NEW STORY – The Confessions of Jenny – 01

The Confessions of Jenny – 01 – Introduction

My name is Jenny (Jennifer). I live and work in the North East of England as a professional public relations manager for an international publishing group.

I’m 32 years of age, brunette, medium height and with a good firm figure. My male office colleagues think that I am a very sexy lady, probably because during the summer I wear quite revealing dresses, generally with no bra, and yes, always stockings !

I have a boyfriend, Simon, who is a picture editor for a technical magazine. We have been together for about a year now and we share a modern house in a sleepy little village about 10 miles from the city where I work. Simon’s office is about the same distance away but in the opposite direction, out in the countryside.

I must say that I’m not sure whether I want to spend the rest of my life with him, as sometimes he is away on business for days on end. However, sometimes we can’t wait to be together, and sometimes at the end of a busy working day, if we finish work at about the same time, we drive to a favourite secluded place where we park for a while before driving home.
Usually the first one to arrive joins the other in the car for a steamy session before we drive home. As we live together, this arrangement is obviously quite unnecessary, but it can certainly very excited, particularly after a busy day at the office
I remember the first time we did this. It was a summer’s day, very early in our relationship, I knew I would be working slightly later than usual so phoned Simon to arrange a meeting, somewhere secluded and convenient for us both. We both new a suitable place so the arrangement was made. I couldn’t wait for the day to end, and by mid afternoon I was feeling so randy that I had to dash off to the privacy of the staff toilet where I spend a few minutes with my fingers inside my kneelers, fucking myself madly to satisfy my aching pussy.

When the office closed for business, I virtually ran out to my car, desperate to keep my rendezvous with Simon. The traffic leaving the city was heavy and I was feeling as randy as hell just thinking about this meeting.

Whenever the traffic came to a brief halt, I began to stroke my breasts, playing with my erect nipples through the thin material of my summer dress.
The traffic stopped quite often at intersections and traffic lights, so you can imagine how randy I was feeling by the time it eased as I left the city and drive into the countryside. Feeling more confident now, I began to stroke my legs under my dress, my hand sliding easily over my fully-fashioned stockings, over my suspenders and brushing gently against my silk knickers, which were still dampening from my afternoon encounter.

I could think of nothing else but the rendezvous with Simon, wondering whether he had found the spot we had chosen, and would he be there waiting for me.I continued struggling myself, occasionally slipping my fingers into my knickers and through the soft hairs of my bush to cares my aching cunt, already wet with my juices. Eventually I couldn’t resist it any longer, so glancing in my mirror to check for closely following cars, I reached up under my dress a started to remove my damp knickers.It was a bit of a struggle to take They off whilst driving, but eventually by arching my back and raising myself up I was able to slide them down around my ankles. I then removed them completely and throw them onto the passenger seat. I was now able to continue with my sexy thoughts as I explored my cunt, completely unhindered.

Just thinking about Simon made me more randy than ever and as the road was now almost deserted, there was nothing to distract my thoughts.
I explored my cunt more and more deeply. I was now soaking wet and my sticky fingers were thrusting deep inside whenI almost missed the turn into the narrow lane leading to our meeting place. I frantically slewed the car off the main road, and was relieved to see Simon leaning against his car waiting for me in the small clearing ahead.

He smiled as I approached and I parked my car just in front of his. As I stepped out of the car I noticed my knickers lying on the passenger seat. I quickly grabbed them, and after wiping my wet fingers on them and pushed them into my dress pocket. Very excited, and with a slightly flushed face I throw myself into his arms. We held each other close and after a long and password kiss we climbed into the back of his car.

Simon sat in the right-hand side and putting his arm around me, pulled me tightly to him, struggling my face as he kissed me. His hand soon fell to mybare breasts, he slipped his hand inside my dress, struggling and playing with my erect nipples.

I responded by exploring the bulge that was now quiteobvious in his pants. I was crazy with excitement as I took his hand and guided it slowly under the hem of my dress. I put both my arms around him, pulling him even closer to me as he began to stroke my stockinged legs. His hand moved to my stocking tops then gently upwards, along my suspenders, to my thighs. Trembling with excitement, I slowly eased my legs apart until his fingers discovered my wet and slippery cunt.

‘No knickers eh !’ he said, smiling. ‘What a lovely surprise’ he whispered.As I parted my legs even more, I watched his fingers expertly exploring my now streaming cunt. I say ‘expertly’ as he really does know how to please me. He very gently stroked my erect cliporis then eased his finger inside me.

I reached for his zip, opened his pants and grabbed his hard cock. It virtually shot out of his pants ! It was already rock hard and his swollen knob was bright purple and glistened with his juices. I held it’s heavily veined shaft firmly in my fist and stroked it back and forth as his fingers explored my excited pussy.

‘Your cunt is absolutely gorgeous Jenny’ he said, as he began to slide a second finger into me. He pushed his fingers deeper and deeper into me, but did not neglect my swollen cliporis. ‘I love it when you call it my cunt’ I replied, ‘And please don’t stop what you are doing’. These words of encouragement seemed to excite him even more and his fingers moved faster and deeper into me. By this time I was Nearly cumming, ‘Harder darling ! – fuck me ! – I’m cumming !’ I cried as I pushed myself against his thrusting fingers. ‘So am l’ he gasped as he thrust his fingers further into me.

I feel his cock throbbing in my hand as huge spurts of his hot cum shot out of it and cascaded onto my hand. I held his cock tight, rubbing it hard as my body shoot violently. He keep his fingers pushed deep inside as my throbbing cunt gripped them and my juices poured from me. Eventually, when he slowly withdraw his fingers from my slippery cunt, I reached into my pocket and wiped his soaking wet fingers with my still damp knickers. He took them from my hand and held them to his face as we lay exhausted across the seat of the car. After a while, we tidied our dishhevelled clothes, and he attempted to dry the enormous wet patch on his light coloured slacks.

‘Don’t worry about that – I’ll fix it when we get home’ I assured him as he slowly walked me back to my car. We sat quietly for a while in our separate cars before we turned around to leave. He drove away quickly in his sporty Italian saloon, waving to me with my knickers as he raced away in the direction of home.

I followed more slowly in my little Mini-Cooper, smiling to myself and thinking that we should meet again like this, as often as possible !




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