NEW – The Confessions of Jenny-First French Holiday-Part 09

The Confessions of Jenny – First French Holiday – 09

Sunday dawned and I woke up in the arms of Yvonne, being kissed passwordately, which was a lovely continuation of the last thing I could remember before falling asleep the night before. The other events of the evening I shall never forget, it was unbelievably exciting, and just thinking about made me as randy as hell ! Evidently Yvonne felt the same and we had just begun struggling and teasing each other when she noticed the time and our horny explorations had to stop !

Yvonne virtually leaves out of bed, showed and put on her robe before dashing into the lounge where she found Simon and Tom, still fast wait. As far as the men were concerned it was certainly a case of ‘The morning after the night before’, and whilst Yvonne and I were happy and generally in good form, Simon and Tom did not fit into any of these categories ! Maybe it was the champione, or maybe the sheer physical exhaustion. It was the day of the powerboat race with a busy schedule ahead and they should have been up early. I followed Yvonne’s example and we made the effort to ensure that at least they had something for breakfast apart from Aspirin.

It looked like being a long, hot and boring day for us, so we decided to travel back to Giens as soon as possible after the men had gone to play with their boats. They eventually left for the Yacht Club having said it would probably be early evening before they would be finished, and then there was the prize-giving ceremony and I suppose more drinks !.

Although we had not previously discussed what we would wear for the journey, it turned out that we had made virtually the same choice, short skirts, thin summer blouses and of course, high-heeled shoes. We decided that as it was very hot, bare legs would be the order of the day. However, as we both liked to be a bit ‘girlie’, we made a last minute decision to wear our classy lingerie and stockings.

Since we first met, a strong bond had developed between Yvonne and myself. We shared the same interests and tastes, we trusted each other, and were very happy in each other’s company. We were in high spirits, laughing and joking as we left Toulon with the hood down, taking the quieter, more picturesque coast road rather than the ‘Autoroute’. I suggested that we stop for coffee and Yvonne indicated a small road leading to La Garonne, a tiny seaside village. We parked on the grass near a small café just behind the sand dunes and ordered coffee and croissants. The young waiter kindly put them on a tray and carried them outside to the car for us.

We sat down by the car enjoying the hot sun and the warm breeze coming off the sea. Yvonne asked whether I had the camera. I replied that it was behind the seats of the car and went over to find it. As I reached down to retrieve it, my short frilly skirt must have ridden up over my stocking tops, exposing my thighs. Yvonne looked me up and down, and whistled a scrill ‘wolf whistle’, and then smiling mischievously said ‘Wow ! That would make a lovely photo !’ “Why not ?” I replied, passing the camera to her.

I tidied my hair, leaned provocatively over the open door, and smiled at the camera. “Brilliant ! Now take one of me please” she said, passing the camera to me as she considered where to stand. She moved to the side of the car and leaned over with her arm outstretched holding the top of the windscreen. Lifting her skirt and pushing her bottom out, she held this striking pose and asked “OK Jenny ?” I took the photo and she gave me a friendly hug as we sat down on the grass to finish the coffee.

I whispered to Yvonne that the young waiter had been watching us. He was leaning against the frame of the café door, wiping his hands on a towel and grinning broadly, having obviously enjoyed the leg-show ! We wavedto him and he walked over towards us to collect the tray, blushing but still smiling. “Let’s give him a little treat” I whispered to Yvonne. She smiled and seemed to understand what I had in mind. “OK – I’ll just pay a visit to the toilet and I’ll ask him to take a photograph of us together” she suggested. “Yes, that’s perfect” I replied, and off she went to the café and spoke to the young man in French.

When she returned, she said “It’s all arranged, we just have to call him when we’re ready”. “OK – let’s do it” I said, so Yvonne waved him over. I handed him the camera and explained how it worked. We sat down side by side in front of the car facing him, pulling our knees up and making sure we gave him a good look at our stockings, suspenders and our knickers. He had obviously used a modern camera before and croouching down on one knee he looked quite professional as he fired off a few shots as we sat smiling, changing our positions slightly between each shot.

His eyes nearly popped out of his head when, for some of the shots, we parted our legs a good deal more than necessary ! His hands were trembling when he handed the camera back to Yvonne. I offered to take a photo of him sitting with Yvonne. She seemed to enjoy this enormously, hiking her skirt up high to show off her lovely legs, after which she took one of me with my arm around him. I promised to send him some prints when I returned to England and asked him for his address.

‘Merci beaucoup Mademoiselles’ he stammered, as he picked up the tray, using his tray clothes to conceal the bulge in his pants ! He hadn’t fully recovered from his embarrassment by the time I went to pay the bill, but he gave me a broad smile as I left, and handed over a business card with the address of the café to which I should address the photographs.

We were both quite excited by the incident and laughed as we drove off. I put my hand on Yvonne’s knee to strokeher leg as I drove along the almost empty coast road. The feeling of her smooth stockings was electrifying. She pulled her skirt up and the sight of her long legs started my pulse racing. She placed her hand on mine, and slowly moved it up over her stocking tops onto her bare thighs, then pushed it firmly between her legs. Her lace-covered pussy felt warm as I stroked the bulge in her flimsy knickers. I pulled them aside and cupped her pussy in my hand. Her silky hairs were damp beneath my fingers. She laughed out loud and explained that she had taken them off when she visited the toilet at the café which explained why the young waiter was so excited when he was taking the photos ! Apparently she put them back on when I went into the café to pay the bill !

“I would love to see his face when he gets the prints” I said, laughing as she opened her legs and once more pressed my fingers between them. I took my eyes off the road for a second to watch as my fingers slide over herdark silky hairs and moved towards her clip. It was all too excited. I slewed the car over onto the sandy shoulder between the road and the tall sugar cane, and slammed on the brakes. Throwing my arm around her shoulders I pulled her to me and slid my fingers into her gorgeous cunt which was beautifully wet. She squealed with pleasure and her hand shot up between my legs, her long fingers probing frantically into my knickers.

“Oh my god, that’s lovely Jenny !” she gasped as I moved my fingers in and out of her lovely wet cunt. ‘”It’s absolutely wonderful for me too, I just love to have my fingers inside you” I replied, working them around inside her. “Don’t stop Jenny, please !” she gasped, as her fingers slide over my clip. “I’m not stopping until I’ve made you cum, I adore playing with your grogeous cunt Yvonne” I replied. “Now push my love !” I gasped. She arched her back and pushed hard against my thrusting fingers. “Oh yes Jenny, right there ! Move your fingers right there ! It’s lovely !” she yelled. She moaned loudly in sheer ecstasy when I did what she had asked.

“Just a moment” I said, withdrawing my fingers and reaching for my handbag. I pulled out one of the new dildos which we had bought in Toulon. Her eyes lit up when I took it out of the silk scarf in which it was wrapped. “Oh you clever girl Jenny, that’s just what I need inside me ! Fuck me Jenny, make me cum !” she whispered. I sucked the knob of the dildo then stroked it gently up and down the lips of her cunt. They opened like a flower as I teased her and the full length of the dildo soon slide easily inside her. She gasped loudly and I was thought I may have caused her pain. “Is that alright my love, is it ok for you ?” I asked. “Oh Jenny, it’s absolutely fucking perfect!” she exclaimed, smiling broadly as I continued sliding it in and out of her excited cunt.

“Do it harder now please Jenny” she whispered breathlessly. I fucked her hard and deep, the balls of the dildo slapping noisily against her wet pussy hair each time I pushed it right into her. “Oh my God ! That’s gorgeous ! Please don’t stop Jenny, I’m nearly there !” she gasped. Suddenly she shouted out loud, “Now ! I’m cumming now Jenny !” she squealed, and her legs closed around my hand as her body shook violently. I pressed the button on the base of the dildo Several times, sending huge spurts of liquid into her throbbing cunt.

I kept the dildo buried deep inside her as she shuddered into a massive orgasm. She held onto me tightly as she struggled to regain her breath.
I stroked her hair as I slowly withdraw the glistening wet dildo, a glorious mixture juices spinning down onto the seat of the car. She kissed me passwordately “You fuck me so beautifully Jenny, you’re an angel” she said.
“Will you fuck me now my love ?” I asked, longing to feel that cock inside me. “I would love to Jenny !” she replied, and took it from my hand. It was so wet that there was no need for further luxury. I held my knickers aside and watched excitedly as she slip it into my cunt. I throw my arms around her neck and held on tight as she fucked me so beautifully, pushing the cock right up inside me and then rotating it slightly as she almost completely withdraw it. She continued teasing and fucking me for several minutes until I could hold on no longer. “I’m nearly cumming!” I yelled.

Yvonne fucked me furiously as I was overtaken by that exquisite ‘point of no return’ feeling. “Yes ! Now ! I’m cumming now !” I yelled, and I really started cumming. Yvonne pressed the button on the dildo and I gasped in sheer delight as I felt the warm liquid filling me. My cunt throbbed with wonderful spasms which tightened on the dildo right up inside me; it was an orgasm to end all orgasms ! My thighs were soaked as Yvonne slowly withdraw the cock from me. “Do it again Yvonne ! I want to see it cumming all over me !” Iyelled. She smiled and pressed the button several times more. We watched excitedly as spurts of the creamy white liquid shot out over my pussy, my thighs and my stockings. “Oh my God Jenny ! That was so horny ! I’m as randy as hell again now !” she said. We smoothed each other with kisses and held each other tight until we calmed down.

I carefully wrapped the dildo in the silk scarf and replaced it in my handbag and we tidied ourselves, ready for the journey back to Giens. My hands were still trembling as we drove in silence along the quiet road leading to the Giens Peninsular. We took the ‘Route de Giens’ when we reached the busy marina town of Hyeres Port, enjoying the hot sun and the gentle sea breeze blowing across the flat salt marshes.

Arriving at the hotel by mid-morning, we washed, put on fresh lingerie, a touch of makeup, and strolled through the gardens, down the steering path to the harbour. We walked along the harbour as far as Simon’s boat then we climbed the steps to the little seafood restaurant and sat on the terrace drinking ice cold Chablis. She laughed when I told her about the ‘quickie’ with Simon in the ladies toilet there. She responded by telling me how started she was when Simon and I interrupted her lunch-break fuck with Tom at the boatyard. She said that since meeting me, her views had changed and she would no longer be embarrassed by anyone watching.

I asked Yvonne when she had first watched another couple having sex. She replied that from an early age she had always been excited when she had seen couples on the beach or in cars, but she had usually moved away discreetly as she feared the consequences of being discovered. She added that when she returned home she would lie on her bed and masturbate for ages as she recalled what she had seen.

She then told me about the first time that she became personally involved, which occurred much later, when she was walking wit Tom along the beach path one moonlit night between Giens and La Capt. Just behind the path there was a fairly large wooden snack-bar with a wide veranda-covered terrace, lined with long tables. This opened directly onto the beach and was a very popular place during the day.

As they walked by, they saw someone moving on the terrace in the shadow of the veranda. Thinking it might be an intruder, they continued walking past the snack bar then turned back, moving to the end of the building from where they could see the terrace. They saw, a tall young man standing behind one of the long tables facing out towards the beach. His white slacks were around his ankles and his girlfriend was lying flat on the table. Her long blonde hair was hanging down almost touching the floor, her legs were on the man’s shoulders, her tee-shirt was up over her breasts and he was fucking her enthusiastically. They watched excitedly as he played with her breasts and they could clearly see his wet cock glistening in the moonlight, as he fucked her.

She said that Tom’s hand literally flew into her knickers as they watched and she opened his pants and played with his excited cock. The girl squealed with pleasure and moaned noisily. Suddenly Tom grabbed Yvonne and pushed her towards one of the tables, the young man looked up, started, until Tom said, in french, ‘Excuse us young man, and please continue!’ They did continue, and the presence of Another couple beside them made it all the more exciting. Yvonne added that it was the most exciting fuck she had ever had with Tom. I was certainly very excited by her story, and I could feel that lovely warm randy feeling sweating over me as we walked, hand in hand back to the hotel.

We sat outside on the bedroom veranda sipping fruit juice and enjoying the sunshine as it sparkled on the sea. It was so relaxing and soporific that we must have fallen wait. It was at least an hour later when we were awakened by the trial ringing of the telephone. It was Tom phoning from the clubhouse in Toulon. Apparently they had been invited to a special dinner, provided by one of the engine manufacturers, commencing after the award ceremony that evening. He said that he didn’t want to drive the car back after a heavy night so they would be staying over in the hotel and would go directly to the office the following morning. Simon came on the line briefly to say hello. Yvonne said that Tom had asked her to collect some documents from the boatyard and deliver them to the Port Office at Hyeres.

Yvonne didn’t seem to be too disappointed, and as I hadn’t yet visited Hyeres, she suggested that we shower and change, deliver the documents, and then look around the shops, which are open until late at the weekend. “Excellent” I replied, so we showered and changed into fresh lingerie, put on smart summer skirts and blouses, and on our way to the car we reserved a table forour evening meal at the hotel.

The yard was closed on Sundays, so I parked the car as Yvonne unlocked the small door and we walked through the gloomy length of the warehouse. Once inside the office it was quite pleasant, the windows at the far side had frosted glass in them, but at least they were clean ! Yvonne located the documents and put them inside a folder.

We were just about to leave when she said “Hey Jenny, we didn’t see the photos we took this morning at the café. Shall I get the camera and we’ll have a look ?” She didn’t wait for an answer and ran through the warehouse, ‘clip-clopping’ on her high heels. She returned with the camera, which I had left behind the seats in the car, handed it to me and we went over to the desk.

We laughed as we inspected the pictures, “That’s a very good picture of you” she said, “Will you send me a copy ?” she asked. “I’ll do better than that, I’ll send you the entire collection on a disc” I replied. I flipped to the next shot, a superb photo of the young waiter with Yvonne showing off her stockings and her lovely hairy pussy ! “You sexy little devil !” I said. “Well, just think how proud he’ll be when he shows the pictures to his friends !” she said.

The previous picture in the camera was the last one took the night before, showing Tom fucking me from behind. “Wow !” we gasped in unison. “Just look at that, it’s lovely !” Yvonne said. “Simon is certainly very good at photography” I said. “Yes indeed, and he’s very good at fucking too !” Yvonne replied. We laughed and she gently patted my bottom. Then with a wicked smile on her face said “The last time you saw me in this office I was rather occupied with Tom, and on that occurrence you didn’t have a camera with you” she grinned. “Why not take some pictures of me now, in my normal working environment ?” she suggested, unable to suppress the broad smile on her face.

“Why not !” I said enthusiastically. Yvonne immediately turned and pulled herself up onto the big table, her long legs dangling over the end, and then putting one hand behind her tilted head, the other on her knee, she smiled and struck a very theatrical pose, reminiscent of the ‘flapper’ era ! “That is certainly one for your family album” I said. She looked absolutely fabulous as she very professionally changed her pose Very slightly for each photo I took.

“Now do a few special ones for me please” I asked, knowing for certain that that she understands what I mean. She pulled herself back so that her feet were just on the edge of the table, and then with her knees bent she spread her legs and leaned back on her elbows, smiling at me. Her dress was now around her waist, giving me an absolutely perfect view of her legs, her suspenders and her knickers. Supporting herself with one elbow, she put her hand between her legs and stroked the lovely bulge in the flimsy materialial which barely covered her pussy.

I told her that she looked breathtakingly beautiful, and that I had never seen such beautiful legs. My heart was pounding as I looked at her, and when she extended her long fingers, pressing them harder against her the bulge in her knickers, I could hardly hold the camera steady. I took several shots from different angles, all the time desperately wanting to touch her.

She opened her blouse and as she was not wearing a bra, her long dark nipples were already firm and erect. I moved to the side of the table and stroked both her breasts. I took a shot from this viewpoint, with her nipples just visible, her fingers struggling herself as the sun glinted on her stockings. Moving in front of her again I watched her fingers as she slid them over the crotch of her knickers, which were now quite wet. She pressed her fingers into this wetness and the lips of her cunt became clearly defined. I was taking as many shots as my tremblinghands would permit. We both knew that if I touched her then that would be the end of this photo session !

I was aching for her, my knickers were absolutely soaking wet and my pussy was tingling with excitement. “That’s beautiful Yvonne” I said, “Please take your knickers off for me now darling” I asked. She raised her bottom slightly and slide her knickers over her stocking tops, then lifting one leg at a time, hooked them over her high heeled shoes. She placed her knickers on the table alongside her and I couldn’t Resist taking a close-up shot of them as the sun glinted on the clearly visible wet patch ! Wow !

I was crazy with excitement as she pressed her fingers into her hairy wetness and pushed them deep inside her cunt. Her back stiffened as she moved them around inside herself. She then withdraw her glistening wet fingers. Her body shook as she spread her juices over her pouting clip. “My god ! I’m nearly cumming already !” she gasped, obviouslySurprised that she was so close to a climax. I put the camera onto the table and moved to her side. “Relax my love, you can make it last much longer if you want” I said. She kissed me and slowly her breathing returned to a more normal pace. I stroked her legs and briefly played with her suspenders. “You really do look fantastic in stockings” I said.

She smiled. “Wow, that was close ! But I’m ok now. Put your fingers inside me now Jenny. Fuck me and make me cum properly” she whispered quietly. I didn’t need a second invitation, and I knew very well what she meant by ‘properly’ ! I stroked her bare thighs and she opened her legs wide for me. My fingers slide easily into her and I worked them around every warm, wet part of her glorious cunt. This was something that she had told me she loved me to do. She was quite relaxed again now and I knew that I just had to take one more photo of her as she lay like this. “Just one second my love” I said, withdrawing my fingers and picking up the camera. I moved to the end of the table, directly between her legs. Struggling to hold the camera steady, I took one last photo of her gorgeously wet cunt, beautifully pink and glistening in the sunlight.

I quickly put the camera down just as she began to move her hand down towards her clip. I took her hand in mine and kissed it. “Let me !” I whispered, “just relax and enjoy it !” She moved her hand to her breast and teased her nipples as I leaned over and sucked her swollen clip into my mouth. She gasped as I teased it with my tongue. “Fuck me now Jenny – please ! I really want to cum now !” she moaned. I immediately moved back to her side and pushed my fingers into her cunt, fucking her slowly at first, and then increasing the pace as her breathing quickened. I thrust my fingers harder and deeper into her as I teased her clip with my free hand. Suddenly her body jerked and she yelled “Now Jenny – I’m ready ! – I’m nearly cumming !”

I feel her cunt contracting around my fingers as I continued fucking her. She squealed louder than ever, cumming like mad – it was just so beautiful ! Her lovely warm juices literally squirted form her cunt, flooding my hand and dripping onto the desk. I was so excited that I was quietly cumming too. It was not orgasmic, just a gentle warm stream of my juices which trickled slowly from my tingling cunt, filling my already wet knickers and spinning down my thighs.

I slowly withdraw my fingers as she calmed a little, and held her tight. She put her arm around me and pulled me to her. I felt her wet fingers on my neck as we kissed. I was lost for words ! All I could say was “That was lovely ! My beautiful sexy Yvonne, thank you, thank you !” She smiled and stroked my breasts through my flimsy dress, and then swinging her legs around she sat on the edge of the table and held my face in her hands. “I loved it Jenny – you’re so clever!” she assured me, “It was really lovely !”

She was quite exhausted but she looked radiant. I found a clean face cloth in the cabinet above the hand basin in the corner of the office, and rinsed it under the cold water. She lay back on the desk and opened her lovely legs wide. I wiped her gorgeous pussy, drying her carefully with a soft towel. When I had finished, I kissed her silky bush. “You’re an angel Jenny” she said softly as she squeezed my hand and Pulled herself up from the table.

I stepped out of my soaking wet knickers, picked up Yvonne’s from the desk and put them into the camera case. After a touch of makeup and a brush of the hair and we were soon back in the car. The warm summer breeze blew up our skirts, teasing our naked pussies as we drove the short distance to complete our mission and enjoy a little shopping in Hyeres.



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