April In August Heat

“April” came into my life when the snow began to melt.The end to a long lonely cold winter.It was a Monday morning when I was taking out the trash.Paying little attention to the world around me.Wasn’t much excitment in life these days.Then kinda of giving me a start,that curious sweet voice,”Hey,guy?”you see my mom?Is my dad comming home?

“Oh hi”who are you cutey?”April”,have you see my mom?No honey i havn’t,sorry.Then a rather tierd looking blond woman came walking down the walk way.Hi,i’m Sue,we just moved in across the street.I hope April isn’t bothering you?Oh no,she’s fine,just wonderd where you were and asked me if i knew,about her dad comming home.Sue said,he wont be back,he moved out west with his new woman.April thinks he may still come back,but thats not going to happen.

I excused my poor judgment in touching on a hard subject.Sue said thatts quite alright.Life goes on,we live and learn.Sue asked if i would keep an extra eye on April when i was outside.They were new to the area and April often wonder around more than she should.Finding kids to play with and not telling her mom where she was.I said,sure i’d be glad to help out and if they needed anything give me a yell i’d try to help out.

April got to be a regulatory site in my yard,riding her bike.Skate boarding down my circler drive.Only a few hundred feet from the grade school and the play ground.So things that interested her were close to my watchful eyes.If i was out and didn’t see April i got worried about where she was.Then out she’d come from her house or up the street and all would be fine.

April’s mom came over,i offer her a ice tea,April a coke.We chatted about general things,then she asked me why i wasn’t married?Jokingly i said,marriage is an institution,why would a sane person put them self in an institution?Sue laughed,i know what you mean,just got out of my institution.I simply added,maybe when the right path crosses mine things will click.Sue just said,yup,if we’re lucky.

The following Friday,Sue came over again.I need a big favor knight?I said,well,if i can ill be glad to?Sue said she got a promotion at work,if she took it,the pay increase was safe.I said,thats great,then Sue added that to take the job she needed to be out of town three days a week.She didn’t know any one local that could watch over April.

She said April liked me a lot and that being close to their house made it very convenient.Hesitantly,i agreed that i would,at least until she came up with a more satisfying arrangement.She would be out of town beginning the following Monday until wedding,for an indefinite number of weeks.I wished her luck,saying see you on Monday morning.But we saw each other nearly every day in our yards.

Monday morning Sue walked over with April,a few clothes and her favorite things to keep her company while her mom was on her new job.April was a bit upset when her mom left for work,playing soon occurred her attention.April felt very at ease around me,i was easy going,calm and very layed back.Never the nervous or exciting type,that made people feel at ease around me.

I was sitting on the dack sipping a cold drink day dreaming.April was practicing skate board moves in the drive.Then the serenity was quickly broken by a crunching sound and April crying.I ran down the drive to see April in the shrubs crying.Apparently she hit the curbbing and did an unintentional flip into the bushes.I made sure nothing was broken or seriously wrong,picked up April,carrying her into the house.

I sat her on the day bed and went to the bath to get some water,a wash clothes and the first aid kit.April was still crying a little,obviously she had some verybruised spots from the flip.I really wasn’t paying much attention to more than finding her hurts and doing what I could to make them stop hurting.

I washed the scraped areas on her knees and elbows,then put some antibiotic on the areas of broken skin.So far everything seemed very minor.The fall was likely more frightening than damaging,but it was a good idea to check her over well to be certain.I asked April where it hurt the most so i could mend her boo boo’s.She was very willing to let me investigate the painful places.

There was a small scratch on her neck that i washed and medicated.April pointed to her side under her right arm saying it was very tender there too.I asked if it was ok if i looked there to see if it was serious.April was eager to lift her te shirt up for my observation.Sure enough tere was a fairly big abrassion,lukily not a deep one.

I patted it gently with the washing clothes getting what dirt thee was from the abbrassion.Then took some antibiotic on my finger tips smoothing it on as gently as possible.It hurt her a little,that made me feel bad,but it was important to prevent any infection even on a small wound.I told April she was going to need to put on some clean clothes.The ones she was wearing were really gross,it would also make her feel a lot better to have clean ones.

Her bag was near the day bed so i got some clean clothes out for her.When i had her medically road ready she could go in the bath and change.I did what i could to wash off the dirt,telling April she may want to take a quick bath before she changed to be sure she was bacteria free for safety sake.

It was impossible not to notice her developing breasts. Very womanly nipples and ariolas poking proudly atop plumb sized breasts.Drawing in a deep breath at the beautiful sight,i became very aware of how truly lovely April was becoming.Dark hair and big brown eyes that gave her that Angelic glow.A blowing body delicate with the innocent of her youth.It was hard to errace the urge to taste her delicate ripe nipples.

The was no way I could leave to fix the rapidly swelling hardness in my shorts.I had to finish patching her up,that was of the most importance.Her trusting innocent was a beautiful thing,also a very dangerous thing for me at the moment.

I asked April if she hurt any place else?My feelings were telling me i best finish this check up real fast.So we could get on with the day in a more emmotionless fashion.April pointed out one more boo boo on her bottom,on her lower butt cheat.She said that was the one that hurt the most now.I wasn’t so sure it was a great idea to check there,but the last one,fix it quick.Then we would be off into another more appropriate activity.

April stood up in front of me so i could check out the last hurt.I touched the spot she was pointing to and she made aVery painful sound.Obviously i need to take a closer look if i wanted to or not.There was no doubt in my mind,i wanted to.It was certain that probably i shouldn’t under the certificates.

I was bitting my tongue very hard for distraction when i gingerly slide her silk panties down.Her hips were well developed,then her lovely bubble butt came into view.I wanted badly to reach down and tuck my cock between my legs and drive it into the day bed.So i would stop getting excited in such an unaccepable way.

The wash clothes had gotten a little cool,when i patted the large scrap on her bottom,April screwed a little from both pain and the cold feeling on her tooshy.I got her as clean as i dared to and took some antibiotic on my fingers.Delicatly rubbing it over the wound to sooth it.It had a little added pain release so it numbered the hurting place quit quickly.

April commented that it was feeling much better now, could i put alitle more on so there was no more hurt.It was pleasant to know that finally she was nearly back to playing happily.I wasnt paying much attention to rubbing the antibiotic,i had been getting real close to her butt crack.Actually almost down between her legs.April felt real good to touch even in such an innocent way.

I snapped out of my pleasure trace when April said,my bottom dosn’t hurt any more.It sure feels good when you touch me the knee.Time to tell April to run along and get dressed as beads of persperation began running down my fore head.That wasn’t what April wanted to do,she figured it was fine to change right there in front of me.

My hands were covering my shamful hard on as April stood looking at me smileing.She took all her clothes off then started bending and stretching her now limber muscles.April was in no worry to dress,she turned around several times.Bent down to touch the floor like she was doing excercises.My tongue was nearly chewed off at this point,i just watched and prayed she would be done soon.Dressed and on to another activity.

Swallowing my saliva several times as i admierd her delicious body.The sweetest puffy shaft adorned with blooming dark peach fuzz.Enough love gap so her pussy lips hung ripe and full below her mound.I thanked God when she put her,clean clothes on that i could now resolve my own problems.April said she was going out on the deck and have a cold drink.Then she’d come in so we could have dinner and take a nice bubble bath.

That was my maletuity to inventory my situation.I defeatly need to change my shorts.When i got up there was a wet spot on the day bed from the precum that had discharged from my cock while i was playing nurse.My shorts had enough satisfaction to impregnate half the population of Canada.A quick shower and change of clothes solved that problem.

Now i realized that i was going tohave to deal with temption frquently for an indefinit period of time. Very unsure that i would not violate the trust i was given.The remanider of the day went fine.No more accident that requires attention.Most of my unhealthy urges has subsided,life was pretty well back to normal.

April came in off the dead at seven in the evening.We took a quick dip in the pool,splashing,laughing,seeing who could swim under water the longest.April won,i was to pre occupied with watching her in that tight fitting wet swim suit.Admiering the beautiful body that i had quickly become obssesed with.

Dinner went well,April helped me set the table on the patio.Eagerly assisting me in the kitchen with preparing the pasta salad,green salad and some well iced alcohol free dakaries.April was great she even wanted to help with the after dinner dishes.Although we joked around some when she thught a little splashing was in order.

All was good, to good,April was happy being the lady of the house.Being close wasn’t dificult,for April,she loved to be cuddled,getting all of my attention when ever possible.We went into the living room,relaxed a while,April cuddled up real lovey next to me on the day bed.I started getting those closer feelings again.So i sugested we go for a walk down to the park by the river where it was a lot cooler.

April love that idea,so we headed out the door towards the park.April insisted on holding my hand,as we walked,that seemed innocent enough.When we got by the river there was an empty love seat so we sat watching the river flow calmly past.April was real affectionate,clinging to my arm hugging tightly.I had to look around to be sure no one was watching,not sure that the scene was appropriate.people would either think i was with my daughter,or that i was boarder line to robbing the crackle.

April was feeling very warm sitting so close clutching my arm.Then i nosiced she was playing with the sleepe of my polo shirt giving it soft little kisses.Defenetly not appropriate,except i liked watching her do it,as well as absorbing the obvious affect.Going back home was not a good idea,yet at least we could avoid the public display of feelings.

I told April it was getting late,we needed to bath and go to bed in a couple hours.April agreed but wasn’t real thrilled to end her love game with my polo shirt.We had a very clingy walk home,April was attached to my arm like a second skin.When we got home,i hinted that maybe we were to attached to each other.Not what she wanted to hear,April informed me that she loved me more than any one in the world.So she was going to be my sweet heart,not much i could say to that.A negative comment would hurt her feelings,i certainly cared for her.A lot more than i should be,but the was no point in not saying,i love you too honey.

April watched tv while i took a shower, i did a lot of thinking under the running water.Letting her be close was ok as long as i didn’t let it get out of control.She’d be happy,i’d enjoy knowing how much she cared for me,every thing would be fine.At least it seemed to make sense,it was hard to tell if my emmotions were in the right order.

When i finished drying i opened the bath door hitting it against April’s foot.She made a little “Oh” sound,i asked if i hurt her,she said no.Then i asked why she was at the door?April said i was waiting to go pee and take a shower.Her face said she wasn’t being totally honest about that.I let her have the bath and stand outside the door analysing what took place.

No doubt she had been either spying or thinking about it.The door wasn’t closed as tightly as it was when I went in.April was singing in the shower happy, against my better judgment i couldn’t resist peaking in.Her reflection was in the shower door glass behind the steam.Her face was in the shower stream,one hand rubbing soap over her breasts methododicly,the other soaping over her inner thys gently stroking over her fuzzy dark mound.

I shut the door silently trying to adjust the swelling error under my towel.Went to my room and slipped into my pj’s,maybe watching the movie would get my mind off the uncontrollable feelings in my cock.

April came out sayin,she felt much better now.I was a bit envious,it felt like my problems had only began.She was wearing the smallest pink nighty i had ever seen.Cool for sure but so light it was nearly transparent.It was very obvious that she didn’t have anything on under neighbor neighbor it.She stood in front of me dong that stretching thing.Every delicious aspect of her form was straining to burst out of the nighty.

My cock was telling me it was ready to get the day bed all wet again.So i patted the spot beside me telling April to havea seat and watch the movie before we had to turn in for the night.She cuddled right in quickly grabbing my arm,putting it over her shoulder as she lay her head against me.All seemed fine for a few minutes,Aprils hand playing with my fingers on the hand she had drawn over her shoulder.

Then slowly she was edging my hand down toward her breast.Two emmotins swept over me,jump and run or allow myself to touch what i really was aching to touch.Running was pointless,i was stuck here both i wanted to or not.My sexual emmotions were getting the upper hand very rapidly.

Within a second she had my hand over her breast.I froze,initiating more was out of the question.Then her hand was rubbing mine over her swollen nipple.April was making humming sounds wiggeling as close into me as she could.Then i realized she wasn’t holding my hand on her breast now.My fingers were freely teasing her nipple,it felt so good under my fingers.Each time i rolled it squeezing gently it got even harder.Her bottom was wiggeling against me more dramaticly with each care of her tender breast.

I caught my sanity one more time,April?We need to stop?I’m feeling love things way to much honey?She said,”No”feeling love things feels really good,i don’t want it to stop.I didn’t want to either,there were just to many feelings,to strong to forget.I got honest,telling April we could watch tv and cuddle more like this,then later we had to go to our seperate rooms to sleep for the night.

It should have been apparent i was postponing the inevitable.A little more of this sex play and there wasn’t going to be any thinking about anything other than doing more.April laid down putting her head in my lap as i continued to excite her breasts.Her hand slipped down to her shaft struggling it with her finger tips.Her legs part slightly to give her hand freedom to toch herself more.My eyes fixed to the cReamy wetness saturating her thinly covered pussy.Even her legs were coated with her silk,the wetness creeping slowly over the thin material towards her belly.

April was moving rhythmic micly to my teasing fingers and her hand between her creamy smooth legs.I could feel her hot panting breath almost directly on my swollen cock making it jump.Then her hand rubbing over it’s length gently as she began to kiss the fabric that cover it.I had to fight with every once of strength not to fill my shorts with cum again.

It was a toss up who was suducing who at this point,also apparent that it didn’t matter any longer to either of us.April continued her hot breath into the fabric covering my cock,her kisses had penetrated wetly creating an almost sucking sensing.My eyes were closed in dreamy extacy at the feelings that were evolving.When Aprils hand came away from her crotch reacing up to pull mine down to her soaking crotch.(to Be Continued/thunderstorm)



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