The Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid PlansBy. Stevie 3624Determining where it started is like trying to find the beginning of a circle. Was I looking to see her naked, and so I found her that way, or was she naked so I could see her that way? Did I brush up against her ass, or did she push back against me? Did I walk too close when I walked by her protruding boobs, or did she stick her tits into me? Maybe it was the kitchen’s fault, for being too small.

At any rate, that stuff seemed to come out of nowhere. One day she was just my mom, and the next, there was this physical thing happening between us. And once it started, it took on a life of its own. My thoughts became consumed with her. I didn’t seem to have any qualms about her being my mother. It didn’t both me. It turned me on. I could do her, or so I fantasized.

She was a lot younger than my father. In fact, there were fewer years between my mother and me thanbetween her and my father. It was one of those clichés. He got a hot looking young wife that he could flaunt and she got security, and seventy-five pairs of shoes.

I was an in-between kid. My father was spent most of his time making money and my mother’s time was spent spending. I was never too sure where I fit into the picture. I was between loved and ignored. Don’t get me wrong, I had it a lot easier than most, and I was grateful for that. I always liked my mom, and probably for the wrong reasons. She was sexy and good-looking and not too many of my friends could say that about their mothers. Her name was Ava, and quite a few times, I’d heard her referred to as ‘Ava-voom.’

I went with her everywhere until I finished elementary school and after that I hardly saw her at all. I knew that my parents led separate lives and they hardly spoke by the time I graduated from High School. It looked like they were each satisfied in their own way. So I was a little surprised on that summer morning when I came down to breakfast and saw my mother sitting at the table in her nightgown with her hands covering her face. I went up to her and said, “What’s wrong mom?”

She said, “Oh Carl, I can’t do this anymore, I’m so unhappy, he treats me like garbage.” She put her arms around me and sniffled into my shirt. I stroked her hair and said, “Don’t cry mom…it’ll be OK,” or some such nonsense.

She pulled back and looked up at me and said, “No it won’t.” Her eyes were dry. Standing over her the way I was, I couldn’t help looking down the front of her nightgown. Her tits looked so soft and big that I lost track of what was going on. She hugged me again and said, “You’re the only good thing in my life baby.” I wasn’t sure when that happened. She stood up and came into my arms and said, “Just hold me for a while Carly, please?” Carly? That was maybe the second time I heard that in my life.

I said, “Sure mom.” I held her and she melted into me. After a few minutes I could hear her breathing starting to thicken. I could swear she was moving against my groin and then it wasn’t only her breathing that started to thicken. I know that the kiss she placed on my neck wasn’t my imagination.

The words, “Oh Carl…” were colored with an erotic tinge, or so I thought. I knew that she had to feel the bulge in my pants, but she made no attempt to pull away from it. She was definitely moving against me, I couldn’t have been fantasizing, could I? And then she said, “I wish I had married someone like you Carl, someone who would love me…you do love me, don’t you Carly?”

I said, “Of course I love you mom.” We didn’t say that very often, but I felt it, so I said it. By then my hard-on had burgeoned to anInsistent rod pressing against the inside of my fly and I was ready to do and say anything. Then the talk went off the edge of everyday solid ground into the abyss of the surreal. It may not be word for word, but this is pretty much the conversation I had with her.

She said, “We have to take care of each other now baby, he’s trying to get rid of us.”

I said, “What are you talking about?”

She got louder and said, “Your father, don’t you know…can’t you see? He wants us gone, and gone with nothing.”

I was sort of stunned and I said, “I know we’re not close, but I never heard him say…”

She said, “I’m telling you, he wants us out, don’t you believe me?”

I said “Of course I do…well fuck him, then. We don’t need him. I’ll have a job soon and you can find something, and we’ll get by. Let him go and do whatever the fuck he wants to. He can’t throw you out of the house, or leave you with nothing.”

“You don’t understand Carl, he can. I signed something a long time ago, I’m forty, and I can’t start from nothing…he changed his will, and he’s getting rid of us.” Well that wasn’t exactly true, I found out a lot later. What my father had done was, leave the house and a small allowance for my mother – and a trust for me.

“We have to stop him honey; you have to help me find a way Carly. Will you baby?”

I said, “Mom, I think you’re blowing it all out of proportion. I know he’s not the best husband, or father for that matter, but I don’t think he would…”

“Oh yes Cal, I know it for a fact, Richard warned me.” Richard was their financial manager, who I always thought had a thing for my mother. I thought that because he looked at her like I’d been looking ather.

She kept begging me to help her. I didn’t know what the hell I could do, but I said that I would. She held me tight enough so I could feel every curve of her body, and she said, “Because you love your momma don’t you baby, and you know that I would do anything for you, don’t you baby.” Even with my hard-on against her, I didn’t believe she was saying what I wished she was saying. But I started thinking about it, all the time, until I was planning, and plotting, and fantasizing about all the ways I could seduce her. And that was the beginning of how I started to believe that it was all my idea. Hah.

It wasn’t without some cause that I believed my mother. I had seen my father’s betrayal of her before, first-hand. It was one of those ‘Wrong place at the right time,’ things, depending on your point of view of course. School let out early because of an electric problem, and I went home to be greeted by the sounds of fucking. There isn’t much else that sounds like it, or looks like it. I could see him giving it to her from behind. At first I thought it was my mother, until I heard the unfamiliar voice say, “That’s it baby, in the ass.” The girl’s voice was loud.

My father said something I couldn’t make out and the girl laughed and said, “If all you guy’s wives did everything, I’d be out of a job baby.” I left the house and spend a few days wondering if I should tell my mother. I decided not to, because I figured that it wasn’t my business to stir up the muck of their marriage.

Having chosen to help her, I started spending more time with mom. She wanted me with her all the time to talk, and to plan. Being with her so much made me feel like a kid again. So we’re sitting on the couch one day, and she’s filling me with stories about how horrible my father had been to her, and how I was the only one shetold, and I was the only one whom she could talk to. I said, “What about Richard?”

She said, “Oh yeah, he knows, but I had to talk to him.” She went about all the details but I wasn’t paying much attention to them because she had put her arm through mine and her title was moving on my bicep as she talked.

She told me she loved me. I’d heard it more in one week than I’d ever heard it. And she thanked me for being there for her. And then she kissed me. It was a kiss on the lips and then a kiss on neck. She stayed pressed up against me and in my chemically injected state, I put the back of my hand against her breast. It seemed to me that it could pass as accidental as much as deliberate, but I didn’t move it off. I breathed a little harder and my cock got a little harder, and mom didn’t do anything about it. I was encouraged and I took a chance. I kissed her on the lips and I put my hand squarely on her title, caressing the full shaft as I continued the kiss.

She didn’t jump, or scream, or slap me, or even move. What she said was, “Oh Carl…what…?”

I said, “I want you mom.” Even after all that’s happened, looking back to that moment, I can’t believe I said that.

Then with all the innocent she could muster, she said, “Honey…are you saying that you want to have sex with me?”

Without equivocation I said, “Yes mom, I do.”

And then the most seductive and wicked thing came out of her mouth. “Oh Carly, she said, “I couldn’t have sex with you…not while I’m still married to your father.” Oh mom. Even an idiot could see through that – but not a boy with his hormones raging, and his mother’s tit still in his hand. I treated it as if it was a perfectly reasonable statement and followed the logic down the path of stupidity.

As if she needed to seal the deal, she looked at me so sadly and said, “I love you Carl, help me.” And then she kissed me in a way that promises what all men want from women, and some sons want from their mother.”

Are you kidding me? You mean I’d never been to a movie, or read a book, or watched a TV show? But my mother was kissing me and the only thought that could form in my fevered head was, “How can I help you mom?” So I said the words, and the plan that she had hated came out, the one she had thought up long before she ‘accidentally’ made me a tool with a hard-on. I was already saddling up the white horse I’d use in her rescue.

It all sounded so spontaneous and unrehearsed when she told me what she wanted to do, filled with words like, “I don’t know,” and “What do you think?” and “Maybe we could…” She wanted to set my father up and get his money. She said she thought she could get Richard to help. Basically she would blackmail him; but she didn’t want to say what she had on him. All I had to do was sign some papers and she’d take care of the rest. And the unspoken deal was clear, I help, I get laid.

Many things remained unspoken for a while. She said it all with looks, and glances, and tender fingers on my face. She said we should spend more time together, and I was all for it. So we went to the beach house that my father had for company guests, for a long weekend.

When we got there, mom seemed to find ample opportunities to either be changing, or half naked in front of me. Her swimsuit was one piece, but more revealing than a bikini. The cut at her hips was high enough to reveal how round and curvy the globes of her ass were. It also brought her cleavage together in a way that made the touching together of each of her breasts a palpable sensitive experience. I called her Ava-voom a few times and told her what a hot mom I had. She liked that.

We swam a lot that first day and she played the young girl, splashing, and laughing and falling all over me; a taunting preview of what might be. Lying on the sand, her body always found a way to contact mine. And always with the alluring sentences; “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a place like this, just for you and me? It feels so good when we’re together. I love you Carl.”

We went back to the beach house and after we showed we sat next to each other picking at some cherries and the fruit she’d cut up. She had on a light robe and her hair was still wet and slick. She looked fresh without make-up and I would even say girl. I looked at her. There’s a shimmer that some people’s eyes get after swimming and hers had it. They crinkled blue-grey sparks at me and I was fascinated by her look and her smell. She said, “What?” I didn’t say anything and she laughed and said, “What, what are you looking at?”

I said, “You are one great looking girl.”

She raised her eyesbrows and said, “Some ‘Girl’, old enough to be your mom.”

I turned to her and her lips accepted my kiss. I held the back of her head. Her hair was cool and her mouth was warm as my tongue found its way to meet hers. They played with each other and we made out. I didn’t touch her for a long while fearing it would break the spell. When her moans told me that she was ready to go on to the next step, I slipped my hand inside her robe. What an astounding feeling. Her tit was bare and in my hand. I feel the full weight of her abundant flesh. For two seconds. And the she eased my hand out of her robe. I guess I didn’t understand the language of moans as well as I thought I did.

She said, “Not now Carly,” and then she went back to kissing me. Mom’s lips were soft and her mouth ate mine as she seemed to get excited, butNot excited enough for me. For twenty minutes I escalated from the movement of her tongue and her hands, which touched and rubbed every part of me – except my dick. When she stopped, she got up and said, “You are so sweet Carly.” I wasn’t sure what that means, but I knew it wasn’t getting me what I wanted.

She let up on talking about ‘business’ that evening. We had a beer, and she said, “Let’s take a walk on the beach before dinner.” She changed into a light sweater that displayed the points of her nipples. The dust painted the sky and the beach was empty. We walked between the dunes to the music of the waves crashing and the surf rushing in and out. It isn’t a myth that you felt invigorated at the shore. There is an extra molecule of oxygen released by pounding waves. I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking about the wavelike movement of my mother’s tits without a bra. I was thinking about in and out movementts that had nothing to do with the surf. I could not fucking stand it any longer and I impulsively took her in my arms and kissed her. She kissed me back and as I pressed against her she said, “Oh Carl, you’re so hard.” She had that right.

I said, “Mom I can’t wait. I want you now.”

She said, “I know baby, I can’t wait either.” Oh fuck yeah. I was finally going to get pussy from my mother. Sure, until she said, “But we can’t baby…not while I’m a married woman.”

I said all the stupid things guys say in those situations — forget about it. In a last ditch effort, appealing to her goal, I said, “Couldn’t you at least touch me so I could get some relief from this boss that you’ve given me?”

She said, “Oh I don’t know honey…I know it’s difficult for you, you’re a young man with needs…maybe if you touched yourself…here baby, feel me and relieve yourself.” She then did the most exciting thing I’d experienced in my young life. She opened two buttons and took out the most beautiful big title, I’d ever seen. Now, maybe objectively, it wasn’t; I’d been with girls my age and I’d seen a few great pairs – but they weren’t my mother’s.

She closed her eyes and stood there as I took out my cock. I took her title in my hand and began massaging my mother’s soft, well formed flesh, feeling her nipple stiffen. I stroked my cock and her title at the same time and must have made some sounds, because my mother said, “Yes baby, it feels good to me too…yes love, one day, momma’s going to give you everything you need, everything you want…tell mama what you want baby.”

In that state of mental disrepair, I started babbling all the things I wanted to do to her. I said, “I want to be inside your pussy mom, I want to be inside your mouth…”

She said, “Yes baby, it will all be here for you when we do what we have to do…yes, tell mama what else you want.”

I was approaching orgasm and almost said something about her ass that I found in the corner of my sexually charged mind. It was a sentence most would think impossible for a son to say to his mother in a sane state. But before I could say it, I crossed the line of control. I knew I was about to come and only got out an exclamation of, “Ohh…mom…” as I started to shoot.

My mother was saying, “Whatever you want baby…” And I came full force. Oh fuck did I come. I turned my body slightly with the last bit of awareness I possessed to keep myself from coming all over her. It fired off as if a sickombodied hose was discharging and I cried out, “MOM, OH MOM…”

I could hear her in the background saying, “Yes baby, come…come for momma…come…” I stroked and shot and heldon to her title until I was depleted. When I finished, I was reluctant to look up at her, but I could see her stuffing her boob back into the sweater. She gave me a hug and said, “Soon baby, as soon as we take care of business, you’re going to have everything you want.”

We went back to the beach house and had some dinner and watched a video. It was an old film with Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer called Frankie and Johnny that neither of us had seen. It was more romantic than my usual fare, but I got into it, so much so that at the end, I started kissing mom. After a few kisses she said, “This isn’t such a good idea Carl,” but I kept kissing and she kept kissing back. After about twenty minutes she said, “Whoa, time for bed before things get out of hand.” I was hoping for things to get in hand, but that was that.

We said goodnight and after being in bed for about fifteen minutes, I went to get a drink. I could hear mom onthe phone, and I went up to her bedroom door and heard her say, “Look Rich, don’t push me, I said I’d get him to sign the paper…don’t worry…yes, he has some crazy ideas, but I have it all under control.” I figured it had to do with getting my father to sign over something to her. I guess enough of me didn’t want to think that she was talking about me. I went back to bed.

We spent the next morning on the beach, and surprisingly, mom sort of initiated some kissing as we baked in the sun. It turned into making out for a while. I touched the flat of her stomach and said, “I bet you would look great pregnant.” She gave me a ‘Who is this strange guy’ look, laughed, and then ran into the water.

That afternoon, we were in the kitchen and I put my arms s around her and just held her. I said, “This feels like where you belong mom.”

She didn’t say anything for a while and then she said, "Yes, it feels safe and warm here.” She took a deep breath. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but I liked it when you touched me last night Carl.”

I said, “I liked it too mom, as you could probably tell.” She came up against me and put her face in my neck. I took her title in my hand.

She said, “You came so much…”

I said, “Well, you’re a piece of ass.”

She laughed out loud and I said, “No, you really are hot mom.”

She pushed back and said, “Baby, come with me…” She took me by the hand into her room. I got excited being in there with her. Finally, this was it! It wasn’t. She took out some papers from a drawer and said, “I need you to do this for me honey; sign this so I can get what we need from your father.”

What a come-down. I started looking at it and it was formal and full of legale. I said “What’s it all about mom?” Just looking at what I could understand led me to think that I was signing over anything I got from my father, to her.

She said, “It’s just to give me leverage over him…it’s going to help us…my lawyer said that we have to do it this way.” I shrugged and signed. She seemed relieved and kissed me and said, “Thank you baby.”

I tried to kiss her and urge her to the bed, but after a few kisses she said, “It’s not the right time baby.” I was beginning to think that I needed a watch that told time in years. She said, “Come on, let’s go for a swim,” and we left the room.

The water was warm and the stars were taking the place of the setting sun. At one point, she let me hold her up in the water as she wrapped her legs around me. The events of the past days led me to make a request that didn’t seem out of place. I said, “Mom would you take your top down so I couldsee you? She unclasped her legs and the water was about level with her breasts.

Her answer was wordless. She pulled the top of her swimsuit down exposing both buoyant globes. They looked amazing as they half floated. Her nipples stiffened in the soft breeze. I didn’t ask permission to hold her tits and feel their slippery smoothness. I just did it. At the same time, her tits were light in the water and heavy in my hands. I kissed her wet salty face and lips, and the way she was running her fingers through my hair, I thought she was excited enough to let me do it right there. Think again. She played away my attempt by splashing and dunking me, and the moment passed when she pulled her suit back up over her boobs.

That evening, we sat on the couch with the door open to let the ocean breeze wash over us. She let me kiss her and she didn’t stop me when I put my tongue in her mouth. She played with it and we made out for a long time. I kept expectting her say that it was time to stop but she didn’t. I said, “Mom, I’m in love with you.” She started to wave me off but I stopped her. I said, “You can’t tell me I’m not…and you don’t have to love me back this way, I understand, but I want you to know. I love you.” She was quiet and it looked as if tears were forming in her eyes.

Almost under her breath she said, “This isn’t what was supposed to happen…” She blinked away her emotions and said, “Sweetheart, I’m trying to remember that I’m your mother. One of us has to stay in control.”

I said, “Why?” I kissed her. She kissed me. She didn’t stop.

We made out for maybe an hour and then she said, “Baby we’re just getting ourselves worked up for something we can’t finish now.” She got up and before she left I said, “Mom, just let me touch you once more before you go.”

She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t stop me when I came up close and took her in my arms. I kissed her. I put my hand on her breast for a moment and then I cupped between her legs. I rubbed her pussy and she put her hand on my swollen cock. Then she pulled away from my mouth and said, “Oh God.”

I started to reach into her shorts and panties to get my hand on her bare pussy, but she stopped me. I went back to rubbing her pussy over her clothes and she let me. She escalated faster than I did. She had to pull away from my kisses to catch her breath as her gasps came closer together. Then she put her hand on mine and pulled it up. She said, “Please don’t make me come…I can’t.”

I didn’t understand, but she had raised my hand to her title and continued rubbing me. I went back to kissing and feeling her, and as she heard a breath of fire from my nostrils, she rubbed faster and harder. I broke the kiss and called out, “OOhhhhh…” as I came. After a long exhale that relaxed my whole body, she knew I’d finished coming and she stopped rubbing. She didn’t say anything. She kissed my cheek and went to her room.

For two hours, I tried to sleep. Instead of calming and satisfying me, coming after my mother had rubbed me had charged me up. I got up and went to her room. I didn’t knock. She was up. She said, “Carl is everything okay?”

I said, “No mom.” I sat on her bed and leaned over to kiss her. She came to me. She held me as I took her breast in my hand, feeling its full weight under the sheer nylon. I said, “I need to be with you mom, and it’s time.”

She had her face in my neck and I couldn’t see her face when she said, “Oh Carly, what can I do…okay baby…just for tonight. But we’re not going to do more than I’m ready for, and then we have to stop until everything is settled. Give me your word Carl.”

I said, “Okay mom, only what you’re ready for.” I got into bed with her and kissed her. She touched me and I touched her. It didn’t take long for her nightgown to come off and for me to kick off my shorts. Her cell rang and she didn’t answer. I was amazed at how hot her body was naked. She wasn’t a girl, but her woman’s body was even more appealing to me. The curves of her full breasts and rounded ass were as inviting as any flesh I’d seen. Feeling it all against me as we kissed excited my skin as if it all could get hard.

My cock pressed up against her and she took it her fist and said, “You’re so big and hard, and beautiful. Carly baby, Oh God, this is crazy.” I didn’t think so, especially when my mother leaned over to go down on me.

“OH, ohh…fuck…yeah,” blurted out of me out of me as my cock felt her lips and tongue when I entered her mouh. She sucked, and I thought I was in a fantasy or a dream. I was. It was the dream that some sons have about their mother, and I was living it. The feeling of slipping through her lips was exhaust. Her tongue licked and danced and when her mouth closed over me, it massed the underside of my pole. This was beyond any blowjob I’d experienced. It was in another category.

I luxurious in the sensings of my mother’s mouth all over my cock and what should have been more than enough, wasn’t. As she sucked me and caressed my balls, I wanted to be inside her. Sure, I wanted to fuck her, but there was an urgency to it that was more than just the sexual desire of a man to have a woman. I wanted to love her with my cock. Yes, to love her with it, if that makes any sense. I wanted to be a son inside his mother’s pussy for the pleasure of getting and giving love as much as for sexual satisfaction. So I pulled out of her mouth. I kissed her and told her, "I love you mom, more than I ever loved anyone.” She said, “Oh Carly, I love you too,” I opened her legs and put my hand on the moist fine hair that lightly covered the soft lips. She moaned and all I could think about was sticking my cock in my mother’s pussy, being inside her, pushing up into her belly until the whole length of my pole was buried in her wet flesh. I took my cock in hand and as I approached her, mom said, “No Carl.”

I probably would have screamed in frustration had my mother not bent over and taken my cock into her mouth again at that point. How angle can you be at someone who’s sucking your cock?” Mom turned herself so that her pussy came toward my face. If that was what she wanted, I was more than willing.

We settled into the mutually gratifying position of many lovers, but one not usually consisting of a mother sucking on her son’s cock, while the son is sucking on his mother’s pussy. I was only thinking how much I liked it and how good it felt to be in her mouth while I tasted her. Her juices were sweet and her fraud was sex, sex, sex.

My mother moaned when I found her love nub that was nestled under the folds of her hood. I moved the skin away with the tip of my tongue and then bathed the nervous filled swelling. Mom reacted strongly to the massaging of her clip with excited hard sucking on my cock. Her hands moved on my balls and I could feel her fingers caresing my shake whenever her mouth moved up to the tip. She sucked everything her lips could touch. Her lips moved along the shake in kisses. Her mouth caressed the tip with hard suction. And when she put me inside her mouth, I had trouble concentrate on taking care of her pussy. I managed. And by the sounds she was making, it seemed like I was doing okay.

When I feel her start to arch her back and press her shaft into my face, I backed off enough to keep her from coming. When I feellike I was about to come myself, I reached and squeezed her flank. Without words she knew I wanted her to stop sucking so I could last longer before coming. But soon, all I was thinking of was coming.

I picked a good time because mom’s hips were flexing and she began a crescendo that echoed. “Oh Carly, OH Carly, ohhhHHHHHHHHHHhhhh…” When she took me back in her mouth and moaned, “Mmmmmmmm…” I started to come.

Her hips were grinding and I tried to stay with her as I came. If I was wondering where I would come as she was blowing me, I was wondering no more, because my sperm was shooting off into my mother’s mouth, in torrents. I couldn’t imagine how she could take it all. When she stopped for a second, I must have splashed on her lips because I was immediately back in her mouth.

Even though I had come only a few hours before, this was a different kind of coming. This was a coming that had built up from wantingHer skin on my skin and my cock in her mouth. Yes I wanted to fuck her. Yes I wanted her pussy. But at that moment, there was only my cock and my mother’s mouth.

She had sucked her lips and my cock clean by the time she was done – and I was done. She came back to my arms and rested on my chest. She said, “Oh Carly, Carly, Carly.”

After a few minutes I said, “Mom, let me stay and sleep with you tonight.”

She said, “Baby, I can’t. I need to think. Please. I’ll see you in the morning sweetheart.” She kissed my cheek and I was sorry to feel her warm breasts leave my chest as she covered herself with the sheet.

I got up and said, “Goodnight mom; that was the best.” She just smiled and I left the room.

The next morning I could see mom was obviously upset. She said, “Carl, I can’t stay here anymore, can we go home please?”

I said, “Sure, ifyou want to, but it’s a great day out there…”

“Please,” she said, “let’s just go.” So we went.

In the car, she was quiet for a while and didn’t say much until I made some small talk. When she seemed better I said, “Mom it was beautiful last night.”

She hesitated and said, “Carly, I did and said a lot of things; I promised a lot of things, and I don’t think I can keep those promises now. God, I’m so sorry I let things get so far. And you baby, you had nothing to do with it. I made a mess of things all by myself Carly, and I’m sorry.”

“You mean you don’t want me mom?”

“That’s not what I mean baby, if anything, it’s the opposite; I want you very much, but I’m not going to start something that’s based on lies. Carly, I don’t like who I’ve become, and I have a lot of thinking to do, and if anything good is going to come out of all this, I’m going to need time to figure it all out.”

I said, “So all that business about how you love me, and how we’re going to be together after you get what you want from dad, I guess that was all crap.” I was angry and hurt, and yet looking at her, I still wanted her. I pulled over near an overlook and got out. I sat on a rock and she came and stood by me.

She put her arm on me and said, “Baby, It was beautiful last night, but I can’t do what you want, not right now.”

I mocked her with, “Of course not, you’re still married, you have to wait until everything is settled…”


“Do me a favor and stop calling me Carly,” I said.

She said, “No baby, don’t say that.” She kneeled on the grass by me and I could see her eyes welling up. She said, “Carly, I love you…I don’t kNow anymore what I meant and I didn’t mean, when I said those things before. All I know now is that nothing is the same for me, and I hate what I did…please baby…”

I put my arms around her and I said, “I love you mom, and all I think about is being with you, the way we talked about.”

“I know honey,” she said. “But I’m not going to be dishonest with you anymore. Can you give me some time to sort this whole thing out…before you decide that you hate me?”

I said, “Okay…and hate isn’t a word I would use to describe how I feel about you.” She gave me a short kiss on the lips, and there was an uneasy quiet in the car for the rest of the trip home.

For the next week, not much was said, and when I stole some kisses when we were alone, I could feel her reticence. But how do you forget that you had your mother’s pussy in your mouth while she sucked on you? Right.

I came home late that Friday night to find her sitting at the kitchen table, staring off into space. She hardly responded until I stood behind her and kissed her neck. She whispered, “Carly, darling…he’s in there.” She pointed towards the den. It was one of the rare evenings that my father was home. I didn’t care. I reached over and took her big tit in my hand and continued kissing her nape. She covered my hand with hers and said, “I miss you baby.”

I said, “I’m here mom, waiting for you.” I brought my mouth to hers and we kissed like we did at the beach, searching and promising. I bolted up when I heard the door to the den open, but he never came into the kitchen. We stopped.

Two hours after going to bed mom came into my room. I knew that I was finally going to sleep with her; I was going to be inside her pussy. I started thinking about getting a condom. I took off the sheet and said, “Come to bedmom.”

She whispered, “I can’t Carl, not here, not like this. But I know what I have to do baby and I couldn’t wait to tell you. That was when she started crying. I didn’t know what was wrong, but before I could ask her she said, “Carly, I’m so ashamed…I was using you…that paper I made you sign…oh honey, I can’t believe I did all that.”

I said, “It’s okay mom, whatever it is.”

She said, “No it’s not okay, I’m so stupid…all I cared about was the money from your father, even from you…but I don’t care about it any more, I don’t want it any more. Carly, please forgive me, I need you to forgive me baby…I need you.”

I said, “I’m here mom, whatever happened before, we’ll straighten it out, I don’t care about it.” She started to explain everything but I stopped her and said, “No more mom, it’s over.”

She covered her mouth to keep from sobbing and she gained control after a few minutes. Finally she said, “Yes, it’s over…tomorrow.” She kissed my cheese and as she left the room, I tried to finish the conversation so I could get off the quicksand of what was going on

The next morning was raining and mom was gone before I got up. I didn’t hear from her until late afternoon when she called my cell and said, “Carly, I want you to meet me at the Garden Center in the lobby so we can talk.” I went to the mall complex without asking too many questions and when I got there mom was waiting. She was smiling. She looked happy. And she looked hot in her short black dress.

She said, “I told him baby, I told your father that I’m leaving.”

“What did he say?”

She shook her head, “Not too much, basically he said that he didn’t care one way or the other.”

I said, “Are you okay with the whole thing?”

She said, “I’m better than okay baby. I took a rental apartment this morning that I can move into next week, will you help me move?”

I said “Sure mom. Where are you staying until then?”

“Here. I have a room at the Regency…will you come up?”

I shook my head yes and she said, “And will you stay with me in the new apartment…I mean if you want to, unless…”

I said, “Mom, I want to, but not as much as I want to go to your room now.” She smiled and took my hand and we headed for the elevators.

The room was light and airy and the king-size bed looked huge, and inviting. We kissed as soon as the door closed and the mutual undressing started with the removal of my shirt by mom. She kissed my chest and nipples and then turned around, lifting her hair from the back of her neck. I unzipped her dress and shestepped out of it. Fuck, did she look hot in heels, panties, and a bra. The underwear was frilly, sexy, and brief enough to barely contain her tits and ass. I kicked off my shoes and as she was taking my pants off she said, “I wore this for you baby.”

My hard-on was bulging out of my briefs and I said,”You can see how much I appreciate it mom.” She smiled and placed her hand on my dick with one finger on the head that protruded out from the leg.

She said, “You’re so pretty when you’re hard like this. She squatted and lifted the material to expose the shake and then took me in her mouth for a moment, taking two sucks on me. She stood up and took my briefs down and then unhooked her bra and dropped her panties in what seemed like two seconds. She came to my arms and we were skin on skin. She said, “I like being naked with you Carly.”

I said, “Oh yeah mom,” as every place her skin touch mine tingled. I pulled her into me with my hands on her ass, and I feel her mound and nipples press into me as we kissed.

She took my hand and we went to the bed where she throw the spread and top sheet off. We fell on the bed kissing. She opened her legs at my urging. It was the time. And I also knew that it was the right time. I got into position to be inside her. Her knees were up a bit and she leaned back on her elbows, as if she too wanted to witness my first entry into her pussy. Looking at her naked body as she waited for me to come to her, I marveled at her flawless skin, and the graceful curves that I had to run my hands along. I brought my scaling cock to her and placed it on the soft moist lips that curtained her opening. The tender flesh split easily and felt creamy as the head of my cock separated them and slide into the entrance of her pussy. Mom moaned, “OHHHhhhhhh…Carly, Ohhh…” as I pressed in. I fully advanced the length of my cock into a place few sons get to experience inside their mother’s body.

The first few strokes told me how different it was than with the other’s I’d been with. All of me was engaged, not just my cock that was being held and cared by mother’s pussy, but my mind, and for the first time, my heart. I was loving the woman I was fucking, and that hadn’t happened before. What a feeling, to be inside the moist and yielding pussy of my mother. She moved her hips to meet my thrusts and we found an easy rhythm that we both seemed to want to control before it became frantic and made us come before we could enjoy each others body.

Physically we fit. That doesn’t always happen, even though the anatomy is made to go together. Like two parts of a puzzle we joined to touch each other in all the right places. We were right, and tight. Maybe it was because we were once the same flesh, and now joined again. I don’t know. I didn’t care; it just felt so good.

So I pushed deeply into my mother’s pussy and she said what I was thinking. “Oh Carly, yes, yes baby, you’re so good for me.” The tone was almost one of surprise. As if to say, ‘You’re my son, how could you feel so good inside me?’ I understand. I was having sex with my mother and I couldn’t imagine anyone making me feel as good, or getting me so excited.

My cock seemed to explore each inch of her as I searched deep into her belly. I found myself floating off and thinking about coming inside her and making her pregnant. The thought of my mother having my baby excited me.

Then it became all about the sensings mixed with the fansies and desire to be joined with her. I had nothing original to say, only what I was feeling. “I love you so much mom,” was all I could manage at that moment and I kissed her as I moved in and out of her. Her embrace was strong and her kiss was full of password. It made meFeel loved back. The pace quickly and I cupped one of her tits and enclosed my hand around it. Out of the top came the large rosy circle of her nipple and I sucked it between my lips. She moaned as I drew it into my mouth and massaged the full globe.

The rhythm of my strokes into her pussy took on vibancy that electrified my senses. I knew she was feeling it too because her moans were in tune with each entry and penetration of her moist warm flesh. There it was, that moment I had anticipated. Each inch of the length of my cock slides along the grating hold of my mother’s pussy. And again. And again. And again.

Many times there’s more pleasure in anticipation than in the culminating act, but not this time. Each second in her pussy was worth all the waiting. My mother wrapped her legs around me and the noises she made were those of a woman approaching orgasm. I kept filling her hole with my cock which penetrated deep into her belly. As I fuckedher, I knew that more than just blood ties joined us. We were now also tied by flesh, and love. And so with each deep penetration into my mother’s pussy, our breaths came harder and faster until I was thrusting as hard as I could and she was crying, “Yes, yes, yes…” as she took the full length of my cock into her.

I could almost feel the juices in me building to the point of uncontrolled exploration. Mom was holding me with a fierce intensity as she began to shudder into her climax. My first release was a detonation into my mother’s pussy and she responded with a cry of “BABT, BABY…OHHhhhh, yes, yees…yeeeesssss…” I came with her and each thrust discharged another cord of my sperm into my mother’s belly. She was panting and I let out a long satisfied exhale as we finally slowed. There was more disbelief than anything in mom’s voice after she finished and she said, “How could it be like this…”

I kissed her tits and sucked on each nipple and she said, “OH Carly…” Her legs once again opened to my touch and we kissed lovingly.

I said, “I never felt like this with any of the girls I’ve been with mom, no matter what the sex was like…somehow there was always something missing.”

She said, “You’re never going to need any of those girls any more baby, because you’re going to have mommy’s mouth and mommy’s pussy to keep you satisfied. Oh, I love how hard and thick you get for me Carly.” She took my hand and put it on her damp mound and she said “This is for you Carly, whenever you want me.” She began caresing my cock with her fingertips, teasingly gliding over the shoft lightly so that it sprang. She said, “Mmmm…” as it moved, and then she bent over and opened her mouth. She took only the head between her lips and sucked on it. She said, “And this is for me.”

It’s been only a few weeks since then, and we’re in the best place to be,

the beginning of mom and me.



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