Loss To Lust(part 2)

This reaction was far more than i had anticipated. Should i make her return to her cold damp sleeping bag? Taking the chance she could at the very least catch a severe cold or allow her to stay, unsure i could contain my password emmotions? I had to take the chance that her temperature as well as mine didn’t get to high.Any thing was better than risking her life with the elements of winter.The wind was much stronger,when i lifted my head from the warm sleeping bag i could feel the bitter cold that showed no mercy for man or beast.

Jamie felt warm now(very warm),for the moment she was safe.In the morning her body temperature would be stable,she could put on warm dry clothes without danger.Then, we would decide if we should attempt to go the rest of the way up the mountain ,achieving our goal, or abandon the climb and return home.For now all that matter was to keep her warm until daybreak making the best of our strange situation.

My threats returned to the activity in the sleeping bag.It was more than warm now(hot),Jamie’s lips were sucking at mine in over drive.Her soft tongue darting in and out of my mouth, slipding smoothly between my lips.Impulsivly, i was sucking at her tongue,drinking in the sweetness of her moist lips.My guilt had drifted away as password grow,i was completely enjoying the closness we had created from neccesity, at first.

Jamie broke the kiss,sucking on my neck,then my ear lobe as i spontanioly did the same.She kept whispering breathless in my ear,make me warmer,please?I knew she could feel my cock getting hard against her bottom,most likely too,the heat that was beginning to burn inside as my cum craved to escape.Like a magnet my hand drifted from her aroused breasts down over her belly.Her bellyheld with each deep breath she took,pressing her bottom harder into my hot error.

Her belly was so soft and warm,smoothand delicate,hot with the password that was flamming within her.As my hand went lower it toyed in the soft whisps of public hair that covered her mound.Jamie whisperd again as she sucked my neck,make me warmer,yes,warmer,please?There was no way I could resist the sound of her heated voice.My finger slide over her clip rubbing gently,her body trembled hot against me,then the spasam of orgasam quaked over her entire body.Jamie whisperd against my neck,oh God that feels so good,make me warmer,please?please?

Passion was my master,Jamie became the focus of my lust.My fingers slipped down over her labia gently tracing the perfect outline.Slidding slowly over her slit,she was soaked with creamy silk,her desier was over flowing ,filling the palm of my hand.My finger dipped into her creamy love pool tracing her beauty inside her labia.Jamie orgasamed twice,it felt so beautiful to give her pleasure.Her creamy juices had spread completely over her delicate pussy,even her bellyand the insides of her legs had become a slippery cry for more.

Jamie begged,make me warmer,please?please”please”.I kissed her neck as she relocated her sucking to my holder.I whisperd,Jamie?how can i make you warmer honey? She answer that question with her hand,as she reached over and massaged my cock inside my pants.Even with over powering lust i had to try to resist,i said,but,Jamie i am your(uncle).She said,no,not really,i have always loved you,always wanted you and your body is telling me you feel the same.

There was little room in the sleeping bag,i pushed my pants down as far as i could with my hands,then finished the job with my feet.Jamie’s hand instantly went to work on my cock gently pumping as her hand coated it with the oozing precum.I lifted my body as far as the bag would allow and Jamie quickly slide under me.Her legs spread as best they could,then she placed them over my back allowing my hips to fall closerto hers.

Our lips met at the same time ,my cock head touched her silky wet labia.She moaned into my mouth pulliing me closer with her feet,my cock head pulsing hotly against her slit.Jamie whisperd in my ear,please give it to me,i want to feel it way inside, so much.There was so much slippery silk it easily went into her hot pussy a few inches.The feeling was sweet and soft as her desier clenched spasaming on my cock head.Her orgasams flowing hot over my eager cock,as my hips rocked into her ,hers began to thrust back uncontrollably driving me to her virgin tissue.

With her next thrust i plunged quickly and stopped,her hymen easily pushed away.Jamie only whimperd slightly then relaxed as her spasam of pain drifted away.I could feel her love tune softening as it stretched wanting more of me,Jamie , moved first ,thrusting up to have more of my throbbing cock inside her. With her next thrust i pressed down feeling the head slide rhythmicly overher love tunnel to the deepest point.Mutual need to achive heavenly bliss possessed us both,each of her hard thrusts met with mine.

It only took a few minutes ,driving deep into her hungry whomb,my balls slapping against the flood of her juices that were dripping down her bottom.In her throat slowly came the resounding groan of pleasure louder and louder until we orgasamed ,blasts of my cum squirting abundantly deep in her fertile whomb.The heat of her cum shooting out around my cock as it fully impaled her.We held each other tightly as i lay back on my side,my cock still buried within her clenching love muscles.

We awoke the next morning as the sun filterd into the tent.I brushed Jamie’s hair giving her a soft gentle kiss,I felt her push against me realising my cock was still inside her and getting harder by the second.We climaxed 3 more times together before we got dressed and started breakfast.We discussed the trip up the mountain,botherwise agreeing that it was safer to stay right here for the remainder of the trip,then we went back to bed in the same sleeping bag………



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