AB-5341 Mother With The Hots by Kathy Andrews
Chapter 1
The water was slightly above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
She sat in it to her neck, feeling the sensitive heat wash about her.
Leaning her head back on the deck, her arms up, Marilyn surprised in
Around her were the tall pines and the green, rolling hills. There was
Even a small stream a few yards away. Birds chirped and sang in the tree
And Marilyn’s cunt was hotter than the water.
She was naked as usual. She loved to sit in the hot tub on fine spring
days and especially enjoyed being outside without clothes on. It gave
her a sense of freedom and, she admitted to herself, a glorious feeling
of wickedness. No one could see her–they were miles from any other home
here in the footballs. No one ever came around, not even hunters. There
was no game here to attract them and the only road nearby was the one
leading to their home.
Marilyn had gotten this house in her diploma settlement, along with
alimony for two years. Also, she had custody of her son, Donny. Her
ex-husband had not fought very hard and for that she was glad. The
diploma had been almost friendly. But any love she had for her husband
was long gone, as his was for her. As usual, they never learned what
went wrong.
Six months was a long time for Marilyn to do without a cock. If she had
her choice she would fuck every day–morning, noon, and night. But now
she had no choice. She did, however, have her hands and fingers.
As the early afternoon sun burned down onto her, she shoved a hand along
her swelling, shaped tits just beneath the hot water. Her flesh was
Very smooth, like satin. Cupping her title for a moment, she squeezed the
firmness, feeling her nipple press into her palm. Atingle of pleasure
rippled down her stomach to her cunt and she feel her cliporis swelling.
Moving her hand downward, she ran her fingers through the bushy
thickness of her cunt hair. Parting her thighs, she challenged lightly upon
her knotted cliporis, sliding her finger down and into the slippery
tightness of her pussy.
Marilyn loved to care herself this way, outside in the hot tub with
the sun hot enough to make her sweat. She loved feeling and probing her
body with the fresh air around her.
Yet, if she had a choice, she would prefer a man’s hands moving about
her sensitive flesh. A man with a beautiful cock she could massage,
squeeze, and stroke into lovely hardness; watch the head becomes round;
the piss hole dripping against her palm.
But there was no man here or anyplace else.
The only male around was Donny, but he didn’t count. He was too young in
the first place and in the second place, he was her son. That was the
order in which she assigned him–first too young, second being her son.
She never thought it strange to think of Donny that way but nothing
would ever happen between them. Donny really was too young to be
interested in girls and he was much too involved with his butterfly
She could sit naked in the hot tub all day and her son would never see
her body, not even if he stood next to her. That is, she didn’t think
so. Not that Marilyn had any intention of doing anything with her son.
But if she were so inclined they were certainly in a remote enough area
for it.
She slipped her finger into her cunt and surprised, her eyes closed as she
leaned on the deck. Moving her finger in and out of her tight cunt, she
fantasized about a man, any man, coming upon her and fucking her.
From an upstairs window, Donny was peeking down at his mother, unknown
to her. Maybe she thought he was too young, not interested in girls, but
Marilyn was wrong. Feeling the first stirrings of sexual desire, Donny
peeked at his mother all the time. He enjoyed looking at her, it made
his cock hard.
He could barely see the outline of her tits under the clear water, and
his cock was pressing against his shorts with tingling hardness. He
didn’t know what she was doing with her hand under the water, but he
imagined she was sticking a finger into her pussy. He liked to think of
His mother doing that when he watched her in the tub. When he thought of
his mother shoving her finger up her cunt, he didn’t feel so guilty
about jacking off. To his way of thinking, if his mother could do it, so
could he.
He had never really seen his mother naked. She was always in the water
before he saw her. But he knew she was naked though, because he could
always see her tits shimmering under the surface. Still, no matter how
hard he tried, he could never catch her naked.
Donny had seen a girl naked before though. She lived a mile and a half
away in another house almost as isolated as this one. She enjoyed having
him look at her body, but they had never had the nervous to touch each
With the desire to see his mother’s body, Donny went downstairs and out
onto the redwood deck. He sprayed into one of the chairs near a table,
looking at his mother.
Hearing her son come out, Marilyn quickly removed her finger from her
gripping cunt and smiled up at him. He sat with his legs wide, his ass
shoved down on the chair. Marilyn almost asked her son to get into the
hot tub with her before she remembered she was naked.
It had become a habit not to wear any clothes and a few times she had
completely forgotten about it.
She smiled at him, her eyes seeing his young, handsome face with the
deep brown eyes. As young as he was, he was tall and had a good body.
His shorts, the loose-legged type, rode low on his stomach. As she
looked at him, she allowed herself a tantalizing peek between his
thighs. A light glowed in her eyes as she thought she could see the tip
of his cock. She strained here eyes, and a soft gasp bubbled from her.
That was his cock she could see!
Her eyes unfocused for a moment as a tingle rippled up and down her
body. When her vision cleared she gazed at her son, seeing the head of
his cock clearly. She wondered if Donny knew what she could see, if he
had sat that way deliberately. He had his hands behind his head and face
was turned into the sun, eyes close. But they weren’t closed all the
way, he was peeking at his mother from slitted eyes, and he knew where
Shewas looking.
Marilyn gazed at the head of her son’s cock, believing his eyes were
closed. She looked openly, desire coming into her eyes. She gasped again
as she saw his cock starting to swell. The head seemed to poke out a bit
farther until she saw every smooth bit of it. There was a churning
sensing between her tighs and she moved her hand back under the hot
water and to her cunt. Gazing at the head of her son’s cock, she began
to rub her hand up and down her cunt.
Marilyn began to experience small but very pleasant orgasms as she
peered at Donny’s cock. She could see one of his precious balls there
too and this increased her burning desire. A finger slipped into her
cunt and she hid to stifle a groan of delight.
After a few minutes she thought Donny had fallen wait. He had often
dozed out here, and the way his chest rose and fell evenly now she was
sure hewas sleeping. She wanted to get out of the tub for a while, but
as long as Donny was there she couldn’t. She had not brought her robe
out with her, and her large towel was on the table at his side. She
couldn’t possibly get to it before he woke up.
Suddenly, with a silent giggle of wicked pleasure, Marilyn decided to
take the chance. Even if Donny wasn’t sleeping, it wouldn’t matter. If
he saw her naked body, it would make no difference. He was still almost
a baby, she thought. Even if his cock was almost hard, he was still a
baby to her.
Being as quiet as she could; not splashing any water; Marilyn lifted
herself from the tub.
From his slitted eyes, Donny saw his mother’s tits. They were so full
and tight, there was hardly any movement to them. Her nipples were very
hard and long, he saw. As she stood up, his slitted eyes gazed at her
flat stomach–then fixed upon that thick patch of hair. The hair was
dark and curly, and he was disappointed that her cunt was so well
Reaching for the towel, Marilyn turned her back to her son before she
wrapped it about her. Donny saw his mother’s swelling, shaped ass
cheats, and the first word that came to his mind was “bubble”. Her ass
was like two beautiful bubbles, he though. There was a tingling in his
balls and his cock arched up into full hardness. He watched his mother
wrap the towel around her body and start into the house. Her legs were
Very long and smooth, and they excited him very much.
Donny was young, certainly, but he knew all about putting his cock into
a girl’s cunt. Like most boys, he had learned about that in school from
His friends. He wondered what it would be like to have his cock inside
his mother’s cunt.
Inside the house, Marilyn felt deliciously warm and all tingly. She had
been naked and close enough to her son to touch him. And his cock–Oh
his cock! It had been almost hard, she thought as she walked up the
stairs to her bedroom. It was amazing to her that Donny’s cock was so
big. “How could a boy as young as he was have such a large cock?” she
In her room she dropped the towel and faced herself in the mirrored
wall. There was nothing about her that would prevent a man from making a
pass. She was quite beautiful, with large, green eyes and very dark,
auburn hair–the color of a well-worn penny. Her body was still firm and
tight, with beautifully shaped tits, a small wait, flaring hips and
Exquisitely long thighs. There certainly wasn’t anything wrong with her
ass, she noted as she twisted about and looked over her shoulder.
Since the day was hot, she selected a pair of very tight, white shorts
and a matching sleepless blouse. On her feet she strapped on sandals.
Going back downstairs, she moved behind the wet bar and mixed herself a
milk drink. Marilyn seldom drank, but right now her nerves were giving
her a difficult time.
She could not rid herself of the image of her son’s cock and the
Surprising size of it. Her cunt still had that deep, burning, delicious
sensing as if she were on the very brink of a tremendous orgasm. It
was a fantastic feeling and she had not felt that way for many, many
Taking her drink with her, she stepped out the sliding doors and back on
the patio. Her son, she saw, was awake and sitting in the hot tub now.
She sat in the chair he had occurred earlier and sipped her drink,
watching him.
“Feels good. Doesn’t it, honey?” she said, her voice low and she knew,
“Sure does, Mom,” he replied. His cock was still very hard, but it was
far under the water and his mother couldn’t see it. “I should have
gotten in with you.”
“Mmmmmmm, perhaps,” she murmured, wondering what would have happened when
he discovered her naked in the tub. If only Donny were a few years
older. The thought started her and she almost spilled her drink. She
Crossed her legs and Donny gazed at them. Marilyn was aware of him
looking at her and she was starting to think she was wrong about Donny
having no interest in girls. He was certainly looking at her legs with
Interest, she noted. Maybe he wasn’t too young, after all.
“Donny,” she asked in a low voice, “do you have a girlfriend?”
“Yes,” he replied, his eyes still on her thighs. “Well, sort of.”
“Sort of? What does that mean, baby?”
“Just sort of, Mom."
“That doesn’t make any sense. Either you have one or you don’t. Which is
“Sort of,” he insisted.
“What’s her name?” Marilyn wanted to know.
“Oh, that little girl down there,” she replied, waving her hand in the
direction of the hills. “Does she ride the school bus with you?”
Donny nodded, his cock throbbing powerfully. His mother had uncrossed
her legs and sat with her knees apart now. He could see the tight crotch
of her shorts and when he looked closely, he was sure he saw the outline
of her cunt.
“She’s a lovely, little girl.” Marilyn said. “You don’t see much of her
except on the bus, do you?”
Donny shook his head. He was excited by what he was looking at. His cock
was almost hurting from the hardness, and his balls had a very hot
sensing in them. He wondered if he was about to come.
Unable to stop the feelings within her, Marilyn moved her thighs farther
apart. Donny, she noted, gazed between her legs with unabashed heat in
His eyes. But it was no surprise to her that he was excited. She was
starting to think he wasn’t too young after all. Surely it wouldn’t do
any harm to tease a little, to make her son feel good.
She twisted her ass on the chair as she sipped her drink, watching her
son’s eyes widen. Her movement had been deliberately erotic, and she was
Pleased with his response. She began thinking of his cock as she had
seen it earlier, and hoped her son could see enough between her tights.
She knew what she was doing could lead to other things, and at the
moment, with her pussy boiling, she hoped it would.
Holding her glass up, she said softly, “I think I need another one of
She got up from the chair then, with her back to her son, gave a soft
cry and leaned over to look at her toes. Donny stared at his mother’s
ass as she leaned over. The tight shorts molded her lovely ass and the
back of them lifted. He gazed at the whiter flesh above her thighs, and
his cock jerked about wildly. The feeling was so good he moaned.
“Anything wrong, baby?” she asked, standing up and looking over her
Shoulder at him.
A slow smile came to her when she saw his glassy eyes still looking at
her ass. When Donny failed to answer, she walked slowly across the
redwood deck towards the sliding glass doors, her ass gently swwaying
with, she knew, open invitation.
Behind the wet bar she prepared herself another drink, milder than the
last one. Her mind was going swiftly, thinking about Donny. She knew,
Without any feelings of guilt, that shewanted her son … wanted to
Feel his surprisingly large cock plugging into her cunt.
She stood behind the wet bar, her eyes with a faraway expression in
them, sparkling with an erotic fantasy. Her cunt was pulsating hotly and
her nipples strained against the cotton blouse.
Chapter 2
She was standing behind the wet bar when Donny came in.
He was still wet, dripping water on the carpet. Usually she would have
said something to him, but not today. He stood just inside the sliding
doors, and her eyes went immediately to the front of his shorts. There
was a most delicious-looking bulge there, and Donny was looking back at
her with hot, unashamed eyes.
“I’ve been looking at you, Mom,” he said in an unusually low voice.
A faint flush crept over her cheeses, but it was not of embarrassment, it
Was of pleasure. Gazing directly at the bulge in his shorts, she nodded,
saying in a whispery voice, “I thought so, Donny.”
“I mean out there,” he pointed onto the deck. “I had my eyes closed, but
I wasn’t sleep. I saw you … naked.”
“You did,” she said, her voice quivering with emotion. “What did you
see, honey?”
“Everything.” he replied.
“And you enjoyed seeing me,” she said, a simple statement not a
Her son nodded.
Marilyn placed her drink on the bar and stepped out from behind it. She
walking towards her son slowly, her eyes riveted upon his bulging cock.
She stopped a foot from him, her eyes still down. Donny was the same
height as she was, and his eyes were on her tits. For just a moment,
Marilyn felt a shudder move through her. Then, excitedly slow, she
moved a hand toward him. Very lightly, she placed herpalm against his
cock, and feel it throbbing hot. Donny sucked in a breath of air,
arching his hips forward to press his cock into his mother’s hand.
Very slowly, they came together. Marilyn pressed her tits against her
son’s chest, feeling them flatten out. She brought both hands to his
Cheeks, holding his face and gazing into his eyes. Then her lips closed
on his and they kissed long and hard.
The sequencing contact of their lips made them both moan.
Marilyn felt her son’s arms wrap about her waist and he hugged her
tightly, his cock pressing against the shaft of her bubble cunt. She
compromised her hips against him, holding his face tightly. Then he slowly
pressed her tongue between his lips.
Marilyn shingled in delight when her son began to suck on her tongue. The
harder he sucked, the more she whimpered with pleasure. When she began
to dart her tongue back andforth into his mouth, she could into resistance
sliding her hands down, around his waist, lowering them to his ass. With
her fingers squeezed at the cheeses of her son’s ass, she twisted her
pelvis into his throbbing hard-on.
Donny, encouraged by his mother’s hands on his ass pulling his cock
tightly against her twisting cunt, moved his own hands down her back.
When he clutched her ass cheeses, Marilyn whimpered into his mouth,
moving even tighter against him. There was a hot, sparkling feeling
racing up and down her body, swelling hotly between her tights. Her cunt
bubbled and steamed, and Marilyn softly convulsed with orgasm. Her body
trembled against her son as she came, and her tongue snaked in and out
of his mouth wetly. The hardness of his cock against her felt so good
she rubbed harder, wondering if Donny would come too.
She didn’t have the chance to find out.
DonnyPulled away from his mother.
“What’s wrong, honey?” she whispered, alarmed.
“Nothing. Mom.” he said in a husky voice.
Then she saw him hooking his fingers into his wet shorts. She gasped
When she shoved them down, his cock springing free. His prick stand out
a good five or six inches, thick and hard. The head was swollen and she
saw the silvery bubbles dripping from the piss hole.
Donny stepped out of his shorts, standing naked before his mother, proud
and anxious.
Marilyn gazed with heat in her eyes at his cock. She was surprised to
see thick hair at the base, and his balls appeared to be very full. Her
palms itched to take his balls and cock in her hands, to stroke them,
fondle them, jack on him.
“Beautiful,” she whispered. “So beautiful, Donny.”
“Let me see you, Mom,” he groaned, “let me lookat you, too.”
“Oh, yes!” Marilyn squealed, unbuttoning her cotton blouse with shaking
Sliding the blouse from her shoulders, she arched her tits out. They
swelled and lifted, her nipples throbbing with hardness, the pebbled
Discs looking swollen too. Moving her hands behind her, she located the
zipper of her tight shorts. Her eyes left her son’s cock.
Her shorts were very tight, and as she began to peel them down, she had
to wiggle her hips. She saw her son’s cock jerk up and down as he
Watched her shove the shorts down. Kicking them from her feet, she stood
up. Her tits seemed to jiggle tightly as she watched her son’s eyes move
from her tits down, then stop at the triangle of dark pussy hair.
Without him saying anything she saw her son’s hand come toward her. She
shoved her hips out to meet him and he touched her cunt. A shiver of
pleasure went through her as his other hand came up to close about one
spongy title. As he slipped his hand between her hot, velvety tights,
Marilyn’s hand moved. She clutched her son’s hard cock tightly, feeling
the power there. She mewled with delight and began moving her fist back
and forth. She pulled the head of his cock against her flesh and felt
the sequencing moisture his piss hole left.
The only sound they made was heavy, hot breathing. Both were shaking
with excited anticipation. Marilyn’s cunt was pulsating hotly and wetly
against her son’s palm as he rubbed it, and she felt as if she would
Come again. Unable to bear the tension any longer, she slowly sank
downward, drawing her son with her. They knelt, facing each other,
gazing into each other’s eyes as they felt about their naked bodies.
Slowly, Marilyn lay back on the carpet, looking up at her son with
smoldering eyes. She spread her legs wide, holding her arms up for him.
But Donny didn’t go into them right away. He was staring between his
mother’s thighs, seeing her pink, wet cunt lips through the dark curls.
His cock was jerking about and, with a low groan, he fell into his
mother’s arms.
Marilyn pulled her son on top of her, feeling his hard cock brushing her
thighs. She moved and twisted her hips until she felt the swollen head
of his prick pressing against the slippery wetness of her cunt. She
lifted her hips and a sob of delight burst from her as her cunt opened,
stretching around the swollen head of her son’s cock.
Donny groaned and shoved his face onto his mother’s tits. With whimpers
of ecstasy, Marilyn ran her hands down his back and over his naked ass.
Holding his ass cheeks tightly, she murdered her hot, velvety tights
About his hips. She only had the head of his cock inside her cunt, and
already there was a spasm of orgasm burning through her.
Thinking her son was holding his cock from her, she suddenly slammed
upwards. She squealed softly as her pussy engulfed Donny’s cock all the
way. She smoked the tender, sensitive lips of her cunt against the base
of his cock and heard him grunt as her cunt began to flex around his
prick. His balls rested upon her uplifted ass, and Marilyn began to sob
with pleasure.
While Donny held himself stiffly, Marilyn could not hold still. She
began to move her ass slowly, fucking her son with her hairy, tight
cunt. His breath came in hoarse, hot gasps as she moved her cunt back
and forth on his throbbing cock, and she gurgled when he finally started
plunging up and down. His cock seemed to go deep into her burning pussy,
thrilling her, exciting her.
Donny lifted himself and stared into his mother’s eyes, his cock
thrusting in and out. Marilyn gazed up at her son as she pumped on his
prick, a smile on her face. She clung to his tightening ass cheats as if
afraid he would pull that sweet hardness out of her.
For what seemed to be along time, they fucked slowly. But the ecstasy
grow hotter within both of them. Marilyn could not keep this slowness
up. She began to pump faster, slamming her cunt up and down on his cock
with gurgling ecstasy. Her fingers dug into his tight ass cheeks and
Donny was now holding her hips, again resting his face on her springy
“Ohhh, so good, darling.” she murmured against the top of his head. “So
good! Do it faster, baby! Ohhh, please go faster and harder!”
Donny compiled, not so much to please his mother, but because his cock
demanded it.
The increasing power and speed of his plunging cock caused Marilyn to
coo and sight. Her cunt was griping her son’s cock very tightly, the
slippery wetness making a sheath of intensity pleasure for him.
Feverishly, Marilyn stroked her hands up and down his back, caressing
his bouncing ass, churning her cunt into his throbbing cock with sobs of
She felt every throb of her son’s cock with the sensitive lips of her
clinging cunt. The feeling increased her own boiling desire, and the
milk orgasms began swelling like a burning balloon within her rippling
stomach. The waves of orgasms caused her cunt to grip and flex around
Donny’s cock in a sucking sensing.
She felt her son speed up, his cock moving hard and fast into her cunt
now. His balls slapped at her ass, and she wronged and twisted, arched
and banged into him. They were both grunting with intense ecstasy now.
With a shout, Donny’s body became stiff, his cock buried deep inside her
cunt. Knowing he was about to come, Marilyn clung to his ass cheeses,
keeping his cock deep inside her pussy.
“Come, darling!” she hissed throatily. “Oh, God … come!”
Donny’s cock pulsated, then she felt the hot gush of his come juice wash
about her cunt. Each spurt seemed to splash along the satiny walls of
her heated cunt like the crash of waves upon a rocky beach. Her clitoris
was tightly knotted, and she came again, a powerful convulsion that
caused her back to bow, and her cunt to ache. She screamed a low but
Very loud wail of mindless ecstasy.
Donny rested on top of his mother’s naked body, breathing hard. She held
him tightly, her hands fondling his back and quivering ass cheats. His
cock was captured by the wet tightness of her cunt and she luxurious in
the sensings still heating her body.
Finally, Donny moved. He crawled from between his mother’s tights and
sat next to her. She looked up at him with slitted, steamy eyes. Her son
was grinning with delight, and he stroked her tits gently with one hand.
“You’re not ashamed?” she whispered.
“Not at all, Mom,” he said. “I’m glad we did that.”
He squeezed her title with both hands, making her successful nipple rise up
sharply. “Mom, I’ve been peeking at you every chance I get. You don’t
know how glad I am we did this.”
Marilyn giggled. “And I though you were interested only in your
butterfly collection. When did you develop this interest in girls,
Donny leaned over and ran his tongue about his mother’s sweet nipple,
Then said. “When I met Sally.”
“What has she got to do with it?”
Donny told her about how the girl had teased him by lifting her dress
and showing him her pussy, and how hard his cock had become. He told his
mother how excited Sally was to look at his cock. These revelations
excited Marilyn more than she would have suspected. Boys and girls did
Such things she knew, she had done them when she was Donny’s age.
“Mmmm, lick my nipples again, darling,” she murmured, drawing his mouth
to her title. “Your tongue makes them tingle.”
She trembled as he ran his tongue about her nipple, making it stand up
Very hard. While he sucked her nipple into his hot mouth, Marilyn
slipped her hand to his cock and balls. She cradled Donny’s balls in her
palm, enjoying the feeling. She feel his cock swelling along her wrists,
and moved her fingers about it.
She pumped his price slowly and firmly, thrilled when it throbbed in her
fist. She used her other hand to hold his mouth tight on her title, his
hot breath fanning her flesh. She squeezed his cock, mewling in
pleasure. Her son grunted when her fingers tightened about his prick and
she felt him moving his hips, pumping with her fist.
“Do you want to do it again, Donny?” she asked in a breathless voice,
squeezing his cock harder. “Do you want to do it to me again?”
Donny lifted his mouth from her nipple, his eyes glaiming with
eagerness. “Can we, Mom? I sure would like to.”
“What about your ‘sort of’ girlfriend?” she teased.
“Who needs her?” Donny mumbled, sliding his hands down to the bush of
her cunt. “I’ve got you.”
With a low laugh of delight, Marilyn rolled onto her stomach, shaking
her naked ass. Donny gripped his mother’s ass with both hands, digging
into the firm chefs and making Marilyn coo with pleasure. She wiggled
her ass up into his hands, then drew her knees beneath her body.
“Do it this way, baby,” she urged hotly, shaking her uplifted ass
wickedly. “Do it to me this way, honey.”
Marilyn arched her creamy, shaped ass high into the air, resting her
head on the carpet, arms above her head. She parted her knees for him.
Lifting her head, she looked over her shoulder as her son knelt behind
her ass.
“Oooo, Donny,” she gurgled hotly, “put it in me! Ohhh, put your
beautiful hard-on in me! Do it to me, baby! Do it to me!”
She felt the head of her son’s cock pressing into her soaked cunt, and
wailed in delight. His hands held her hips tightly as he thrust his cock
deeply. Marilyn’s pussy closed around Donny’s cock, holding him with
that wet heat. She moved a hand between her tights and caught his balls,
twisting them gently, holding his cock for a long time between her
pulsating, stretching cunt lips.
Moving her ass, Marilyn began to hump on his cock, soft sounds bubbled
From her constricted throat. When Donny started thrusting with her, she
began to whimper. Turning loose his balls, she shivered as they banged
to and fro, hitting her distended cliporis softly. The grunts her son
made were loud, and she increased the motion of her smooth ass. When
Donny banged furiously into her, she felt her tits scrape on the rough
pile of the carpet. The touch was light, but enough to increase the fire
growing hotly in her cunt.
“Hard and fast this time, Donny!” she sobbed. “Oh, please fuck me hard
and fast! I want it hard, baby, real hard! Fuck me, darling! Please fuck
me hard!”
The words from his mother inflamed his erotic senses and Donny pounded
into his mother’s slipperypussy. His fingers dug into her hips
brutally. With every throb of his cock, Marilyn’s cunt sucked and
squeezed. Once again a series of explorations burned through her, her cunt
convulsing in tight wetness around his prick. The orgasms grow in
intensity, making her squeal and shake her ass in a frenzy against his
driving cock.
With her ass high in the air, her ass cheek parted, she could feel his
stomach smacking upon the pumper of her asshole. That served to send
waves of orgasms crashing through her with frantic ecstasy. Moaning
loudly, she shook and twisted her uplifted naked ass while he plunged
faster and harder into her clinging cunt. The first fuck had been slow,
Not half as frenzied as this one. But now Marilyn wasn’t concerned about
being erotic with her son. His cock thrusting into her cunt created such
a storm of ecstasy, loud wails escaped her lips as he slammed against
her cranimal ass.
“Ohhh, that’s so good, Donny!” she while with a thick voice. “Oh God,
baby! So good! Fuck me, darling! Fuck my pussy! Ahhh, you have a
beautiful cock, Donny! So hard … so very hard! I love it. I love it!”
Donny was grunting swiftly now, listening to his mother using those
exciting words openly. He gazed with glassy eyes at the way she wiggled
her ass, seeing the tightness of her asshole. The cheeses of her ass were
Very smooth, white and creamy. He stopped plunging his cock into her
cunt and fondled the ass cheats, and his mother continued her back and
forth motions, fucking him in mindless delight. He saw his cock sink in,
Then withdraw, her pink cunt lips sucking on his prick.
The wetness, the intensity heat, and the exciting tightness of his
mother’s cunt became too much, as did the sight of her ass fucking him.
Once more Donny’s young bodywent stiff and Marilyn felt his cock
jerking about deep inside her clamping cunt. As the roar of a fantastic
orgasm whipped through her, she still feel her son’s cock as it suddenly
gushed, flooding her cunt with that sweet, thick, creamy come juice. For
the second time in less than an hour her son was fucking her, spurting
that precise come juice into her greedy pussy.
Marilyn sprayed onto the carpet, her body shivering as the glow of
ecstasy continued through her. She felt her son caressing and fondling
the trembling cheats of her ass.
There was no feeling of remorse. All she felt at this moment was
pleasure. She knew there would be no sense in maintaining a modest
appear with her son any longer. She knew, without any doubt, that
Her body would be available to Donny any time he wanted it. He could
bring his beautiful, young cock to her and fuck her any time the mood
struck him.
If being fucked by him twice in less than an hour was any indication,
Marilyn knew she was going to be fucked frequently and fucked
After a while she struggled up. “Why don’t we take a shower together,
“That would be fun, Mom.” he agreed.
He jumped to his feet and she watched his cock swing about as he started
up the stairs. She followed a few feet behind him, watching his naked
ass happy.
Chapter 3
Later that afternoon while the sun was still high, Marilyn and Donny
rode their bicycles through the pines.
It was something they had done often shortly after her dividend. They
hadn’t done it much lately but today the wonders of nature drew them
into the woods.
Donny still wore his shorts, but Marilyn had put on a short tennis-type
dress and blouse. Beneath the skirt she hadon quite lacy, very sheer,
bikini panties. Her son seemed to never get his fill of looking at her
slender thighs, and she decided to dress in a manner that revealed them
to him.
They rode slowly along a narrow trail between the tall trees, the sun
filtering through. About a mile from the house they paused. Marilyn
stood astraddle her bicycle, the rear of her skirt caught on the seat.
Donny was slightly behind his mother and he gazed excitedly at her
thighs. He could see not only her long thighs, but also the roundness of
her ass where the skirt was held up. The tingle in his crotch caused his
cock to harden, and when Marilyn glanced at him, it was the first thing
she saw. A slow smile spread over her face and her eyes grow warm.
“Do you always stay so hard, Donny?” she said in a low voice, licking
her lips.
“Only when I look at you, Mom,” he replied, rubbing athis bulging
prick. “Did you know I can see your ass?”
She nodded her head. “That’s why I dressed this way.”
“I can usually peek up girls’ dresses at school,” he said, “but I like
looking at you better.”
“You’re sweet, honey,” she murmured. “Especially when you have such a
lovely hard-on.”
Proudly, Donny lifted the flap of his shorts to expose his throbbing
cock to his mother. Marilyn ran her tongue over her lips as her cunt
flexed with anticipation. She rolled her bicycle backwards so she could
take his cock in her hand. She squeezed and stroked his cock for a
While, her eyes burning down at it. The swollen head was dripping and
she ran her thumb across his piss hole.
Lifting her hand up, she smiled wantonly at her son as she moved her
tongue about her thumb, tasting the juices of his prick. Donny’s eyes
widened and when she held his cock again it seemed to throb even more
“Come on, let’s ride a bit farther.” Marilyn laughed and began to pedal
Donny followed, watching her thighs flash in the filtered sunlight,
seeing her ass move slightly from side to side on the seat.
They stopped again on a hill overlooking a luxuriously green valley.
Leaning her bicycle against a pine tree, she sat on the soft grass,
drawing her knees to her tits and placing her chin on them. Donny sat
cross-legged slightly in front of his mother so he could peek at her
thighs and the way her panties pooched out around her cunt. His cock had
slipped from the leg of his shorts, the head so sweetly smooth. Almost
idly, Marilyn took her son’s cock in her hand and jacked on it slowly.
“It’s so beautiful.” she whispered.
“It sure is.” Donny grinned, staring at her crotch.
“You nut,” she laughed. ” I’m talking about the view.”
“So am I!” he said.
“I think we’re looking at two different views.” Marilyn replied.
“You look at what you want and I’ll look at what I want, Mom.” Donny
said in a thick voice. “I think what I’m looking at is prettier.”
“You just like pussy, that’s your trouble,” she said, pumping and
squeezing on his cock. “You’re pussy-crazy, honey. Just plain crazy for
hot cunt.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Not a thing,” Marilyn purred. “Not a fucking thing is wrong with being
“Hairy cunt crazy.” Donny giggled, reaching to move his fingers about
her pooching panties. “Hot, wet, hairy cunt crazy.”
Marilyn considered her son with smoldering eyes. A day ago she had never
heard him utter such words, nor had she ever said them in his presence.
It was exciting to hear him talk that way. It made her tits swell and
her pussy pulsate deliciously.
“If you like this cunt so much,” she said in a low, whispery voice,
“what would you like to do with it?”
“Anything and everything, Mom.” he replied, pressuring his fingers up on
her pussy. “I’d do anything for this cunt.”
Marilyn pumped faster on his hard cock, excitement growing within her.
“Would you fuck it … here.”
Donny looked around. “No one would see us. We’re too far away from any
houses. Sure, Mom. I’d fuck it right here.”
Marilyn lay back on the grass, spreading her knees wide until they were
Almost touching the ground. Then shelooked at her son with boiling
eyes, her cunt twitching with reading.
“Do it then, Donny.” she urged quietly. “Fuck me here, out in the open,
with the sun and the trees and the birds! Fuck me here–now!”
Donny, his eyes glowing, started to shove his shorts down, but Marilyn
stopped him. “Leave them on, baby. Just pull your cock out the side.”
“Aren’t you gonna take your panties off?”
“No reason to.” she mewled, tugging at the crotch of her lacy panties.
Donny stared at his mother’s exposed cunt. Somehow, this was intensely
erotic to him. His mother lying there, her short skirt bunched almost to
her narrow waist, her legs up and knees wide, holding the crotch of her
panties to one side for him. His cock jerked and his balls became tight
as he moved between his mother’s tights.
Marilyn arched her hips up, already grinding in a tight circle as she
waited breathlessly for her son’s cock to penetrate her steamy cunt.
Donny braced himself with his hands on each side of her, and his cock
slithered into her pussy. Marilyn gave a long hiss of pleasure. She
placed her palms flat on the grass at her hips, humping up and down as
her son began thrusting his cock into her cunt.
“Oooo, baby.” she whimpered.
“Oh, Mom!” Donny groaned.
Marilyn churned her cunt about as his balls banged upon her ass,
thrilling her again. She clawed her fingers into the grass as the
sensings of ecstasy ignored and soon began to roar through her. It
seemed to Marilyn that Donny’s cock went deeper and filled her cunt more
than it had earlier in the day. Her cunt was so wet she could hear the
liquid sounds as her son thrust up and down.
Her hips were in conStant motion, gyrating and humping. Whimpers were
bubblering from her as she gazed with hot, unfocused eyes into the blazing
ones of her son above her. Her mouth was slightly parted and her pink,
moist tongue moved slowly about her lips. She was panting with pleasure
as she churned her hips to the motion of his thrusting cock.
She watched the ecstasy on her son’s face above her, and seeing his
pleasure was as good to her as feeling his cock banging her cunt. The
flexing sensing of her cunt gave her son greater thrills, she knew,
just as it did her. The ability of her cunt to become tight and suck and
Then relax again was something involuntary. She had no control over it,
and she didn’t want to control it.
The sensings of her cunt flexing around his cock were as exciting to
her as they were to her son. She thought she could feel each ridge of
his throbbing cock inside her receptive cunt. He would plumge deep, then
withdraw. On each plume she felt his balls brushing against the hot
cheats of her ass, the base of his cock smoking her knotted cliporis
and throbbing between her stretching cunt lips.
As he withdraw, he would almost but not quite, pull his cock completely
free. She would feel the swollen head almost leave her cunt and then,
just as she began to feel real appreciation–afraid he would take his
prick out, he would thrust deep into her again.
“This is so beautiful, baby.” she mewled up at him, her hips moving.
“Does it feel good to you, Donny? Does my cunt make your cock feel good?
Can you feel how hot and wet mother’s cunt is on your lovely prick?”
He grunted a reply, too excited to speak.
Marilyn drew her knees up, sliding them along his hips and wait. She
Pulled them back until they pressed upon her shoulders. This causedher
ass to lift high and her son was almost upright as he fucked her. She
Thought this position enabled her to feel his cock so much better, to
experience the full ecstasy of him stuffing her pussy.
“Oooo, Donny, Donny!” she hissed as the heat grow within her to a
bubblering boil. “Ram it to me, darling! Oh, God … ram that sweet cock
to my cunt! I love it, baby, love it! Fuck my cunt! Fuck mother’s hot
cunt! So beautiful, so fucking beautiful!”
She swung her uplifted ass about, wishing now they had removed at least
her panties. But it was too late for that. She wasn’t going to stop now
for anything.
Marilyn was sobbing with the intensity of her ecstasy now, and Donny was
grunting and puffing above her. He had brought his hands onto her tits
sometimes or other, and she felt him squeezing them as his cock plugged
harder and faster. Jerking her cunt up anddown, riding his cock in a
frenzy, she felt her orgasm steaming away. Through it, she could feel
her son’s cock throbbing, jerking about inside the satiny walls of her
pussy. Her cliporis had become a very hard knot now and every time her
son banged against it, she yelped with delight.
“I’m going to come, Donny!” she screamed, the sound echoing about the
pine trees. “I’m going to come!”
Donny increased the speed of his cock and Marilyn thought the friction
would actually cause her to burst into flames between her smooth, long
tighs. When her orgasm exploded, it created a storm of shuddering
movements in her body. Her hips jerked uncontrollable and she was
wailing in mindless ecstasy. Her hairy cunt squeezed very tightly about
his cock as she came, and Donny was panting with his efforts to maintain
the speed and power of his fucking thrusts.
Although his face was still above hers, Marilyn could no longer see him.
Her orgasms had been so strong, she was blinded. She felt nothing but
his cock and balls, and her orgasm bursting in her cunt. She didn’t even
Feel the fading heat of the sun, and no longer hear the chirping of the
birds. All she heard was the roaring ecstasy that gripped her, all she
felt was the convulsive pleasure in her cunt.
As the power of her orgasms received, she became aware of her son still
pumping away into her cunt, she gurgled in delight and wrapped her arms
about his back, holding him, urging him to fuck faster, to come inside
her cunt. The tingles of her orgasm still rippled through her body,
warming her, thrilling her. Once again, she became aware of her son’s
throbbing prick pounding into her pussy, the throbs it made, the
swelling jerks, the way his balls smoked against her upturned ass. She
drew his head down against her neck and placed a palm on his bouncing
ass, squirming her cunt into him.
“Mom!” Donny suddenly yelled.
He banged tightly into her crotch, his balls between the cheeses of her
ass, pressing at her asshole. His cock was very deep.
“Do it, darling!”
She felt the spurts of his come juice as he discharged. With a squeal of
ecstasy, her cunt closed about his cock at the base, milking and holding
him as he came. His body shook above her as she dug her fingers into his
ass, holding him tightly inside her cunt. Each splash of his precious
Come juices caused her body to shiver and her squeals mingled with his
yells, the sound rebounding among the pine trees.
Slowly, Donny sprayed to one side, his cock glistening in the fading
sunlight. His chest heaved up and down as he rested. Marilyn lowered her
ass and tights to the grass, her pussy tinglingdeliciously. She cupped
it for a moment, then very softly stroked her cliporis. She turned to
her son and kissed him, snaking her tongue about his lips.
“How many times have you come today, Donny?”
“I don’t know.” he gasped. “I couldn’t count them.”
“I must have come a dozen times myself.” she giggled, sounding almost
childish. “You want to know something? I’ve never come so many times in
one day before!”
He turned his head to his mother. “Honest?”
She nodded, grinning at him.
Almost hesitantly, her son asked, “Mom, how many guys have you fucked?”
For a long moment she didn’t answer him. Then in a low voice, she
replied, “Two.”
“That’s hard to believe, Mom. You’re so hot, how come only two? I
Thought you told me you used to show yourpussy to guys when you were in
“That isn’t fucking, you nut.” she said, poking him in his ribs. “That
was just kids’ play. It’s true, Donny. The only two men I’ve fucked are
you and your father.”
She began telling her son how good it had been sexually with his father.
But she left out the parts about the things that brought on the problems
that caused the dividend. She told him how she had suffered since. She
told her son of her fansies, about the heat that grow between her
thighs until she had to finger-fuck herself to orgasms.
“But that’s in the past now, isn’t it?” she said, taking his still
cunt-damp cock in her hand and fondling it. “I don’t have to finger-fuck
anymore. I’ve got you.”
“I wanna watch you finger-fuck yourself sometimes, Mom.” he said. “I
think thatwould be fun, seeing you move your finger in and out of your
“Anything you want, you get.” she laughed, pulling on his cock.
She nodded, mewling softly.
“Right now I don’t want anything except to rest.” he said.
“Are you sure?” Marilyn teased, struggling her hand up and down his wet
cock. “Are you really sure, Donny?”
“I came so much today, I don’t think I could fuck you again right now,
“Maybe not, but I know something I bet you’d love.” she whispered close
to his ear, darting her tongue out to lick at it. “I bet I could make
you come again, darling. I bet mother could make your cock hard and have
you squirting that come juice in no time.”
He continued to relax in the grass, but he was looking at his mother. “I
don't see how, Mom. My balls are empty.”
She gurgled softly. “You watch me.”
She scooted down his body. Donny placed his hands behind his head,
looking down at her. Marilyn kissed at his stomach, working her wet
tongue into his belly button. As she kissed and licked at his stomach,
she continued to stroke and fondle his cock and balls.
She pulled the wait of his trunks down low enough to expose the hairs
at the base of his cock. She wiggled and twisted her tongue lower,
circling the tip among the wiry hairs. Donny began to breathe faster and
she gazed up at him as her tongue swirled about his flesh, her eyes
burning with desire again.
Leaving his lower stomach, she scooted down until she was licking at his
thighs. She sucked his flesh into her lips and nibbled. Working the flat
surface of her tongue about his thigh, she licked up and down, pulling
his legs apart so she could run her tongue along the sensitive inner
surfaces. She pulled the crotch of his shorts as far to one side as she
could, exposing his almost hairless balls and slippery cock to her
blazing eyes.
“You like this, darling?” she whispered from between his thighs. “Does
This feel good? Do you like my tongue licking you this way?”
“Yes!” he groaned, his hips emrithing.
Marilyn gave a low moan as she began licking his thighs again, moving
her tongue higher along his leg. She brushed his balls with her nose,
Then lapped beneath them. She shoved her tongue under her son’s balls
and bounced them playfully, her eyes hot as she peered up at his excited
Working her tongue about his balls, she licked along the base of his
cock. She tasted the wetness of her cunt that still lingered there, and
a sharp reflex caused her pussy to twitch deliciously. Running her
tongue up her son’s cock and swirling it over the head, she nuzzled his
Prick and balls for a moment, her hands holding his hips. She had
slipped her hands under the sides of his shorts to feel his naked flesh.
“Want a blowjob?” she murmured huskily.
“You want to suck my cock, Mom?” he asked, surprised.
“If you want me to.” she murmured hotly. “I’ll suck your cock off if you
want, Donny.”
“Really?” he gasped, his excitement obviously. “Really, Mom?”
She nodded.
“Wow! I’ve heard about that!”
She moved her tongue along his prick, feeling it harden against her lips
and tongue. She licked slowly and hotly as his cock swelled. She went
back to his balls, gently sucking both into her hot, wet mouth. She
sucked at her son’s balls and looked at his happyface while his cock
rested on her cheek.
Releasing his balls, she moved her tongue up his cock once more. When
she reached the prick head, she tapped the tip upon his piss hole, then
ran it about the smooth head of his cock, watching her son’s face
contort with pleasure. Placing her lips upon the smooth head of his
cock, she parted them and drew that roundness between them.
Donny grunted as he felt the wet heat of his mother’s mouth engulf his
prick. Within her eyes flashing in lewd ecstasy, Marilyn moved her mouth
down, her lips sliding easily. His cock stretched her lips in a
tingling, burning pleasure. She continued taking more and more of her
son’s cock into her mouth until she had it all in. She held his prick
deep inside, the head probing against her throat as she understood her lips
at the base.
Sliding her hands underneath his body, she cupped his ass inside his
shorts. Donny lifted up and Marilyn began to gurgle in hungry ecstasy as
she sucked up and down. Her hair swirled slowly as she moved her face,
Her eyes never leaving Donny’s. She sucked slowly at first, wanting to
savor the taste of his hard cock between her lips, stuffing her mouth.
She stretched her body out between his thighs, pressing her cunt into
the grass, the cheeses of her ass bunching. Soft moans came from her as
her lips sucked and her tongue licked.
“Mmmmmmm.” she murmured. “Ahhhmmmm! Ooommmm!”
“Oh! Ohhhhh!” Donny gasped.
Marilyn’s mouth burned with eagerness as she sucked on Donny’s cock. She
loved the hardness of it between her lips and against her tongue. She
had started out sucking his cock slowly, but her hunger now caused her
to race her lips up and down swiftly. The desire to have his precious
Come juice spurting into her mouth overcame her desire to hold him
inside it. She sucked hard with soft murmurs, her fingers digging into
the tight cheats of his twisting ass.
She tried to suck his cock deep into her throat, and for a moment she
gagged. The gag was not because of distaste, but rather a reflex. She
recovered quickly and sucked all the more harder. She felt the smooth
head of his cock penetrate slightly into her tight throat and her cunt
Almost bubbled into orgasm. She sucked up and held the swollen prick
head tightly with her lips, fluttering her tongue about his dripping
piss hole, making Donny shake with ecstasy. His prick seemed to become
harder and larger between her hot, hungry lips.
Donny began to twist and squirm his ass about, groaning with intensity
pleasure. Marilyn knew he was about to come–the powerful throbs against
her stretched lips were enough evidence of that.
She was holdingthe head of his cock between her lips and pressing the
tip of her tongue into his piss hole as the first spurt of come juice
erupted from his prick.
Marilyn squealed with delight and her eyes suddenly filmed over. The
thick, creamy come juice coated her tongue, and she found herself forced
to swallow quickly. She licked her tongue rapidly about his gushing piss
hole, sucking desperately with her lips, her cheeks suck inward. She
gurgled happily as she drew his come juice into her greedy mouth. It had
have been so long since a cock had been between her lips, so long since she
had tasted one coming off in her mouth. Her cunt convulsed as her son
Flooded her mouth with the sweetness of his come juice.
Even when her son finished coming, she was reluctant to release his
prick. She lay between his tights for a long time, holding his beautiful
young cock in the grip of her mouth.
Marilyn woke up the next morning feeling good.
She stretched as she gazed at her son sleeping at her side. His face was
so young, so innocent in sleep.
Tossing the sheet to the foot of the bed, she looked at his body. It was
a strong, virile body, the body of a young boy showing promise of
manhood. He slept on his back, one leg bent out. His cock rested between
his thighs, his balls dangling below.
Marilyn gave some consideration to leaning down there and giving his
cock a good morning kiss, but thought better of it. The poor boy had
fucked her so much the day before, and she had sucked him off that once.
He needed his rest, his sleep.
Shoving her long legs over the edge of the bed, she stood up and looked
affectionately at her son once more, then went into the bathroom for her
morning shower. The spray of the water revived her, and she hummed
happy while soaping her lovely, slender body. Her nipples were hard,
and she realized they seemed to stay hard, especially since yesterday.
She soaped the curling hairs of her cunt, and for a moment teased
herself by inserting a finger into her pussy. But she didn’t have to
finger-fuck any more, never again. She had her son and his wonderful
young cock. Letting the shower spray rinse the soap from her flesh, she
Thought how lucky she was to have Donny. Some boys, she felt, might be
embarrassed to fuck their mother, but most probably wanted to at one
time or other in their life. Donny was doing it and he seemed delighted
with it.
Stepping from the shower and taking a huge, thick towel, Marilyn drunk
her body. She fluffed her hair and went back into the bedroom. Donny was
Still sound sleep.
A glance at the bedside clock told her it was ten in the morning
already. She had never slept solate, she thought with amusement. But it
was a well-deserved indulgence and she grinned as she went downstairs to
prepare breakfast. She was halfway through cooking when she realized she
had not dressed.
Marilyn giggled naughtily. “Oh, what difference does it make now.” she
said aloud, placing bacon on a platter.
Breakfast ready, she called up the stairs for Donny.
He came down rubbing at his sleepy eyes. But he had put pajama bottoms
on, she saw. When Donny saw that his mother was naked, he laughed and
quickly tugged his pajamas down. He throw them playfully across the
kitchen, then sat down to eat.
“Want to use the hot tub with me this morning, Donny?” she asked.
Donny had been in the tub once with his mother and they both had hurt
swimsuits then. But they had never tubeped together since that time. Now
She remembered the reason. As they sat in the hot water, their thighs
had made contact and Donny had jerked away very quickly, blushing. She
had forgotten the incident until now.
“Sure.” he said, smiling as he stuffed bacon into his mouth. “That would
be fun.”
After breakfast, Marilyn quickly cleaned up the kitchen while her son
helped. Their hips touched often, and she was delighted to see his cock
lift into a beautiful hardness. She could not resist grabbing his prick
and struck it for a moment. Donny cupped her tits and fondled them,
licking the stiff nipples. Marilyn pressed her lower body against him,
rubbing the head of his cock through the thick hair of her cunt.
“We better stop this right now,” she whispered, “before we start to fuck
and forget the hot tub.”
“I’d rather fuck.” he laughed, but pulled from his mother just the same.
Holding hands, they walked naked onto the redwood deck outside. Climbing
into the tub, Marilyn sat on the seat, her tits beneath the water. Donny
climbed in with her, sitting close, his thigh pressed against hers. This
time he didn’t jerk away. As the hot water swirled about their naked
bodies, Marilyn held her son’s cock, pumping it to keep him nicely hard.
Now and then she kissed him, running her tongue over his lips and into
his mouth. Donny fondled his mother’s tits, one arm dragged over her
creamy shoulders.
The sun was high and hot, burning down on them. There was not a cloud in
the sky and the blue was very deep and clear. A slight breeze whispered
Through the tall pines. It was a day of laziness, a day to be outside
and care and kiss and fuck.
Within fifteen or so minutes, neither of them was in any condition to
simply touch and feel. Marilyn lifted her dripping body from the hot tub
and sat on the edge, spreading her legs wide and leaning back on her
hands. Donny, still in the hot water, traced the pouting lips of his
mother’s hair-lined cunt, feeling it and probing at her inflamed
cliporis, making Marilyn squeal and twist her ass about. She looked down
between her tights to watch her son feel her up and became hotter and
more aroused.
“Kiss it for me, Donny.” she murmured. “Kiss mother’s cunt. Just once,
baby! Kiss my hot cunt just once!”
Donny’s eyes became glassy as he stared between her widely spread
thighs. He gazed at the slippery, pink pussy lips and protruding
cliporis. Then he licked his lips.
Marilyn arched her crotch towards his young face.
“Come on, darling.” she encouraged with a hot voice. “Kiss it just once.
You might enjoy it, Donny. Most guys love to lick a pussy!”
“Theydo?” he asked.
“Of course.” Marilyn replied in a throaty voice. “Guys enjoy licking a
cunt as much as girls love to suck on a hard cock. Kiss it and you’ll
Donny pressed his face between his mother’s thighs, shoving his mouth
onto her wet cunt tenatively. Immediately, Marilyn shot her hand out
and grabbed him by the back of his head, holding his mouth tight into
her wet, hairy cunt. Unable to pull away, Donny kissed his mother’s
pussy with a loud, wet sound. Only after he had kissed her cunt did she
let him draw his face away.
“That wasn’t so terrible, was it?” she asked.
Donny ran his tongue over his lips and his eyes gleamed brightly. “You
taste good, Mom!” he said in surprise.
“I told you.” she laughed.
Without encouragement now, Donny shoved his face back between her
thighs, kissing her cunt eagerly. Marilyn while with delight and rubbed
her cunt up and down his lips. “Use your tongue, honey! Lick it!”
She felt his tongue snake out and slurp about her wet, twitching cunt
lips. As it moved about her distended cliporis, she moaned loudly,
rocking her hips up and down, smearing his face with her cunt. She felt
his tongue lap at the sensitive lips of her pussy, and a gasping gurgle
boiled from her. She pressed the soft, silky inner surfaces of her
thighs against his cheeses, and then feel her son’s hands under her ass,
cupping it and holding her cunt into his mouth.
“Shove your tongue up my cunt!” Marilyn hissed with throaty ecstasy.
“Fuck my cunt with your tongue, darling! Ohhhh, please tongue-fuck me!
My cunt is so hot, so wet, baby! It needs your tongue!”
Donny stood his tongue into the hot wetness of his mother’s cunt,his
eyes wide and glassy. His nose was buried in the thick bush of her cunt
hair, and his chin pressed between the hot cheats of her ass. His tongue
went quite deep and when he wiggled it about between the claping lips
of her cunt, Marilyn wailed with ecstasy.
She began to grind her cunt into his mouth as he snaked his tongue back
and forth, thrusting into his mother’s quivering pussy. She did not have
to hold his face into her crotch any longer, Donny was pressing his open
mouth hard and desperately into her cunt. Marilyn’s mind reeled into
erotic ecstasy as she lifted her ass, pressing her burning pussy into
her son’s eager face.
“Oooo, mouth-fuck me, darling!” she squealed. “Oh, mouth-fuck my cunt!
Give me some tongue, Donny! Ohhh, fuck my cunt with that lovely tongue!
Lick my pussy … eat mother’s hairy cunt … her snatch. Suck my cunt,
His tongue delved and lapped, and he swallowed often because her pussy
was seeing so much into his mouth. Marilyn’s cunt squeezed about her
son’s diving tongue as she pumped her ass up and down, her head thrown
back and eyes closed to the sun. Her flat stomach was rippling with
subtle movements as she churned into his mouth. Her tits stood up tight
and spongy, her nipples were very hard.
She had drawn her legs over son’s shoulders now, and held him tightly
with her hot, cream inner tights. Soft squeals mingled with delighted
whiles as she sensed her orgasms burning inside her body. She twisted
her cunt into her son’s face tighter and more frenziedly as the orgasm
Donny was licking and plunging his tongue in a frantic hunger, his
fingers digging into his mother’s tightening ass cheeses. She was banging
into his mouth so hard he had trouble keepinghis sucking mouth glued to
her cunt.
“Oooo! Ohhhh, you’re about to make me come!” Marilyn shouted in a
choking voice. “Your tongue … up my cunt … is going to make me …
Her pussy convulsed, the muscles in her flat stomach became taut. She
opened her mouth and screamed with intense ecstasy as she came, her cunt
lips closing and relaxing about her son’s plunging tongue. She held his
head tightly with her thighs, unable to stop the grinding motion of her
The orgasm was long and drawn out–one of the best she had ever felt.
When it was over, she fell back onto the redwood deck, her thighs
relaxing about her son’s face and her tits heaving up and down. Her
panting breath was loud in the still morning air. She felt her son
caresing her quivering thighs and pulsating cunt with gentle hands.
She never wanted to move again.But move she did.
“Anybody home?”
The sound of the voice sent Marilyn currying back into the hot tub. She
and Donny looked about with fear in their eyes. They had not heard the
knocking, and the shout had frightened them both so much they were
“That’s Sally.” Donny whispered.
Recovering somewhat, Marilyn yelled back, “We’re out here, Sally … on
the patio.”
The young girl came from the sliding glass doors. She waved a greeting
and sat in one of the deck chairs. Marilyn quickly glanced at the water
to see if the girl could tell they were naked. She couldn’t see much,
just shadowy outlines of their bodies. But her nipples could be detected
if the little girl leaned over to look.
Sally had long, golden blonde hair, and a face that was almost painfully
sweet and innocent-looking. Today, she had on her swimsuit, a one-piece
thing that stretched about her slim body tightly. Small bumps formed her
tits. Marilyn looked at the girl differently than she had before. She
was looking at Sally as her son had seen her–naked. She imagined what
that little cunt would look like, and those small successful tits. She
was surprised to find the image quite pleasant.
Beneath the thought of the water, Marilyn moved her hand to her
son’s lap and found his cock standing up hard and strong. She smiled to
herself, knowing he was excited not just by what he had done–eating her
cunt–but also due to this sweet little girl in her tight swimsuit.
Playfully, she jacked on his cock, amused to see a flush of
embarrassment come over his face. But he didn’t dare say anything or
make a move to shove his mother’s hand away. He was afraid Sally would
Know what his mother was doing to him.
As she jacked onher son’s cock under the water, she chatted with little
girl, amused by her son’s embarrassment. Marilyn was struck by the sheer
beauty of the blonde girl, by her exhaustively long thighs, tanned a
golden color. She could see the slight bulge of Sally’s cunt underneath
the tight suit.
“Wanna go bike riding, Donny?” Sally asked.
Donny stammered for a moment, and as his mother squeezed his cock under
the water he managed to mumble, “Sure.”
Whispering in a low voice, Marilyn asked, “How are you going to get out
of the tub and into some clothes, baby?”
She did it to tease him, squeezing at his cock playfully. He shot her a
look of desperate fear. Marilyn laughed, a low throaty sound. Turning to
Sally, she said. “Honey, could you come back in about an hour. I have
something my son has to take care of first.”
“Sure,Marilyn.” Sally agreed with twinkling eyes. She stood up and
Walked away, passing close by the tub and looking at Donny. Marilyn saw
a gleam in the girl’s blue eyes before Sally turned.
She looked at the girl’s back. The tight swimsuit had ridden into the
crack of that small, deliciously tight ass. The lower halves of Sally’s
ass cheats were exposed, the flesh an inviting white in contrast to the
golden tan of her slender thighs. Still holding her son’s cock, she felt
it throb as he too gazed at that tantalizing little ass twitch out of
“You like that, don’t you, darling?” Marilyn said when Sally was gone.
“You’d just love to fuck that little ass, wouldn’t you?”
Donny nodded, turning back to his mother, “I wonder if she knew we’re
naked. I bet she saw us, Mom.”
“Do you care?”
With a grin, he shook his head.
“Then neither do I.” Marilyn laughed. “It might turn her on. She had a
twinkle in those blue eyes that say an awful lot, if I know anything
About girls.”
“I wonder if she’d let me fuck her.” Donny said.
“I’d bet on it, darling.”
She cupped her son’s balls under the water, “Are you ready to take care
of that job I have for you?”
“What job?” he asked. “You didn’t say anything to me about a job this
morning, Mom.”
“This job,” she said, standing on the seat and leaning over onto the
redwood decking presenting her naked ass to him. “The job of fucking
She wiggled her creamy ass invitingly. “I want your cock in my cunt,
darling. Licking me kind of got my motor going and then with Sally here,
Well … “
Donny ran his hands over his mother’s silken ass cheats, fondling them
as he climbed onto the seat. She spread her legs out and arched her
naked ass up for him.
She felt his cock probe the heat of her cunt. Then he hesitated, “What
if Sally comes back, Mom?”
“She won’t.” Marilyn said. “Not for an hour. Come on, fuck me!”
“She might.” he insisted.
“Then she’ll have to wait her turn, damn it!” Marilyn hissed. “Fuck me,
Donny! If Sally comes back she can damn well sit and watch. You can fuck
her after you finish with me! Stick that cock in my cunt now, Donny!”
She whimpered with pleasure as she felt his price penetrate her boiling
cunt. She wiggled and twisted her ass when he began to bang back and
forth. She arched her naked, wet ass as high as she could and still keep
her balance on the edge of the hot tub. The water swirled about her
lower legs and feet as her son banged into her, his hands gripping her
hips tightly.
Marilyn wailed in ecstasy as her pussy closed about his delving prick,
holding it with that flexing motion. She wiggled in delight as he
stalled deep and hard, the moist smokes of his lower stomach against her
grinding ass was the sound of lewd ecstasy.
While her son was fucking her so deliciously, Marilyn found that she was
visualizing Sally, her slim body naked, her long, sweet thighs wrapped
about her shoulders, pumping that successful cunt into her mouth.
She really wasn’t shocked to find herself thinking about eating that
Sugary cunt. She had wondered what it would be like to have her mouth
against a pussy before. The picture in her mind grow more and more vivid
and she ran her tongue about her lips as her naked ass gyrated on her
son’s banging cock.
She had seen the expression on Sally’s sweet face and Marilyn suspected
There was a lot of fire lurking inside that young body, a fire that
wanted to burn a cock up. She had no doubts Sally was a firecracker,
just waiting–yearning for a cock to ignite her cunt. And it seemed she
counted on her son’s cock to start the fire. The idea was appealing to
her. But she didn’t want her son and Sally to go hide in the bushes and
fuck–she wanted them to do it right where she could watch. She had
never thought of herself as a voyeur before, but watching her son’s cock
go into that tight, little cunt was something she definitely wanted to
She churned her ass about in a frenzy as her son drove his cock rapidly
in and out of her hairy pussy. Her erotic imagery created such a storm
about her sensitive cunt, she could feel the orgasm growing like a
Smoking volcano. His cock was throbbing between the stretched lips of
her cunt, and she twirled her arching ass with frenzied attempts to draw
his come juice into her pussy.
Donny was grunting above her, his fingers digging harshly into her
shaking hips. Marilyn gurgled softly at first, but then that exhaust
sensing of burning orgasm wrapped about her naked body. She screamed,
unable to hold it back, as she came.
Instantly her son gushed into her cunt, then he fell on top of her,
Chapter 5
When Sally returned, both Marilyn and Donny were dressed.
As had been his habit during the hotter days, Donny wore his shorts.
Marilyn liked that, because there was always the possibility the head of
his cock would sneak into view. She had selected a wrap-around skirt and
cotton blouse. She felt deliciously naked under it, having deliberately
left her panties and braoff. The flap of her skirt opened as she
walking, revealing her smooth, long thighs.
Sally had not changed from her skin-tight swimsuit, and it seemed to
always be pulled into the crack of her sweet-looking ass.
Donny’s eyes were hot as he looked at the lovely little blonde, and
Marilyn knew how much he wanted to fuck the girl. She felt his desire
Because she too was drawn towards the successful sweetness. She felt no
jealousy because Donny stared almost embarrassingly at Sally, in fact
she was amused by his infatuation. Being somewhat wiser than her son,
she knew that since Sally had shown her body to him it only required a
bit more time before Sally would be fucking her son and quite wildly.
Although her fresh, beautiful, innocent looks, Sally had eyes that
smoldered with eager readiness to fuck. Her eyes flirted not only with
Donny, but with Marilyn too. But that came as no surprise to Marilyn,
Not from what she had heard about Sally and Donny. A girl that age, with
her juices boiling, was ready to enjoy either boy or girl.
“Why don’t you come with us, Marilyn?” Sally said.
The use of her first name did not both Marilyn. She did not look upon
their age difference in that way. The girl was simply a very friendly
person and, as Marilyn was discovering, bold as hell. Sally’s obvious
sexuality seemed to glow about her like a heat wave. She could act in no
other way.
“If you don’t mind an old woman like me, I’d be happy to go, Sally.”
Marilyn replied.
“I don’t think you’re old.” Sally murmured, her hot blue eyes moving
over Marilyn’s swelling tits. “You’re younger than my mother, and you’re
so much more beautiful!”
“Why, thank you, darling.” Marilyn was pleased with the compliment.
“You’re very beautiful yourself.”
“I know.” Sally surprised, not at all concerned. “Everyone tells me that.
Sometimes I get so mad I could spit!”
“But you should be proud, Sally.” Marilyn said.
“Oh, I guess I am proud of my looks, but it sure can cause problems at
“Oh? What kind of problems?” Marilyn wanted to know.
“Boys.” Sally said simply.
“How are they a problem?”
“They think I’m fragile.” Sally replied. “I heard one tell another boy
that I was too pretty to touch.”
“Oh, I see.” Marilyn murmured.
Boys and some men are absolute idiots, Marilyn know. They thought
Because a girl or woman was unusually lovely, they were untouchable,
When in reality they were quite eager to be approached.They placed the
utmost virtue upon a beautiful girl and set them on a pedestal–to look
at and yearn for, yet afraid the girl would shatter if touched. They
felt if a girl of such stunning beauty were ever penetrated by a hard
cock it would soil her forever.
“But Donny isn’t one of those boys, is he?” Marilyn asked.
“Gosh, no!” Sally giggled. “Donny is different. He knows me.”
“He does, does he?” Marilyn smiled, amused.
With clear eyes, Sally gazed at Marilyn.
“Yes.” she said in a simple sound.
“Hmmmm.” Marilyn murmured. “Well, if we’re going riding, let’s go.”
As they rode slowly about the trails in the pines, Marilyn watched that
small ass move on the seat just ahead of her. The long, golden hair
flowed about Sally’s pretty face. The suit was working deeper into the
crack of Sally’s successful ass cheats, showing more and more white ass
flesh. Donny too, was watching this as he rode slightly behind Sally.
Marilyn’s wrap-around skirt parted as she pedaled, showing her long
tights to her hip. Her tits jiggled in a tight way, her nipples
protruding against the thin cotton blouse.
Half an hour later, they paused to take in the scenery. Leaning the
bikes against a tree, Marilyn watched Sally boldly take Donny’s hand and
stand close as they looked out over a small valley. The cheese of
Sally’s ass were fully exposed now, the flesh teasingly white against
the tan of her long legs. Marilyn licked her lips as she stared hotly at
Sally’s small, sweetly revealed ass.
She moved behind the young couple and shoved a finger under the girl’s
swimsuit, pulling it from the crack of Sally’s ass. The contact of her
finger upon that sugary flesh sent a rippling heat through her. She did
the same to the other side of Sally’s swimsuit, and Sally turned her
head over her shoulder and smiled up at Marilyn.
“Thank you.” she said, her young voice so low Marilyn almost didn’t hear
But what she did hear was a small mewl from Sally, and the girl subtly
wiggled her ass before Marilyn withdraw her hand. Marilyn knew the
movement had been deliberate, and she smiled as she stood behind her son
and this unusual girl.
She saw they were holding hands tightly, but Sally was pressing the back
of Donny’s hand against her bare hip. After a few moments, they turned,
faced each other and sat on the soft, green grass. Sally spread her legs
out wide and leaned back on her hands, while Marilyn and Donny crossed
their legs before them. Marilyn glanced between Sally’s thighs and saw
the slight bulge of her cunt.Donny peeked too.
Marilyn turned her eyes to her son’s crotch and saw he was getting a
hard-on. For a moment, she debated whether or not she should simply
reach out and stroke his cock and let Sally see what was between them.
But she changed her mind. She had to be absolutely certain of Sally
first. The impression she had of Sally was very strong, but she had to
be sure.
Sally sprayed onto her back, her legs still spread wide. She crossed
her hands over her small stomach, gazing into the sky. The small tits
seemed to protrude deliciously against the tightness of her swimsuit.
Both Marilyn and her son could see Sally’s crotch now. The swimsuit
molded and outlined the slightly puffy cunt, the lips clear. Glancing at
her son, Marilyn saw his cock was straining hard inside his shorts.
With a sight, Sally sat up again. Marilyn saw those blue eyes move to
Donny’s crotch anda tiny smile came over the girl’s lips. She had seen
the bulging of Donny’s prick, and Marilyn was amused at the little girl.
She was tearing deliberately, without shame or guilt, not seeming to
care that Marilyn knew it.
“Well, we better start back.” Marilyn said, getting to her feet. She
brushed at the back of her wrap-around skirt. The flap parted and a long
tigh was exposed. She saw Sally looking at it, and she brushed a bit
harder. Dark cunt hair was briefly exposed and Marilyn saw the hot glint
in Sally’s eyes.
Marilyn walked to her bicycle, then glanced over her shoulder. Sally was
quickly kissing Donny, and Marilyn noticed a small, eager hand brush
over the hardness of his shorts. With a giggle, Sally retrieved her
bicycle and climbed on.
When they arrived at the house, Sally waved good bye and, her cute ass
in motion, rode off.
“Well, she’s really something, isn’t she, Donny?”
“I wanna fuck her, Mom.” he said, his cock still hard in his shorts. “I
gotta fuck her! She’s gonna make me come in my fucking pants one of
These days!”
“Oh, she’ll fuck, honey.” Marilyn said. “She most definitely will fuck.”
“How do you know?”
“I know girls.” Marilyn said. “And I think I know Sally better than
others. Don’t worry Donny … you’ll have your hard cock up her tight,
little cunt. And son, I think.” She pulled the flat of the wrap-around
skirt aside, showing her son her cunt. “In the meantime … “
Donny shoved his cock from the leg of his shorts, the head quite
swollen, dripping from his piss hole. Marilyn took her son’s cock in her
fist and began to pump it. Donny moved a hand between his mother's
thighs, feeling her hairy cunt, finding it very wet. Marilyn pulled at
her blouse, not caring that buttons pulled off. Her tits, swelling out
with hard nipples, were quickly grasped by her son’s free hand and
sucking mouth. His cock throbbed in her fist as she stroked it and
Marilyn shoved her cunt forward, rubbing the dripping head into her
soft, thick, pussy curls.
“Mmmm, you’re so hard, Donny!” Marilyn murmured thickly. “Sally
shouldn’t tease you so much … not unless she’s going to do something
about it.”
She pulled her son’s cock between her hot thighs, pressing it against
the twitching lips of her pussy. She pumped her hips back and forth,
fucking with her tights as he sucked hungrily on her tits, going from
one nipple to the other.
“And she’s going to do something about it soon, darling. Trust mother, I
They were in the living room, the sliding glass doors open. The sun,
high over head, streamed into the room. Marilyn moved her skirt wide and
sat on the heavy coffee table, spreading her legs, inching her cunt to
the edge.
“What you see is what you get, darling.” she whispered throatily. “Come
here and fuck mother. We’ve got to take care of that lovely hard-on,
don’t we?”
Eagerly, Donny shoved his shorts down to his knees, then he was on them
between his mother’s tights. She told as the round head of her son’s
cock parted her sensitive, glistening cunt lips. She closed her hot
thighs against him as he moved his cock deeper, going slow and holding
his breath, his gaze down between their bodies. The thick curls of his
mother’s cunt almost surrounded his cock, but he could see the pink lips
clapping his prick. Holding his mother’sthighs, he held his prick deep
inside the wet heat of her pussy, his cock throbbing with pleasure.
“Oooo, if feels so good, Donny.” she bubbled hotly, scissoring her
thighs about his hips. “I can feel your balls against my ass … feel
your cock throbbing against my cunt lips. But don’t hold still, baby.
Fuck me!”
Breathing heavily, Donny started thrusting his cock back and forth.
Marilyn throw her head back, eyes closed, her lips parted. She was
smiling with ecstasy as Donny plugged his cock in and out. Her cunt was
gripping his prick with flexing tightness, sucking on it as he fucked
With hot, almost glazed eyes, Donny watched his cock penetrating his
mother’s fantastically hot, wet cunt. He was forever amazing by the
Feeling. His mother’s cunt had to be the tightest, the hottest, the
wettest, the hairiest pussy in the whole world!
“You’re really hot, Mother,” he gurgled, digging into her revolving
hips. “Your cunt is wet and hot!”
“Always.” she sobbed with pleasure. “My cunt is always wet and hot,
darling! Oooo, fuck it for me! I love the way your hard cock fills my
pussy, Donny!”
Donny’s cock went in and out of his mother’s gripping cunt and he
Couldn’t take his eyes from it. Marilyn’s hips began to jerk up and down
and he held himself still. He yelped with delight as she fucked him, her
hips jerking quickly now as her cunt rode back and forth on his
throbbing cock. The hot tightness moved back and forth and the squeezing
sensings sent his mind reeling.
Marilyn grunted as she banged her cunt back and forth, fucking her son’s
cock in a frenzy. She opened her eyes and stared at his face. She could
see he was intensely excited by watching hercunt on his cock, and so
she increased her movements. Each bang onto his cock sent a liquid sound
of erotic ecstasy about the room. The slapses of her cunt against the base
of his price increased the pleasure for them both.
Marilyn was leaning back on the coffee table, her head hanging over the
other side. Her hair dragged along the carpet as she whipped her crotch
up and down her son’s cock. She grunted and moaned with mindless
pleasure. She knew her son was excited to watch her cunt fucking him,
and did not call out for him to fuck her back. She plunged her cunt up
and down, the muscles of her stomach rippling. She grunted softly with
each upward lunge.
“Uh … uh … uh!”
Soft waves of orgasm were flowing through her, growing with power. As
the excruciating ecstasy climbed, Marilyn fucked her son faster and
harder, her ass almost flying up and down, the lips of hercunt sucking
powerfully. She was not longer grunting as she slammed her cunt onto his
cock, but squealing with ecstasy. It seemed as if her son’s cock went
deeper than ever, and his price seemed thicker, stretching her sensitive
cunt lips wider and more sweetly.
As her orgasms grow hotter, exploding with greater strength, she still
Felt her son’s cock jerking about inside her steamy cunt. She was sure
the head of his price had become the size of a baseball just before he
The splashing splashes of his precious come juices flooded her cunt,
sending Marilyn into a shattering, final orgasm. The lips of her pussy
clutched Donny’s cock hard, relaxed, then grabbed hard again. Her
citoris had become almost painfully knotted. A scream started deep in
her throat and then it broke out loud. She gyrated her hot ass in
furious pleasure as her son discharged his thick come juice into her
greedy pussy.
For a while she couldn’t move. She had no strength to lift up. She lay
There on the coffee table, her head dangling on one side, her legs the
other. She felt her son moving his hands about the creamy, inner
surfaces of her thighs and she trembled with lingering ecstasy.
She finally felt the strength to lift her head, but then she let it fall
back as her son began to lick along her hot, sensitive thighs. She
mewled with pleasure as his wet tongue moved up and down, going from one
tigh to the other. She squirmed her crotch as his tongue snaked along
her tigh, then she felt it dip down and lick at the cream of her ass
Cheeks where they met her legs. She whimpered when he dragged his tongue
Along the teasing crack of her ass and over the still twitching lips of
her cunt.
She anticipated more of his tongue, found herself wanting it lapping at
Her clitoris. But Donny drew away, slapping his mother playfully on her
“Let’s use the hot tub, Mom.” he said, stepping out of his shorts.
She lifted her head and watched his naked ass bunch as he walked out the
sliding glass doors. She smiled, thinking he was learning a great deal
Very quickly.
With her legs still a bit weak from the power of her many orgasms, she
stepped out onto the redwood patio. Donny was already in the hot tub,
his arms and head resting on the decking, eyes closed.
He opened them when he heard his mother and watched as she removed her
blouse, then her wrap-around skirt. Marilyn stepped into the tub next to
him. In an almost automatic gesture she moved her hand to his cock and
balls; taking them both into her hand and caresing them, squeezing
gently as they soaked up the soothing hot water.
“I wish Sally would come back.” Donnysaid.
Marilyn leaned over and kissed his cheek, then ran the tip of her tongue
into his ear, “But you just had a good fuck, darling,” she teased. “Do
you think you can handle another pussy right now?”
“I sure could, Mom.” he grinned lazily.
Sure enough, his cock was starting to become hard in her hand. She
stroked it with her fist, bringing her other hand down to cares his
Precious balls. She was delighted that he became hard so quickly.
“You can always fuck me, you know.” she whispered.
“I know that, Mom.” he replied. “But I sure would like to see what it’s
like to fuck Sally.”
“Don’t be so anxious, honey.” she murmured, pumping on his cock. “You
will. It won’t be much longer and you’ll have this in her cunt, I
promise you.”
“I sure hope so.”
“But in the meantime,” she squeezed his cock, “mother will take care of
it. Here, sit up on the deck.”
“What are you gonna do?” he asked, lifting up.
“You’ll see.” she smiled as he sat on the deck.
She moved his knees apart, turning and getting on her knees to face him.
She gazed at his crotch, seeing those precious balls dangling and the
upthrust of his beautiful, young cock. Donny leaned back, enjoying his
mother’s hands on his cock and balls.
Shoving her head between his thighs, Marilyn nuzzled into her son’s
balls, one hand struggling up and down his cock. She snaked her tongue out
and lapped almost deliciously at his hairless balls, enjoying the way
They feel on her tongue. She ran her tongue about them, licking them all
over. Finally she pulled one into her mouth, sucking on it gently. All
the time she kept up asmooth, slow pumping on his cock. Her eyes
burned, watching her son’s cock as she sucked on his balls, going from
one to the other. His cock was so strong and young and she loved it.
Releasing his balls, she lapped the flat surface of her tongue up them,
licking along the throbbing underside of his prick. At the smooth head,
she swirled her tongue about it, tasting the heat there. She tapped her
tongue against his piss hole, then lapped up the seeing juices,
swallowing with throaty whimpers of ecstasy.
Marilyn swirled her wet tongue about her son’s cock, enjoying the smooth
heat of it. She kissed and nibbled on it, mewling with softness. She
cupped his balls in one hand and squeezed the base of his cock with the
Finally she opened her lips with a soft whimper, sliding them over the
swollen head of his prick. For a while she teased herself by holding the
cockhead this way; her lips, hot, wet and tight; her tongue moving
slowly around the smoothness.
“Oh, Mom!” Donny grunted. “Your moth is as hot as your cunt! I like it
When you take my cock in your mouth this way! Oooo, suck me, Mom! Suck
my cock!”
“Mmmm!” she mewled.
Gulping more of his cock into her mouth, she tugged and twisted his
Precious balls. Marilyn began to suck up and down on his prick, taking
only half inside her hungry mouth. She sucked up and down with short,
jerky motions, her tongue in fiery motion. Then with a sob of ecstasy,
she drove her mouth down until the swollen head of his cock probed at
her throat. Her eyes rolled as she licked and sucked deeply.
She retired the fullness of her son’s cock inside her mouth. It made
her ecstatic to feel his price throbbing between her stretched lips and
against her tongue.
With lowgrowls of pleasure, Marilyn began to suck up and down Donny’s
cock with wet, slurping sounds. She bobbed her face swiftly, then
slowed, only to race her lips up and down his price again. She devoured
his cock like a woman starved, which she was.
Taking his cock in and out of her lips, sucking up with sunken cheats,
her tongue scraping it, she went down with swift strokes. But as she
sucked up, she moved slowly, using her tongue against his prick. She
held the cockhead tightly with her lips, licked at his dripping piss
hole, then drive down quickly once more. Sucking her son this way gave
both the most pleasure possible.
Donny began to twist and wrong his hips, unable to prevent his ass from
thrusting up and down. Marilyn didn’t mind in the least, he could fuck
her mouth anytime he wanted.
Now and then she would stop sucking his cock so she could lick at his
Writing balls. But she made sure her lips were wrapped about his prick
most of the time. She slipped her hands past his hips and clutched the
tight cheats of his ass, pulling him up as her mouth went down.
“Mom, I’m gonna come!” Donny shouted, arching his hips up to drive his
cock deep.
“Mmmm!” Marilyn whimpered in reply, her mouth racing on his prick now,
her tongue licking frantically. She fucked his cock with her hot, wet
mouth furiously, anxious to have his sweet come juice spurting over her
Donny gave a loud grunt and raised his hips high. Marilyn sucked hard
… and he came.
The hot come juice boiled from his piss hole and coated her tongue. The
thick sweetness filled her mouth and sent Marilyn in shuddering orgasm,
her cunt squeezing as she wiggled her ass about under the hot water. She
gulped and swallowed, her eyes rolling around with ecstasy. She dug her
fingers into his ass, feeling the crinkle of his tightening asshole
against one fingertip.
Marilyn was reluctant to let him go. She clung to his cock long after he
finished coming, her tongue lapping gently and lovingly about the head.
She turned her mouth about his prick like a slow corkscrew, sobbing with
Donny was panting harshly, his body very still and relaxed. Marilyn
reluctantly released his cock, but she ran her wicked tongue about his
Precious balls for a moment or so longer, then pulled her face from his
“That should hold you for a while, darling.” she whispered.
Chapter 6
It did satisfy Donny but only for a while. At two that afternoon he took
his bicycle and rode off down the road. He had not said where he was
going, but Marilyn knew.
Donny was going to find Sally.
As she relaxed on the patio, a glass of iced tea on the redwood table
next to her blind chair, she wondered how Donny could keep up this
pace. He seemed to have more stamina and virility than most men twice
his age.
But she wasn’t complaining.
She smiled as the hot sun burned down on her. Her body–her tits and ass
and cunt–felt very good.
There was a pleasant tingle in her tits and cunt, and she understood gently
under the hot sun. She must have dozed.
The soft sound brought her eyes open, and she looked up to see Sally
standing there. The girl still wore that same swimsuit and it was pulled
up into the crack of her pretty ass.
“Why, Sally.” Marilyn murmured, taking her tea and finding the ice had
melted. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
Sally was standing about four feet away from her and her eyes were big
and hot. For the first time, Marilyn realized she was still naked. She
glanced about for something to cover herself with, but there was only
her skirt and blouse all the way across the patio. It was too late
“You go around naked a lot, don’t you?” Sally asked, her voice low.
Marilyn decided there was no sense in pretending modesty. She wasn’t in
any event. Besides, the way Sally was looking at her, she knew the girl
enjoyed what she was seeing.
Marilyn nodded. “Have you seen my son?”
Sally shook her head, the golden curls waving and shimmering. Her eyes
moved about Marilyn’s naked, thrusting tits and down to the triangle of
thick cunt hair.
“He went looking for you, I think.”
One of Marilyn’s legs was over the blinde, the other straight out. She
He knew Sally was gazing between her thighs, seeing her cunt. But she
didn’t care. Itwas damn well time to find out if Sally was as erotic as
she seemed.
“I haven’t been home since we went riding.” Sally said, her voice very
low, a quiver in it now. “I probably missed him somewhere.”
Marilyn considered the girl with warm eyes. It was obvious that Sally was
excited. Her small body trembled, but it was with desire not
embarrassment. Deliberately, Marilyn gazed with open delight at the
small mounds of Sally’s tits, seeing the successful nipples molded there.
She licked her lips as she let her gaze drift down, stopping at the
slightly bulging crotch of Sally’s bathing suit. She licked at her lips
in a deliberate gesture and when she glanced at Sally’s face, she saw
Intensive interest there.
Marilyn slowly opened her legs wider, arching her cunt up with a wiggle
of her ass. She continued to gaze at Sally with speculating, smoldering
“You’re more beautiful without clothes on.” Sally said, her voice husky.
“Do you think so, honey?” Marilyn cooed, arching her cunt up once more,
shaking her hips with inviting lewdness.
Sally nodded.
“I bet I know what you’re thinking, darling.” Marilyn said softly.
“You’d like to touch me.” Marilyn’s voice was throaty as she gazed
boldly at the small girl. “You’d like to touch my body.”
A small tremor seemed to go through Sally, and she barely nodded her
“You can, you know.” Marilyn said. “You can touch me if you’d like,
Sally. I wouldn’t mind if you did. I’d enjoy it.”
She crooked a finger at Sally, motioning her to come closer. Sally came,
Her eyes burning between Marilyn’s thighs. When she stood next to the
redwood locke, Marilyn placed her palm on Sally’s hip. She moved her
palm down onto the naked flesh of the slender thigh, feeling the heat
radiating from that successful body. Sliding her hand around, she closed
her fingers upon one small, very tight ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.
Sally whimpered and her body shuddered. She moved a small hand out and
placed it upon one of Marilyn’s swelling tits. She ran her finger about
the smooth title, fingering the nipple into a harder peak.
Marilyn could not resist sliding her hand back in front of the standing
girl. She traced her fingers along the tight crotch of Sally’s bathing
suit, the contact seeming to see her fingers. Sliding her hand between
Sally’s thighs, she cupped the girl’s successful cunt and pressed upward.
Sally whimpered with pleasure, and began to squeeze Marilyn’s tits with
both hands.
Marilyn rubbed her palm back and forth against Sally’s cunt, watching
those slim hips mistake and move with her. Using her other hand, she
pulled at Sally’s wrist, bringing the small hand down to her own bushy
cunt. Placing Sally’s hand there, she closed her tights about it,
pumping her hips up and down.
Sally was squeezing one of Marilyn’s tits and feeling the hairy, wet
cunt with the other hand. She made a tenative thrust with one finger
and Marilyn mewled as it entered her slippery cunt.
Neither woman said a word. They breathed hotly and swiftly, panting as
the excitement grow within their bodies. Their eyes moved about with
each other, seeking and finding pleasure. Sally slipped her finger in
and out of Marilyn’s cunt, and that told the older woman this successful
girl was no stranger to finger-fucking. Sally knew exactly what to do,
and it was confirmed when asmall finger rubbed about Marilyn’s steaming
Not only had she found out Sally had a very erotic mind but now Marilyn
He knew the girl had been doing things with her own body too. This pleased
Marilyn tremendously. Going a bit further, she pulled Sally’s finger out
of her cunt and lifted it to her own mouth. With her eyes blazing up
into Sally’s hot blue ones, Marilyn licked the finger, tasting the
juices of her own cunt. Taking the small finger into her mouth, she
sucked on it, delighted to hear Sally purr with eager anticipation.
Shoving Sally’s finger back into her cunt, she worked it in and out by
holding the small wrist. Once again she withdraw her finger, and this
time offered it to Sally. Without hesitation, Sally licked at the wetly
glistening finger then sucked it into her own small mouth.
Marilyn worked her finger under the tight crotch of Sally’sbathing suit
and rubbed along the hot lips of the girl’s steaming cunt. Sally mewled
and arched her hips forward, her eyes glassy.
It was time, Marilyn knew.
Sitting up, she reached for the straws of Sally’s bathing suit. Pulling
them from the golden shoulders, she pulled the tight garment to Sally’s
Waist. The small tits were as sugary as she had expected. The nipples
were pink–fiery pink–standing up beautifully. For a moment, Marilyn
fondled those successful tits, then leaned forward and sucked on each
nipple in turn. Sally cooled with delight and hugged the older woman’s
face tightly into her tits.
Finally she began to roll the swimsuit down. Her eyes were as bright as
a child’s on a birthday, opening gifts. As the bathing suit rolled down
Those slim tighs, Marilyn found herself gazing upon the cute cunt she
had ever seen–not that she had seen too many cunts.
But Sally had a fine, sweet pussy slit, sculptured deliciously. The lips
were swollen with desire, and the very tip of that sweet cliporis peeked
from the almost hairless cunt. Sally had hair on her pussy, but it was
so blonde it was almost white.
Sally stepped from her swimsuit, not at all embarrassed to be naked
before this beautiful woman. Knowing she was extremely beautiful,
Sally was not vain about it. On the contrary, what she had told Marilyn
Earlier in the day had been true. There were times when she wished she
didn’t have such beauty, then maybe boys would not be so afraid of her.
Still without saying anything, Marilyn laid back on the redwood locke
chair again. She swung her legs over each side of it, her bushy cunt
fully revealed to Sally’s hot eyes. But Marilyn was very anxious.
She took Sally’s hand and pulled her closer, positioning the little
girl. It seemed as if Sally knew what Marilyn wanted and without
Instructions, she found herself squatting above Marilyn’s face.
Marilyn gazed up into that sweet, honeyed cunt. She could see the
Delicate lips and the throbbing cliporis. The cheeses of Sally’s ass,
Parted in her squatting position, were very white compared to the tan of
her body.
Sally was looking down between her spreading knees into Marilyn’s face.
Marilyn moved her hands along the slim tighs and about the parted
cheeses of Sally’s ass. The flesh was hot and smooth against her palms,
exciting to touch. From under the spreading ass cheeses, Marilyn moved
Her fingers until she traced the swollen cunt lips. Then she lifted her
head and pressed her mouth into Sally’s cunt.
Sally made a sharp hiss and her small ass twisted slightly. Marilyn
kissed Sally’s cunt, then opened her lips only toclose them tightly
about the girl’s whole pussy slit and cliporis. Her eyes closed as she
moved her tongue up and down Sally’s cunt, tasting it, finding it sweet
and hot and wt.
Sally’s small, naked body was shaking with ecstasy and she gripped the
head of the redwood locke to brace herself. She began to twist her cunt
into Marilyn’s face, sliding it back and forth on her lips. Marilyn
gurgled with delight and ran her tongue into the hot tightness of
Sally’s cunt. She found it very, very wet and so hot it almost scalded
her tongue. She thrust her tongue in as deep as possible, then began to
fuck it in and out rapidly.
Sally began to slightly loudly, wiggling her crotch down hard against
Marilyn’s mouth and tongue. Marilyn cupped those small, tight ass
cheats, but not to prevent Sally from moving, only to assist in holding
her up. She fucked her tongue in and out, then scraped it over the tiny
As Marilyn sucked in moaning ecstasy on this sugar cunt, she began to
twist and wrong her naked ass upon the cushions of the chair. Her cunt
was boiling as much as Sally’s but there wasn’t anything to be done
about it right now.
Sally was squealing with ecstasy, her small ass shaking and sliding
Along Marilyn’s open mouth and tongue. Marilyn licked and sucked as
hard, and with as much enjoyment as she did on her son’s cock. She found
Sally’s pussy soft and hot, a delight to lick.
Shoving her tongue into the tight cunt lips, she held her mouth wide
open. Sally, seeming to understand, began to bounce her shapely little
ass up and down. She was in effect, fucking Marilyn’s tongue as if it
were a small cock. Marilyn loved it as the hot, slippery juices flowed
from the sugary cunt over her tongue and into her mouh. Her lips and
cheeses and chin became slippery with the fluids and even that thrilled
But because of her excitement, Sally couldn’t last much longer. She
began to slightly loudly as she banged up and down on Marilyn’s mouth.
Marilyn felt those sweet cunt lips throbbing and quivering, then they
grow very tight around her tongue. The convulsions, when Sally’s orgasm
struck, caused her cunt to close about Marilyn’s tongue like a hot vise
of satiny flesh. Sally gurgled loudly, her body shaking violently as she
sat on Marilyn’s face, squirming her spasming cunt in a frenzy.
After her wild orgasm, Sally sat on Marilyn’s face for a while, gasping
until she still somewhat. Then still without saying anything, she
scooted her body down on top of Marilyn’s. Marilyn was puzzled until
Sally whispered, her lips close to a burning nipple, “I fuck my pillow
this way.” She began to rub and twist her little cunt against Marilyn’s
hairy one.
Marilyn ran her hands down Sally’s back to that swelling, cute ass. She
held both ass cheats in her hands as Sally twisted and banged. When
Sally sucked in one nipple, Marilyn shingled in ecstasy. She squeezed and
massed the twisting ass cheats and felt Sally trying to shove one of
her hands under her ass. Lifting her hips, she let the girl clamp onto
one of her ass cheeses and then they started rubbing cunts with heated
gasps of pleasure. Sally continued to suck at her nipple, her hot little
tongue swirling hungrily.
Marilyn felt the orgasm growing inside her, and it was going to be a
tremendous come. She arched her hairy cunt hard into the almost hairless
one of Sally’s, grinding her hips as she pulled down on the sweet ass.
Sally was panting with securing breath on her title, and it was obvious
that the little girl was about to come again.
“Ooo, Sally.” Marilyn spoke for the first time in a while. “You’re so
sweet! You’re such a hot little girl. You’re going to make me come now,
“I want to, Marilyn.” Sally hisssed. “I want to make you come the way you
Did me.”
Sally banged her cunt into Marilyn’s, her hips working as if she were
fucking a hard cock. Marilyn lifted her hips and spread her tights about
the bouncing hips of the girl, closing them around until she locked her
ankles over the back of Sally’s thighs. Now she could feel that delicate
cunt rubbing with a more intense, sensitive manner. Her clitoris was
being scraped by the blonde-haired pussy, and with a sudden upward
lunch, Marilyn came.
Almost at the same time, Sally squealed with ecstasy. Her small body
shuddered on top of Marilyn’s and they held each other tightly, their
cunts smoked against each other as the convulsions gripped them.
Finally Marilyn cupped Sally’s face in her hands, holding the lovely
face up and staring into those blue eyes. The heat in them had not been
dampened in the least. Sally’s eyes still burned with erotic desire.
Bringing Sally’s face down, she kissed those sweet lips. Marilyn was not
in the least surprised to find the moist tongue licking at her mouth,
Then darting into it. She sucked at the tongue as it snaked back and
“Come on, sweet thing,” she murmured, “let’s get into the hot tub for a
Sally got up and Marilyn gazed at the sweetness of that slender, naked
body just as it slipped into the tub. She climbed in beside Sally, her
thigh close to that of the little girl.
The sun was still high, quite hot on them. But the heat of it and the
water was soothing to their flesh. Marilyn placed her arm over Sally’s
Shoulder and Sally rested her head against Marilyn. Marilyn cupped and
fondled a sweet little title and was pleased when a small hand moved up
her stomach to curl about one of her swelling, much larger tits. They
hold each other this way, kissing now and then.
“I wish we could have done this earlier.” Sally murmured with a lazy
“Why, honey?”
“Because then I wouldn’t have to fuck my pillow all the time.” Sally
giggled, twisting Marilyn’s nipple. “My pillow is all right and I can
Come that way, but I’d rather have you suck my cunt. Golly, I came so
Marilyn chuckled with a deep sound, “You’re not as innocent as you look
are you, Sally?”
“Innocent!” Sally pulled her head from Marilyn’s shoulder and looked at
her. “Marilyn, I don’t know the meaning of the word! I want to fuck and
fuck and fuck! It’s these dumb-assed boys! All but Donny. I think he
like me.” She placed her head back on Marilyn’s shoulder and began to
fondle a title once more.
“Donny does like you.” Marilyn agreed.
“He’s … he’s seen me naked.” Sally confessed.
“I know.” Marilyn replied.
“I let him look at me without my clothes on and I saw him too. Golly, he
has a beautiful cock!”
Sally then told her the same thing her son had, about being naked with
him and the only difference in the story was Sally thought Donny had
have too nervous to touch her.
Marilyn laughed.
“That’s what he said about you.” she murmured.
Again Sally lifted her head and looked atMarilyn. “He did?” Then she
burst into melodious giggles.
“You think it’s amusing, Sally?”
“I sure do!” Sally laughed. “There we were, as naked as we could be. My
pussy was so hot … and his cock stood a mile high! I wanted to fuck
and so did he and both of us thinking the other was too nervous! That’s
“No, it’s youth.” Marilyn replied, tweaking a pink nipple.
“But I don’t want to be young.” Sally said. “I want to fuck!”
“You can be young and fuck, too.” Marilyn chuckled. “Age has nothing to
do with fucking.”
Sally became quiet for a moment, then she said, “You and Donny were
naked in the tub this morning.” It came out as a statement, not a
“How did you know that, Sally?”
“Look at this waterr,” she said, shoving a hand around under the surface,
“it’s as clear as it can be. I saw your tits clearly. But all I saw was
a shadow of Donny’s cock.”
Marilyn started to reply, but the sound of the front door came to her as
it slammed shut.
“Mom, I can’t find Sally,” came her son’s voice.
He stepped out the glass doors, then stopped as he saw Sally in the tub
with his mother.
Chapter 7
“I would say we’ve been caught.” Marilyn smiled.
Sally, looking up at Donny, giggled cutely.
Donny didn’t know what to make of this. He stood at the glass doors for
Some time looking at his mother and Sally as they sat in the hot tub,
the water up to their necks. His surprise though, was pleasant.
“Caught?” he asked. “Mom, what are you talking about?”
Sally giggled again, ducking her head. But Marilyn noted she wasn’t
blushing. She felt the pressure of that slim tigh against hers, and
He knew Sally was feeling excited.
Returning the pressure, she laughed with Sally, and they both could not
help burning out into peals of laughter. Donny came over and sat down
on one of the chairs near the tub, looking quizzically at them.
“What’s so funny, anyway?”
Marilyn controlled her laughter and with a straight face, said to him,
“Nothing is funny, darling. Sally and I just have the giggles.”
“I didn’t hear any laughing when I came in,” he said.
As she talked with her son, Marilyn felt a small hand worming its way
between her thighs, urging Marilyn to part them. Then a finger slipped
into her cunt and Marilyn slipped her ass to the edge of the seat, her
legs wide. She witnessed deeply as Sally finger-fucked her, unable to keep
her hips from emrithing. She was also not able to keep the dreamy
expression out of her eyes, and her face told her son that something
pleasant was happening to her.
Donny glanced at Sally, then his mother and back again. “What are you
two doing?” he asked.
“Nothing, darling.” Marilyn murmured. “Nothing at all.”
Sally giggled more than ever, her finger moving faster into Marilyn’s
wet, hairy cunt, her thumb smoking the inflamed cliporis. She too
looked at Donny, her blue eyes sparkling brightly.
Donny stood up and moved closer to the edge of the hot tub, peering
under the water. He couldn’t see much, just the shadowy outlines of
their bodies but it was enough to tell him his mother, as always, was
naked. And so was Sally! Her bathing suit was a bright color and would
have shown up well. He could just make out Sally’s hand somewhere on his
mother’s tights.
“Mom, is Sally feeling you up?” he asked, his voice almost cracking with
He had straightened up and both Marilyn and Sally, with their heads
back, saw the head of his cock under his wide-legged shorts.
“We’re feeling each other up.” Marilyn cooed softly.
Sally went into fits of giggles and couldn’t plumge her finger into
Marilyn’s cunt, but she keep it deep inside the claping, wet pussy
lips. Marilyn had worked her hand over to Sally’s delicate pussy and was
rubbing a finger up and down the bubble slit.
“You … are?” Donny asked, his eyes huge.
Sally and Marilyn saw his cock beginning to lift as it swelled. A soft
mewl came from Sally, her eyes burning with delight, fixed directly upon
the head of his cock. Donny felt his prick growing and made no effort to
conceal it. His own eyes were hot now and his balls tingled deliciously.
In a whispery voice, Marilyn looked up at her son. “I think you’re
getting a hard-on, honey.”
A pale color of pink suffused his face, but he didn’t turn from them.
His cock was lifting swiftly now, and the front of his shorts resembled
a tent.
“Do you see what I see, Sally?” Marilyn asked the little girl, who by
This time had her giggles under control. “Do you see it?”
Sally nodded, swallowing. Her eyes blazing as she peered into his
shorts. “Golly, yes Marilyn.”
Before Donny knew what was happening his mother had grabbed his ankles
with both hands and jerked him into the water. He yelled just before he
went under. When he came up, blowing water, he felt his hands on his
shorts. In his surprise, he tried to hang onto his shorts with both
hands at first.
“Turn loose.” his mother said as she and Sally tugged at them. “If we’re
naked, you have to be naked too.”
His shorts were pulled down and beneath the water he felt a small hand
curl about his throbbing hard-on. The hand held his cock tightly,
pumping it. Sally was giggling again and looking into his eyes. Donny
was a bit taller than Sally, and she had her face turned up.
Marilyn thought it was a beautiful scene, the sun burning down on them,
Both her son and Sally showing ecstasy. She moved her hand toward her
son and found Sally had a tight grip on his cock. She diverted her hand
to his balls, cupping them. She watched in pleasure as her son leaned
his mouth into Sally’s, kissing her. She feel his balls write and draw
up as Sally pulled on his cock.
Even with Donny’s cock pressing between them, Sally managed to jack on
His prick while Marilyn fondled his balls. When Donny pulled his mouth
off Sally’s, he turned to his mother. After looking into her hot eyes
for a moment, he kissed her too. Then he wrapped his arms about both of
them, holding their naked bodies against his. Marilyn, still holding her
son’s precious balls, moved her other hand to his ass, sliding her palm
up and down it. She met Sally’s fingers there, and the two women looked
at each other and again they laughed.
“No matter where I touch Donny,” Sally laughed, “I find your hand there,
“Any objects, Sally?”
“Oh, no!”
In the meantime, Donny was doing some feeling of his own. But most of
His attention was directed to Sally, the girl he had been wanting for
Some time. Marilyn felt no jealousy; this was very enjoyable to her. She
moved behind her son, standingclose to him with her arms under his,
fingering his almost non-existent nipples. She pressed her bushy cunt
against his tight ass, emrith.
Donny wrapped his arms about Sally, holding her tightly and kissing her
again. Over his shoulder, Marilyn saw Sally sneak her moist, successful
tongue into his mouth. She was aware that Donny was in heaven.
Both she and Sally fondled the boy and Marilyn was getting very excited
as she listened to their soft murmurs and whimpers of ecstasy. She ran
her hands down and around them both, finding her son holding the little
ass cheeses of Sally. She placed her own hand over his and pressed,
grinding her hairy cunt into his ass cheeses at the same time. She ran
her tongue about his neck and shoulders, sucking and licking at his
“Don’t you two want to do anything besides feel each other?” she asked
in a throaty, erotic sounding voice.
“Golly, yes!” Sally squealed, pulling from Donny and scrambling out of
the water.
She turned her back to them and climbed from the tub, her cute ass
flashing wetly in the sunlight. As she lifted her knee to the deck, both
Marilyn and her son caught a tantalizing glimpse of her successful cunt.
Marilyn grabbed her son’s cock and squeezed it hard. “Beautiful, isn’t
it?” she whispered to him and received a nod in return.
Sally stood on the deck looking down at them, her legs parted. With a
lewd giggle, she arched her hips forward and exposed her pale-haired
cunt quickly, then turned and moved to a redwood chair, her tight,
successful ass wiggling in a pronounced manner.
Sitting down, Sally boldly spread her thighs and leaned back on her
“You better go fuck her now, Donny.” Marilyn laughed as she gazed at
Sally's cunt. “If what I feel down here is any indication, you’re going
to come before you get your cock in her hot cunt!”
“Come on, Donny!” Sally squealed, twisting her ass about invitingly.
“Come on!”
Donny was out of the water quickly and Marilyn’s eyes turned into a boil
as she climbed out, too. She knelt at Sally’s side, placing a hand on
one small, sweet title as she watched her son bring his cock to that
sculptured cunt.
For a moment, Donny teased Sally and himself by rubbing the swollen head
of his cock up and down that steamy, sugar-sweet cunt slit. Sally
whimpered as she lifted her crotch and attempted to draw his prick into
her pussy. Squeezing into the small title, Marilyn moved her hand down
until she was touching Sally’s highly inflamed cliporis.
“Stop teasing her, Donny.” she hissed. “Shove your cock in! SallyWants
it, darling. Put your fucking cock in her hot little pussy!”
Marilyn knew her son’s cock would not hurt the intensely aroused little
girl. Her own finger and tongue had told her Sally was a virgin by
technicality only. She had used two of her fingers to spread the
delicate lips of the girl’s cunt and now she sucked in an excited breath
as she saw her son’s cockhead sliding into Sally’s pussy.
Sally had been holding her breath with anticipation, but now she
groaned, a groan of excisite ecstasy. Donny’s cock stretched her
successful cunt lips as he pressed more of his prick into her.
“Ohhhh! Ahhhh! Golly … oh, golly!” Sally squealed as her cunt was
stretched around a cock for the first time. “It feels so good … so
good … so good … “
Donny thrust his cock fully into Sally’s steamy cunt, his balls against
Hersmall ass. Marilyn’s eyes filmed over with ecstasy as she saw her
son’s cock wrapped by the sweet cunt lips she had recently sucked and
tongue-fucked. The sight was one of the most erotic she had ever seen!
“Oh baby, fuck her!” Marilyn mewled. “Fuck her little cunt, Donny! Oh,
God … fuck her!”
Sally arched her cunt upwards, twisting her hips with his cock buried
deeply into her pussy. “Yes, Donny!” she wailed, clawing at the cushions
of the redwood chair. “Fuck me! Oh golly, fuck me!”
Moaning in delight, Donny began to thrust his cock in and out. Marilyn’s
eyes, glassy, still managed to watch that pink cunt suck on her son’s
cock. The way those lovely pussy lips sank inward as he plunged, then
held his prick so tightly as he pulled out, made her own pussy pulsate
with intense eagerness. She slide her fingers between them, feeling her
son’s cock as he lunged back and forth. Leaning over, she began to suck
on one of Sally’s rigid nipples, her tongue swirling with hot wetness.
Sally was yelping and gurgling, twisting her small body around, banging
her cunt up and down as Donny plunged more vigorously into her. Marilyn
felt the tremors going through Sally’s naked body and those rippling
Shivers told her Sally was having the time of her life.
Sally moved a hand underneath Marilyn and began to squeeze at one full,
spongy title. Marilyn mewled against the small title that was in her mouth
and shoved her hand down under the bouncing ass of the girl, digging her
fingers into those tight ass cheeks. Then she grabbed her son’s naked
ass, holding it. Her hand moved from one young ass to the other,
caresing and encouraging and creating ecstasy within her own cunt.
“Golly! Golly!” Sally murmured over and over, her eyes closed to savor
the sensings sparking through her small, naked body. “Golly! That’s so
good … so good! Fuck me, Donny! Oh, golly. Fuck me!”
Marilyn left the small title and watched her son lunging his cock in and
out of the hotly gripping, young cunt. She was thrilled with the way
Sally banged her crotch up and down, grinding almost mindlessly. She was
Not in the least surprised that Sally was fucking so frantically this
first time. She knew just how hot and erotic the little girl was.
With Donny standing there between the girl’s slim tighs and Sally
sprayed back, Marilyn had a perfect view of his cock running in and out
of that slippery, satiny cunt. Suddenly with loud wails of ecstasy,
Sally began to churn up and down and Marilyn actually saw those sugary
cunt lips flexing as the girl came.
“I’m coming!” Sally screamed in ecstasy. "Golly, I’m coming all over the
place! Fuck me harder, Donny! Ooooo, I’m coming so good!”
The small body shook violently, partly from her intense, shattering
orgasm and partly due to the powerful plunges of Donny’s cock. Even the
redwood chair was squeaking.
With a yelp, Donny slammed his cock as deep as he could into Sally’s
firey cunt. Marilyn quickly ran her hand between his thighs and grasped
his balls, feeling them drawing up tightly as he squirted his come juice
into this extremely receptive little cunt.
As she knelt, Marilyn’s naked body shook suddenly. Her cunt had
convulsed just from watching the two young ones fucking. Her eyes rolled
about and she gurgled in pleasure, but continued to grip her son’s balls
as he spurted come juice into Sally’s pussy.
As Donny withdraw his cock, wet and slippery from the juices of Sally’s
cunt and his own discharge, Marilyn could not resist it. She hurriedly
shoved her mouth to it, taking his prick between her lips and sucking.
The taste of Sally’s cunt and his come juice sent her mind reeling and
she experienced another orgasm.
She heard Sally giggle, and pulled off of her son’s prick. Sally’s eyes
were shining as she watched Marilyn. “I’ve got to try that too,” she
Marilyn laughed in a sultry sound. “You two do what you want while I
bring us something cold to drink.”
She turned and walked into the house, feeling the eyes of her son and
Sally on her tightly jiggling ass. She swung her naked ass playfully for
They, then disappeared.
She was gone about ten minutes, preparing soft drinks. She placed the
tall glasses on a tray and went back onto the redwood patio.
Sally was on her back again in one of the lounge chairs, her legs spread
wide. Between them was her son, his naked ass pumping up and down. Their
feet were towards Marilyn and she could see his cock thrusting into
Sally’s clinging pussy, his balls bouncing about. There was a clutching
sensing between her long, creamy thighs and she gave a small squeal of
Placing the tray on the table she got to her knees beside them. Sally
lifted her slim legs and wrapped them around Donny, her arms already
holding his chest against her burning little tits. She was cooing with
soft sounds of ecstasy as she ground her cunt up and down his plunging
Again Marilyn began to fondle her son’s naked ass while he fucked Sally.
She even shoved her other hand under Sally’s ass and held it with tight
fingers. She moved a finger into the hot crack of Sally’s ass cheats and
began to rub lightly upon the tiny asshole. This sentSally into peals
of gurgling pleasure and she banged her ass up and down with a more
frantic motion.
The older woman worked the fingers of her hand on Donny’s ass into the
crack and rubbed a bit harsher on his asshole. She heard her son grunt
with this added stimulation, and the cheeses of his ass clenched tightly
on her finger. Marilyn leaned over and kissed his bouncing ass, running
her tongue about the tight, hot flesh.
Growling with excitement, she moved until she was behind her son. She
sat on her legs, leaning forward and shoving her hands underneath
Sally’s squirming, naked ass. Cupping each of those small, firey ass
cheeses in her palms, Marilyn shoved her face against her son’s ass,
running her tongue up and down the crack as it lifted and lowered.
Donny grunted as his mother’s tongue licked up and down the crack of his
ass, and his wild fucking increasingwith a fury of motion.
Holding the wiggling cheats of Sally’s ass, Marilyn pressed her tongue
into the crack of her son’s bouncing ass, licking up and down from his
balls to the base of his spine. Shoving her tongue deeper, she tasted
the tight pumper of his asshole. Feeling her tongue against his asshole
inflamed her mind and her cunt almost convulsed into orgasms then and
There. She dug her fingers into Sally’s twisting ass, lifting it high
onto her son’s plunging cock.
His balls moved against her chin as she shoved her face farther into the
crack of Donny’s ass. She could hardly breathe now, but that didn’t
Both her in the least. Her excitement of seeing his cock in that
tight, sweet cunt and her tongue licking about his pumping asshole was
all that mattered. Her own pussy was throbbing and burning as she
swirled her tongue up and down, the tip pressing at his hot asshole.
Sally’s squeals mingling with her words of “fuck me, fuck me!” came to
her, along with the grunts of her son. Her tits jiggled from the way her
son’s ass moved up and down into her face, her nipples burning in a
tingling sensing. She spread her legs and placed them around her
son’s, pressing her hairy, hot cunt against them. She wiggled and rubbed
her pussy there as she squeezed the sweetness of Sally’s churning ass,
her tongue moving in firey ecstasy against her son’s asshole.
She could hear Sally’s hot voice as the little girl began to scream that
she was coming. Marilyn pulled that sweet ass tighter into her son’s
cock, feeling it grind with mindless ecstasy. She thought that rounded
ass became hotter to touch as Sally’s cunt erupted into ecstatic orgasm.
She raced her tongue about her son’s clenching asshole, and then she
felt it flexing as his body became stiff. The squeezing of his asshole
against her tongue told Marilyn he was coming in Sally’s cunt, despite
his wild yelps of pleasure.
She pulled her face out of his ass when he relaxed. Moving off his
thighs and sitting back on her heels, she said, “That was such a fast
fuck, the ice cubes didn’t melt.”
Donny climbed off Sally and sat on the redwood deck, breathing hard.
Lifting herself up on her elbows, Sally giggled with delight. “Who cares
about silly old ice cubes! I like it hot … the way my cunt feels.”
She took a glass anyway, sipping at it.
Donny, his breathing some what slower, drank deeply from his glass.
Marilyn pulled herself onto a padded chair and sat with her knees wide,
her eyes shining with pleasure as she looked at the naked young ones.
“It’s so nice outside this way.”Sally said in a lazy voice. “I wish we
had a patio like this. But I couldn’t go naked there anyway–I’d get my
ass spanked. The best I can do is that fucking old bathing suit.”
“And you certainly make sure things show in it, don’t you?” Marilyn
smiled at the little girl.
“Why not?” Sally giggled. “It’s the best I can do to make Donny excited.
He gets a hard-on when he sees me wearing it that way … you know,
pulled up my ass.”
“Speaking of asses,” Donny said, “were you licking my ass, Mom?”
Marilyn lifted her eyesbrows. “You don’t know?”
“Well, I think I know,” he said, “but I was so hot fucking Sally, I
Thought I was dreaming.”
“That was no dream, darling.” Marilyn laughed in a lewd way. “That was
my tongue on your asshole.”
Chapter 8
It was early evening and Marilyn ate a light meal with her son.
They were on the patio where they usually ate in the warm weather. The
sun was fading, but the heat of the day was still with them. Sally had
have gone for over two hours.
Marilyn was very pleased with how the day turned out. Sally and Donny
had been wanting to fuck for a long time, and finally it had happened.
They were no longer nervous with each other as before and having Marilyn
with them, joining them, increased their pleasure.
Donny was extremely virile and it seemed he needed very little time to
recover. Then his beautiful cock was standing up and ready for a hot
cunt again.
Like now.
He had a hard-on all through dinner and Marilyn stroked it often. Her
son, it seemed, was as erotic as she was, but she wondered just how
erotic he actually was. Licking at hisasshole had turned her on and
apparently it had excited him too. As they ate, she told him about how
Sally had come there, finding her naked, and how Sally had enjoyed
getting her sugary cunt sucked and licked by her. Donny was excited to
Know that his mother had sucked Sally’s pussy.
“Does her cunt taste good, Mom?” he wanted to know. “I fucked her so
much I forgot about licking her. I gotta do that next time.”
“Sally loves a tongue-fuck, darling.” Marilyn said, “And she has the
sweetest little cunt! You’re in for a treat, Donny.”
They were silent for awhile, each in their own thoughts. Those thoughts
Though were filled with exciting erotic things. As they each considered
Various possibilities, Marilyn stroked her son’s cock with an easy
manner, her cunt throbbing gently. She had not been fucked by her son
While Sally was with them,but she didn’t resent it. She knew how much
They wanted to fuck each other. But Sally wasn’t here now.
Shoving the few dishes aside, Marilyn stood and sat her naked ass on the
redwood table in front of her seated son. She spread her legs wide and
arched her hair-rimmed cunt towards him.
“You can eat my cunt, Donny.” she said in a low voice. “Pretend it’s
Sally’s pussy, if you want.”
Donny grinned up at his mother. “I don’t want to pretend it’s Sally’s
cunt, Mom. I love to lick your pussy! I like all this dark hair around
He moved his fingers through his mother’s cunt hair, tracing her hot
pussy lips with a tip. He rubbed very gently at her inflamed cliporis,
Then worked his finger in and out of her pussy. Marilyn mewled with
delight and leaned back, shoving her cunt closer to his face. She placed
her feet on the arm of his chair, lifting her ass, making tight circles
with her hips, mewling in pleasure.
She told when his tongue licked up the inner surface of one hot thigh,
Then down the other. He circled his tongue about the curling hairs, then
Pulled a thick patch into his mouth, sucking her cunt hair while working
his finger back and forth into her bubble cunt.
Marilyn twisted and compromised her hips, urging her son to lick at her
boiling cunt. She dug her fingers into her tits as she arched her hairy
pussy into his face.
Donny removed his finger and held his mother’s hot ass cheats. He shoved
his lips tightly against her slippery, wet cunt and sucked on it.
Marilyn mewled and began to grind her cunt into Donny’s face, feeling
his tongue dart between those firey pussy lips. He tongue-fucked her for
a while, then scraped his tongue about her inflamed cliporis, finally
drawing it into his mouth, sucking hard as his tongue ran rapidly about
the tip.
“Oooo, baby!” Marilyn whimpered, her fingers digging brutally into her
spongy tits. “Suck that cunt! Oh God, you lick mother’s pussy so
sweetly! Eat me, darling! Oooo, eat my hot, wet, hairy cunt!”
Drawing her legs up, Marilyn pulled her knees into her swollen tits,
arching her ass and cunt into her son’s face. She whimpered as his
tongue raced in and out of her gripping pussy, her ass shaking into his
face. The wet slurping sounds he made served to increase the ecstasy
that rumbled through her naked body, sending her mind reeling into
bliss. She began to squirm her cunt tighter into his face, feeling an
orgasm swelling inside her stomach.
Her cliporis was melting against his upper lip, his tongue thrusting in
as deep as he could force it. She was so wet his face was becoming
smeared and he had to swallow often as her cunt dripped into his mouth.
She gurgled hotly, whipping her crotch up and down. She felt his tongue
scraping up and down the lips of her pussy, over her cliporis.
Then she shivered suddenly–her son’s tongue had scraped against her
hotly pumped asshole!
“Ohhhh!” She yelped in delight.
Knowing the thrills his mother was receiving, Donny began to lick the
flat surface up and down, going from the base of her spine, over her
crinkled asshole and up the slit of her hairy cunt to her clitoris. Up
and down his tongue went, and Marilyn was shaking with ecstasy.
When her son held his face still, his tongue stuck out, she began to
slider her ass up and down, making him lick her cunt and asshole
alternatively. The exploration of her orgasm sent her ass into a grinding
delight that almost smoothed her son. When her asshole was againt his
tongue, his nose seemed to be inside her fiery cunt.
“Oh, God!” Marilyn wailed. “Oh, God! Donny, Donny lick me! Ohhh, that’s
nice! Lick mother’s cunt and asshole, baby! Oooo, lick them both!”
She was coming with rippling ecstasy as she whipped her hairy cunt and
burning asshole about his face. The wetness of his tongue against her
asshole was sending her out her mind. She was twisting her head about on
the table, her hair waving in all directions. She held her knees tightly
against her tits, shashing them, humping up and down with a grinding
motion. Donny was pressing his hands against the back of her thighs,
helping to hold her ass into his face.
“Oooo, up the ass!” Marilyn gurgled in a hot breath. “Up the ass, Donny!
Up my fucking ass!” She rubbed her asshole tighter against his outthrust
tongue, feeling the burning need there. "Donny, stick your tongue up my
fucking ass!” she waited in mindless desire. “Hurry, shove your tongue
up mother’s asshole! I’m coming, darling … and I want your tongue
fucking me in the hot ass!”
Donny didn’t hesitate. Curling his tongue tightly, he pressed it against
the tightness of his mother’s asshole.
Feeling it against her, Marilyn–still in the clutches of her orgasm,
shoved her ass into his face hard. She felt his tongue slide through the
ring of her asshole easily and as he plunged it in and out, she erupted
into greater, more ecstatic orgasms. Afraid to twist and grind now,
afraid she would lose his tongue lunging in and out of her asshole, she
hold herself still, except for the trembling orgasms within her naked
Donny ran his tongue as deep up his mother’s asshole as he could,
fucking her there as he had fucked her in thecunt. His cock was
standing up from his lap, throbbing with almost painful hardness. He was
dripping coronavirusably, the slippery juices running down the throbbing
The waves of crashing orgasms refused to sop, and Marilyn was screaming
with ecstasy. She was clawing at her tits brutally, but not feeling the
pain. Every part of her body was one huge, blinding hot orgasm.
Her asshole flexed and closed on her son’s tongue, drawing on it the way
her cunt did. Yet Donny kept on thrusting, fucking his mother wildly,
his hands still pressing her tights back, keeping her rounded ass high
in the air.
“Oh, God! Stop!” Marilyn wailed, trying to draw away from him. “I can’t
stand it, darling! Oh, God, please … no more right now! Please, Donny,
take your tongue out of my asshole!”
Donny was reluctant. He had found something else they could do that
created intense pleasure, and he enjoyed the squeezing heat of his
mother’s asshole around his tongue. But he pulled it out.
Slowly, Marilyn lowered her thighs and found she had them drawn over
his shoulders. Donny licked gently at her hot thighs, circled her cunt
Because he knew his mother was a bit too sensitive now to be licked
There directly.
It was a long time before Marilyn recovered enough to sit up on the
table. She lay there relaxing as her son kissed and licked her creamy
inner tights. Struggling upright, she looked into his eyes. His face was
smeared with the juice of her cunt, glistening in the fading light of
the sun. With his head between her thighs, she leaned forward and kissed
him, holding his cheeses in her palms.
“God, but that was good, Donny.” she murmured. “Is there anything you
won’t do?”
He shook his head. “Nothing.” he replied.
She squeezed her hot thighs against his head, then let him go. She stood
from the table, her legs feeling weak. She had came so strongly as he
tongue-fucked her in the ass. She saw his cock standing up, very hard
and shining with the dripping juices. Leaning down, she grasped his
Prick in her hand and jerked it up and down. Then she lowered her face
and kissed his slippery cockhead. She trailed her hot tongue over the
piss hole, then stand upright.
“You wouldn’t lie to your mother, would you, Donny?” she asked.
“No, Mom.” he replied, his eyes glaiming. “I’d do anything you want and
enjoy it.” The gleam grow brighter. “I wonder if Sally would like my
tongue up her ass.”
Marilyn gave a low chuckle. “Honey, Sally would like anything you and I
do, I can promise you that.”
She began to clear the dishes, stacking them. Donny helped her and she
carried them into the house. She felt her son’s eyes on her naked ass
and paused before she entered the glass doorway. Looking over her
Shoulder at him, she wiggled her ass.
“You know what, baby?” she murmured in a voice just loud enough to carry
to him. “I wonder what it would feel like to have your hard cock up my
She saw his eyes burn before she disappeared.
As Marilyn put the dished in the dishwasher, she thought more and more
about taking her son’s cock into her asshole. The idea came to her as
she had licked his asshole while fucking Sally. She had found out that
her son was intensely erotic too and willing and eager to do anything
she wanted.
The redwood patio was built on stilts with a wait-high railing all
around. When she returned to her son, he was standing there pissing out
into the brush.
“We do have bathrooms, you know.” she said, but there was no anger in
her voice.
“I had to go quick.” he replied, arching his hips forward as he pissed.
Marilyn came up beside her son, and on an impulse, took his cock in her
hand. Playfully, she swung his cock about, making the stream of piss
splash about in a waving line. She laughed. “I can’t piss that way. It
looks like fun, though.”
“I know.” Donny said in his young wisdom. “You have to sit down or squat
or something.”
“Or something.” she laughed.
When he finished, she shook his cock for him, then on an impulse once
more, ran her thumb over the piss-wet head. “Mmmm, warm.” she murmured.
“You piss, Mom.” he said.
“Maybe I don’t have to.” she teased, struggling his cock easily.
“Okay.” she giggled naughtily, climbing onto the top rail and shoving
her ass over it. Then an impish smile came over her beautiful face. “If
you want to see, you have to lean down there.”
Donny did and looked up to see his mother’s ass hanging over the rail.
Her cunt, surrounded by thick hair, seemed to excite him.
Marilyn began to piss.
“I see you!” he laughed. “I see you pissing, Mom!”
“Lean down further, baby.” she whispered, the impish smile still on her
He did, and with a sudden movement Marilyn shoved her ass down. The warm
piss splashed into her son’s face. She laughed when he jerked back,
sputtering and wiping at his face.
“That’s not fair!” he said. “I didn’t piss in your face, Mom.”
“Anything is fair when I’ve got the hots, darling.” she laughed. “But if
you want, you can piss in my face. Then we’ll be even.”
“I don’t have to piss.” he complained. “I already did.”
“That’s your problem.” Marilyn cooed as she climbed off the railing.
“I’ll have to again, and you’re gonna get it!” he said.
Marilyn held his cock in her hand. “You’ll have to catch me first.” she
said. “And I can run very fast.”
“But I can piss farther.” he laughed and cupped her tits with both
hands. “I’ll get you, don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried in the lest.” she mewled, brushing her tongue about his
lips. “I’m not afraid of you.”
“You’re gonna be by the time I finish.” her son replied.
“Oh? And how are you going to make me afraid of you?” she grinned,
squeezing his cock.
“You’ll see.” He dropped his hands from her tits and clutched her
shapely ass cheats.
“Are you going to make me afraid by sticking your cock up my ass?”
“Well, that’s one way.”
“Ha! That would be a pleasure.” she laughed.
“Really, Mom?”
His eyes were blazing with excitement.
“You want to?”
“Let’s try it!”
With a husky gurgle she placed herself back on the redwood table in the
same position she had been in before. She drew her knees to her tits
again, shashing them, arching her ass upwards. She peered between her
knees as her son moved up to her body. She watched him take the base of
his cock in his hand and then she felt the swollen head of it against
her pumpered asshole.
"Do you think this will work, Mom?” he asked. “You look awful tight to
“Darling, that asshole will stretch a fucking mile!” she hisssed. “Shove
it in me!”
Donny applied pressure, but tried to be gentle.
But Marilyn didn’t want it gentle. She pressed her ass against the head
of his cock hard, holding her breath with anticipation. She felt her
asshole sink inward as her son pushed harder. There was a burning
sensing, but it was not at all unpleasant. On the contrary, the sheer
perversity of it gave her a great deal of enjoyment.
“Harder!” she whimpered.
The head of his cock stretched her asshole and then it was inside.
Marilyn shuddered with the strange feelings it gave her. It seemed as if
her son had run a telephone pole up her ass, but the fullness was also
She felt her asshole closing and relaxing
around her son’s cock.
She knew only the head of his prick was up her ass and she wanted his
cock all the way inside. Holding her ass up, her cunt was exposed. As
Donny began to push more of his cock into his mother’s gripping asshole,
he began to cares her distended cliporis with his fingers, intensifying
the ecstasy for his mother.
Marilyn shuddered with pleasure, then began to move her ass up and down.
Donny held himself almost rigid, peering down in the fading light as his
cock was sucked deeper into her asshole. He watched the hairy lips of
her cunt flex as she drew his cock all the way inside her ass.
“Mmmm, that’s … that’s good!” Marilyn wailed as her ass squeezed his
cock. “Now fuck it, Donny. Fuck that tight, hot asshole! Bang me hard
and fast! Ooo, I love this … your cock so hard and deep … up my
asshole! Fuck thatass, baby! Fuck that hot asshole!”
Rubbing at her cunt and cliporis, Donny began to thrust his cock in and
out of his mother’s ass. Marilyn wiggled and surprised, sobbing with the
greatest ecstasy yet. The way her asshole stretched around his cock was
a thrilling sensing. The fullness of her ass was creating a storm of
orgasms that went whipping through her over-heated body.
Donny’s cock seemed to penetrated her asshole deeper than it ever had
her cunt, but that was probably due to the perversity of the
ass-fucking, she thought. She lifted her ass and began to grind as he
Plunged his price in and out. She did not have to clench her asshole on
his prick–it did that of its own free will.
The burning sensing that she had felt initially was now gone, having
have been replaced by the most exciting sensings she had ever experienced.
Even as she humped her ass up and down on hiscock, Marilyn wondered why
she had not taken a cock into her asshole before.
“Donny, this is so good!” she murmured in a hot voice. “Ohhh, I love the
way your cock feels in my ass! Ooo, honey, fuck mother in the ass fast
and hard! Really plug your cock deep! Go as deep as you can! I’m
coming, you know … coming already!”
Donny was grunting as he lunged his cock in and out of her ass. It was
much tighter than her cunt and he thought his mother’s cunt was the
tightest thing beside her fist. His balls were swinging to and fro, and
the heat of her tight asshole sucking on his cock was making them draw
up at the base.
“Mom, I can’t last much longer!” he shouted.
“Don’t wait!” she sobbed, grinding wickedly against him. “Don’t wait!
Come, darling! I want to feel your come juice squirting up my ass!”
Donny banged hard, driving his cock deeply. Then he slammed into her
asshole and hold himself there, his body stiff, his head thrown back. He
gritted his teeth and a loud yelp came from him.
Marilyn felt his cock exploit inside her asshole, then the foamy warmth
of his come juice spurted along the smooth walls of her ass. She could
Not prevent the scream of ecstasy that tore from her constricted throat.
It seemed to her that she was being blown apart with the force of her
orgasm–her cunt and asshole both in convulsive spasms.
The tormenting orgasms caused her legs to lift into the air, and Donny
hold them about his face, his cock gushing wildly into his mother’s
sucking asshole.
As they finished, he could no longer stand. His cock came out of her
asshole with a small, audible ploping sound, and he sank to his knees.
Before Marilyn lowered her legs, he shoved his face into her hairy cunt,
kissing it as he gasped hotly.
Marilyn lay on the table for a long time, her swelling tits heaving up
and down. Wonderment was on her beautiful face, a face that was glowing
with the residue of her receiving ecstasy. Her legs dangled over the edge
of the table, wide apart, and the cool breeze of the early evening air
helped her hot cunt some, but only some.
It was a long time before she recovered enough to sit up, and then she
realized dust had fallen. The birds had stopped chirping and the
currying night sounds of tiny animals could be heard.
She stood up and saw her son resting his head on the cushions of a
blinde chair, breathing evenly. She smiled at his sleeping face, not
Wanting to wake him but knowing he could not spend the night outside.
She shook his shoulder gently, and he looked up at her with sleepy eyes.
“Time we went to bed darling.” she whispered, helping him to his feet.
They climbed the stairs together, Donny leaning against his mother.
Although all his vigor when it came to fucking her and Sally, Marilyn
realized that he was still a little boy.
Chapter 9
It was late when Marilyn awoke.
She had been sleeping deeply and for a moment failed to understand what
woke her up. Then she felt it again and smiled.
She was sprayed across the bed, uncovered. Donny was down between her
spread thighs, licking and kissing her smooth ass, caressing it
Marilyn wiggled her ass against his lips and tongue. “Mmmm, what a nice
way to wake up.” she murmured.
“I thought you were still sleep, Mom.” he said, then playedfully went
her in the ass with his tongue.
“Hey, you little mother-fucker!” she squealed and rolled onto her back.
She grabbed for him but he jumped from the bed quickly, shaking his cock
at her.
“Want some, Mom?”
“I want some of your teasing ass, that’s for sure.” she laughed,
scooting from the bed and chasing him as he ran into the bathroom.
She stood behind her son as he leaned over to adjust the shower, feeling
his ass. “You’re a teasing little mother-fucker, you know that,
“Yeah,” he grinned at her. “I guess I am a mother-fucker, not to mention
a Sally-fucker and an asshole-fucker.”
“And a cunt-licker, don’t forget.” she played with him. “For God’s sake,
don’t forget that!”
“Who could?” he laughed as he stepped into the shower. “Pussy tastes
good, I’d never forget that.”
They soaped each other and played like two innocent children under the
shower. They spend most of their time however, washing his cock and
balls, then her cunt and tits. When they finished, they dried each other
off with fluffy towels, still playing about. Donny poked his mother’s
cunt, then shoved his face between her tights to dart his tongue into
her pussy. Marilyn spread her legs and leaned against the wall, gently
pumping her hips back and forth as he licked her pussy. His tongue
brought her to some delicious orgasms, but by then his cock was
Straining very hard.
As he lifted up, Marilyn placed him on the toilet seat, then straddled
him, her legs on each side of his legs. “Put that cock in me before that
hard-on goes away!” she urged.
While her son held the base of his cock, Marilyn plugged her cunt down
onto it, then she sat there, rocking back and forth, her hands on his
Shoulders. They kissed a great deal as she lifted and lowered her naked
ass. She sucked her son’s tongue into her mouth as he fondled her
shapedly tits. She bounced her crotch up and down on his cock in a slow
motion, both of them savoring the early morning fucking.
Most of the all-consuming initial excitement of fucking each other was
done by this time. Now they could settle down to taking their time.
Marilyn fucked her son without the earliest frantic motions of her ass,
sing with pleasure as she rode up and down his prick. They gazed into
each other’s eyes like longtime lovers. Donny caresed his mother’s tits
and fondled her thighs, squeezing the cheeses of her ass while she moved
up and down, her cunt sliding easily on his stiff cock.
When she came, she leaned against him and mewled in a soft voice. The
sucking of her cunt made his come juice come bubble forth, filling her
pussy with its precious sweetness. They sat this way for a while, then
she withdraw and stand up.
“I’ve got to shower again.” she said.
After her second shower, she wrapped a big towel around her then went
downstairs where her son waited. He sat at the small table in the
kitchen, waiting for his breakfast.
The towel tucked securely over her tits, she prepared waffles and
sausage for them. Even after these past few days, Donny still had not
really become accustomed to seeing his tall, beautiful mother undressed.
He sat quietly, gazing at her long, slender thighs and the barely
visible cheats of her ass.
Perhaps he was not accustomed to it yet, but he most certainly enjoyed
it. The fires of intensity, erotic desire burned extremely hot not only in
him, but in Marilyn too.
Watching her son eat, Marilyn wondered when the consuming flames would
became mellow. She knew they would, eventually. And she dreaded when it
would happenn but knowing enough of human nature, she realized it was
inevitable. They would never stop fucking, she knew, never. But it would
Become less intense, less violent perhaps, and she decided that would
probably be a good thing. They had been careless in their desire for
Each other, she knew. And that wasn’t good at all. Yet on the other
hand, if they had not been careless it was possible Sally would not have
joined them the day before.
Looking at it that way, Marilyn realized their carelessness had told her
two things: she found she enjoyed licking cunt. That is, she enjoyed
licking Sally’s cunt. Perhaps she would not like putting her mouth on
Another pussy. She didn’t know about that. Sally was cute, sweet, and so
erotically innocent, if such a combination was possible. Maybe it was
her pale blonde cunt that was so appealing. Marilyn didn’t think she
would care to run her tongue about the wet lips of some pussy that was
as hairy as her own.
The other thing she had discovered about herself was how thrilling it
was to watch her son fucking Sally. Seeing his cock penetrating that
tight, sculptured cunt was intensely excited to her and it was possible
for her to come as she watched, mildly but come just the same. The same
question applied here too, she thought. Would it be as exciting to see
her son fuck someone besides little Sally?
The questions were too much for her and Marilyn shoved them aside. She
smiled at her son as she sipped her coffee, the towel slipping a bit.
With a lewd wink at Donny she pulled it back up and tightened it.
She cleaned up the kitchen when her son finished eating. She felt a
sense of loneliness in the kitchen. Donny had taken off after pulling
his shorts on, riding his bike down the narrow road towards Sally’s
After she had dressed in a becoming housedress for the day, she wandered
around the house, going outside, upstairs, downstairs, her mind filled
with indecision. She sat on the patio, another cup of coffee with her.
The hot tub did not invite her this morning. She leaned back in the
lounge, drawing one knee up and surprised. She loved living in this
semi-isolation, the house, the trees. It was the perfect place for this
new relationship with her son … and Sally.
She felt no jealousy because her son had ridden off to see Sally. Nor
was she jealous to think that they might enter the forest and fuck on
the soft grass with the birds singing and the warm sun on their naked
bodies. Donny, she was well aware of, was at the age where he wanted to
stick his cock into any cunt he could get his hands on. That, to her way
of thinking, was the normal process of growing.
Leaning back, her face to the sun, she imagazineed Donny and Sally
Somewhere in the woods, their amazing young bodies undressed, touching
and playing with each other, his cock sliding into Sally’s unbelievably
tight, hot cunt. The image she drew in her mind was pleasant and her
cunt began to pulsate, her cliporis swelling. She swung her uplifted
knee to and fro as she idly fantasized about her son and Sally.
This morning’s fucking with Donny had been very good, almost something
special since it had been done with less frenzy. Her cunt tingled with a
growing heat as she allowed her imagination free rein. She began to cup
and squeeze one of her protruding tits, circular her sensitive nipples
with the tip of her finger, feeling it grow taut against her dress.
In he mind she saw her son’s tight ass emrithing and bouncing between the
slim tights of Sally, his cock thrusting into that clinging, young
pussy. She saw his balls swinging, remembering how she had licked and
sucked them as he fucked the eager little girl only the day before.
Marilyn licked at her lips, her eyes closed. Her imagination was so
vivid she could almost feel her son’s balls between her lips as his cock
moved in and out of Sally’s pussy. The scene in her mind was so strong
she thought she could hear his cock sliding into that sucking wetness.
Her cunt was going into a slow burn. She shoved her upraised knee aside.
She had put her panties on this morning and they were tight in her
crotch. Her housedress was almost at her hips, and she left her title and
began to slowly move her palm up and down the inner surface of her
tigh, teasing herself deliciously. A soft moan bubbled from her lips as
she circled the tightness of her panties, then drew her fingertip
lightly up and down the puffy lips of her concealed cunt. The crotch of
Her panties werewet and that made it more enjoyable for her.
Marilyn’s hips began to move, understanding against the cushion of the
redwood locke chair. The sun on her body–and especially on her exposed
thighs and crotch of her panties–increased the exciting heat of her
cunt. She moved her finger slowly up and down her pussy, tracing the
outline of the hairy lips and applying a very light pressure to her
swollen cliporis. Her other hand opened the top of her housedress,
pulling it from her shoulders, revealing her tits to the heat of the
sun. Her nipples were rigid and tingling.
Now and then Marilyn used both hands to squeeze her tits together,
trying to rub her nipples against each other. She moaned in soft
ecstasy, eyes closed to enjoy the vivid mental pictures of her son
fucking Sally’s pale, blonde-haired cunt.
Marilyn presented an erotic picture to her son as he stood at the glass
doors, watching her. She had no idea he was home, not to mention
watching her. But if she had known he was looking, it would not have
Donny with his cock scanning, stared with pleasure, seeing his mother’s
creamy, impossiblely long thighs, her swelling, shaped tits, and the
crotch of her tight panties with the dark hair curling from the edges.
He shoved his shorts down, stepping from them, his cock arching up and
jerking with eagerness. Holding his balls, he moved with silent
footsteps towards his mother. There was no reason, of course, for this
silence but he was excited to see her fondling herself this way,
thinking she was alone.
Feeling his cock brush at her shoulder, Marilyn opened her eyes. She was
Not surprised to find Donny there, his prick moving about her shoulder
and leaving a blurry trail of wetness. She smiled up at him, taking his
cock in her hand and drawingthe slippery, driving head over one
swollen tit.
“You’re back, darling.” she murmured.
“Just in time, I’d say.” Donny laughed, bending forward and running his
hand up and down his mother’s pantied cunt. “You’re kind of hot, huh,
“Kind of is milk, Donny. I’m boiling!”
With a low laugh, Donny moved towards his mother’s feet. He ran his
tongue along her leg, past her knee and up the inside of her satiny
tigh. With a small moan, he buried his face into her crotch, his hot
lips kissing at her panties, his tongue licking up the mood.
Marilyn gurgled softly as she lifted her ass to meet his mouth. “Ohhh,
you’re so sweet, Donny.” she mewled, grinding gently into his lips.
She felt his tongue pressing tightly as he licked up and down the bulge
of her panties. She could feel the heat of her son’s tongue through the
flimsy panties and slow waves of orgasms started rumbling through her.
She squeezed her tits together, gazing down at his burning eyes as he
licked about her cunt. Somehow, Donny had managed to get her distended
cliporis between his lips and he chewed at it deliciously, making Marilyn
whimper with ecstasy.
Donny ran his hands underneath his mother’s ass, lifting her crotch
higher into his face. His fingers squeezed at the shapely ass cheeses
While his tongue raced up and down the crotch of her wet panties,
sending fire through Marilyn’s shivering body. She moaned softly as the
ecstasy burned hotter within her, centered at her cunt.
The way he squeezed at her ass increased her excitement, adding to the
pleasure of his tongue moving up and down the tightness of her panties.
The orgasms were growing, making her tremble.
“You're making me come, Donny.” she whimpered with a thick voice. “My
cunt is coming so nicely! I love the way you lick that pussy, baby.
Ohhh, so sweet!”
Although her orgasms were not as strong and mind-shattering, they were
Very delicious. While still coming, she urged her son to slide up on her
body. He trailed his throbbing cock along her thighs and pressed it upon
her cunt as Marilyn kissed his moist lips. Then she began to pull at him
“Touch your cock on my titties, darling.” she murmured. “I want to feel
your cock on my tits.”
Donny drew himself up, spreading his legs about her sides.
Her eyes glassy; Marilyn watched her son’s cock as it moved upward.
Taking his price in her hand, she smeared the dripping juices around the
curves of her tits, then onto her nipples. She pressed a nipple against
his pisshole, watching it sink inward. For a while she tantalized them
both by rubbing the smooth head of his cock about her tits, then she
placed it between them and closed her hands on the title mounds. She held
his cock between her tits, watching the head protrude towards her face.
“Fuck my tits, Donny.” she whispered with a thick voice. “Your cock
Feels so good between them, I want you to fuck me there. Come on baby,
fuck mother’s tits.”
Donny began to work his cock back and forth sliding it in and out of her
tightly held tits. They both watched and began to breathe heavier.
Marilyn mewled with delight, enjoying the throbbing hardness of his
cock. She held her tits tightly about his thrusting prick, feeling every
throb as it slipped back and forth. Her tits were becoming very slippery
from the juices dripping out of his piss hole, and that served to
delight her even more.
“Youlike this, Donny?” she whispered up to him. “Does this feel good on
your cock?”
“It sure does, Mom.” he grunted in reply, his eyes shining. “Your tits
are hot!”
“They’re supposed to be.” she showed with pleasure. “My tits are
supposed to be as hot as my cunt. Fuck mother’s tits, darling! Oooo, I
like the way your hard cock feels between them.”
Although she could not make her nipples touch, she could hold his cock
tightly with the spongy mounds of her tits. As he fucked back and forth,
the swollen head of his prick brushed her chin. With a lewd giggle,
Marilyn tucked her chin tighter and found she could shove her tongue out
to probe his piss hole. This excited them both, and every time her son
fucked upward Marilyn licked his prick. The slippery taste of his cock
thrilled her and she held her tits even tighter.
When Donny shoved his hands behind her head, lifting her face, she
opened her lips and allowed him to shove his hard cock between them. She
sucked his cock for a bit, then he returned to fucking her tits again.
As her son alternatively fucked her tits and mouth, Marilyn gurgled with
heated ecstasy, her tongue swirling on the prick head every time it was
between her lips.
Donny began to breathe faster and hotter, his eyes becoming glazed. She
Felt his balls against her flesh, emrith and becoming tight.
The trusts of his cock between her tits became more independent, burning
her flesh. She held her tits tightly about his cock, knowing he would
soon be coming. He no longer shoved his prick into her mouth as his
Discharge boiled about in his precious balls. He concentrated on his
mother’s tits, and Marilyn was content to let him fuck this way. But she
Keep her chin tucked down, mouth open, her eyes steady with heat,
focused on the flare of his piss hole.
He was moaning loudly now and Marilyn shoved her tongue out as far as
she could, her lips very wide. Donny plunged his cock back and forth
wildly, his cock jerking and throbbing. Marilyn waited, anticipating the
squirting of that sweet, thick come juice.
Then it happened.
Thick, warm spurts of come juice gushed from the piss hole of her son’s
cock. She felt his jizz splash between her tits and over her neck and
chin. But most of it landed on her outstretched tongue and inside her
hungry mouth. Marilyn found it impossible to swallow his delicious come
juice this way, and had to wait until he finished coming. Having her son
Come into her face this way was very, very excited to her.
Donny slumped forward and Marilyn drew his cock between her lips,
sucking and licking on it slowly but eagerly, his balls resting onher
come-juice wet chin. While her son rested, she mouthed his prick
lovingly, holding the cheeses of his ass with her palms.
Finally Donny moved from his mother and sat in a chair, his expression
showing the pleasure she had given him.
“I gather you didn’t find Sally.” she said.
“She wasn’t home.” Donny replied.
“And that’s why you came back with such a hard on, huh?” she smiled.
“No. I saw you feeling yourself.”
“Did you like that?”
“You saw how hard my cock was, didn’t you, Mom?” he countered.
“Mmmmm, I sure did!”
She locked back, not bothering to pull the dress over her come juiced
tits, nor close her thighs. Donny enjoyed seeing her this way, and she
enjoyed him looking at her.
“Don’t looks so sad, darling.” she murmured. “I bet Sally will show up
around here soon.”
Chapter 10
Hardly an hour later, Sally did show up.
Donny brightened as he saw the girl walking out onto the patio. She had
entered without knocking, apparently thinking there was no need now.
That did not disturb Marilyn in the least. Sally could come and go
freely in her home, as far as she was concerned. Sally wore a frilly
dress today and explained that she had gone into the small town with her
father to shop.
“I wondered why you weren’t wearing your tight bathing suit.” Marilyn
Bouncing into a chair, Sally giggled. “I hate that thing, Marilyn. I
only wore it to tease Donny.”
“It served the purpose.” Marilyn agreed. “I’m glad. You look much
prettier in a dress.”
Sally did look prettier. The dress made herlook even younger and more
innocent than she was. Her golden hair shined in the sunlight and her
sparkling blue eyes smoldered with erotic excitement.
Sally sat with her knees apart, and both Donny and his mother could see
the sweetness of her inner thighs and the shadow of her panties. It made
Marilyn warm. She licked her tongue over her lips and saw that her son,
Still sitting nakedly, was getting another beautiful hard-on.
“There was a man.” Sally said slowly. “He kept looking at me. He’s not
old, though. He’s younger than you are, Marilyn. He had a nice hard-on.”
She giggled. “I guess I turned him on.”
“You’d turn on anyone, honey.” Marilyn laughed. “He didn’t say anything
to you, did he?”
“Just hello.” Sally said.
Marilyn’s erotic mind immediately began to consider all the
possibillities here. She had wondered about fucking with two men before
and it sounded great.
Sally moved closer to Donny and began to stroke his cock. Her blue eyes
blazed as she squeezed his prick with one hand, gently twisting his
balls with the other. Marilyn watched them, her cunt starting to throb
and become wet once more.
Without urging, Sally leaned over Donny’s lap and Marilyn saw her pink,
moist tongue swirl about the head of his cock.
“Why Sally.” she gurgled in delight. “Where did you learn that?”
“From you.” Sally giggled.
“When you licked Donny’s balls as he fucked me.”
“Oh, that’s right.” Marilyn said.
She moved off the locke and knelt at her son’s side, watching excitedly
as that small tongue moved about his cock. She ran her hand underneath
Sally's dress and fondled her pantied ass.
“I’m gonna suck Donny’s cock.” Sally murmured hotly. “I wanna know what
it feels like in my mouth.”
“I might come.” Donny warned.
“So come.” Sally giggled. “I wanna know what your come juice tasted like
“You’re full of surprises, Sally.” Marilyn laughed.
Sally’s blue eyes flashed at Marilyn as she opened her mouth and drew
the swollen head of Donny’s cock into it. A soft mewl came from her as
she took half his price into her mouth. Marilyn watched those hungry
lips stretch around her son’s cock. Sally struggled to take more prick
into her mouth but she was unable to. His cock was too long and her
mouth too small. But she managed admirably with what she could take.
The excitement of seeing this young, sweet girl taking her son's cock
into her mouth was sending ripples of desire through Marilyn’s body and
she thought she would come just seeing this.
She squeezed Sally’s tight little ass, finally shoving her hand under
her panties to press a finger between her hot ass cheats. Sally, with
her small mouth stuffed with Donny’s hard cock, whimpered and swwayed her
Donny leaned back, looking down his naked body, watching the pretty
Sally and his mother with glowing eyes.
Looking up at her son’s excited face, Marilyn said. “You’re getting
something most men only dream about, Donny, so relax and enjoy it.”
Donny was between his kneeing mother and Sally, and he began to moan
with excitement.
Marilyn moved her tongue to the base of his cock as Sally sucked at the
head. Scraping her tongue up and down her son’s prick, she licked at the
stretched lipsof the eagerly sucking young girl, then down Donny’s cock
again. She ran her tongue about his balls, her eyes constantly on
Sally’s wet lips. She was prepared to race her own mouth up to the head
of his cock if Sally jerked away in surprise when Donny came.
Without saying a word, Marilyn and Sally began to switch places on his
balls and cock. As Marilyn sucked his prick, Sally licked almost
Delicately at his balls. With her lips wrapped tightly about her son’s
cock, Marilyn saw Sally had more success with Donny’s balls. The little
girl could take both of them into her wet, hot mouth and suck on them.
Sally made low squeals of pleasure as she held his balls inside her
mouth, her blue eyes glazed as she watched Marilyn take every inch of
Donny’s cock into her mouth.
Again they changed places.
While Sally struggled, with mewling hunger, to take as much of Donny’s
cock as she could into her mouth, Marilyn licked and sucked at her son’s
balls. Underneath his thighs, Sally had moved her hand and pushed it up
Marilyn’s dress. The hot little girl rubbed at Marilyn’s pantied cunt,
applying pressure, making Marilyn coo with ecstasy. She had gotten her
hand under Sally’s panties and was working a finger into that successful,
tight pussy as she sucked her son’s balls.
Again, without a word passing between them, Marilyn and Sally began to
Donny’s hard throbbing cock back and forth, each sucking in turn. While
Sally sucked and licked about the swollen head, Marilyn was licking up
and down the shake. When she had his prick in her mouth, she had to
Leave enough of her son’s cock for Sally to lick. Often, as they passed
his prick between them, they would kiss one another, and this seemed to
inflame Donny as much as the two women.
As she sucked Donny’s cock with Sally, Marilyn was thinking of the man
Sally mentioned.
The idea of meeting this man, perhaps inviting him to her home, excited
her. She could experience being fucked by her son and him at the same
time. The idea of feeling a cock thrusting into her cunt and one in her
mouth at the same time was exciting. She wondered, with her tongue
sliding about Donny’s balls, if she could get a price into her cunt and
asshole at the same time. It was certainly something she wanted to
attempt. Then, there was Sally too. Perhaps they both take on Donny and
This man that seemed so interested in the little girl.
As she changed places with Sally, taking her son’s cock deep into her
mouth while the little girl licked at his balls. Marilyn was visualizing
two hard cocks penetrating her body, or Sally’s. There was no doubt that
Sally would love to be fucked andsuck a cock at the same time. Sally
had a mind that was as erotic as her own, and she certainly had a hot
little pussy! She had started sucking on Donny’s cock without any
suggestion whatsoever and Marilyn felt Sally would do anything with a
Donny was starting to wiggle and squirm, his moans more pronounced. They
broke through Marilyn’s erotic mind and she sensed her son would soon be
gushing. She sucked harder and faster at his cock, but wanted to be sure
His prick was inside Sally’s mouth when he came. She wanted to see the
little girl’s reaction. If Sally didn’t enjoy it, some of her dreams of
erotic sex would disappear. To be absolutely erotic and enjoy sex to the
fullest, Marilyn knew a man and woman had to be not only willing, but
eager to do almost everything possible with a cunt and cock, to use
Every hole available.
Donny was twisting his naked assabout faster now, his groans louder.
Marilyn lifted her mouth from his prick and arched it towards Sally’s
waiting mouth. Sally closed her hot lips about the swollen head of
Donny’s cock and Marilyn did not shove her own mouth to his balls as
before. With intense eyes, she watched for Sally’s reaction when her son
Flooded her hot little mouth with come juice. She kept her finger moving
in and out of that gripping wet cunt, urging Sally on.
Donny lifted his hips, trying to stuff more of his swollen prick into
Sally’s sucking mouth. Then, with a grunt of ecstasy, he came.
Marilyn saw Sally’s eyes widen as Donny’s cock spurted thick, sweet come
juice into her mouth. For just a moment, Sally seemed undecided as to
what she should do and come juice began to escape the tightness of her
lips, running along the shaft of Donny’s cock. Those blue eyes became
glazed and suddenly Sally gurgled.
Marilyn saw that slim throat work and knew Sally was swallowing Donny’s
come juice with excited ecstasy.
Marilyn moved her tongue out to lick away the river of come juice that
had come from Sally’s tight lips before she began to swallow, mewling
with delight. Then without warning,, she pulled her son’s cock from
Sally’s mouth and caught one last squirt of her son’s come juice.
Sally was whimpering as she watched Marilyn’s lips and tongue suck up
the white juice.
Marilyn felt Sally’s tight cunt squeeze about her buried finger, and
He knew the girl was coming. She rammed her finger in and out of the girl’s
pussy swiftly, increasing the power of Sally’s orgasm as she sucked the
head of her son’s cock.
When Donny allowed his ass to fall back, his breathing harsh, Marilyn
pulled her mouth from his prick. She leaned across her son and kissed
Sally, taking her finger out of the clapping cunt. Running her tongue
about the girl’s lips, she licked away the last traces of Donny’s cock
“Now.” Marilyn said, “You two play while I get us something to drink.
There’s something I want to talk over with you.”
When she came back with iced tea, she found her son and Sally holding
Each other, kissing and feeling. She placed the tea on the table and
sat, watching them for awhile. Sally had removed her panties and her
frilly dress was about her wait. One pink, small title was exposed and
Donny sucked on it as his hand moved about the tight ass of the
emrithing, gasping girl. Sally had a tight grip on Donny’s cock, pumping
it excitedly.
Marilyn pulled her dress to her waist and lifted her knees, spreading
They out. She watched with burning eyes and began to rub at her cunt.
Sliding her hand inside the tight crotch of her panties, she moved a
finger in and out of her pussy, her eyes burning as she watched her son
and this sweet, young girl.
In her mind she was thinking of the man Sally had mentioned. If he
showed that blatant of an interest in a girl of Sally’s age, then there
would be no problem at all.
She watched as Sally began to straddle her son, her creamy little ass
flashing in the sunlight. Slipping from the chair, she sat on the
redwood deck and held her son’s cock as Sally moved her fine cunt onto
the head of it.
Leaning over and resting her cheek on her son’s thighs, she gazed at the
sweet ass, seeing that pink, so very hot and wet cunt fucking Donny’s
cock. She fondled her son’s balls again as Sally bounced up and down
with squeals of pleasure.
She imagines what it would be like with thisman Sally talked about, and
she knew it would be good, very good.
She began to make plans, erotic plans in her mind. She twisted at her
son’s cock gently, watching that tight cunt hold him, sliding up and
down. The tight pump of Sally’s asshole winded at her.
Marilyn moved her head along her son’s tighs, and began to run the tip
of her tongue about that hot asshole, finding it easy to lick at that
blonde-haired cunt as it moved on Donny’s cock.
Marilyn didn’t need to hear the squeal of ecstasy coming from Sally to
Know the little girl was in orgasm. The flexing of her asshole against
her tongue told her that. As Sally came she raced her cunt up and down
Donny’s cock so swiftly, Marilyn could hardly lick her asshole. Shoving
in tight, she tasted come juice seeing from the tight lips of Sally’s
cunt, and her mind reeled as a throbbing orgasm ripped through her own
She kept her mouth pressed against her son’s cock and Sally’s cunt until
the two stopped trembling. Then, after giving her son’s balls a kiss,
and licking the cheeses of Sally’s ass, she drew back.
Slapping the little girl on her glowing ass cheek, she said. “Come on
you two. We’ve got something to do.”
Sally turned over, her legs spread wide, her successful cunt glistening.
“What are we going to do, Marilyn?” she asked.
Marilyn stood up, gathering her skirt about her waist and doing a
playful bump and grind for them. “That man you mentioned, Sally.”
“What about him?” she asked.
“Would you like to fuck him?”
Sally giggled. “I think so.”
“Then get your panties on.” Marilyn replied, smoothing her skirt over
her long thighs. “Donny, put your shorts back on. We’re going to town
and see if we can find him!”
The End
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