Can I get some feedback on the first half of my story before I submit?

Help me out you all. Here’s what I have so far, I just want some feedback.

It was Monday, and I was bored. Sick with mono, I’d missed three weeks of school, and even though I was 100% better after those three weeks, I was forced to stay home and complete the school year outside of school because I was so behind. It wasn’t too terrible the first 2 weeks of homebound instruction; I got to wake up whenever I wanted, eat when I was learning, and since there weren’t any more homebound teachers available, I just had to teach myself from the books. I was a pretty gracious teacher. No homework and lots of in class movies was my basic lesson plan. I had been able to circuit most of my work by telling teachers I was too tired, and, being the sweet old ladies they were, I was left with very little to do other than worksheets.
But today I had nothing planned and I was missing my friends. I actually wished I could go to school justto see them. My teachers weren’t that bad either. In fact, I had one teacher who was just out of college, and boy was she a fox!
I’m tall myself, 6’5″, so I’m used to girls being a lot shorter than me, but Mrs. Kerry was different. She was 6’2″, or so I guessed, with flats on, but she wore heels most of the time, bringing her to a full height of 6’4″. She was the tallest woman I’d ever run into, and at 25, one of the sexiest. She had a gorgeous curvy body; a nice firm ass which wasn’t too big, but not flat either, perfect D tits, and a gymnast body. Her legs were quite defined, and as she walked her ass would swway from side to side hyponotically. She knew she was hot too, and loved to show it off. She’d wear short, tight skirts and blouses that barely contained her luscious breasts, which usually brought many comments from the male population of the school. Her best feature though, was her hair. She had longflaming red hair that crept halfway down her back. It was redder than it was orange, and it shone beautifully in the sun. I could tell it was as smooth as silk and just looking at it, one could feel it flowing across his face, smoother than Egyptian cotton.
Alas, I was stuck at home with very few days left in the school year, and just movies to keep me company. I was busy watching “The Prestige” around noon when the phone rang. I put the movie on pause and stared at the house phone as it rang a second time. Funny I thought who would be calling the house now? All my friends are at school, and mom and dad know I usually only pick up my cellphone… I decided that it was a weird enough situation to merit me answering the phone, so I did.
“Hello?” I said as I put the phone up to my ear.
“Hi KC! It’s Mrs. Kerry!”
My mouth fell open. What reason could Mrs. Kerry possibly have for calling me?! Being the dumb teenager I was, I started having daydreams about us together,. They were going through my brain a million miles an hour, but I was interrupted.
“KC, are you still there?”
“Umm… Yea! I mean yes! Hello Mrs. Kerry, to what do I uhh… owe the pleasure?”
“Well,” said the red-headed goddess of my dreams “when I heard you were on homebound, I just assumed that you had a homebound teacher. Someone told me today that you have been teaching yourself this whole time!” She actually sounded worried for me! I wondered what this was about.
“Yes, that’s true…”
“Well that just isn’t right! I’ve just gone to the principal and put in for a long term sub.”
“I see…. So what does that means Mrs?”
“It means I’ll be teaching you at home from now until the end of the school year”
I couldn’t believe this. There was no way that THE Mrs. Kerry, the most beautiful woman I thought I’d ever meet, not to mention one who exhausted and aura of pure sex, was going to be coming to my house, every day, for 6 HOURS?!
“I’m not sure that’s necessary Mrs. Kerry. You see, I’m actually almost done with all my work and I understand it well enough-
“Don’t be silly! “ she interjected “there’s tons to get done, and I’ve even written a special lesson plan for you. I’ve got to say, I quite missed you in class. My mind is made up mister, and nothing you can say will change it!” she said in a mock angry voice.
“Okay well when do we start?”
“Right away! I’ll be at your house first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you’re ready for me then” she said. I heard something in her voice that spoke to me, but … I couldn’t figure what it was. I shrugged it off, said goodbye, and hung up.
My mind was racing. I had forgotten to mention this to Mrs. Kerry, but my parents were on a weeklong cruise, so we’d be home alone together for the next 5 days! The rest of the day I could barely contain my excitement and joy. WhatIf something happened between us? Mrs. Kerry was my teacher, but she always took the whistles and flirting from her students in stride. Perhaps she actually enjoyed it! I fell asleep with a smile on, wondering how tomorrow would go.

The next day

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring at 7:30 AM. Mrs Kerry would be arrived at 8, so I quickly jumped in the shower. I took time to make sure I was clean for Mrs. Kerry. I scrubbed my ripped abs, my biceps, my rock hard pecs, and then gently washed my cock. Between thoughts of her, and the warm sensing of the lathering soap, it was hard not to get a raging erection. I didn’t want to jerk off though, so I just let it stand at attention while I finished my shower.
I hoped turned off the water and with my eyes still closed to keep water from getting in them, opened the curtain and stepped out, shaking my head like a dog to get the water off. I stood up and opened my eyes… and nearly failed.
Mrs. Kerry was standing right in front of me! There I was, standing there in the buff with a raging hard on, and my teacher was standing in the door, gaping at my nakedness. We were both frozen for a good 10 seconds, and then I quickly grabbed a towel, wrapping it around myself, blushing furiously.
That seemed to break the spell. “Ohmygosh!” she yelped. She had a hand up covering her mouth, which appeared the be… grinning? Yes, she was smiling! She staggered backwards a bit, saying “I’m sorry, sorry, soooo sorry, omygoodness!” then turned and went down the stairs quickly, without looking back.
I just stood there in my towel. She was starring at my crotch that WHOLE time! I thought. Well, at least I had a hard on.
I quickly got dressed and went downstairs with a smile on my face.

WHat do you think so far?


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