The WeddingBy Bronde Sade
Copyright © 2007, BarondeSade. ALL Rights Reserved.
An erotic fantasy from the pen of BarondeSade…
Unedited Version:
I have been having difficulty finding editor(s) for my work. I have used the literotica editor program, but because I deal in subject matter not accepted by all, there seems to be few willing to take my work on. Initially I had two very good ones, but for whatever reason, they have deserted me. I apologize for any mistakes found in this work. But, if anyone would like to volunteer for editor work (punctuation, spelling, etc.), please contact me through the literotica feedback program. That said…Thanks and enjoy the story…
Charlene felt terrible. Roy, her husband of twenty years had left her for the proverbial “younger woman”. She had gotten customy of the house and a princely sum to maintain her until the divorce became final. In the meantime, she lived alone with her eighteen-year-old son, Ryan.
While there was still a big empty hole in her life, she did have her business. But it had been difficult to return to work. Depression had wrapped its numbing hold on her. Just getting up to go to work was a real chore for the first few weeks. Thankfully, Ryan had seen her through it all, comforting and consoling her as any son would.
The day the diploma became final, she and Ryan had come home to celebrate. They were sitting on the couch sharing a bottle of CC, gloating over her victory. The family had been quite well off before, and Charlene had taken Roy to the cleaners. So things weren’t as bad as they had seemed to her earlier.
They were still dressed in their courthouse finery, as they sat talking. Charlene, in high heels, an expensive blouse and skirt and Ryan in a suit and tie.
“Well, it didn’t turn out so bad after all,” Charlene said, smiling, sitting on the couch across from Ryan.
She had her long, shaped crossed and bobbed her foot up and down, while she sipped on her drink.
“No, no, not bad at all, for you,” he grinned, taking off his tie.
He and his father hadn’t been close, so departing hadn’t been such sweet sorrow for Ryan. It was his mother that he was dedicated to. And he was dedicated to her in more ways than one. Ways she didn’t even know about. While they were very close, she had no clue that Ryan had a secret password for her. A love that was anything but platonic.
“I want you to know just how much you’ve meant to me these last few months,” she smiled, raising her glass to him in a toast. “If it hadn’t been for you, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”
“Hey, what are sons for…if not to take care of their mom,” he grinned back at her.
“Well, just so that you know how much you mean to me,” she said solemnly.
Three drinks later, the talk was still flowing, but taking on a more intimate tone.
“Come over here and sit by your old Mom,” he heard his mother says to him, patting the couch beside her.
“Aw, come on, Mom,” he grunted, pushing up to his feet. “You’re not old.”
“Forty-two,” she smiled at him. “Your father seemed to think that was too old…”
“So what does he know. I think that you’re damned attractive for, uh…” he said, pausing in mid-sentence, sitting down beside her.
“…for my age,” she laughed, putting her hand on his thigh and giving it an intimate squeeze. “That’s okay, Hon, I know what you mean. And thanks for the compliment. After what I’ve been through, I’ll take anything I can get.”
"No, really, Mom…there are oodles of women who’d give anything to have your looks,” he said. “Really! Besides, I think older women are sexy.”
“So, you think your ole Mom is sexy?” she asked, with a strange smile on her face.
“Uh, yeah, uh, real sexy,” he said, blushing. “You won’t have any trouble finding another man. That is, if you want one…”
If she only knew, he thought. If she only knew that he thought she was the sexiest woman alive. And the prettiest, as far as he was concerned. He still didn’t see what his Dad saw in that Lisa Simmons girl. Ryan couldn’t fathom anyone not thinking his mother was the prettiest woman in the world. Oh, he knew his father and mother had their differences, but he thought his father should have tried harder to work it out. And not hurt her like he did. Well, that’s water under the bridge now. What’s done is done…
"Why the serious face?” she asked him, squeezing his thigh again.
“What? Uh, oh, I was just thinking about how dumb Dad was,” he said, taking another sip. “Leaving you like he did.”
“Let’s don’t talk about him…or them now. Just about you…you and me,” she smiled sadly. “We’ve got to go on with our lives. Make our own decisions now…”
“Sure, Mom. Sure,” he grinned, leaning back, sliding his arm around behind her shoulders and gently pulling her up against him. “Just you and me.”
Ryan didn’t know if it was the alcohol, the intimacy of the moment, the finalization of the dividend or what, but there was an ever so subtle difference in their new relationship. It seemed to be on a more mature level. Not a mother-son thing. It was a strange, new kind of kinship. If only…if only it was on a sexual level, he dementedly thought. Him and her. Finding lovewith each other and making mad, passwordate love..
What could he do to bring about something like that? How could he lure his mother into such a perversion?
Nothing, he told himself. It would never happen, and he could never risk alienating her in that way. He loved her too much for that. He would just have to take his secret to his grave with him.
Regardless of that, nothing could stop or hide the growing evidence of his feelings towards her. Down in his pants, his cock began to slowly stiffen and grow, pressing up against the material.
“This is nice,” his mother murmured, pressing herself against him and resting her head on his shoulder.
Her soft, brown hair brushed over his cheese and filled his nostrils with subtle fraudrances of flowers.
“What is the name of your perfume?” he asked, sniffing.
“Plulmeria,” she said. “It’s a Hawaiian flower. Why?”
“It smells good,” he said, wildly. “It makes me wish I was on the islands. Out on a beach, with you. Just you and me watching the waves wash ashore.”
“That would be nice,” she smiled. “Maybe we can do that some day.”
They fell silent for several moments, enjoying the quiet silence of their intimacy.
It was then that he felt something desperately brush up against rock-hard penis. Looking, he saw that her hand was still resting on his thigh, but now her little finger was brushing against his cock. Accident? Or not…he didn’t know.
“I’m so glad this is all over,” she murmured, squeezing his thigh one more time. “But I don’t think that I can ever get involved with another man. Roy hurt me too much. Just the uncertainty of not knowing the man’s intent would be too emotionally draining. Not knowing…not knowing if he was really in love with me or just dating me to try and, and, you know… I just could never do it again.”
“Jeez, Mom,” he said, slowly easing his hand down off the back of the couch onto her shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry.”
“I would have to know the man really loved me,” she said, squeezing his thigh again. “And how could I know that it was really love?
What was she saying, he muzzily wondered? Was she trying to tell him something? Or was she just spilling her guts to him? What would she need before she would let herself commit to another man?”
“I love you, Mother,” he whispered, hoping that she would take it the right way…whichever way that was.
“What?” she asked softly.
“I…I said, I love you, Mother,” he mumbled again.
“I know, sweetheart,” she whispered back. “And I love you.”
Nothing happened for several seconds. Then he felt her head slowly lift away from his shoulder as she turned to look into his face. She had a strange, concerned look on her face, as if it had just dawned on her what he said. And what it could have meant in the context of their conversation.
“You…you said you loved me.” She said slowly, staring deep into his eyes.
“Yes, Mother…I love you more than anything,” he murmured.
It was several seconds before she spoke again as she continued to stare into his eyes.
“You…you mean, in, in that way,” she slowly stammered out.
“I…I just wanted you to know,” he said softly. “I just wanted you to know that I love you, no matter what happens. I have always loved you. I always will, and I’ll always be here for you.”
She looked confused. Like she didn’t know what to do. Or say. But her eyes never waved from his.
"Funny, isn’t it?” she finally told. “The only man in the world that loves me…truly loves me, is my son. That is so distressing.”
She gave his thigh another gentle squeeze.
“If only. If only,” she whimpered softly. “What that it were…”
“I just want you to know,” he murmured. “I’m here for you, Mother…here for you in any way you need me. Just tell me what I can do to make you happy again.”
She continued to stare into his eyes. It was as if she was looking for an answer. An answer to her unhappiness and loneliness.
“I could never commit myself again,” she said softly, then paused for several seconds before she slowly went on, “to any man. Unless, unless he promised to give me his undying love.”
“I’ll love you forever, and ever,” he whispered back.
Finally, her eyes dropped away from his, and her hand slowly floated up away from his throbbing cock. He’d gone too far, he told himself. Way too far.
But as he watched her hand, it was joined by her other hand at the top button of her blouse. Then, looking down at her hands, she promptly pushed the button through the buttonhole. Gulping, he tried to swallow the bale of cotton that had suddenly materialized inside his mouth. Her fingers opened the second button as he looked on with dazed astonishment. Then the third button popped free, bringing her lacey bra into view between the edges of her blouse.
Ryan watched her slowly spread her blouse open. His heart was now pounding like a jackhammer as she reached up to his hand on her shoulder. Not saying a word, she lifted it and brought it down to the opening of her blouse. Pressing his hand, palm down, into the opening, she let go of it. Ryan could hardly breath as she dropped one hand down to her lap and the other back down to his thigh. But just asher hand touched down on his thigh, she moved it over to the obvious swell of his cock pressing up against his pants.
Dazed, he sat with his arm around her shoulders, his palm pressed against her hot flesh inside her blouse. Suddenly a jolt of pure excitement tore through his cock as he felt her give it a gentle squeeze through his pants. Not daring to even breathe, he eased his hand over above her right breast. Finding the lacey top edge of her brassiere with the tips of his trembling fingers, he eased them down under it onto the soft, plumant flesh of her breast. As he continued to ease his fingers down into her bra, he felt his mother’s fingers tickling down the underside of his cock. Looking down, he saw that she was slowly unzipping his pants.
Then his probing fingertips brushed over the swollen hardness of her nipple, as the lace on the bra ticked up the back of his hand. Another shiver of excitement sparked through his cock as he kept easing his figers down inside her bra. At last, he could cup the heavy, firm breast resting there. Now the big, jutting nipple was burning a hole into the palm of his hand.
Watching on with feverish anticipation, he saw her daintily spread the opening of his pants apart and ease her hand down inside it.
Pulling his fingers out from under her big, heavy title, he once again found her hard, jutting nipple with the tips of his fingers. Teasing and toying with the rubbery pap, he gently twisted and tweaked it.
Then his mother’s fingers found his steel-hard prick and he heard a small, audible intake of breath. She must be surprised by the size of his thick, seven-inch penis, he arrogantly thought as she fondled and measured its girl and length with her fingers.
He had never felt a nipple so hard in all his life, he giddily told himself. She must be just as hot as he was.
Savoring the touch of her nipple on his fingers, he saw her looking over and feel her maneuvering his big, stiff cock up, out through the opening of his boxer shorts. Slowly, its big, purplish-red head appeared. It was slowly followed by the pink shake, crisscrossed with bulging, blue veins. Then, the last of it came slithering out with his mother’s hot hand curled around it.
Her eyes widened momentarily, as she stared down at the big, jutting shaft of teenage cock-meat.
“My…” she softly murmured, daintily gripping her hand around the thick shake, twisting and running it up its impressive length.
After a few long, delicious moments, she opened her hand. Letting his cock jut up into the air on its own, she reached up and pulled his hand out of her blouse.
What now, he deeply wondered? In a testosterone-induced fog, he watched his mother, lean forward, put her hands on the cushion and slowly push herself up to her feet. Then, holding onto his shoulder, she stepped out of onehigh-heeled pump, then the other one.
Gawking on in open-eyed wonder, he watched her slip her hands up under her skirt. Her hands slowly reappeared, pulling down a pair of lacey, pink panties down her legs. The panties were so scanty, there was hardly enough of them to even call panties, he thought to himself. But she was taking them off… taking off her panties, and that could only mean one thing.
With her lacey panties around her knees, she bent down and pushed them down to her trim ankles. He couldn’t believe it as he watched her stand back up and step out of them, leaving them in a muddled pile on the floor. Acting as if she were sleep walking, she bent back down and picked them up. Then looking into his eyes, she casually dropped them on the coffee table.
Ryan had never seen anything so erotic. So telling. So titilling, he thought as he stared down at the silk panties lying on the table. And he could even see the telltale darkening ofthe panties’ crotch, stained by the wetness of her juices.
She impassively turned and slowly sat back down on the couch. Still watching her, he saw her lift one leg, bend it at the knee and then stretch it out behind him. As she did, her legs spread apart and her short skirt rode up her thighs. With the skirt now bunched around her waist, her oozing womanhood was bared to his peering eyes.
Staring down at the successful treasure, he saw that her pubis was completely shamen. That part of her pussy was smooth as a baby’s butt. But extending up from it was a perfectly shaped line of soft, brown curls. Starting just above her jutting clip, it ran upward to about six inches below her belly button. Strangely, it reminded Ryan of an exclamation point (!). An exclamation point emphasizing his mother’s feminine sexuality.
It had all happened so fast, Ryan’s head was spinning as he gawked down at her shamen pussy.
“Well,” she murmured, holding her hands up to him, inviting him down to the trophy he had sought for so long.
It was all happening to quickly for him to comprehend. His cock was still poking out of the opening in his pants as she looked up at him…waiting. At last, Ryan came to his senses and scrambled around to crawl up between her beautiful, outstretched legs.
She rested her head on the arm of the couch, watching him with her big brown eyes as he leaned down over her. While she reached for the monster bobbing below him, Ryan extended his arms straight out, placing a hand on each side of her head. Grabbing hold of the arm of the couch, he looked down at her. He watched her guide the rounded tip of his cock-head down between the thick, meaty lips of her cunt.
Easing his hips forward, he leaned into her and felt the wet, sticky heat of her pussy envelop the head of his cock.
“God…Mother…I love you,” he groaned out, easyng his throbbing cock deeper and deeper into the warm muscle of her pussy.
There was no response from her other than releasing his cock and grabbing hold his hips with one hand on each side. Guiding him, she brought him down into the silver channel of her cunt as his cock sought out the origin of its life. The upwelling emotions of the moment were so intense and overwhelming, he thought he was going to pass out…shoot his wad or both. But somehow, he finally managed to get his entire cock buried down into the forbidden depths of his mother’s clinging pussy without either happening.
“Oh God, Mother…can’t believe…” he gasped, feeling his mother pushing him back making his dick slither back through the clapping tightness of her pussy.
“Yesssssssss,” she finally hisssed, digging her claws into his hips and jerking him back down inside her pussy.
So this is what ecstasy is, he deeply told himself as his mother pushed and pulled on his hips making him fuck her with deep, penetrating strokes.
Fucking, he drunkenly thought…man’s only true purpose on earth. And it was indeed something glorious. But this was on a plain so much higher than that. It was completely unfathomable. He was fucking his mother. Fucking her. Sharing the password…the fire…the intimacy of the moment. Sharing them with the woman who had brought him into the world. Sharing them with the woman he loved most in the world. The excitement he was feeling threatened to melt all of the neurons in his brain and leave him a babbling idiot. But, oh, what a trivial price to pay for the euphoria of the moment, he feverishly thought. It would be worth it, even if they got struck dead for the mortal sin they were committing.
Still working his juice-slickened cock in and out of her clutching cunt, he looked down at her big, tits jiggling softly in the confines of her brassiere. As he fucked her, shewas leading him, guiding him in and out of the firey chasm between her legs. At the same time, she thrust herself up at him on every lunging thrust.
It’s a miracle, he dementedly thought. He should have blown his wad long ago, what with all the password that was sparking between them. But somehow, he struggled to control the overpowering urge to come. He couldn’t it gives up and make the pleasure pouring up from his peter stop. He didn’t want it to ever stop. Just go on and on and on…
Suddenly, he felt his mother’s fingernails dig down into him, jerking him into her as deep as he would go. Then he felt her hot pussy collapse down around his buried cock, clutching and milking at his cock. As he held himself buried down in her, she stiffened and thrust herself up against him, trembling with the effort of climaxing.
“Unnnnggggggggg,” she gurgled out, staring up at him out of sightless, lust-glazed, eyes.
Herface etched in an agoized grimace, she groveled and compromised beneath him as a stream of spit trickled out of the corner of her mouth and ran down her chin. At the same time, she mouthed out quavering, unintelligible animal sounds. The ultimate triumph, he giddily thought. Making your own mother come. What victory could be sweeter, more poignant, more self-fulfilling?
At last, with a deep trembling quiver, she gasped and dropped to the couch in a muddled heap. With her blouse spread open, her skirt shoved up around her waist, her hair in disarray, as she lay gasping for breath, staring up at him with a dazed look on her face.
“God…” she whispered, squeezing her pussy down around his throbbing cock.
Ryan just stared down at her in a love-induced stupor. He could never love her any more than he loved her at this very moment.
“More…You,” she whispered, pushing back on his hips, then jerking them forward again.
“Yes,” he murmured softly and began to slowly work his cock in and out of her drooling cunt once again.
Releasing her hold on his rocking hips, she lifted her hands up and clapped them together behind his neck. Lovingly staring into his eyes, she thrust her pussy up at him at the bottom of each stroke, meeting him and taking him completely inside her. Then, she curled her legs up beside him, pointing her toes, tilting her pussy up, giving him full passage into her vulnerable womanhood. Looking down as he pounded his cock into her Uplifted pussy, Ryan could see her legs rocking back and forth from the power of his strokes.
The fireball scorching the depths of his slashing balls was growing hotter with each pounding stroke. He couldn’t hold it back much longer, he agonized. It would explode soon…much too soon.
Then as he fight to prolong the ecstasy, he heard his mother groan and her pussy began clutching at his cock again. Her eyes clenched shut, her mouth slightly open and her tongue poking out between her full, red lips, she strained up against him. She was coming again. Already coming again…
That was it. He couldn’t hold it back anymore as he watched her climax for the second time.
As he gave it up, he felt his cock lurch deep inside his mother’s convulsing cunt. It sent out a gigantic gush of creamy cum deep into her, coating the lining of her pussy with its fiery heat. Then another gob, and another and another spurted out deep inside the chasm of her cum-filled pussy. His cock just kept on firing off inside her as she cried out her own pleasure. The force and volume of the creamy load of cum being ejected into her clutching pussy was enormous and began to bubble out around the thick shake of his cock. As it did, it dribbled down the crack of her ass, coating the pumped protrusion of her dainty little asshole with its sticky heat before spinning down onto the couch.
Then, just when Ryan thought it was going to go on forever, his cock pulsated one final time and stopped shooting off inside her. And as it did, he felt his mother slowly melt back down onto the couch.
“God…” he groaned.
After a few moments, bending his arms, he leaned down and gave her a soft, lingering kiss on her lips.
Then, lifting away from her, he began to slowly back his cum-covered cock back down the clinging channel of her sopping cunt. When the head of his cock slurped out of the opening of her pussy, an even bigger gush of his expensive semen poured out of her pussy. It dripped down onto the couch leaving a huge puddle of expensive cum soaking into the cushion.
Dropping his feet to the floor, he stood up. As he did, she reached over and grabbed up her wispy, pink panties. Shoving them down between her legs to stanch the flow of cum, she slapped her legs together. Swinging her feet around,she struggled up to a sitting position as Ryan watched on. Then, she pushed up to her feet, keeping the panties between her legs.
“Clean that up,” she said, pointing down to the puddle of cum on the couch.
Then, holding her legs together, she shuffled towards the bathroom.
Somewhat took aback by the terseness of her order, he watched her cute little butt wiggle and jiggle under her tight skirt as she muddled along, her legs still clenched together.
When his mother disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, Ryan stuffed his cock into his pants and zipped up. Then he went about cleaning up the big puddle of cum on the couch.
Now what, he wondered as he wiped away at the stain. Sex with his mother had been beyond belief, but the abrupt reversion to mother and son at the end of the sex, disappointed him. He had thought that once it was over, the intimacy would remain. But when she abruptly orderedhim to clean up the mess they had made and then went storming off into the bathroom, he didn’t know what to think. Finished cleaning up the mess, he sat in the chair, sipping on his drink as he waited for his mother to return from the john. He didn’t really know what to expect.
At last, the door opened and she came strolling out as if nothing had happened at all. Her blouse was re-buttoned and her dress was pushed back down around her tights as she padded back over to the couch.
Standing by the couch, she slipped back into her high heels. Then turning, making sure to avoid the wet spot left behind from his cleaning job, she sat down and reached for her drink. Not saying a word, Ryan watched her take a long, deep gulp and then lean back on the couch.
“Well…” she said, looking him in the eye.
“Uh…well…well what?” he asked, confused by her question.
“Was it good?” she asked, lifting her glass back up to her pouty lips.
“Good,” he choked out, smiling finally. “It was fantastic, Awesome, Stupendous, beyond my wildest expectations. When can we do it again?”
“Was it good enough to give up your freedom for?” she asked him, ignoring him and taking another sip.
“What? What do you mean? Freedom?” he asked.
“You remember that I told you I could never commit to another man unless I knew that he was committed to me?” she asked him.
“Uh, yeah,” he mumbled.
“That man would have to forsake all other women,” she said sternly, “and love only me.”
“Uh, yeah, uh, okay…but what does that have to do with us?” he asked her.
“You insinuated earlier that you were that man,” she said, looking him in the eye. “Are you?”
“Huh?” he grunted.
“So that means that you would commit to me? Totally and unequivocally?” she wanted to know.
“Uh, yeah, uh, yeah, I guess,” he muttered, taking a quick sip.
“There’s no guessing involved in this. It’s either yes, or no,” she said sternly.
“Yes,” he hissed softly.
“You would marry me?” she asked him.
Ryan’s eyes flew open and his jaw dropped, staring at her in confusion.
“Marry you?” he was finally able to choke out.
“Yes, marry me,” she said explicitly.
“But how? You’re my mother,” he groaned, now totally bewildered.
“Don’t worry about the details. I’ll take care of those. Will you marry me?” she asked him again.
“Yeah…yes…yes…I’ll marry you. I don’t know how, but I’ll marry you if that’s what you want," he grinned.
“Good,” she smiled back at him. “We’ll have the wedding on Saturday…”
“Yes, wedding…on Saturday.”
Standing up, she leaned over and refilled her glass. Stepping around the coffee table, standing in front of him, she leaned down and gently tapped her glass to his.
“To us,” she said, lifting the glass to her lips and taking a long swallow.
“To us,” Ryan grinned and took a sip on his drink.
“Uh, can, can we, uh, do it again?” he promptly asked as she turned and stepped away.
“Of course,” she laughed, pausing, looking over her shoulder. “But after we’re married. I want to be able to wear white.”
“But, but it’s only Tuesday,” he complained. “That’s four days away.”
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder, dear,” she giggled. “Patience is a virtue and besides I don’t have to work on Saturday and Sunday, so we’ll have two days to go on our honeymoon.
“Darn…oh, okay,” he while, watching his wife to be’s ass jiggle under her short skirt as she strolled away.
The rest of the week was pure hell for Ryan as it crawled along at a snail’s pace. Since school was over, he stayed home while his mother was at work. Then in the afternoon, he would prepare dinner for them. After dinner, they would sit and watch television and usually end up doing some heavy petting. But Charlene kept her word and no matter how hard he tried, it never got beyond the petting stage. Then he would Take his blue balls up to his room and pound his cock back into submission while his mother slept alone in her bedroom. This continued on until Friday, when his mother came home from work with a big shopping bag drawn over her arm.
“Hi. What’s in the bag?” he asked her, opening the door for her.
“You’ll see,” she laughed, setting it on the coffee table. “After dinner…”
Pulling at the top of the bag, Ryan tried to peek inside.
“Now get away from there,” his mother scolded him. “What’s for dinner, tonight?”
“Oysters…raw oysters,” he laughed. “Thought I might need them tomorrow with a wild woman like you…”
“Silly, boy,” she laughed.
After a rather ribald dinner of the raw oysters, they retired into the living room to watch television.
Before she sat down, his mother picked up the bag and placed it by the couch. Reaching down inside, she pulled out a smaller bag and handed it to him.
That is your groom outfit,” she smiled. “You can try it on when you get to your room tonight, but don’t look until then…”
“Uh, okay,” he grinned, looking down inside to find the bag stuffed with black and white tissue paper. “It’s awful small.”
“Uh-huh,” she laughed, turning her attention to the television.
They petted for a while, but around nine o’clock, his mother pushed him away.
“We’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow,” she said, “so I’m going to bed early. But before I go, we need to go over the plans for the wedding.”
“Okay,” he grinned.
“At nine o’clock, we’ll meet at the guestroom. We’ll have the wedding ceremony there, and then we’ll have our honeymoon in it. Okay?”
“Sure,” he grinned.
“There’s a sheet of paper in your bag with your vows on it, so study it a little and also make up a toast for the bride,” she giggled. “Now remember, nine o’clock. Don't come out of your room until then, because it’s bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony.”
“I won’t,” he told her, as she leaned over and gave him a soft, lingering kiss on the lips.
“Until then, my love,” she whispered, standing up, picking up her bag and heading for the stairs.
Ryan watched her saucy little butt strictly swish from side to side with a little more emphasis than usual as she stepped across the room. Then when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped, looked over her shoulder and gave her ass a little wiggle.
“Can’t wait,” she mouthed at him and went up the stairs as he watched on with a silly grin on his face.
Grabbing his bag, he charged up to his room and rushed inside. Digging his hand down into his bag, he jerked out the tissue and looked inside.
“Jeez,” he muttered, turning the bag up and emptying the two plast wrapped items into his hand. “Mom sure has a fantastic imagination.”
Staring down at the black bow tie and the black leather cock ring, he could only imagine what kind of wedding ceremony it was going to be. At least it was going to be a black tie affairs, he laughed to himself.
After reading over his vows a few times, he quickly went to bed. Like a kid on Christmas Eve, he hoped that he could go to sleep and make the night pass faster. After all, tomorrow was going to be a lot like Christmas for him. And he was going to get the best present any boy could ever receive! His Mom and her sweet pussy…
After tossing and turning most of the night, he finally awoke around seven-thirty. Nine o’clock seemed like an eternity away. At last, after a shower and a lot of pacing, nine o’clock finally neared. After quickly putting on his tie and strapping his cock ring around his balls and cock, he dashed down the stairs and anxious over to the guestroom. His mother wasn’t there. Maybe he was late, he thought, opening the door and peeking inside. His mother wasn’t there either, but there must have been fifty lit candles in the room. And the bedspread was turned down, hinting at the events to follow the wedding ceremony.
Closing the door, he stepped back. Then he heard the clop of high heels on the hardwood floor of the living room. Turning, he felt a jagged jolt of electricity spark up his cock as he saw mother slowly stepping across the living room towards him. In the background, he heard lilting strains of the Wedding March.
“Oh-my-God!” He gasped, gawking at his mother in open-eyed wonder. “You’re so…so beautiful.”
She was a goddess. Venus…Aphrodite…Cleopatra…all rolled into one, he thought as she floated across the room in a sheer, white gown that covered her like a whisper. He had never seen a woman so beautiful. Her golden brown hair was tied up, held in place by a shimmering, diamond tiara. A soft white wedding veil hung down from it, partially obscuring the beauty of her perfect face as the veil gently fluttered in the miniscule breeze created by her movement. The long flowing gown made a mockery of concealment, as every detail of her beautiful body was easily discernible through the sheer, almost non-existent material. A shouter of blue satin, edged top and bottom with white lace encircled her graceful neck. A pair of dainty diamond earrings hung from her ears, sparking in the light. Her big, beautiful breasts, jiggling softly with each step she took were nestled down in a sexy blue half-bra. The little blue brassiere was also edged with white lace, emphasizing the tan of her skin as her round, puffy nipples jutted out, sticking out over the lace of the bra. Like a pair of purplish eyes, they seemed to be staring straight at him. Her long, beautiful legs were encased in white, lace top hose, and around her left thigh, she wore a blue satin wedding garter, also trimmed, top and bottom with delicate, white lace. All this was perched atop of a pair of white siletto heels that were at least four inches tall. The heels were attached to her ankles by two straps of white patent leather and two sparkling silver buckles. And finally, she clutched a small, wedding bouquet in one hand and her other hand was clenched into a fist.
“Mother…Mother, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he groaned, gawking at her shamelessly.
“Thank you,” she murmured softly, stepping up directly in front of him.
All her beauty was having a profound effect on him as his big cock struggled to stiffen itself.
Looking down at his cock lifting its big, purple head up into the air, she smiled and ran her fisted hand over it.
“Our rings,” she smiled at him, unclenching her fist and showing him the two rings sittingin the palm of her hand.
“Something old…my old wedding band, which I will replace with mother’s wedding ring…something new,” she said, slowly pirouetting in a circle as her wedding gown swirled out around her, “my wedding gown.”
“Un-huh,” he grunted, realizing how important all this was to her.
“Something borrowed, from my friend, Mary,” she said, pointing to the choker around her neck.
“And something blue,” she said, reaching down and lifting the hem of her gown and pointing to the wedding garter.
“If anyone here feels they have just cause why this couple should not be married,” she smiled at him, “let them step forth now…or forever hold their peace.”
Only the strains of the Wedding March were to be heard as they stood staring into each other’s eyes.
“You’re sure?” she smiled, looking down to see that his cock was already almost standing at attention. “It’s forever…”
“Please…Mother…stop teasing me,” he while. “Yes, yes, yes, I want to go through with it.”
“Okay then,” she said, putting down the bouquet and taking his hand in hers. “Do you, Ryan, take Charlene, to be your wife and mother; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish and to honor; from this day forward until death do us part. Forever and ever…”
“I do…I do,” he blurted out.
“And,” she said, staring directly into his eyes. “I take Ryan, to be my husband and boy, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish him from this day forward until death do us part. Forever and ever. I do."
Unclenching her fist again, she held the two rings out in the palm of her hand between them.
“May these rings be blessed so that he and she who gives them may abide in love and peace, and continue in love until life’s end…
Then, she gave the diamond-encrusted ring to him and he took it from her trembling fingers.
Watching her, he saw her pull her old wedding ring off her finger and drop it to the floor. Stepping on it with her high-heeled slipper, she slowly ground it into the floor, then lifted her hand, palm down, back up to his hand.
Slowly, he eased the ring down around his mother’s ring finger.
“With this ring, I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of my love and commitment,” he said, then looked up to see a big tear running down his mother’s cheese.
“With this ring, I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of my love and commitment,” she sniffed, as she slippedthe gold band onto his ring finger.
Then, she wiped away the tears and looked him straight in the eye.
“I now pronounce us, husband and wife, mother and son,” she solemnly said.
They both just stood there staring into each other’s eyes with love pouring between them for the longest time.
“Well,” his mother finally laughed. “Aren’t you going to kiss the bride?”
“Uh, oh yeah,” he grinned, wrapping his arms around her and crushing his lips down onto hers.
Their lips opened and their tongues sparked as they hungrily kissed, sanctifying the incestuous communication they had just created. Holding the perfect round cheats of her beautiful ass cupped in his hands, he pulled her against him as he pushed his steel-hard cock against her soft, plumant belly. As he did, she thrust her big, soft breasts against his chest, burning holes into it with her rock-hard nipples.
Finally, several long moments later, they broke, gasping for breath.
Ryan bent down and quickly swept her up into his arms and stepped towards the guestroom door.
“NO! No. Put me down,” she exceled.
“What? What’s wrong? I was just going to carry my bride across the threshold,” he fussed, lowering her back down onto her siletto heels.
“I don’t want to go up in flames,” she told him, shrugging her shoulders and letting the long, flowing go whispering down her beautiful body. “There are candles in there. And they’re all lit. Wouldn’t be a very auspicious way to start our marriage if I went up in flames.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” he muttered, “I forget.”
“I think I can see why you forget,” she laughed, fingering his jutting cock. “I think all your blood has drained out of your brain, and it’s all down here.”
“Could be,” he snickered, sweeping her up into his arms again.
Staggering under her weight, he stumbled over to the door as she reached down and shoved it open. The feel of her soft, warm skin pressed against his was intotoxicating as he wove his way through the maze of candles towards the bed. As he did, she dropped her hand down and toyed with his jutting cock, squeezing and fondling it with her soft fingers.
“He’s certainly impatient today,” she murmured as he gently lowered her down onto the bed.
“He’s had to wait four days,” he grumbled. “He’s ready to go.”
“But wait,” she giggled as he started to crawl up onto the bed. “The toasts…we need to make the toasts. Besides, we have two full days…and I plan to wear you out anyway.”
“I think you’re just trying to stall,” he complained, backing off the bed.
“Pour us a glass of champione,” she told him, scooting over to the edge the bed and ploping her heels down onto the floor.
Popping the cork out, he quickly splashed the champion into the two silver flutes sitting on the nightstand. As he did, he saw that they had been personalized with their names.
“Cool,” he smiled, setting the bottle down and handing her the flute with her name on it.
“Just for us,” she smiled back at him, raising her flute up to his and gently tapping them together. “Just for us. You go first…”
“Uh, well…A toast to the bride…May she comes to many happy conclusions,” he smiled.
She almost laughed out loud, as they raised their flutes, gently tapping them together again before they drank.
“Well, a toast to the groom…May he be the cause of all of those happy conclusions,” she said, raising her flute to his once again.
“Here, here,” he laughed, downing the rest of his championne. “Here, here. Beginning right now…”
Setting the flutes down as his mother scooted back to the middle of the bed, Ryan stopped.
“Mother, I can’t believe how beautiful you are,” he groaned as she lay on her back, her legs spread, waiting for him.
The first time had been fantastic. It had been rushed and fiery. But today, with her lovely charms spread out before him in all their splendor, he knew he would have to struggle to keep from coming the moment he touched her.
“Come-…come to Mother. Come to your new wife and make her happy again,” she softly said, holding her arms out to him, inviting him down into the treasure waiting between her outstretched legs.
“God!” he groaned out, crawling up onto the bed and up between her legs.
Staring down at her big tits, he watched themjiggle softly as she reached down and grasped his cock. Then he slowly eased down into the middle of the M formed by her lovely, spread legs. Gently, with the tips of her fingers, she guided the rounded tip of his cock down into the hot socket that lay at the very bottom of her pussy. The first time had been fucking, he told himself. But today, he was going to make love to her.
“We both need this, this time,” she murmured as he slowly fed his cock down into the warm depths of her clutching cunt. “But your new wife likes foreplay, too.”
“You just tell me what my wife likes,” he smiled down at her as their bellies gently nudged up against each other. “And I’ll do whatever my dear, sweet wife tells me.”
Slowly, lovingly he began to work his big cock in and out of the tight, velvet-lined sheath of her cunt.
Squeezing her thighs against him, she let his hips rub up against the slippery smoothness of her nylons as he pistoned his cock in and out of her. Ryan had never felt a pussy so hot, so tight, and so unbelievably wet. He couldn’t believe it was the same pussy that his big head had came out through when he was born. How could such a wonderfully tight opening allow that and still be tight enough to bring a man such pleasure? It was another miracle of womanhood…
Locking his elbows, he stared down at his mother as she looked back up at him with love pouring up out of her fragrance, brown eyes. Bringing his eyes down, he watched her big tits slowly undulating up and down in rhythm with their slow fucking. Moving his eyes down further, he giddily watched his big cock, glistening wetly with his mother’s juices as it slip in and out of her hot pussy. It seemed to him that Their bodies were a perfect match, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle.
Spreading her legs wider, she dug her siletto heels down into the mattress and tilted her pussy up, letting him slide even deeper into the squishy depths of her pussy.
Using her legs, she hunted up at him every time he drove his cock into her, making wet slapping sounds when their bodies met.
His mother, his wife, his soul mate, he sickly thought as he picked up the pace a notch. Still watching the thick, juice-slathered shaft of his cock sliding in and out of the wetness between her legs, he thought it was like dotting the eye of her exclamation point.
“Faster, honey, faster,” she mewed out, grabbing him by the hips, pushing and pulling on him to make him fuck her faster. “Mommy needs to come.”
“Make…Mommy…come,” he grunted out, moving his hips back and forth faster and faster as he drove his cock down into the clutching heat of her cunt. “Make-my-wife-come.”
Now her tits were sloshing up and down wildly inside the tiny bra as he hammered his cock into her and she thrustherself back up at him. Their groins were covered with hot, sticky pussy-juice as her cunt spewed it out in gushes. Ryan could not believe there was so much of the goo as their bodies churned the gooey mess into frothy white gunk. Wonder what it tastes like, he dizzily asked himself, pumping his cock into her harder and harder? I’ll find out as soon as I come. I’ll eat her out and lick it all off her beautiful pussy.
Then he felt her sharp fingernails dig into his hips as she jerked him down into her as deep as he would go.
“MyyyDDarrrlinnngggggg,” she groaned out as her hips began to quiver and shake. Her muscles straining, she dug in her heels and pushed herself against him as she understood through her orgasm.
Ryan watched her face contort into a mask of age, drool running out of the corner of her mouth and down her cheek. Eyes rolled back into her head, she grunted softly as she humped her pussy up at him and clutched atHis buried prick. He could feel the hot juice spewing out of her pussy as it dripped down onto his froth-covered balls dangling down below him. Her breasts were trembling and quivering, her big nipples so swollen and hard, they looked like they were about to burst. On and on it went for her, as Ryan felt every wave of pleasure wash through her cunt making it clutch at him.
So this is love, he giddily told himself. Not Mother-son love. This was the real thing. Man-woman love. This was the love a man felt for his woman, not his mother. She was his woman now…
Finally, with one last choking gasp, she began to soften and give way, easing her butt back down onto the mattress. Withdrawing her claws from his hips, she looked up at him trying to make her eyes refocus.
“That…that…was unbelievable, never like that before…never,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath again as another dribble of spit trickled out of the corner of her mouthand ran down her cheese.
“I’m so glad I can make you happy now,” he grinned down at her. “It makes me feel so good to make you come.”
“I don’t recall ever feeling this happy,” she said, smiling up at him with love pouring up from her eyes. “Never…ever.”
“I’m glad,” he said, leaning down and giving her a soft, lingering kiss on the lips.
Finally, he lifted his lips from hers and began to slowly stroke his cock in and out of her sopping pussy once again.
“Wait…wait,” she murmured, putting her hand on his chest and pushing him away. “Let…let me do you now.”
Grinning down at her, he eased his dripping cock back out of the juicy hole between her legs. With his cock jutting out wet, stiff, and hard, he crawled over her leg and flopped over onto his back.
She quickly struggled up to her hands and knees, her big tits wiggling down below her as she straddled him. Leaning over him, she reached back down between her thighs and grabbed his big cock. Pulling it up, she slowly dropped her hips, setting her dripping pussy down onto the head of his jutting cock. Staring down at him, she eased her pussy down, consuming his entire cock with its steamy core.
Then she began making little grunting sounds as she jerked her hips back and forth, impaling herself on his thick, hard cock.
His goo-covered cock sloshed In and out, in and out of his mother’s wet cunt as he reached up and latched hold of her heaving breasts. Her nipples seemed even harder than before, if that was possible, as they stuck out of the darkened cup of pebbled flesh tipping her tits. Pinching the berry-sized nipples between his fingerers and thumbs as her tits quivered and danced in the little bra, he roughly tweaked and plucked at them. The tip of his mother’s tongue crept out from between her lips as sheconcentrated on the fucking of his man-sized cock with her hot pussy.
Nuhhhhh-nuhhhh-nuhhhh,” she grunted, working her hips back and forth faster and faster as Ryan humped his cock up into her in rhythm with the fucking motion of her hips.
Her pussy was wetly clinging to his cock as it slipped in and out of her clutching cunt, coating it liberally with her hot juices. Her cunt was so slippery and soft, it felt like it was made out of velvet, he thought, thrusting himself up into her harder. Just as before, he could feel her hot juices being squeezed out around his pistoning prick as the hot goo dripped down onto his big balls dangling down between his thighs. It feel like she was pumping it out by the bucketfuls as more and more of it poured out of her, splattering his belly and tights with the gooey stuff. With her head thrown back, her eyes clenched shutt, she was breathing heavily as her beautiful ass slashed back and forth. Her ravenous cunt was consumming his pistoning cock up to the hilt on every lunch.
Suddenly, the sparkling tiara perched atop her head tipped to the side, threatening to slip off as her head bobbed around.
Then, Ryan saw it slip farther down and go falling down to the bed as his mother’s long, golden-brown hair tumbled down onto her shoulders. She momentarily opened her eyes and glanced over at the tiara, but quickly closed them again. There wasn’t even a pause in the rocking motion of her hips as she continued to hump her pussy back and forth on his cock. Watching her glorgeous tits quiver and undulate in the little bra, he ran His fingers down in between them to the little blue bow that covered the class. Flicking it open, he watched his mother throw her arms back and let the frilly, little bra go sliding down her arms. Staring at her beautiful bobbing tits, he watched them flounce about wildly as his mother tirelessly fucked his cock.
Ryan was in an euphoric daze as his mother’s cunt slide back and forth on his stiff prick. He could tell that she was nearing the finish line once again as her muscles were tensing and growing harder.
“Yeah-come-come, Mother-come-come on my cock,” he muttered out, humping his cock up into her pussy as it jerked back and forth.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh,” she muttered out, her hips jerking spasmodically for a few seconds before she lunged backward, impaling herself to the limit on his cock. “Godddddddddddddddd!”
Holding herself shoved back onto his cock, she began to babble and mistake as her whole body shook. Then she bent down, almost in a fetal position, thrusting her breasts against his chest as she devoured his mouth with hers. Her mouth wide open, her tongue twisting and probing into his mouth, she kissed him with such password, he thought he was going to exploit. He had never been kissed so frantically. It was almost cannibalistic, he feverishly thought as they hungrily kissed. At last, making soft mewing sounds, she lifted her mouth from his spit-slathered lips.
Jerking her hips forward, she pulled her pussy off his jutting cock and quickly rolled off him.
“You…you come…you come in me…please,” she groaned, quickly rolling over onto her back, kicking her legs apart and pulling him down between them.
Ryan quickly moved in until his stiff, juice-drenched cock was in the perfect position to penetrate the dew-covered opening between her legs. Grunting, he lunged forward, thrusting his cock down into the hot depths of her pussy, burying it all the way up to the hilt. Then, like a madman, he began to pound his cock down into her pussy as hard and fast as he could.
Now it was his turn, he deeply thought. His turn to empty his balls down into the birthing chamber that lay between her legs. Empty his noxious load into it and plant the seed of life inside her. Empty it into her and begin life again. If his seed took hold and grow, would it be him…or her, they recreated? Would she issue forth another boy, like him, or would another mother come slithering out from between her legs?
A spasm of pleasure tore through his cock as it began to pulsate and spurt out its virulent seed deep inside his mother’s womb. The thick, sperm-filled cream spewed out like water from a broken water main, filling the depths of her pussy with its hot, sticky virus. He could almost feel his sperm immediately fan out in search of the price. Swimming in her successful juices, they searched for the elusive treasure that could sprout and bring forth life again. Like an invading horde, the millions of sperms were in search of THE EGG!
The spasms of pleasure continued to jolt through his cock, making it pulsate and spurt until there was nothing left to eject out into her hungry pussy. His mother, his wife, his lover took all he gave and wanted even more as she pulled him down onto her.
Her pussy sucked and pulled on his cock, hungrily milking it, trying to extract every last tali-lashing sperm from it. He had never felt so drained, so empty of essence. She had completely depleted him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down against her. Once again, her open mouth found his and her tongue probed against his as they hungrily kissed, trying to get their fill of each other but failing miserably…
They could never satisfy their need for each other. Their love was too consuming. If only he could become her. Live inside her body and feel what she felt. Then he would know how to please her. Please her and make her life whole again. Then she would never want again. For anything! He would see to it that her every need was fulfilled even before it became a need. He loved her that much…
Pulling his rapidly shrinking cock out of the sopping depths of her pussy, he scooted back until his face was just above her later-coated pussy. Staring down at the white foam that covered her soft underbelly, he saw that it almost reached up to her belly button on the top and to the middle of her smooth, trembling thighs below. Quickly flicking out his tongue, he pushed her thighs wider apart and began to lap at the tasty, white muck. It tasted of her and of him, and of sex, he thought, swallowing a mouthful of the faomy brew.
Running his tongue over the smooth, shamen skin, he slowly licked it clean. Finally, her belly and legs were goo free. But now they were covered in spit.
Then, pushing her legs farther apart, he peeled the fleshy, little hood back away from her big clip. Dropping his mouth down onto it, he sucked it in between his lips. He’d never seen a clip so big…so exposed, as it jutted out, almost a big as the end joint of his little finger. It was like a little dick, sticking out, begging for attention. Holding it between his lips, he flicked his rough tongue across it and felt her tremble as a soft moan escaped her lips. Flicking his tongue back and forth across it, he could feel it getting harder and harder as she mewed out her pleasure and gently thrust herself up against his lips. Sucking and licking at the slippery nub, he gently eased a finger down into the clutching heat of her cum-filled pussy below his chin. Feeling the gooey heat of her cunt wrap itself around his finger, he knew that it was not only her juice, but his cum, too, that was wetly clinging to his finger as he slowly worked it in and out of the tight channel. Then as he hungrily devoured her clip, he watched her hands lift to her tits. Squeezing them, her fingers dug down into the soft, plumant flesh making her big nipples grow hard and stiff.
As Ryan continued to feast on her jutting clip, Charlene lifted her long, shaped legs up into the air. Slowly, she eased her feet down until her siletto heels were on his shoulderrs. The long, white heels of her pumps stuck down in front of his shoulders while the arch of the heels rested on his shoulders and the sharp toes pointed up at the ceiling. Mewing out her pleasure, she gently humped herself up into his gluttonous mouth. Then he felt her muscles begin to stiffen and the mews became groans while the thrusts of her pussy became harder and more independent.
“Oh God-oh God-oh God,” she gasped out, her hands flying down to his head and shoving his mouth down against her humping pussy.
Ryan could see the tremors of her orgasm undulate through her body as she held his mouth shut down around her rock-hard clip. Kicking her legs out, she rested them on his back and ground her pussy against his lips as it began to spew out a gushing river of juice onto his chin and neck.
Her cunt continued to squirt out thick, pungent gobs of goo while her orgasm went on and on.
Finally, Ryan felt her hands slowlyelease their chokehold on his head as her body melted back down onto the bed.
“Oh…my God…every time is better and better,” she choked out, reaching up and wiping her chin and mouth with the back of her hand to wipe away the spittle that had leaked out.
Raising his head, he smiled up at her with his juice-splattered lips.
“I love to watch you come,” he said, flicking out his tongue and licking his lips. “It’s so fucking erotic. Just knowing that I can make it happen for you, is so…so fucking exciting. Making my own Mother come…Wow…what could be more, more, I don’t know…but it’s an awesome feeling.”
“Yes…yes it is,” she laughed softly, pulling a pillow under her head. “Now it’s my turn…”
“Uh, okay,” he grinned, getting up to his knees and straddling her.
His cock had stopped retreating and began to stiffen again as he ate her, but it was still only half-hard. Now it stuck out with its head drooping down. With his knees on each side of her body, he walked up the bed until his big cock-head was dropping down over her full, pouty lips.
“You have such a beautiful cock,” she murmured, reaching up and holding it between her first and second fingers. “It looks so impatient. Impatient and eager…demanding…demanding of its new rights.”
“The thought that it’s got those rights,” he muttered, as she opened her mouth and slowly sucked his swollen cock-head into her mouth, “is mind boggling.”
“Unh-huh,” she mumbled out around the thick shaft of his hardening peter.
“I’ve dreamed of this day,” he said, pushing his cock deeper into her hot, sucking mouth, “ever since the day I realized that girls…women were different than boys…men. I’ve wanted you so much, since then. And now,look at us. I still can’t believe it is really happening.
Backing her mouth off his spit-drenched peter, she looked up at him and smiled.
“Well, my dear, it is happening. Believe it,” she said, curling her hands around his hips and pulling his cock back down to her mouth.
Ryan stared down, watching her red, full lips slowly work back and forth on the thick, pink shake of his cock, leaving it glistening with a coat of her spit. He could feel her rough tongue licking and lapping at his cock, teasing it as it stiffened and hardened once again.
She continued to suck on his cock until it was finally sticking out hard and ripe once again.
Letting his cock slurp out of her mouth, she looked up at him with her big, beautiful brown eyes.
“Would like for me to deep you?” she asked him, suggestively running her tongue over her pouty lips.
“Deep me?” he asked, wondering if she means what he thought she means.
“Unh-huh…deep throat you?” she asked, a mischievous smile playing over her lips.
“Oh-God-God, yes,” he gasped, moving his hips forward and trying to push his cock back into her mouth.
“No…wait…you’re too big to do it this way,” she laughed softly. “Crawl down off the bed.”
“Uh…okay,” he muttered, crawling off her and stepping down onto the floor.
Watching her, he saw her scrunch around on the bed until her head was hanging down over the edge of the mattress. Her long, brown hair hung down below it, almost reaching the floor as she looked up at him, upside down.
“Now,” she said, opening her mouth.
“Oh, God,” he groaned, stepping up and fitting his cock-head down into her upside down mouth.
“Yeassy,” she gurgled as he began to push his cock into her mouth.
Then, reaching around behind him, she dug her fingernails into his ass.
Moving his hips forward, he eased more and more of his cock down into her hot, sucking mouth as she pulled him into her. Then he felt the head of his cock nudge up against the opening of her throat. She made a soft, little gagging sound but continued to pull him into her. Suddenly, he felt his cock slip through the opening and into the constricting tightness of her throat. Staring down, he saw that the curly hairs encircling the base of his cock were now resting against his mother’s chin. She had taken him all. All seven plus inches were now buried down in her throat as she swallowed, working her throat muscles on his cock. After a moment or two, she pushed him back, backing his cock out of her throat. Then she pulled him forward again, sending his cock popping into her throat once more.
“Oh…fucking God,” he groaned as she began to push and pull on him making him fuck her mouth and throat.
It was too much, he frantically thought. Deep throating his mother. Sticking his cock into her throat. And she was making it happen. She was pushing and pulling on him. Making him fuck her mouth and throat.
Suddenly, with a jolting pulsation, his cock spewed out a massive gob of thick, clinging cum into her throat. Then, his mother pushed him back until only the head of his erupting cock was in her mouth. It continued to spurt and spew, sending out more and more of his thick, creamy cum into her mouth. With her cheeses hollowed from the suction she was applying to his cock, she hungrily swallowed his offering as it spurted from him. Ryan had never felt such excisite pleasure as she sucked his essence from him.
Staring down at her, he could see her tiny, little adam’s apple bob up and down as she swallowed his gift to her.
Finally, unable to bring forth any more cum, he feel his knees />
Dropping to his knees, he found himself staring down into his mother’s upside down face. Opening his mouth, he crushed it down onto her open mouth. He went over himself on her mouth, licking and lapping at it, tasting his own cum, he consumed it, totally and completely.
She moaned out her password as her hands found his shrinking cock and his big, depleted balls while his hands found her heaving breasts.
This was LOVE! Total, unqualified LOVE! There were no rules any more. The only thing that mattered now was loving her. Pleasing her. Loving her and giving her everything she wanted…she needed…
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