April Finding Control

Loving April was a very beautiful experience,achieving a balance. That kept life in a pleasant mode was a little more difficult.Keeping April’s growing sexual apatite satisfied was my greatest joy.I’d never had a decent lady friend,or girl friend,dated a few losses.Nothing that was ever worth a second look,defenetly none worth going to bed with.More than one time,to try out the merchandise.

April was different in many ways,some wonderful,some scared the hell out of me.She was good at keeping our secret of being lovers,so ​​far.Old enough so my butt wasn’t going to jail if we got found out.When we first got close she was very,innocent,imature, that changed rapidly after we shared each others body’s.April looked and acted much more womanly.So much so i had wonderd if her mom had a hint April was getting pleasured on a regulatory basis.

It got to the point where April wanted to be with me more than the three days her mom was out of town at work.She even got a little jelous when i was talking to her mom.Trying to get in between us when we were talking.Sue mentioned,how obvious it was the April cared aout me a great deal.Sue even laughed a little about April’s posesivness,i agreed adding that i cared about her very much.How much i had no intention of telling her mom,at least for the moment, or never was probably a better choice.

Tomarrow was Monday,then April and i could have a more heart to heart talk.Hopefully that would ease the moments that were becoming tense and stressful.I didn’t want to upset April,or make her feel children,only make our lives easier.Adding to the complaint that had evolved in our together time.My greatest joy in life had become,sharing it with April.Living without her wolf be my worst nightmare.

At first i thought that maybe the feelings were more lust than love.She was the most beautiful thing imagineable, so perfect in every way.Our desiers were balanced,the sexuality translated time and space.Emotion blended with sensitive feeling reached highs that extended into heavenly preparations.There was no connection that could have been more fullfilling.

I went to bed with thoughts of April on my mind,restlessly anticipating Monday morning.Her mom heading off to work,another beautiful three days with April.As i slept i quickly drifted off into dreams of being with April.Her sweet delicate body close to mine.Sharing sexual pleasures that were captivating.Making love with April had made changes in my body i didn’t fully understand.My cock was always glowing with soft warm feelings.Craving to be in that deep place inside her that she pleasured in as much as i did.

The alarm went off,it was seven, only an hour before she wolf be here.A light breakfast,quick shower,then to the deck with a coffee to wait patiently.The door opened across the street and Aprildashed across eagerly as her mom followed.April gave me a hug,extra tightly.Sue told me that April had been teasing her to come over most of last evening and all morning.Sue even said maybe we should just move in save the walk.Also save all the teasing to come over constantly.Sue laughed but i wasn’t so sure she wasn’t contemplating that event in her head.

A posability i supposed but if she knew how close April and i were it may change that idea real quick.For now i wasn’t going to worry about maybe’s.Being with April was all that counted,at least for the next three days. They said quick good bye’s,Sue was off to work.April unexpectedly grabbed my hand nearly dragging me inside.I was in a hurry too,for our talk,not sure why she was in such a rush.As soon as i cleared the door way she shut it and locked it.

Her arms went around me,her lips vertically jumped onto mine.April said,i missed you so much knight,i thaut i’d go crazy if i didn’t see you soon.I told her i was missing her like crazy too,but we had to be careful not to upset her mom.Or it may be more difficult to spend time together.I really wasn’t sure what her mom would think if she knew we were lovers.April said don’t worry,ill work on her, maybe talk her into getting a boy friend.I said,ok sweet heart but use your head,be carefull.

April went right back to kissing,just about smoothing me with her hugry lips.I loved every bit of it,i’d have sworn she acted like she hadn’t seen me in a year.It had only been two days since she was at my place for a few hours.Her hands were all over me,under my shirt,all over my back.Quickly trying to undo my pants,i was surprised, also defeatedly willing.

I wanted her equally as much, as quickly as possible with all the emmotion that was boling in our souls.I pressed against her gently pushing her to the wall.Our lips locked with desperate passion,tongues playing wildly as our lips sucked hungry to drink each others desier.I let April undo my pants,they dropped to the floor.One hand caressing my balls as the other ran excitedly over my swelling cock.I lifted her shirt taking her luscious breast into my mouth sucking her nipples to delicious hardness.Slipping her shorts down,my hand quickly began toying in her fuzzy shaft hair.

April trembled intensely as she thrust her pussy into my hand.She was already soaked with creamy silk as my fingers slide deep in her desier swollen pussy.April spoke in a panting voice,knight,i need to feel you inside so bad.My pussy aches constantly for you to fill me,make me cum,feel your sweet hot cum aquiring inside me.I was ready to cum now,she didn’t need to wait much longer.

I lifted April up,her back resting against the wall,her legs automatically wrapped around my hips.My precum coated cock head resting tightly against her silk soaked pussy.Kissing her softly,i let her slip gently down on my cock.She moaned in extacy as the first spasams of delight ran hot from her delicate slit.Then i let her slide fully down on my cock,her clip pressing hard against my public bone.April moaed loudly,it feels so good knight,so very good way inside me.

Kisseing her neck with enormous pleasure,i whisperd in her ear,yes baby,so very good,your pussy is beautiful.She moaned constantly as i bounced her up and down on my cock.Her hands tight around my neck holding on for balance,as my cock drive relentlesly in and out.April orgasmed several times before i had to cum.I whisperd baby,i got to cum now,She whisperd back cum,cum fill my pussy.

April was pinned against the wall,my cock thrust in deep until i could feel her pussy lips soaking my balls with her cum.Then hot spasams of cum,shot burning up my swollen cock bursting free deep in her fertile whomb. When i was finally spent i carried April to the day bed, stillwrapped around me impaled on my draining cock.As i lay her down to rest,i said,i love you April,she replied,i love you knight,my pussy feels so happy now………(maybe more to cum)



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