April's Deep Hunger

April was doing well at teasing her mom less to come over. Instead she’d sneak over at night while her mom was sleep.To ease her aching cock hungry pussy.I did’t mind at all,we had a number of excuses why she had come over pre planned.In case her mom realized she was not in bed.I’d probably have teen any chance to be with April,day or night.

She was truly the most lovely tender fuck on earth.When I satisfied her insane sexual apatite,i know i was going to be totally drained too.April was dressing more maturely now,it appears that way at least.Usually a knee length summer dress,what wasn’t obvious.She seldom had any panties on any more.For her convinience to sit on my lap,any time no one was looking.So her pussy could fill that aching spot way inside with hot cum.

We were living on the edge of being caught.Funny thing was,that was making it even more exciting.April would be bounding on my cock,like it was a pogo stick,when her mom wrapped on te door,after work.That made her drive so much harder,so we would both quickly orgasam.April bit on my finger,so her mom didn’t hear her screams of extacy.

It was hard to believe her mom wasn’t wise to us.April nearly always filled the air with the aroma of sex.She’d get up to open the door for her mom,feeling her pussy muscles ripple over my cock as it slide from her depths was breath taking.The dress came just below her knees,making her look proper.Her face was rosey,her breath not yet totally calm.

I sat on the day bed watching tv after saying hi to her mom.April and Sue always stood near the front door discussing how their day had gone.From the angle of my sitting position,i could easily see our sex juices running down April’s inner legs.She’d giggle and squirm holding her legs tight together so her mom wouldn’t see our cum dripping on the floor.April was alwayswiggely,so i guess her mom didn’t think much of it.

Even then i gave a sight of relief when April excused herself to the bathroom.So she could take care of the impending cum flood held tightly inside her.Today semed like any other weddingsday,Sue would walk April back to the house.Then about eleven at night April would sneak over and bunce on my cock for as hour or so.Then back home for a satisfied nights sleep.I loved sleeping with the scent and feel of her sex on me.I was sure that April felt the same way.

The next morning there was an early knock on the door.Unusual for a thursday morning to have a visitor.Opening the door,there stand April’s mom looking very serious.My first thauwt was,”Oh Oh”,she figured out what was gong on.I said,good morning,Sue,what can i do for you?We need to talk knight,i said,sure want to have a coffee?She accepted,informing me that April was still sleep.Thats Why she came,she didn’t wantto talk in front of her.

I was all ears,in surprise to know what was on her mind.Sue began by saying how much both her and April liked me. That eased my mind some,obviously she wasn’t going to take my inventory.Then she went on about how much more mature April was since they met me.I agree,she was becoming quite a wonderful young woman.Then Sue added that,it was obvious that April was feeling her sexual maturity.I gulped down an air bubble saying,i don’t exactly understand?

Well Sue said,blushing slightly,April has the cent of sex on her constantly.Seems obvious that soon she will be seeking a man to satisfy her sexual needs.I agreed, very difficult,considering i felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.Then i really began choking up when Sue began talking about,me.She,a bit more than hinted that,she wanted me to guide April gently into womanhood.Then Sue would know,she wasn’t going to get hurt by some crude street stud.

That about knocked my sox off,trying to be a tad innocent,i commented,you mean monitor the guys she meets?So she dosn’t pick a looser right?Sue thoroughly said,No,I ​​know you care about her deep,you will help her over the threshold to womanhood.I nearly failed,if Sue only knew i was already two months ahead of her plan.I agreed that if the time was right,i’d do my best to help with the transition.But,i was really not sure if April would reach,having feelings for me that strong.Only time would tell,April was very sweet,i didn’t want anything to ruin our friend.

That was only the beginning of my surprises,a lot of things were changing faster than i could keep up with.Sue gave me an extra big smile, saying how happy she was. That i would consider being part of such an important step in April’s life.Then Sue added that it wasn’t just April that felt i was extra special,she did also.She had occasionally fantasy’s of me,in a much more than friendly way.I had an idea where this was headed,but wasn’t really sure if I wanted to go this way.That was going to take some tall thinking over.

Sue came over to the day bed where i was seated.Sat down putting her hand on my shoulder.I didn’t mind the closness,yet very concerned that April was going to be very jelous if she found out about our little discussion.Real jelous of her mom moving in on her personal territory.Sue was telling me things that were shockingly open.She loved her new job.Except she was missing the affection that she had become customed to before her husband ran off.

That was nearly a year ago now,since he left she hadn’t even kissed a man.She said,April was really bugging her to get a boy friend.She was to young still,to simply work and spend her time alone or with April.I agreed,she was a pretty woman,acceptional body,defenetly a shade not to enjoy her life fully.My intent wasn’t to come on to her for sure,April was more than i needed to be totally complete in every way.I had to at least play along so Sue wasn’t offended by rejection.

Sue was getting a lot closer,the scent of her perfume lingerd in my senses.I could feel her eyes explore my body,the warmth of her breath on my neck.Apparently my cock had a mind of its own.My brain was saying,don’t be stupid,my cock was swelling twice as fast.Sue leaned into me a little more saying,living so close is a real convenience.You could help April into womanhood,we could do a lot to ease each others needs,if you wanted to?

My cock was doing most of my thinking for me,working on that,way to frequently sticky shorts problem.Praying in the back of my mind that April didn’t come walking in now.Sue started sucking on my ear lobe,her hand slide over the now very obvious bulge in my shorts.it was a toss up,make her leave?Certainly ruining any chance of being with April again.Or let her have what she wanted,hoping i could figure a way out of this prediction.My brain and cock both agreed the only hope was to let it all hang out.Come up with a plan when there was time alone to think.

Kissing Sue back,on the neck semed like a good move at the moment.That drew a quick response,she had her tung in my mouth toying up a storm.No doubt Sue know what she was doing,her tung rolling around mine flicking,her lips gently sucking at mine.Sue whisperd in my ear as she pulled my cock free of its prison.”I can tie knots in a cherry stem,knight,with my tung”.That broke the ice,my cock was eager to see if she was telling the truth.

Teasingly i said,no,i doubt that very much Sue.As i hoped,she came to proof it,her head went down on my lap instantly.Sue’s tung swirrling around the precum on the head of my cock like a blender.Time to check out her merchandise while she was giving oral homage to my cock.My hands stroked over her tit’s,a lot more than a handful there.Nice and firm,her nipples felt hard and long,swelling beyond the thin bra against her shirt.There didn’t seem to be any reason to be hesitant,she’d been married,had a child(April).

As soon as i lifted her top,a beautiful set of full tits came into view.Her bra hooked in the front making it real easy to flip the snaps letting it fall away.As her mouth sucked eagerly at my cock,showing her oral tallents.My hand squeezed at her breasts,milking the nipples between my fingers. That made her suck even better, taking nearly my whole cock deep in her hot mouth.It feel like i wasn’t giving her any where near as much precum as she wanted.Her tung was flashing over the underside of my cock head trying to tease more and more juices from my depths.

I had to lean over her to get my hand where it could reach her crotch.When she realized what i was doing,Sue scooted up easing my access.I slipped her pants down over her hips enough to get to her crotch,easily pushing the thin thong off to the side.Such a delicious looking pussy had been hidden under the thong string.A large patch of blond public hair,with the cute little curl in the middle sheeved in the shape of a heart.Her pussy lips were twice the size of April’s,the slip between only slightly larger.Her pussy lips were extremely hot,swollen to softness with growing arousal.Creamy silk was almost spurting from her slit,her clip easily big enough to suck deep into my mouth.

Two fingers slide in her pussy spreading the delightful creamy pussy juices around.Exploring the depth of her sweet pink beauty,then fanning over her clip causing orgasams to shoot a few inches out of her lusting pussy.Sue looked up as my cock slide from her mouth saying,we need to worry April will be awake soon.Then she went back to savagly sucking my swollen cock.She wanted it,this time oraly,maybe next time in her pussy or some other delightful orafice of her body.

My figers plunged deed into her pussy wrapping under her pubic bone tightly against her “G” spot,my thumb working her clip rapidly.Sue began rocking and moaning as her inner orgasams shot powerfully over her body.My hips tensed,balls spasamed as she sucked ever so hard,raging flashes of hot cum shot up my cock bursting against the back of her throat.Sue deep throated my whole cock,her throat muscles eagerly accepting each hot blast of cum.Drinking it down eagerly.

As my cock shrank in her mouth Sue said,your good knight,nicest cock i ever had.I returned the compliment,delicious pussy Sue,bet your a sweet fuck?She just turned and said,you’l know soon enough stud.Then there was a very loud banging on the front door,we adjusted our clothes hurridly.I went to the door,opening it to see who was there.April stood there,with her hands on her hips looking very sternly at me.”Where’s my mom?”I stepped to the side,Sue said,hi honey did you sleep well?April said,yes,what are you doing here mom!!! Then she pushed me aside walking towards her mom……(to continue)



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