Meating Mandy

I hadn’t seen Jonie in weeks,i was over joyed that she has dropped by with a companion.I invited her in,welcoming her with a big hug.I asked who her cute friend was?She said,her cousin Mandy,had come to visit for the summer.I gave Mandy a warm smile,asi looked her over very carefully,checking out her femanine merchandise.In the back of my mind i was thinking, very nice material.I had been missing Joanie a lot,often getting a day dream error.When i remember how good she was in bed or any place i could get in her pants.Once i had my hand in her pants,her hips didn’t stop rocking until she had a dozen orgasams.

My hopes were,that she was needing some bedroom excercise.My heart dropped in unison with my horney cock when she informed me that she had a new boy friend.Then adding to the let down,she said she just found out she was eight weeks pregnant. That left me out,had it was ten or elleven i’d have been booking a flightto Panama.Relieved a bit as well as sexually sad i wished her good luck in her new relationship.

Still being social to Joanie,i turned my attentions more to Mandy.In hopes that maybe she could work into a worthy substatute for the now untouchable Joanie.I got some cold drinks from the cooler for the three of us to cut the heat down.Being a nice guy and a good host is always a plus with the available ladies in the area.I found out a lot from Joanie about her cousin,she wasn’t to good at keeping secrets.

As Joanie spoke, Mandy fidgeted on the sofa blushing,Joanie filled me in on her cousin.Single still,pretty much drooling over any guy that said hello and was nice to her.I had a habbit of pacing while i talked,noticing that Mandy’s eyes followed me constantly.She seemed to be watching my mid section most of the time.Occasionally looking up at my eyes to see if i was looking at her.When she did our eyes met and i smiled back adding a wink for luck.

When i looked down i noticed my cotton shorts were fitting a bit tight so there was a slight bulge where my cock was.Certainly that must have been the focus of Mandy’s attention when i wasn’t looking.Joanie said she was spending most of her time with her fellow now so Mandy was bored sensitive a lot of the time.I said,yup,same here lots of work and no play gets to be a real drag.

I couldn’t help but keep looking at Mandy,the more we talked the more she moved around on the sofa.She’d look at me,then the tv,then Joanie,raised her arms to stretch nervously making her hard nipples pop out of her tee shirt.I noticed if I turned my back to her slightly her hands went right down to her lap kinda nervously rubbing her legs real close to her honey pot.I had a feeling if she was alone her hand would be in her pants faster than a jack rabbit.

Joanie hinted around about what i was doing for fun,was i dating anyone,did i have plans for the next few days and so on.I simply said nope,i was in between relations at the moment but had an open mind.Not really being happy with the single life style.Joanie suggested that Mandy and i could spend some quality time together while she was busy with her guy.i said,sure,if Mandy wanted to i would be happy to be her escort and hopefully find some enjoyable entertainment.

Mandy started squirming like crazy on the sofa,studdering i,aw,ya,that would be great.I suggested we could go out to dinner tonight,catch a movie then if she wanted go dancing at the club. They both said,ya,great idea,Mandy blushed and wiggled some more.It was about 4 pm so there was some time to prepare for the evening out.Joanie said she had too go now,but Mandy could stay or go home with her and come back later.Or i may’d drive over and pick her up when it was time to go.

I said, that was up to Mandy,i’d love to have her company so we could get to know each other better,or i’d gladly swing by later to pick her up.Mandy said,if you don’t mind ill stay,it’s not a long wait.So i won’t need to go back out in the hot sun again.As soon as we had agreed Joanie was saying her good bye’s happy to be off to be with her man.I told Mandy she was welcome to use the shower if she wanted,make herself at home.She said,i’m fine for Now,we can just sit and chat while we sip on a cold drink.I told her that sounded like a plan to me and set down on the sofa on the opposite end.

It took a while to work up a good conversation,familly was a touchy subject for her.Apparently her parents were getting a dividend,thats why she was spending the summer with Joanie.She blushed a bit and said,so,you think i’m cute?I said,yup, very attractive with a sweet attitude and a lovely smile.Mandy put her hands together then placed them between her knees.Her legs squeezed togethe real hard on her hands.It looked innocent but i knew that there were a lot of muscles that couldn’t be seen giving themselves some soothing.

I had a difficult time keeping my cock restrained,either Mandy had never had one in her or it had been way to long between poking.There was a good feeling that we were going to get along really well when we got a bit more familyer with each other.Mandy excused herself to go to the bathroom,i told her down the hall,first door beyond the kitchen.It took her longer than it should have so i was wondering if she was ok.Then she appeared around the corner,with a wide smile and some very pink cheats.She seemed a bit more relaxed so i had a feeling she had been doing a little more to her pussy than using it to tinkle.

That didn’t both me at all,i was over joyed that she was that hot.We could probably help each other out a great deal before the evening was over.I could have stood to havethe old chicken chased a bit myself,if the operation available itself.The precum was making my cock stick to my shorts,if i didn’t keep moving it,it was a bit painful unsticking the head from the clothes.

When Mandy sat back down she was a lot closer than before.The cent of her perfume filled my nostrils,i commented on how nice she smelled.She moved closer so i could enjoy the cent in her hair even more.Inhailing deeply then exhailing i said,wow,you smell delicious.Mandy laid her head on my supposedr thanking me for the compliment.I put my arm over her shoulder and asked her if she wanted to watch a movie?She said sure,we can talk too while we wait to go out.

Turning on the remote,i suddenly realized that i had left a very naughty fuck&suck movie in last night.Sure enough on the big screen were a couple humping doggy style like there was no tomarrow.”Oh Shit”slipped out as i quickly turned it to the Disney channel.I apologised for the lack of for thught,Mandy said,blushing brightly,”oh”it’s ok.I think i may like to watch that if it’s ok?I searched for words for a second then said,ya i guess,if you want to.Rather surprised at her boldness and extreme curiosity.

I flipped it to the porn again,sitting quietly,watching the movie with one eye and Mandy with the other.It sure looked like she’d never seen a real porn movie before.Her mouth was against,eyes fixed to the screen taking in everything that was happening.I could hear her little sounds of amazing as she watched the guys cock slide in and out of the big blond.Intently listening to the intense sexual sounds that poored from the surrounding sound.

Mandy had forgotten she was beside me i guess,her bottom wiggled on the sofa bumping against my hip.The hands that had been between her knees moved up tightly between her legs.Obviously the hand underneath was working hard on her love bud.I squeezed her shoulder and she snapped out of her fixation.Then she pulled her hands away from her lap.I took the operation to hold her hand,then i braught it to my lips to kiss.Mandy allowed it with no resistance,what she didn’t know was my real motive.I wanted to taste her fingers and check the scent too see if she had been stroke in the poke.Yup,no doubt about it,her fingers were even moist before i kissed them and it sure wasn’t rain drops.

There was no rush to get aquainted but under the cercumstances i figured,there was no harm in touching on the subject.I admitted to Mandy that i was planning on trying to make out with her when we went to the movies.I found her great company as well as pretty attractive.If she didn’t feel to uncomfortable we could kiss a little now,if she didn’t mind.Mandy responded eagerly,sure,if we are going to see if we click why was waste time playing games. That was like music to my horney ears,i had a poket rocket going on already.It was fairly obvious that Mandy was far more interested in the big screen than sweet innocent.

I leaned in giving mandy a long lip lock,her tongue slide into my mouth instantly.Looking down at her lap i could see the growing wet spot on her flowerd cotton knee pants.Each time she took a deep panting breath her nipples fight to get out of her tee shirt. That was my cue to help,lifting her tee my mouth went quickly to work on her firm tittys making her moan uncontrollably.My other hand going down to gently work on the wet spot cupping and massaging her honey pot.

Now she was far more interested in my attentions than the action on the screen.If we had a camera on no doubt we would soon be making our own porn movie.Mandy was on the verge of ripping my clothes off and jumpng on my cock at any moment.The sounds of her moaning,the cent of her arousal filled the room.A good time to get all the pleasure out of thisactivity that i could.I had her tee shirt up over her shoulders,her cotton knee pants down to her ankels.Mandy was way past the say ,no,stage.More likely the more more faster faster stage of excitment.

I coldn’t help but wonder if she had cock before,she was horney as hell but didn’t seem to be very well tutored in the finer arts of foreplay.I took her hand and put it on my shorts over my cock,she squeezed gently then when she became aware of the size said”Oh my”.She asked innocently if she could see it?I nearly lost my load realising that we had some vergin action going on here.I took pride in giving her eye satisfaction.I stood up slowly pulling my shorts down until pop,up jumped the big falla.Mandy just sat stairing strait at my bobbing cock,her mouth agap,with a look of shock on her face.

She just said rather loudly,i have never seen a real man’s cock before.It’s so big,and it jumps up and down"wow”,how can something so big fit inside my little pookey?I simply said honey,nature works amazing miracles.Mandy keep stairing at my cock surveying the new found territory.I had no problem helping her finish taking off her clothes,making sure the door was locked,i led her to the bedroom.

I think if I had walked off the edge of a roof she would have still followed me.Her love juices were actually running down her legs wanting to feel some hot cock going in.I turned the fan on to cool the room a little,the feel of the cool breez blowing over naked bodies was very arousing.Mandy’s nipples were ready to burst from arousal,i slide my finger up and down her creamy slit rubbing across her clip sending tremmors over her body.

Standing in front of her as she sat on the bed,i put her hand back on my throbbing cock.Making her fingers stroke beneath the head,making it jump.Her face was very close,moving closer the head touched her lips.Inseconds her tongue slipped out between her lips and she licked at the precum on the tip.She seemed to think about the taste as she licked her lips.Then obviously like it she licked a little more,then more.It wasn’t long before she was taking over half of it in her mouth and sucking down a lot of precum.

This certainly wasn’t enough,i lay down on the bed pulling her down beside me.Then I turned the opposite way and coated her on top of me.She seemed very unsure of what to do at first but when my tongue slide over her pussy lips she went down on my cock like she was going to swollow my balls too.Mandy had the most beautiful pink pussy,lips that were leeking juice like a fountain. They were so soft in my mouth as i sucked them flicking my tongue everywhere where adoring her delicate flavor.

Mandy was constantly cumming, as soon as one ended another began.MY cock was getting serviced perfectly by her soft sweet tender mouth.I was going to blow soon,i said,Mandy you better stop i’m gong to cum.She whisperd around her cock filled mouth that ok.I know in a few seconds she may change her mind but i had to shoot.My balls tensed,muscles contracted then “Whoooosh”.I feel her mouth going a mile a minute sucking swallowing then choking and sputtering.

When Mandy looked up i almost broke into loud laughter,her face was covered with cum,even in her eyes.She rubbed it from her eyes then licked her fingers off. Then Mandy said,”WOW” that is way kool,i made that happen?I gave her a very cummy kiss and said,ya,baby you sure are good.I asked Mandy how she liked it so far?She just cool saying,oh God i could do it forever and ever.I asked if she thauught it would be a good idea if we were a full time unit.She agreed with great enthusiasam,i’d really love being your girl.I reached over on the night stand grabbed my belonging ring and slipped it on her wet finger.Mandy glowed with joy,me too,there was defeatly going to be more of Mandy,a lot more in my life.

My only aprehension was thinking about how well she would adjust to the big falla.She wanted it so bad she’d never say no,but her pussy was so tight,i had to push real hard to get my tongue in her,even a little way.Lucky she was defeatly up for the long foreplay that could make it possible.We lay in the cool breeze of the fan making out while we explore each others bodies.Soon we were both getting highly aroused again,with a chuckle i ask Mandy if she thught we had made progress on getting to know each other?She said very seriously,yes,but i want to feel you inside me really soon.I want it so bad my pussy aches,i agreed,my cock felt very much the same.

I started to get up when Mandy asked where i was going?I said to get ready for our date,honey.Mandy looked sad again, i asked whats wrong sugar? Could we stay here and watch a movie and get to know eachother better,she asked?I said sure honey,ill call out for a pizza if you like then we can watch some movies.She started to glow again, that would be wonderful,i feel like we are on a honeymoon.I couldnt think of a good reply, only agree with her.Thinking that if this is our honeymoon baby you can be kissing your cherry bye bye tonight.

We put on robes to look decent for the pizza delivery,then sat back on the sofa waiting.It only took a few minutes of kissing and we were back to playing.Mandy was a natural for sucking cock she liked doing it as much as i liked having it.I did all i could to loosen up that tight little pussy,so i felt ok about giving her the big falla.Constantly working it with my fingers and mouth,Mandy came more times than i could count.Still she was unbelievably tight and i doubted if i could ever get it in without hurting her a lot.

The door bell rang,Mandy quickly licked up the cum off my cock.We closed our robes and i went to the door with cash and tip in hand for the pizza.Shut and relocked the door so we wouldn’t be interrupted by an intruder.We feasted out on the pizza and soda,cleaned up the remnants then settled down for a movie.Of corse Mandy picked another x titled “First Timer’s”, very fitting i guess for what she obviously had in mind very soon.

We played while we watched the movie,Mandy collecting points from the screen to impliment at some point.I managed to get two fingers into her slippery pussy,she loved it humping my fingers.Untill they touched her hymen then she tensed up like a beared clam.Making it hard to pull my fingers out,she had amazingly strong love muscles.I could just imagine the feeling of slipping my big falla into a Bear trap,”yips”.

Mandy had enough foreplay she wanted cock and she wanted it now.I suggested to Mandy we lay on the Bear rug if she wanted it?She slide over to the rug,her breath pantiting like a race horse.Saying,Yes, i got to have you inside me so very bad,oh God i want it now!!!I said,ok baby ill do my best as gently as i can,but i dont promise i can give it all to you.Mandy accepted that best was good enough,she said,just tell me what to do,if i don’t do it right?I said don’t worry baby,your already more than perfect.

Mandy lifted her knees opening her legs as far as they could go.Her breath made her belly rise and fall rapidly,the thought of my cock inside her made her little pussy pink all over.The rug beneath her was already wet from her flowing juices.I put all my weight on my hands as i arched my back moving my cock head closer and closer to her pussy.Mandy looked down at my jumping cock as it touched her tender labia,her eyes rolled back and her hips moved towards me.Pressing the head of my cock into her swollen labia,nearly two inches slipped in where my fingers had been.

Mandy thrust at the twoinches moaning loudly,violent orgasams sweating over her body,her being vibrating with each sweet body rush.My cock head pushed against her hymen firmly,mandy cried out,”Oh”,it hurts, i tried to pull away,i couldnt deal with hurting her.I said,Mandy baby,i dont want to hurt you,Mandy said,i know baby but it is a good hurt,it makes me want you even more inside,Please!!!I tried to be gentel,each time my throbbong cock hit against her hymen she cried out,it hurts,it hurts.Then she said very seriously,do it quick baby,one time,i’m ready,i need you so bad!!!

Reaching down in the depths of my soul for courage,i pulled nearly out of her,when i felt her ready to move onto me i gave the ultimate thrust.Mandy’s nails nearly riped the flesh from my back when she screamed loudly.Her hymen broke and my powerful thrust sent my cock helplessly speaking within her until my balls were cracked in the crack of her bottom.Mandy stopped screaming,her breaths came in gasps,her nails eased the pain they were inflicting in my back.

I didn’t dare move,her whole lower body was locked onto me so tightly.Her eyes were closed,a painful look on her face,i started to kiss her softly.My words just rolled out,i’m so sorry baby,i didn’t mean to hurt you.I felt tears welling up in my eyes,trying to hold them back,but a few began to drip on her cheeks.The pained look was lessening on her face,then her eyes began to open slowly.She looked up at me with sympathy,Saying,don’t be sad baby,you did it for me.Its what i wanted,now i am a woman,your woman,only yours.

I thanked her for being so kind,when i had hurt her so much.She said,enough honey.Then she said as her hips began to slowly hump my cock,”Oh”baby its starting to feel even better than before.It seemed that the pain had passed quickly,her love muscles rippled fluidly over my big fellow.Soon it felt safe to meet her thrusts with mine,at first slow and gentlel then as she began to moan in pleasure i gave her all of me in long powerful strokes.Driving her clip against my mound,the head of my cock firmly over her “G” spot with each thrust.

Our orgasm pressure grow higher and higher, as her tension increased to orgasmic spasam,my fiery cum boiled for release swelling my cock to total fullness against her “G” spot.Mandy held me tightly locking her body against mine forcing my cock to the bottom of her whomb.

In harmony our voices echoed over the room,”I’m Cumming Baby”..As i kissed Mandy,nearly both sleep…i knew i wanted to be with her always….as we drifted into sleep we both whisperd softly..Love You baby..



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