Little Alice went to visit her elderly Aunt in the country for the summer. The first thing she noticed was the beautiful garden with a vast maze of hedges running as far as the eye could see. Her old Aunt advised her that although it was beautiful she should never venture out into the garden. That was off limits to anyone that came to her house o matter if it was friend or relative. Alice was a bit doubt that it was dangerous but to patronize her Aunt she said she wouldn’t go there. She thought that some time when her Aunt wasn’t looking she would take a quick dash out to see more of that beautiful place.
It looked to be a long boring summer for Alice, no neighbors in miles and certainly no boys. Just her and her Aunt and the cats for company, a little music and a TV that got only two local channels. Groceries and all their needs were delivered by truck once every to weeks when her Aunt called in the order. After three weeks Alice was ready to go insane, she had read every available book, cleaned the house until it glowed. The only thing she hadn’t done was go for a walk in the garden, but that was forbidden by her Aunt.
The next day Alice saw her Aunt was sound sleep on the day bed with the cat curled up beside her. Alice looked out into the beautiful garden and tip toe quietly past her Aunt to the back door. It was mid afternoon with a good four hours of day light left, the sun was bright and warm as Alice walked slowly among the hedge rows. There were loads of lovely sweet smelling flowers everywhere where, constantly more hedge rows and more beautiful flowers.
Alice thought it had been about an hour so she should get back before her Aunt woman from her nap. Alice turned directly around and started walking, passing row after row of lovely flowers and more hedge rows. She checked her watch and she had walked for over an hour but not come back to the house yet. She tried to climb up the hedge to look over but it was way to filled with sharp thorns and to high to see any distance n any direction.
Little Alice was getting worried it would be dark in a couple hours and she had no warm clothes or food if she was lost. She ran fast trying to find the way out but to no avail, she oonly became more disoriented and confused. Now she was sweety and dirty and the sun was quickly setting over the hedge rows. Alice sat and rested a while thinking maybe she would hear her Aunt calling for her and follow the sound of her voice unless she had gone so far that hearing was impossible.
She began to get cold so she walked some more in the dimming light listening and looking for some sign of a way out. When Alice was about to lay down and try to sleep she saw a flickering light reflecting off the hedge rows in front of her. Cautiously she walked towards the light trying to see what wasmaking it. A small fire flickered a few rows ahead of her, she crept closer to see who had made the fire. At the far side was a dark figure sitting wrapped in a black cloak, she couldn’t see the face, only see that it was the shape of a person beneath the clock.
She had to make contact it was her only hope to get out of the Maze if there was any hope at all now that it was dark. Alice spoke softly, hello! hello! For the longest time there was no sounds then a deep voice, yes, what can I do for you young lady? Alice explained she was lost and was trying to find her way back to her Aunts house because she would be very worried about her now. The deep voice again spoke, seems your luck isn’t very good today, that happens often to people that wonder into the Maze.
Alice pleased almost crying, can you help my? The voice said, yes if I want to, for the right price I can. Alice said I have no money but my Aunt will give you plenty if you show me the way home. The voice again from beneath the cloak said, sorry I dot work for promises only cash or visible barter. But Alice said, I have nothing with me to trade and I have no money with me.
The voice said come closer young lady, so Alice came next to the warm fireer , It felt so good on her cold body as the chills began to fade away. The voice said I think you have plenty to trade by the looks of you, what do you mean Alice asked curiously? Why your body of coache my dear young lady. Alice was shocked at the strange mans words saying, never in a million years. Well, then go away from my nice warm fire and take your chances with the Wolves that hunt here at night. If you change your mind soon I may still be willing to trade my services for our treasures sugar plumb.
Alice walked away a few hedge rows, but couldn’t see anything in the pitch dark, she stumbled and fell several times into the sharp thorns then just sat frightened and shivering. She was so cold her teeth chattered, when she started to drift off to sleep she could hear sounds in the leaves running, then the howling of a pack of Wolves only a few hedge rows away. Alice had no alternative she had to run back towards the fire and the terrible man in the black cloak.
As she nearly the warmth of the fire the voice spoke gruffly, I see you had a change of heart young lady. Well, she said, no, but I don’t have a choice it is you or what’s out there that I can’t see. Alice was very cold and very frightened but the Wolves were much more scary than this at least she could see her enemy. Insistently the voice said come her beside me, Alice slowly went over to him, sit next tome he demanded. Alice sat feeling the warmth of the fire on her body, as the arm next to her swung up draping the cloak around her also.
It seemed warmer inside, she couldn’t't see him well but he looked to be about thirty light complexioned with very dark hair and defiantly not ugly and he didn’t smell bad. She figured that was a definite plus no matter what happened. The voice said now what’s your name young lady? She said Alice, what’s yours sir? I am just called Willow dear girl, simply Willow is my name. Now young lady we must discuss our trade or you can go back to your friends the Wolves. Yes, I know said Alice, what must I do to earn your services?
Well, he said first are you warm dear girl? Alice said, yes I am, great, he said, now you can undress for me here under my cloak. Without another word Alice began to disrobe, first her shirt and bra, then her pants and panties placing them neatly in front of the fire to dry. My the voice said, you are a pretty one as his finger tips traced over her nipples. Alice was shocked to see her nipples becoming very erect with arousal from his touch. He was definitely smiling when he said, it certainly doesn’t look like that hurt from what I can see. So he stroked them more as he admired how lovely and delicate her breasts were…………
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