I’d always had a sensitive spot for Asian women.The dark features,cultural standards,that reflected back.In many ways to my,native American and European heritage.I guess,a kind of natural beauty that could only be fully understood by an artist.Or some form of dream fantasy created by a genetic error in my composition.
What ever the reason it was a constant day dream as well as night dream.I had even been engaged for over a year to a princess that i had never met in the flesh.Like a pen pal thing that got out of control in a beautiful way.We lost touch when i had to go to the Middle East for a few months,for one of those Uncle Sam vacation’s.I searched high and low when i returned for my princess.No luck,maybe she’d moved,or found a prince that was a bit more a reality.
The letter’s all returned unopened,address unknown.So i went back to the dream’s and fantasy’s that seemed to rule mylife since i was old enough to think.
A few weeks ago when sitting on the front deck sipping an ice tea.I noticed some activity a few houses down from mine.A small moving van was unloading furniture,people carrying the poses into the house. That seemed nice,the house had been vacant for a long time.Starting to look a little run down,the lawn had grown up with so many weeds.It would take a real good mold to put it back in top shape.
Curiosity got the best of me,so off for a walk to scope out the new neighbors.When I got near the van,my heart skiped a beat.It took a second to get my breath slowed down.Three extremely lovely Asian ladies were slaving away unloading the van.One appeared to be the mother,in her thirty’s.I guessed the other two were her daughters,probably in their mid teens.I couldn’t help stairing, thinking in the back of my mind, that my Missing princess had come looking for me.
I know,a very silly thught,it just sort of popped into my head.Wishful thinking can defeatly be a handicap to rational thinking.I speak up,offering to be of service with the tasks at hand.Adding that i lived only two houses up the street,so they’d know i was only being neighborly.The older lady thught briefly,then said,ok,obviously her English wasn’t real great.She spoke to the younger girl’s in their language.A few words she used were familiar to me,defenetly it was Tagalog.So they were likely “Phillipi”, probably here searing residence or on a work visa.
The heavier item’s were more to my like,saving them the hard lifting that was ment more for a man to do.We finished unloading in short order,leaving only the inside arrangement for them.Before i went back home i intraduced myself.I’m knight,pleased to meet you.The older lady said,i am Jin,here are my daughters,Sinn and Nisa.We did the little opting between a nod and hand shake,the handshake won.I thought that was the end of seeing them for a while until they had gotten settled in their new home.
I went back to my place,sipping tea,beutifying the flower garden in the front of the house.I’d stopped think about my new neighbors,lost in the old day dreaming again.I was braught back to reality by the sound of feet comming up the side walk.Looking up to see who it was,there came my new neighbors walking towards my place.I figured they were just going for a walk,ready to say,hi,when the strolled past.
They stood watching me work away with my flowers for a few seconds.I could hear them talking in Tagalog,far to fast for me to understand much of what they said.I saw they had a paper bag with something in it. They were arguing about who was going to give me what they had in the bag.Nisa,apparently got elected for the job.She walked over with the bag in her hand saying,here,you take,for being good neighbor.I said,thank you very much ladies, looking in the bag i was very pleased that i didn’t need to cook dinner. They had prepared a lovely meal as my payment for helping unload the van.
I asked if they liked to come in for tea? They discussed the offer then Nisa said,ok,some tea then we go home to work more.That was great,my first social guests in weeks.Lovely ladies too,what better way to end a nice day.They came in,i offered them a seat in the living room while i went to get the tea.They were extatic,chattering up a storm while i was in the kitchen.A few words i understand,obviously they had no idea i understand any Tagalog.Words like,”love”married”single”pretty house”garden” made me smile,wondering if the conversation was about me.
The tea was served on the coffee table,i sat down opposite the ladies.Lifted my cup, took a sip saying,welcome to the neighborhood.There was a simulated,thank you knight, followed by a lot of shy giggeling.Conversion was a bit difficult at first,as long as we went slow and rephrased occasionally it went pretty smoothly.My patience and their’s quickly made us all fall at ease.Jin started asking questions,i know that was common cultural curiosity.Are you single,my ethnic heritage,religion,job,familly,all the general status questions pertaining to me.I answer all simply and factually.Single,french&native, and all the little things.
They were very pleased to know i was single.I didn’t ask much,although Jin did say,she was now a single mom, that they had just baught the house, were waiting to become citizens and owned the new restaurant a few blocks away.I said,i’d be sure to dine there often, because they were excellent cooks as well as very pretty ladies. That compliment,get lot’s of giggles.
We chatted for hours, they were certainly happy to already be making good relations with a new neighbor. They were all very pretty,Nisa, was defeatly the princess of the three.More outgoing,extremely beautiful,delicate features adorned with a Angelic smile.It was getting late,so they said they had to go,a lot to do in their new house before they could sleep tonight.I thanked them again for the delicious gift, also for the pleasure of their company.Off they went chattering and giggeling back to their place.
I cleaned up the few dishes we had used,took a hot bath,tuned in the tv and settled in for the evening.Frequently thinking about the new friends i had made.I noticed that i had overdone the after shake a bit,Old Spice can be a little to stronge if it’s over used,just me here,it didn’t matter.
In a few minutes i was starting to doze off when the door bell rang.No one ever stopped by late,so i was quite curious who it could be.When i opened the door,Nisa, was there alone.I immediately asked what was wrong?Rather surprised that her mom had let her come alone.Nisa said,They had a problem with their electric, would i please come fix it for them.I said,sure,put on a sweat shirt,then walked with her towards their house.Nisa walked real close, frequently turn her head towards me curiously.I asked if something was wrong?She said,oh no,i like your smell,sweet spice,it is very nice.
I blushed a little,happy to know that she approved of my Old Spice overdose.I thanked her for the compliment,adding that she was a very pretty lady and i thought her features were perfection.
When we arrived,i went right to the electric service box.Obviously some breakers were burned out,i had none the same amp at home and it was to late to get any.I explained the situation to Jin,she was very upset, saying they needed to bath.So much to do and they needed to go to the retail for work in the morning. They had no clean clothes or way to cook without the electric.
It was difficult to know how to help more.All i couldthink of was to offer my home to them for their needs until the electric could be fixed in the morning when the hardware store was open.Jin was very shy of accepting my offer,not wanting to intrude on her new friend.I assured her that it was no problem.If she liked she could repay me with a free dinner at their restaurant some time.Jin accepted hesitantly, saying,ok,only if the kindness could be returned.
They packed up their laundry,personal items they would need for work in the morning.Back to my place we went,i showed the ladies the gust rooms,the bath.Where they were welcome to do their laundry and the kitchen,was at their disposal. They didn’t need to ask my permission,make my home their’s for the time they needed.
Nisa finished her laundry first,then took a bubble bath.She was very impressed with the abundance of soaps,oils and perfumes i had accumulated in the bath.While the other ladies were attending to their needs,Nisareturned to the living room where i was watching tv.She had on a beautiful night shirt that went to her knees.Flowerd,it resembled an evening gown for going out dancing.Her hair was adorable,long and dark,still wet from her bath.Truly nothing less than breath taking,my heart was doing flip flops in my chest.
Nisa was blushing terribly from my intense stand.I had to apologise,Nisa i said,sorry that i look so much,it is because you are so very lovely.It’s very hard,not to see what is so beautiful.She still blushed like crazy,thing me for the compliment.It was easy to tell that she was very happy that i thought she was such a lovely creativity.
The other ladies were currying around taking care of their preperations for tomarrow.Not paying much attention to what Nisa and i were doing.Nisa stood up to finish brushing her long beautiful hair.Watching me, as i watched her,inching her way a little closer to the sofa where i was sitting.Itwas obvious that she had some plan brewing in her lovely head.When she got a couple feet away,Nisa asked,ok,i sit with you?You smell really nice?I said,sure,we can watch tv and talk a little if you like.
Nisa looked to see if her mom and sis were watching her. They were to busy to notice what she was doing.We didn’t talk much,Nisa was more interested in tv and trying to get close enough to inhale the scent she seemed to adore.I never thought of that scent as an aphrodesiac,apparently,to some women certain scents are very stimulating.Nisa’s head was real close to being on my shoulder as she sucked in the pungent scent of my after shake.I didn’t mind at all,the closer the better from my thinking.She was a living doll,only a fool wouldn’t want her extremely close.
She was so intent on her sniffing, it was easy to admire her body without her noticing the intensity of my eyes.She was slender,smooth delicate curves,breatsthe size of a tea cup.Dime sized nipples slightly firm,barely visible against her nightgown.Sitting,her gown moved up a few inches above her knees.Her upper legs as smooth as silk,undoutably as smooth as glass.I could imagine how warm and delicate they felt,inviting temptation.Temptation dicret for even a saint to resist.
Nisa was starting to doze off,my scent and the boering movie relaxing her.Soon her head was against me,i didn’t want to move,absorbing every feeling of her closing.The cent of her freshly washed hair sending dreamy thoughts flying in my mind.Nisa was nearly asleep,my senses drifting in a dream world.Loving each precious moment of her being here.Not thinking,i leaned down slightly tasting her hair with soft kisses.In her half sleep state Nisa cuddled in closer,my kisses intensified a little,my fingers caresed her hair gently.
To my amazing she didn’t waken fully,she relaxed even more into me.For several seconds i was lost in the moment.Loving every sweet feeling,every delicious taste of being near the most beautiful lady i had ever known.Oblivious to anything except Nisa’s closeness.When Nisa awoke her face was near mine,as she looked up i kissed her lips gently.She began to respond,retuning the kiss,she could hear her mom calling to her.She looked longingly into my eye’s,without a sound,then curried off to find her mom….(to continue)
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