pipit was a little asean girl of 21 who worked in a bank ,after banking a few times ,I found out she could speak good english an always help when I did my banking ,as I was in a asian country an it was hard to find someone who spoke english I asked her if she was free to help with orders in my business on weekends ,she said that was fine as she just stayed at home on the weekends with her mum ,I met her mum an dad on saturday an we went to my place to pack clothing orders ,.she was very shy an a bit scared as she had not had anythink to do with a whiteman before ,I was 55 years old an hot to do a line with her as she seemed very nice an quite often tough my arm when talking to me ,I asked her if okay to take her to lunch tomorrow instead of working ,,sunday morming I picked her up an we decided she would try a roast as she had never had a roast dinner before ,while lunch was cooking I put my arm around her while I showed her phtos of my country ,I kissed her during theCoarse of looking at the photo an she responded ,it took a couple of hours of petting before she let me suck her breast ,she was giving pretty hot ,so was I with one so young ,.I placed her hand on my hard cock an asked her if she wanted to see it to take my pants off, wth a bit of encouragement she did ,.I told her my cock was hers to do as she wants ,an I wanted to make love to her ,she was scared as she said her pussy will be broken as my cock was to big ,It is about seven an half to eight inches ,
I asked her if she had ever made love before an she said only to one asian boy his cock was about 10 centre only ,my cock would not fit ,but she was hot an excited an I got her to suck it ,while she sucked me I told her her pussy would stretch an could fit my big cock ,sucking my cock I got her pants off ,here was this tiny sweet pussy with only a small amorat of hair ,
I started kissing this sweet little little cunt an had her screaming with pleasure as I eased my old cock into her ,this sweet little girl all off 40 kilo was coping a big old whiteman cock ,she had it to the hilt an ,being a bit older It is easier to control when you blow an I rode her for a good hour ,she just kept mounting an screaming as I gave her orgasm after orgasm ,after I finished fucking her she was crying ,asking what was wrong she was scared cause I had not used a condon,.I told her not to worry as her pussy belonged to me from now on ,.an I would look after her an marry her if she had a baby ,.she wanted to git dressed but I told her she could wear my te shirt only while we had lunch an then she should kiss my cock again as I was not finished fucking her ,.
She had never slept a night away from her parents in her life an with a very strict mother also ,she told her mother some lies the next Friday about working late at the bank an the bank was putting them up for the night ,.
Come fried night pipit was at my place so I had her for the night ,this sweet little girlwas so hot for my big cock she lied to mum ,about 11 that night I was pick a block up her little cunt balls deep ,when a knock came on the door ,It took a bit of time to calm mum an dad down an a couple of cups of tea ,with then not speaking any english an I not speaking indo either , finally
They went home saying pipit had to be back first think in the morning ,that was fine by us ,she was giting a bit gamer now and asked to git on top ,the little cunt rode rode me for the rest of the night ,kissing my cock back into action each time ,.she just never stopped ,.,after that night her mum used to let pipit come to my house for weekends after that ,an the next weekend I showed her her first blue movie , during the movie Pipit wispered to me an said I never new men fucked women in the arse ,can you please fuck my arse ,I greased this little girls arse an my cock ,easeing a finger at first an then two fingers I eased into her ,I was a bit scared as she was small an she was about to besodomised with my big weapon ,The little baby squeeled a bit but with a bit of care I got it all up her ,I rode the arse off her as she relaxed an stared to enjoy it ,a big old man riding a little girls arse ,a young lady in love an giving herself totally to me ,.an mum seems to appove of it ,although I dont think she would of though in her wildest dreams that her little pipit was taking it up the arse an doing her best to deed throat me as well .,
This is a true story ,6 years on we are married an have a four year old son ,an pipit still ride my cock an hour or so a couple nights a week ,.I only fuck her arse when I am wild with her an she says married women should not do thinks like that now ,but I give her it in the arse just keep her in trim ,she has been a wonderful loving lady all this time an eats cock sperm an all when she feels I need stress removed so I can relaxed ,massed all over an sucked off her ,.I love her beyond belief
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