I have this idea long time ago, and zyzx have written a story “Alicia’s story” base on it. However there is some difference between the two, so I have take time to write another one. I know I’m not a good writer, and my spelling suck, but hope your guys enjoy it (first you may have understand my poor writing).
Allison’s Nightmare
“Mom, you got to help me, I don’t know what to do!” On one Saturday night Allison received a phone call from her son, John. John’s voice was shaking in the phone; Allison can sense his fear through his desperate tone.
” What happened?” Allison asked.
“I was stupid, really stupid! I shall never start gambling at the first place!” John began to tell his mother what had happened, and she was both angry and frustrated.
John is a 17yrs old high school student, and he is the star quarterback in the football team. Due to his excellent performance in the high school football team, an outer state major university scholarship was offered to him. His mother Allison is an English teacher in his high school. In her old high school years, Allison was a cheerleader and an elected homecoming queen in the senior prom. Allison is 36yrs old, but ageing has not leave its mark on her beauty. She had a long silky straight blonde hair, and sexy blue eyes. Allison was always a nature beauty; she doesn’t even need makeup to look good.
After giving birth to John, Allison has gained a few weights. As a self-aware wife, Allison has signed up for gym section and joins a yoga class to maintain a perfect body shape. Due to such effort, Allison was able to maintain a smooth flat abs and her highly tilt firm breasts even after breast-feeding John. Allison was always the center of attention at both her gym and yoga section. Every time she walks into the yoga studio, her sexy long leg becomes the main attention for the all males, and envy for the other women. A magazines director that came to the yoga studio to pick up his wife even ask Allison to become the cover model for his magazine. However the offer was refused by Allison in the end.
In school Allison has no problems keeping the attention of her students (not to mention their father’s). However being beautiful, it’s both a pleasure and a pain for Allison’s teaching career. Allison regularly receives love letters from unknown strangers in her teacher’s mailbox, some are sweet and some are disgusting sexually harassing letters. A couple years earlier, one of her student even tries to sexual assault her in the parking lot. Fortunately, she escaped and called the police. This student was explored from school and arrested by the police.
John’s father, Steve Smith is the alderman of the community. With the end of his alderman term coming, Steve is trying to run for mayor in this little suburb town. John’s family was well respect in the community, since every family members are very successful, the Smiths are considered the model family of the community.
Being the model for other teens, and keeping the family’s reputation, a lot of pressure was put on John by both his father and mother. Like most of the male teen, John has his rebellious side. He starts to hang around bars with his foot team friends.
“Come on John, give me some money to shut this guy up!”
“Drinking is one thing but gambling! Let’s just get out of here, Pete!”
“Yeah kids, go home and cry to your mama!”
“Here is the money, big shot! Let me show you how to play!”
A couple of weeks before, John was pressure by his friend Pete to play card with strangers in a bar. At the beginning, John won a few thousands of dollars. John thought lady “luck” was on his side, and slowly he became addicted to playing cards. As time pass, John’s ‘luck” was finally wear out, he lost all that he has won,but he believes his “luck” will come back, so he start to borrow money from the books in the bar.
Finally, at this Saturday, when John arrives in the bar, he was surrounded by a group of huge men. One of the men takes out a signed contract, and tells him that he has owed them over half a million, and they demand payment.
“Half a mill, I swear to god, I never borrowed such big amount of money. They told me that is the interest plus the principle. They said if I don’t pay them back, they will kill me. Those guys are not kidding, you got to help me, mom!”
“Stay clam, tell me where you are, and I will be there in a minute.” Allison grabs her purse and got into her car. Minutes later Allison arrives at the bar where John had directed her. Although it was late at night but there were still a lot of people going in and out of the bar. As Allison parked her car, she called John on his cell phone.
“John, I’m at the parking lot right now, wHere are you?”
“Mom… Um…I am in the office of the bar, you just walk straight into bar, and you will see the office.” John replied.
As Allison step into the bar, there was shouting, smoke, and loud music all over the place. She saw people playing card, smoking and dancing like they were on some sort of narcotic. What surprise Allison was there were a lot of teenage boys and girls among the crowd.
“Why does John hang out with these lowlifes,” Allison asked herself.
“Hey sexy, come here, let’s me buy you a drink!”
“Hi babe, are you alone, let me show you a good time!”
On the way to the bar office, Allison’s mature body becomes the center of attention for the male in the bar. She was even approached by several men, she was disgusted by the way how those men look at her. However with more important task at hand, she walk away quietly.
Finally Allison reaches the door of the office, once she open the door, she saw John sitting at a sofa and he was surrounding by a group of mean looking men. A men dress in a black suit was sitting on an office chair at the center of the room; he had been staring at Allison’s body once upon her arrival.
“You must be Mrs. Smith, you look pretty in person than in the picture of community news paper. You see, Johnny boy here owe us half a million dollars, would you kindly to pay for your son’s debt.” The men in black suit asked as he get up from his chair and walk towards Allison.
As a wife of a politician and a well-respected woman figure at the community, Allison had been in control of most aspects of her life. She had never submitted to any threat, and not even at the hand of such lowlife.
“My son would never borrow such large amount of money, this must be a scheme.” Allison speaks face to face with the men in the black suit.
“How much do you really borrow from those lowlifes? Tell me John, you don’t need to be scare.” Allison turns her face and ask her son.
“Um… about fifteen thousands, I’m really sorry, mom.”
“Here is a check for twenty thousands dollars, I think there is enough for the interest. If you want to avoid the police get involved in this matter, just take the check and let us go!” Allison wrote a check and thrown it on the table.
“Mrs. Smith, you son had signed a borrowing contract with us, and according to the contract your son owe us five hundred thousand not twenty thousand thousand thousands.”
“This is loan sharking, I’m not paying a single cent more! Let’s go John! Let’s get out of here!” Allison walks toward John and grab his hand.
Both of them try to walk out of the office, but the two huge men stand in front of the door won’t budget. The rest of the men in the room start to close in and surrounded the mother and son.
“If any of you try to touch me and my son, I swear all of you will wakeup in jail tomorrow!” Allison turns around and shouts at the man in black suit.
“Very well, if this is your choice. I hope you don’t come to regret it!” The man in black suit gives the rest of men a hand signal, and the rest of men back away from the door.
“Mom…sorry, I swear I won’t do it again. Please don’t tell dad.” John said while they were inside Allison’s car.
“How could you be so stupid? This would ruin your life, I hope you learn your lesson. We were lucky this time; I was really scared inside the bar. Don’t even do it again.” Allison wipes her tears as she drove the car away.
The rest of the week went by peacefully, John had change since the incident, now he spent more time at home studying rather than staying all night long out at the street with his so call friend. However the moment of peace was shattered, when Allison received a phone call from the hospital. John has a bad knee injury while playing againstAnother school.
When Allison arrive at the hospital, her husband Steve came out of the waiting room and walked towards her.
“So how is he,” Allison asked.
“Honey, John got hit really hard, the doctor said it’s going to take time for his knee to heal.”
“How could this happen.” Allison cry as she thrown herself into Steve’s arm.
“It’s going to be ok, let’s go see John together.” Steve hugged and kissed Allison’s front head.
Allison followed Steve, trying to recompose herself to support and comfort John. She became extremely nervous as she approached the room.
“How are you, John. Is your knee still hurt?” Allison asked John.
“It’s better now.”
“What happens?” Allison asked.
“They did it on purpose, I never see people play like that!” John was angry.
“John was holding the ball, two large defending linemen came up and tackle him. It’s just an accident, the doctor said you will be heal in time. Now you will need some rest.” Steve answered.
A week passed by quickly, John was released to go home on Friday. His knee was heavily wrapped and he would have to stay off his feet. Steve was busy with his job, now with the election at hand, he even seldom comes home from work. Therefore Allison was in charge of bringing John home.
After John settles down at home, Allison was going back to the school. On the way to school, her cell phone ring, and there was a text message from a anonymous user, which it said “Is John feeling better now, hope he likes our gift. Glad that he wasn’t hit in head, so he will still remember our contract. Ps. Hope you will like the next gift.”
It is clear a threat from the men at the bar, Allison start to wondered if John’s misfortune had anything to do with the man in black suit. Allison wanted to call the police, but exposure of such matter will destroy the familyReputation since now her husband is running for mayor. What will people think if they find out the Smith have a gambling problem son?
Luckily, Allison had a police friend. Mary was a friend of hers since she was a kid. The two of them had been fairly close until they graduated from high school. Eventually, Allison became a teacher, while Mary became a police officer. The two kept in touch, often meeting once a year to talk and catch up. Now Allison would really like Mary’s help on John’s matter.
Allison calls Mary, and Mary tells Allison to meet her in a restaurant after Allison gets off from work.
“I am sorry to hear about what happened to John,” Mary said. “It was in the sports section of the paper.” Mary and Allison started their conversation after they got to the restaurant.
“Yeah, it was bad, but he is expected to recover,” Allison said. “But that was only the tip of the ice berg for the week." She then went on to tell Mary about John’s gambling debt, the men in the bar, and the text message that she receives.
“So what do you think, if they are the one that causes the injury to my son, what can I do to protect my family? You know my husband is running for mayor, we don’t want this matter to go public.” Allison asked.
“I will see what I can do. I will check out the bar that you describe, and I hope I will find out something on those men.”
“”I really appreciate your help, Mary” Allison said.
“Ok, enough talk, I’m really thirsty, let’s order a drink.” Mary said. “Our waiter seems to be too busy. What would you like me to get you to drink?”
“Oh,” Allison said. “You know margarita sounds good right about now.”
“A margarita it is,” Mary said. “I will be right back.”
Marry walked back to the bar to order their drinks. Allison started to lookover the menu and thinking about dinner. A few minutes later, Mary came back with their drinks. She handed Allison her drink and the two started to drink. They had small talk until the waiter came by and took their order.
Half way through their meal, Allison began feeling dizzy and nauseous. She had stopped eating.
“Are you OK,” Mary asked.
“All of a sudden, I got dizzy and don’t feel well,” Allison said.
“You don’t look well,” Mary said.
“I don’t know what happened, but I am getting sleepy,” Allison said.
“We should get you to the hospital,” Mary said.
“No, I should be OK,” Allison said. “I think I just need rest at home.”
“You’re not driving in that condition,” Mary said. She then called over the waiter and asked for the check. As Mary paid the check, Allison began to close hereyes.
“Allison, don’t close your eyes,” Mary said. “Stay with me.”
“I just got tired all of a sudden,” Allison said.
The waiter came back with her change and Mary helped Allison to her feet.
“I am going to drive you back,” Mary said. “We are going to leave your car here and pick it up in the morning.”
“Okay, thanks for helping me,” Allison said.
“No need to thank me,” Mary said. “That’s what friends are for.”
Mary walked Allison back to her car and put Allison in the passenger seat. Once inside the car, Allison fell unconscious. Mary then drove away from the restaurant.
When Allison wakes up, she had a pounding headache. But even more shockingly, she found herself naked and stretched out and bound over a medical examination table. Her legs were strapped into stirrups at the bottom of the tableWhile her hands were bound to the table above her head. She then heard a familiar male voice. Her vision was blurred, but Allison was able to make out a face.
“You can’t possibly think that you could get away that easily, could you,” a male voice asked.
Allison recognized the voice, it was the man in black suit in the bar.
“How did I get here, I know your voice, you are the man from the bar. What are you going to do with me? Let me go!” Allison shouted in her dazed state.
“Well, you can call me Mr. T. About how you get here, I can only said our organization is well connected,” the man in black suit said.
“Extremely well connected,” said an approaching female voice. It was Mary. “You really think you can walk away from your son’s debt.”
Allison was still pretty groggy. She was confused. Questions ran through her mind. How did she get there? Why didn't she remember anything?
“What you are doing is illegal, let me go. Or else…!” Allison shouted.
“Or else what, call the police. Let our police friend explain it to you.” Mr. T answer.
“”Legality is a relative term, John owes a tremendous amount of money to us. The organization is so well connected, you can say that your debt to the organization, is also a debt to the police apartment, the city or even more.” Mary answered.
“Allison, you really need to understand something about the organization,” Mr. T said to her while standing over her. “We are a very well connected group of individuals. While you think that you were able to take control of your life again, you are sadly mistaken.”
“You are the one that set up John’s accident, didn’t you,” Allison asked.
“Didn’t you get our message? Well, everyone has their price. To create a accident in a football game is not so difficult.” Mr. T said.
Allison was horrified. Seeing that they did this to her kid, what would they do to her? Now she laid before they bound helped to a medical table. As Allison laid there, she heard the wheels of medical trays being rolled up to the table besides her. She turned her head and saw Mary rearrangeing some tools and instruments on the tray.
“Why did you do it, Mary. I thought we were friend!” Allison asked Mary.
“In high school, you were always the smart and popular girl who always got her way. You always got your way, no matter who you used or stepped on. So when this opportunity came up, well, let’s just say I didn’t hesitate to help out.” Mary said.
“But I trusted you,” Allison began to say through her tears.
“Well, you can now trust us to take good care of you,” Mary said. She the reached down for a syringe. She then turned to look at the Mr. T.
“Shall I,” she asked waiting for instruction from the Mr. T.
“Yes, go ahead,” he said to Mary. He then pulled up a chair and sat down next to Allison.
“What are you going to do me!” Allison was scared about what they going to inject her with. She tried to fight her way off of the table, but her efforts were useless. Mr. T reached down to hold her down.
“What a nice body you have, I can’t believe that you are 36yrs old. I’m going to enjoy every inch of your body after that. What are you waiting for, stick it in!” While holding Allison, Mr. T didn’t forget to use his other hand to exploit Allison’s body.
After hearing the command, Mary turned Allison’s arm in a position so that she can insert the needle.
“You may feel a pinch,” Mary said. With that Allison feel the needle go into her arm
After the injection, Allison feels extremely dizzy. Fearing what may happen to her, she tries to stay awake. However the effect ofthe drug that is injected into her body overcome her consciousness.
“Just relax and enjoy the ride” The last word she hear Mary said before she fell unconscious.
Allison would later wake up and find herself on the couch in the living room of her own house. She had no idea what had happened to her, or how she got there, but her entire body was sore. As she sat up on the couch, she looked down and noticed that she was wearing a black tank top and a white short mini skirt. This wasn’t she wore to work, so it must be the outfit that Mr. T and other had dressed her in. Of course, she was not wearing either a bra or panties. She reached down to her breasts and touched her nipples. While they weren’t as sensitive as they had been before, they were definitely sore.
She had to squint to see the clock in the living room and realized that it was 3:00 am. Allison was able to at least gather her thoughts and realize that it was early Saturday morning.It thankfully was an early Saturday morning.
Allison walked over to the side window. Her car was in the driveway, but she did not remember driving home. She wasn’t even in the condition to walk, let alone drive.
Allison then stood up and started to walk towards the bathroom, she noticed that there was a manila envelope and DVD lying on her dining room table with her name on it. She opened the envelope and saw a handful photos in there with a note. There were a few photos of her lying naked on the exam table. There was another photo of Allison on all fours being gangbanged by three men. She couldn’t recognize who any of the men were. She then looked at the unsigned note.
“We hope you enjoyed yourself as much as you seemed to. The DVD is something to help to remember the night. If you don’t know anyone else to see the DVD and photo, do exactly what we told you to do. Due to your son’s unpaid debt, from now on you are a property of the organization.”
Allison then checked her house to see if there was any one home. Fortunately for her, there is no one else in the house; even John with his injury knee is not there. She then took the DVD to the family room to see what was on it. She turned on the TV and the DVD player and inserted the disc. Allison frozen as the DVD started to play.
The DVD was a recording of everything that happened after her fall unconscious. It showed Allison naked and kneeled in front of a group men whose face wasn’t show on the screen. Her face was expressionless, her eyes were wide open, but the usual shine form her blue eyes were missing, all that remains was bottomless emptiness.
“How many men did you fuck?” one of the man in the background asked.
“One, only my husband.” Allison answer mechanically, it’s clear that she is under the effect of the drug.
“Are you good on blow job?”
“No, my husband and I are conservative, we only have regular sex.”
“Damn, there means her ass is still virgin, I can’t wait to fuck that gorgeous white ass!”
“Look at those pair jugs, I can spend all day sucking them!”
“Gentleman, now we see one of the effect of the drug, should we try another?” Allison recognizes that voice it is Mr. T.
“No, we want to ask more.”
Can’t stay this shocking footage, Allison then forwarded the DVD to see what else was on there. She then saw herself in the middle of a gangbang. Allison did not particularly focus on the men in the video, but rather on her actions. Unlike the first part her eyes were full of sexual desire, she was active in the video, often encouraging the men to fuck her harder. Allison could not believe it, the woman in the video was a complete different person. While the sight disgusted her, she did wonder why she looked like she enjoyed the sexual romp. She stopped the video, and turned off the TV. While she was in disbelief, Allison knew that her repressed sexual side had taken the best of her in the video.
The video showed Allison on all fours becoming to suck the cock of the guy standing in front of her, while another guy takes her pussy. It was clear that she was at their mercy. The camera angles on the video were shot in a way that kept Allison as the focal point, never revealing the identity of her takers.
Allison felt disgusted and decided to take a shower. She put the DVD and photos away, in the event that anyone came home while she was in the shower. Allison put them in her school briefcase and made sure to lock it. She then went to her bedroom to get clothes to change into. Afterwards, she retired to the bathroom and locked the door. When she took the tank top, Allison noticed how red and sore her nipples were. She tried to rub them, but They were definitely too sore for the touch.
When Allison took off the skirt she notice her blond pussy hair wascompletely shacked off. Similar to her nipples, her cunt was also extremely red and sore. Little touch of her pussy will send both pain and pressure sensing up her spine. Just a single touch almost send her into ecstasy.
“What have they done to my body!” Tears were flowing from Allison’s eyes, she was horrified. As Allison cry away her guilt and despair, she stepped into the shower to reflect on what she could remember from the evening. No matter how hard she tried, she just could not remember anything.
With all sort of sores on her body, Allison was really tired. Allison slipped into her nightgown and walked out of the bathroom going back to the living room. On her way back, she heard her cell phone ring.
Not knowing who may call in so early of the morning, Allison walked over to answer the phone. It was Mr. T.
“Well, my dear, it looks as if you had quite an eventful evening. How do you like the change in your body?” Mr. T said.
“What did you do to me?” Allison asked.
“That is non of you concern, now you are property of the organization, if you don’t want your dirty secret to be expose to your family or the world, you will follow every order that I made. One of my representatives will be at your house in the morning around 10:00 am. I am sure you will be on your best behavior, won’t you.”
“Yes….”. With so much at stake, Allison knows she can’t say no.
“Now, I don’t think I need to remind you, but failure to play by the rules will result in punishment,” he said. “I trust that you believe me now, right?”
“Good girl, hope to see you soon.” Mr. T said before hanging up.
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