Original Huge v.2
Huge series story
by Heatheranne
Heather lay in her bed and listened to the rhythmic squeak of the old fashioned bed springs that came from her son’s room. Chris rarely gave her any cause for worry, but these days he seemed obsessed about playing with himself. She knew that teen boys masturbated, but it seemed as if Chris did it all the time. Whenever he was in the bathroom, and she passed by, she could hear the whiff, whiff sound of skin on skin. Even now, just a few minutes after going to bed, she could hear the telltale noises from his room. Heather tried to ignore the sounds of squeaking bed springs, but she couldn’t ignore her urge to investigate. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and got up.
Heather had been 16 when Chris was born. He was conceived one night when she had got drunk and had sex, both for the first time. Her parents had respected her wish that she be allowed to give birth and raise the baby boy. She had worked hard, both in school and in her various after school jobs. It hadn’t been easy but now at the age of thirty-two, she had her own business and was quite proud of her son.
Chris had his father’s good looks and his mother’s intelligence. At least she liked to think so. He played one sport after another and always seemed to be on his way to a game, practice or workout. As a result, Chris had a body that just wouldn’t quit. He had broad shoulders and bulging pecs that drew down to a slim waist of washboard abs. And when he wore shorts Heather couldn’t keep here eyes off his well muscled thighs and calves.
Heather opened the door to her room and walked quietly down the hall. The hallway was dark except for a long shake of light coming from the partially opened door to Chris’ room. She approached his door softly.
The head of Chris’ bed was near the door. All she had to do was craneHer neck around the door a bit in order to have a view down the length of his well built young body. But, darn it he was covered from foot to neck with a sheet. She could see his hand moving beneath the sheet, but things looked odd. It seemed as if Chris was actually rubbing his stomach with a growing password. His hips rocked from side to side on the bed and his breathing became faster and faster. Then he suddenly throw back the sheet.
Heather had to stifle a gasp when she saw his manhood. No wonder it looked like he was rubbing his stomach. The head of his young cock was lying above his bellybutton. Heather was no tramp, but she had seen a few cocks in her time, and the one on her son was bigger than any she had ever seen or heard of. As she watched his hand flash up and down the length of his huge erection it suddenly erupted. A stream of milky white cum streaked nearly to his shoulder. It was followed by another and another until there must have been a dozen strings of the sticky liquid in the light hairs of his broad chest.
Heather was enranced by the sight of her son’s orgasm. Unconsciously, one of hands found its way beneath her sleep shirt and onto her clip. She watched as Chris grabbed a t-shirt and began to wipe the cum from his chest. The small part of her brain that wasn’t sex added figured that he would soon be on his way to the bathroom. So as quickly as her shaky legs permitted, she made her way quietly back to her own bedroom.
Just as she reached her room Heather heard her son coming down the hallway. She stepped into the shadows of her room and turned. Chris was on his way to the bathroom, his softening but still enormous prick wobbled back and forth, leading the way. Heather carefully found her bed in the dark and very nearly collapsed on it. She stripped off her sleep shirt and assumed her own position for self pleasure. She lay on her back with her legs slightly open. Her right hand rubbed the skin above her clip while her left hand stroked and caressed her right breast. She tried not to think about Chris, but the vision of her son masturbating keep running through her mind. He was absolutely huge. And all that cum he produced. No wonder he masturbated so often, the pressure to release all that cum must be enormous. Heather felt her climax rushing up. Her back arched and her legs quivered as her own orgasm overtook her.
The next day was a Saturday. Heather and Chris usually slept late and it was also their custom to eat a large pancake brunch. Heather awakened even later than usual. She was still groggy from the night before. She really didn’t want to dress so she just throw a short robe over her nude body. She’d already cooked a stack of pancakes when her son made his appearance.
“Hi Mom,” he said stretching enormously. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a cut off t-shirt that showed off his perfect abs. But Heather couldn’t keep her eyes from her son’sshorts. She tried to figure out where he could keep that huge cock. It couldn’t be down his shorts leg or above the waistband. His gym type shorts were too small for that. Maybe it was wadded up in his underwear. She smiled and wondered if she could find out.
“Sit down and eat… you can have the first batch,” Heather said, turning to get the plate of pancakes. She placed the stack in front of her son, being sure to bow quite low to let the front of her robe fall open to his gaze. She glanced up to see his eyes drinking in the sight of her breasts.
And there was plenty to see. Heather’s breasts were full and firm, and she was sure that her son had taken a good look. She stepped back and leaned against the kitchen counter. She crossed her slim, lovely legs and picked up her cup of coffee. She stared into space above her son’s head, as if she was unaware that the bottom half of her robe had fallen open revealing one leg to the hip.
Chris huntedover in his chair, eating his pancakes at a furious pace. He had one hand, played not very casually, in his lap. Heather said, “Don’t gulp your food like that, honey. You’ll get indigestion.” Chris slowed his food intake marginally. “So what are your plans for the day?” she asked as she shifted her weight and her robe revealed more bare skin.
Around a mouth full of food, and with his eyes locked on his mother’s legs, Chris said, “Uhhhh… we’re going to play ball at Todd’s house and then Cindy and I are going to a movie. I’ll be back early.” He stuffed the last bit of pancake in his mouth. Chris pushed back from the table and stand. Rather he sort of half stand with his hands over his crotch and then he quickly turned his mother. “Thanks for breakfast, Mom. I’ve got to get ready,” he said as he ran from the room.
Damn, thought Heather, I think I gave my own son an erection. A wave of sexual tensionwashed over her and took away her inhibitions. She wondered if he was in his room, stroking his cock after seeing his mom’s tits and legs. She managed to wait a full minute then went to his room. She opened the door, saying “Chris I may be gone when you get home. I’m going shopping.” And just as she had thought, Chris stood there, shorts pulled down, his huge erection at full attention, his hand stroking it. Heather felt a surge of heat go through her breasts and between her legs at the thought of turning her son on like that.
“Mom!” he cried, turning away.
Heather approached her son. “It’s OK honey… I know guys do that… sorry I barged in.” She stepped closer, and put her hand on her son’s back, running her hand up his back under his t-shirt. She leaned closer, peering over his shoulder, and whispered “Go ahead, sometimes I do it too.” Her hot breath on her son’s neck had its desired effect. His hand started moving again, and his slightly wilted cock was quickly back to its full hardness.
Heather felt her knees getting weak. She stepped back, lying heavily on Chris’s bed. Heather couldn’t help herself. She opened her pussy lips with the fingers of one hand and began to cares her stiff little clip. Chris turned, pointing his pulsing rod at his mother. As Heather watched, her son came with a long squirt of cum. And he just kept on spurting. After what she’d seen last night, she Couldn’t believe that he had that much cum left in him. It squirted across the room to fall in hot, white streams on her legs. Chris’s face was bright red, either from password or embarrassment as he ran from the room, cum still drooling from his cock.
Heather rubbed her legs together sensitively, working her son’s semen into her skin. The stuff seemed to generate a heat that worked its way up her legs to her crotch. As Heather felt her own orgasm pulse through her body, she hear Chris start the shower.
Heather was in a daze. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. With her mind on cruise control she cleaned up the mess that both she and her son had just made and wandered back to her room to get dressed. By the time she was ready to face the world Chris had already left.
She spent the rest of the day at the mall. Her mind wandered from her son, to her shopping, to her son’s cock and then back again. She was alternately filled with shame and then lust. By the time she was on her way back home she had resolved to just forget what had happened. Yeah, that was it. Chris was intelligent and good looking, plus he was hung like a horse. No doubt he would have plenty of girl trouble. He didn’t need his mother to give him a complex.
As Heather pulled into her drive, she had to stop short because of a car blocking her way. It was a Mustang that belonged to Cindy, Chris’ girlfriend. She and Chris must be back from the movie already, Heather thought. She wondered what Chris and Cindy were doing all alone in the house. Were they making out on the couch? Heather Shook her head, chatsising herself. She had sex on the brain today. Still, she was very quiet as she walked inside the house through the kitchen door. As she walked across the kitchen, Heather heard talking from the living room. It was Cindy’s voice. “Again?” she was saying. “You haven’t gone limp yet? What got you so turned on?”
Heather could not believe what she was hearing. She tip toed down the hall to the door and peeked in the living room. There was Cindy and Chris, both completely naked on the living room couch. Cindy was a year older than her son, and Heather had often wondered what drew them together. After this sight there wasn’t much doubt. Cindy stood only about five feet tall. But she had a perfectly proportioned figure, red hair that fell almost to her waist, and the face of an angel.
Heather watched as Chris slumped down on the couch and pulled the tiny girl, her back to his chest, on top of him. Chris said, “Never mind what got me so horny, just enjoy it.” And with that he reached down and grabbed his rock hard member and guided it into Cindy’s pussy. To Heater’s amazement, it slide in effortlessly with a sticky liquid sound. Heather couldn’t help it, she slide her hand down the front of her slacks and began to cares her own pussy as she watched.
Cindy shifted her body slightly and turned her head. She locked lips with Chris and Heather could see their tongues writing about. Chris had one hand on Cindy’s title, softly pinching and rolling the stiff nipple. His other hand went to Cindy’s clip and began to finger it with a steady light stroke. And his cock! His cock pumped in and out of her clutching, clinging cunt in a steady rhythm with his fingers.
They stayed like that for a long moment, then Cindy broke the kiss and grabbed Chris’s muscle arms. Her head was thrown back and a low, steady moan escaped her lips. Heather ran a finger into her own pussy as Cindy began to orgasm.
Damn, thought Heather, Cindy was cumming already. Talk about being horny. As she watched, Cindy’s cum fluids washed over the lower half of Chris’s cock and down his balls. Cindy’s moans became louder and turned into soft screams of delight. Heather could see the muscles of Cindy’s tummy ripple time and again as she spasmed through one orgasm after another. Minutes went by and still he tirelessly drilled her.
Heather pulled her top out of her slacks and ran a hand across her own flat stomach to begin to rub and cares her breast. As Heather watched, Chris wrapped an arm around Cindy and flipped their bodies over until he was behind Cindy doggy style. Cindy had her face buried in the cushions of the sofa, with her arms thrown out to the sides. Chris put his hands on her hips and began to pound his cock into the little girl’s cunt like a well oiled machine. Then he looked up and locked eyes with his mother.
Chris’s eyes grew wide and large as he watched his mother rock her hips in rhythm with her groping fingers. He didn’t stop his fucking motions though. He was on the verge of another orgasm and watching his mother finger herself only added to his excitement.
The feeling was mutual with Heather. She felt a fresh surge of heat through her cunt as she watched her son’s slim hips slam his cock into Cindy’s steamy pussy. In only a few seconds she was shaking through a cunt clenching orgasm. At nearly the same moment Chris’ head flew back and his face contorted as he spent himself inside his girlfriend.
Heather stepped into the kitchen to put her clothes back in order, and then she quietly stepped outside and made her way back to her car. Heather waited a few minutes and then tapped on her horn. In another minute Cindy walked unsteadily out of the house. She waved to Heather as she got into the Mustang. Heather backed out of the way. She laughed to herself as Cindy stalled her own car several times trying to get out of the drive. Chris must have hurt her out, thought Heather.
When Heather got back in the house she heard the shower running. By that time all her inhibitions had vanished in a haze of password. She throw off her clothes and boldly walked into the bathroom. She throw open the shower door and stepped in. Chris didn’t both to cry out or even turn around. He just smiled and said, “Hi, Mom. Did you like the show?”
Heather didn’t know if he means the show with Cindy or the one in front of her. Even soft, his cock was an impressive sight. It arched away from his crotch with the head seeming to dangle somewhere near his knees as seen from above. Heather said, “You did put on quite a show. Poor Cindy looked exhausted. It must have taken you forever to cum.” Shereached out and took the soap from his hand, then began to rub it slowly across her son’s chest. “A big difference from the sudden exploration this morning.”
Chris had the grace to blush a bit. He said, “Well, the more times I cum, then the longer it takes for each one.”
“I see,” she said. “And just how many times did you do it today?”
Chris took her hand and began to slide it lower on his body. “Well, let’s see,” said Chris. I did it once before I got up this morning. And then the one you saw. I did it again in the shower. You know, you really turned me on, Mom. And then, after the ball game, I did it with Cindy in the shower at her house. Then we went to a soft porn movie. Cindy couldn’t keep her hands off me. She jerked me off during the flick. Then we came back here. By then it must have taken me two hours to cum the last three times.”
Heather’s hand finally found itself caresing Chris’s beautiful cock. She couldn’t begin to get her fingers around it, at least not without using both hands. She leaned against the wall of the shower and managed to stuff the enormous head of his cock into her pussy before it grew to stiff to bend. “Don’t think that you have to be in any big hurry now either,” Heather moaned as Chris began to slowly and thoroughly fuck his mother.
After that day Heather began to think of Chris as not only her son but also as a wonderful lover. At first she thought there might be some jealously between her and Cindy or any of the other girls he dated, but Chris never seemed to be too tired or uninterested to take care of his mom. In fact she still heard him at night in his room masturbating, and it made her wonderful at just how oversexed he could be.
Chris and the Doctor – an addition to the original “Huge” story.
Heather looked at her son through sex dazed eyes. His muscled body glistened with sweat, his elbows were locked, holding his torso above his mom as his huge cock pumped her pussy. Heather couldn’t even remember how many orgasms she’d had in the last half-hour, but she could tell that Chris was building to one of his mind shattering blasts. “Chris… Chris, you’ve to pull out now,” she said in a hoarse voice.
Chris didn’t say anything, but after a couple of more strokes in her pussy he withdraw his enormous penis and let it slap onto his mother’s stomach. Heather felt his hot cum shooting onto her tummy. Some of the streaks of cum splashed against her breasts and one errant blast arced over her general tits and landed on her shoulder. Finally spent, Chris eased himself onto the bed at Heather’s side. His wilting cock lay on her tigh. Heather said, “You know honey; there must be about a zillion sperm in all that stuff you put out. We need to get you a vasectomy. “
Chris looked at her curiously. “Don’t you want some grandchildren?” he asked. Chris thought about that for a second and then blurted, “Not from you and me, of course!”
Heather laughed, “Of course not, I want you to get married and have kids, someday. But I suspect that you’ll be spreading this stuff around quite a bit.” She reached down and scooped up some of his cum on her fingers. “I don’t want any unplanned for kids around here. Don’t worry; we’ll get you a reversible operation. They’re quick and nearly painless these days.”
The thought of taking the worry of pregnancy out of sex had an effect on Chris. His cock, which had softened a bit, suddenly sprang back to full hardness. As he began to ease it in and out of his mom’s tight pussy once again he said, “Set it up Mom, that sounds like the way to go.” Heather could only see as she felt another orgasm began to build.
A month later Chris found himself in an examination room wearing one of those skimpy hospital gowns, waiting for the doctor to put in her appearance. At their first meeting Dr. Frye had defeat her hair in a tight bun, and she had defeated a business suit under a long lab coat. Although her less than sexy appearance Chris had found her attractive. She was about his mother’s age, and although she lacked his mom’s voluptuous shape, Chris had found himself wondering about the doc’s slim figure. She had been cool and business like at first, but then she had asked Chris to undress for the examination. As Chris took off his shirt she had found herself admiring his broad shoulders and narrow wait as well as the well defined muscles he sports. When Chris had removed his pants and shorts she had nearly lost her composition. She’d seen any number of penises in her career, but outside of a horse or bull she’d never seen one like his. It had been all she could do to keep her hands and voice from shaking during the exam.
“Good morningng,” said Doctor Frye as she came through the door.
“Hi Doc,” replied Chris as he looked up. He began to grin as he got a closer look at her. She was wearing her hair down today. It fell to her shoulders in a wave of chestnut brown. She was wearing a bit of make-up, and although she still sported a lab coat, it looked as if that was all she was wearing. The coat ended well above her knees and showed off her slim legs to perfection.
“Shall we got started?” asked the doctor. After spreading violent towels and putting instruments into place she said, “If you’ll just hold your uh… penis out of the way I’ll deaden the skin with a shot.”
She watched Chris grabbed his huge cock as if it were a hunk of hose and pulled it across his leg. The doctor had convinced herself since Chris’ first exam that the size of his cock had been some sort of trick of perspective. But now she saw that, as he moved his cock, there was a generous amount of shake still showing from either size of his fist. She had to take some calming breaths in order to proceed with the minor operation.
Chris watched the procedure from a reclining position. He didn’t mind any disappoint because his attention was occupied by the sight of Dr. Frye’s breasts. He could see them down the front of her lab coat as she worked. She had forgotten some sort of push up black, lacy half bra, and her tits were playing peek-a-boo with him as she moved about.
Before he knew it the doctor had put a band aid on his scrotum and pulled his gown back into place. She stood up and moved to Chris’ side. “All through,” she said, putting her hand on his arm. “Now you have to remember that the sperm doesn’t just disappear. You have to be careful for a while.”
“How long?” asked Chris.
“Well, that depends on the number of ejaculations you have. You have to clean things out, so to speak. How often does that happen?”
Chris blushed slightly, “About five or six times I guess.”
“Per week?” the doc said. “That sounds as if…”
“No,” interrupted Chris, “that’s per day.”
“Oh,” said the doctor very much. She could feel her knees weakening. She leaned across her patient in order to grab a small glass via off a nearby table. “And how much do you ejaculate; would you fill this?” she asked in a breathy voice.
“Maybe if I came about ten times and then tried to fill it,” said Chris in an innocent, matter of fact voice. “But a lot more before that.”
That did it for the doctor. She had found Chris attractive when he’d first walked into her office. He was tall, good looking and he had a body that just wouldn’t quit. And then he had undressed for his examination. He was hung like no one she had ever seen. She had almost jumped him right there, after all she wasn’t above seducing a young stud. But she wanted Chris to think that it was his idea. That’s why she had dressed so sexual today. She was sowing the seed for his follow up exam, where she would really pour it on. But now she found herself leaning on what she thought was Chris’ leg, but when she felt a pulse beneath her fingers, she realized her hand was on the throbbing, growing head of his cock.
“Maybe we can start the cleaning process right now?” asked Chris with all innocent in his voice but also a little gleam in his eye.
The doctor just closed her eyes and began to stroke Chris’ cock through his gown. No man she had ever worked on had been able to show any interest in sex this soon after an operation like the one she had just performed. Usually the best that they could do was to walk out the door pale and shaken.
Doctor Frye stoked Chris’ cock until it filled her hand. Oh what the hell, she thought. She stepped back and took off her lab coat. Chris’ eyes grow wide at what the she was wearing. She had gone the whole route. She had matching black lace bra and panties as well as a garter belt and black stockings.
“You have to be the sexiest doctor I’ve ever seen,” Chris said with a grin.
“And you’re definitely the sexiest patient I’ve ever had,” she replied. The front of Chris’ hospital gown was tented obscenely. She climbed onto the examination table and pulled at Chris’ gown until his cock was revealed once again. She pulled aside the crotch band of her panties.
It felt as if she were stuffing a warm, slick ball in her pussy as she slide the head of his dick between her legs. She braced her hands against his broad chest as she moved her hips on his cock.
Doctor Frye humped Chris faster and faster. She came once, twice and a third time. Chris’ hips came up to meet hers and they fucked furiously. She had another mind bending orgasm and collapsed on his chest. “Your fantastic, Chris,” she murmured. “I can’t believe you’re still hard.
“I can’t either,” said Chris. “It’s like my dick is frozen. I can barely feel anything.”
Doctor Frye laughed. “It’s the anesthetic. It’ll wear off in a little while.”
Chris started to say something, but suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Just a minute,” called out the doctor, but the door opened anyway.
“Is everything alright in here?” said feminine voice with a strong Southern drawl. It was Doctor Frye’s nurse, Maxine. Where the Doctor was thin and dark and elegant, Maxine was large and blonde and in charge. She took one look at Doctor Frye lying on top of Chris, with his monster cock still firmly imbedded in her pussy, and said, “Just what in all the blue blazes of hell is going on here?” She strode across the room and wrapped an arm around the Doctor’s wait. Chris had a vision of Maxine tossing her across the room, but instead he was amazed as he watched Maxine lay a big open-mouth kiss on the Doctor.
“I didn’t think anything was going to happen today,” said Maxine with raised eyesbrows.
The Doctor gave an uncharacteristic giggle and said, “I didn’t either, but something came up and up and up.”
“I see,” said Maxine as she looked at the inches of rigid cock that lay outside the Doctor’s pussy. “Your next patient is ready. Why don’t you let me finish up in here?”
“OK,” said the Doctor. She climbed off Chris and in a few seconds she was back into her lab coat. She pushed her hair into place and headed for the door. “That anesthetic is making things… uh, really hard for him. See what you can do about that,” she said as she left.
Maxine quickly doffed the loose top and pants of her medical scrubs. Unlike the sexy lingerie that the Doctor had forgotten, Maxine had on basic utility undergarments. Her heavy duty bra looked as it was holding a couple of basketballs. She throw a leg across Chris’ groin and grabbed his cock. “Let’s see what we can do about getting this thing to soften up,” she said as she struggled to fit the head in her pussy.
“Yes Ma’am,” said Chris. He gave his hips a push and a half-dozen inches of the end of his cock buried themselves in warm, wet cunt.
Maxine moaned, “Oh yeah honey, that’s fantastic. Now pound it to me, baby”
Chris grinned and began to shag his hips faster and faster. Maxine held onto her tits and bit at her lower lip as he pushed her through multiple orgasms. Chris fucked until his back ached and his body was covered in sweat. He kept thinking that if he could just go on a little longer he could blow his wad. Finally he began to feel the end of his cock tingle and grow even larger. “I'm going to cum,” he said through gritted teeth.
Maxine pulled the throbbing monster from between her legs and used both hands to pump it. A shot of cum spurted from the head. It must have gone up three feet before it fell back to splat down on Chris’s stratach. More and more shots followed the first one and then even more cum oozed from the tip of Chris’ cock and flowed over her fingers.
“You know,” said Maxine as she wiped up their mess with a towel, “this little therapy we just went through may have to be performed several times.”
Chris looked at the big blonde and smiled. “I understand”, he said. “It’s nice to meet someone so dedicated to their work.”
The End
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