(This is my first post and I just wanted the reader to know a few things:
This is set in the 17th century, about a woman on her quest to the New World.
I have used some modern terms like pussy, cilt, cock, etc. for the sake of ease only. I know that people who not have spoken in such a way back in the days of sea dogs and nobles. Hope you enjoy, tell me what you think, and don’t worry there will be more!)
The Adventures of Joan Minuit
This is the story of my journey which begins in Lancaster England in 1726. I, Joan Minuit, write this so that others might now the times of trouble, mockery, and adventure which has beset my life. I now reside in the South Carolina colony of Beufort off the coast of the blue Atlantic. How I came to live here is no small matter and one which has taken me much further than I would have expected. It all began when I was younger, much younger; I was one and twenty years old when I began myadventures from England to the New World.
It was May, 1726 when I began to have the idea in my head to run away from my lower middle class home to the New World, a place of adventure and excitement. My family, though not poor, was neither rich. My father had been ill to my mother and two sisters, and had treated us rather poorly, making us work long hours in our family shop. I feel that he was frustrated that he had no sons. I was the youngest of my two older sisters and thus the most adventurous. I, at one and twenty, with long black hair, green eyes and a fine figure of decent proportions made up in my mind to take ship to the Americas. I took what money I did have, only some six pounds and a few pence, along with a flask of my mothers wine and a few loaves of bread moved off towards the city harbor.
I made my way about, and could find only one ship heading to the Americas, the Alexandria, a fine ship—a merchantman, labored with flour and wool to the Caribbean Islands. She was not, however, a ship for passengers and after much speak with the captain of the ship he still refused to take me aboard, except at the price of five pounds. My five pounds was not something I was to be parted with so easily, had I only known the future; so I told him I would find another ship. However, I didn’t—that night I snuck aboard the ship and found a spot deep within the hull to hide myself, and in the deep darkness I fell asleep.
I awoke the next morning tossing and turning on my pallet of straw, which I found about the ship, to the waves of the deep Atlantic. We had set sail, and I was glad to be away, I knew what the punishment could be for being a stowaway but it was worth the risk (or so I thought at the time). Days passed, and I saw little of the sunlight as I dwelt within my secret space. A few times I had to avoid shipmen who came down to grab this or that, but they never saw me at all. It wasn’t until my food ran out that I became more courageous and snooped about the ship in search of food and drink. I found a little here or there, but I was growing very hungry by the seventh day of the voyage. Then in the latter part of the even, as well as I could tell being with out a means to tell time and only a bit of sun light from a few cracks spread about above me, a man came down near my hiding place. My dress was a bit cumbersome, the only one I had foolishly brought, was a red tight-waisted dress with corsets and full skirt, made of poor silk and trimmed with lace. The dress was a present from my father, he though I ought to look well so he could marry me off.
The man, bearing a lamp, came nearer and nearer my position. He didn’t see me for a while and was busy doing something I do not know. He was a man of younger age, though no doubt in his thirties, brown hair, simple clothes and a broad brimmed cap. I rustled about and he turned his head towards me and I saw the light of his lamp shine towardsme. I was fearful and when he appeared before me I could barely look upon him. He looked down at me as I sat against a large barrel. He shook his head and spoke to me in a condescending manner.
“Ah what is this?” said he “A stowaway huh!” His eyes could have pierced my heart. “Don’t you know what we do to stowaways?” He asked.
“Oh please don’t say anything please.” I employed, as I moved slowly to my feet.
“I ought to report you to the captain.” He said.
“For God’s sake don’t, I can’t go back to England now!” I moaned in a hushed whisper.
He looked me up at down as he moved his lamp down the length of my body. I saw him star at my face, then move his brown eyes to my chest, a bit exposed from my dress and fast breathing.
“Well I might be willing to keep silent…for a price…” He grinned as he looked into my eyes.
“I can give you four pounds please that is all I can spare” I pleased.
“What good is money on this hereship missy? There are some things a man can only get on land which he might be willing to trade for were he at sea.”
I was scared, I knew what he wanted, but I didn’t want to truly know so I asked him in ignorance.
“And what would that be?”
“Well you are a fine looking lass, and I but a man. Surely you know the needs of a man?”
I looked at him in fear, my breathing heavy, “Well I never have…well…”
“Ah well there is a first time for us all, or of course I could just go tell the captain—”
“No!” I said loudly “please don’t, I will do what you ask. But you must give me food and drink, I am very hungry.”
“Well well” said he, “That does sound very nice. How about you just come nearer to me now.”
I moved closer to him frightened. I had never made love before and knew little about the matter. He used one hand to stroke my face, as he held his lamp high.
“You sure are a pretty thing aren’t ya.” He smiled as he set down his lamp ona neary barrel and moved his hands all over my body. He gropeed my breasts and I froze for a moment, never feeling a man touch me there, even on the outside of my clothes. He stopped his head and kissed my face and neck as he moved one hand to my rear grabbing it and feeling me soundly. He then stopped and looked about before unbuckling his large belt and letting down his trousers. It was the first, though not the last, penis I had seen. I looked down at it, half in amazement half in terror. It wasn’t quite long, compared to some but was circularized and now fully erect.
He moved closer to me and he set me up on a barrel, almost with no effort at all, and spread my legs wide. He didn’t even both taking my dress off, he moved his hands slowly up my thighs as I moaned softly to myself, out of terror and a bit of pleasure. After a quick moment he had his hands where no man had ever felt me before since I had no under wear at all. I felt him poking and squeezing. I moaned aloud and he looked up at me then continued on his work of rubbing my pussy and around my cilt. I leaned back against the large ship’s interior and moaned now with pleasure.
My hymen had already long been broken from a harsh fall when I was younger and for this I was thankful when the man moved his body closer to mine and then I felt the hard shape of his male member move slowly into me. I felt his cock’s head go in slow, then he put a bit more of it inside me. I was rather tight, even for him, and he pulled it almost all the way out before going back inside of me. I was wet, his touching and the strange sensings of his cock had aroused me, even if I did not enjoy him being the one to conquer me. He made his thrusts faster and he moved more of his cock into me with each thrust. I began to moan louder, and I could see his face saying how much he enjoyed my body, and my moans. He thrust harder and harder, using one hand to rub my breasts from the outside of my dress, the other helping him penetrate me harder as he stable himself against the barrel.
He moved his cock inside of faster and faster, he seemed to be panting, I was too. I felt his long member move deep inside of me, and for a moment I enjoyed the feeling, having never experienced it before in my life. He kissed my neck and moved his hips harder against me and then in a quick moment I felt him moan loudly and inside of me I felt a rush of warm liquids. He was climaxing, he moved his hips slower, and then Not able to keep going he stopped; his cock deep inside of me. I felt his juices and didn’t know what quite to think, though I know from stories with girls of my gossip circles what it was. He grinned as he pulled his cock out of me and pulled his trousers up and buckled his belt.
He grabbed his lamp and started to move away and then turned to me again, I was still sitting on the barrel, taking it all in.
“Don’t worry, tomorrow I will bring you food and water;Just be sure to not be wearing anything when I come down. Because bread and water isn’t the only thing you will be swallowing.” He gave me a fearful grin, and moved off up the stairs which led above. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but feared the worse. However, I was too stunned to think to hard, and after feeling my un-flowered body I moved to my pallet of straw and fell into a deep sleep thinking of wild dreams, and wondering what the next day would bring…
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