So I’ve got three stories, all three untitled and unfinished, and all three at that point in the story where it could be changed and whatnot. I need opinions on which story I should work on, and which ones I should abandon. My writing style may not appeal to some. I write actual stories, with a plot and a line and everything, and they are very realistic, because of this, they tend to be very long. If you’re in for a quick read, these aren’t for you. The parts of these stories that I’ve written so far, I haven’t really got the ball up and rolling yet, so they definitely get better, and much nastier. I’ll post all three of my unfinished stories and you vote. Just post saying your comments, and either story one, two, or three. I take constructive criticism very well, in fact, I welcome it.
Story One
He’d been watching her for a long time. Her slinky frame, long slender legs, pale skin, small hourglass figure, small, round, perky teenage tits, slinky blonde hair falling slightly past her shoulders, pretty green eyes. She looked so damn innocent, so angelic, so untainted, so virginal. She’d walk in every day, eyes downcast, and sit at her table. Never ordered a coffee, never talked to anyone, just sat and read a book. Every day she’d curl up in one of the cushioned seats, her school uniform skirt falling around her knees, and with a little smile on her face she’d read a book.
Around two months, he’d slowly fallen in love, or was it lust, with this little girl. Every time she’d walk in, his heart would skip a beat, and he’d let his chin length fall into his face, hiding his stormy grey eyes and his strong featured face from view. He was only 18, and he didn’t know how old she was, or her name, only that she loved to read, and that she went to the local private school. Her uniform clung to her frame. Tight white collared shit with the words PCA in dark blue on the front, and a knee length dark blue and white plaid skirt with white socks that went about halfway up her calves, with dark blue shoes with a short heel on them. Her little face was set off with rectangular glasses with bright green eyes behind them, and soft little pink lips that she’d bite during a safe part in a book. She was the epitome of perfection to him.
One day, he got the chance he was waiting for. She came in, and the usual feeling swept over him, and her smile widely. To his surprise, instead of going to the squishy black chair with the little table in the corner, she walked over to the counter, right up to him. His mouth dropped a little, but he quickly recovered and smiled, his heart in his throat. She was standing there, smiling shyly at him, green eyes looking right into his.
“Hi, I’m James. What would you like today?” He said, his voice soft and a little shadow. She glanced at the menu, and bit her lip a little, then smiled again.
“Umm, just a hot chocolate, small.” She giggled nervously. Her voice was sweet and angelic to him, only making his heart year for her more. He nodded and grabbed a small cup. One of the many reasons he loved, or at least loved at this moment, about working at Starbucks was that you get to ask the person’s name to write on their cup. He grabbed a sharpie.
“So what’s your name?”
Story Two
A driving beat hit me as I opened the club door from the cold. Warm, smokey air hit me as I made my way to the bar. This was my first time here, and it was just a sort of spontaneous move to come out here. I’d only been to about two clubs before, and I’d always find myself getting bored. I smiled despite my mood. Techno could lift my spirits anytime. I sat at the bar and crossed my legs. I was Wearing black leather knee-high boots, with a heel that could make any girl’s ass look good, and it pretty much made mine a stunner. That paired with a flowy black mini-skirt, and a tight black muscle shirt and a chase collar, I have to admit I was looking pretty hot. My long blonde hair I had just left down to hang halfway down my back. I shifted my small frame around in the bar seat, and looked out at the dance floor. People were dancing like mad, glow sticks everywhere gave me a pretty good idea of how many where out there. The bartender came over and smiled, leaning against the counter. He was a looker, that’s for damn sure. Jet black hair that swept deliciously, almost covering his steel cold blue eyes, and what I could see of his body was slim, tall, muscle, and pretty much what I defined as perfect. I placed my chin in my hands and let my clear green eyes roam over his body quite obviously. What did I have to lose?
“And what’ll the lady have tonight?” He asked in a siren-like voice, smooth, and sexy.
I giggled a little and blushed. I couldn’t stop myself. My creamy pale skin turned a little pink as I replied.
“Just a coke, please.” I said softly, bitingmy lip a little. He nodded and went off, and I watched his body move as he prepared my drink. It seemed as if every move he made was graceful. I stood a little in my barstool and felt myself getting a little turned on by this guy. He looked as if he could fuck like a wild calm. He came back and set my coke, a straw, and a napkin in front of me. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I happen to notice his eyes roam and linger a little on my breasts. Round, firm, and perky, my A 34 cup was perfect for my body size, not too big, not too small. My tiny wait and seductive hips finished my body off in a nice hourglass figure. I had to admit, I had a nice body. He once again leaned against the counter, blue eyes twinkling at me.
“Well, I’ve never served you before as I can remember, so I’m guessing you haven’t been here many times.” He stated, as I sipped a little on my coke, putting my soft pink lips around the straw and looking up at him as he spoke.
“Uh, actually this ismy first time here, so you’re right, you’ve definitely never served me before.” I assured him, smiling shyly and looking down at the counter. I didn’t have much confidence in the first place, and this guy wasn’t helping. I was blushing, I didn’t need a mirror to figure that one out.
“I thought so, because I would have remembered your face..’ He said, smiling a little. This guy was flirting with me! Or so I hoped. He held his hand out and smiled a little at me, I was blushing even more now, if that was possible. I reached my hand up and placed it in his and shook it softly, avoiding his eyes. His touch was slightly rough, yet smooth. I couldn’t help but think for a split second what his hands would feel like all over me.
“Seth” He said simply, squeezing my hand and then letting go. I quickly put my hands back around my cold drink and smiled. I realized with a slight jolt that he was expecting my name.
“Heh, I like that name. Um, I’m Katherine, but you can call me whatever you’d like.” I jumbled out. I smiled meekly and giggled nervously. I was acting like a fucking idiot!!! Normally guys don’t make me like this. He just nodded and smiled, almost approvingly, I thought.
“Pretty name for a gorgeous girl. No need to be so nervous, Katherine, I won’t bite.” Seth said playfully, smiling. No doubt this time, he was flirting. I sat up a little straighter. Hearing him says my name was like fire. He sent shivers down my spine.
“Is the bartender flirting with me?” I said, smiling, laughing a little.
“He is.” Seth said simply, and walked off with that, looking back once, giving that sexy smile I had grown to love. He took an order from some guy down on the end, and I watched him, not believing what I had heard. I sipped on my coke more, feeling my heart jump. I had to cross my legs tighter and shift around a little in my seat. Aroused was an understanding. I was wet and aching, and by now he could pretty much do whatever the hell he wanted with me, and I hadn’t even known him for ten minutes. His charm was overwhelming, his grace, his air of certainty, everything about him was intotoxicating. I looked down into my drink, halfway finished, and sipped some more. I silently begged for him to come back over here. I looked up and me eyes caught his gaze. In that split second of looking, I decided I would drive him just as crazy as he drove me. I smiled sweetly and bit my lip a little. I waved my hand, motioning for him to come here. He raised one of his eyesbrows and made his way over.
“Yes?” He said, smirking and staring me straight in the eyes. I had brought up enough courage to star him fully in the eye, and his steel icy blue eyes were near overwhelming. Fuck, I wanted him, and if I had my way I would have him.
“So what time do you get off of work?” I asked, biting my lip at my forward approach.
“Miss, are you flirting with the bartender?” He said in mock amazement. His eyes were laughedng.
“Hah, no, I’m flirting with this hot guy named Seth.”
“Well, in answer to your question, I get off in a few minutes, but I could get off now if I really wanted to, since Josh is here to back me up.” He said nonchalantly, not taking is eyes off of mine the entire time.
I laughed a little and stood up, taking one last sip of my coke. “Well I suggest you get off now if you wanna dance.” And with that I walked off, swinging my hips seductively, walking out to the floor.
Story Three
Silken fire played along my memory as I curled, smiling, into my bed. I was reminiscing upon a girl, a girl who ignored password and intense pleasure along my mind with the mere thought. She is mine, and I proudly claim to be her Master, and she proudly claims name as my service. I have yet to have her in such that I imagine, such that I fantasize about as I stare at her every movement. She belongs to me, and my heart belongs to her. I year to show her password like she has never known, year to set her innocent aflame, I year to please her. She is a frail being, with pure flame in her eyes. Such beauty I could never imagine spawning from any graceful being, human or other. Rich dark brown eyes, dancing with happiness at the sight of my face, brown hair flowing deliciously into her face and slightly past her small shoulders. A slim and tall body, flat pale stomach that I can barely keep my hands off of, and a long neck that gives way to prominent clavicles that sets about her an air of tender femininity. A tight, firm ass that I love to cup my hands around, and small, round breasts that I long to touch.
Thinking of her goddess-like body as I was, I could feel a tingling sensing sweep through my body, coming to a crescendo between my kegs, and I could feel myself getting wet. I ticked my fingers down my pale stomach and smiled as I continued to think of her.
I have described my girl, but I have yet to give description to myself. I’ve got blonde hair, just past my shoulders, blue eyes mixed with green and tinged along the edges with grey, which are hidden somewhat by my glasses. My lips are soft, pink and pouty. Overall, I think my face looks pretty decent, but what I’m proud of is my body. My small frame with A-34 round perky tits with pink delicate little nipples and soft, pale, creamy skin. A flat stomach and a pert, tight, ass with hips that complete an hourglass figure, and long legs for my size. That mixed with a flirtatious personality, I could most likely get whatever I wanted from whomever I wanted, but I’m not that type of person.
At that moment in my soft bed, I was clad in naught but cotton black bikini panties, and I was riled up and hot at the thought of my girl. I bit my soft bottom lip seductively and closed my eyes and hooked my middle finger on the top of my little panties and slide them down my thighs and giggled slightly as they went past my knees, finally getting lost in the mass ofcovers I had buried myself under as they slipped off my ankles. I then slide my fingers, cold from the air outside of my warm blanket haven, to my panty line, tickling past where my hair should be, but instead clean sad smooth skin replaced the hair, finally reaching my moist little cunt. I stroked my soft, wet pussy lips and a smile played on my lips as I thought of running these same fingers over my girl’s pussy, imaging her face streaked with pleasure as I pinched her little clip, imagining burying my fingers in her sweet hole, hearing her moan as she came hard onto my furiously working fingers. As I thought of fingerprint-fucking her, I slip one little finger into my begging cunt, letting out a little whimper as I slowly rotated my finger in circles, pushing as deep as my finger would go, pressing and prodding Every place I could while my other hand rubbed and pinched my aching clip. I pulled out my finger and licked my juices off, imaging what the nectar of my girl’s flower would taste like as I buried my tongue into her hole, her pussy grinding into my face as she twitched in pleasure. I reached my hand down from my mouth and pinched hard on my erect right nipple and gasped in pleasure.
Oh how I wished I could be with her at this moment, showing her inexperienced body what the real meaning of pleasure was. I threw the covers off my slightly sweating body and let the singing cold air hit my body. I once more slid my finger into my pussy, grinding into myself, feeling pleasure build up as I rubbed and pinched and rolled my pink, sensitive nipple between my finger and thumb of my other hand. I was moaning faster now, gasping and whimpering with lust as I masturbated to the thought of my girl. I couldn’t help but slip another finger into my tight, wet pussy and I worked even harder, throwing my head back as I rubbed hard on my clip.
Hope you enjoyed
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