Wayne headed back towards his hotel room, juggling two cans of soda and
the ice bucket he had just filled. As he rounded the corner he noticed an
attractive girl just down the hall, apparently having trouble with her room
“Excuse me,” she began, looking up. “Could you help me with this?”
Wayne approached her, happy for the opportunity to help such a pretty
girl. She was about twenty-three years of age, and dressed sexually as if
ready for a night out. “I’m so sorry to both you…I forget my pursuit and
can’t get back in.”
He managed to set the ice and drinks on the floor and took the key
from her. It easily slide into the doorknob lock, and a twist produced a
distinct click as the door opened.
“Oh, thank you,” she began. “Could you come in for a moment?” Wayne
suspected that he might have hit the jackpot; he followed her into the room
and the door closed behind him.
It was after ten, and dark outside. The room’s window curtains were
open, affording a splendid view of the city. A single light dimly lit the
“You deserve a little reward,” the girl said, her dress quickly
dropping to the floor. Wayne stood stunned; he had never found himself in
this position before. Before he knew it, she stood before him completely
Her body was incredibly beautiful. Her figure and proportions were
perfect, her breasts large, round, and firm. Wayne feel his cock swelling
at the sight; it continued to grow as she pulled on a tiny, see-through
nightie that barely hung to her hips. In seconds, she had stripped him of
his clothes as he stood there, unbelieving of his good fortune.
Wayne’s cock was at full attention by that point. The girl laid back
on the bed and spread her legs wide to exposeher vagina to him; a wetness
There glistened in the scant light. She held her arms out towards him,
beckoning him to come to her.
“Please…take me,” the mysterious girl pleaded. “Hurry…hurry. Get
it in fast…” Wayne was all to happy to comply. Suddenly, he was atop
her, the head of his erection pressing against her hot entrance. She
gripped his sides and pulled, encouraging him, and with a forward motion of
his hips he slid wetly into her, burying himself within her warmth.
She smiled as if she had just won a great victory. He began
driving his erect penis deeper into the girl. “I’m
going to miss this, you know? It has had its…advantages,” she said,
thrilled at something unknown to him.
Wayne felt an orgasm build within him. “You going…into a…convent
or something? I don’t…understand.”
“You will, honey.Right about now.”
His orgasm hit hard, slamming his eyes shut. Wayne suddenly felt
dizzy, as if he had been drugged. He climbed off of the girl and laid
beside her on the bed. The dizziness intensified.
His vision blurred. He tried to sit up, but his arms would not obey
and only fell alone onto his stomach. He fuzzily realized that his
Normally hairy abdomen was now smooth and very soft. Wayne tried to bring
his hands up to his face, but they ran into something along the way.
Breasts. His own. The bitch had somehow switched sexes with him,
leaving him to face life as a girl.
Wayne had almost instantly developed a bustline of epic proportions.
the dizziness lifted, he realized that not only had he became very female,
but the woman to whom he had been making love had become a strong, virile
“What…? What…?” Wayne managed to say, the dizziness almost gone.
He heard a woman’s voice pour from his lips.
The man began to dress in Wayne’s clothes. “So…how did you like
“What…?” Confusion ruled Wayne’s mind.
“Your last fuck as a man. For a while, anyway.”
As his limbs again began to obey him, Wayne managed to sit up. He was
in total emotional shock, his mind scanning to comprehend the events of
the last few moments. Regaining his balance and his strength, he rushed
over to the dresser and peered, confused, at the young, vital woman in the
He had become the gorgeous girl he had been having sex with.
His soft, rounded figure was volunteer and firm, with a tiny wait
and hips that were sensitive and perfect. His huge, supplement breasts
protruded youngly forward, ending in hard, light brown nipples and
Large, darkened areolas. The forward halves of his breathtaking tits, in a
tell-tale pattern, were lighter in color than the surrounding tan,
betraying a past spent tucked into a seductively tiny bikini top — the
thin straps of which were also apparent in the deep tan he bore. His hips
showed the same evidence of days spent in a string bikini bottom, one which
barely covered his new female crotch and its soft, perfect vagina.
His long, full mane of gently-curling, honey brown hair flowed upon
His shoulders. His makeup was artistically done, bringing out every ounce
of feminine beauty. He wore a heavy coat of a deep wine lipstick, and his
long, manicured nails were those of a lady, covered with a hard, thick coat
of frosted wine nail poison. His eyes were dark, soft, and sensitive, and
spoke of feminine desire rather than male fear.
“How?” he struggled. “Why did you…”
“I was asking the same thing, a year ago tonight. A lovely young
thing got me into bed with her, and suddenly wham! I’m all tits and
lipstick, and she’s suddenly some bald salesman from Chicago.”
Wayne was paralyzed, his gaze and feeble attempts at understanding
locked upon the girl in the mirror. “But how…”
“Beats the hell out of me. Seems to be kind of like a sexual chain
letter. My doing this to you was nothing personal…it was the only way I
could get back to my own life.”
“What about my life?!” Wayne demanded. “I can’t just walk up to my
boss and say, ‘Hi, it’s still me, good ‘ol Wayne! Don’t mind the
hotters…I just went to Tits R Us over the weekend.’ I was trying for a
“Look at the bright side…you can get your promotion for sure,
“All you have to do is pull down your panties in the boss’ office,
Thenbend over and wiggle your pussy in his face and beg for cock in a
little girl voice…I guarantee he’ll pork you before you can say ‘fuck me,
Daddy.’ Sex with the boss is a tried and true method of career
Wayne throw a phone book at the man and screamed. “Damn it! I’m not
a woman!” His bare breasts jiggled hugely and heavily against his chest.
“I beg to different. Take inventory.”
“Change me back!”
“Look…if you can manage to stay a virgin and go for twenty-four
hours without having an orgasm, you’ll be a man again day after tomorrow.
But I’ll warn you…it won’t be easy. Somehow, things just seem to happen
and pow! you’re having sex.”
“So what if I do have sex? What then?”
“Then you’re stuck this way for one year. Then, exactly one year from
tonight, to the minute…and ifyou still want to…you can return to your
old body by finding some poor shmuck and passing this on to him by getting
him to lay you. That’s what I did…to you, just now.”
“You couldn’t manage to go twenty-four hours without…”
“It just seemed to happen. And it was worth it…I found out how it
felt to come when you have a woman’s body. Haven’t you ever wondered what
it’s like?” He winked, smiling, and reemphasized his point. “It’s worth
“Well,” Wayne determined, “maybe so…but it won’t happen to me. I’m
going back.”
The man gestured towards Wayne’s lower abdomen. “You won’t be
Disappointed in the way it feels. Try it!”
“And be stuck this way?!”
“You’d love it, baby…just make damned sure you don’t get pregnant.”
“Yes, honey. Girls get pregnant. If you get knocked up today or
tomorrow or anytime before the year is up, you keep the tits and pussy for
the rest of your life. Period. Forever. Get on the pill or keep condoms
in your purse…and make the guys use them when they fuck you.”
“Like hell a man’s gonna fuck me…!”
The man finished buttoning his shirt and zipped up his pants. He put
on Wayne’s shoes. “Lighten up. You may even decide you want to stay that
“No…I mean it. It’s really nice being a girl. Remember that you
can keep that body for good by getting laid before tomorrow.” He walked
over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers. “Actually, all it takes
is an orgasm…you could do it yourself.” He indicated the inside of the
drawer. Wayne took a look.
It contained several imaginationnative sex toys all designed for women,
different types of condoms, a few copies of Playgirl magazine and a tube of
K-Y jelly.
“Use these,” he suggested, indicating the masturbation objects. He
picked up the magazines and tossed them onto the bed. “Or meet a nice guy
and get pregnant. Or don’t have sex a year from tonight. Take your pick.
Any of them’ll make you a girl for keeps. By the way, your period starts
next Thursday.”
Wayne, still in shock, turned towards the man. “What about my clothes?
You’re just going to steal them?”
“They won’t fit you any more, sweetheart. Trust me. You’d never get
This shirt over those tits, not without popping a few buttons. With that
figure, you need more…specialized things. Everything in the closet and
in the dresser drawers is yours.”
“And what do I do? Where do I go…like this?";
“I’d suggest you get dressed, first. Then check your driver’s
license, the one in your purse. It’ll tell you where you live.” The man
stood and looked into the mirror, glad to be himself again. “And three
words about being out in public…’the ladies room.’ It’ll get to be habit
in a few days, after a few unthinking trips into the men’s room. Old
habits are hard to break.”
“But I don’t have any money, or…”
“Look in your purse, honey. Over on the table. You’ve got thousands
in the bank, a new car, a nice apartment, and a great job. And your name’s
Deanna Jennifer Morisi. Now, you have the life I’ve lived for twelve
months…and I finally get to go back to the one I had before.”
Wayne/Deanna grabbed the man’s arm to keep him from leaving.
“No…you can’t leave me like this…I can’t live as a girl…”
“Sure you can. I did. Look…if you decide you want to stay a girl
but don’t like the life I’ve left you, you can change it. Wish for a life
as a different woman…but you can only change once, and if you do, it’s
permanent. Good luck…and make sure to leave a good life for the next
Deanna a year from now.” As she held him tight, he dragged the woman
towards the door. “Have fun.”
“No…no…please…I can’t live this way! Please…” He broke the
girl’s grip and opened the door.
A couple standing across the hall saw the exchange taking place. For
a moment, the girl they saw stood fully naked in the doorway; realizing,
Wayne/Deanna tried to hide his naked, female form behind the half-open
door. The once-again man played to the spectators. “I’m sorry, Deanna…I
told you I won’t leave my wife for you, andI mean it. You’re great in
bed, but…”
“Damn it! You can’t just leave me like this…”
He walked away as Wayne/Deanna helped watch, and was gone. The
beautiful blond woman in the hall spoke quietly after her husband had gone
into their room. “You’re better off, honey,” she said, speaking from
experience. “I’ve been there, believe me…loving a married man is asking
for heartbreak. He may be great in bed, but he isn’t worth it.”
Like you have any fucking idea what just happened to me, Wayne/Deanna
Angry, he/she played the role for the woman. Acting like a rejected
woman in heat, he/she squeezed his/her voluptuous tits and spoke in a
lustful moan. “But…I love him! He made me a woman!”
“Try to get over him, dear…” the woman across the hall recommended.
Wayne/Deanna looked as sex-hungry as he knew how. “Your husband’s a
real hunk…he could comfort me. Mind if he fucks me in your room? Mine’s
such a mess…”
The woman slammed her door.
Scared and totally confused, Wayne/Deanna closed the door and walked
back into the room. He sat stunned upon the bed, still naked. Just like
that, his life had utterly changed, down to the most minute detail. He
Just sat there for more than an hour, his mind struggling to adapt to his
new, impossible situation.
Gathering his wits, he got the purse and poured its contents onto the
bed. Lipstick. Powder. A Kotex maxi-pad —
Oh, man — my period, he realized. I never in my life thought I’d
have to worry about my time of the month.
He opened the ladies’ wallet and found Deanna’s — his — driver’s
license. He read that he was now a twenty-three year old woman who lived
in an apartment in the expensive part of town. Deanna had credit cards, a
phone directory, hundreds in cash and a checkbook with a balance of over
forty thousands dollars.
Oh, well, Deanna thought. At least I’ll be comfortable —
“No,” she thought aloud. “I want to go back.” She walked back to the
mirror in order to familiarize herself with the woman she now was. “I am a
looker, I’ll say that,” she said. Standing naked in the room light, she
scrutinized her new form.
A woman, and a lovely one. Her breasts danced slightly as she moved,
tugging strangely at her chest. Deanna cupped her breasts, learning their
weight and trying to grow accustomed to their feel. She got to know her
body a little at a time.
Her legs were long, shapedly, and had a silken sheen. Her shiny,
poisoned toenails matched her fingerprintnails. Her feet were dainty, her
ankles small. She noticed she was wearing an ankle bracelet which read
The new woman sat on the edge of the bed and lightly touched her
unfamiliar sexual arrangement. Her delicate fingers explored the folds of
her still-wet vagina, gently learning the many erogenous zones that had not
been there before. She found her cliporis and momentarily massaged it,
Feeling the foundation of an orgasm begin within her. The sensing was
electric — like the person who had done this to her, she found herself
Wanting to know sex as a woman. Curious and brave, Deanna suddenly plunged
a finger into the depth that she had always found on other women, when she
had been a man.
The finger disappeared inside; she feel it within her. So this is
What it’s like to have a pussy, she thought. This is what my sister has
Always felt. Well, now I’m a girl, too, just like you, Janet. Won’t you
be surprised to see me this Thanksgiving —
For amoment, she imagined herself making love to her sister’s
husband. He suddenly struck her as being extremely cute and attractive —
“No, no, no!” Deanna determined. “I want to be Wayne Driscoll. I
have a good job, and my last year of college to finish. Get a grip…”
She decided to lock herself into the hotel room and wait it out, alone.
As long as she could restrain herself from masturbating to orgasm, she
would return to her own body the next day. Then, Wayne could head home and
put this unbelievable event behind him. And who knows, she thought, maybe
I’ll make a better, more sympathetic boyfriend for Carol after this. After
all — I’ve walked a mile in her high-heeled shoes.
After locking the hotel room door, the still-naked Deanna sat cross-
legged on the bed, looking across into the dresser mirror. Her own beauty
captivated her; seeing the gorgeous girl looking back and realizing it was
she herself was mesmerizing. Trying to divert her attention, she picked up
one of the Playgirls and began to thumb through its pages.
Deanna was halfway through the magazine when she realized how
attractive the men in its pages had become to her. She was viewing them
with a woman’s eye, a woman’s desires. She feel a wonderful feeling swell
within her abdomen, one new to her. It quickly rose until her breathing
became heavy and erratic —
No! Just in time, Deanna realized that she had been fingering her
cliporis in response to the gorgeous male images. The rising orgasm within
her ceased just short of climax and, angry at herself, Deanna stood and
began to pace. “Damned idiot! Do you want to stay this way?” She throw
the magazine into the corner. “Keep your fucking hands off your pussy!”
She decided that the only safe way to wait was to go to sleep. It was
late anyway, and she was quite tired. The transformation had been
draining. Deanna slide into bed, feeling her smooth skin against the cool
sheets. In moments, she fell asleep.
Something soon woke her up.
Deanna opened her eyes. In the dimly lit room, she could make out the
forms of two men, over near the dresser. One of them turned to look at
her; both wore ski masks.
“Damn it! She’s awake!” one said, rifling Deanna’s pursuit and finding
the cash there. “Jackpot, man…check it out!”
Deanna sat upright. Unused to covering herself, she let the sheets
Fall to her lap, exposing her huge breasts to the men.
“Oh, man…I got to get me some of that,” one of the men said, seeing
her tits. “How about you?”
The other man answered by unbuckling his pants. “Me first.”
Deanna realized that she was about to be rapid.
And being raped mean staying a woman for at least a year.
She reached for the phone, but one of the two men cut her off and
throw her back onto the bed. “Naughty bitch…” he said, slapping her down
and ripping the phone cord out of the wall. “Scream and you die…why
don’t you just lie back and have a good time, baby? Make it easy on
Both men had removed their pants and were slipping out of their
briefs. Deanna saw their penises hanging down, already growing with
Anticipation. The men were black — and very well endowed. Deanna, while
she was still Wayne, had never seen a black man naked. The stories were
true — their cocks were enormous.
“I want a little pussy…how about you?” one man asked the other.
“You’ll get one, hon,” Deanna said, her meaning hidden.
“I love white pussy,” the other man said. “Had it once. Sweetas
They pulled the sheets away, leaving her totally naked before them.
“Please…” Deanna pleaded. “I can’t…you don’t understand…” She was
on the verge of tears.
“Shut up, bitch!” one of the men said, grabbing her ankles and
spreading her legs apart. Deanna fight, but the men quickly had her
pinned, her thighs spread wide. Her vagina, wet and inviting, was utterly
Their erections had reached full size. Deanna was stunned at the
immensity of the rigid organs before her eyes. One of the men pulled a
“Relax, bitch. We’re going to get this over with quick. You get to
take care of us both at the same time.”
“Yeah,” the other man chided in. “Ever tasted a black man’s dick,
Deanna wanted to scream, but the knife flashing in the light made her
think betterr of it. There was nothing she could do but let it happen —
and hope she did not reach orgasm.
One of the men, the one who seemed to be the leader, leaned towards her
face, the head of his cock against her cheek. It was hot and ready. “Lick
it, bitch. Suck it. Make it slippery for me.” Deanna opened her mouth —
what else could she do? — and let the man slide his hard penis into her
mouth. Repulsed at first, she forced herself to create as much saliva as
possible and sucked the cock for a few moments.
“Good, baby,” he said. He pulled out of her mouth and took position
Between her legs. Deanna feel his cock press actually against her
Still-virgin opening. She involuntarily tightened her vaginal muscles as
if to keep him out.
“I said, relax.” She did. In seconds, he pushed his hips relentlessly
forward and sank his enormous cock into her. Deanna clenched her teeth;
the pain was intense as the massive cock stretched her vagina. “Nice and
tight…I think we got us a virgin pussy, here.” The second man laughed.
“No…please…” Deanna begged. The man’s only response was to push
harder; finally, his long, hard penis was buried up to the hilt inside the
woman. He began to pump in and out.
A man is fucking me, she tried to realize. I’ve got a pussy, and some
black bastard’s going to come inside it.
She felt something against her cheek, and realized that the other man
was wanting her to take his stiff organ into her mouth. Not that too, she
begged silently. On hands and knees he straddled her face; his black cock
went into her mouth and pressed into her throat.
Deanna helplessly began to suck. He mouth-fucked her, driving his
hips as if his penis were in her pussy instead. She was powerless against
the two men. Deanna felt the man’s balls press against her chin with each
stroke of his hips; she tightly held her lips around his huge shake,
tickling the intruder with her tongue.
“I want to hear you enjoying this, bitch,” the man in her mouth said.
Deanna, fearing for her life, began to moan sensitively as if she couldn’t
get enough of the cock’s taste. “Listen…she likes it,” the rapist said.
“Hold me around the waist…pull me into your mouth. You want it…let me
hear you want it.”
“Mmmmmmm…” she continued, moaning with pleasure as if she were
enjoying something delicious. The wet sound of her lips and tongue upon
his erect member was exciting to the man; he grew even harder in her mouth.
She reached up and put her hands firmly on the man’s hairy buttocks, and
with each thrust of his hips Deanna pulled down as if to make him drive
harder. The muskysmell of the man’s crotch was strangely erotic to
Deanna, and something within her liked having her nose pressed into his
pubic hair, liked the slap of his hairy testicles against her smooth chin.
The other man continued to pound into her vagina; Deanna felt the pain
diminish and disappear — her pussy had stretched to accommodate the huge,
piston-like cock. With the pain gone, the pleasure building within her
grow as her cliporis continued to feel the huge cock rubbing against it.
The mere fact that she was being penetrated by a man intensified her
pleasure, somehow.
The woman she had become felt free at last.
An enemy appeared, more dangerous than either of these two men.
Deanna felt an orgasm building within her, more quickly now than when she
had inadvertently masturbated before.
As the two cocks pumped fasted and harder into her, Deanna knew she
was in serious danger of coming. She hoped that the men would reach climax
before she did, knowing that their doing so mean they would come in her
mouth and pussy.
If she did not get pregnant, she would be home free. She hoped she
would not gag on the come in her throat.
The men began to pump harder, and their breathing deepened. “Take it,
bitch…it’s all you’re good for. You’re my sex bitch, now…I’ll fuck
your ass anytime I want, and you’ll like it…”
“Suck it,” the other man said. “Make me come in your mouth. And if
you don’t swallow every drop, I’m gonna cut you.”
Deanna knew they would come any second. Trying to help them anxious,
she sucked harder on the penis in her mouth and tightened her vagina
muscles around the hard, slippery black cock penetrating her body.
She felt her own orgasm building — and realized with horror that
being raped was sexually excited to her. Knowing that two strangers were
having their way with her by force added to the intensity of her swelling
climax. It was a race to see who would come first. If they did, perhaps
They would pull out in time for her to avoid —
Too late.
Ecstasy gripped Deanna’s lower muscles; they spasmed, locking around
the man’s cock, then pushed hard as if to give birth. She felt the
intensity of a woman’s orgasm as it filled her body, spreading until it had
electrified every feminine nerve. She wanted to cry out, but the cock in
her mouth would not allow that; Deanna felt something flood from her.
She came. Hot, womanly fluids gushed from her pussy, lubricating her
deeply and inviting the man’s cock to deliver its creamy payload. Her eyes
were shut tight by the overwhelming pleasure that owned her.
She was irreversibly committed to at least one year of womanhood, now./>
Before her orgasm subsided, the man in her mouth tensed and a shower of
thick, salty came filled her throat. It backed up into her mouth, and she
swallowed hard in order not to choke. The throbbing penis kept on and on,
spraying its load into her mouth, then finally weakened and began to
shrink. Deanna felt it grow smaller and softer between her lips, though it
was still quite a mouthful.
The other man came, as well. Driving deep, he forced his white jism
into her as his own orgasm filled his body. After a few more fee
thrusts, his cock shrank back and he pulled it out of her.
“That was good, baby,” the man who had been atop her said. “We’ll let
you live — be a shame to waste a lay like you.” The men were satisfied.
She had taken them both, however unwillingly, and she had taken the best
They had to offer. A slight dribble of semen ran from the corner of her
Maybe this could be fun, she found herself thinking. I’ll give these
bastards a taste of their own medicine.
Deanna wiped away the last bit of sticky semen on her lips with her
middle finger, then with both men watching she sucked those few drops of
come and moaned with pleasure. “Not bad, boys,” she said, smiling
seductively. “But I’ve got a little surprise for you.”
As Deanna watched, the men lost their balance and fall back, each
falling onto one of the room’s two beds. “I hope you weren’t too fond of
your dicks,” she said, rising and walking towards the dresser. “In a few
minutes, you won’t have them any more. That doesn’t mean you won’t be able
to fuck anymore…but from now on, you’ll be on the bottom…”
“Crazy bitch…” one of the men said, panic in his voice. They were
Too dizzy to move and helpssly lied there, propping themselves up by one
arm as they attempted to sit up. Gasping for air, both men pulled off
their ski masks.
“She poisoned us, man…” one of them concluded. “Somehow, the bitch
poisoned us! We’re dying…”
“No, honey. Not dying,” Deanna reassure him. “Just…starting
As Deanna watched in fascination, the men’s bodies began to transform
as if they were being rescued by unseen hands. Their body and facial
hair disappeared into thin air, leaving only smooth, supplement skin in its
place. Their features changed, becoming soft and pretty with full, sexy
lips and perfect complexions. Their cheesebones became prominent, and their
eyesbrows grow thin and classically shaped.
Their black hair began to grow thicker and longer, creating tousled,
curly manes that framed their faces in an attractive, softly feminine
stype. One of the men had been balding, but no longer had to worry about
that — the density, luxurious hair of a woman suddenly flowed from his
“You look like a sister,” one of them observed, seeing the change in
his partner. “And your mustache is gone. What the hell is this…” he
Wondered aloud, confused and frightened. “What’s happening…what are you
doing to us?!” he fearfully begged Deanna.
“Isn’t it obvious, girls?” she calmly said to him.
The other man began to cry, his mind horrified at the thought of the
cruel magic that was seemingly, impossible, reshaping his flesh. Fearing
the worst, he reached down to his crotch and hoped for a reassurance that
he was wrong.
He was too late. His trembling hands found only smooth, ambiguous
contours, devoid of any sexual configuration. His had become a sexless
body, if only momentarily, for his testicles were gone and his once-proud
penis had already withdrawn into his body as it continued its
transformation into the clitoris it would have been — and was about to be.
He struggled to cry out, his voice cracking as it rose to a feminine pitch.
“My…my cock…it’s gone…!”
One of the two men reached up and lightly ran his fingertips along his
jawline. He did not find the bear stubble and razor bumps with which he
had grown so familiar — instead, his touch found a velvety softness, that
of skin that had been campered and moisturized for years. Skin that had
never known a bear, but had instead spent a lifetime under the influence
of estrogen. Skin that carried the faith perfume of foundation and pressed
He then noticed his nails.
They had magically reached the incredibly sexy length of two inches,
were perfectly manicured, and were coated with hard,thick, glossy burgundy
nail poison. The other man realized that he, too, had acquired equally
feminine fingertips, and he held his hands before his eyes in astonishment.
The light danced against their beautiful new nails as the rapidly
transforming men moved their delicate fingers. The burgundy poison also
graced their pedicured toenails, adding a dash of playing color at the tips
of their small, feminine toes.
The first man had noticed his nails only, at first, but he quickly
realized that his fingers, hands and wrists themselves had become smaller
and more delicious than before. “Look at my hands, man…!” he said,
unbelieving. “I’ve got hands like Mama’s…and my feet are smaller…”
They could not know that they both already had fully functional
ovaries that were pumping incredible amounts of female hormones into their
bloodstreams. The dewy sheen of sweat glistened upon their ebony skin,
emphasizing their rapidly developing, womanly curves. Their muscle mass
melted away as their bodies continued to soften, and they feel their T-
shirts grow uncomfortable tight in the chest. Looking down, they saw the
Blossoming flesh pressed against the flimsy fabric of their straining
shirts as their breasts, which had been so unfairly neglected during the
male puberties of the two men, at last received the hormone signals they
had for years awaited. Finally free to reach full female potential, their
mammaries joyfully embraced the functional maturity so long denied them.
Complete milk glasses and ducts developed and their areolas and nipples
enlarged, all to proportions voluptuously befitting the female form.
“Fucking bitch!” one of them shrieked at Deanna in a voice that, with
Each spoken syllable, was setting more and more into that of a woman. He
pressed hard against his breasts with the palms of both hands as if to
prevent his already generous bustline from getting any larger. “I’ll kill
you…” He tried to reach for his knife, but his body would not obey him
and he fell helplessly against the mattress. Deanna knew it would still be
a few minutes before the dizziness lifted, allowing the two rapists to
Regain their coordination.
“Here, now,” Deanna said, casually walking over to them. She picked up
the knife and carried it over to the hotel window, where she dropped it
into an abandoned alley below. Returning to the beds and the rapidly
developing women, she spoke in a very girl-to-girl tone. “Oh, ladies,
let’s get these off of you,” she said, indicating their T-shirts. “You’ll
be so much more comfortable without them.”
One at a time, she helped the developing women sit up straight. As
she pulled the barely-men’s shirts up and off, dark, colossal breasts fall
free. Now completely formed, the enormous beauty jutted proudly outward
in all their soft, female glory from the smooth, hairless skin of the men’s
chests. The men’s eyes filled with horror at the sight of the womanly
magnificence that had become their own.
One of the men, in emotional shock, brought his new hands up under his
chest and cradle his huge breasts in them. His unbelieving eyes could
Only stare, filled with the sight of their female immensity. His enormous
tits were firm and rather football-shaped, ending in rounded points, and
They jutted youngly outward without sagging against his stomach. Their
distinctive contours were sharply defined by the glossy, dewlike sheen of
sweat upon them. Their weight pulled heavily against his chest and
Shoulders in a manner he could never have described. His nipples had grown
huge and hard, as big as his thumb, and they ached as if scanning to
becomes still larger.
The man recognized his impressive breasts as being like those of his
mother and sister, for they were almost identical to theirs in shape but
larger in size. He was rapidly becoming the woman he generally would
have been, had he not suffered the Y-chromosome.
“Look at me…” he whispered, stunned by disbelief. He looked at
Deanna. “My tits…my tits are…”
“Very attractive, actually,” Deanna said approvingly. “You’ve been
blessed by the title fairy, dear. There are lots of women out there who
spend thousands of dollars just to get nice big breasts like yours. You
should be thrilled.”
“I can’t have tits! I’m a man…!”
“No, no, honey. Men don’t have tits like those. Men have ugly dicks
andbody hair and all kinds of nasty things. You don’t. Don’t be silly.”
His breasts felt heavy and foreign, and were so large that they
protruded almost eight inches outward from his chest. Fully supporting one
with a single hand was impossible; almost half of each breast hung forward
over the sides of his palms. He was badly in need of a bra, despite his
bustline’s firmness.
He gently squeezed his breasts. The impressive forms of his womanly
tissue nestled warmly into his girlish hands, and he was mesmerized by
their soft bulk as their supple mass bulged slightly between his spread
fingers. He lifted their tips upward and saw that his areolas were large
and dark and almost three inches in width.
“You certainly have been blessed, haven’t you?” Deanna commented. As
new woman tried to soak in the enormity of the revelation, Deanna smiled
“Yourold life has been erased. This is your reality, now and for
the rest of your life.
Their dense jungles of beautiful hair finally stopped growing at an
incredible, sexy length and fullness, hanging all the way down their smooth
backs and reaching as wide as their shoulders. The shiny, curling black
locks softly and sensitively moved as they tossed their heads. It was hair
like that of women who had just gotten out of bed following a night of
passwordate sex.
One of the men, in absolute shock, looked down at his abundant
breasts. The other man, almost completely female himself, speechlessly
stared at the woman his longtime friend had become. He watched as the
Impossibly transformed man replaced his equilibrium and stand up, not
Without some effort, to look into the mirror. The beautiful vision of
African-American womanhood walked over to the room’s vanity and found his
reflection there.The image was that of a perfect lady, whose large
bustline, tiny waist and rounded, shiny ass combined to create a luscious
Figure that was drenched in pure female sexuality.
“You’re about as different a person as you could have become…no part
of your life will be like it was before,” Deanna stated. “How do you like
He took a seat at the vanity and peered into the deep, crystal eyes of
the woman in the mirror. They sparkled with a seductive softness that
would bring any man to his knees. After scanning the vanity top for a
moment, he reached down among the perfumes and costumes and picked up a
lipstick. For a moment he held it in his feminine hands, his long, perfect
burgundy nails against the hard plastic of its purple casing. As he opened
the tube and removed its cap, his friend spoke up.
“Are you out of your mind, man?” he asked, virtually female himelf.
The new woman twisted the base of the lipstick tube and watched the
colored stick rise from it. Slowly, looking in the mirror, he touched it
to his lower lip and began to glide it from side to side as he had seen so
many women do, leaving a deep, nine, nine gloss of glorgeous burgundy in its
wake. Then, as his friend stared wide-eyed, he applied the lipstick to his
upper lip, beginning in the middle on either side and carrying the color to
the outer corners of his full lips. He loved its feminine scent.
His friend was near hysterics. “Man…stop it! Don’t give in!”
But it was too late. The young lady loved the feminine face in the
mirror. “We’re women,” he answered in a purely feminine tone, stroking on
a thick coat of mascara and accepting his new form with open arms.
Finishing his lashes, he set down the mascara tube and teased his dense,
glistening mane with his long fingernails. He smiled a pretty smile. “We
should act like women.”
“I told you! I ain’t no sister!” His denial in the face of the
change his body had undergone was incredible.
“I am,” the woman answered. “And I like it.” He applied eyeliner as
his friend watched helplessly.
“This ain’t happening,” his friend hoped loudly and frantically.
“It’s a fuckin’ nightmare!”
“Look at yourself,” the glowing mother said, her gaze transferred by
the pretty young woman in the mirror. “Look at me…” He happily finished
with deep eye shadows and blush. “I’m beautiful.” He had become she.
She set the blush brush down and put a hand to her crotch; she knew
she had to have something between her naked tights that was very different
from the cock she had grown up with. Touching her pubic hair, she slowly
slide her fingertips downward in anxious anticipation of the female treasure
below. She felt a warm, supplement moon, and as she continued her fingertips
slide onto a soft, moist valley.
Her fingers gently traced the shape of her new, very female genital
mound. She enjoyed the smooth folds of the soft, vaginal configuration
that nestled between her legs. It was just what she had wanted to find
There, now, considering the other monumental changes in her physical form.
She smiled.
“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned in satisfaction. “Perfect.”
The other new girl fight hard. “You’re crazy…I’m goin’ back to who
was before, somehow…” Still in denial, he, too, reached down to his
crotch, slowly and fearfully. He recognized the moist, familiar shape that
had formed there, in the flatness between his smooth thighs. He sat
quietly for several minutes, coming to grips with his situation.
Deanna picked up the phone and dialed a number she knew very well.
giving her hotel name and room number, she smiled and hung up. “How about
a little party, girls?” she asked.
The reluctant transsexual caresed his breasts and smooth thighs for a
moment. Then, he looked at Deanna with eyes that sparkled with the love of
being female. In a voice that had become permanently feminine — very,
very feminine, with a babyish, little girl sweetness — he calmly spoke,
seemingly resigned to the situation.
“I…I’ve got nice tits.”
“Yes, sweetheart, you do.”
“And a pussy, like my Mama’s.”
“Of course, honey,” Deanna said. “All women do.”
His friend smiled. She held out a tube of lipstick and opened it,
twisting the tube up and ready. “Here…you’ll love it. You’re so
pretty…come on, girl.”
He knew that something inside him wanted to wear the lipstick.
And high heels. And a bra. And panties, under the slinkiest, sexiest
dress he could get his hands on. He wanted to wiggle his new, rounded ass
in the faces of men and have them knock him down and fuck him until he
Couldn’t walk.
All denial finally fled away as his mind embedded its new programming
and its new body. “Women…” he quietly repeated in his baby girl voice.
The word grow more wonderful as he spoke it. “I’m a woman…a real
“Yes!” his friend happily said.
He slowly walked over to the vanity and took the lipstick from his
Bending over to peer into the mirror, his heart pounding, he put it to his
lips and covered them artistically with a heavy coat of shiny burgundy
And she smiled. The metamorphosis was complete. The former rapists
completely, eternally, and almost excessively women now.
“There,” Deanna said approvingly, struggling their hair. “Isn’t that so
much nicer? Soft, and clean, and smooth…these bodies are such an
Improvement over those crude things you had before.” She stroked her own
breasts. “No sane person, given a choice, would ever choose to be a man.”
Deanna realized that she had just made a choice.
Every breath they would ever draw for the rest of their lives would
female chests, lifting breastbones hidden behind the soft, full flesh of
their large, luxurious breasts. Every word of password they would ever
speak would pass between female lips coated with dark lipstick and into the
ears of those horny men atop them, whose long, hard penises would be buried
deep between their smooth, worn legs. Something deep inside them loved
their new existence, and that something had just finished wiping their male
egos from existence.
Both women lightly sprayed themselves with expensive perfume and
momentarily glorried in the feminine aura that permeated them. One opened a
jewelry box and withdraw a pearl necklace; the other found a tiny heart-
shaped locket on a delicate gold chain and dragged it around her slender
neck. Their ears, suddenly pierced, became adorned with large, dangling,
hoop earnings. Deanna walked towards them from the closet, bringing with
her two pairs of shiny, sexy black pumps with five-inch high heels. The
new women slipped their tiny feet into the sensitive shoes and loved the
Look they gave their long, smooth, sleep legs. The high heels were the
only clothes the black ladies wore.
The three women looked upon each other for a moment, joyously
appreciating the fact of their glorious gender. For all of them, life now
mean makeup, high heels, pregnancy, and motherhood. Physical sex for them
Now means yielding themselves passively and utterly by lying on their
backs, spreading their legs wide, and letting naked men ram their long,
hard cocks into their hot, wet pushes — leaving themselves helplessly
pinned to a mattress by the weight of the hairy, musky male flesh top
The thought excited them.
Every possible facet of their daily existences had forever crossed
the impossible boundary between the sexes, and during every minute of every
day they would henceforth live as women. It took them a moment to soak
that in. The ebony-skinned ladies realized that they wouldn’t go back to
being men, now, even if they could. Being a woman was too — wonderful.
A few, final elements of self-identity fell into place, leaving the
Gorgeous ladies totally mentally reprogrammedor their soft, new sex.
Their attitudes, their thought processes, their sex drives, and every
behavioral facet, however subtle, had become utterly female.
Totally in love with her new body, the second woman to accept her new
self sat back onto a bed, transfixed by the look of her long, shiny legs
with her feet in the sexy shoes. Her huge breasts lied heavily and
joyously against her chest as she leaned way back and held one leg straight
out, high in the air, enjoying the way the light slide along her silken
skin. She did not realize that her intelligence level had dropped
considerably, leaving her the black equivalent of the classic dumb blond.
Her facial expressions and tiny voice were like those of a small child.
“Oh, yessss…” she said sexually, running a hand along her soft inner
tighs as she caresed her gorgeous legs. “These legs’ll get me any man I
want…they’ll all be dying to slide their hands up these thighs, wanting
to finger this hot, wet pussy.” She giggled. “A different cock inside me
every day…maybe two or three, even…ooooooooh…”
As the two women sat on the edges of the two beds, they spread their
silken thighs wide and proudly showed each other their reborn sexuality.
They found that the sparse public hair of women grow between their legs, of
course, cradling folds of soft, uniquely female flesh. One spread her
dark, smooth legs even wider and pressed her palms against the insides of
Her warm thighs at the point where they emerged from her body. Managing to
see beyond her enormous breasts, she saw that her hands, with their long,
poisoned nails, framed a normal, healthy vagina; she gently pulled to the
sides, spreading her vaginal lips wide and exposing the inner folds that
guarded her warm, wet opening.
Spreading the lips evenwider with her fingers, she bravely pressed
her right middle finger against the pumpered opening. The other woman
watched excitedly as a burgundy fingerprinternail disappeared into her friend.
Continuing to push, the woman feel a moist warmth surrounding her finger.
The finger vanished inside of her until it was buried up to the
knuckle. She wiggled it and felt it moving inside her. She loved the
Feeling of having something in her vagina and squealed with female delight
in her babyish voice.
“I want to be fucked so bad…” she moaned, her hot pussy aching to be
filled. “If only there was a man here…” She begged Deanna. “Call room
service…get me a bellboy or somebody to fuck! Anybody!”
“Yes, ladies…” Deanna calmed her. “That’s been taken care of.”
With wide eyes, the black ladies took turns looking at their
Their eyes then fellupon each other’s forms once again and they drank in
the sight of each other’s womanly lines and enormous, double-D cup breasts.
It was true — they were breathtakingly beautiful. Their firm, dark skin
flowed in tight, gorgeous curves. The light danced in sleek ribbons along
Their long, silky, shiny legs. They were awed by their own loveliness;
never had either seen women as perfect and volunteer as they themselves
now were.
“By the way…since you were born girls, now, you naturally have
girl’s names. You’re Shanessa,” Deanna began, “and you’re Jocelyn.” The
two smiled and nodded approvedly.
“I like ‘Jocelyn,’” she said, giggling and jiggling her breasts.
“That’s what my tits are doin’.”
“Girl, you got that right,” Shanessa said. The two girls sat down
next to each other on the same bed, then each rEach out and touched the
other’s supple flesh. They loved having the same soft smoothness they had
felt on other women.
“Yes, girls,” Deanna said victoriously. “Like you said, you’re just
like your mamas, now. You’re women for the rest of your lives, just as if
you’d been born that way.”
They smiled, their eyes twinkling with delight. Just then, there was
a knock upon the door. Deanna answered, admitting two gorgeous black men
into the room. “Girls,” she began, “your ‘escorts’ are here.”
“Fuck me, baby,” Shanessa squealed, choosing one of the two studs. In
seconds, the horny girl had stripped him of his clothes and was pulling him
atop her on one of the room’s beds. Guiding his erection into her anxious
vagina, Shanessa stroked his buttocks until he had penetrated her fully and
was pumping hard into her warm wetness.
“Fuck Mama…that’s right…faster. Yes…fuck Mama good…suck
tits…yes, baby…oooooh, yes!” His lubricated cock moved harder and
faster against her clip, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy.
Just as involved with her own lover was Jocelyn. “Please…oh,
me feel it…” Her little girl voice was erotic. “Fuck me, baby…fuck
me! Make me a woman…yes! Yes! Oooooooooh…”
Deanna imagined herself in bed with the husband of the woman across
hotel hallway. “Oh, yes, baby,” she moaned, “Make me forget that bastard!
Fuck me…hurry, before your wife gets back! Oooooh…faster…” She
wiggled her hips as she rubbed her clip, feeling her orgasm build.
“Harder…ooooh, good, baby…your wife’s so lucky to have your cock to
herself…” Deanna rotated her hips and simulated the motion oftaking a
cock deep. She cried out, “Hurry…she’s coming! Your wife’s coming…”
Her voice dropped into a seductive, low moan. “I’m…coming…”
She brought herself to orgasm.
Deanna, her own pussy gushing its female fluids, struggled to watch
the other ladies’ eyes shut tight as waves of intense female pleasure
washed through their bodies. Pinned beneath their men, the women held
their breath and Deanna saw their lower bodies tend as hot, clear come
poured from their pussies. Their orgasms had come almost simultaneously.
The beautiful black women moaned and smiled erotically as their climaxes
subsided. Their womanly juices flowed down the insides of their thighs,
shining in the lamplight of the room.
“Now…doesn’t that beat the hell out of anything you ever felt
before?” Deanna asked, smiling.
“Oh, girl…” Shananessa began.”It’s like I’m alive for the first time
in my life.”
As Deanna slipped into a bra, she watched the women care the hard
Bodies of their lovers. The erotic sight of the women she had made
fucking these men struck Deanna — it was something she would remember for
a long time.
Deanna pulled on a low-cut red dress and quickly ran a brush through
her sex-mussed hair. As the ebony sisters renewed their intercourse,
Deanna slipped into a pair of red pumps and walked over to Shannessa.
“Have fun, girls,” Deanna said, smiling. “Clothes for you both are in
the closet. There’s still makeup on the vanity if you need to freshen up,
and a couple of pursuits with a little money in them for you in the top left
dresser drawer.”
After picking up her pursuit and taking one last look into the mirror,
Deanna left the two ladies alone to carry on. “Bye bye, girls."
“Bye, honey,” Shanessa said. “Thank you.” Jocelyn was too lost in
pleasure to respond.
Deanna closed the door behind her. Down the hallway, in the distance,
she saw the woman from across the hall get onto the elevator wearing her
swimsuit and a towel.
She won’t be back for a little while, Deanna thought —
The pumping cock brought Jocelyn to orgasm, one even more intense than
that she had felt earlier. Jocelyn’s steaming pussy juices soaked the
man’s pubic hair. The musty, arousing scent of sex filled the air.
For more than an hour the women and their escorts continued their
orgy. The girls had, however accidentally, discovered a life that they loved
beyond any they had ever known. Their joyous, wet pussies filled them with
electric pleasure as they were filled with the hard, rigid cocks of the
gorgeous black men.
Meanwhile, Deanna knocked lightly on the door across the hall. After
a moment, the man she had seen earlier answered.
“Yes, Miss?”
Deanna acted like a lost little girl, playing to the man’s macho self-
image. “I’m sorry to both you, but I just saw your wife leave…”
“She went down to take a dip in the pool. She’ll be back after an
hour or so. Do you want me to give her a message?”
“Yes,” she said in a sexy whisper. “Tell her I want her husband to
fuck me.” To the man’s surprise, Deanna pushed her way into the room and
reached down to put her hand on his crotch. She could feel that an
erection was already building within the man’s gray slacks. It moved
against Deanna’s hand as it grow; its rising life made her heart leap with
the excitement of being a woman who had such an effect on men.
“What’s your name, honey?” she asked sexily.
“I’m lonely, Reed honey,” Deanna pleaded girlishly, struggling his
chest. “Can I stay for a little while?” Looking down the hall to make
sure no one saw, he closed the hotel room door and walked over to her.
Standing near the foot of the bed, Deanna kissed him sensitively.
“Okay, Reed honey. You just relax, and let Deanna show you a good
time.” Deanna knew the man could do anything but relax; his erection
threatened to rip open a pants seam. Deanna laid her purse on the dresser.
“I…I shouldn’t…I only make love to my wife. I’m faithful…”
“No problem, honey. I’m your wife…and my hot pussy wants to feel my
husband’s cock inside it. Just close your eyes and everything’ll be fine.”
The married man took off his clothes in record time.
Deanna turned away and held up her hair so the man could unzip her
dress. The man was ready, obviously; a full two inches of his erection
protruded above the elastic waistband of his briefs.
As she felt her zipper loosen, Deanna turned back to face the man.
Her eyes fixed upon the man’s bulging member; she found herself wanting it
inside her. Her nipples were hard beneath the fabric of the dress.
She dropped to her knees before the man, coming face to face with the
excited cock. Deanna pulled Reed’s underwear down to his knees and the
Stiff, engorged penis dropped forward, stopping only a fraction of an inch
from Deanna’s frosted wine lips. “My,” she said. “Aren’t we a big,
healthy boy.”
Deanna opened her mouth, and with a horny woman’s excitement she
reached out with a warm tongue and licked away the drop of seminal fluid
that had built at the tip of the man’s shaft.
Reed gently held the sides of Deanna’s head as the woman took the
waiting penis into her mouth, working its head like a popsicle. Trying to
Remember what had once felt good to her, Deanna gently sucked and swirled
her tongue against its tip, taking more and more of the excited organ into
her mouth with each bob of her head. Deanna gently massed Reed’s
testicles as they hung down behind the swollen cock, and feel them become
firmer and cooler at her touch. She feel her vagina growing warmer and
wetter with each suck of the stiff rod.
And some girls get paid for this, Deanna thought.
She began to gently ticle the man’s balls with her long nails. Reed
moaned, nearing the point of no return. Deanna pulled the cock out of her
mouth and hold its long shaft in one hand, licking its head like an ice
cream cone. The veined goliath was drenched in her saliva, adding the
lubrication that would come into play at any moment. The penis grow
hotter. Harder. Deanna began to taste salt.
She rose and immediately let her dress fall to the floor. Deanna’s
enviable breasts with their hard, erect nipples bounced teasingly as she
stepped out of the evening dress, leaving her only in her bra, panties,
garter belt and stockings, and black high heels. The tight black grip of
the garter belt around Deanna’s middle emphasized the luxury of her
bustline above and smooth shaft below. Reed pulled down her bra cups to
expose both breasts, then caresed her erect nipples for the few moments it
took for his aching cock to reach full size.
Reed almost guided the woman onto the bed. Deanna eased onto her
back on the soft mattress and let the man pull away her panties. Legs
bent, the woman then spread her tights as wide as she could and pulled her
knees up, exposing her naked, craving pussy full and wide in order to
playfully tease the excited man.
“Wouldn’t you like to eat your wife’s hot, wet pussy, dear?” Deanna
asked sexually. Reed responded immediately by dropping to his knees at the
foot of the bed and pressing his face into the wanting vagina.
Deanna’s head dropped back, her eyes closed in deep pleasure. Her
network of female nerves glowed and electrified with the pleasure signals
arising from the stimulation of her pussy, and she wanted more. The man’s
tongue lovingly explored every secret corner of the woman’s flower,
centering every few moments on the one spot that was most sensitive of all.
“Ooooh, yes,” Deanna moaned. “Yes…eat my pussy…oh, baby…stick
your tongue deep into my hot pussy…” It was wonderful. “Suck my clip,
baby…lick my clip…”
Deanna felt a swell of pleasure and know that Reed had indeed focused
his attention upon her cliporis, sucking and orally massaging it with an
experienced tongue. Squeezing her tender breasts together with her upper
arms, Deanna reached down between her legs, tangled her fingers in Reed’s
hair, and pressed the man’s face more firmly into the hot well of female
sexual pleasure. The man, encouraged to increase the level of his oral
manipulation, rubbed his face harder into Deanna’s womanhood and heard the
woman moan ever more loudly as he continued. An intensity was building
within her, and she knew that orgasm would soon follow.
“Ooooh…do it now…fuck me now…stick it in my pussy…” Deanna
said, asking a man for sex for the first time. Her breathing grow sharper,
more erratic. “Fill me with your cock and fuck me the way a man should
fuck his wife…”
Reed looked down and watched as the woman reached out and massed his
rigid, anxious cock with K-Y jelly; he thought he might come right then,
but managed to resist, wanting to stay erect. He stroked the inside of
Deanna’s thigh and the woman immediately spread her silken legs wide, feet
high in the air, to form a wide letter ‘V’. The man rose to his feet,
gripping one of Deanna’s ankles in each hand. She reached down and
hungrily guided its hot and slippery cock towards the wet deepness that
awaited it; for a moment, its head pressed against her vaginal lips
teasingly — then Reed pushed his hips forward and slid into her.
It began. Married man and novel woman, their flesh as one, the
massive penis slowly pushed deeper and deeper into the female heat that it
craved. Deanna bit her lip as a jolt of momentary pain filled her; even
Though it was inching in slowly, the engaged cock was huge, stretching her
vagina even beyond its previous limitations as the erection buried itself.
Deanna breathed through clenched teeth as the hard penis drive deeper and
deeper. Finally, the cock reached maximum depth and Reed’s pubic bone
pressed hard into Deanna’s, their pubic hair intertwined.
The man began sliding in and out, in and out, building the frictional
forces that would bring both of them to sexual climax. It added to their
excitement that Reed’s wife could return at any moment and find them
fucking on her hotel bed.
“Oh, Reed…” Deanna continued. “Fuck me, honey…oh, yes, fuck
me…” His sexual talent were exceptional. “Ohhhh…I want to be your
wife…” she moaned, wanting to feel his huge, penetrating cock inside her
forever. “I wish I were her…”
She felt an odd sensing, like deja vu, as if she had felt him atop
her and inside her before. He was incredible; Deanna adored womanhood,
now; she even feelegret that she had not had sex-change surgery while in
her teens, giving her a long, female life instead of the male waste her
life had been.
Reed knew nothing of the thoughts going through Deanna’s mind. He
knew only that the woman beneath him was enjoying having him inside her; it
added to his own enjoyment to know that his sexual prowess was inducing
such pleasure in such a gorgeous woman.
The man soon leaned forward and laid on top of his sex partner, on
hands and knees, his feet off of the floor. His hips cradled into the
bottom of the V-shape formed by Deanna’s straight, spread legs, and
Deanna’s black high heels made circles high in the air as Reed drive like a
piston into the woman, continuing his primary assault. Deanna’s breasts
danced against her chest.
“Ooooh, yeah…oooooh, baby…” Deanna moaned as he continued to pound
her pussy. “Uhhh…uhhhh…uhhh…uhhh…uhhh…” she groaned with
each pump of his hips.
The man’s muscle hips pumped faster and faster, driving his still-
swelling tool with a machinelike intensity. Deanna again bent her knees
and pulled them up, helping the man to drive as deeply as possible into her
insatiable, burning pussy. The woman then wrapped her legs tightly around
the man’s buttocks, encouraging him to pump harder. The wet sound of their
sexes merged filled the room, and their bodies grow slick with the sweat
of sexual exertion.
“It’s…sooooo…big…” Deanna moaned, her sexy voice pulsing with
the impact of each thrust of the surging penis. “Ooooh, Reed,
honey…harder…fuck me harder…faster…”
“Take it, honey,” Reed responded, breathily. “Take it deep…I want
to come inside you…I want to fill your pussy with hot come…”
"Fuck me like you fucked me on our honeymoon…yes! Yes, Reed…fuck
me harder!”
After several minutes, Reed pulled out, wanting to change positions.
Deanna rolled over onto her hands and knees and teasingly wiggled her
tempting, raised ass in the air as she took final position. She found that
she loved the feminine game of waving one’s hot pussy under the nose of a
desperately needed man; it was such fun seducing the man into taking
charge of the situation and overpowering the teasing bitch, forcing his
steaming cock into the woman’s ready tunnel in a game of friendly rap.
Deanna’s feet, with their black high heels, hung over the foot of the
bed; her knees were spread so wide that her stomach almost reached the
bedsheet. The man took a standing position between the woman’s spread
knees and silican calves, and quickly reimmersed his ripe cock back into
Deanna’swaiting pussy. Reed locked his massive hands around her silky ass
and repeatedly pulled the woman back onto his erection with a powerful,
clocklike force, thrusting forward faster and faster and slamming his
pelvis harder and harder into Deanna’s smooth buttocks. The man’s strength
was incredible; Deanna was totally locked into position, helpless, fully at
the mercy of Reed and his merciless cock — and she loved it. Reed owned
Deanna’s ass, driving it down over his cock as if it were a rubber sex toy
and not a part of a living woman.
“Oooooh…I love the way you fuck me,” Deanna moaned. “Fuck me
Deanna could never have freed herself had she tried, but freedom was
the farthest thing from her mind. Only now, as a woman, did she understand
the total physical domination of man over woman and she glorried in her new,
passive role. Over and over, more intensely with each thrust, a shock wave
thundered through Deanna’s body, flopping her hanging breasts wildly; their
Weight, constantly and jerkily tugging at her chest, was an erotic and
Welcome reminder of her new gender. Deanna knew that no other experience
could ever make her feel more alive than this.
Deanna dropped from hands to elbows. Her excited tits rubbed against
the sheets. The linen against her nipples as they swung wildly back and
forth felt so good…
Her lips spoke with a woman’s password, voicing desires she did not
Know she had. The words flowed from her as if she were possessed by a hot,
horny lady who had shoved Deanna out of the way and was using her body for
her own sexual pleasure. “Yes! Yes! Ohhhhh…my pussy’s hot…pump my
hot pussy…harder…make me come! I want to come! Yes…that’s
it…that’s right…faster. Ohhhh…come inside me…I want to feel your
hot come inside me…so good…so good…so good…so good…so gooooo…”
The man, wanting more skin on skin contact, pulled out momentarily
Then reached out and stripped Deanna of the garter belt and stockings. He
returned the pumps to her feet, then reentered the woman to the sound of an
Approvingly satisfied moan. Reed leaned over Deanna’s back and cupped a
breast in each hand. He massed the supplement breasts with sausage fingers,
gently rolling her hard and aching nipples between thumb and forefinger.
Deanna began a rhythmic tightening of her vaginal muscles, gripping Reed’s
cock like a fist as he pumped in and out. Reed moaned in response, and
reached into a small shaving bag to one side.
The man picked up a tube of body oil and squirted it onto Deanna’s
back, rubbing the glossy clear liquid down over her stomach and dancing
breasts. It trickled down between the woman’s buttocks and met the
pounding piston of the man as it continued to build to climax. The oil-wet
slap of his hips into Deanna’s ass sounded sharply with each impact.
“I’m so glad I married you, baby,” Reed said. “you’re so…good…”
Deanna loved this marriage game. Pretending Reed was her husband —
Pretending she was owned by him — was erotic.
Oh, the lubrication felt so good — the slickness of Deanna’s smooth,
woman’s body under the man’s massive hands and iron grip was intotoxicating.
The lovers merged, slippery flesh against slippery flesh. Their bodies
shone under the dim light of the room, its glistening warmth playing upon
each and every erotic curve of Deanna’s goddesslike form.
Deanna’s rejoicing flesh melted and flowed into the man behind her.
Within seconds the orgasm that had been slowly building within her
Intensified to the pointthat her eyes slammed shut and she reached climax,
losing all control of her abdomen.
“Ohhhh…yeeeees…sooooooo…gooooooo…” Her vaginal muscles locked hard
around the intruding cock as it pumped harder and harder into her —
And Deanna came once again, flooding the man’s groin with a woman’s
anointing fluids. She cried out in unbearable ecstasy, feeling the
intensity that being a young woman could be. Her hot come flowed on,
pouring from her pussy and filling the air with the cent of raw, pure sex.
Reed felt the friction against his cock lessen as the added lubricants came
into play; for a moment he could barely feel the walls of the woman’s
vagina. Deanna lost contact with her surroundings; all she was for the
moment was her soaked, satisfied pussy, still wrapped around the
Relentlessly invading sexual batterying ram of the opposite sex.
The orgasm diminished, thenSuddenly swelled to an even greater
intensity. Deanna’s teeth clenched and a cry rose in her throat, which
forced its way past her lips as a woman’s scream of unbearable ecstasy.
The second orgasm made her body dissolve into a rapturous flame that
claimed every nerve, every cell of her body. A second wave of hot fluid
gushed from Deanna’s luxury vagina; it flowed down the silver insides of
her tighs and merged into the oil on her skin. She had no control over
his physical self; it had succeed to the totality of the electric grip of
her womanhood. “Oh, baby…oh, baby…” Deanna began, breathing heavily,
“So…good…” Finally, gently, it was over.
Deanna was little more than a puddle of female exhaustion. She could
Feel that the man had begun to pump in and out with a more erratic rhythm,
but Deanna, in absolute love with being a woman, just wanted to lay there.
Her hands, arms, and legs quivered with the weakness that came from such a
great release of sexual energy.
Deanna realized that Reed had pulled out and was wanting her to take
him into her mouth again. Weakly, she pushed herself up from the bedsheet
and turned to face the man. Willingly, gladly, Deanna took the cock
between her glossy lips again and rode down its shaft until it had buried
itself in her throat; she pumped it, tasting her own vaginal juices on its
slippery surface. Reed, seconds from coming, tensed his thighs until their
huge muscles stand out in straining relief.
Just in time, Deanna pulled the love rod out of her mouth and leaned
back, pumping the explosive cock with her right hand so that it would
target her bosom. The hot manthing swelled and forcedly sprayed its
boiling come against Deanna’s waiting breasts, spreading over their slick,
mountainous contours with eVery pulsating flood. As Deanna gripped the
base of the pulsing cock like a shower head, the man came and came and
came, splashing the smiling woman with a sea of liquid heat. Deanna’s free
hand spread the slippery fluid over her breasts, coating her nipples until
the come dripped from their tips.
Deanna licked her hands, swallowing Reed’s come in order to know every
facet of sex as a woman. She loved the taste, and like a female come
addict who had just gotten her first fix in a long, long time an insatiable
craving overtook her. Filled with a deep need to waste none of it, Deanna
ravenously lapped it all up, even sucking up the pools of semen that had
filled the undersides of her long nails. She wished she had let the man
come in her mouth; next time, she would.
Next time. Deanna was already looking forward to the next time she
could suck a man’s hot and ready cock. I’m a sexual woman who wants to be
filled by sexual men, she realized.
Deanna pulled her pumped nipples up to her lips and licked and
sucked them until none of the saltsweet jism remained upon her supple,
rejoicing tits. The woman swallowed every drop, then gripped Reed’s hairy
buttocks and plugged face-first into his forest of coache pubic hair.
Deanna voraciously sucked the man’s organ dry as it began to shrink back to
normal size, then hungrily keep the expanded penis in her mouth until it
became a soft, weak, comparatively tiny shadow of its former self, stained
with Dana’s lipstick. Still not satisfied, the woman licked Reed’s balls
clean with a greedy tongue then returned to the head of his cock.
Deanna gave it one last kiss, then struggled to her feet and kissed
Reed thankfully, full on the lips. Deanna’s tongue imported a last care
within the man’s mouth.
“I’d better go,” Deanna said, picking up her dress. “Before your wife
gets back.”
Reed laughed. “Come here, you…” he said, grabbing her and pulling
her back onto the bed. He kissed her deeply.
“I mean it…” she said, breaking away. “We’d better not push
this…” She stopped in mid-sentence, noticing something.
Deanna was wearing a wedding ring that matched Reed’s. She bolted
from the bed and ran to the mirror, her swinging breasts jiggling heavily
before her.
There she found a gorgeous woman of twenty-five. One she had seen
in the hallway.
Her face had changed, and the woman she saw looking back at her was
more beautiful and sexy than the one she had been when she walked into the
room. Her all-over tan was gone, replaced by an even, milky complexion of
ivory smoothness. er tan was goneHDeanna’s hair and figure had also
changed — her hair had become blond and very expensively and gorgeously
styled, though it had gotten a little sex-mussed in bed, and her breasts,
Still just as generally full, were somehow even more beautiful than
before. Her figure was one of curvaceous perfection, ultimately feminine,
soft, and soupple. Her eyes were now blue, not brown as they had been. Her
perfect, full lips wore a thick coat of pink lipstick and her long nails
were adorned with glossy, pink nail poison. Her ears were now pierced and
were filled with high-priced diamond earrings that dangled playfully. She
was shorter in height, no more than five-five now.
Her last wish had been permanent. She was Reed’s wife, for better or
for worse. And, somewhere, a very confused woman had permanently become a
man named Wayne Driscoll. That woman would quickly forget her female
existence as Reed’s wife, and would live a happy life as a man.
Reed walked over to her. “You okay, Melissa? What’s wrong?”
“Oh…nothing, honey. Nothing at all. I’m just…so happy to be your
She looked into her pursuit. Deanna found pictures there of she and
Reed together someplace, and pictures of the two of them with two very
small children.
Just as she had done to the two black men a short time earlier, she had
altered her own life history. She was now Melissa Grant, wife of Reed
Grant, a successful attorney. She had given birth to two beautiful
children, a boy and a girl, and had a life with her family as loving wife
and mother.
She embraced the man, pressing her soft, naked flesh with its full,
luscious breasts against his hard, hairy chest. She looked up into his
eyes. “I love you.” He kissed her, deep and long.
“I love you too, baby.” He looked at the picture she held of the two
of them at their wedding. “You were certainly a beautiful bride. Hard to
believe that was four whole years ago.”
Melissa smiled, thoroughly happy. “Thank you, honey. That’s sweet.”
Reed led her back to bed. “Come on, baby. We’ve got the whole
weekend to ourselves.”
Mrs. Melissa Grant slipped back beneath the silver sheets. She loved
her husband, and loved the feeling of having his rugged warmth lying next to
her. She would enjoy his closeness for a long, long time. She remembered
nothing of who she had been before, what she had done to become the woman
she now was. She possessed the memories of Melissa Grant and no others,
and feel usually happy to be who she was. She took nothing of her
existence for granted, appreciating and loving every facet of her body and
her life.
Melissa reached down and gently stroked her husband’s cock. She felt
it respond as it swelled against her palm. She rolled onto her back and
invitingly spread her legs, and he lied atop her, penetrating her once
again. She held her husband tightly as he made love to his wife.
Months later, Shanessa and Jocelyn had settled down into lives as
satisfied, happy wives. Shanessa married a man named Reggie, and Jocelyn
married Vernell, whom she had known for years. The ladies wondered what
had happened to Deanna, for no one had ever answered at the phone number
she had given them. They had even gone to the address she had written
down, only to find the apartment empty. They hoped that, wherever Deanna
was, she was happy.
The women awoke one Saturday morning to find themselves being fucked
by each other’s husbands. They had enjoyed a password night of
unrestrained sex, both withtheir own husbands and each other’s, and the
men were apparently ready for more. The ladies loved it, spreading their
legs wider and moaning in delight as the men alternate every few minutes,
Plunging their hard cocks first into one woman and then the other.
Their husbands, Reggie and Vernell, had suggested a night of wife-
swapping, for theirs were very open marriages. Vernell got a kinky high
out of plunging his cock into the hot pussy of his neighbor’s wife as the
man watched, and he enjoyed watching his own wife taking Reggie’s twelve
Later that day the women headed downtown. They had made appointments
to treat themselves to total body makeovers at Brigitte’s Beauty Salon, an
Extremely successful ladies’ boutique owned by a wealthy, beautiful woman
named Melissa Grant, who also owned her own costumes line. They wore her
lipstick, perfume, and nail poison, and felt gorgeous. They knew that
Melissa Grant had made them the beautiful women they were.
They would never know just how true that was.
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