Nymphomania: A Desire To…By. Baronde Sade
This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author.
An Erotic Fantasy from the pen of Baron Darkside, re-edited and re-released by BarondeSade…
Jolene knew that she was a nymphomaniac. Or hypersexually active, or sexually added. No one really seemed to know what it really was, she discovered, when she did some research on the subject. What she did know was she wanted sex almost all of the time. To her, there never seemed to be enough ripe, hard cock for her. Sometimes, on a good day, she could talk her husband, Ivan, into fucking two or three times, but lately he seemed to be putting her off more and more.
Now getting it once a day was a good day. She had to have more sex than that. On top of that, he was going to be gone the rest of the week on business. She didn’t know what she was going to do about the irritating itch down between her legs. It was driving her crazy. Maybe she would find a boyfriend to help her out. But who?
Just then, Frankie, her eighteen-year-old son came clomping in through the front door. Was that an omen, she sickly wondered? Strange that the moment she had asked who could be the answer to her dilemma, in walks Frankie.
Never mind that, she told herself, because we just can’t go there. That would be incest, and that’s even sicker than nymphomania. She had thought about him over the years in an odd, twisted way, but she had always been able to fight off the sick urges.
“Hi, Honey. How was school?” she asked him, unable to stop herself from glancing down at the seemingly ever-present bulge in the front of his jeans.
“Same old stuff,” he muttered, dropping his books on the table.
Now he would grab a glass of milk, she told herself, watching him stroll over to the refrigerator and pop it open. Sure enough, he grabbed the milk carton and poured himself a big glass of milk.
Now he’ll head up to his room, she told herself, admiring his muscle build.
“I’m going up to my room,” he muttered, closing the fridge and marching out of the room.
I wonder what he does up there when he gets home from school, she asked herself as she watched him climbing the stairs. As he did, she dropped her eyes down to his hard, muscle ass as it jutted out against his jeans.
Stop it, she told herself. That’s your son’s nice, hard ass. And it’s off limits.
I wonder if he goes up there and masturbates. And how big is his cock, she sickly asked herself.
How could she even think such a thing? He was her own son. But she couldn’t help it in her fevered condition. As horny as she was, she couldn’t think about anything but cock and sex. It wasn’t her fault that she was that way. Fuck, God made her that way.
Maybe she should go take a cold shower, she thought. Or get out her vibrator. But that wouldn’t be as good as a big, hard cock. She didn’t know why the craving she was feeling today was so strong. She had told herself these things before; the thought of Frankie and his cock came to her every so often, especially when Ivan was away. But she had always been able to fight the urge off. Today, though, it was more intense than she had ever felt it.
Just then, she heard Frankie clumping back down the stairs.
“Forgot my books,” he mumbled, walking over to where she was standing by the table.
“Oh,” she smiled, reaching down and picking them up.
Then as he reached for them, the back of her hand brushed up against his pants and the swollen bulge underneath them.
Oh, my God, she gasped to herself. He has a bonder. He has a hard-on. Frankie has a frigging hard-on.
Momentarily stunned by the revelation that her son had an erection, it was several moments before she moved her hand away from his swollen penis.
“Uh…uh, sorry,” she mumbled, handing the books to him.
“Uh, me, too,” he fumbled, holding his books in front himself, trying to cover the obvious bulge that jutted out of the front of his pants.
Now what, she asked herself. Here I want a cock so bad I could kill for one and there he stands sporting just what I want–a big, hard cock.
“So, what, what made you that way?” she boldly asked, glancing down at the bulge.
“Jeez, Mom,” he grunted, turning bright red and taking a step back.
“You weren’t thinking about me, were you?” she bravely asked him, thrusting her big breasts out at him.
“MOM!” Frankie exclaimed, looking down at her giant tits as they threatened to thrust out through the thin material of her blouse.
“Well, I’m not bad looking for a forty-year-old,” she smiled, “if I have to say so myself. And I can’t say as I would blow you for having initial thoughts about me.”
“MOTHER, what are you saying?” he asked her, staring at her with his mouth open and his eyes as big as silver dollars.
“Is that it? Is that why you have an…an erection?”
“MOM, jeez,” he groaned.
“Well, is it?”
“I don’t know. I, uh…I guess, so,” he complained.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” she smiled. “Does it makes you excited to look at me?”
“I guess so,” he grumbled, his face now beet red.
“It’s normal, you know,” she said. “It’s normal for boys to…to want to…want tohave sex…sex with their mother. Did you know that?”
“HUH? You mean? You mean that, that? Really?”
“Haven’t you?”
“Haven’t I…I, uh…haven’t I what?”
“Wanted, wanted to, uh, to…you know. Have sex with me?”
“JEEZ, MOM,” he gasped out, having difficult breathing. “What are you doing?”
“In fact,” she went on, “in some cultures, it is quite acceptable for mothers to sleep with their sons.”
“Yes, it is. So, have you?”
“Uh, I…I, uh…I guess so,” he mumbled.
“So you’ve wanted to have sex–have sex with me. And that’s what made you hard when…when you came down here.”
“Yes, yes, yes. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t stop it,” he blathered.
“That’s OKay,” she said softly. “Don’t blow yourself. It just happens. Some things you can’t control. They’re just the way they are.”
“Uh, okay.”
“Let me see your psych book,” she said, reaching over and taking the book out of his hand, brushing his cock with the back of her hand for a second time.
Flipping through the index, she ran her finger along a line of text and quickly turned to the page indicated.
“There,” she said, stabbing her red-tipped fingerprint down at a word. “Read that.”
“Nymphomania?” he blurted out. “What? What do you mean?”
“That’s me,” she said, looking him straight in the eye. “You didn’t know that your Mom was a nymphomaniac, did you?”
“Oh, fuck, no,” he grunted, reading the paragraph. “You…you’re a nymphomaniac? Really? I think that may be morethan I needed to know, Mom.”
“I need more…more, uh…more, sex. More sex than your Dad is giving me.”
“Mother, for Christ’s sake,” he while, pushing her hand away from his cock. “Why are you telling me this? I really don’t need to know about…about your sex life. And now, now I’ll be walking around all the time knowing that you want sex. That’s not fair. Just what am I suppose to do now?”
“I don’t really know, Frankie,” she muttered almost to herself. “I don’t know. I’m just so confused.”
Stepping back, she looked down at the books covering the bulge jutting out beneath his pants.
“How long have you been wanting to have sex with me?” she asked him.
“Mom, jeez, what are you trying to do to me?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to know how long.”
“Crap,” he cursed.
“How long?”
“Uh, a long time,” he blushed again.
“Well, just so you know,” she said, reaching down and pushing the books away from the bulge sticking out the front of his pants, “I’ve been tempted to do it with your for a long time, too. I’ve been able to fight it off, but right now, I think I want to quit fighting.”
“You mean…” he mumbled, staring at her with a look of astonishment on his face.
“How…how big are you?”
“MOM,” he groaned.
“Just tell me how big it is.”
“MOM, you’re really embarrassing me,” he fussed. “Bad.”
“I’m sorry,” she told him. “I just want to know how big you are.”
“Big enough,” he finally muttered.
“How big? I’m sure you’ve measured it. All boys are obsessed with the size of their dickey-do’s.”
“Jeez. Do mother’s know everything?” he grumbled.
“Just about,” she laughed softly. “How big?”
“Seven…Seven-and-a-half…half inches,” he stuttered bashfully.
“Seven-and-a-half-inches? Really? That’s large.”
“”I, uh…I looked it up on the net,” he said, blushing even brighter, “and it says only ten percent of men have one bigger…”
“Your father’s cock, uh, penis, is six inches long. Just average, I’m afraid. I looked on the net, too. “
“Really? I thought it would be bigger.”
“Well, it’s not,” she smiled at him. “So you’re quite the stud. Bigger than ninety percent of the men in the world. I’m impressed.”
“Mom, stop it,” he grinned sheepishly.
"Would…would you let me see it?” she asked him, glancing down at the lump.
“MOM. Are you fuc…–uh, crazy?” he complained. “Are you just teasing me?”
“I…I just, just want to look at it,” she said nervously, realizing that when she saw his big, hard cock it would all be over but the shouting.
“Is this for real?” he muttered, staring into her eyes. “You really want to see my co…uh…my…penis?”
“Yes,” she snorted. “I want to see your cock.”
“But, it’s wrong for me to show you my penis. That’s incest, isn’t it?”
“No. That’s just me looking at your cock,” she corrected him, “and incest, that…that doesn’t happen until…or…when we…we have sex.”
“Are you sure? It just…just doesn’t seem right.”
“I’m sure,” she smiled. “I’m your mother, and aren’t mothers always right?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess so,” he mumbled. “Do you…you really want me to show you my cock?”
“Yes. Yes, I do,” she said.
She watched him as he reached over and laid his books on the table. Then he looked down and slowly reached down to his belt buckle. She could see that he was nervous as his fingers were shaking while he deliberately unbuckled his pants. Then he slowly unsnapped the catch on his pants and ran the zipper down.
She was mortified by what she was doing as she stood watching him urgently push his pants down and let them fall to the floor. Now she could easily make out the outline of his seven-and-a-half-inch penis lurking under the thin cotton of his underpants. It was so big, the purple tip of its head was sticking out from under the waistband of his white, cotton jumpey shorts.
Glancing up at her, he hooked histhumbs under the waistband of his jumpey shorts and shyly eased them down over his hips. As he did, his cock big, hard jumped out into the open.
“You’re right,” she smiled, openly staring down at her son’s impressive penis. “It’s a nice one. How many girls have you used it on before?”
“MOTHER! Jesus…”
“I mean, you…you have…have had sex, before, right?”
“Yes. What? You think I’m a friggin’ virgin? Jeez, Mom, I’m eighteen,” he complained, not knowing whether to cover it back up again or just what to do.
“Would you…would you like to live out your fansies about me?”
“What?” he gulped loudly.
“Do you want to fuck me?”
“Do you really mean it?”
“You want to fuck me and I want to fuck you. I need more cock and you want more pussy. Sounds like apact made in heaven, don’t you think?”
“Damn,” he cursed, running his eyes up and down her body, not believing what she had just offered him. “Damn, yes.”
“If you want to,” she told him, not believing the words that were coming out of her mouth.
She was crazier than a loon, she told herself. She was actually asking her own son if he wanted to fuck her. How could she stop to such depths of depravity? How could she really think she could go through with such moronic nonsense? He was her son. She was stark, raving mad. How could she even think such a thing, much less go through with it?
“I…I…I’ll do it,” he stammered anxiously. “I’ll do it with you, if you want…want me to.”
“Oh, you’re sure,” she wanted to know. “You don’t sound too convincing. I’m not all that ugly, am I?”
“No, of course you're not! I’m sure. Are you crazy? Yes…yes, I want to,” he fell. “I’ve wanted…wanted to do it to you forever. I’m just a little stunned that you…you asked me to, uh…to do it, uh…do it to you. That’s all. It’s not every day that your mother asks you to fuck her.”
“Well, uh, why don’t you…you go take a shower,” she smiled at him, reaching over and running a red-tipped finger up the underside of his twitching cock. “Then come on down to my room.”
“Jeez. Oh, fuck. Oh, God,” he babbled. “You really mean it?”
“Yes, I really mean it,” she smiled, knowing down deep inside that she would surely go to hell for what she was about to do. “Go. Go do it.”
“Holy crap,” he grew, leaning down and jerking his pants and shorts back up his slender legs.
She watched him shuffling along, holding his pants up around his wait as he hurried up the stairs and towards his room.
She was the most wicked woman in the world, she chatisised herself as she hurried along behind him.
How? How could she? How could she do such a heinous thing to her own son? She was about to ruin their lives and all she could think about was his hard cock and the fire burning down between her legs. How gross. Roast in hell, bitch. That was what she was about to do.
Speeding down to her bedroom, she jumped into the shower and took a quick power shower. Moments later she stepped out of the shower and quickly shunned off. Striding back into the bedroom with her gigantic tits flouncing every which way, she throw open the drawers to her dresser. Digging around inside, she quickly pulled out a black bra, garter-belt, crotchless panties, hose and a pair of elbow length, sheer gloves. Hastily pulling everything on, and stepping into a pair of red, siletto heels, she had barely finished, and just sat down on the corner of the bed when she heard a timing knock on her door.
“Come in, Honey,” she cooed, watching the door.
The door slowly swung open to reveal Frankie promptly standing in the doorway.
“God, Mom,” he groaned, staring at her with open adoration. “You’re beautiful.”
“Why, thank you, Honey,” she purred, scooting back onto the bed and getting up onto her knees. “Come on over here.”
“Mother,” Frankie groaned. “You…your tits are so fucking awesome. And so big. And so fucking pretty.”
Smiling, she watched him as he slowly stepped towards the bed, running his eyes up and down her body as he did.
Resting her hands on her thighs, she shrugged her shoulders, letting the shoulder straps of her bra slide half way down her arms as she smiled at him.
“Uh, what…what do you want me to…to do?"; he asked her, standing by her bed looking down at her, with his erect staff twitching anxiously.
Leaning forward, she let the bra straps slide down farther, almost dropping down off her tits.
“I want you to fuck me,” she grew out, rolling over onto her back and looking up at him.
As he gawked down at her, she spread her legs apart revealing the drooling wetness that awaited him between her outstretched legs.
“Bring that big cock up here,” she muttered, reaching up and grabbing hold of the bed frame.
Frankie stumbled onto the bed and clambered up between her outstretched legs.
“Now what?” he asked looking down at her.
“What do you think? Stick your cock in my fucking cunt, you silly twit,” she giggled.
Grabbing his cock, she quickly guided it down to the seeing gash of pink flesh peeking out of the opening of the sheer, black panties as heleaned down over her.
God, how desperate can I be for some cock? I don’t care whose cock it is; any cock’ll do, even my son’s cock, she thought, as she fitted the big, round head of his cock into the slippery opening of her vagina.
“Oooohh, baby,” Jolene moaned. “Shove that gorgeous cock of yours into my cunt.”
With a grunt, Frankie pushed his cock down into the hot, wet slit between his mother’s quivering thighs.
“Oh, Frankie, Baby,” she gurgled, feeling his man-sized price penetrating the moist constriction of her pussy.
“Fuck me, Frankie, fuck me. I need your cock, so bad.” Jolene wheezed, as she felt his belly slap down against hers. “Give it to me hard and deep, Baby.”
“Jeez, Mom, you’re so tight. It feels so good,” he groaned, as Jolene jerked her hips upwards, letting him slide the entire length of his eager cock intoher cunt.
Frankie ecstatically starred down into her steamy eyes as he held his cock buried in the tight, clutching depths of her cunt. Finally, resting his weight on his elbows, he began to move his hips up and down, slowly at first, and then much faster as he got the rhythm.
In moments, he was struggling his cock in and out of her like a pro as Jolene hunted herself back up at him.
It was even better than she imagined it would be, she feverishly thought, as she began to fuck him back. Not only had she found the answer to her dilemma, the answer was even bigger and better than she had a right to hope for.
She wasn’t sure she was crying from shame or happiness as the tears rolled down her cheeses. Whichever, she was joyous that she had found the answer to her nymphomania. She knew that she could have all the cock she would ever want now. Her son’s big, hard cock.
Clawing at the bedspread, twisting her head from side to side, she jerked her hips up and down, fucking back at her son’s thrusting cock.
The friction of his thick cock-shaft sliding in and out of her tingling cunt felt wonderful. And as his cock was bigger than Ivan’s cock, it filled her to the brim with its hardness. Big enough to fill her pussy and stroke her towards an orgasm as the sensitive lips of her cunt clutched and pulled at his invading peter.
“Fuck me, Frankie. Fuck my cunt with your big cock!” she groaned through gritted teeth.
She saw that Frankie was looking down between them at her played thighs, watching his glistening, juice-drenched cock slide in and out of her cunt. Looking down at herself, she saw her pink cunt lips cling to the shake of his pistoning prick as he withdraw, and then it disappeared back inside as he plugged it back into her.
Grunting and moaning with lust, Jolene lifted her legs, drawing her knees back and shoving her hot, clinging cunt up at her son’s lunging cock. Ivan liked to fuck her like this, with her legs bent and pulled back against her tits. It offered him the deepest penetration, and made her clip rub hard up against his hammering pubic bone.
Frankie was really getting it on, she deliciously thought, as frantic pounding of his hips drive the air from her lungs in loud pants. Yes, she loved the fucking he was giving her pussy. Loved it and wanted even more as she gasped and whimpered. But she knew it would never be enough. It never was. As soon as the momentary afterglow of her orgasm faded, she would have to have it again, and again, and again. It was never enough. Not for her…
Looking up into his face, she could see that he was surprised that she was enjoying it so much.
“Oh God, I love the way you fuck me, Frankie! Fuck me real hard! Ram your big cock into my hot, juicy cunt, Baby. Fuck me hard. Hard. Hard!”
“I’mfucking, fucking, you, fucking you, hard, hard,” Frankie grunted out between thrusts as he pounded his cock in and out of her drooling cunt. “Talk, talk, dirty, to, me, Mother. Talk, dirty.”
“Ooooooooh! Yessss, Frankie, Baby. Fuck me hard and come in my cunt. I want to feel your hot cum squirt out into my pussy. Do it. Do it and make me come,” she blabbered out, furiously humping herself up at him as he slammed his cock in and out of her at a frantic pace.
Jolene was on fire, her whole body burning up with the password of the moment. Since this was their first time, she thought that Frankie would have been so excited, he wouldn’t last more than a few seconds. But now, five minutes later, he was still going strong, pounding his cock into her like a madman. She loved it, as her cunt clapped his cock each time he pulled back and then expanded to take every inch of it when he plunged it back inside her juicy cunt.
Throwing her legs wider apart, she unselfishly offered up her pussy to him, accepting every frenzied thrust of his fevered attack on her cunt.
Suddenly, a whimper escaped her lips as she felt the spreading heat of an orgasm fill her clutching cunt and unfold itself out over her body. Writhing in ecstasy, her eyes fluttered as she looked up at Frankie. As she did, she could see him grimacing as he tried to hold back his eruption while she furiously milked his pistoning prick.
Her eyes glazed over as she stared up at him in an ecstatic daze. There was a look of exultation and conquest on his young face. She could only imagine what must be swirling through his mind as he drew closer and closer to his own climax. A climax that would finish with him filling her cunt with his hot cream for the first time.
“Oh, fuck, coming, coming, coming, coming,” she gasped as waves of pleasure surged outwards from the firey core of her cunt.
Frankie fucked her even harder as he heard her cry out, his hips pumping up and down at a frantic pace. As his cock rocketed in and out of her accommodating cunt, it filled her clinging pussy with its hot, throbbing hardness.
It was just what she needed, she deliciously thought as she felt her cunt melt down around his thrusting hardness. Suddenly, everything became a blur as her eyes went out of focus. But her son’s prick continued to slam in and out of her fuck-hole with jackhammer force. Straining, she thrust herself back up at him, grinding her clip against her son’s pubis as she came and came and came in a surge of mindless ecstasy.
“Frankie, Ohhhhhh, Frankie,” she moaned.
Frankie was beginning to show the strain. His young face was still screwed up into a grimace and his eyes were half-closed as he gasped for breath. But his hips continued to slash up and down as he hammered his cock into her spasming cunt.
Wanting evenMore, she throw her hands down and dug her fingers into his bounding ass. Clawing at his bouncing ass, she urged him to fuck her even harder as she keep on coming and coming around his pistoning prick.
With the full fury of her orgasm crashing down on her, she shook and shuddered her way through the devastating upheaval. Her gigantic tits slashed back and forth slapping up against her chin as they sloshed back and forth in rhythm with his frenetic assault on her pussy. Wave after wave of mind-blowing ecstasy poured over her as she bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming out her delight. She couldn’t believe how wonderful it was.
Jolene’s wild, orgasmic gyrations were finally enough to push Frankie over the edge. With a loud, grunting pant, he throw back his head and slammed his prick into her as hard and deep as he could.
She could feel the heat of the thick river of rich cum pouring into her cunt, coating its sensitive lining with its sticky potency as his cock lurched and jerked, sending out jet after jet of his toxic jism into her. While it did, she felt herself slipping deeper and deeper into the mindless ecstasy of her own orgasm. Gobs and gobs of his hot semen spurted out of his jerking cock, filling her cunt with its venomous evil as she droveled in the sheer wickedness of their incestuous union
As he came, Frankie grabbed her big, sweaty boobs and gripped them tightly. He twisted and squeezed the slick, jiggling title-flesh as she moaned out her joy while his cock continued to buck and jump inside her pussy. It quickly filled her pussy to the point of overflowing with a full load of his sappy cream.
Jolene cried out in shame and ecstasy. Her son was coming inside her. She had let her own son fuck her. Fuck her! And now he was flooding her throbbing cunt with his hot, sticky jism. Flooding her clutching cunt with what felt like cups of his hot, creamy sap.
As she felt his penis spewing out its noxious payload of foamy cum, Jolene milked him harder and harder. Straining as she did, she was desperate to suck out every single drop of his young, sperm-filled essence.
“Come in me, baby. Come in me,” she cried, digging her heels into his ass and urging him on with her whole body. “Come in my hot cunt and fill it up with your hot cum. Fill my cunt up with your nasty stuff.”
Frankie groaned and hunted into her harder as he emptied his balls into her goo-filled fuck-hole. Pulling him deeper into her, Jolene squeezed his ass cheeks with both hands, digging her fingers in and pulling his cock deeper and deeper inside her insatiable snatch.
Suddenly, Jolene felt Frankie’s hips began to slowly rock back and forth again. Then, to her delicious delight, she realized he wasn’t finished with her. He was going to fuck her again, even after he’d just finished coming.
Overjoyed thatshe wouldn’t have to experience the familiar cycle of shame and deprivation that always led back to the feeling of emptiness, she pulled his mouth down and crushed her lips against his.
Although not steel-hard like before, she could feel that his cock was still able to hard despite his obviously mind-blowing orgasm. But then most teenage boys were like that, Jolene sickly thought to herself, remembering her past. He’s just a chip off the old block, she dementedly thought. He can’t get enough pussy. And I can’t get enough cock.
What a pair we’ll make, she crazy laughed to herself, as she clutched her cunt down around his pistoning cock.
“Ooooh, you wonderful boy,” Jolene crooned, wiggling her ass and hunting back up at him. “You’re still hard.”
“Unh-huh,” he grinned proudly. “Just for you.”
They giggled at their childish chatter as Frankie kept pumping his price in and out of her sopping cunt. Jolene knew her clip was sticking out like a little, pink dick and she could feel it pleasantly rasping against the shake of his cock as it slide in and out of her jism-filled cunt. Jolene couldn’t believe it, but within seconds, she could feel the familiar ache of another orgasm building in her loins.
“Yeah, Baby, fuck Mommy some more,” Jolene panted. “Fuck Mommy good and hard again. Fuck Mommy and make me come again.”
Jolene could feel Frankie’s big balls wetly slapping up against her ass at the end of each stroke as she lay sprayed on her back below him.
Her son, Frankie, seemed to be a nymphomaniac’s dream come true. He was fucking her again, she feverishly thought. Her wildest wishes had been fulfilled…and in the most unimiginable way. Fulfilled by her own flesh and blood. Now, maybe her insatiable craving for hard cock could be satisfied. But down deep insideshe knew it wouldn’t. She had never been completely satisfied in her whole life. As soon as the wonderful pleasure slowly waned, the monster would reemerge and fill her cunt with its sick demands…
But for the moment, her sick cravings were being satisfied.
Staring up into her son’s lust-filled eyes, she smiled and began jerking her ass up and down off the bed, humping him back as he Leisurely fucked her.
Yes, he was the immediate answer to the hunger that prowled the depths of her hot cunt. At least, for now. But, still, no matter what, it wouldn’t be enough. And here, even as she wants wiggled her ass around, taking every last million of his beautiful cock every time he slammed it down into the hot, clutching cunt-hole between her legs, she wanted more. She was acting more like the lovesick teenager than he was. How could she let herself do anything so bravely wicked and perverted? A part of her was appallalled by what she had done, yet another part of her was momentarily happy.
Well, what was done was done. Now they had to live with what they had created. And she was bound to make it work out. After all, he was a transitory answer. People would say it was wrong if they knew, but she didn’t care. It was too good. Life was too short, and you had to take what pleasure you could get, no matter what the source. As long as nobody found out, what harm would it do? Besides, he had such a lovely hard prick.
“Fuck me, Baby. Fuck me,” she purred, furiously working her cunt down around his pistoning prick.
Frankie eagerly complied sliding his prick in and out of the sucking tightness of her hot, wet cunt, faster and faster.
“Oh, Baby, that feels so good,” she murmured. “You fuck so good.”
“So do you, Mom,” he groaned out, working his hips back and forth even faster.
As Frankie fucked her, he wriggled his hips around, twirling his cock round and round in the gooey, warm tightness of her hot pussy.
Then he stopped and began thrusting into her, steadily fucking his rock-hard cock deeper and deeper into her cunt with every stroke. Jolene compromised in pleasure as her son gave her the fucking she had been wanting for so long.
As he fucked her, her hot clutching cunt contracted wetly, violently sucking at his pistoning cock and making loud, slurping sounds.
“Yeah, Honey, yeah! Fuck me hard,” she groaned, lifting her legs as high as she could and drawing her ankles over his shoulders.
Frankie was soon fucking her with powerful, hard strokes, driving his cock into her hot, slippery cunt all the way to the hilt with every stroke,driving his cock into her with a ferocity she had never known. She could feel the big, rubbery head of his cock plumbing virgin depths in her cunt. He was going where no man had gone before him,filling her with his big cock as she had never been filled before.
Suddenly Frankie drive his cock into her and crushed her enormous tits under his chest. For several seconds, he just lay atop her, staring down into her lust-glazed eyes as she furiously milked his cock with her hungry cunt.
“Don’t stop now, Frankie, please,” she begged him.
Frankie slowly pulled his cock out of her clinging pussy, withdrawing it until only the big, tapered head remained inside its slippery opening. Then with a grunt, he plugged all seven-and-a-half inches back into her creamy cunt-hole.
“Unhhh,” she wheezed, fighting to catch her breath.
Then he began humping her as her ankles bounced on his shoulders. Panting and gasping for air, Frankie was feverishly fucking her as she pumped her throbbing pussy up against the base of his cock every time he drove it into her.
“Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me,”she chanted vulgarly.
Frankie gradually uploaded the pace, sliding his juice-slick pricing in and out of her pussy with a vengeance.
My God, she groaned to herself, I’ve created a monster. They had already been fucking for more than thirty minutes and the sex-crazed boy showed no indication of stopping any time soon.
It had been such a long time since Jolene had been so royally fucked. Ivan was a good fuck, she deliciously thought, but Frankie’s enthusiasm for the sport was unmatched. He would apparently do anything to satisfy his need for pussy, she mindlessly thought. She loved the way he eagerly pistoned his lovely cock in and out of her cunt as the swollen lips of her cunt hungrily nipped at it.
The bedsprings were creaking and groaning in protest as Frankie hammered his cock into her, making the whole bed shake and shudder.
“Yeah, harder,” she muttered, reaching down and digging her fingers into hisbounding ass once again.
The slap of their sweaty bellies smoking together filled Jolene’s ears with its sick harmony as Frankie fucked her as hard as he could. She could feel her hot, sticky juices pouring out of her clutching cunt as Frankie’s cock loudly slurped in and out of her sloppy puss.
Jolene knew that the hot juices in her cunt were being churned into a slushy mess by her son’s pistoning prick as it tiredly sloshed in and out of her.
Frankie kept fucking her as hard as he could, panting into her sweaty face as he wildly drilled his dick in and out of her juice-filled pussy. Jolene humped up to meet his strokes, her cunt getting wetter and hotter as her pussy-lips contracted down around the barrel of his pistoning prick.
Mother and son fucked in rhythmic unison, mindlessly oblivious to everything except the torrid pleasure of their coupling.
As the demonic, two-headed monster compromised and thRashed about on the bed, Jolene’s gigantic tits wetly sloshed back and forth in rhythmm with the hammering her pussy was taking.
Frankie seemed unstoppable as he doggedly slammed his peter in and out of the gushing gash between her legs.
Finally, Jolene felt it start again. Stirring deep down in the hot, clutching core of her pussy, an ember of satanic delight sprang up. An ember of password that quickly blossomed into a conflagration of ecstasy as her cunt began to spasm and contract down around her son’s rampaging cock.
“Oh, God, commmminnnggg againnnn, Fuck me, oh, fuck me, oh, fuck, oh, commmiiinnnnggggg,” she choked out.
Jolene’s pussy spasmed violently, as wave after wave of heart-stopping pleasure poured over her, making her faith from the intensity of it. She was oblivious to everything but her son’s pistoning malignancy as she let herself be totally consumed by her orgasm. While she came, her hot fuck-juices spewed out around the base of Frankie’s cock, coating his balls with its sticky heat.
“Fuck, MOTHER,” Frankie grew, shoving his cock down into her cunt all the way up to his juice-coated balls. “Commminnngggtoooo.”
Jolene felt her son’s second load of jism spurt out and fill her cunt, bathing it with its hot stickiness.
Frankie’s virile young cock spewed out its lethal load of superheated jism, filling her cunt and heaving womb with its evil potential. Filling the very same womb that had noble him to life with its hot, clinging essence. Now he was returning his potential liquor to her womb and offering up his young, virile elixir as a sacrifice of retribution to her. Offering up a sacrifice that might someday grow to fruition in her hot, quivering womb.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, a feeling of utter content flowed through Jolene’s loins. Smiling up at him in a stupor, she lovingly worked her cunt-muscles on his spurting cock, urging him to complete the act and empty his balls into her cunt.
At last, she felt his price stop firing off inside of her cum-drenched pussy.
She could tell that Frankie was exhausted as he slowly eased his shrinking penis out of her sopping pussy. Collapse down beside her, he looked up at her and smiled lovingly. Reaching out, Jolene hugged him to her and kissed him tenderly.
“Thank you. That was wonderful. You were so good,” she criticized him lavishly.
“So were you, Mother,” he murmured dreamy. “It was awesome. The best fuck ever.”
“This is just the start, Dear,” she bubbled happily. “The start of a wonderful, wonderful thing.”
“I know, Mom, I know,” he grinned tiredly. “But I still can’t believe it happened.”
“I can’t either, but you’vesaved your Nympho Mom from a life of frustration,” she said giving his flaccid penis a suggestive squeeze.
“But Mom, I can’t ever get enough,” he complained. “It’s like when I finish, I want more in a few minutes. There’s never enough…”
“I know, Baby, I know,” she murmured. “Believe me, I know…”
Then, even as she basked in the soft, warm halo of contentment that always followed her gratification, Jolene felt it again. The hungry, insatiable monster that dwelled down inside the chasm between her legs was slowly awakening. Then spreading itself out, it began to grow. It had to have more…more of her son’s cock to satisfy its democratic needs. And woefully, she knew she would never be free of its devilish hold on her…
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