High School Sex Story – The Performance That Blew Me Away

The Performance That Blew
Me Away
The school bus stopped with a sudden jolt. Even though Brisbane was a beautiful city, there were far too many traffic lights. I was sitting next to a mate of mine, listening to my iPod. At this stage, I never would have guessed what was going to happen in the following weeks.

I went to an all-boys private school and, as part of our drama class course, we were going to be combining with one of the all-girls schools in the area to put on a show. It was my final year of schooling and I had just recently been dumped by a long-term girlfriend.

The bus stopped outside the school. We got off the bus and walked up to the modern looking performing arts complex. When we arrived, the girls were already sitting in the auditorium and we joined them. We were allocated to small groups by the teacher. The drama teacher who addressed us was a young man; I probably should have listened to what hehad to say. My eyes wandered and met a pretty young girl sitting several rows away from me. She had long, straight, dark brown hair with a lovely tanned complexion. I could see she was wearing glasses, but they suited her really nicely. This girl was hot. I stared at her as inconspicuously as possible. She turned around and our eyes met. She knew that I’d been looking at her and my eyes darted away embarrassedly. She turned around with what looked like a self-satisfied look on her face. This girl was hot, and she knew it.

“Time to meet your group!” the some what effeminate teacher proclaimed. I knew which boys were in my group, two of my mates from class, but we had yet to meet the girls we would be working with. There were three of us guys and we were going to be put with four girls. We walked up to our group, and to my surprise and embarrassment, that girl was with us. We went around the circle each of us saying our names. “Sarah” she said as she made direct eye contactwith me. Was this incredibly gorgeous brunette flirting with me? The afternoon was over, and the teachers suggested we swap email addresses or phone numbers to keep in contact until the next rehearsal. “Great!” I thought. It was a chance to get this girls email and phone number without looking like a desperate loser. Well, she gave me her email and phone number, as well as giving it to the other guys in my group. I feel strangely jealous.

There was quite a while between rehearsals, and I had all but forgotten my encounter until one Tuesday afternoon. My phone was applied as I received a message. It was from Sarah! It read “Hey, how are you? I’ve got some really great ideas for our performance! Can’t wait to see you to tell you about them! Love Sarah”. Wow, it was feeling more and more like this girl was flirting with me. It was an amazing feeling and the rehearsal was only tomorrow afternoon.

We arrived, same as before, on the bus and walked to the auditorium. We got into our groups right away. “Ok,” said Sarah as she handed out sheets of paper to us, “I’ve got some great ideas!” She went ahead and explained them to us, and they really were good ideas, especially the part that she had written for just the two of us. It was a great scene, I would be sitting in the middle of the stage and she would come and sit right next to me and talk. At times whispering in my ear. We practiced a few scenes and finally we got to the good one. I was sitting in the middle of the stage and she came and sat right next to me. Even though it was just fiction, it felt real. My penis hardened in my pants and I prayed that it wasn’t noticed. The time came for her to whisper in my ear. “I can see that down there.” She whispered seductively. Her mouth that close to my ear was getting me even more turned on. I blushed, and embarrassed, I finished the scene.

Every rehearsal we did of that scene left me fantasising about Sarah. Every time I got an erection,and every time she could see it. But that wasn’t entirely my fault. Each time she had to whisper in my ear she said something really sexy. One afternoon it was “Wow, that thing’s pretty big.” Another time it was “What a mouthful!” and once it was even “Does my sexy body turn you on baby?” and she licked my ear. It was so fantastic. But unfortunately, outside of that scene, she seemed to ignore me and not say anything to me. It was weird. She was sending me mixed messages. I thought that maybe she was just screwing with me.

The night of the performance finally arrived and everyone was excited. Not just because of the performance, but also the wild, alcoholic party that was going to happen afterwards. A few of the other groups performed before us and I sat in the same seat that I had first seen Sarah in. this time however, she was sitting only a few seats away from me. I smiled to myself thinking of all the things she had said to me. We got our call and moved backstage.

The performance was going great. Everyone knew their lines and the audience was really enjoying it. The time came for our scene. I sat in the middle of the stage as Sarah approached and sat next to me. I could feel the swell in my pants. Damn she was sexy. We said our lines and the time came for her to whisper in my ear. What she said really really surprised me and almost made me screw up my lines. She bent over and put her mouth right up to my ear and whispered, “I wanna suck your cock. And, I’m willing to swallow.” I was hard as a rock and wondered if the audience could see. But I didn’t really care, this sexy seventeen year old girl just told me that she wanted to suck my dick and swallow my cum. It was an amazing feeling.

The show was a great success and everybody was hypered up about the party. We arrived to the house of the party and walked in. We all started drinking and people had eased up nicely. There was a good song playing and everybody was having afun time. I got up for a refill of my drink and Sarah cornered me. “So” she said, “what’d you think of the show? What’d you think of our scene?”
“It blew me away.” I said.
“Hmm” she said, “did it just? Well how about we get a room and I blow you away once more?”

She grabbed me by the hand. By this stage I was hard again. She opened the first door she saw. It appeared to be the master bedroom. We started kissing, really passwordfully. She pushed me onto the bed and started unbuttoning my shirt. “You know” she said while she was licking my chest, “I’ve been watching you. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me and it’s got me really excited.”
“I’m sure guys look at you all the time” I said “I mean you’re so beautiful.” Apparently, that was the best thing I could’ve said, because straight after that she unzipped my fly and took hold of my pulsating dick, spat on it and started stroking. “Mmmm” she moaned as she took the end of it into her mouth, with her sexy glasses still on. Her soft red lips wrapped around my shake and she sucked me hard. She stroked me while she sucked the top. It felt so amazing. She jerked me while her mouth moved down to my balls and she started flicking her tongue around. My cock was drenched in her saliva. She stopped for a moment to take off her shirt exposing a pair of beautifully perky, amazing teen breasts looking like they were about to fall out of her bra. I unclasped the bra and it fell off while she was giggling. She immediately went back to sucking my iron hard cock. She rubbed her breasts all over it. She was sensitively working my dick.

Suddenly Sarah picked up the intensity. Her beautiful brown eyes looked up at me sexually as she sucked and jerked harder and faster. I knew I wasn’t going to last long, and she knew it too. I neared climax. My body went numb and a warm, glowing feeling spread throughout my body. She kept going, still harder and faster. I closed my eyes as I approached release. Her mouth had made a tight seal around my cock waiting the impending exploration. And finally, in a burst of pleasure and warm cum I erupted into her mouth. I let out a moan and she giggled sexually. I opened my eyes and could see her there with that same self-satisfied look on her face the first time that I saw her. She came over to me, still with her mouth full of my cum and right next to my ear, she swallowed. She went back down to my dick and gave it one last suck.
“My turn”

With those two little words I went down and pushed her little skirt up. I licked and kissed her legs each time getting closer and closer to her vagina. When I got there I moved her amazingly sexy and cute striped panties down and off, exposing a small, tight, shavled pussy. I teased her by licking the skin between her legs around the vagina. It drive her crazy. I could see the milky liquid driving out of her beautiful pussy. I licked, slowly at first but getting faster and faster. I moved to the clip and sucked on it. I moved down and started to fuck her with my tongue. I moved back to the clip and she shivered. She let out the sexiest moan I had ever heard. Her back started to arch and she thrust towards me. I stuck a finger in and began to finger fuck her while I sucked her clip. Her vagina started to twitch and she moaned “Ohhh…I’m going to cum around your mouth!” the twitching and thrusting got more violent. Her screams became louder and more disjointed. And with one loud moan she came. She was panting trying to get her breath back. She leaned forward and kissed me.

We both got dressed and went back out into the party. She grabbed my hand and hugged me. She wasn’t going to ignore me in public anymore.


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