It wasn’t easy getting over Sherry,beautiful errotic women with that innocent appearance are very rare.Hard tell tell if it was the Aries emmotions,Italian/English background or that wild gypsy spirit that made her such a fantastic fuck.But when I knew she was getting that restless behavior it was only a matter of time before she was looking for greener pastures.Some wealthy guy to better support her extravagance than she thauught i could.It was time for me to cut my losses and live alone again for a while until something more secure crossed my path.
I’d stolen Sherry from her husband a few years ago,not that she wasnt very willing to be taken.I gave her the cash she had to have to feed her insane spending but even more i filled her vast hunger for sex.Sherry had that innocent smile,hungry eyes,every time she walked struting her stuff it was like she was saying come fuck me.Our sexual relations were quazi competitive,who was most errotic,creative,constantly trying to highn the level of pleasure we shared with each other.
It was hard adjusting to being alone,with Sherry i’d come home from work and she’d be waiting at the door.As soon as i was inside she’d come to me with that gleem in her eyes,give me a passwordate kiss then drop to her knees.Like clock work my pants would drop to the floor and i’d stand like a status looking down as she stroked my cock bringing it to full staff.As she held it in both hands making it jump her tongue would lick at its base making the head swell as it became engaged with hot blood.
Sherry would look up with those wide brown eyes that looked almost innocent yet sly like a fox that had just got into the chicken coop.She’d smile saying,did you miss me?As she let my cock glide over her lips as deep in her soft warm mouth as it could go.I bet she could tie knots in cherry stems with that tongue.She sucked as her magicaltongue moved faster and faster until my cock exploded in her sweet mouth.She always tried to swallow every drop but it was impossible.Sherry would look up at me making eyes contact ,choking a little as the excess orgasam dripped out around her mouth , she’d say.”you cum so much!!”Then she’d lick up what she hadn’t swallowed before.
“Yes” very hard not commending home to that every night.The hardest part was the fact that her pussy and her ass where 10 times better than her mouth.To have it all was errotic sexual heaven, something i knew that was maybe impossible to duplicate especially in a secure relationship.For a while i let her come over to tease me into comming back when she wasnt having any lucky finding greener pastures.”Well”she was good fucking,i felt it was Only fare that i dont go cold turkey without some good pussy.I let her fade away gradually into her own world in hopes i would find a new adventure in sexuality soon.
It had been a few weeks since Sherry came over and my loins were aching with an overload of burning lust that needed to be released very soon.Every thing from my cock down into my sperm ghosts felt like a run away train that would soon crash and burst into flames.It was tempting to call Sherry,maybe one good fuck to celebrate the kinky times we had together.”No”to much ego for that ,at least until i got more desperate than i was.
I went out to sit on the front deck,sip on an ice tea and watch the many ladies that came walking or bikeing past my front walk.What i called checking out the local tallent,becuse i was mentally fuking the more desierable honey’s.One young lady was a regulator,i’d seen her shopping at the mall often.A lady i worked with said her name was “Trish”she was 22 and lived in a studio apartment a few houses from mine.”Trish”had dark hair and eyes much lke Sherry’s but that was the only physical common ground. “Trish” was small,it would be easy for her to pass as being in her early teen’s.
She had perfect features that matched her size,firm tits,round ass and a very tight body.She never baught much when she was shopping,usually she hung out near my department watching me but never said much more than “Hi”.I figured maybe she was interested and checking me out before making conversation.As i sat on the deck sipping she came by again,i waved with a friendly”hi”.”Trish”stopped at the end of my walk,we chatted a while about general things trying to find common ground for discussion.
“Trish” was trying as hard as i was to keep up intrest in our meeting for the first time.She seemed anxious to make a good impression the same as i did.She was wearing a red halter top that fit a little to tight accenting her perky breasts.Yellow shorts that showed off her smooth shaped legs.As she talked she held the handel bars of her bike rocking slightly as if it was helping her to think of coverage that would interest me.I noticed her bike seat was nestled in her love gap and she had to stand on her tip toes not to loose her balance.
I staired at her crotch seeing that the seat was rubbing over her pussy as she rocked and talked.There appeared to be a damp spot where the seat was gliding over her pussy,probably stimulating her clip as well.Day dreaming about how her bike seat tasted and the womanly scent that must be ground deep into it.I realized she was watching me intently….(to continue)
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