Tom had been baby sitting Shelly for several months, each week Lisa had said she would be sure to pay him next week because she was short on cash again. His girl friend had walked out on him a few weeks earlier because he was tied down with Shelly so much of the time. Tom knew if he just quit watching Shelly the money would never come, Lisa would never make it right with him. He loved spending time with Shelly, he was fond of her and she was very fond of him also. Shelly was on the boarder line between being a kid, on the verge of blooming into a pretty woman.
Without his girl friend around now Tom had many moments where he missed the warmth of affection. No place to direct his primary urges of procreation, feelings were rapidly changing when Shelly wanted to hug him. Give him those butterfly kisses and Snoopy licks that had once been only played fun. Tom did his best to quell the strange new feelings that Shelly brought to life inside him whenshe sat on his lap. Now matter how much he ignored the sensings that constantly came back stronger than before.
At night when Shelly was back home with her Mom Tom would wake in a cold sweat thinking of Shelly’s warm body arousing him as she wiggled her bottom on his lap. His cock was fully hard needing some relief from Rosy Palm, then a few hours later his dreams of Shelly had become more intense. So much so that nothing he did relieve the sensings for long. During the day when he was real busy his mind was occurred and the strange thoughts eased until he had time to relax and start thinking again.
As always like every week day Lisa dropped Shelly off promptly at eight in the morning, then she was off to work until about six in the evening. Shelly was full of smiles when she saw Tom each morning knowing he would give her lots of attention and make her laugh while they played silly games. Shelly loved being close to Tom, often he would mass her shoulders, rub her back, while she sat on his lap laying back against his warm chest. Tom liked it too, he felt real good when he was rubbing his hands over Shelly’s soft warm body.
When he stopped Shelly was always begging for more relaxing massage, she liked it a lot when Tom touched her, sometimes it even made her feel very warm all over. That made her want to kiss and hug Tom much more than she was but she wasn’t quite sure why it made her feel so good. Shelly thought Tom was doing a lot more rubbing than usual, his hands felt really hot. Especially hot where she was sitting on his lap, that place was feeling very warm and good like she never felt before.
It felt extra special when Tom rubbed his hands under her shirt, so warm and soft it made her feel all bubble inside her belly. Her heart beat real fast, it was hard to not breath fast too. Tom even rubbed her bottom sometimes, that was the nicest feeling Shelly thought. Then he kissed her neck near her ear and squeezed her bottom a little, Shelly was starting to feel very warm now all over, extra warm where her bottom was on Tom’s lap.
Shelly didn’t know why it was feeling so good, she did know that she didn’t want it to stop feeling so good for a long time. When Tom picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom Shelly felt sad that they were going to take a nap and not play massage any more. She was released when Tom laid down beside her and started kissing her some more and massaging her belly. Shelly giggled when Tom started kissing her belly, then he pulled her shirt way up and started kissing her title buds. It felt really good when he sucked on them, licking her hard little nipples with his tongue. Shelly just closed her eyes feeling the heavenly feeling ticle all over her body.
Tom was massaging her legs all over real gently while hewas sucking on her tity’s, Shelly had never felt that good before in her whole life. She nearly wet her pants when Tom started kissing her belly again, his hand slipped right up between her legs rubbing her right on her pussy. It felt so good Shelly wanted to pee right on his hand, he was kissing way down now licking her navel, trying to slide his tongue in the top of her pants. Shelly thought that would feel really good happening between her legs more than in her navel.
Shelly was trembling when Tom began sliding her pants down, then before she new it they were off. Now her shirt was up around her shoulders, only thing down on her bottom was her white silk panties. Shelly was feeling really hot now even being almost naked, she started giggling again. Tom was sucking on her toes, licking her legs and kissing higher and higher up.
It felt so good when he started sucking gently on the inside edges of her legs almost up toher pussy. Then she felt his tongue rubbing over her panties between her legs breathing hot breaths she could feel on her pussy. Shelly couldn’t catch her breath, her heart was racing so fast with feelings that made her so excited she didn’t know what to do. Only that she needed to feel a lot more before she would feel a lot better all over her body.
Tom went back to kissing her belly, then more sucking on her tithes, while he gently pulled her panties off. Shelly new he was going to make her feel much better now, the kisses started moving back down lower and lower to her navel. Then his tongue licked her public mound, then very slowly it slipped down over her love button flicking at it very fast. Her pussy was getting very hot now, wanting to feel him licking all over it, outside and inside.
She could feel her creamy slit gush out lots of liquid when Tom started licking her pussy really fast, his tongue was goinginside really deep then he sucked up all her creamy stuff and licked her to make more come out. Soon Shelly feel a great big flood of heat rushing over her body, lots and lots of creamy stuff came gushing out of her pussy all over Tom’s face. Tom licked that all up too, now Shelly feel really peaceful, her pussy was tingling with happy feelings that went way up inside her belly.
Tom asked Shelly if that felt good? Shelly could only say, heavenly, better than anything ever. Then Tom asked her if she would help make him feel good too? Shelly said, yes, show me how? Tom reached down pulling his pants off so Shelly could see his hard thing that was hidden in his pants, it was very big, with a large head on the end that sorta looked like a balled headed mouse. Tom moved Shelly’s face close to his thing and said, lick it honey, then suck it really good. Shelly tried licking first, there was creamy stuff that was a lot like what came from her pussybefore.
It tasted OK, a little musky but not bad at all really so she sucked it a little and more came out, she could barely fit the head in her mouth it was so big. It felt very warm and soft when she sucked it, then Tom held her head and made it slide in and out of her mouth when she sucked it. Tom said a lot of sticky stuff is coming soon be careful you dot choke honey. She felt his legs get really tight then “whoosh” bunches and bunches of hot creamy stuff shot out all over her face. Most in her mouth but she couldn’t drink it down fast enough to get it all. It took a while to lick it all up and gobs were dripping down her chin, even some got in her hair.
Shelly asked if she did OK at making him feel good? Tom said your the best honey, you made me feel wonderful all over. Shelly was very pleased that she made Tom feel as good as he made her feel but she wanted to feel it again at least one more timebefore she had to go back home. Then maybe every time she came to Tom’s house he would make her feel real good again. Shelly rubbed Tom’s thing and it got really hard again fast, Tom was kissing her tittys again and his hand was rubbing her pussy really hard making her all hot again. But this time he didn’t kiss her there only her belly and lick her pussy a few times, he put her on her hands and knees on the edge of the bed. Got behind her with his hard thing and rubbed it on her pussy, that feel very good too, better than his tongue maybe.
Shelly new he wanted to stick it in her pussy, it was way to big to go all the way in but maybe a little bit would feel really good inside if he could get it in her. Tom rubbed it on her pussy a lot making her really slippery wet, then Shelly opened her legs as far as she could and pushed back on Tom’s thing. Tom pushed a little too, Shelly was very tight, a little more pushing and rubbing. Shelly said, “oooooooo” when she feel the big head slip past her pussy lips inside her. It feel so big inside, Shelly felt the head throbbing like a heart beat in her pussy.
Swelling and contracting while her pussy tightened and loosened adjusting to the big feeling inside her pussy. Tom held Shelly’s hips as he slide it in and out gently, it feel rely good now, going in and out. Shelly thought it was getting inside at least three inches before it started to hurt so Tom didn’t push hard after he was in that far. He just made it go in and out really fast, Shelly felt another big hot flood coming over her body, moaning loudly when the hot rush came again making her feel really good. Then she felt Tom tighten up like before when he shot the sticky stuff in her mouth. He pushed it in and out really fast again then started trembling, Shelly made her pussy tighten really hard on his thing. Then she felt it squirting and throbbing really big inside as Tom filled her pussy up with his sticky stuff until it was running down her legs on the bed.
Tom and Shelly hugged and kissed a lot after they got dressed waiting for Shelly’s Mom to pick her up. Shelly asked if they could make each other feel good again tomorrow, Tom assured her any time she wanted he wanted too. Shelly made Tom promise not to tell her Mom about feeling good, he gladly promised. Tom didn’t worry about the money for sitting any more, he figured Shelly was more than covering her Mom’s debt to him. When Shelly went home she was all smiles saying, see you tomorrow Tom, and she blew him a kiss…………
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