The Family Comes Together by fertile_kitty

The Family Comes Together by fertile_kitty
incest (mother-son)
First posted by author on 03 Jun 2007.

It had been a long day for Karen as she punched in the code to get into her apartment. She was tired and headed straight for the shower after kicking off her shoes. After closing the bathroom door behind her Karen unzipped her body suit letting it fall to the floor and revealing her breasts. Always self consciousness about her body, Karen posed at the bathroom mirror nude, looking with desert at how tired and stressed out she looked After an unusually long day at work. She considered booking an appointment for a massage at the spa as she stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water.
As soon as the warm water started spraying onto her chest, Karen immediately felt her tension level go down a notch. Karen grabbed the body gel and started rubbing it over herself as she turned around and let water spray onto her back. As steam started to fill the room, Karen’s stress level went down considerably and she remarked in her mind that sometimes a good shower was just as good as any massage to calm a person down.
After sidering her body and then having it rinse harmlessly off Karen turned off the water and stepped out of the shower and shawled herself off. Karen put the towel back on the rack again and pressed the defogger device on the mirror to get another look at her body. As she posed for the mirror she was happier now at what she saw, especially now that she was clean and refreshed. Karen opened the bathroom mirror and picked out a small body hair removal device that she had borrowed from one of the girls at the salon.
Looking similar to a stick of male deodorant, Karen took the small device and hiked up one of her legs on the side of the tub. She switched on the device, which emitted a red glow and slight hum at one end and placed it near the bottom of the leg that was hiked up. Karen watchedas she felt a warming sensing as the red laser passed over her skin and burned any hair that she had leaving the remaining area smooth as a baby as it passed over. She carefully moved the device up and down her leg as it methodically got rid of any small hairs she had. After the first leg was done, Karen moved onto the second leg and repeated the same process making her other leg smooth as silk. Upon finishing both her legs, Karen switched off the device and sat down on the side of the tub and spread her legs. With one had she opened her outer labia while positioning the device with her other hand right outside its entrance and turning on the device again. Karen looked in the opposing mirror for guidance as she felt the warming sensing tingle her pussy as she moved the device over the patches of hair. Within minutes Karen was as smooth and bare as a little schoolgirl and she switched off the device to take another look at herself in the mirror.
After a short self inspection,Karen put on a short silk robe that had been hanging on the wall and proceeded to her bedroom to put on some underwear. She opened the door to her room and found James sleeping naked on the bed, his large frame sprayed over the sheets and his large cock resting lazily on his thighs. Karen stared for a few moments at his large cock and testicles as they rose and fell slightly with each breath he took. Her pussy was still warm from the device and she always felt promiscuous immediately after smoothing her legs. Karen pondered for a moment climbing on top and getting his cock hard but remembered that they still hadn’t had dinner yet since she came back late and that and that everyone was probably familiar. She walked into her closet, closed the door and hung her robe on the back of the closet door then looking for something sexy to wear for James after dinner.
“What would he like?” she thought to herself as she looked over the various outfits.
Eventually shesmiled to herself as she picked out a sexy red slip that would be perfectly concealed underneath the cool blue bathrobe that she had already been wearing. Karen put on the lingerie and giggled to herself as she forgotten putting on any panties.
“That should give him a nice surprise!” she smiled silently to herself.
After making sure her hair was smooth and untangled, Karen posed for herself in the full length mirror in the closet wondering if her breasts looked firm enough in the silky red slip. She turned around and looked at her ass, singing in slight disappointment as she compared it to the two beta girls that were with her in the spa changing room earlier that day.
“Mom? Are you home?” yelled Michael’s voice from across the hall.
Karen snapped out of her thoughts and put back on the bathrobe then walked out to the kitchen where Michael was sitting.
“Hi, mom. Where ya been?” said Michael as he walked through the front door.
“I’m so sorry sweetie, it was a long day for me. Do you mind if we just order in?” said Karen.
“Sure, I love takeout!” said Michael.
Karen picked up the cordless phone…
“Operator, what can I do for you?”
“Hi, this is room 23a, could we get one alpha, one delta, and one normal dinner meal sent up please?”
“Sure, 23a you said? It’s no problem they should be there very soon, there is already someone in the area, I’ll tell her that you’ve placed an order.”
“Thank you,” said Karen as she put down the phone.
“I’m so sorry about that sweetie, are you starving?” said Karen as she sat down next to him at the table.
“No it’s ok mom, I was over at Billy’s playing a new game of his that he just got. How come you got in so late?” asked Michael.
“There was a mistake with one of the shipping supply manifests which mfant that all the paperwork for that cargo ship had to be redone. That’s why I’m so late, I’m sorry,” said Karen.
“Oh it’s ok, I was just wondering that’s all” said Michael casually.
Karen opened her lips to ask Michael to go fetch James in the bedroom but caught herself before uttering a word. Ever since their secret relationship had been embarrassingly exposed by Michael, he had become cold towards James and also her whenever he was around. The teacher had told her that Michael was now taking his sex lessons privately without James and that he had even applied for a mentor change citing “personality differences”. She tried getting James to work things out with him but he always came back somewhat confused as to why he had such strong feelings about the issue. Only Karen knew the true nature of Michael’s emotions lay in his jealousy and she blamed herself for the uneasy tension that had been simmering between the two of them for several weeks now.
“I’m going to go get James, the operator said the delivery girl should be by momentarily so could you wait for her at the door?” asked Karen.
“Oh… he’s here?” asked Michael.
“Yes sweetie, he’s joining us for dinner tonight. Can you please just try and get along for me?” pleased Karen softly though knowing it was futile.
Michael murmured softly something incomprehensible and walked to the door to wait for the food to arrive.
Karen walked into the bedroom,
“Honey, dinner is here” she said quietly hoping not to startle him.
“What?” asked James as he came to life, though still somewhat grocgy.
“I’ve ordered takeout meals, they should be here any minute.” said Karen.
“Oh ok, I’ll be there in a second,” said James as he sat at the side of the bed and fastened the breeder cup over his cock.
Karen walking backinto the kitchen where Michael had put the takeout platters on the table. She helped him set the table and hoped that dinner would go smoother tonight than it had the last night James was over, where the two barely spoke at all to each other.
Upon entering the kitchen both James and Michael didn’t even utter a word to each other as they both took their sides across each other at the sides of the table. Karen immediately knew that it wasn’t going to be a smooth night and felt her sex drive virtually disappear as she watched the two of them barely looked at each other as she took her place at the head of the small table.
“Ok, I guess we are all starving, lets eat!” she said trying to be cheerful as the three of them started digging into their plates.
The dinner was even worse than the previous night James came over, with the two of them barely even looking at each other. Karen hated having to play mediator, having to constantly diffuse the tension that created by these two testosterone ladymen. She decided tonight she couldn’t take it any longer and was going to take action. Karen took a deep breath before going past the point of no return…
“James, there’s something that you should know…”
James put down his fork and knife and looked at her with an puzzled stare.
“James honey, a few years ago when we first came here to the center, it was a rough transition period for us especially as Michael struggled to adjust to the new drugs. He looked like he was in so much age I started to relieve him myself and from that point on we have had a sort of on/off relationship. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, I just thought it would be better if you didn’t’ know but I feel like it didn’t really work out that way and that’s why I’m telling you now”, Karen explained softly to a slightly stunned James.
Karen then turned to Michael…
“Michael sweetie, James and I have been having a relationship for awhile now. I’m sorry we kept it secret from you but he really makes me happy. I know you don’t like it but I love him sweetie. Can you please just be happy for us?” Karen said, her eyes tearing as she felt a flood of emotion starting to pour out.
Karen looked at Michael and saw how her emotional plea had changed his viewpoint dramatically. Michael moved in closer to speak.
“I’m… I’m sorry mom. I didn’t realize that I was affecting you so much, I’m sorry I was such a jerk and I’ll stop making a fuss out of it. I’m sorry mom.” Michael admitted as he began to tear up slightly too.
Karen, now teary-eyed and wrapped with emotions opened her arms to Michael as the two of them hugged, then invited James in as the three of them embedded. The feeling of her two men finally reconciling and now pressed against her was better than she could have hoped for and caught up in the moment, Karen reached down to both men’s cups and unclipped them, slowly massaging the cocks underneath.
Both men groaned immediately as the pleasure advance had taken both of them off guard. Karen felt both men respond as they pressed in closer to her and gently started pumping against her fingers releasing pre-cum which only helped to lubricate the motions. She turned over her head to kiss James deeply while feeling a young hand pass through the folds of her robe and cup her breast through the satin material of the slip she was wearing underneath. Karen moaned as she felt hand fondling her breast while the two cocks started to reach their maturity in length and firmness. Both James and Michael had managed to rid themselves of their cups and briefs and were now fully naked and erect with her still clothed at the head of the dinner table.
James gently grabbed a hold of her elbows and motioned for the three of them to stand up and proceed to the bedroom. Karen stood up and took hold of the two erect cocks as she led her men by their members into the bedroom and onto the bed. Karen heard Michael walk around to the other side as James took off her cotton robe and sat her down on the side of the bed. James then gently lifted up her slip and pull down her panties past her smooth legs revealing her moist pussy underneath. She then felt Michael’s hands push her should straps to the side letting her breasts flow out as James laid her on her side and started passwordately kissing her on the lips. Already locked deep in a kiss, Karen moaned as she felt James fingers massaging her outer lips using her own juices as lubricant. She could also feel Michael’s cock pressed into the small of her back as he kissed her upper should while fondling her exposed breasts. The feeling of double stimulation was a first for Karen as she was in heaven as she lay between her two men.
The feeling would soon be broken however as Karen gaspedand immediately grasped onto James’ body feeling him slide his thick cock into her mid-kiss with absolutely no warming. Karen continued to gasp as her pussy adjusted to accommodate the latter half of his member as it gradually slide inside. Karen continued squeezing onto James’ body until finally feeling his pelvis rub against hers, his sack comfortable resting against her inner thigh. She absolutely loved it whenever he was parked inside her (as he was now), and wrapped her arms around his neck as she initiated another staggering round of deep passwordate kisses.
To her slight confusion James broke off their kiss, essentially breaking the mood as he turned away from her over to the bedside nightstand and opened the drawer pulling out two gel tablets of lubricant. Karen watched as James handed them over her head to Michael.
“You know what to do?” Michael asked.
Karen turned her head over to Michael who was now looking at her in the eyes.
“Mom, are you sure you are ok with this?” asked Michael reservedly.
Karen felt as if she got hit by lightning as it finally dawned on her what the two of them were already thinking. She was frankly too lost in the moment and admittedly hadn’t thought about how she was going to involve Michael. Having him ask her now for permission to insert the gel tablets into her ass in preparation for his penetration hadn’t even come across her mind. While she had played with anal toys before, she had never had Anyone inside her butt and was for all intents and purposes an anal virgin. James had lately been playingfully tossing around the idea but she flatly ruled it out every time on the basis that he was simply too large and she would never be able to accommodate him. Michael on the other hand was much smaller and what better time for her to lose her anal virginity than now when the three of them were together. Karen responded to Michael…
“Yes sweetie, you can put itin. I’ve never had anyone there before so please be very gentle ok?”
Karen squeezed onto James in surprise as she felt two tablets pushed into her butt and then quickly melting against her internal body heat, the lube now slowly flowing out of her crack. She moaned as she felt Michael’s lubed middle finger rub in circles around the entrance of her ass. The stimulation was already strong and Karen gasped as she felt his finger penetrate her and gently start playing with her inner walls. She tried to control her breathing as her butt was uncontrollably squeezing over his finger as he gently slide in and out of her canal. Gradually she relaxed as Michael’s finger became less foreign and more welcome as it massed her inner walls. When she felt she was ready, Karen turned her head over her shoulder and softly spoke to her son.
“Ok sweetie, I think I’m ready”
No sooner had Karen turned her head back and mentally braced herself when she felt the head of Michaels cock at the doorsteps of her ass and firmly push itself inside ending the first round of penetration. Karen gasped and squeaked slightly as she buried her head into James’ should while her pussy and ass squeezed uncontrollably trying to force the both of them out. This was immediately followed by low groans from the men as they enjoyed the reactionary sensings Karen exerted while at the same time tried not to let it affect them too much.
“God mom, you’re so tight…”, Michael groaned as he struggled with her tight opening.
Karen hiked her leg up onto James’s thigh and grabbed a hold of him tighter giving easier access to Michael as he continuously eased his way in along her canal, the lubricant allowing him to continue penetrating despite the internal pressures her body was exerting to force him out. She moaned and let out a smile as she felt Michael’s cock press against James’ as he continued penetrating her. Wit a final groan, Karen felt Michael’s final thrust into her as his pelvis gently pressed against her ass and she could feel his sack resting on the side of her butt. She heard Michael sent as he took a break, now resting inside her and letting her adjust to the sensing while cooling himself down.
To have two men inside her was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She could feel two sacs resting on her thighs, two cocks stuffing both her entrances, two shakes rubbing against each other once inside her, two sets of bodies pressed against either side of her own and two sets of voices both groaning at the slightest move any one of the trio made. Best of all these were not two random breeder but rather the two men that were closest to her heart now all together in this incredibly intimate situation. Karen giggled and laughed as she took advantage of the brief respite both men shared now inside her. She kissed James as she started gyrating her pelvis slightly to thedeep pleasure of both men.
Spurred on by Karen’s gyrations, James and Michael began to pump in and out of her in succession. Karen moaned as she felt one shake bury itself deep inside her only to slide out and be replaced by another one sliding up into her other canal.
“Mom, I can’t hold it I’m gonna cum…”, groaned Michael as he picked up his rhythm.
Karen moved her hands over Michael’s thighs caresing him as she felt his grip on her tighten and his thrusts increase. She could tell he was about to cum and moaned louder to stimulate him more and tell him how much pleasure he was giving her.
“Aghhh!” Michael grunted. “I’m coming!”, as his hips pounded against her ass and his cock exploded, emptying his eager load inside her.
Karen moaned and buried her head against James’ chest as she bore the brunt of Michael’s orgasm in her behind. Feeling Michael thrusting into her ass was immensely stimpurifying and she needed James right now to bring her orgasm to fruitation.
“Give it to me”, Karen whispered into James’s ear as he spared no time in picking up the pace with her. Karen moaned as she felt the professional breeder come to life, having remained dormant for most of the action until now. She gasped as she felt James’s incredibly muscled hips grind into her, probably making up for the lost time which he had been patient with Michael. James was no question much larger and more skilled a lover than Michael was and he quickly made that quite apparent as she felt she was becoming helpless to her own pleasure.
Karen felt weak and incoherent as James’ massive shake slid in and out of her with professional timing and technique. All she could do was groan, moan, or whimper as she became virtually helpless holding onto what she could of James to make sure that she didn’t slump over due to exhaustion. She was very close to nearing orgasm and she dug her fingers into James’ shoulders to tell him that she was on the verge.
“I’m going to cum”, whimpered Karen into James’ ear.
James dramatically increased his thrusting tempo and Karen closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on the incredibly intense sensings that she was feeling with James. They both were very close to orgasm.
Suddenly, Karen gasped and felt her vaginal walls contract uncontrollably as she clamped down hard on both shafts inside her. She buried her head into James’s should and screamed as she saved the ripples of her orgasm.
Karen felt James thrust himself deep inside her a final time and start grunting loudly as he began to release his built up load of semen as far as he could inside her. His reptilian brain had temporarily taken over and James was being exactly as his breeder training had conditioned him to. Karen always felt powerless and slightly scared whenever she and James were making love andhe was at the point of orgasm; this time was no exception. James squeeze on to her petite body as if she was a little play toy and grunted loudly as he emptied his enhanced load inside her.
It was the most pleasant thing, feeling his awkward jerky thrusts between her tighs as he rod out his orgasm inside her. Karen couldn’t take much more stimulation and was relieved as she felt Michael slide out of her ass. Karen buried herself inside James’s arms and she cuddled with him until quickly falling asleep, exhausted from the session of intense stimulation.

Posted: 2007-06-03
The end


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