Another weekend of rain to kill a trip to the beach,what to do on a rany day?Creative cooking wasn’t the answer thats for sure.I think i’d had an error for going on 3 months now non stop and couldnt find a lady with enough stamina to resolve my over productive problem.Had even consider asking the Doc if there was an anti Viagra pill to ease the suffering.He’d of just laughed and said go get laided dummy,enough action will create some satisfaction.
Easier said than done here in the boonies where its hard to tell the Gals from the Cows some times’hum’think the gal’s are the ones in the plaid shirts and a bit bigger than the cow’s and no where near as pretty or polite as the bovine maidens.”ya i know i need a life right?”
Bored sensitive with some time off work i ran out of self entertainment in the house and the weather wasnt to bad for a change.As i sat on the dead day dreaming a voice that sounded famillier said”hi”.”Oh”hi Heather sorry i didnt see you walking by please forgive me for spacing out?She said no problem it’s a good day for being bored and day dreaming that what i’v was doing.So much so that i am almost missing having school during summer vacation.I said ‘wow’thats really bored but i sure don miss working for a couple days and we both laughed.
Now i guess i better tell you a little about Heather Lyn,shes only about 5 foot tall and maybe 100 lbs.I think she’s about 13 trying to look 18 and doing well at achieving that appeal.She has the longest curly dark hair and big Brown eyes that seem to look right into your soul.She dosnt ask for much yet with her eyes it would be impossible to say’no’.When she says’hi’my response is yes!!’hi’ automatic.
When i sit on the deck Heather is often on her lawn next door doing excercises or jogging up and down the street in front of the house.She gets a little sweaty and her te shirt sticks to her nectarine size titles with those delicious little nipples popping out and up toward the sun above.Some times when she’s doing a lot of cart wheels her shorts stick to her crotch and i wonder if its her sweat making them stick or maybe shes a little on the sroused side.
Heather came up and sat beside me on the deck breathing a little hard from the hot humid weather and having excercised for quite some time.Trying to make conversation I mentioned the weather and that i enjoyed watching her acrobatics and that she was in quite good shape physically as well as a very beautiful young lady.She blushed a little and said thanks your a very handsome gentleman too and then i blushed a little from her compliment and the look in those beautiful big brown eyes that melted my soul.
As we talked heather said a lot about her family life that i had only been told about in the form of town gossip.Her dad got tossin jail when she was 2 and was never comming back again.Her mom was always chasing different guys with no solid relationships,i didn’t say what i’d been told but rumor was that her mom was the local’cum dumpster’and if you wanted to blow a load with her you had to wait in line.
Heather changed the subject with a little sadness in her face,obviously family lie wasn’t her happiest subject.She said she was home alone for the weekend because her mom was off with some new flame and probably wouldnt come dragging in until Monday morning with that rode hard put away wet look(my words) but defeatly her thoughts.
I asked Heather why she excercised so much?Cheerleading?health?she replied no not really it just helps me unwind and relax when i get all stressed out and start getting a lot of feelings that both me.I said yup excercise is good for a lot of reasons,i excercise a lot too when work dosnt tier me out to much.heather said’way cool'maybe we can do some together that would be much more fun.I agreed that it defeatly would be better than the boering alone times if we had a bit of company while we worked up a sweat and got helthy.Heather laughed and said’i dont sweat!!!’i perspier gently then we both laughed as i admitted i probably sweat profusely when i got over heated with excercise.
Heather asked if we could talk more and have a cool drink,i said sure and got us a cold ice tea from the cooler.Heather moved over closer to me and sat on the stair next to me so we could carry on our conversation without needing to talk loudly as she sipped her ice tea.She asked can we talk like close friends?i never have anyone nice like you that treats me as an equal and listens to me with an open mind?I sid sure honey thats what friends are for and ill be glad to listen and tell you honestly what i think.
I had wonder she was just going to talk about general matter but was surprised when she began by telling me all the reasons she excercised so much.First how unhappy she was with life with her mom never around and about how some times she got these really excited feelings in her body for no reason and a lot of excercise made them go away for a little while.It was pretty obvious that she was becoming a woman and her body was starting to fall the natural urges to mate and satisfy that humanly inner hunger that gives us release from that stress caused by being ripe and ready for mature relationships of intamicy.
Seeing she was feeling confused i put my hand on her shoulder and said’ honey we all get those feelings that are hard to deal with until we understand them and growing up is helpful to help us lern how to solve the stress of lives natural feelings.I guess she understand because she said’you mean things like sex and stuff right?I said with a little stuttering ‘yup’.Heather said ‘wow’ your so cool,it’s so good to talk to some one like you that tells it strait and even better your a guy person.”I tanked her for being complimentary even if I was just being my natural self.
Heather said you know?i feel like talking more and being closer to you but it feels funny and i don’t know how to be like close friends only get stressed and excercise so i don’t feel things that i don’t understand.Then it started raining again so i asked heather if she wanted to come inside out of the rain to talk?She said sure and we went into the living room and i turned on some low music as we were going to the sofa to sit.
I was beginning to feel like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs loosing my train of thought for conversation when heather said with a big smile ‘relax”i promise i wont bite you’.I grinned and said ok i dont bite either,with the dumb addition of ‘i only nibble’.Heather looked at me rather curiously and wiggled around a bit like she was a touch uncomfertable.
I noticed that she had moved a little closer to me feeling more at ease with being near me and i was feeling the same way.I looked over at heaters eyes and saw a litle tear start to form so i put my hand on her shoulder and said whats wrong honey?She leaned her head into my chest with a litle sight and said i wish i could find a boy friend that as nice as you are.”Aw”isaid that so sweet honey thank you,if i was a little younger and you a little older i’d be honored to be your man.
Heather said your not old silly and i sure feel grown up sitting here with you like we were girlfriend/boyfriend.I wasnt exactly sure how to take that statment but i gave her a little squeezez of comfort.She said you know we can be?ill be of legal age in a few years and no one cares about me really especially my mom!!We can keep it a secret between just you and me until being together not a problem?
Now i was starting to feel way to human as i silently prayed for some miracle to know what to say next.I figured the truth was best or at least what seemed honest from my heart at the moment.I told heather as she listened intently that i thught she was the most beautiful young woman.That i was attracted to her maybe a lot to much and that if we were together a lot this close a lot of natural things may happen that will make us much more than friends.
She said i know that and thats what i feel too and its ok to be human and feel things just like you told me earlier.I figured at this point i better do something that would change her mind about me so she’d not want to ruin her life by getting involved with a much older man no matter how much i really wanted her in the closest possible relationship for what felt like a life time.(to be continued)
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