I wasn’t real excited about taking a winter vacation ,snow shoes hike the mountains of the national forrest.Much less doing it with my neighbors daughter,her dad had sprained his ankel on the ski slopes and they didn’t know any one skilled enough to handle the often bad weather and terraine.I should take a corse in not volenteering ,before i think it out ,but now i had stuck my foot in my mouth,i was stuck with the mission.Seemed like a much better idea to be off on a sunny beach in Mexico with some little honey,telling her sweet nothings as i fucked her brains out.
I figured it wasn’t going to be to bad if the weather cooperated.”Jamie” was a sweet girl,a little imature but still charming and a great sense of humor.We were not related but since school her mom and dad and i were like family.Then”Jamie”came along and i became like her adopted uncle or Back up parent.I had never thought about”Jamie"in any other way than a child(kid)overlooking that human fact that she was 15, rapidly blossoming into a young woman.I had noticed she was very attractive from a observing stand point.
Big brown eyes that always seemed so questioning and innocent.Her 5’6″ frame slender with an abundance of developing sexual maturity.I guess maybe she gave me a ‘hard on’ that i didn’t want to admit to because thoughts passed so quickly.Much was going to change in the next few days on our adventure high in the mountains.So many things we had never thought of before and the power that mutual dependency has , bringing people close together.
We had all our gear ready,back packs filled with the bare neccesitys of wilderness service.Amazing how heavy bare neccesitys can be!!! When i lifted my pack i knew that i should defeatly be on a beach in Mexico.Even more so when i realized that i was going to carry this beastly burden up and down a mountain for the next week.
“Jamie” on the other hand was excited to the max.Her first wilderness adventure to tell her friends about,inspird her.Maybe spending time with her favorite”uncle”on a thrilling adventure was in her thughtows as well.Equals for the first time,no parents to answer to ,just the 2 of us meeting nature on it’s terms.Using our skills and tallents to succeed and serve the elements for bragging rights.
Normally there was not a great deal of danger but at times the winter here could get incredibly severe,not fit for man or beast.We said our good bye’s to family,heading off to the mountains in my Jeep.”Jamie” and i talked a lot on the way about school and life.Even her innovation with a couple boys at school.She made it a point to say they didn’t act very mature like her’Uncle knight’.I thanked her for the complinent adding that boys never seem to grow up as fast as girls do.”Jamie” was quite proud that i hinted she was growing up and superior in that department to the boys.
We arrived at the parking lot at the base of the mountain just after day break.Prepared our gear,double checking to be sure that we had everything needed for a week of deep snow and wind.It was essential that we get as high up as possible before dark to get our tent set up,eat and rest for the next stage of the journey ,at day break.
We strapped on our snow shoes hoisted our packs onto our backs and headed up.The snow was already several feet deep,the top foot soft powder.The teaperature hovering just below freezing so the moisture level was low.The first mile or so i broke trail, very hard on the legs with the added weight of the pack.”Jamie”offerd to break trail a while,so our energy levels were equal.I was quite impressed by her strength, eager to share the burden of the challenge we had undertaken.
We stopped for lunch and a rest at 1,hot soup and crackers, some dried beef,dried fruit,a cup of hot tea.I laughed hysterically when”Jamie”sid this isn’t the best restaurant i’v ever been in.One of the few places on earth you can’t find a McDonald’s.We finished lunch then struck off up the mountain with “Jamie” again breaking trail and i had taken some of her load to make it easier for her.
We had decided to pitch camp at about 4 if the weather stayed good.That would be almost the half way point and there was a large flat spot at that elevation that allowing us to make a very safe camp for the night.As my legs started to get very tierd, i had to concentrate on the path ahead to keep my mind off the muscle pain.I watched ,”Jamie’s” legs seeing that she was getting equally as tierd as me.But i noticed more that occurred my thoughts,even under her heavy ski pants it was easy to see her strong young bottom.Moving gracefully like liquid motion,it was hypnotising as i concentrated.
Each butt chef moving independently with intoxicating beauty.Then i realized that it was the space between catching my attention, thinking that there must be warm silky luxury that made her legs glide so smoothly against each other.I didn’t see her stop,i was so intent on her bottom, running into her, nearly knocking her over forward.I apologised for not paying attention,she laughed and said you must be exhausted’knight’?
I agreed as i eyed the area were we had stopped.I told “Jamie” that the area was familyer and we had achieved our goal for the day.My watch said 2:45,we were ahead of schedule, very good for the first day and everything had gone smoothly(especially her bottom).I told her there was an outcropping of rocks just to our right that would be perfect to set up camp.”Jamie” agreed,admtting her legs felt like they were ready to falloff and rest was defeated in order for both of us.
We set up the tent arranged all our needs for easy access,layed out or sleeping bags and prepared our dinner.I was over joyed to use the heavy bottle of sweet wine i had braught to celebrate the first stage of our climb.The pasta and sauce was also very heavy,i knew it was more than we needed but i thought it was important to make that first camp site memorable.Knowing that the next day the pack would be a lot easier to carry with the excess 10 lbs or so gone.
We finished dinner deciding to have only 2 glasses of wine saving the remainder for chatting in the tent before we fell asleep.By the time we had finished cleaning up the dinner items it was getting dark.The sky was clear so it was inevitable that the wind would increase during the night and the temperature would drop dramaticly.
“Jamie” asked about what we needed to prepare the morning meal?I said not much,all we needed was some water for tea or coffee.She had a questioning look,where are you going to find water?I showed her a place off to our left near the ledges,saying watch!! I dug down in the snow a little, kicking at the crusty surface below.”Jamie” said wow!! As the crust fell into the small brook that ran under the snow.All spring fed honey,clear and pure all we need to do is dip it out,use it as we wish and it’s free.
We went bck to the tent and sat talking in the dim candle light that allowed us to see and added a little warmth to the inside of our tent.It had gotten quite dark,the wind began to blow as the temperature diplomad far below freezing as it does every night with no sun to warm the earth or clouds to hold the heat.
I could see “Jamie” was getting a little tipsy from the wine,obviously she wasn’t use to drinking even a small amount.As well the cold and stress of the day had weakend her resistance to the effects.I suggest we climb in our sleeping bags to get plenty of rest for tomarrow.When we Ike it would take a while to get the achievements out of our legs and head off higher up the mountain.”Jamie” agreed but said she wanted to go get a drink from the brook under the snow and jug for our morning coffee or tes so we didn’t need to in the morning.I agreed and “Jamie”slipped out of the tent with the flash light and the big jug.
I sat thinking about the day as i waited for her to return.Even a few thoughts about her precious bottom ,i had watched for hours,now that she was far enough away so she couldn’t read my thoughts.After a few minutes i began to worry, thinking she should be back by now.Suddenly the quiet was broken by her scream,throwing my parka on i dashed towards the sound.I called out “Jamie”!!! Then i could her her crying a few feet away and the movement of the flash light below me.Some how she had miss judged the snow at the edge of the brook and slipped down into the water.
I asked,you ok honey!!! She said yes ,but i am soaking wet and its so friggin cold!!! I almost laughed,i think it was the first time she ever said “Friggin” when i was within hearing distance.I helped her out of the stream ushering her quickly back to the tent.BY the time we arrived her clths were frozen stiff and she was heading towards hypothermia.
I told her to take the wet clothes off in the tent(i wouldnt look)then slip quickly into her sleeping bag.She could put dry clothes on in the morning and we would retrieve her frozen ones when we came back down the mountain.I did look a little for the right reasons,she was shivvering uncontrollably,teeth chattering as she slide her beautiful body into the sleeping bag.I placed her frozen things outside the tent,then secured the hatches lighting an extra candle in case it would help warm the tent and “Jamie”.
Moving my sleeping bag close to hers ii wrapped my arms around her sleeping bag thinking that some body heat may penetrate helping her thaw out.The wind was really whipping now,penetrating the tent making it slower to warm up above freezing.I asked “Jamie” if she was ok?She cried saying,i cant fall my feet,my worst fear,she had gotten to cold to warm up on her own energy.I knew it was important that she not get any colder,defenetly not fall asleep until she had gotten her body temperature back to normal.
“Jamie”beged,please do something’knight’? There was only one thing to do,bring her into my sleeping bag and warm her with the heat of my body.I explained what i thught was the best thing to do,”Jamie” agreed saying, anything please i cant stand this much longer.I unzipped my bag half way,then hers, saying honey,when i lift the side of yours roll into mine quickly!!!It worked perfectly,her cold back rolling tight up againstmy chest,then i zipped the bag tightly and pulled hers over mine for extra protection.
The only that in my mind at that point was getting her comfortable and warm again.I put my arms around her pulling her as close as i could,nearly covering her body with mine.Her head against my shoulder and my face over her neck letting the warmth of my skin warm hers.After about 30 minutes i could feel the temperature in the sleeping bag rising,telling me that she was getting warmer finally.The warmer she got the closer she cuddled into me.I thanked God that she was going to be ok and i kissed her on the neck whispering ,your going to be ok now honey.
“Jamie”spoke,thank you’knight’you saved my life,i can feel my feet they don’t hurt any more,then she gave me a kiss directly on the lips.Not realising in my joy of knowing she was ok,i returned the kiss with passwordate gratitude.”Jamie” said,wow,that makes me feel a lot warmr,please warm me up some more ,the heat feels so good after being so cold?I had to warm her so i kissed her again as she returned the kiss with much more warmth.
Then i became aware the hand that was holding her close was cupped over her breast and i could feel her nipple warming as it hardened under my palm.She was obviously getting close to normal temperature,i could feel her body began to squirm against me.Her kisses rapidly growing in intensity as my fingers massed her breast tweeking her hard nipple…..(to be continued)
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