop
looking. He felt like a pervert, but he couldn’t take his eyes away
from his mother’s nudity. Although he was excited by the captivating
view, he was filled with shame and disgust.
Then she stood up. Tearing his eyes away from her, he was able to
escape detection as she turned towards him.
“Well, did the cat get your tongue?” she asked him.
“Uh, oh, uh,” he stuttered, his face turning beet red, “Uh, I don’t
care, uh, surprise me.”
“What is wrong with you?” she asked him, looking down at herself. “Am
I embarrassing you being dressed this way?”
“UH, I, uh, I don’t know,” he muttered, turning to hide the bulge that
had suddenly formed underhis towel.
“Okay, if you won’t tell me what you want, why don’t you get us a
glass of wine while I throw something together,” she told him, turning
back to the pantry.
“Yeah, uh, sure,” he replied, stumbling over to the other pantry where
the wine was kept.
With shaking hands, he opened a bottle of wine and poured himself a
glass. While his mother wasn’t looking, he quickly downed it. Then
he filled both glasses.
“Here,” he said, handing his mother her glass as he held the bottle in
front of the hump under his towel.
“Thank you,” she smiled at him taking a sip of the wine. “Very good
Bobby bumbled back over to the fireplace, setting the bottle on the
table as he went. Squatting in front of the fire, he picked up a log
about as thick as his wrist. He was just about to put it onthe fire
When their privacy was suddenly interrupted by a jarring knock at the
front door.
“What in th…,” he blurted out, jumping in fright.
“Someone is at the door,” his mother said, a look of appreciation
spreading over her face.
“Do you want me to answer it?” he asked her.
“I guess so, but be careful,” she cautioned him.
Walking over to the door, he laid the log on the table by the couch.
Creeping up to the door, he turned and looked at his mother. Then
shrugging his shoulders, he slowly opened the door a crack.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. There was a man standing on the porch
pointing a huge pistol at him. In the instant it took for him to
react and try to slam the door, the man shoved his foot in the crack
Keeping the door from closing.
“What’s going on?” his mother shoutedfrom across the room.
“Man, gun,” was all Bobby could grunt as struggled to close the door.
“That’s not very neighborly of you, my lad,” the man laughed coldly as
he slowly forced the door open, still pointing the gun at Bobby. “Not
Very neighborly at all.”
“What, what do you want?” Bobby asked, seeing that it was futile to
try and stop the man.
Bobby stepped back from the door and let the drenched stranger step
“Just a place in out of the rain, ladie,” the invader smiled evilly,
jerking the gun and motioning for Bobby to step farther away from him.
“That’s not too much to ask on a horrid night like tonight is it?”
Bobby didn’t answer him as he watched the man’s eyes sweep all the way
around the room before returning and stopping on Bobby’s mother,
“Well, well,” the man said, “what kind of party do we have going on
“What, what do you mean?” she asked, her face reddening.
“It looks like the little lady has invited her young lover up to the
mountains for a little hanky-panky,” he leered, slowly easing his
sopping coat back off his shoulders and letting it plop to the floor.
“How rude,” Doreen spit out. “How dare you come into our cabin and
acuse us of such a thing. This is my son and just who the hell are
“My name’s not important, but you can call me Tom, if you need a
name,” he smiled, motioning Bobby away from the fire. “I just jumped
to the obvious conclusion what with both of you running around half
“All of our clothes got wet when we hiked up here this afternoon,” she
explained funility.
“Hey, Lady, you don’t have to make excuses to me,” he said, “it
doesn’t make any difference to me one way or the other.”
Grinning lewdly, he turned and keeping an eye on them, clumped over to
the fire. As he stood in front of the fire warming his hands, the
only sound was that of the wood snapping and crackling as it burned.
Then he spoke again.
“You, boy, go get me one of those towels like you and your mom are
Wearing,” he ordered Bobby.
Bobby frowned, but turned and started for the bathroom. Maybe the man
would leave if he had some dry clothes. Then just before he stepped
into the bathroom, Bobby heard the man speak again.
“While you’re in there, close the door and don’t come out until I tell
“No. No. I won’t leave you alone with my mom.”
“Do it boy. Do itnow. Do it before my finger gets tired and one of
you gets shot,” he grew angrily, deliberately pointing the gun at
Doreen to make his point.
“Bobby,” his mother said softly, “do as he says. Please.”
“But Mom,” Bobby started to continue his protest, but stopped when he
saw the look on his mother’s face.
“He won’t do anything to me.”
“You listen to your mother, Bobby,” the strange laughed coldly.
“You better not do anything,” Bobby threatened usefully as he stepped
inside the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
The instant the door was closed, the man quickly laid the gun on the
table where he could quickly scoop it up should Doreen make a dash for
“You’ll have to pardon my rudeness,” he muttered, his teeth starting
to chatter, “but, I’m about to freeze to death.”
Then, as Doreen watched on in disbelief, he started to undress.
Within moments, he stood before her as naked as a jaybird.
Her face blazing with embarrassment, she quickly turned away.
“What’s wrong,” the intruder crowned, picking up the bottle of wine
on the table and taking a long, deep pull on it, “don’t you like my
ladie boy?”
“God,” she mumbled, facing away from him, “how cruel.”
“Haven’t had any complaints about him in the past,” the man smiled,
wiping his mouth with back of his hand.
“Maybe, I’ll let you play with him later,” he cached, “maybe that
will change your mind.”
“Hey, Boy, bring me that towel,” the man shouted, picking up the gun
Bobby stepped out of the bathroom and stopped. He couldn’t believe
his eyes. The man was standing in front of his mother without a
stitch of clothes on. Bobby’s face reddened with anger and shame.
Although his anger, he knew there was nothing he could do to stop the
“Bring the damn towel over here, boy,” the man commanded, motioning at
him with the gun.
Suddenly, the gravity of their predicament dawned on Bobby. They were
trapped in their cabin with a deranged psychotic.
Would he do unspeakable things to them and then kill them?
Bobby broke out in a cold sweat as he slowly trusted over and handed
the towel to the man.
“That’s more like it, ladie,” the man smiled wrapping the towel
around his waist as he kept the gun pointed at Bobby. “Now why don’t
you get us another bottle of wine and we can have a real party.”
As the stranger spoke, Bobby saw his mother look tenatively over her
Shoulder. Seeing that the stranger had covered himself, she turned
and faced them. As Bobby looked to her for guidance, she nodded her
head. Bobby walked over to the pantry and opened it.
“What do you want with us?” Doreen asked the man as Bobby pulled out
Another bottle of wine and opened it.
“Well,” the man paused, leering at her spinely, “I have a couple of
ideas to get us started and after that, we’ll just have to play it by
ear, or prick I guess would be more appropriate.”
“Oh my God, what, what do you mean?” she gasped.
“Well, lady, why don’t the both of you come over here by the couch and
get nice and cozy while I explain the rules of engagement,” he grinned
lewdly, stepping back away from the couch.
Bobby and his mother looked at each other helpfully. Seeing no
escape, theyBoth shuffled over to the couch like two prisoners being
led to the gallows.
“Set the bottle down right here,” the man said pointing to the
Bobby feel a growing sense of doom and helplessness inside his chest
as he set the bottle down as he had been told. Then he slowly back
away from the table.
“Mom, why don’t you have a seat on the couch here,” the man told
She hesitated for a couple of moments and then slowly sat down. She
tried to keep her long, curvaceous legs together so that the stranger
wouldn’t know that she was naked under the towel.
“Okay,” the man grinned perversely, picking up the bottle and taking
Another long pull on it, “Now, Bobby, I want you to take your towel
off so your mom and I can see your ladie boy.”
“WHAT?” Bobby sputtered, unable to believe what he had just heard.
“You heard me,” the man grew, “take your damned towel off.”
“Hell, No,” Bobby sputtered.
Then he heard the click of the gun being cocked.
“Okay, okay,” he groaned, turning away from his mother so she wouldn’t
be forced to watch him uncover his manhood.
His whole body turned bright red from embarrassment as he slowly
untied the towel and let it slip to the floor.
“Damn, Bobby, that is one big cocker you’ve got hanging there,” the
strange laughed, looking down at Bobby’s dangling cock.
Bobby had never been so humiliated. His whole body turned beet red as
he stood facing the man. What was the crazy mad-man going to do now?
Waiting, Bobby’s mind feverishly sought a way to extract them from the
devilish dilemma they found themselves in.
“Show your codder toyour mom, lad,” the intruder ordered him,
laughing harshly at Bobby’s humiliation.
Bobby had never felt such hate. There was a rage growing inside of
him that would soon be uncontrollable. He didn’t move, hoping that
the man wouldn’t make him face his mother.
“Come on, Mom,” the man leered, taking another swig off the wine,
letting some of it spill down his chest, “tell your boy to turn around
so you can take a look at his ladie.”
Neither of them reacted to the man’s leering threat.
“Turn around, Bobby, or I just might have to shoot it off,” the
strange snapped, pointing the gun down at Bobby’s dangling manhood.
Realizing that defiance might end in bloodshed or worse, Bobby knew he
had no other choice.
“I’m sorry, Mom,” he while as he slowly turned and faced her.
They were only three or four feet apart as he looked down at her. She
had her eyes closed.
“Open up those pretty blues of yours, Mommy,” the intruder ordered
Ever so slowly, she opened her eyes, looking up away from her son’s
exposed masculinity. Their eyes met for a moment. Then to Bobby’s
amazement and shock, he watched as her eyes quickly flicked down to
his drooping masculinity. Bobby nearly died as her eyes widened
momentarily then swept back up to his face. Bobby couldn’t decipher
the look on his mother’s face, but he could see that she was blushing,
“Quite a hanger you boy has there, don’t you think?” the stranger
Neither Bobby nor his mother spoke, not knowing what was coming next.
“Answer me,” the man commanded, “don’t you think your boy has quite a
"Uh, uh, Yes,” she finally said so softly Bobby could barely hear her,
“he has a lovely penis.”
“It is so lovely, I’ll bet that you would love to suck on it,” the
strange laughed, mimicking her as his face twisted into a devilish
scowl. .
“Please. Oh, Please,” she groaned fearfully, “don’t make us do that.
Please. I’ll do anything you say, but please don’t make us do that.”
When Bobby had heard what the man said, he had suddenly felt a jolt of
wicked excitement tear through his body.
He couldn’t believe what he had heard. The man wanted his mother to
suck Bobby’s cock. Bobby wasn’t able to control the primitive
excitement that was quickly evident as his cock began to swell and
grow. While a part of his mind found having his cock sucked by his
mother in front of another person disgusting, anotherer part of his mind
found it exhilarating wicked. But what would happen to them after
They had done as he told them? Would he killed the both of them?
For a few moments, the only sound was the fire, snapping and popping.
Bobby suddenly realized that the man and his mother were both staring
at his cock. Looking down, he saw that his cock was already starting
to lift up away from his dangling balls.
“God, NO, don’t let this happen to me,” he prayed to himself.
But he could only curse his own frailty as his cock continued to swell
and harden, lifting its huge purple head higher and higher.
No one said a word until his cock was finally ripe and hard. He had
always been proud of his giant penis, but now he hated the arrogant
column of rock hard meat that jutted out of his groin. To add injury
to insult, it bounced up and down in time with his heartbeat as it
pointed directly at his mother.
“It would seem that your son doesn’t seem to agree with you on this
subject,” the man cached insanely, pointing down at Bobby’s thick,
hard cock, “I think that he wants his mother to suck him.”
“Bobby, how could you?” his mother complained, looking up at him.
“Mother, I’m sorry,” he blubbered, tears of embarrassment and shame
flowing down his cheeses, “I couldn’t stop it, it just happened.”
“Hey, now that Bobby’s showed us what he has and got his cocker
charged and ready,” the man shouldered, taking another swig of the wine,
“You show us what you have Mom.”
“NO, Please. Please don’t make me do this,” she begged the intruder,
“Please, not in front of my son.”
“Come on, Mom,” the man leered, dropping his towel to revealhis own
half hardened cock, “I’ll show you mine and you show me yours.”
“Oh, God, Please,” she pleased desperately.
“Quit fooling around and take it off,” the man ordered her brusquely,
pointing the gun at Bobby’s head, “or POW.”
Sobbing helplessly, she slowly untied the knot and let her towel drop
to the couch.
“WOW,” the man exclaimed, almost dropping the gun as he stared down at
her beautiful breasts.
She self-consciously tried to cover her nudity, but there was just too
much to cover.
“Move your arms,” he ordered her, ” I want to see all of you.”
Bobby couldn’t stop himself from peeking down at his mother. He felt
his mouth go dry and his cock twitch wickedly as his eyes glazed over.
She was even more beautiful than he had imagined. His mind was torn
between excitement and self-disgust as he leered down at her. He had
never seen such perfection. Her breasts were magnificent. They were
perfectly formed. They were big and beautiful. Not too big, just
right. They had to be 38 or 40Ds, his mind thought dementedly, as he
watched her pendant melons wiggle and jiggle seductively. They were
full and heavy. They wiggled ponderously as they drooped down
To Bobby, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Bobby’s mind was in chaos. He didn’t know what was going to happen to
them, but he couldn’t take his eyes off his mother. He cursed the man
for subjecting his mother to such humiliation, but down deep inside,
he was happy that he had had this occasion to see his mother naked.
Not only that, he found himself wanting his mother to take him in her
mouth. He hated the man for being there, but without him none of this
would have happened. In a sick and perverted way, he hoped the man
would carry through on his threat and make his mother suck him. And
Maybe after that, the man would make him fuck his mother. Oh, God,
that would be too much, he thought. Just thinking about it made his
heart beat faster. He hated himself, but he found himself wanting to
do bad and depraved things to his mother. He wanted to do everything
to her, but not hurt her. He was afraid that he was losing his
sanity and feel on the edge of loosing all control when suddenly he
was brought back to reality by the man shouting at him.
“Hey, Boy, Wake up.”
Drunkenly, Bobby tried to clear his head of the perversions that had
filled it.
“What, what, what do you want?” he muttered inanely as his eyes
“I think your mother has changed her mind,” the man smiled at Bobby,
"I think she wants to suck your big, bad cocker after all. So take it
over to her.”
Shaking his head to clear the confusion, he looked down at his mother.
He had never seen anyone look so helpless. Then he saw her nod her
head up and down ever so slightly. He couldn’t stop the jolt of
excitement that tore through his cock making it jump and down
wickedly. He nearly died of shame when he heard the man laughing at
“God, Mother, I’m sorry,” he sobbed.
“I know,” she whispered, slowly reaching out for him, beckoning him to
Come to her.
Frightfully, he took a couple of steps towards her. Now he stood
facing her. His hot, heavy, throbbing cock evil danced up and down
in front of her face.
Holding his breath in anticipation, he watched with depraved
excitement as she slowly bent forward and gently kissed the big purple
head of his cock. He nearly lost it. It felt like he had stuck his
cock into an electric socket. His whole body tingled as the thrill of
her touching his cock exploded in his brain. Then he had to use every
last ounce of his will power to keep from cumming as his mother opened
her mouth and slowly sucked the bloated head of his cock into her
“OH, FUCKING GOD, MOTHER,” he groaned as he felt her tongue ticle the
delicate underside of his quivering cockhead.
Bobby almost went into shock as his mother slowly sucked more and more
of his giant cock into her mouth. His heart was pounding so wildly,
he felt like it would burst at any moment as he watched his mother’s
soft, full lips encircling his thick prod. Slowly her ruby red lips
engulfed more and more of his thick, hard penis. At last, he felt his
engorged cockhead nudge up against the back of her throat. Even as
his head reeled with depraved excitement, his mother held him in her
mouth. Lovingly, gently, she sucked on his penis. Then she began to
suck harder as her tongue flicked around his pulsating man-cock.
Bobby knew he couldn’t keep the river of burning cum damned up inside
his aching balls much longer as he feel her sucking on him.
Then, she slowly eased her head back away from him, letting his spit
covered price slither out of her mouth. Afraid she was going to quit
sucking on him, Bobby was esated when she stopped with the great
purple cockhead still inside her mouth. Suddenly another spasm of
depraved excitement tore into his brain as he felt her take his
dangling balls in her hand. He couldn’t believe it. Then she began
to gently squeeze and fondle them as she sucked him back into her
mouth. As he watched on in stunned ecstasy, she began to move her
head back and forth,strugging his jutting maleness with long, deep,
slurping sucks. She hungrily devoured his cock as it loudly slid in
and out of her mouth. Bobby’s whole essence was now centered on his
mother’s lips and the wicked delight they were bringing him.
Then his hips began to involuntarily move back and forth in reverse
rhythm with her head. Every time her head went back so did his hips,
Then when she sucked him back into her mouth, he thrust his cock
deeper into her hot, sucking mouth. Unable to stop himself, he drive
his cock into her mouth deeper with every stroke. Still, she didn’t
stop. If anything, she sucked harder as he fucked her face. Out of
control, Bobby shuddered as he felt the pool of molten cum in his
balls begin to boil and bubble as it sought release. The eminent
eruption grow nearer and nearer as his mother’s mouth bobbed back and
forth on his cock.
All at once, a great lancing shock of pleasure shot out from his
balls. Feeling them explode, he grabbed hold of his mother’s head and
hold onto it as he savagely fucked her face.
“OHGODCANTSTOPCUMMINGMOTHER!” he blathered out as his cock erupted
inside her mouth.
Expecting her to push him away, he was shocked when she continued to
suck and pull at his erupting penis. She didn’t even flinch as she
took the first gusher of his thick, hot cream. Swallowing it eagerly,
she waited for more. Even after the first giant gusher, she continued
to pull and suck on him. As she did, his cock jerked again and
spurted out another thick stream of his rich semen into her mouth.
She hungrily swallowed it too. Again and again, his cock bucked and
spewed gush after gush of potential, hot cum into her mouth, but she took
all he could give without complaint. It was as if she was trying to
suck his body dry.
At last his cock finally stopped shooting off and slowly began to
shrivel and shrink back down to some semblance of normalcy. Bobby
felt so drained and exhausted, he could barely stand as his mother
slowly let his retreating manhood slither out of her mouth. As it
flopped out of her mouth, he stumbled back. Then he nearly failed as
she looked up at him. Staring into his eyes, she slowly ran her
tongue around her full, red lips, lapping up the small amount of cum,
his cum, that had escaped during their fall from God’s grace.
As he had stumbled backwards, he would have fallen on his butt if he
hadn’t slumped against the table. Exhausted, he leaned against the
table and looked over at their torquer. The man had the bottle of
wine turned up and was draining it. Bobby couldn’t help noticing that
the man’s big cock was almost fully erect. Fearful ofwhat would come
next, Bobby watched the man set the bottle down. Then, with a sense
of arrogance, Bobby realized that his cock was longer than the man’s.
At least a couple of inches longer, and thicker too, he smugly
“That was quite a shew,” the man said, the alcohol beginning to
influence his speech, “but now it is time for the really big shew,
huh, Mom.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen any Mom give better head,” he chuckled as he
lurched around the table towards them. “I can’t wait to get those big,
soft lips of yours wrapped around my old codder.”
Bobby felt his stomach heave with disgust as he realized what the man
was going to make his mother do.
“Just watch, boy,” the man leered, waving the gun at Bobby for
emphasis, “and I’ll give you a few points for the nuxt time your
dear oldMom sucks on you.”
Bobby looked on with disgust and hate as the man shoved his thick,
bobbing prick into Doreen’s face.
She had no choice. She quickly opened her mouth. Then leaning
forward, she sucked the man’s disgusting cock into her mouth.
Bobby had never felt such rage. He wanted to toughle the man as he
watched his mother’s mouth bob up and down on the stranger’s gross
penis. Strangely, not only did he feel hated, but there also a
strong element of jealousy intertwined with the hate. Only moments
before his mother had been sucking his cock and that was acceptable,
but now the stranger had taken her from him. Bobby couldn’t stand it.
He never wanted his mother to have any other man’s cock in her mouth.
She was his. He had to possess her every way possible, but first he
had to get rid of the stranger. But how. The man had a gun. Then as
the man’s eyes closed for a moment, Bobby glance quickly around the
There it was. The answer. The log that he had set down when the
strange knock on the door was only an inch from his hand. Slowly, as
His mother continued to suck on the stranger, Bobby moved his hand
towards the log. His fingers brushed against it. He could feel the
rough bark against his knuckles as his senses became more acute. If
only, he could get hold of it.
Watching the man’s movements growing more and more erratic, Bobby
realized that the man was getting more and more excited. Waiting for
his chance, Bobby saw the man’s eyes narrow and his legs begin to
strain and tension. The moment was almost at hand. As the man grow
more and more distracted, Bobby quickly wrapped his fingers around the
log. Now all he had to do was wait for the opening.
It came almost quicker than he expected.
“OHSHITIMCUMMMINNNNNG,” the strange gasped as he thrust his hips
forward driving his entire cock down into Doreen’s throat.
Bobby heard his mother gag and saw the man squint his eyes as his hips
jerked back and forth wildly. It was all the opening Bobby needed as
he brought the log all the way up from the table hitting the man in
the back of the head with all his strength.
“THOMP” went the log as it smoked into the back of the man’s head.
Then everything began to move in slow motion as Bobby watched the
man’s body stiffen for a second and then begin to fall. Like a broken
doll, the man topped backwards, pulling his cock out of Doreen’s
mouth. As his cock flew out of Doreen’s mouth, it sprayed her face
and breasts with its malignant load. Like some obscene cannon, the
man’s cock continued to spew and spurt even after he had slumped to
the floor.
As the man fell, Bobby dove for the gun. Grabbing hold of the gun,
Bobby was surprised at how easily the gun slipped from the stranger’s
lifeless fingers. Grinning jubilantly, Bobby held the gun thrust up
in the air.
“Now who is the Boss, asshole,” Bobby grew at the man’s unmoving
body as he kicked him in the ribs.
The man didn’t respond to the kick.
“Are you okay, Mom?” Bobby asked, poking the gun into the man’s ribs
but still getting no reaction.
“Yes, uh, yes, uh, I think so,” she mumbled shaking her head, “Oh,
God, Thank You Bobby. I think you just saved our lives.”
“Here, hold this on him while I get some rope and tie him up,” Bobby
told her, handing her the gun, “and shoot the son-of-a-bitch if he so
much as twitches a muscle.”
“Okay, I think I can do that,” she said coldly, “maybe I’ll do it even
if he doesn’t move.”
“Good,” Bobby grinned crazyly, the heat of battle still thick in his
Bobby couldn’t help glancing down at his mother’s beautiful breasts as
he jumped up and started across the room. Strangely, neither of them
was worried about their nudity, he thought as he brought the rope back
to the stranger.
The man looked dead, but Bobby found a pulse when he lifted the man’s
arms up. It was a weak, thready pulse, but a pulse nonetheless. Too
bad for the intruder, but he should have thought of that before he
busted in on them. Even if they wanted to get him to the hospital,
There was no way they could make it down the mountain at night in this
rain. And at the moment, Bobby was in no mood to coddle the man
Bobby quickly trusted the stranger up. When he was finished, he took
him by the arms and drug him slowly across the room and into the
bedroom. Pulling him onto the big rug by the bed, he looked around
the room to see if there was anything the man could use for a weapon
should he wake up. He didn’t see anything so he rolled the man up in
the rug. Standing up, he stared down at the man, not believing how
much he hated this man.
Shaking his head in disgust, he left the room. He quickly grabbed a
chair and drug it up to the door. Wedging it under the knob, he
Secured the room. Shaking the chair, he was finally satisfied that
the man couldn’t escape.
Strolling back into the main room, Bobby stopped at the pantry and
Pulled out another bottle of wine. Opening it, he picked up two
glasses and headed for the couch where his mother still sat. As he
walking up, he saw that she hadn’tmoved. She still sat on the couch
with the gun resting in her lap. She made no effort to cover herself
as he walked up. He was naked, too, but for some reason, it didn’t
seem to matter all that much after what they had just been through.
His mother didn’t even seem to notice he had returned as she sat
staring into the fire. He filled the glasses with wine and sat down
beside her.
“Here, mother,” he said, holding the glass out to her, “Let’s drink to
our victory.”
“What, uh, what,” she stiffened, offhandedly taking the glass of wine,
“what did you say?”
“I said let’s drink to our victory’,” he repeated himself, tapping
her glass with his, “we beat the son-of-a-bitch.”
“Oh, I guess we did,” she smiled weakly as she took a sip of the wine,
“At least you did.”
“I couldn’t have done it without your help,” Bobby said, regretting
what he had said before the words were out of his mouth.
“I sure did,” she murmured, taking another sip of wine as one lone
tear slowly ran down her cheek.
Bobby didn’t know what to do. He watched her as she slowly sipped her
wine and stared into the fire. He was still captured by her beauty.
Strangely, he had never thought of his mother in a sexual sense before
today. Now, it was the only thing on his mind.
Then, almost as if she was coming out of a fog, she turned towards him
and slowly ran her eyes up and down his body.
Bobby was abruptly torn between pride and shame as his cock slowly
began to stiffen and grow.
To his amazement, her eyes lingered on his developing erection for
several seconds, making it grow even faster.
“You’re still naked,” she finally said slowly and distinctly.
Then she looked down at herself.
“And so am I,” she added.
“After all we’ve been through, clothes don’t seem to be as important
as they were before,” he mumbled apologetically, “but if it bothers
you, I’ll put on a towel.”
“Huh, what,” she said, making a half-hearted attempt to cover her
breasts with her arm, “I’m so tired, I don’t know what to think.”
“Hop up for a minute,” he smiled at her, wrapping his towel around his
wait, “and I’ll make the bed for you so you can take a nap while make
us something to eat.”
“Okay,” she smiled at him as she slowly got to her feet.
Bobby stood mesmerized by her beauty unable to keep from gawking at
her breasts as she rose from the couch.
“I think I'll clean up first,” she grinned, emptying her glass of wine
and dropping her arms down to reveal her wonderful breasts to him once
Then with a rich smile, she turned and walked over to the bathroom.
Bobby followed her with his eyes drinking in the loveliness of her
delectable backside. He couldn’t explain the feelings that were
boiling inside his head. Desire, jealousy, guilt, wonder, lechery,
shame, and need were all tumbling about getting intertwined and
mutating. Suddenly, he knew that he must make love to her, somehow,
some way, tonight.
The thoughts had taken their toll and by the time his mother returned,
the front of the towel he was ballooning out obscenely. Underneath
the towel, his hard, jutting cock throbbed with incestuous desire. He
was delighted to see that she was still naked as she slowly ambled up
to where he stood, her breasts wiggling enchantingly.
“There,” he said, stepping back and sweeping his arms over the bed in
pantomime, “Slumber awaits M’lady.”
“I hope so,” she smiled at him, her eyes quickly flitting down to the
conspicuous bulge under the towel, “but it is obvious that sleeping
isn’t paramount in your thought.”
“Uh, I’m sorry, Mom,” he apologized, trying to cover the giant lump
with his hand, “I just can’t stop it.”
“It’s OK,” she smiled tiredly leaning over and giving his a soft
kiss on the chef, “I think I understand.”
Bending over to get into the bed, her hand brushed up against his
obvious erection causing it to jump and jerk underneath the material.
“I’m sorry, Mother, there’s nothing I can do to stop it,” he futilly
“I know,”she murmured, closing her eyes, “you don’t have to
apologize. It is just a natural reaction.”
“Yeah, that’s it,” he smiled, “it’s natural for me to react this way.”
“Unh-huh,” she mumbled sleepily, “natural.”
The rain continued to hammer down on the cabin roof as Bobby watched
his mother crawl under the covers. Reaching down, he tucked her in.
As she closed her eyes, he stood staring down at her for several
minutes. Finally, he tiptoed over to the cabinet and prepared them a
snack. After that, he went over to the window. It was already dark
outside. What a day it had been. It would be a day that he could
never forget.
Smiling to himself, he got out the lanterns and lit them. Carrying a
lantern with him, he went into the back room to check on their
prisoner. Stopping outside the door, he listened fora few moments
Then opened the door. The man hadn’t moved, so Bobby closed the door
and repositioned the chair.
The Stranger – Part 2
Outside, the rain was still coming down in sheets as the wind slammed
Against the cabin. The gods were enraged and were unleashing their
fury on the little cabin. With storm raging outside and Bobby felt
like he and his mother were cut off from the world. Bobby felt a
strange detachment as he faced new passages that had been born on this
tempestuous day. The almost deafening sound of the rain beating down
on the roof made rational thought almost impossible. The sound, so
loud and invasive seemed to permeate his very soul driving him a
little crazy. His irrational mood wasn’t helped by the bottle of wine
he had consumed while his mother slept.
Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already Eleven o’clock
and his mother hadn’t moved since she had fallen wait.
Weaving slightly, Bobby went to check on the stranger for the
umpteenth time. The man hadn’t moved either, but was still breathing.
“Boy, I must have really conked the son-of-a bitch good,” he laughed
drunkenly as he left the room.
Walking unsteadily, he returned to the fireplace. Looking over at the
couch, he saw that his mother was still sleeping. Standing with his
back to the fire, he stood warming himself as he watched his mother
sleep. She was lying on her back and the swell of her big, round
breasts jutted up beautifully under the thin sheet. As he watched the
slow rise and fall of her breasts, the image of her sucking on his
cock came floating back into his mind. This was at least the
hundreds time he had replayed the scene in his mind. In fact, he had
Walked around all night with anincredible hard on just thinking about
Now the overpowering sound of the rain, the deadening of his
Inhibitions by the wine, and the craving in his groin were driving him
crazy with desire. He knew that underneath the thin sheet, she was
naked. That sheet and the thin veneer of decency were the only things
protecting her from the burning hunger in his heart.
He had never felt this way before. But then his mother had never
sucked him off either. When he had cum in her mouth, it had tripped a
circuit breaker in his brain. Now he could think of nothing else but
having sex with her. As hideous and perverse as it was, he wanted to
fuck his mother. He wanted to become one of nature’s most despised
fiends. He wanted to become a Mother-fucker.
His cock, swollen and hard, throbbed painfully underneath the towel
wrapped around his waist. It felt like he had a baseball bat sticking
out of his belly as he watched her sleep.
Would she never wake up? She had been sleeping for five hours now.
While she had slept, he had paced back and forth trying to talk
himself out of the shameful things he wanted to do to her. But no
matter how hard he tried, he always came back to the image of her
sucking his cock. When he did, the fires of desire grow higher and
Finally, he could take it no longer. With trembling fingers, he
untied his towel and let it drop to the floor. Now facing his mother,
he took his huge, painfully swollen manhood in his hand and slowly
stroked it.
What if she woke and found him beating his meat right in front of her?
What would she do? It was wickedly exciting to stand in front of her
and masturbate. Even if she was sleep, there was the danger of her
waking up. He couldn’t believe how hard his cock had grown. It was
harder than granite.
Running his hand up and down the massive pillar of meat, he knew that
he ought to go ahead and cum. That would be the only way to douse the
firey rage in his belly. As he stroked himself harder and harder, he
Felt the eruption gathering in his balls. Giving his cock one final
stroke, he stopped. His whole body was tottering on the brink of
ejaculation, but he wanted her too badly to spill his seed on the
floor. He had to plant it deep inside her fertile garden where she
had given him life so very long ago.
Even in his crazy state of mind, he realized that it was his mother
that he wanted to fuck. His mother. What in heaven’s name made him
think that she would let him fuck her? Why would she? This wasn’t
Some little stroll in the park. THIS WAS INCEST. Not only was it
sinfully wicked, it was illegal. Against the laws of man and nature.
What a horrible son he was. In his selfish rage, he wanted her to
place her soul in jeopardy for him. Risk spending eternity in the
bowels of hell for him. Why would she consent to such an act of
“I’m going crazy,” he mumbled out loud, watching his big, bloated
penis bob up and down evilly.
Then he heard his mother moan softly and turn in her sleep. As she
did, the sheet covering her slipped down exposing one of her
mountainous breasts. His cock abruptly stood at attention as he
stared down at the big pink melon with its rose-colored cap.
Then something inside of him snapped. There was no way he could stop
himself now. Their fate was sealed.
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, he stole over to the couch. As he
did, his aching cock jutted out defiantly eager for conquest.
As his knees nudged up against the couch, he paused for a moment.
This was his last chance. He knew that if he got under the covers
with her, there would be no stopping him. He would even resort to
rape if she resisted him.
He couldn’t stop. His brain was now mush and the primitive reflexes
of his body had taken over. There was now no way to stop the
Violation of his mother.
He slowly reached down and promptly lifted the sheet up. His cock
angrily jumped with excitement as he stared down at her naked body.
She was so beautiful. He felt his knees buckle and he nearly fell as
he drank in her beauty.
Finally, after several moments, he was able to move again. Inching his
knee up on the couch, he ever so slowly slipped under the sheet and
lay down beside her. Lying there, barely breathing, he waited to see
if she would wake up.
When she didn’t move after several moments, he ever so slowly inched
nearer and nearerr to her. At last, he was lying so close, he could
Feel the heat emanating from her body. Pausing one last time, he
gathered his courage for the final assault. With his heart in his
throat and his cock throbbing painfully, he promptly reached out and
touched her arm.
Her skin was hot and soft. Soft as a baby’s skin. He could now smell
the clean, fresh chaos of soap. There was something about the
smell that made him feel all warm and happy. The cent must have
dredged up some long forgetten memories of his childhood. Maybe he
Remembered it from the time he used to nurse her big, soft tits.
Whatever it was, it made him feel good inside.
She still didn’t move as he caressed her arm with his fingers.
Growing bolder, he gently scooted over and snuggled up against her
warm softness.
“Ummnnnnnnnnnnn,” she showed.
After waiting for a fewmoments to see he she would wake up, he slowly
moved his hand down off her arm and over onto the swollen softness of
her breast. Pausing for a few seconds again, he began to explore the
smooth roundness of her breast until his fingers found a soft,
protruding nipple. He felt his dick lunch with excitement as he
gently pulled at the soft, little knot of flesh. His mind, awake in
hormones, took delight as he delicately rubbed his mother’s soft,
springy nipple between his finger and thumb. Slowly, it began to
harden. Feeling it respond to his touch, he began to knee it with
more enthusiasm It grow harder and harder. He couldn’t believe it.
His mother’s nipple was getting hard. She must be feeling something,
he reasoned.
Was a woman like a man, he wondered? Did a woman’s nipples get hard
When they got excited, like a man’s dick did?
It must, he told himself.And if that were the case, his mother was
getting excited because her nipple was very hard now. Growing bolder
by the moment, he slowly opened his hand and began to fondle and
massage her whole breast.
When she didn’t move to stop him, he took it as approval. Cuddling up
closer to her, he cautiously mashed his throbbing cock up against her
hot, soft thigh. Rocking his hips back and forth slowly, he stroked
himself against her leg as his hand bravely explored her breasts.
His hand soon found the other nipple. He found it was swollen and
puffy. Relishing the feel of her big, rubbery nipple, he teased and
toyed with it for a few moments.
“Ummmmmmmmffllllllsggoooooodddddddddd,” his mother softly cast as he played
with her breasts.
Her voice had initially started him and he had jerked his hand away.
But, when he heard what she said, he quickly returned his hand to her
breast. Gently squeezing and fondling the soft, resilient mounds of
gelatinous flesh, he wondered what his next step should be…
Then a jolt of electricity tore through his cock as he felt his
mother’s soft, warm fingers brush over it. Then his mother slowly
rolled over to face him. Suddenly, her mouth found his. As their
lips ground together, her tongue dove inside his mouth at the same
instance her hand wrapped itself around his throbbing penis. He almost
came as she impaled him with her tongue and her hand began to move up
and down on his cock. This couldn’t be happening, he thought as he
hungrily kissed her. As their tongues twisted and entwined, she made
soft, whimpering sounds. Then he feel the soft, furry mound of her
pussy grind against his leg.
They kissed, long and hard. As they kissed, they pressed their bodies
together violently. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they
Finally broke for breath.
“Make Love to me, baby. Make love to Mommy,” she panted.
Bobby couldn’t believe his ears as his mother quickly disentangled
herself from him and rolled over onto her back.
“Make what he made us do part of something loving between us,” she
groaned spreading her long, lovely legs and clawing at him.
Throwing the covers off, Bobby feverishly scrambled to his hands and
knees. Clambering up between his mother’s outstretched legs, he found
himself towering above her, staring down at his throbbing, dancing
“Oh, God,” he gasped as he felt her hand grab his cock and tug it down
towards her womanhood.
Feverishly, she guided the jutting monsterity down toward the wet,
gaping core of her femininity.
Dipping his hips, he felt her anxiously rub the head of his giant cock
up and down the weeping furrow of her pussy. She was so wet, his
cockhead was quickly covered with a coat of her hot, bubble pussy
juice. Then, pulling harder on his cock, she frantically fitted the
great, swollen penishead into the firey socket of her cunt.
Then he was inside her. He couldn’t believe how hot and wet it was
inside of her cunt. He had never felt such hellish heat. Her fiery,
clutching cunt was so hot, it felt like his penis was being blistered.
What if their incestuous couple has so incensed the gods, they had
turned her vagina into a hell on earth for him. If so, he thought,
easing his cock down into her, he would gladly go to hell for
eternity. In fact, he would gladly live in hell forever.
He had never felt such wicked pleasure. He was so overcome with
Passion, he almost passed out as he forced his huge penis deeper into
Her hot, suckingpit. All at once, it was buried inside of her all
the way up to its hairy hilt. She had taken every last million of
his nine inch monster without a complaint.
“Oh, Fuck,” he grunted as he ground his belly against hers.
“OH, Bobby, you’re so Fucking big,” she grunted as she pressed her
pussy up against him, “So Fucking big.”
He lay atop of her for several moments luxury in the feel of her
hot, tight pussy clinging to his throbbing cock. Her pussy was so
tight and wet and hot and clenching. It was all he could do to keep
from cumming right there.
Then the magnitude of their unholy coupling struck him.
HE WAS FUCKING HIS MOTHER. His loving, caring, beautiful mother. He
was fucking the woman who had carried him in her belly. This woman
who had nursed him while he was in her body. He was fucking his
mother who had created him and brought him into this world. Now he
had returned to that sacred place in her body. He had reentered her
hallowed garden. She was letting him plow the inviolable core of her
motherhood. She had invited him to possess her. She had taken him
inside of her willingly. Now was about to plant his seed in the rich,
fertile depths of her womanhood. It was just too much for his brain
to accept and it shorted out.
As his cerebral functions shut down, his body took over. Abruptly,
His hips rocked into motion. He couldn’t stop himself as he began
to pound his cock in and out of her like a
Then after several moments, his brain began to function again. He
entered another plane. He wanted to fuck his mother so hard that they
became one. He wanted to make love to her in such a way, their
spirits would melt together and be the same. Crying tears of love and
afFaction, Bobby hammered his cock into the deep, hot wetness of her
womanhood violently. He drove his cock into her so deep and
powerfully, it knocked the breath out of her.
Then as he felt her gasping for breath, she began to quiver and shake.
Then with a gasp, she started breathing again and her cunt clenched
down around his cock so tight, he couldn’t move. Then with a lurch,
his mother began to twitch and shake under him.
“Oh, FUCK, Oh, FUCK, Yes, Bobby, Oh, Yes, Bobby, Cumming,” she gurgled
as her pussy held onto his prick tightly, imprisoning it deep inside
of her spasming cunt.
That was all he could take. Suddenly, his gigantic weapon recoiled
and explored inside her cunt. The first massive eruption of his
thick, boiling cum immediately filled her sucking cunt to the point of
overflowing. Then as held himself thrust deep into her, his massive
cannon fired again and again sending more and more fiery jellied
bullets into his mother’s saturated pussy. He lost count of the times
his body was overwhelm by the most intense pleasure he had ever
experienced. At last, his cock spurted its last wad of cum into her.
As he refused sanity, he could feel his expensive cum oozing out of
his mother’s batteryed cunt, coating his dangling balls with its sticky
As he felt his mother’s body melt underneath him, it still took
several more moments for her powerful urban muscles to relax.
Once he feel the muscles of her cunt begin to relax and release their
death-hold on his cock, he began to slide his monstrous ramrod in and
out of her drenched cunt again.
“Oh, God, Is my Bobby going to make love Mommy again?” she murmured,
meeting his thrusts with her own.
“Yes, Mommy,” he grew, picking up the pace and sliding his hot meat
into her faster and faster, “Bobby is going to make love Mommy all
night long and make her forget all about this afternoon.”
“Oh, Bobby, you are such a good son,” she laughed softly, reaching up
and pulling him down to her.
Holding his face between her hands, she kissed him long and hard.
He stopped fucking her as he returned the kiss.
After several moments, she finally broke the kiss and slide her hands
down his back to his ass. Suddenly, she grabbed hold of his ass,
roughly digging her fingernails into his skin.
“Make love me then, Bobby, hard and deep, all night long,” she grew
digging her long sharp nails into his ass harder.
“All night long,” she repeated as she lifted her legs up and wrapped
them around his waist.
“FUCK YOUR MOTHER ALL NIGHT LONG,” she urged him,digging her heels
into his ass.
Bobby quickly compiled with her request and began to pound into her
cunt unmercifully.
They fucked and fucked, their pubic bones pounding together every time
their bodies met in the incestuous marriage they formed. He could
hear his mother squeal and moan every time his bloated cock plumbed
the depths of her cunt.
In and out his cock saw, his mother’s tender pussy-hole squishing
auditory as it sucked hungrily on his huge, young prick.
An hour went by, but their bodies still crashed together like two
animals fighting for supremacy. As they fucked, he felt the waves of
several orgasms sweep over her, making her shake and mistake under him.
Every time she climaxed, her cunt clenched down around her son’s
massive penis sending forth thick streams of cunt juice and cum
gushing out onto the couch.
She must have feltthe pistoning urgency of her son’s pounding hips as
he fucked her when finally after an hour and a half of pure, ball
bashing fucking, Bobby’s hips slammed down on her and he began to cum
in long, hard squirts. As he shoved his cock down deep inside of her,
she felt it shoot fountains of cum into her.
Bobby grunted and groaned as he kept his huge penis buried deep inside
of her letting it empty creamy load after load into her. Finally, it
jerked and sent the last large gob of cum spewing out into her cunt.
Rolling off his mother, Bobby tried to catch his breath.
“My God, Bobby,” his mother panted as she tried to catch her breath,
too. “I’ve never been fucked like that before. Never, ever.”
“Did you like it?” he grinned reaching for the bottle of wine.
He refilled their glasses and handed hers to her as he waited for her
to answer.
“It was breathtaking,” she finally showed, quickly downing the glass
of wine, “but a little frightening, too.”
“Frightening?” he asked her, refilling her glass.
“Yes, frightening,” she repeated herself, downing another glass of
“How?” he asked.
“It is just a little unsettling to find out that your dear, sweet,
little son is not so little any more,” she frowned slightly, pausing
before she continued.
“And it is kind of scary to see your son grow to a man right in front
of your eyes,” she went on, “One minute you were still my dear, sweet
little boy and the next you were this man with a huge penis.”
“Why does that scare you?” he asked her, refilling her glass for the
third time.
“It is frightening to know that the little boy you raised,” she smiled
sadly, “is all grown up and I mean, all grown up.”
“But, I’m still your little boy,” he smiled mischievously.
“Oh, I know that you will always be my little boy in some ways,” she
responded, “but what we did tonight will change you in so many ways.
You won’t even notice them, but I will know that they are there.”
“Huh?” he asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“I never knew you had so much pent up password and fury locked inside
of you,” she said, sipping her wine.
“You find that scary?” he asked.
“Just a little,” she laughed nervously.
“Why?, you know that I could never, ever hurt you.”
“Probably,” she said softly, slowly running her finger down his chest,
over his stomach to his dormant penis, “but such password could be hard
to control if you became jealous of me.”
“You’re right there,” he agreed, softly caresing the soft, satiny
skin of her thigh, “I wanted to kill that man this afternoon, and I
still do.”
“But what about your father?” she asked him, gently teasing the
sensitive little cleft under the coronavirus of his cockhead, “you know we
have to go home sometimes.”
“I don’t want to think about that now,” he complained, “I just want to
make love to forever and forever, starting right now.”
“Again? So soon?” she asked, looking down in surprise as his cock
struggled to raise its big, bloated head once again.
“You said you wanted me to fuck you all night long,” he told her
glancing down at his watch, “and it is only three in the morning.”
“All night long,” shesaid softly, “Fuck me all night long. My son
Wants to fuck me all night long.”
“We still have three or four hours before it gets light,” he smiled,
taking the empty glasses and setting them on the floor by the couch.
“All night long,” she whispered, slowly rolling over on her back and
spreading her legs, “yes, Bobby, fuck me all night long. Fuck your
dear old mother all night long.”
Bobby rolled over between her outstretched legs. Reaching down, he
quickly guided the swollen purple head of his cock down and fitted it
into the meaty opening between his mother’s legs. Then with one quick
thrust, he buried himself into her all the way to the hilt.
“Oh, Fuck, Yes,” his mother hisssed, “Fuck me with that monster of
yours. Fuck me all night long.”
Outside it rained and inside it fucked. All night long.
They fucked with long, slow strokes. They fucked with Bobby on top
pounding his cock down into her furiously until they both came. They
fucked with Bobby on his knees behind her, doggy style as he used her
big, pendant breasts to pull her back onto his slashing cock. They
fucked with his mother riding his towering Goliath. They even fucked
with Bobby lying on his back and his mother lying on his stomach being
pierced from below. Only stopping occasionally to catch their breath
and take a drink of wine every once in a while, they fucked all night
As they fucked a frothy foam of churned semen and love juice covered
Both of them from the wait down. Still they fucked.
“Fuck, Mommy, Cumming again,” Bobby belched out for the fourth time.
“Good boy, Bobby,” she groaned, tightening her cunt down around his
jerking cock, “fill Mommy’s cunt up one moretime.”
After nine other orgasms, his battered and bruised cock was only
capable of a couple of little jerks spewing only a spoonful or two of
thin, watery cum into her.
“Did it, Mommy, last time,” he groaned, rolling off her and jerking
his spent weapon out of her foam covered cunt.
The room was now filled with a soft, dreary light as the rain
continue to fall outside.
The cups of thick, rich cream he had shot into her had mixed with her
juices as they fucked. As they fucked, it had leaked out of her.
They had churned it into a frothy white foam that covered her
underbelly, matting down her cunt hairs.
“God, Mother, what is this?” Bobby asked looking down at the frothy
coating covering his mother’s belly.
“I’ve heard it called Love Butter, Baby,” she smiled, dipping her
finger into the foamy white froth. "I’ve never seen it before, but
you must have shot so much cum into me and fucked me so long, you
churned it into Love Butter.”
Dragging her finger through the thick, creamy froth, she scraped up a
drollop. Bringing it to her mouth, she licked it off her finger.
“It tastes like us,” she smiled at him, scraping another gob up and
licking it off her finger. “I can taste you and I can taste me.”
“Kinda of like making a baby,” he smiled at his mother lovingly.
“Part of you and part of me.”
“Yes, like making a baby,” she returned his smile, licking another
drollop from her finger, “Bunches and bunches of babies. Millions of
“Can I lick the babies off your tummy, Mother?” he asked her scooting
down between her legs.
“Oh, my wonderful baby can do anything he wants to Mother,” she cooed,
running her hand through his sweat drenched hair, “Anything, he
Within moments, Bobby was hungrily lapping the Love Butter off his
mother’s belly. Then when it was gone, he attacked her clitoris with
His tongue bringing her to one final orgasm. Just as she did, Bobby
heard a distant rumble of thunder as if one of the gods was voicing
disgust at their behavior.
More? Is there still more in this story?
Stay tuned and see………Baron Darkside
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