An adventure at high school…

Alright, it’s a little long, but please don’t just skip to the sex scene. Read it all, and feedback is highly recommended and welcome. Here it is…

*This is a fictional story*

The morning started off like any other, the music emotional from my clock radio, the rush to get to school, and the obvious realizing that I’m exhausted. As I entered my school, I began my usual morning routine. I walked to the disgusting washrooms my school has to offer to judge my appearance in the mirror. Thank god no one ever goes to the washingroom in the morning otherwise this would have been an embarrassing endeavor. I rubbed my eyes to focus the image before me. I’m an average height, about 5’ 9’’, modestly built, medium length hair, the typical 16 year old teenager. I hear the morning bell ring, which means it’s time to go to class. First period is English class with my favourite teacher, Mrs. Penich. I reach the room, and as usual I was the first one in class. “Hello Alex.” Mrs. Penich said, sitting on her height-adjustable, spinning computer chair. She seems to be young for a teacher I always thought. She has told me before that she is 22, which isn’t hard to believe at all. She is 5’7’’, with jet black, pin straight hair. She has a great body, slender legs, nice tight, shaped ass, perky well shaped breasts. “Hello Miss” I responded, “how’s it going”? “Not bad, are you ready for class?” she inquired. “Of course, miss.” I responded, and only I knew the secret meaning behind those words. We had a pretty good relationship for a student and teacher, but no one know it. She was typing on the computer, and as every student in my school knew, that means it was for marks. I casually strolled behind her to get a better look at what she was doing. I lowered my head to match her eye level, singing a peek down her already revealing blouse. She pointed to the screen and said “This is your mark in the course, Alex. Are you happy with your mark?”.If my mark were to stay that way, I wouldn’t be disappointed, but there’s always room for improvement.” I said. This response was the same one I used for every time a teacher asked me that question, provided I had a decent mark in the course. I raised back to full height as she responded with “That’s good, we wouldn’t want your mark to drop, now would we?”. I rested my hand on her shoulder and said “No, that wouldn’t be good at all”. She didn’t seem to mind, or even notice for that matter. The crash of the door opening jerked my hand off her shoulder in reflex. The rest of the class had arrived. The class went on as usual, with her teaching and me daydreaming about how amazing it would be to kiss her, or even more. Of course, I always would love it when she’d ever bend over, as this always caused a huge bulge in my jeans. The rest of the day after this class was always boring, and filled with things I had no desire to learn. Half-way through the lesson, the P.A. system crackled into function. “This is just a reminder to all students that you can buy tickets to the early bird football game today for $5. The game is tomorrow, and everyone who has purchased a ticket will be exempt from first period to watch the game”. The class erupted into applause, as even people who didn’t like football at least got out of first period. “As long as everyone buys a ticket to the game, I won’t have a lesson, so everyone buy a ticket!” Mrs. Penich announced, which everyone liked. “Awesome” I thought to myself “a whole period with just me and Mrs. Penich”. I went home that day with anticipation course through my veins. I calmed myself down to remind myself that she is a teacher, a professional individual with no personal interest in me. Plus, she’s married on top of that! “I should probably just stop getting my hopes up” I tried to tell myself, but of course, my hormones didn’t allow that to happen. I couldn’t help but imagine what I could do to her in that short 75 minutes. With muchon my mind, I laid myself on the queen sized bed in my room and attempted to sleep. The next morning, I awoke, only to come to the instant realization that today was football game day. I arose from my bed, and pulled off my clothes from the chair which I leave all my clean clothes on, sprayed on my best cologne, and walked into the bathroom to start my morning wake-up routine. The bus ride to the school felt so much longer than it usually did, due to my anticipation. I reached the school, and walked straight to my first period room. The door was locked, so I was forced to wait outside. I decided to peek through the window on the door. The room looked as it normally did, with the desks set up in rows of 2, the teacher’s desk on the wall adjacent to the door, which couldn’t be seen by the small window in the door. “You’re here early, Alex” Mrs. Penich said. She had seen me looking through the window, but I wasn’t really embarrassed as a lot of kids do that when they have to wait. “HelloMiss” is all I could really think to say at that point. She unlocked the door and walked past me, and god did she look stunning. She sported a black blouse, which revealed the perfect shape of her tits. She also had on an extremely skimpy skirt, which would show more than considered decent if she were to bend over too much. This caused an immediate bulge in my pants, which luckyly went unnoticed because she had her back to me. “Looks like you’re the only one coming to class” she said “everyone else in our class bought a ticket”. “Oh my God” I thought “this is too perfect”. “Really?” I said “I thought more people would come”. She sat down on her computer chair, looking great like she always does while she did it. “Well, we could either do a lesson just for you, or we could just relax here, but since you’re Here already, you can’t leave”. “That’s okay miss” I said “I was kind of hoping to just having a nice conversation”. “That sounds like a good idea, Alex” she responded “come have a seat”. I walked over to the chair that was right beside her computer chair. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice my hard on as I walked over, and she didn’t say anything, so I guess it went undetected. Mrs. Penich’s hand was on her neck, and she was rolling her head around as if she was trying to make it crack. “My neck was killing me this morning, I could really go for a massage”. “I’ll do it” I heard myself say. I’ll do it? What was I thinking!? She spun on her chair to turn her back to me, and I realized she detected nothing out of the ordinary, so I raised my hands and placed them on her shoulders. The heat of her shoulders felt amazing in my hands, and I had this surreal feeling in my heart. My hands began to move, and her soft moaning made me feel like creaming my jeans right then and there. “You’re really good at this” she whispered to me as my hands secretly explored her body. My hands began to tire, so I dropped my hands and said “There we go, is that any better?”. “Yes, I feel grat now, you should consider pursuing a career as a masseuse”. I didn’t quite know what to say at this point, so I decided it would be best if my response was simply silence. Mrs. Penich now wheeled beside me. I was kind of curious why she did this, but I soon realized it was so she could put her leg up on the box under her desk. When she did this, her skirt dropped down her leg slightly, enough for me to get an amazing look at her leg. Her skin was smooth, her legs exhaust. My eyes continued to wander up and down her leg, and I couldn’t seem to get enough of it. “I waxed them yesterday” I heard a voice say “do you like them?”. Shocked and started that I’d been caught, I did what any teen my age would have done in that situation: I apologized. “I’m sorry miss, I didn’t mean to… stare like that it’s just that… I’m sorry”. “Don’t be sorry, Alex, just answer the question”. “They are very nice, though, miss”. “I thought you might like them. I had them done especially for you”. My mind refused to believe the message being conveyed to them. “What?” I stupidly responded, as if I didn’t hear her. She rolled her chair right beside mine, nearly touching me. “I’ve been waiting for a moment such as this for quite some time now, Alex.”. With that, she laid a slim hand on my upper thigh. She leaned her head close to mine, her breath gently hitting mine. Closer and closer she became, until finally, Our lips met. Her luscious lips felt incredible against mine. My mouth opened slightly, which was used as a passageway for her sweet tongue. The slim hand on my thigh was now matched with one on my back, and her touch compelled me to do the same. I raised my hand to place on her back, but it wasn’t meant to stay for long. She broke our embrace and looked deep into my eyes. “I know you want more than this” she whispered softly. Without warning, she grabbed my hand from her back and placed it on her breast. It feel better than any other than I feel before. It was softer, bigger, and better in every proportion. My head jerked forward into her lips. I felt a hand unbutton my jeans, quickly progressing to the zipper. The fly was fully opened, and my 9’’ cock was only restrained by my boxer briefs. Thinking was no longer an issue. I reached down to her waist and pulled her shirt over her head, revealing the nicest pair of tits I’ve ever seen in my life. Her bra was black lace, which clearly was designed to drive the person who sees them mad with ecstasy. The waistband on my boxers tightens at the back, telling me something is pulling from the front. I raise my hips off my chair as she slides off my boxers along with my jeans slowly. My cock is now standing at full attention like a soldier in an inspection line. Mrs. Penich lowered her face down to my cock, and I of course knew what that means. A warm, wet, Sensual care on my cock told me that her lips had met it. Her lips felt indescribably ecstatic as she bobbed up and down my shaft. I caresed her breasts as she didThis, not even thinking that we were in a classroom unprotected from outside eyes. After some time, she stopped and stood up. She then put a leg over mine, and I know what was coming next. She straddled me, rubbing her panty-clad pussy on my cock, almost making me cream right then. “Take me” she whispered into my ear. I needed to be told only once. I pushed aside her panties and dropped her hips into mine. I was now balls-deep in the hottest teacher in the school. I couldn’t believe how awesome this was. She began to bob up and down, producing that oh-so-familiar sensing. Hours it seemed, passed, and our orgasmic sensings had never been topped. The twitching of my cock in her pussy signed the time to pull out. She dismounted, and shoved her face on my cock with fluid efficiency, swallowing my load whole. “That…was…in…credible…” I panted. “A very…good…lesson today…Alex” she responded with a difficulty that made me feel as if I had done well. After I picked up all the pieces to myattire, the bell had rung for next period. “See you next football game, Miss” I said as I walked out of the room. “See you, Alex!” She projected to me, as I had already made it out of the door. “Well, time for next period” I thought to myself as I tried my best to hide my malicious smile on my face.


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