House of the Rising Sons by BarondeSade Chaps 1 and 2
Summary: Guy gets up close and personal with his kissing cousin
Codes: Fiction, MF, incest (counsins)
All characters are 18 and above.
First posted by author on 05 Jun 2007.
Chapter One Kissing Cousins
“So, your cousin, Tildy and Aunt Mildred are going to come live with us,” Bernie heard his mother says as they sat across from each other eating breakfast.
“Oh,” he grinned, thinking to himself about what a charmed life he lived.
His eighteen-year-old-cousin, Tildy was just about the hottest young thing he had ever seen. And Aunt Mildred wasn’t any slouch in the looks department, either. Not to mention his mother.
“So, it’ll be the four of us living together and you’re going to have to watch your Ps and Qs with all us women around,” she smiled at him.
“Oh, I will,” he said. “I will…”
Dipping his spoon into his bowl of cereal, he brought a big spoonful up to his mouth as he thought.
Now, how can I get cute, little Tildy between the sheets? He had seen her in a bikini once, and she had about the prettiest tits ever. Since he was a tit man extraordinare, he paid particular attention to every woman’s mammary assets. And Tildy’s tits, while they weren’t as big as his mom’s giant hooters, they were bigger than Aunt Mildred’s. And saggy, too. Just the way he liked them…
“Uh, when are they coming?” he asked, with a mouthful of cereal.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” his mother scolded him. “They’ll be here tomorrow. All this came up rather suddenly, so we’ll just have to make do and make them feel welcome.”
“Oh, I’ll do my part,” he laughed.
“Careful there, boy,” she warned. “Don’t get too enthusiastic.”
"I can’t help it, Mom,” he smiled. “Living in a house with three fantastic looking women. It’s every eighteen-year-old boy’s dream. Even if they’re all kinfolk…”
“Well, just keep your eyes in your head,” she warned him again, “and your hands in your pockets…”
“Yes, Mother,” he said, taking a quick peek down at his mother’s big tits as they jiggled under her thin blouse. “Besides, they don’t have anything on you in the looks department.”
“Now you stop that,” she smiled, standing up, leaning over to pick up her dishes. “Although, I think I look pretty good for a thirty-seven year old broad…”
“Yes, you do,” Bernie remarked, taking a quick peek down her blouse.
Then with a quick turn, she jiggled over to the sink as Bernie’s eyes followed her delectable ass swimming from side to side under her tight skirt.
God, what I wouldn’t give to have a piece of that, he thought. I know, I know…I’m one more sick puppy to think about my mother like that. But I can’t help it…She’s so damned hot. But that’ll never happen, so I’m going to set my sights of something a little more doable, like Tildy…
Around noon, Mildred’s car pulled up in front of their house. Monica and Bernie strolled out to meet them as Mildred and Tildy piled out of the car. There was the usual round of hugs and kisses, but Bernie seemed to tarry just a little too long with Tildy’s hug and got a glare from his mother.
Bringing their things inside, Bernie watched the women with hungry eyes, devouring their bodies ever chance he got. Tildy was just as he remembered her. Tall, slender, her long brown hair hanging down around her pretty face; her pretty tits, jutting out, jiggling freely, apparently unrestrained under her blouse; svelte hips that swayed exclusively under her short skirt; and nice, shapely legs that went on and on and on… Yes, she was just the way her remembered her, he thought as he started out in pursuit of the elusive treasure that lay between her lovely legs…
But before that, he turned his attention to his Aunt Mildred and saw that she had aged a little since their last visit, but she was still a good looking woman with her frizzy, blond hair; full, red lips; pretty face with maybe a new wrinkle here and there; breasts, smaller than Tildy’s that also jiggled freely under her blouse as Bernie studied them when she wasn’t looking. Bernie guessed that she was in her late thirties and had a very trim figure. Must work out a lot, he thought to himself as he admired her firm, round ass and long, shaped legs. Yes, this is going to be all right, he told himself. Surrounded by all this prime woman-flesh.
It was Saturday before Bernie got his first chance to be alone with Tildy. Monica and Mildred were going on a shopping spree and told the two teenagers that they would be back around five or so…
Now Bernie knew that most of the girls in school thought that he was quite a hunk. So, hoping that he would have the same effect on Tildy, he slipped into a pair of bathing trunks that didn’t hide much of his menly assets. He spent a lot of time in the football team weight room and had a nicely defined set of muscles to go along with his handsome face.
Getting himself a beer out of the fridge, he jauntily stepped out to the pool where Tildy lay sunning herself.
“You look stunning this morning,” Bernie said, stepping up to where she lay on the chain lounge.
“Beer for breakfast?” Tildy laughed, holding her hand up to shield her eyes from the sun as she looked up at him.
“Yeah…want one?” he grinned down at her, letting his eyes straight over her sintily clad breasts.
“Uh…sure,” she smiled up at him running her eyes over his finely chiseled pecs.
“Be right back,” he said, turning and swaggering across the patio towards the house.
He could almost feel her eyes studying his hard, muscle ass as he strutted into the house.
Stepping back across the patio with the beers, he saw her glance down at the bulge of his cock jutting out under the thin material of his bathing trunks. Maybe this is going to be easier than I thought, he giddily told himself as he strode up to her.
“Here you go, breakfast by the pool,” he laughed, handing her the beer.
“Thank you,” she smiled, taking the beer, making her perfect tits jiggle entirely.
Bernie stepped over and grabbed one of the pool chairs and dragged it back over beside her chain locke.
“So, what’s been going on with you since the last time we saw each other?” he asked, sitting down and leaning back.
“Oh, not much,” she said, reaching down and pulling the locker up to the sitting position. "How bout you?”
“Not much either,” he said.
There were several moments of strained silence as the two teenagers sat sipping their breakfast beers.
Well, might as well cut to the chafe, he thought to himself.
“You got a boyfriend?” he asked, tipping up his beer and letting some trickle into his mouth.
“Uh…no…girlfriend?” she asked.
“No…not really…” he grinned.
A few more moments of strained silence followed before Bernie spoke again.
“Sure is going to be great having you and your mom around… I know I’m her nephew, but I think she’s hot…nearly as hot as you are…”
“Oh, really,” she laughed. “I thought we might be a bit of a nuisance to you. You know, having to put up with all of us persnickety women all the time…”
“How can you say that,” he asked, convincely running his eyes down her sintily clad body. “Hell, I’m not an eunuch…”
“I can see,” she snickered, glancing down at the obvious bulge in his trunks.
“Well, can you blow me,” he smiled. “I think you could stuff that bikini of yours into a thimble…and it wouldn’t even fill the thimble up…”
“I thought you might like it,” she smiled.
“Like it? I love it,” he groaned. “Only thing I’d like better, is you…you in your birthday suit.”
“Oh…really,” she flirted, smiling mischievously as she gazed back at him.
“Yeah…really,” he grunted, glancing down at her tits again.
“So…so you like my breasts?” she asked, slowly dragging the bottom of the beer bottle across her quivering tits leaving a little wet trail in its wake.
“They’re awesome,” he snorted.
“They’re not too saggy?” she asked, hooking a finger under the edge of her suit and teasingly pulling it out away from her breast.
“Saggy? I love saggy tits…and yours are bout the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen,” he smiled.
“Bout? Bout the prettiest?” she pouted, sticking her lower lip out.
“No…no…they’re the prettiest…the prettiest ones I’ve ever seen,” he muttered, staring down at them as she fingered the cup holding one big, drooping breast.
“How can you say that…when you’ve never really seen them?” she teasingly asked.
“Uh, I can…I can see them,” he said, still staring down at the jiggling treasures.
“Well…” she said, reaching down and setting her beer on the patio beside her locker. “See if this makes it easier…to decide.”
Bernie stared, google-eyed as she slowly brought her hands up to her bikini top. Then she slipped her thumbs under the bottom of it and slowly lifted it up off her dropy tits.
“Jeez…Tildy, they’re fucking greous,” he moaned. “I was right…they are the prettiest ones I’ve ever seen.”
“You’re not just saying that to get into my panties…are you?” she laughed.
“Well…I must admit that was my goal,” he laughed back. “But I still have to admit that they’re the prettiest ones I’ve ever seen…really.”
“So,” she said, gracefully turning on her pretty little butt and dropping her feet down onto the patio, “you want to be kissing cousins?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah…kissing cousins,” he grinned, watching her push herself to her feet.
“Well…I kinda thought that we might end up that way,” she said, reaching down and hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her bikini.
Bernie watched on in dazed excitement as she slowly bent down, pushing her bikini bottom down her long, shaped legs. Then his eyes shot to the tuft of curly brown hair that covered the price hidden down between her legs.
“So…” she murmured, stepping out of her bikini, “I’ve shown you mine, let me see yours.”
“Huh…oh yeah,” he grinned, setting his beer down beside the chair and jumping up to his feet.
He saw that she was expectedly watching him as she pushed her bikini top off over her head while he quickly shoved his bathing trunks down his muscle legs, letting his big, half-hard cock flop out into the open.
“Oh…my…that’s a nice one,” she murmured, reaching out and intimately running her fingers over his quickly hardening organ. “I think I’m gonna like being your kissing cousin.”
“I’m glad you like it,” he mumbled, blushing slightly as he reached out to the droopy treasures now dangling within his reach.
Smiling warmly, she thrust her tits out at him.
“I’ve always wanted to touch these,” he muttered, gently cupping her beautiful tits and lovingly fingering the big, swollen nipples jutting out of their pink tips.
“I’ve…kinda always had a crush on you,” she told him, curling her hand around his cock. “Ever since the sixth grade.”
“Hey…I’ve had one on you ever since I can remember,” he grinned, gently tweaking her nipples, as she slowly worked her hand back and forth on his almost fully erect prick.
“Let’s go up to my room,” she said breathlessly, squeezing his cock suggestively.
“Yeah…yeah…let’s go,” he said, reluctantly easing his fingers away from her jiggling breasts.
Reaching down, he swooped up his trunks as he watched her lean down and retrieve her bikini and beer. Then grabbing up his beer, he wrapped his arm around her slender wait. They quickly padded across the warm cement to the house and hurried up to Tildy’s room.
Bernie couldn’t keep his eyes off the jiggling treasures dangling down from her chest. They were fucking awesome.
The cleavage between her beautiful tits was tanned bronze where the neckline of her suit swooped down, leaving it uncovered. However, however the full roundness of her tits were pale white where her suit protected them from the sun’s rays. The same scenario was repeated down below, where she wore a pale, white bottom…a bottom untanned by the sun. The pale whiteness formed the shape of her bikini bottom.
Stepping into her room, the teenagers dropped their suits onto the bed. Grinning at Bernie, Tildy took a long swig on her beer and then set it down on her nightstand.
“I can’t believe this is finally happening,” she said, leaning against the wall and looking at him longingly. (PIC)
“Me, either,” he grinned, tipping up his foamy brew and finishing it off as Tildy crawled onto the bed and flipped over onto her back.
Setting his empty beer bottle on the nightstand, he saw that Tildy was smiling and looking down at his cock that was now jutting out hard and ready.
“You have a pretty cock,” she said, reaching out and tracing the path of one of the big, blue veins with her fingertip. “It…it looks so…so impatient…”
“It is,” he snorted, crawling up beside her.
Lying beside her, he ran his hand down to the furry, little mountain between her legs. Cupping the bush in the palm of his hand, he gently eased a finger down into the weepy, little hole just below the tangle of soft curls.
“Why is she crying?” he asked, slowly sliding his finger in and out of her wet socket.
“She’s sad,” Tildy pouted, wrapping her hot hand around his big cock and giving it a squeeze. “She wants your friend here, to come inside and play with her.”
“Well,” Bernie smiled, slowly rolling over between her legs, “we don’t want to see her sad do we?";
“No…no…we don’t want to do that,” she simply, pulling his cock down to the tiny slit of her almost prepubescent pussy.
Standing on his hands and knees above her, he looked down and watched her fit the swollen head of cock in between the tiny lips of her pussy. Then, she gently rubbed it around in the juice-coated opening, smearing its tip with her juices.
“Put…put it in,” she said breathlessly, holding the slicked tip of his cock down into the tiny opening of her vagina.
Still looking down, he eased his hips forward hoping his cock would fit into the tight, little hole. Pussy, he told himself, as he watched his cock slowly disappear down into the clutching tightness. He loved it and never ceased to be amazing by its wonderful ability to conform to the situation…It could squeeze a baby out through itself and yet could still tightly wrap itself around a cock! Amazing…simply amazing!
He felt her hot pussy accommodate tothe size of his cock as he pushed it deeper and deeper into its musthy depths. Finally, his belly gently nudged up against hers. She had taken him without complaint, he told himself. All seven and a half inches. The curls of their pubes tangled around each other as he held himself thrust down inside her. Then she reached up and pulled him down to her. Kissing him passwordately, she ground herself up against him. Frenching her, he slowly backed out and began to fuck her with deep, jarring strokes. But she took it all and thrust herself back up at him, giving as good as she was getting.
This was it. He was fucking his beautiful cousin. One of his dreams finally coming true… Now, if only he could find a way to fuck his aunt and his mother…
“Let me, let me bend…bend my legs,” she gushed, kicking her legs up into the air beside him. “Under you…”
Balancing on one hand, he let her slide her leg under him. With the back of her thigh resting against his chest, she thrust her lower leg up into the air beside his head with her toes pointed at the ceiling. Then he quickly shifted his weight and a half to his other hand and let her slide her other leg down under his chest. Now she lay on her back under him, with her pelvis tilted up, baring her pussy to the full brunt of his attack.
“Now…now…” she said, squeezing her tight, little pussy down around his cock.
“Yeah…yeah…” he grunted and began to work his hips back and forth, driving his cock even deeper into the clutching depths of her hot cunt.
Reaching around her legs, she dug her long fingernails into his back, urging him on, as she clawed at him.
God, what a lay, he giddily thought as he pounded his cock into her juicy little snatch. It was even better than he imagined it would be, as he stared down into her lust-glazed eyes. He couldn’t believe that a pussy could be as hot and tight as hers. And she knew how to use her delightful cunt. He could feel the channel of her pussy squeezing and pulling at his cock as it slashed in and out of her. It almost felt like a hand clutching at him…a hand in a velvet glove.
Gently easing himself down onto her, he slowly ran his hands up under her shoulders. As he did, he delicately cradle her shoulders in the palm of his hands and began to gently pull her down onto his pistoning price every time he drove it into her.
“Oh…oh…unh…unh…almost…almost…” Tildy groaned out as Bernie felt the muscles in her thighs tighten and clnch.
Jerking harder on her shoulders, he shoved her down onto his pounding price harder as he felt her straining for the finish line. She was dashing down the stretch, head thrown back, eyes closed, feverishly striving for that final burst that would bring her victory.
Then, he felt her body shudder as her pussy began to clutch and nip at his pistoning prick as it spasmed around it.
“Yes…yes…"she hissed, thrusting herself up at him and digging her claws even deeper into the back.
With a loud grunt, he drive his cock down into her convulsing pussy as deep at it would go. Holding it there, he let her ride his cock through the storm that swirled and surged through her pussy and brain.
As she moaned out her pleasure, Bernie could feel his own upheaval growing more and more imminent as Tildy’s pussy clutched and pulled at his buried cock.
“Oh…God,” Tildy finally murmured as Bernie felt her body soften and sink back down onto the bed.
Jerking his hips back, he began attack her pussy as he fucked his way towards his own gravity. Roughly jerking her back down onto his cock, he hammered it into her as the bed shook and rattled.
Finally, he felt it. The fireball down inside his balls burst, sending out a firey shock wave of pleasure rushing out over his body.
“Fuck…fuck…fuck…” he muttered, thrusting his cock down into her juice-filled hole as it began to jerk and jump, sending out gush after gush of thick, hot cum into her tight cunny.
Grinding herself up against him, she pulled him down into her even deeper as he emptied his payload into her.
It seemed to go on forever as he strained to push his cock deeper into the hot, clutching depths of her pussy. But at last it ended.
“Fucking awesome…awesome,” he groaned, releasing his hold on her shoulders and raising up onto his arms.
As he did, he balanced on one hand at a time, letting Tildy unfold her legs and drop them back down to the bed.
“Wow,” she grunted, smiling up at him as he eased his softening prick back out of her cum-drenched pussy. “That was fantastic…”
With a grunt, he rolled off and flopped down beside her. Then, he scooted around until they were lying head to foot. Leaning over her, he rested his head on her belly, just below a big, gravity-flattened breast. Cupping it in his palm, he gently lifted its puffy nipple to his mouth and tenderly sucked it into his mouth.
“Ummmmmmmm,” she murmured as he sucked on the swollen pap, teasing and tickling it with the tip of his tongue.
Then he felt her fingers crawl across his limp cock. He continued to toy with her nipple as her she explored his fallen charger with the tips of her fingers. Using Braille, she read over the head of his cock…down onto the thick, soft shake…and finally down to his dangling balls. Cupping his big balls in the palm of her hand, she lifted them, as if she were weighing their bulk. Giving them a little squeeze, she gently lowered them back down between his hairy lets and let her fingers crawl back up to his slowly hardening prick. Bernie feel her hand wrap around his cock and begin to slowly work up and down on it as it heavily flopped in her hand. He could feel his limp cock flopping ever which way as she tried to coax the life back into it with her hot hand.
Sucking harder, he raked his rough tongue back across her nipple, which was now jutting out, hard and swollen. Finally, he released his hold on her breast and moved his lips down off her breast onto her flat belly. Scooting himself down the bed bit by bit, he kissed his way down to her dainty, little belly-button. Easing his tongue out, he dipped it down into the slight indentation and delicately ticked it with the tip of his tongue.
“Ummmmmmmm,” she murmured again, squeezing his cock, which was still slowly hardening.
After a few seconds, he slowly moved away from her belly button, kissing his way down to the furry, little nest of soft curls that was perched above her fragile-looking puss. Gently rubbing his nose in the soft, kinky curls, he savored the clean, just-washed fragment of her bush. Then, as he moved down farther, he felt her body turn to face him. He watched as one of her long, shaped legs lifted into the air, opening her pussyto him. Leaning over, he rested his head on the smooth softness of her thigh as he flicked out his tongue. Running the tip of his tongue over the soft, plumant lips of her pussy, he suddenly felt the head of his cock being enveloped in wet warmness. He felt the warm suction on his cock move farther down the thick shake as he tongued his way up to her jutting clip. Flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth across the fleshy nub, he heard and feel Tildy murmur out around his cock.
He kept up an unrelenting attack on her puffed out clip, as he felt her gently humping it against his lips. The suction on his almost fully-hardened cock was growing greater, as he felt Tildy force a hand and arm down under his hip. Then he felt her draw her other arm over his hip as she dug her long fingernails down into the cheeses of his ass. He began gently working his hips back and forth at her insight, gently sliding his cock between her red, full lips. As he did, he slipped his hands under and over her. Latching his clawed hands down around her beautiful ass, he pulled her down onto his mouth as she mewed out her pleasure.
On and on, they worked their magic on each other as they both climbed Mount Joy…
Their body movement and language showed that both of them were poised to dive down into the rapture filled pool they had found at the summit of the mount.
Finally, Bernie felt the fireball exploit down inside his dangling balls. As it did, a giant gusher of thick, syrupy semen shot up his jerking cock and spewed out into his cousin’s mouth. The moment it did, Bernie heard Tildy grunt as her body began to tremble and strain.
“Unh…unh…unh…” she groaned out around his spurting giant as it bucked and bucked, spilling out more and more of its molten load into her mouth.
As she came, her leg slapped down onto his head, imprisoning him between her tightly clenched thighs. Both teenagers workd their hips back and forth frantically as they came in erratic jerks and twitches.
Finally, his big balls drained of their frothy load, Bernie eased his emptied cock out of his cousin’s cum-coated mouth and lips. As he did, he felt Tildy slowly lift her leg up off of his face, freeing him to back his mouth off her clip. When he did, he watched her softening clip slowly retreat back into its fleshy, little den..
Chapter Two A Compensation Package
Tildy and Mildred were sitting out by the pool in their bikinis, sharing the sun and sipping on a couple of bloody Mary’s as they idly chatted.
“So, how do you like living with Aunt Monica and Bernie,” Mildred asked.
“Uh…I like it…Bernie’s a fun guy…” Tildy laughed, taking a sip of the red mixture.
“He is…is he,” Mildred smiled suggestedly.
“Yeah…he is…and he thinks you’re hot…” Tildy smiled. “And I bet he’slooking out his window, watching us right now. Wanna bet?”
“Uh, no, not really,” Mildred said, glancing up at Bernie’s window.
Sure enough, she saw that Bernie standing at the window looking down at them. And when he saw her look up, he waved at her.
“Well, looks like I would have lost the bet,” Mildred smiled, looking over at Tildy. “He is watching us…”
“Yeah, but I cheated, because I saw him watching us a while ago,” she laughed, looking up at the window and waving.
“He is quite a hunk,” Mildred said, smiling and waving up at him, too.
“Yeah, I know,” Tildy smiled. “A real hunk.”
“No…don’t tell me…you’re not…not with Bernie…why…why…he’s…he’s your cousin…” Mildred fussed.
“MOM,” Tildy complained, her face flushing red.
“You didn’t…” Mildred complained. “Tell me you didn’t’t…”39;t!”
“Just…just once, I swear!” Tildy while.
“You’re…you’re still on the pill?” Mildred asked her.
“Yes…yes…I’m still on the pill,” Tildy groaned. “You think I’m that stupid?”
“But, Honey, he’s your cousin!” Mildred complained.
Their conversation ground to an abrupt halt as they sat looking at each other, not knowing what else should or could be said.
Mildred had, had her suspicions the way Tildy and Bernie acted around each other. And now those suspicions were confirmed. Her daughter had slept with Bernie. At least, she had taken precautions, and probably nothing would come of their little affairs. At least no little ones. And she couldn’t really blow her daughter, because Bernie was quite a charming hunk. Why…why she had found herself getting a little upset and anxious in his presence at first. He was such a handsome little devil and he certainly filld out his pants in all the right places. If he wasn’t her nephew, she’d probably be all over him…but he was her nephew!
“So when…uh…when did this little soirée take place?” Mildred finally asked.
“Uh…last Saturday, when you and Aunt Monica went shopping…” Tildy mumbled.
“How?” Mildred wanted to know.
“How?” Tildy, asked, an amused look on her face.
“You know what I mean,” Mildred smarted back. “How did it go down?”
“Uh…we…we were sitting out here by the pool, and we both…sort of admitted that we had crushes on each other…and…and then things just kinda went from…there,” Tildy stammered.
“Look, I know that you’re eighteen and you don’t have to listen to a thing I say,” Mildred said, “but remember that Bernie is your cousin! Your first cousin! And you know that nothing good can come of a relationship with him. So…so if Iwere you…I would find someone else…to, well, someone else to date.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know! I understand what you mean,” Tildy said, admitting she understands her mother’s concern, but not conceding that she would stop her little affairs with her hunky cousin.
“Well, I hope so…” Mildred murmured.
“Uh…I…I think I’m going up to my room,” Tildy said, unraveling herself from the chain lounge and standing up.
“Okay,” Mildred said, smiling up at her. “Just remember what I said. Okay?”
“Yes, Mother,” Tildy said, returning her mother’s smile with one of her own.
Mildred watched her daughter stroll across the patio, her little butt swishing from side to side entirely. Glancing up, she saw Bernie following Tildy with his eyes. So, the show was for Bernie, she told herself. And, in that case, her little speech probably would have little, if any, effect on her daughter.
So, I guess that I’ll have to take another tack to keep Tildy out of Bernie’s bed…but what? She could see what the teenagers saw in each other as both were exceptionally good looking, but accidents could happen. She didn’t want to see her daughter knocked up by her cousin. That could have a disastrous outcome…
But how could she keep them apart? She couldn’t watch them twenty-four/seven. How? How, she wondered?
Wait a minute, she sickly thought! Tildy had said that Bernie thought I was hot. Could I bribe him? Offer him something, if he would agree to keep away from Tildy? Offer him the same thing he could get from Tildy, but packaged in an older body? Me? I know I’m no spring chicken, but thirty-seven isn’t ancient either. And I’m his aunt. And fucking your aunt, wouldn’t that be excited to a teenager like him…more exciting that getting into your cousin’s panties?
Listen to yourself, her conscience warned. You're talking about seducing your nephew. Your nephew! Could there be anything wrong with that? Are you fucking crazy? You said it would be a disaster if he got Tildy pregnant. What in the hell do you think it would be if he got you pregnant? It wouldn’t be any fucking walk in the park. That’s for sure! She would just have to think on it. See if she could come up with another idea…
Saturday came and Monica invited Mildred and Tildy out for a day of shopping. Tildy took her up on her offer knowing that her mother would be watching her like a cat. But then, Mildred surprised them both when she decided, stating she had to take care of some unfinished business…
Bernie was sitting at the kitchen table wolfing down a bowl of cereal when Monica and Tildy came strolling through on their way to the garage.
“Where you gals off to?” he asked watching their asses as they walked by.
“Another day of shopping,” his mother told him. "You know us girls. Can’t get enough shopping.”
“Where’s Aunt Mildred? Isn’t she going?” he asked, looking out through the kitchen doorway.
“No! She decided my offer. Said she had to take care of some unfinished business,” his mother told him. “So what are your plans for the day?”
“Just hanging out,” he said out around a mouthful of cereal.
“What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?” his mother scolded.
Swallowing, he grinned sheepishly.
“Sorry,” he grunted.
“Well, we’ll see you later,” she said, stepping out into the garage.
“Yeah, later,” Tildy said, winding at him as she followed her aunt through the door swishing her ass invitingly.
After they left, Bernie finished his breakfast and put his bowl in the sink. Then he strolled out to the pool and swam a few laps before flopping down in one of the chain lounges to soak up a few rays.
Lying in the blinde, eyes closed, he savored the feel of the warm sun on his skin until the fragment of roses filtered down into his nose. Roses? They didn’t have any roses…
Opening his eyes, he looked up to find his Aunt Mildred standing by the locker, looking down at him.
“I didn’t wake you, did I?” she smiled down at him.
“No…uh…no,” he muttered, staring up at her and sweeping his eyes over her sintily clad body. “Just checking my eyes for leaks.”
“Find any?” she laughed, sauntering over to another locker and tugging it over next to his.
“No!” he snickered, watching her tits jiggle and bobble as she bent down and slipped onto the chain.
“So,” she said, looking over at him, watching him ogle her body, “Tildy tells me that you think I’m hot. Is that right?”
“Uh…yeah…I think you’re hot…” he grinned, wondering what she was up to.
“Well…I think you’re pretty hunky, yourself,” she said, teasingly, running the tip of a long, red-tipped finger over the waistband of her bikini bottom. “And, Tildy also said that you two have a little thing going!”
“She did?” he muttered, wishing that Tildy hadn’t shared their secret with her mother.
“Yes, she did! And I would…I would really like that to end,” Mildred said, looking over at him seriously. “If you know what I mean. Tildy is just a girl, and I would hate to see anything bad happen to her!”
“Uh…yeah, I guess so,” he stammered, feeling very uncomfortable about the direction their conversation was heading.
“But,” Mildred said, leaning forward and reaching around behind her back.
As she spoke, she flicked open the catch of her bikini top. Bernie watched on in stunned amazement as her bikini top slithered down her arms to reveal her pretty breasts.
Then she cupped her breasts, lifting them up to show them to him. (PIC)
“I’m prepared to offer these, as a part of a compensation package, if you were to break the affair off.”
Then as he gawked at her bare breasts, she gracefully uncoiled and stood. Leaning down, she hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her bikini bottom and pushed it down her long, shaped legs.
Standing back up, she kicked off her bikini bottom and ran her hand down to her pussy.
“And this,” she smiled, running a long, red-tipped fingerprinter down between the meaty lips of her pussy, “is another part of the compensation package! Should you decide to take it.”
“Damn, Aunt Mildred,” Bernie grinned, running his eyes up and down her body. “That’s some package.”
“Glad you like it,” she said, stepping up to his locker and kicking a long, shaped leg over it.
Straddling her nephew, Mildred slowly sat down, pressing her pussy down onto his cock that was rapidly hardening but still hidden by his trunks. Then she leaned forward and pressed a dropy tit into his face.
Opening his mouth, Bernie quickly sucked the big, darkly pigmented areola into his mouth. Then he reached up and grabbed her other title, squeezing and fondling it as he tongued her bulging nipple.
“Ummmmmm…that feels good,” Mildred murmured, thrusting her tits at him.
She let him play with her tits for a few minutes as she slowly rubbed her pussy up and down his stiff prick. Finally, she reached down and jerked the arms of the locke up. As she did, the top half of the locker flopped down and Bernie found himself lying flat on his back. Looking up at her with a surprised look on his face, Bernie watched her lift her pussy up off his dick as she stepped up the chain until her furry, little cunt was poised just above his mouth.
Lowering her pussy down onto his lips,she slowly leaned forward, tilting her hips until her clip rested on his lips. Leaning down over him, she grasped the locker and began to gently rock back and forth, rubbing her clip on his mouth as he tongued it.
Feeling around with his fingers, Bernie found her pussy and eased a finger into the hot socket.
Licking and lapping at her clip, Bernie eased a second finger into her as he gently finger-fucked her.
“Nother one,” she grunted, pressing her clip down against his lips harder.
Extending a third finger, Bernie pushed it up into the hot, sucking hole between her legs.
Her juices were pouring out of her now, dripping down onto his hand as he slid his fingers in and out of the drooling pit.
“More,” she gurgled out. “Nother one…”
Pressing the tips of his fingers together to form a wedge, he pushed all four fingers into the clutching heat of her pussy stretching it wide open. Ever so slowly, he felt themuscles surrounding her pussy begin to stretch and dilate even more as he pushed his fingers in deeper and deeper.
“All…” she grunted, pushing back against his hand. “Hand…all…inside…”
She wanted him to fist her, he giddily thought, adding his thumb to the melee and forcing them all into the hot muscle of her forgiving pussy. Deeper and deeper they went as he pushed, until all at once, he felt his hand slip inside and her pussy wrap itself around his wrist. He had his whole fucking hand inside her hot cunt now as he slowly formed a fist. It was the strange feeling, having his whole hand surrounded by her warm, wet pussy.
“Fist…fist me,” she panted, clutching her hot pussy down around his fist.
Pushing, he eased his fist deeper and deeper into the hot mush of her pussy until he had half of his forearm buried inside of it and his fisted hand nudged up against her cervix.
“See…want to see it,” he groaned, extending his fingers and squishing them around inside the clutching heat.
“Un-huh,” she muttered, slowly lifting her clip up away from his lips as she tilted her pussy forward to show him her fisted pusss.
“God-damn,” he cursed, staring down at her pussy, which was now encircling his arm, about half way between his wrist and his elbow. “That’s about the sexiest, fucking thing I’ve ever seen…”
Just then, he felt her squeeze her cunt down around his arm, forcing out a dribble of juice. Inanely, the dribble of juice trickled down his arm to his elbow, where it dripped off onto the bed.
“Fist me,” she grunted, lowering her clip back down onto his lips, as he slowly began to slide his fist back and forth inside her slurping cunt.
This is just beyond belief, Bernie giddily thought as he fisted his aunt. Tonguing her clip as hard and fast as he could, he could feel her gathering herself as the muscles around herpussy tightened around his arm. Working his fist back and forth inside the sticky heat of her pussy, he feel her pussy clutching at him harder and harder.
“Yeah-yeah-yeah–yeah,” she panted out in rhythm with his pistoning fist. “Make me come-make me come!”
Suddenly, Bernie felt her pussy collapse down around his arm as another gush of juices squirted out of her pussy and ran down his arm. Then she began to grunt and groan. Holding onto the chain with her fists, she began to tremble as her face turned into an ageed grimace.
“Unnnaaaaaagggggggghhhhhh,” she groaned out, forcing her clip down onto his lips harder and harder.
Bernie continued to lick and lap away at her clip and work his fist up and down inside the tightly clutched core of her cunt. His arm was now coated with her sticky juices as they kept pouring out of her pussy. There was so much coming out, he hoped that he hadn’t broken something inside her with his />
At last, with one final, feeble cry, she stopped trembling.
Watching her tits heaven up and down, as she tried to catch her breath, Bernie could feel his hard cock twitching impossiblely.
Mildred still sat on his face, leaning down over him and holding onto the chain to steady herself, as he kept sliding his fist in and out of her as her pussy slowly loosened its hold on his arm…
“Out…out…take it out!” she finally gasped, slowly raising her hips.
Clenching his fingers back into a wedge, he leasurely pulled his hand back out of her juice-filled cavern.
It was almost like she was giving birth to his arm and hand, he dizzily thought as they wetly slurped out of her sopping pussy.
“Damn…you’re so fucking wet,” he grunted, seeing that his arm was glistening wetly in the warm morning sun.
“Uh-huh,” she muttered, standing up.
Still straddling him, she backed down the chain until she was standingover his legs. Then with a lecherous smile, she reached down and grabbed hold of his shorts. With a grunt, she suddenly jerked his shorts down around his knees, uncovering his big, stiff prick.
“Ummmmmmmm,” she murmured, shuffling back up until her dripping pussy was just above his twitching cock.
Reaching down between her legs, she grabbed his cock and jerked it upright. Shoving herself down, she quickly impaled herself on his jutting cock, as Bernie looked on in stunned shock.
“Jeez,” he grunted as he felt her hot pussy slide down around his stiff peter.
Pussy…what a marvelous tool…one minute it could take his whole hand inside it…the next minute it was tightly wrapped around his cock…he loved it!
Leaning down over him, thrusting her tits down at him, she began to work her pussy up and down his stiff cock. Taking the hint, Bernie reached up and grabbed hold of her dangling tits as they jiggled and bounced above him. Squeezingand teasing the bouncing orbs, he watched her face tighten into a look of determination as she fucked him.
Listening to the wet slurp of her pussy on his cock, Bernie could hear the chain creaking loudly as his aunt wildly bounced up and down on his cock. Hope it doesn’t break, he hopefully thought as the creams and groans grow louder.
He couldn’t believe that his aunt was actually doing him. Not, his dear, sweet Aunt Mildred! But at the moment, she didn’t look like dear, sweet Aunt Mildred. She looked more like a wild woman. Leaning down over him as she held onto the chain with her clnched fists, furiously jerking her hips up and down, working her pussy up and down his cock. Her frizzy, blond hair was springing up and down as a sheen of sweat began to form on her forehead. Staring up at her face, which was masked with determination, he watched trickles of sweat dribble down her cheeks and drop off her chin.
Her whole body shimmered wetly in the morning sun as she methodically slurped her hot cunt up and down his jutting pole. Her pussy was clutching at his cock, bringing him closer and closer to the point of no return as she did. Roughly squeezing her tits and plucking at her puffy nipples, he teased her mercilessly.
Teetering on the edge of eruption, he tried to hold back as he heard her gasp out.
“Again-almost-nearly-oh-oh…” she gasped out, jerking her pussy up and down on him at a furious pace.
Straining, he fought to hold back his imminent exploration. Then at last, he felt her orgasm ripple through her pussy and he immediately let go. Jerking and spurting, his cock unleashed a firey gush of cum up into her clutching pussy.
“Fuck…fuck,” he grunted, dropping her tits and wrapping his hands around her waist.
Shoving her down around his spurting cock, he forced his cock up into her pussy as it spasmed around him.
“Yes…yes…yes…” she hissed, thrusting herself down and clutching at the squirting, jerking giant with her cunt.
On and on they went as they came and came, both reveling in the fiery consumption of their incestuous communication!
Tuesday afternoon, Monica was feeling a little out of sorts and decided to take off early and go home. Who could blow her? Living alone, without a man to take care of all those nasty little need, sometimes she had to take care of them herself. And today was one of those days…
Monica unlocked the front door and pushed it open. Stepping inside, she reached down and slipped her heels off. The house was deathly quiet. That’s odd, she thought. School was out and Bernie was home, or at least his car was sitting in the driveway. And when he was home, he usually had his CD player crane wide open. And Mildred’s car was also parked in the driveway beside Bernie’s. Tildy’s new car was nowhere to be seen. Maybe they had all gone out together… That would explainn the silence…
Padding across the living room in her stocking feet, she quietly slipped up the stairs. Then on the top landing, she heard it. Faintly, it came from Mildred’s room, and it sounded like someone clapping. First, Monica wondered, what was Mildred doing home, and secondly, why was she clapping? Seeing that the door to her sister’s bedroom was slightly ajar, she crept down towards it.
Stepping up to the door, she peeked inside.
Her hand flew up to her mouth to stifle the gasp that escaped her lips as she saw what was causing the noise.
It was Bernie! Bernie and Mildred! They were in the middle of her bed going at it like a pair of mines.
Monica was stunned. Her son, her son, and, and her sister were fucking!
Monica had considered something between Bernie and Tildy. But Mildred? Never! Never in a million years. Tildy was his cousin, and theoretically that would be incest, but not on a scale like this. He was fucking his own aunt,Monica queasily thought…
Staring at the copulating pair, she watched Bernie’s large, juice-coated peter effectively sliding in and out of Mildred’s wet pussy. God, she must be hot, Monica dizzily thought, as she saw that her sister’s fat, meaty pussy-lips were smeared with her juices. Bernie’s big balls, hanging down under his pistoning cock, were flouncing back and forth, slapping up against Mildred’s ass, splattering her juices all over both of them as they fucked. All Monica could see of Mildred, beside her drooling pussy, were her long, shaped legs. They were kicked up in the air, bent at the knees and wrapped around Bernie’s wait as her heels dug into his bouncing ass. Monica could hear Bernie grunting over the wet smack of their bodies slapping together, as Mildred mewed out her enjoyment.
Monica had a sense of foreboding as she watched. Strangely, it seemed that this was only a harbinger of something even more sinister to come. What, she didn’t know, but deep down in her heart of hearts, she felt it…
Finally, she was able to stumble back away from the door and stagger down to her bedroom. Quickly stepping inside, she dropped her shoes and closed the door. Leaning against the door, trying to catch her breath, she felt a flush of heat as she thought back on what she had seen. Playing the picture back in slow motion, she suddenly realized how big her son’s cock was. She could only guess at its length, as it had been embedded down inside her sister’s cunt. It was no toy though. That was for sure. It was a man-sized weapon and he seemed to know how to use it.
Now stop that, she told herself. That’s your son, you’re thinking about. Your son, who is down in his aunt’s room fucking her brains out while you’re standing her with your pussy burning up. Burning up and needing the same thing Bernie was giving Mildred!
“Bernie…Bernie…yesssssssssss…”Mildred hissed as Bernie pumped his big cock down into her hungry cunt. “Fuck your Auntie! Fuck her good!”
“Yeah…Auntie E…Bernie…Bernie’s…fucking…fucking…Auntie E,” Bernie grunted out as he picked up the pace another notch.
Bernie couldn’t believe it was really happening. With cousin Tildy, it seemed like it had sort of being preordained. But with his but Aunt Mildred? He would never have guessed she would hit on him. He had always had this thing for older women, but this…this was totally unexpected. His aunt! His mother’s sister! Why it was only one step below his dream fuck. His mother!
Bernie felt his aunt’s soft, round heels beating a tattoo on his ass as he jerked it up and down, plowing his big cock in and out of her fertile garden.
“Love it-love it-love it Bernie…” she lowered, thrusting herself back at him on every thrust. “Love-love-my little nephew-love him…”
“Little? Little?” he snorted, hammering his cock into her with a vengeance.
“Big-big-meant big!” she giggled out, clutching at his thrusting cock with her tight pussy.
The bed creaked and shook as Bernie fucked her harder and harder.
“I love your hot pussy,” Bernie snorted, tiredly working his cock in and out of the tight sheath of her clutching puss.
“You…like…this,” she snorted, squeezing her hot pussy down around his pistoning prick as hard as she could.
“Fuck-yes-fuck yes,” he muttered, feeling his cum-laden balls slapping up against her soft ass.
Then, almost out of nowhere it came!
“Oh-oh-oh-unh-unh-unh-awfuckfuckfuck!” she grew out as she arched her back and thrust herself up at him.
As she did, her legs dropped to the bed and began to shake and shiver. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her claws raked his back while he held himself imprisoned down in the tight, clutching hole between her legs. Another trophy, he giddily thought. He’d made his Auntie E come again. First cousin Tildy, and now Auntie E…now only his mother remained on his hit list!
“OhGod!” Mildred moaned as her body finally melted back down onto the bed. “That was something…something else.”
“Did Auntie E like it?” he grinned down at her, slowly recovering their fuck.
“Auntie E loved it,” she giggled, kicking her legs back up into the air and giving him another kick-start.
“Now it’s nephew Bernie’s turn,” she grunted as he pumped his cock down into the tight hole between her legs.
“Yeah, nephew Bernie’s turn,” he cached.
“Yeah-yeah-fill-it up-fill Auntie E’s cunny with your hot syrup!” she babbled, humping herself back up at him…
Completely unaware that Monica was down in her bedroom lying in the middle of her bed with her panties shoved down around her ankles, Bernie and Mildred fucked on. As Bernie’s big price slashed in and out of his Aunt’s hungry pussy, his mother had a vibrator pressed down on her own clip trying to erase the obscene picture of his young cock sliding in and out of Mildred’s snatch.
Finally, Bernie’s price unleashed a monumental eruption of scalding cum down into his aunt’s hot, sucking cunt. And bizarrely, Monica was rocking off into her own relief down in her room. They had experienced a simulateneous orgasm and weren’t even aware of it…
Chapter 3 to come soon we hope………
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